Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 08, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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gapg - - ' 5i
VA . v- '
To Fully
The saving we will make you; come in and compare
our Merchandise with what you pay much more for
elsewhere.. We have no "Special Sale" prices where
you must come at a; special time to get an article,
but our prices are the lowest all the time.
Percales 15c. 17c, 20c and 23c Yd
Fine Zephyr Ginghams (extra fine patterns) 29c Yd
Dress Ginghams . 20c and 25c Yd
Devoashire Goth 25c Yd
Galatea '.. 25c Yd
Bleached Muslin 15c, 19c, 20c and 27c
0 . .
3. W. Sherwood, iiate commander of
the Maccatiees, was registered yesterday
I tb" Marion.
IVnu liodd left this morning over
tin UKgon Ele'ctrie for Walla Walla.
George Thornley of Silverton was
in th city yea lerday attending busiivjss
0. Clark went to Bremerton yesterday
leaving on the Oregon Electric.
W. B. Gilson la In Portland today,
attending the state meeting of tlw Mac
cabees. M. W. Mahonoy of Gervala, rou,.ie 3.
was business visitor to the Capital
Citv todar.
Mrs. K. J. Burchill, of Portland, Js
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Will H. Ben
ett of this city
E'A School Orators
Decide Contest at Eugene
The lliph school oratorical honors of
Oregon will be decided , at Eugene
Thursday evening when the Halem
kigh, school champions meet the Marsh
field debater at Eugene, taking the
negative side of the question. ''Ke
solved, That at the end of the present
war the United States should become
s member of a league of nations to en
force the decisions of its international
Balem will be represented" by Dewey
Probst and Phillips Elliott and will be
accompanied to Eugene by Miss Lillian
Guffin. ftalr-m has won seven of the
debates with other high schools during
the winter but has been fortunate in'havo compelled a cessation in artil
drawinc for the affirmative side ofllerr firincr and this sector today was
drawing for the affirmative
tho question Ia the toss up.
field won the affirmative.
Monogramed Belt
Special monogramed belts with your initial or any
FREE with every Suit
This is a special inducement to get you to order now!
Come in and inspect the finest line of suitings at
$20, $25 and up to $35 and take advantage of this
fine buckle and belt absolutely free with every suit
made to order.
Ward K. Richardson
2395 Front Street
.May Day Carnival
Next Friday Afternoon
Friday afternoon of this week will
bo a holiday for all the school childen
and students of the high, school of
Salem. The pupils are given the half
holidav that their may witness (tho
May Day carnival and field meet to
be held on the athletic grounds on
Fourteenth street. The high school
will furnith the greater part of the
program for the afternoon.
There will be a May pole danco and the
crowning of a May queen, who happens
to be Juunita Moores, daughter of tho
superintendent of tho Oregon state
school for the blind. The athletic exer
cises are. under the direction of R. E.
Heater nnd Miss Emily Guffin.
Besides the field day excrcisos of the
hiirh school students, the juniors of
several schools will put on contests of
their own. The .athletic grounds of
the school district are on 14th street,
not far from the Washington Junior
high school.
Premier Qemenceau
Praises American Work
By Fred 8. Ferguson
(United Press staff correspondent)
With tho Americans In Picardy.
May 8. Premier Clemcneeau, who vis
ited the American advance headquart
ers In Picardy, was greatly impressed
by tho work done by the Americans
since they took over sector here.
The ipretiiier inspected a billet, tast
ed some soup and conferred an hour
wifh the cununanding general.
The Tain causing poor visibility
the quiet cat since the Americans ar
All Around Town
Yay 9. Patriotic Bally at ar
mory. May 10-11. Patriotic May
Festival, opera, house.
May 16. Bichmond P. Hob
son lecturo at Armory, Free.
May 17 Willamette Glee elub
concert, opera house.
May 17. Primary Election,
City, County and 8tate.
June 8. Total eclipsa of
the sun. World's Almanac gives
hour as 1:38, but new time
schedule will make the hour
June 12. Commencement day
Willamette University.
June 14. High school gradua
tion. June 17. Election of two
school directors in Salem.
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn fits eyes cor
rectly. V. 8. National Bfik Bldg. tf.
George B. Jtcobfl Is here from Eock-
owty, in Tillamook county. He says the
ruveibiiient is accepting the spruce from
lint section without question, and so
fur none has been rejected.
"The best" ia all you can do when
death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co.
Phone 120. tf.
Patton Plumbing Co., 385 Chemeketa
Phone 1096. We do repair work. Stoves
and furnaces coiled. tf.
The Iruitland shool will give a play
Friday evening of this week entitled,
District School at Berry's Corner."
The play is to be given by the juniors
of the school and the proceeds will go
o the Junior Bed Cross.
"The funeral
Clough Co.
beautiful. 1
Webb ft
Bargain wall paper, fifteen cents
and up. Buren Furniture Store, Com
mercial St., 6-4
' o
beoxge Savage, who Is now at New
port, writes friends ;.,hat the government
is building a railroad from Newport
southeast into tho spruce belt. Also that
a railroad will be built which will con
nect the Siletz valley with Yaquiua
bay, completing the road from Inde
pendence to iNowport. I
Snxial meeting- of Pacific
lodge No. 50, A. F. & A. M.,
this evening. Work in the F-
O. delrree. Visiting brethren
,'icaator McNary has written the Sa
lcui Commercial club asking its endorse
ment of a bill presented by Mr. Mu
Nary fixing the price of other commo
dities besides that of wheat The direc
tors of .he Commercial club will meet
soon and comply with tiki senator s re1
For Sain Dining room table and
chairs, good as new. Vory cheap. Phone
the Highland Parent Teachers' assc-
ci-tion will meet ibis evening for the
olection of officers. As tonight is the
last meeting f tho year, considerable
business will be transacted and a larg..
attendance is desired of those interest
Bed Cross dance at Macleay Satur
day night. 5-9
Little Johnny fllanchaid, five years
old is suffering today from a kick over
the eye by a horse while playing yes
.rJa afternoon with his brother in
Hie barn yard. He was attended by Pr.
M. K. l'omeroy. ll.e is the son of Ma
mie Hlnnclinrd who lives with her father
Mi Idlewine of North Broadway.
Bernard! ' Greater Exposition com
pany will show in Salem for the week
beginning May 20, under tho auspices
of the Mooso' lodge. This company is
owe of the largest in the country, carry
ina with it 2 show cars and 350 people.
The stieej committee of the city couu
cil will confer with the Mooso as to a
amiable location for the show.
Tits thieves are abroad In the land
aud while they have confined their
stealing mostly to Portland, it seems
probable that Salem may become the
field of their operations. Last night a
I tire was stolen from the rear of the ear
I of Clarence Blondell of 605 north Lib
city street. 14 was a Pennsylvania tire
UO by 3'ij and had Icon run about 800
nules. He was visiting on 19th street
I when the tire was stoten.
i o
j A missionary from southern India, the
I Rev. Kink Fivtuian, will give a free
I lecture Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
'at the First Methodist-church. His
j subject "is ' ' People of th Orient ' It
will be illustrated by 80 colored slides,
j While the lectur.o is free, there will be
!a silver offering to meet '.he expenses
I of travel. The lecture gives the people
of Su'.--m a chance to see the Orient
I by a missionary who has been success
ful in his work;.
The Rev. Carl Elliott will leave at 8
o'clock this evening for Portland and
tht ii direct to Salt Lake City for a
shott visit. He will spend a day or
s with his parents in Ohio before leav
i.'g for New York City, where he will
1. 1 subject to sailing orders. The pulpit
'f the Firsfl Presbyterian church will
1 e iirr-lied next Sunday by George Con
Icy of Portland. During June, President
Lee of Albany Colege will occupy the
pulpit and beginning July 1, the pulpit
wil be declared officially vacant by the
trustees of the church.
June 12 will be commencement day
the Willamette Uuiversijy and a fine
program ia being arranged for the oc-
T)ic Boyn Glee club of the Willam
ette which last week returned from .a
'.our of western Washington will give
a concert at the Grand opera house Fri
diiv evening May 17. This will be the
etching concert of tlwe season.
President Ortcn Wiley of the North
west Holiness college of Kampa, Idaho
and the Kev. M. B. Herrell, (lis net sup-
erinteudent of the Idaho district of the !
church are in the city todav. . They
will speak this evening at the Nazarene
church, 19th and Marios streets. There
will be only the one service during .heir
stay in the city.
One of the candidates to come before
the people at the primary election May
17 who is not doing any tall amount of
worrying is A. M. Clough, present cor
oner, who is up for re-election. It was
away back in 1892 that Mr. Clough con
tracted the habit of running for .he
office. He was elected that year, served
two terms, dropped the office for two
v.uis and then came up again for elec
tion and has been holding down the job
ever since.
The Salem Floral society will hold a
meeting next Monday evening at th.2
Commercial club to discuss plans for the
spring and summer. A short talk-will be.
made by Mrs. Frank Purvine on dahlias!
ana their culture, ana there will be a
general program of music. Th,9 proposal
to send rose cuttings io Camp Lewis
will also come up for discussion. J. W.
Maruney who has taken an active in
terest in the floral work of the city has
already sent a collection of plants to
Camp Columbia.
While there isn't so
mucn publicity,
or talk about war garuV
f.'ns, .'lie amount i
of garden seed now being sold indi
cates the people are fully posted as to
the value of larger gardens this year'au(j mea t0o who would like to get into
than a year ago. I. A. White says the government service as stenographers
that sales of seed are running away t ahout 1.000 a vear. it mav be said
ahead of one years aeo in all li DCS CX"
cepting potatoes. 8o far, the indications
are that fewer potatoes will be plant-
d than a year ago unless thcr.e is a
sudden rush of planting the late var-
Preparations are under way for the
observance of "booth day" for the salo
of War Savings Stamps next Saturday.
A committee will meet this evening
Xj arrange plans whereby merchants on
.nch block will erect two or three
booths to tho block and Saturday these
booths will bo cared for by ladies, one
t remain in each booth and two to
Micit passers by to purchaso stamps.
According to the present plans, each
1 tisincss block in ihe city will havo
three booths and to each booth will be
assigned three ladies.
Better late than never. The Salem
central committee for the Third liberty
lean has just passed resolutions thank
"ng Sergeant Major Christy and Priva.e
H'.wke for their addresses in Salem at
th- armory some time ago. The resolu
tion reads that the committee "expres
ses its heartfelt appreciation for scr
vices and extend to them our sincere
Wanted: Kelp by the joke editor of
the High School Clarion. The sad tab
is about ns follows: It seems thai Armln
tierffer. official ioke editor of the high
school paper, had prepared a couple of
u iumns of real live jokes, adapted to
high school uses from various comic pa -
Note change
t location
DR. A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist,
Is now located at 204-205 Salem Bank of Commerce
Seedless Grape Fruit
An ExceHent Spring Tonic, Sweet and Juicy, Ele
gant Flavor, 4 for 25c; per dozen 75c
Thin Skins, Excellent Flavor, Note the Price
40c, 50c and 80c per Dozen
Vi pounds for 25c
Home Grown Spinach, extra fine quality, 2 lbs. 25c
Roth Grocery Co.
Phone 1885
Many Troubles Ccme
To Attorney General
The Attorney general's office miyfct j
well be classed as tho trouble depart- j
meat of the state. The county officials j
pass their troubles up to the district j
attorneys, and these when a knot getsj
tied hard and the ends of the string j
hidden, pass it up to Attorney Gener-1
al Brown. It is tie same with the state !
officers who Ktok to him to untangle j
all the amarU of their official business
He is a standing invitation to "pase
the buck," and might well have adopt
ed that as his slogan in the coming
election. Secretary of State Olcott
passed hhn one today which is a fair
sample of tho daily tangle. The raw
requires that the county clerks shall
compare the signatures of names sign
ed to initiative petitions with We reg
istration books, cards, and blanks on
file in his office, and shall attach to
the sheets of said petition containing
such signatures his certificate to the
secretary of state, giving the form in
which this shall be (tone. This sounds
simple enough, but it has its dips,
spurs and angles as an old miner would
say. For instance: what will a poor
clerk do when the petition contains
the name of J. Smith when on the reg
istration books Hhe oaly mame like
that is John Smith. Shall the county
clerk jump at the conclusion that
and John are the same person! Again
a married Woman may be registered
under her own name but may sign
petition with the initials of her hus
band as 'Mrs. John or J. Smith for in
stance. These and hundreds of other
questions arc the daily menu in the
i - j .
. H Tlir 1PV UHlltMHI M ni IJt'.lt HUI1 lll.tl
when it seems that the whole Kst of
possible questions had been ettled
something -'entirely new bobs np.
pcis, and just the day before the Clar
ion was to go to press, the entire val
lttble collection was lost. Hence, with
scarcely a day to prepare copy for two
columns of Jie kind of jokes high school
students appreciate, he hasn't a joke
in sight, notwithstanding his labors of
the past two weeks. Hence '.'ho cry for
help from Macedonia and other points.
For. the benefit of the young ladies
rlias, twit ftt iimr.i n mil v in Ponl
Miller, secretary of the Civil Service
Commission for an examination, af-
ranpenieiits can be made at once. Tho
government wants stenographers and
i wants them so bad that ambitious young
women will be given a chance with the
civil service examination in Salem with
out he usual delays. Mr. Miller may
be found at the postoffice.
University Day
Will Beferved Here
In keeing with an annual custom,
recently become statewide, Friday,
May 10, will bo observed among Salem
alumni of the Jniversity of Oregon,
as University Day, when all college
nlninni in the city will assemble at tho
Y. W. C. A. rooms for a general jolli
fication, in the nature of a get to-geth-
er gathering, intended to foster and
stimulate the college spirit among lo
cal graduates. Friday of junior week
is thus kept every year at Kugenc,
when the students devote the day to
beautifying the campus grounds and
making general iprovements. Tho ob
servance of University Day has since
become more or less state wide, with
alumni associations in various commu
nities taking note of tko day in ono
form or another.
The committee in charge of the af
fair Friday evening will be Ms. Frank
Snears. Miss Florence Cleveland. Miss
I Marie Churchill, Will Neill and Tour
1 lownsenu.
134 and 136 North Uberty i
$1.00 per yard
Is the best buy you can make. Colors .are .white,
black, Copenhagen, pigeon, navy, tan, green, wis
teria, old rose.
36 inches wide, $1.00 per Yard.
Our Prices Always the Lowest
PHONE 1072
Sev. F, T. Porter to Enter
War Service of Y. M.C.A!
The Ecv. F. T. Porter today re
ceived a telegram with the news tliat
he had been officially accepted for
foreign service in the Y. M. G. A.
work. As soon as his passports can be
secured tnd also his citizenship papers,
he will report direct to New York ("iyt,
there to await ailing orders. This will
probably require about two weeks,
under ordinary circumstances, Mr.
Porter figures that he will te in
France within five or six weeks. Mrs.
Porter will supply the pulpit of the
First Christian church temporarily.
With the departure of Mr. Porter, three
pulpits in the city will soon be de
clared vacant, as tho Ecv. James Elvin
of the First Congregational church is
already in France and the Kev. Carl
H. Elliott, pastor of the First Presby
terian church will leave for tho east
this evening on hi way to France.
Red Cross Campaign
Meeting Friday Evening
Tho Kcd Cross campaign for the rais
ing of $.10,000 in Marion county is
scheduled for the week beginning May
20 and in, order to consider plans for
tho campaign, a meeting of the 100
and those interested in tho work has
been called for Friday evening at the I
Commercial Club.
Last vear, the quota for Marion
county was 445,000 and tho county not
only secured the amount but went over
by about 2,000. The quota for Oregon
this campaign is put at $1)00,000 while
the state of Washington is given orders
to raise $1,000,000.
Word was received this afternorm
that the speaker for Friday evening to
tell of the Bed Cross work would be
Fred Strong.
Fred Loddey Meets
Lloyd. Cosper In France
Fred Loekley writes to the Portland
Journal rfrom Trainee: ''About S3
voars ago I was invited to ChaTley
Cc-spcr's home near Marion square, in
Sakm, Or., to see 'the new Dafy."
Ttev named him Lloyd Cosper. The
t'ow were an old time Salem fami
ly. Mmw Margaret Cosper, a teaclier
at Salem, is knowu and loved all over
Oregon. Last night a pink cheekci),
browm eyed smiling lad said to me,
'Ismt your name Lockleyl' It was
Lloyd Oosper. I hadn't seem him for
years, but I would have known him
anywhere, He lives at Pasadena, Val.
Ho is such a cheerful, lovablo chap
that even a chronic grmwh would be
pleasant iu h presence- He is a lieu
tenant ia the aviation service, and
aerial gunnery is bis specialty. He is
Your Junk and give you
a square business deal.
I always pay the highest
cash prices.
I buy all kinds of used
goods, 2nd hand furni
ture, rubber and junk.
Get my prices before
you sell
The Square Deal House
271 Chemekefa Street
Phone 398
Colors at
h (ke Year 1,247,000
Men Called to Army
Washington, May 8. NationU army
mobilizations by June 5 one year
after the firmt registration will total
j ,247,000"men, Provost Marshal General
th-owder announced today. Tho figure
j show about 560,000 men, or over two
thirds of the second draft ("all of 800.-
000 men, will be in camp by that timo.
This does not include any volunteers.
lain expert with a machine gun and ia
J he-re for a couple of days en route to
j the front. Ho was with a tiao, clean
and manly group of lads 'who are also
in the air service "
For Feeding Hogs
J Marion Creamery V
Call or Telephone 2488 4
Used Furniture Wanted
Highest Cash "Prices Paid for
Used Furniture
Phone 941 or 503
Phone 77
Try Our Checking System on Uaggaga
Claim Checks for Every Parcel
Calls answered all hours day
and night.
Res, Phone 111; Office. Phone 183
252 N. High St.
Ad All Kinds of 2nd Hand
Full Market Prices Special
Prices paid for Sacks.
Get our prices before yon sell. .
271 N. Com"! St Phone 734
ara of ; ;
YickSoTong ::
Chinese UcdiciJO and Tea Caj.
Has medicine which will eura ; ;
any known disease.
Open 8undays from 10 a, m.
until 8 p. m.
153 South High St
Salem, Oregon. Phone . .