THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. ORE. SATURDAY. MAY 4. 1918. V1VP 1 ii'"nn' i iiiwiiiii nm mi i IHiW iiiiiiiii i imnniini n , i ! t ni"" mi i niwin I I J u ; : ' i i ( ' "i i J L , if ! s - - I ! 'ft i nit I . ik-t i ii ;- i ; '1 i ; c w i .J ! ! ? -n I j 11 .. U ! ! i, i ! .1 a A ; i ' i ; i; i!1 US 1 - ,! iMMI - - ; U 'ni ! Pi ,i - - 1 I HI II i H U in J I 'lull i 1' '" - ill Li L'ji'L 4it ui III Jul ii ft tl iM S-- I'u - ill ' t Mllli itu l Imi i B in i u 1 1 1 ' m 1 , n , t !. 1 1 . , i SUPPORT of Home Industries is One Form of Patriotism. WOMEN Are Purchasing Agents in Most homes. Their cooperation is necessarv r DAY-ROLL Money Stays at home betas make Oregon prosperous 5 GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES TEAS.SPICES.tXTMCTS.ETC'j y DISTINCTIVELY DELICIOUS plAMOHQ Steel Cut COFFEE For particular people who appreciate GOOD COFFEE. At all Leading Grocers. : "You'll never know how good it is until you've tried it." Ask Your Grocer for DIAMOND "W" PURE FOOD PRODUCT3 Wadhams & Company Manufacturers and Wholesale Grocers. !i"3ici A Product of Home Industry Government Inspected Economical and highly dependable wherever a high grade shortening is desired. I SI UNION MEAT CO. North Portland, Oregon I WH4 P " - i : Willamette Valley News 1 It Pays to Buy the Best Ask for " ; Olympic Flour Makes -Whitest, Sweetest, Healthiest Bread S- flu r "liYMHf i Makes Health Happiness and Success Made from carefully selected Northwestern Whe thoroughly cleaned and scoured by the most modern meth . ods known. AH the nutritious qualities of the Wheat are ' retained and it reaches you clean, pure and wholesome. The Portland Flouring Mills Co. I :rour5 J c!a News Notes (Capital Journal Special Serrke) Ko)a. r:ijr 4 B. I. Tergnwa M iplpins h- two eons, Boy and liey, ia .heir htp Tird -work, itar Waeonda. I.enon Mitty of Kieklcton, WiA., i visiting at the hfiua of her grand parents. iiir ai'htwl will close the seventMEts. f May: - ' - - Ojit. J'hillip TatSreoB an! his rotiur, te, visiter their parenti V'ro. ftiturcray and Snnitay, going Mon lay to Tortlanit fr a short visit. Capt. .atterson U oft duty on tea day furlough." Eitward Antrivan is carrying on of in anna in a sling. He felt from a nrse and broke one of the bones ia lis arm and bruiseil hit noee qnite bad ly.' Mrs. Holmes gav first aid- Later in ra taken to Sttlonj. Mrs. Lucas of Salem is visiting her laiHihter, Mrs. Clifford Bnjnk. The Red Crr.s helpers here met Thursday afternoon and made band '.sfes and tfun wipers. Thirteea were ipresent. ...... The children of Eol had kits of fun May day evening hanging May baskets ROBBERY NEAJi GRANTS PASS Gianta Tass, Or., May 4 Sheriff George Lrnvis admitted today that tUero waa UtUe chance to apprehend the two rol)ber who held up Kobert Boawell any hi eon, and escaped with, three gold bara worth $6000. The Uoewclls live alone on one of ttikt richest cJaiima in Oregon. They were inciting down the panning of few days when two masked men order ed their, hands up, bound them to a. tree, and then searched the place. The sheriff got late start oa the caso 'becane of the difficulties in reaching the claim. ! Promote Life and Vigor GOLDEN ROD 61 ' ROLLED OATS WHEAT ' FLAKES PANCAKE FLOUR " WHEAT NUTS RALSTON BRAN On "Wheat-less" days us fioldsn Rod Oats, Cam Meal, Ry Flour and Buck Wheat Flour.. " , THE .MARKET , Markets for the close of the week remain steady for the most part. Cal- ifomia tomatoes and new potatoes aud peas aro on the locul market. Oram Wheat, soft white $1.85)1.87 , Wheat, red H-oo Wheat, lower erades on sample Oats - - 9393 ttarloy, ton $"J Bran Shorts, por ton t'1' Hy, ediMrt. new WMyt Hay, vetch, nw $22123 Hiay, clover, new $2122 Uuttorfat . Creamory butter ........................ Country butter ........ 40a Fork, Veal and Mutton Donald News Capital Journal Special Service) Donald, Or., May 4. A bean j!f ul day, lrg crowd and good program, was the order of the day at the Champoeg cele bration. The boat "Pomona" from I'ortland was late in reaching Champcvg but after the large crowd reached the beautiful memorial building the pro gram began, Judge D'Arcy presiding. Tht dedicatory address by E-Oovernor j DonSii to Montana on. Wednesday even day. Mrs. Lander, mother of the groom accompanied them. Mr. aud Mrs. John Miller and .heir children, Mrs. J. L. Reisbeck and Mrs. M. W. Johnson attended the dedica tion at Champoeg May 2nd. Mr. Stroud MeTccr came over from Aurora Saturday to spend the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Mer cer. Mrs. M. W. Johnson made a trip to Woodburn to interview the doctor on Tuesday. A earload of cows was ehipped from Saturday. Mr. Hal Do Sar't making the trip over on his bicycle. Mr. Fox representing the Floisckner k Meyer Wholesale house of I'ortland was interviewing the Donald merchants on Thursday. Mrs. B. S. Quinn was a guest if her mother, Mrs. Mathoit near Butteville on Saturday. Mr. Ralph Radu of East Butteville was a Donald shopper on Monday, He met with a severe accident at the shipyard almo severing a toe. Mrs. Geo. A. White aud daughter of Portland were guests of her cousin, Mrs. J. CI. Johnston Saturday. Mrs. White's husband is a major general, somewhere in J: ranee. Mrs. M. DcSart, superintendent of the Cradle Roll and her assistants care for the vary young children of parents who with to attend Sunday school and 'church services at -lie Donald church, uo.!r( w.1? enjoyed also the patriotic re-: ing. bv Gov. Withycombe. Wo werej Mr. Henry Weishart of .die V. 8. , , v n i troops at Vancouver was a week end fcotfon-4 by ,'.ie presence also of Ex-Gov- of hu crnor Moore of Washing. Prof. Mec- M , . oey and many other people prominent ; Clarence and William, with Masdames ,. isielQaiun and Sex'sniith motored to Port-i Aii..f c;ti. m.i. .(..((,. j land for the day, Sunday. , , M T , d ,., h th , , Mr. H. N. Smith, of Donald vicinity furlough and is spending 1; wih his her, Mrs. Julia Mathoit net Mr. Ralph Grim in and Dr. Weaver of luiviiie them an opportunity to enjoy uubliara wew m Uonald Mommy even-1 tho services without being interrupted. ing examining candidates for the Wood- Bob Swazey, formerly of Douald, but men of the World lodge, soon to be or-'now of the Telegram staff, Portland, ganized at fliis place. was meeting many of his acquaiulauccs Mrs. U. U. Uone and sons attended 1 on tho grounds at the Champoeg picnic the Hod Cross social at Butteville on Thursday. Saturday evening, reporting a success-1 M. D. Oalnian, F. W. Ball, M. Wirak ful social both socially aud financially. and W. H. French of Forest Grove Kmil Aufruitc and family and Mrs. 'bought a car load of cattle in and Lunian and baby of JSaleui were the ' arouud Douald this week. guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Anfranc of: J. B. Kenndy, real estate ngent of Donald on Sunday. Portland. J. M. Camron of rortlauu, J The Donald Order of Eastern Star and Mrs. A. C. Manney of Vancouver, had as their guest on Friday evening,' Wash... were looking at land in th,; Mrs. Lena A. Meudeuhal, of Portland,' vkiuitv of Donald this week with the worthy grand matron. Refreshments view of investing. I were served and a very pleasant evening I spent. This will be the last meeting un til after their charter is recv.-ived in in the "Oregon Country". The music 1 by "Tho Pioneer Quartet" was really coii.ved. I Gertrude Eppers and Clarence Davvs:was . business' visitor to Portland Sat- grandmothe Ivan G. Martin republican candidate for represenative was interviewing the voters in and around Donald during the weffk. Misses Kathrvn and Maiie Vonder- rake of Oregon City were guests of Mr and Mis. 8. Mercer Thursday, taking The Best the Market Affords. CROWN FLOUR is made to meet the demands of the most exacting house wife. . It is as near right as the best wheat, modern machin ery and expert milling knowledge can make it. The quality of Crown Flour will never be lowered, we will make it better if possible. fc NOT BLEACHED. Pork, on foot Veal, fancy .... Steers Cows Bulls Spring lambs -I'lwes 16(a) 1 7s . 7(i9e , 5fat!i,4 5(a)6 'je. ll12a ... 5S7a iOe 29(H31 20(ii)21l 26((i28s 21(323fi 27(t29 , 26ffi)28e 18(u)20a Lambs, yearlings ............... Eggs, cash ........ Hons, pound ... Turkeys, dressed Turkeys, live, No. 1 Hons, dressed, pound Frys, dressed Ducks, live ueese, wvo : ...... m- Old roosters . I415a Younir rooatora . ......... 18203 Potatoes ' la Vegetables String garlie Green onions 0a Onions, in sack $1-25 Lettuce, crate t3-2 Artivho'kes 1- 75a, OatilbaKO : ;- California tomatoes 3.25 Rhuibard - - 8 'Asparagua - 88 Now potatoes 8e Peas 7 Figs and Sate Black figa 13a Hullt, with whom he hag made hls'gan. Mr. Shea passed away very sud- home for the past thirty years. Decoas' ed is survived by two son in north ern Minnesota and a daughter in Chi cago. Funeral services were held Tues denly. Saturday afternoon he-wrote a letter to hia wife telling her that he was feeling better than usual and was aixparently in unoi spirits. Before the day conducted by Rev. E. M. Smith I letter reached this city a telegram nn end burial mado in the Green Moun- nonnced his death. The body was tain cemetery. Appeal. FRANK D. SHEA DIED SUNDAY Frank D. Shea died at the Portland nfuiitorium Sunday morning, after an lil'liess uoivcrijiig (several mum t ha. Ho went to tho sanito;rium the first of the year in the hope that a rent and treat ment afforded there would build up brought here Monday morning, being brought up in the Jack auto hcarso Apjienl- Fruit Apples 1.502.23 Oranges 8S Grape fruit Bananas - T Strawberries Retail Prices Creamery butter ...... . . 45((50e Flour, hard wheat $2.70Cn)2.8J Hour, sort wheat 2.50(o2.60 Country butter . 40 r-BHs, dozen . ......... Suuar, 11 lbs. for Sales limited to f l KLEIN BROS. GET HIGH HOLSTtEIN AVERAGE Summary of the Oregon Cow Testing association for tho month of February shows that Klein brothers of Silverton his Systran. Mr. Shea came to this city ee,.iVed the highest average frr their Thero were 197 cows on tent. Klein bio position with the Silver Falls Lum her compasy and eoiitinwil bis em Bros, from six ows received 8 ponnds of milk which averaged 34-45 plnyinent until he left for the treatments. Deceased was born in Winona, Min- , , ,.. y, .,. . t i. o j i. L,:.j pounds butter fat. The boys have an nesota. July 8, 18(3, and is survived ' . ' by a wife and young son, also three j excellent herd of cattle in which thoy brothers who live in Saginaw, Michi- take much pride. Silverton Appeal. PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Or, May 4 JSutter, creamery 4'k Eggs, selected local ex. JO(ae lien 28c Broilers 47e Broilers 45(j;47fl Geese 20e Cheese triplets 25626e city re wrestling with the measles '.his,ur(jaT &si. week. It is generally supposed they have . h. N. Smith of Donald shipped out been well scattered through the school, a carload of cordwood to Portland on hd many more cases will follow. For- j Tuesday. Mr. Smith has several hund tunatoly they are of the mild type, so red cords to ship out. re not particularly dreaded. Misses Dotv and Grettie were guests Cecil Lander and Florence A. Con-'at the Oril.bk' home over Sunday. wet were marri-d in Salem bn Thurs-i Mr. jjis. Ernest Yergcn and Mr. ";and Mrs. M. W. Johnson motored to Canby Sunday afternoon, i During the summer the Donald Sun id ay school will be held 10 a. m. in- stead of 2 p. m. as heretofore. J Misses Doty, Grettie and Lamb, Don Jald teachers, with a niimber of their 'pupils attended the closing of the eon test "Who Will Win" at Woodburn, BABY CH1X "Vt lt. S nvooe w PrtJjm. ! L rfti-dtmlhtbatUTins-ock. U W bum. Pt.ln. Clifirm jin the sights at Champoeg in the af-j Bert Landu and son - Year and Clnr- Butteville. Mrs. Jess Johnson and cousin of ri. i . 1 .. : : . l : . . ....... . ... , . . ., encj Morean are leaving for Alaska tins week end, with Mrs. Johnston s moth- - " ' K " . , . . er and sister, Mrs. Canderleen and Mr to work m ",mon Cann6ry toT Snvder. the summer. j. V. Feller and wife, B. 8. Quinn! Mr. Geo. W. Weeks another candidate and wife and Mrs. E. H. Feller attend- i was "doing" Donald in his political in- ed - lie show in Woodburn Fridav ewn-itereMj tins weeK. ing. Lotters were received this week from Sergeant Albert Lamb "somewhere in Frauce", by Mrs. B. S. Quinn and Mrs. A. Aufrane. '.'All was will" with him on that date. Mrs. L. M. Ernst spent Saturday and DIED AT SILVERTON ! Hearj Winter lAJttt I ttt&eQ Oaektirfm m S. C. wfuic IcgWa fft w hs ' h. uuklSB HO IOT ZO . WflM Ift Wan. Bates, aged 83 years, a resi- j dent of thia commanity for .many , yeara passed away Sunday at the home ; Sunday with her son, Carl in Portland.! (if hia brwther-iu-law, A. Leikcm at' umiJ aurj wiii dttl ia. aur iDMlal low Dncfl (af S. C WHITE LEGHORNS BABY CHICKS V,m tUr ) dl for m km aulUi pkoh. WE PAY ! EXPRESS CHARGES THE B1HM HATCHERY Unvt h Vmii Ctitt J2i.Ot Ckkk PETALUMA. CAU Dally Live Btock Market Cattle Receipts 256 Tone of market unchanged Good to choice steers 1415 Fair t good to medium steers $10.75 11.75 Fair to good (rteers $1011 Choice cows and heifere $1314 Cannera atttSS Bulla ftSOfitll.GO Calvea 8.7513.2S Stocker And feeder ateera 70(tf9O per head Hogs Receipts 231 Tone of market unchanged Prime light mixed ai7.40(tt17.50 Prime heavy 17.1517.35 Pigs 14.50 15.50 Bhee Receipts 192 Tone of market unchanged 8pring lamba bid 120 Western yearlings $15.25(ffil5.50 . Valley yearlings $15 2515.50 Wethers $13f'iil3-50 Ewes 1212.50 '. NOTE Portend market on asorm ahecp, ii to 3e under quotation.