THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. ORE. WEDNESDAY. MAY S. 1918. SOCIETY MEWAPPA By CAROL a DIE BIX v Both Ends ( Producer and Consumer ) Against The Middle (The Packer) The consumer wants to pay a low price for meat. The farmer wants to get a high price for cattle. The packer stands between these conflicting demands, and finds it impossible to completely satisfy both, 9 The packer has no control over the prices of live stock or meat, and the most that can be expected of him is that ht keep the difference between the two as low as possible. He does this successfully by converting animals into meat and distributing the meat at a minimum of expense, and at a- profit too small to be noticeable in the farmer's returns for live stock or in the meat bill of the consumer. Swift & Company's 1917 transactions in Cattle were as follows: Average Per Head . . $68.97 . . 24.09 fjij - m Sold meat to Retailer for . . . ' Sold By-products for " . . . . Total Receipts Paid to Cattle Raiser . . . . Balance (not paid to Cattle Raiser) Paid for labor and expenses at Packing House, Freight on Meat, and Cost of operating Branch distributing houses . . . Remaining in Packers' hands as returns on investment . . . . $93.06 84.45 $ 8.61 7.32 $ 1.29 or about The net profit was $1.29 per head, one-fourth of a cent per pound of beef. By what other method can the difference be tween cattle prices and beef prices be made smaller, and how can the conflicting demands of producer and consumer be better satisfied? 1918 Year Book of interesting and instructive facts sent on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company, U. S. A. Don't bo of raid that you'w playing th baby acj whoa you buy, "baby Iob(1." Bemetnber that great eaki from little acorn grow. Contractors at Arlington are at work on new reuervoir ami pipeline sys tem, which is to bo ready for use in eaon for irrigarion lines "thin year. Anxious inquirer wnnU to know if the Hoovorizatlon of daylight plan is going to make any difference in the blooming line oi me iour o ciocks. IDS THPsAWEK The Shoe of Real CUSHION TT -a. mi- i merit - cp.oo CUSHION COMFORT WIIITBOTIYCV MTINTtS JUIV M CT TOR MEN' f ySp010 "cctiom Men, we sell neither cheap nor expensive Shoes. Come in and judge for yourselves. If we sell you a Shoe made of the best Kangaroo, Kid or Calf stock obtainable, genuine oak tanned soles (and that's a rare article these days), best, p&no ham mer felt cushion in sole and every other part that goes into a shoe of the best material, workman ship of the highest order and style to boot if we can sell you THAT KIND of a Shoe for $7.65, is our price exorbitant under present conditions? We can sell you excellent Shoes down to $4.50. Cheaper Men's Shoes than that, today the less said about them the better, no matter where you buy them. MORE SILKS TAFFETAS in plain shades, plaids and stripes. A 'splendid assortment of the best Spring and Summercolors and combinations to choose from, all 36 inches wide, prices, per yard $1.45 to $2.00 IMTED PONGEE and SHANTUNG SILKS in almost every quality ob- PONGEE in natural color, 33 inches wide, yard 85c to $2.25 COLORED PONGEE in plain shades from 32 to 40 inches wide, at yard $1.45, $2.00 $2.25 OYSTER WHITE HEAVY SUITING PONGEE SILK,' 32 and 36 'inches wide at yard $3.20 and $3.63 EXPERIENCED SALESMAN WANTED STORE CLOSES 5:45 8 O'CLOCK ON SATURDAYS Ca)taia and Mrs. Harvey Slater of Amerivvn Lake, en.ioYed a, visit with ialem friends over ,he week end, be ing entertained as gnert at the resi deuce of Judge Webster. They return ed to Camp Lewia Monday. Kugenc Slater, a brother of Captain Slater, who has recently returned froni a two years' stay m ueveiana, unio, wai also a visitor in the eity the tatter pant of the week. Mr. Slater expect to enlist in the radio department of ! the service shortly. He is the guest or his parents, Judiso and Mrs. V. T. Slater of Portland, at present The. A5d society of the Presbyterian bureh will entertain the new members and frinud of the ehnrch Friday after noon at a silver tea to be (fiven at the Z. FMoody residence on Court street. Miss Lucy Stougbton will preside as hostess, assisted by Mrs. W. it. Steus loff, Mrs. H. Clements, Mrs. F. Pow ers. Mrs. R. Downine and Mrs. Eliza beth Lauib. All ladies interested in the church are extended a eordial invita tion. - In Musii-al America for April 27, is nearly a page interview, with pictures, with Hartmdge Whipp, baritone, now of New York City, and recently of Portland. He says that because ho read Musical America he was inspired to become a singer. Ha thinks that the present war will change American composition. Ono of the pictures of Mr. Whipp is when he was 2 years old and the other is as he is today.Mr. Whipp is well known in Salem musical cinelcs, having appeared here in concert. The Ha Cross auxiliary of the Con gregational church wiirhold an all day meeting FViday, in the church parlors. Assembling at tea o'clock, the mem bers will devote the entire day to Bed Cross sewing. Any one, who is not working with other auxiliaries is cot dially invited to attend the meeting Friday. Mrs. Melvin Plimpton sPt the day in Portland, as the guest of Mrs. Asa- hel Bush, who is passing a few weeka in the city. Mrs. J. W. A. Moyer and daughter. Miss liable Moyer, are passing the day in Portland. They will return this ev ening. Mrs. T. O. Campbell of San Fran cisco, who has beon spending several months in Salem as the guest of rela tives, left for California this morning. . Tho Aid society of the Woman's Be lief Corps will meet tomorrow after noon at the armory front two to IS ire. A good attendance is desired. Vormer Dallas residents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ewiug, who have been spending the winter at Portland, are now located in Salem, at 1312 State street. for Spring and Summer New iiras d wearing apparel and acccsscrks are arriving each csy ty ex press which added to our present abundant hluh make A WONDERFUL SHOWING OF Ml MERCHANDISE and the prices coEforra to the present day stn&rd of economy. xx xx New Silk Sport Suits New Waists New Middy Efcsses CM Rose, Reseda Green, New shipment just ar- Misses! and Women's King Blue and Gold rived. Neat designs middy blouses in white with Combination of lingerie Vaisl& from wtn Pn or ' navy White serge collars, from Prices $24.75 and $34.75 98c to $7.50 $1.43 to $4.98 ' New Black Silk Coats New Silk Ittry New Silk Gloves Sizes from 18 to 44, ex- Phoenix Silk Hosiery, Full line Kaysers Silk teabSlf aU l6ading COl Ml Gl0Ves' white' Wack Prices $24.75 and $34.75 fashioned $1.35 65c, 75c to $1.50 f CORSETS RIBBONS NECKWEAR FffllCOATS Where Shopping Is t Pleasure UNDEBMSLINS U. G. Shipley Company I Monday, May 6, 1918, is Thrift Stamp Day. On Sale Everywhere II M It W I mil MU! IW A n i in i mi ,nt m t the printing of receipt boks, Blcduc cards, etc. The expenses of the state campaign will be raised by voluntary subscrip tion in Portland and by chapters throughout the state, the local cam paigns, both in Port'ana and through out the state being handled in the same maimer. So1 far as is known, the Red Cross war drive is the only fund in which this procedure is rigidly iciarried out. Jn Portlant it 19 announ vd the en tire campaign will be over two days. With the exception 0f m.OOO.OOO, which will be expended or contracted for before Junrt 1, tho $100,000,000 or iginally subscribed to tie lied Cross has been expended. r Toilet Preparation!; supply the very help nature Jill requires. They rectify morbid jf skin conditions then from the 1 source of skin health, springs 1 loveliness ot natural beauty. Don't confuse Marinelto Prep aration, with ordinary cosmetics. They're different. Theywrcfaulrs and foMer natural Koe Real" Beauty. iigh St. 6al Our Local Manager Fred H. Strong wao has been ap-( pointed assistant manager for Mariou Polk, Linn. Benton, Lincoln and Lane counties, is manager of tho Ladd es twte in Portland. He has been conspic uous in every patriotie campaign but as chairman of the Canteen committee, of tho Portland chapter, Americtun Bed Cross, vihieh cared for and fed thousands of soldiers passina through Portland, . his work attracted national attentioa. llr. Strong is known through out Portland as a campaign manager witlout- his equal. 75 NAMES ON (Continued from page one) 8. S'ri'., Sergeants Henry 8. Frc':;, f;stoii, Pa. Klcsio W. Kellum, Cinciniiati, Ohio. Edward A. Lechuit, Clcvidand, Ohio. i)ennis B. Shirley, Edmonton, Ky. Corporals Lowry T. Ajgcod, Oakdale T-nn. Rube Nelson, lvjnuan, 7ia, Gerald D. Whitney, Ht. Charles, 111. 1 rivateg Bryan Andrews, Atoino, Aik. bamuel Caudill, Thflps, Wis. Ves B. Coffey, BuTlington, N. D. Thomas B. Duylo, Easton, Pa. (iunnard Ericson, Bruinard, Minn. David J. Goerz, 962 North Mariposa street, Los Angeles. John E. llaagenson, Pcntaiiiiclla, 7a. liomci D. linden, I'onca City, Okla. Sid-uy C. Hnris, Topeka, Ean. Guttt Kallas, Omaha, Nob, John Kurtolick, Waiiueon, Ohio. Bovd MacDoimld, irtif;ion, N. X). John Micona, Coay City, 111, Clyde L. Noel, Farmflrsbtirg, Ir.d. Stetlmg O. Bice, E; ton, i"a. Harry Bobinson, Havoiford, Ta. Pci ry Shcpcrd, Daeoy, Ky. Allied A. Wolfe, Easton, Pa. itoss P. Young, Johnsonburg, Pa. Joiin Y. 'laM, Philadelphia, Pa. The Hun offensive are slated to grow loss and lews ffonisive as time goes on. Quick-Acting The speediest remedy fcr sick headache, biliousness and indi ' gestion is a dose or two of Untnt S.l. of Any Metfdn in A Wor d. Sold vu ywherr In box, lOe 3Se. Joseph F. Pirch, Pottsville, Ta. Thomas R. Harrison. 8t. Albert. Mo. Alexander C. flipes, 581 Harket street san t raucisco. Henry F. McFherson, Greenville, ICy. Clyde Millard, Monlpelier, Md. James K. Rosser, Broadway, Jf. C. David A. Rannders, Chicago. Jaroslav Sruta, Chicago. William Charles Viti, I'hiladelphia, Pa Dave Wetka, Duluth, Minn. Dean Zelfcr, Washburn, N. D. Wounded slightly: RED CROSS BEGINS (Continued from page oat) XX Htw4HmHttfHfffmmmiTmimUHHmmlt aui manager is one wtio nas made a record previously in liberty loan, Red Cross, Y. M. C. A. or similar drives, and in some eases, in all of them. Managers of New Drive These assistant managers are: A. E. Doyle, Portland Clatsop, Co lumbia. Washington, Yamhill, Tilla mook, Clackamas and Multnomah coun ties. Pred H. Strong, Portland Marion, Polk, Linn, Beaton. Lincoln and Lane counties. Ira Powers, Portland Douglas. Coos andi Curry counties. T. It, Chambers, Euirone Josonhine. Jackson, Klamath ana Lake counties. L. C Pease. The Dalles Sherman. Wasco, Gilliam and Wlheeler counties. iiouis Enderud, Hay Creek Jeffer son, Deschutes and Crook counties. J. O. Elrod, Portland Moro, Uma tilla, Union and Wallonv eountiea. Paul O. Bates, PorthtiKT Baker, Grant, Harney and Malheur counties. Elton Watkins, Portland Hood Riv er county. Some Pertinent Facta The headquarters of both the city of Portland and the state campaigns will be at Liberty Temple, Portland. The Red Cross war fud dollar is really $1.0i) for of every dollar sub scribed to the Red Cross in the drive last year, $1.02 hag been available, the two cents representing interest. The funds) subscribed will be de posited 75 per cent te the credit of the American National Red Cross for war work abroad aad 35 per cent for the war work of the local chapter. ot a eent will be erpoded from the war fund for the expenses of the campaign in any way. Eleven hundred dollars was allowed to Oregon by na tional headquarters from membership dues and this kas been expended on CASTOR I A Fcr Infants end Children In Use Fcr Over 30 Years Always bean the Signature : Information Department Salem Woolen Mill Store The Sixth Annual Exhibition of the National Textile Association (Inc.) is now on at the Grand Central Palace, New York City. The greatest in its history. The Exhibit is Machinery, Dye Stuffs, Textile Fabrics in Woolens, Worsteds, Cottons, Silks and Linens. C. M. Bishop of Pendleton is attending and will be one of the judges in certain Woolen Textiles. The Government has now on hand as of April 6th, 24,124,155 pairs of Hose for the Army and Navy. Watch this tpaee, there will be something in it every day to interest you. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE mHmH4MMMtMHlll (M t ; ;;;;;; MM;;uuuiitiuuuuu IT- xL r m r .i e w XX m u cue customers or me dalem Uas riant Gas Rate Talk No. 3 The next phase of this matter to be considered is the plant property, including distributing mains r pipes. value of the gas JJ iX In 1916 the State PjibKc Service Commission tock an inventory of our gas plant and m their final report No. 191 dated April 30. 1917. th.V iLZ IT a reasonable vahie of the plant on December 30, 1916, was $2n,797.24 S During the year 1917 we male additional investments in the puun iu utc ajnuvni vi 3,779.54 X Therefore the value on December 31, 1917 was .$215,576.78 i .jXeinveeiitthat has been earned ln?M when we purchased the plant, is that shown in ourTalk 2 $1,038.50 in 1916, and $2,333.54 in 1917. The first Amount ftw j5 the second 1.09 interest on the $215,576.78. Q '48 and itdid "? "thepreviousyearswhen PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER CO.