-v- ' FAGIS EIGHT SALEM. CBEWW TUESDAY, AFEIL SO, 1918. - ii ERVICE ATISFACTION TYLE AVING You are assured of getting all of these points when you buy at the J. C. Penny Co. Store, with accent on the great savings you make. New Silk Foulards, 36 inch $1.75 New Silk Taffetas, 36 inch, stripes and plaids. .$1.75 Georgette Crepes, nice collection of colors .... $1.71 You can do better at J. C. Penney Co. J. C. Penney Co., the Place to Save Money. ifiiTi im-fli flVf ii III ilftS - PERSONAL 5 5C Sjc jC c )fe W. Vinlng came down from Mill City yesterday aud 1b speuding a couple day: in the city. F. D. McDonald of the Salem Fruit eompany, left this morning for l'oitluniJ on a business trip. U. Q. Holt, of tho logging department of the Hpaulding company, left this morning on a trip or Inspection to thu Luckiumute logging ramp. Dr, Fred Kllis and wife and Dr. I), X. Bcochler and wife splint Sunday at Bilvr Crock Falls. The Southern Paolfic put a painting ernw to work this morning on .Jii) lionaes located on tli.0 block between Lib erty. and north Commercial streets owl. ed by the company. . Mrs. G. C. Doau loft for Oregon City Sunday evening where, she is spending S'jveial days with her sator. Used Furniture Wanted t Highest Cash Prices, Paid for Used Furniture E. L. 8TIFF ft SON Phone 941 or 508 COMPANY Phone 77 Try Our Checking System on Baggage Claim Checks for Every Parcel Handled. i L.M.HUM care of Yick So Ton t Chinese Medicine and Tea (V I Has medicine which will cure any known disease. ' T Open Sundays from 10 a. m. X until 8 p. m. ir.3 South High St X Salem, Oregon. Phone 283 44 Compound $1,20 A, & II. Noda 5c 8 gallon Crock with cover 30c 6-gaUou Crock with cover , 9.c 8 gallon Crock with cover $1.00 Me Coffee 25c 2rc Coffee l!)o Corn .... 12c Tomatoes Jj. , , 12c, Peas 12c' 1 gal. Puritan Salad Oil '. $1.94 All above goods we guarantee or money will be returned. Why Pay More? FARMERS CASK STORE. Opposite Court Hons on High Street MoS Bertha Waldorf rtturned Sunday .evening from Slierdan where she spent the iutter par.j of the week visiting her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. T. K. Waldorf. aV. U. Ooodin, secretary of the state loaiu of control, left this niornmg fo 1 uilLuul on a business trip. Ivaiph Dawson, son of the late Wil liam J. Dawson, arrived this mowln( fuiu Sun Diego, Cnl., to attend the fun oral services of his fa.fier, which wl' be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Kigdon, chapel. Mrs. John Sholund is spending several Uajs in Portland with friends. B. M. Gilbert returned Sunday even ing tp Portland to resume" his duties in liie shipyards after a week's enforc eil absence caused by Receiving several crai&ed ribs in a fall. uev, K. M. Burke is pxpectng hit miiihor to arrive from California in f few days for a visit iu Salem. She is .hj e titer of a millinery magazine. Miss Ethel Walling r.'tuined to Port hunt today after a week cud vist with relatives in this city. MiRS Grace Bean was up from Port lnau for an over Sunday visit with her phMiils, Judge and Mrs. Henry J. Bean Mis. Bean is employed in the draught- iiig department of the Willamette Bteo1 yarn?. . William Enslcy was up from Portland yesterday on busncss. Charles Sturgis, of Brooks, was a i,u.;iness vilstor in Salem yesterday. Mrs. 8. B. Vail returned home yester day, after a week's visit with relatives and friends in Portland. Guy Walker was in the city yester day from Independence on a Ims'intst trip. John Kirk has returned from easteri Oregon,, where he has been for sum Vffliiks. F. G. Deckebnugh was a business pus istiigflr to Por. Snnd this morning. Alex Merrlfield was a business visitor In fialem today from Aumsvillo. Mrs. F. M. Burks nnd daughter, Misi Rosomay, returned yesterday afternoon to their homo in Montana after a .visit of several weeks with tht former's bro ther, S. B. Elliott, ensher of the Salem Bank of Commerce. " 1 1 1 ... City Recorder Eace mailed today to the registered voters of Salem fl,00u copies of the proposed charter nmend mon'.' which is to bo submitted to the voters of the city at a special election K be held on the date of the primaries, May 17. Tho proposed amendment alters the city charter to correspond to the new stale law consolidating c(y and stale (elections, ' II Around lown i 4 ' ! ' ! ; ! ! COiMGJVENTS April 29. Music Recital at Willamette Chapel, Walter hall, 8 p.m. May 2 Dedication of Cham poeg Memorial Building. May 3. May Day Festivities begin on campus at Willamette University at noon, May 4, Blanche I., crowned at 1:30 on campus. May 6. Opera "Chimes of Normandy" High Sehoot audit orium, by Music Department of High school. June 8. Total eelipss of the sun. World's Almanac gives hour as 1:38, but new time schedule will make the hour 2:38. sfcstc ' Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn fits eyes cor rectly. C S. National Brnk Bldg. tf. 0 ' The Willamette has remained at a stationary leviel the past two days, standing at 2.6 feet above low water. o "The funeral beautiful" Webb & Clough Co. , tf. "The best" is all you can do when death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co. Phone 120. tf. The Salem Floral Society announces that another exchange day will be held probably Thursday of this week in an unuecupW building on State street. The exchanges will be especially of war gar den seed and plants. , Patton Plumbing Co., 385 Chemeketa Phone 1090. We do repair work. Stoves and furnaces coiled. tf. AU carpenters belonging to union No. 1005 aro requested to, attend Thurs day night for important business. The May day exercises of Willamette University will begin at exactly noon Friday of this week. Queen Blanche I., will be crowned on the enmpus at 1:30 o'clock on iho afternoon of Baturllay. Breakfast will U served! on tho campus between 6 and 8 o 'clock Saturday morn ing. O i Special meeting of Pacific lodge Mo. 50, A. F. & A. M., this evening. Work in the A. degree. Visiting brethren Welcome. -,, Dance at Cb)nmawa Wed night. o The Ladies' Glee club of Willamette University will give a concert Wednes day evening iu .'lie Portland First Meth odist church. The club will leave for Portland on the 4 o'clock Oregon Elec tric, returning home tho samo evening. Tho club includes 20 of the best ladies' void's in jha University, o Lest ye forget there: is to be a big dance ot Bickreall next FrMay, May 3d. Music iby Hunt 'a orchestra. 5-1 Dance at Chemawa Wed. night. For the benefit of the housekeper who may not notice the item published today, ii may be fluid that after tomor row, potutots will not be a substtute for wheat flour. 1 rom now on for a time potatoes aro just potatoes to be eaten on their merits and not because so many pounds of potatoes permits the purchase of a certain amount of wheat flour. Dance at Chemawa Wed. night. o The Capital National Bank baa re ceived a supply of window flags for third liiberty loan subscribers. Any subscriber may obtain one by culling at tho bunk. Remember, the last day siillscript.ioii' wiill be received is Sat urday May i'li. 5-1 Louis R. Steelhammer, a brother of Oscar Fiteclhamnier was in the city yes terday for a short visit with friends and relatives before leaving for the ord nance training camp in Georgia. For many years he was wtm tn a!em Woolen Mills Store in Salem and for the patfJ five years with Bond Bros, of Pendleton. Although beyond tho draft ago, ho felt it was up to him to get in and do his share. Lieutenant H. W. Stcplhammcr of Silverton is already ii, Franc. Dance at Chemawa Wed, . ight. o The Lakebrook dancing pavilion, six miles north of Salem will be opened for tho first dance of the season Thursday levelling of this week. There will be a four piece orchestra and everything ! dono to make the dance a success. For ; those who do not own automobiles, ar rangements have been made whereby auto busses will carry passengrs at a 'nominal price. The dance Thursday levelling is but one of a series to foi ; low, Walter A. Denton thinks that If the 'government adopted a policy regarding tho cultivation of laud similar to ic one now in force in England, there 1 would be mighty few uncultivated spots ; In Oregon, lie is just in receipt of a pa pivr from Yorkshire, England, with o notice that a prominent woolen aianu jfaeturer had been fined $430 for his failure to cultivate land in accordance wi.fi a notice given him by the West Riding War Agricultural Committee. It seemi that the head of the big wool-n 'mills owned a house ana farm but that he had not cultivated the land accord ing to instructions from the Agricultural eommUjtee, : I TRY JOURNAL WANT ADS The lecture to have been given by C. W. Neii" yer at Hazel Green this even ing fyr t been temporarily postponed. eGreat Northern Express company in jif'pi has figured out that horse feej tonics a little too high at present prievg. Heince beginning tomorrow it will 'lispens with the two boras and wngo, or delivery purposes and sub stitu if a Ford truck. Ivan C;. Martin, candidate for re-elec tion as '.representative from Marion county, left s'Jiis morning for Monmouth to take in the Sfmuions stock sale near that place today. A nunViher of cond dates from Salem and vicinity are rcJ portca to nave f lockca toward the same particular sale today. Agent X W. Ritchie, of the Oregon Electric, stated this morning that O. E passenger trains Nos. 5, 10, and 16 would stop at Wilsonville on Thursday, May 2 and make- connection with boats fo' Oiampoeg, to accommodate passenger; of the Spauldiug company, left this dedication of the pioneers' memorial building at Champoeg on that date. The Women's Home Missionary society of the First Methodist church will meet this evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Baker, 545 Court street. This will be the occasion of the annual mail box opening' mid a splen did program has been prepared, follow ed by a social hour and refreshments, The husbands and friends are invited to lie meeting. , o Two more recruits signed up at the lo cal army recruiting Btation today and left for Portland for assignment to theii respective divisions of the service. They are David Woodfin, aged 18 years and living at Falls City ,who enters the cavalry, and Perry Lyle, age 21 years and living at Turner, who goes into ,.he quartermaster ' corps. In answer to a request as to exact ly what has been done by the local ex emption board of Division No. 1, Marion county, Chairman W. I. Ncedham sent the following telegram today to Adi" tnnt General Williams in Portland: Total number in class 1, finally accept ed for general military scrvico, 297; delinquents, 14; emergency ilce-, 30: limited military service, 55; remedied group B, 21; men inducted since Decem ber la, 1917, 60; men called but not inducted, 8; class I cases unfinished by district board, 7; class I men not phy sically examined, 38. No negroes, ell whites. Total number in cluse ono, 530 men. Thursday of this week, May 2, has been set by the Salem floral society as the date for its second exchange day. The event will bo held iu the vacant store building on norfli Commercial street located nex door south of the Max O Burcn furniture store. The flor ul society is holding a second exchange this spring to further stmulate activitv iu war gardens and urges all members and all who have, vegetable plants and seeds to spare or flo exchange for soma other variety to bring the same to tho buildiug on Thursday, Flower plants and seeds arc not to be neglected entirely, however, but the greater interest is to be placed on war gardens. o Once more will the people living lu the vicinity of Salem havo the pleasure of hearing Captain Bichnond P. Hobson speak on the proliibi.Kon quostion as it is announced that he is to appear at t....he armory on tha evening of Thurs day Mny 16. Tho subject of his address is "America in War," and he comes under the ausnices of the Anri-Hnlnnn j League of Aiherica. Captain Hobson 's tame comes of course from the Merrimne adventure and later the kissing episode in Kansas. He denies the latter and is eonteii'l to let his famo rest on his ser vices ns a naval officer during the Spanish American war. Howovor, he is a forceful speaker and made a very favorable impression when he visited Salem a few years ago. W. M. Hamilton, of the P. R. L. ft P. company, is sponsor for the follow ing. On a certain day recently his .lo phone bell rang and on taking down the receiver these words poured into hi.i ear by a woman in extreme haste: "What's the matter with you folks f I've been trying to get your trouble department for the last ten minutes and not n single answer. One of tho electric wires in tho attie is on fire and I want you to send a man out quick to attend to it. Our number is north Sum mer street. Now, hurry, pljase." Mr. Hamit(on lost no time in despatching a "trouble man" to south Summer street! lhe latter was welcomed by an eager lady" and shown the wav to tho attic. j Beaching there, ho found a tinv hole in th.0 shingles where a ray of sunlight was shining through. That was the "electric wire on fire". The good Jady's name is withheld. SALEM COMPANY MUSTERED INTO SERVICE Within a week or so, it is probable that Salem will have a battalion of its own of the Oregon militia, to be known as the second battalion. The coiu-pany in Salem that has heretofore been known unofficially as Co. F, will be now known officially as eompany G. lit was mustered into serwo last ev ening. Other rompanies will pro-lxably futtow in Morion county. Already Sil verton is about ready with a com pany. The jcomipanics! now mustered into service .in Salem are known as E, F and W. Company- K meet Tuesday ev ening at the armory, eompany F on Friday evening and eompany O on Momlar evenings. The enlistment in the Oregon militia to for two years or for the duration of the war and no ervice is required outside of the state ITJIISN WOMAN IS arrested for larceny Charge Made la- California May Kaye Been Trumped Up By Husband A young Italian woman giving her name as Bosa DeMnrco was arrested at the depot this morning as site stepped hom the 6:05 aorthbouud Seuthern Pa eific 'Irain, on the chargo of grand lar) ceny. The girl's mother, Mrs. Jack Boss lives at 3153 north Liberty street, t' whou. she was coming to live with from Sisuns, Calif. "liie young woman formerly lived iu Sk.:d aud about two months ago went to tissons to cook and keep house for lur father. According to her 8 ory, she had only been there a few weeks wheu her father forced her to marry another Iiuiiau who was a friend of her father's She wrote to her mother here, saying she had been forced into the marriage "i:it she did not care for the man Bhe had been made to marry and that she v.- very unhappy and miserable. P.r mo1ier wrote for her to come horn and live with her. Tho young woman, who is confined at the police station awaiting -Jhe arrival tonight of a constable from Sissons to take her back to California, says that her father and l.iishand watched her and would not ;ive her a chance to run off." She finally ?iici ecded in doing it, however, and boarded Jie train at Sissons yesterday arriving here this morning. tMic brought hor clothing and all her belongings in a little satchel. Among !;ci effects was a 32-calibre Colt's auto inato levolver which her husband elaim "l was his, on which claim he had her arrested here for grand larceny. The nonstable of Sissons, an Italian' named I'iluso, wired the oflicers here to hold the voung woman here till he could ar rive and take her back to Sissons. Pi l;so will arrivo at 6:05 a. m. .omor row. The young woman is about 18 yearp of age aud nnlil being indiicVfl to go to California .lived with her mother in Palem. Her mother is an Italian, the l-i'fer's present hnsbnnd being the girl ': step-father. GERMAN 0FF1CALS SENT TO PRISON San Francisco, April 30. Sentences of two years each in federal prison anii $10,000 fine the maximum penalty, un der the law were pronounced today pn Franz Bopp, former Oeisnnn consul, Eric Voa Scbaack, former vice consul, and Lieutenant Wilhclm Von Brinck en, military attache, for conspiracy in the Hindu revolt plot. In pessing sentence, Judge Van Fleet declared the penalty was entirely too small, and urged United Statos Dis trict Attorney Preston to nsk Washing ton to draft a new law with a mor. severe penaltv attached. I Tho 26 others convicted were sen tenced to variant terms up to 2'2 months in jail and $5,000 fine. Jud sentence was passed, Attorney Theodore Bocho for the German de fendants, make a final appeal, declar ing the sentencing was not within the province of the court. Judge Van FWt said that any such legal objection should be taken up in-a higher court. Former ( hnneellor Knufmann's sen tence was postponed until May 4. "A. jail sentence for Kaufman.) would be a, deart sentence," pleaded his attorney. Judge Van Fleet then said he would fine his $5,000 and eliminate the jRil sentence. Kaufnuen said he had no money. Bopp offered to put up. the money, but Prosecutor Preston declared Bopp's money wns '!il t;ed up by the alien property custodian. The sentence of S. Ulialli, a Hindu, also was postponed when Preston sa M Ghf.lli was wanted as a witness In the federal grand jury investigation. u 7 YOUR BOWELS IF HEADACHY, SICK For Biliousness, Bad Ereatl, Colds, Indigestion and Constipation Enjoy Life! Liven Your liver and Bowels To-night and Feel Fine aiaai nrm FOR bAld 1 Our Prices Always the Lowest GALE & COMPANY COMMEBCIL and COUET STREETS, FORMERLY CHICAGO STOKE T PHONE 5 CENT DELIVERY Beginning with Monday, April 29th we ill make no more free deliveries. Meats of all kinds have taken a decided jump but in order to keep them as low as possible we have adopt ed the "No delivery system" being used by other markets in different cities and in accordance with that recommended by the United States Government.- However, for the convenience of those who may wish it we will for the present maintain one delivery car and make your delivery the same as usual for the nominal charge of 5 cents. 'Meats of Quality anu f Ikstoa's Withdrawal Cause Much Trouble In Te'gafd toJhc withdrawal of 8. B. Husftou as canlTWatA. for United States senator and as to wh county clerks shall do in regard to placing his naime on the ballot, the iaittor has progressed no farther than a request iby county clerk U. O. Boyer to dartriiit attorney Max Gohlhar ask ing for advice. Today Mr. Itehlliar has the niiititor under advisement. In tho meantime, county clerks from nil parts ctf ,tho statei are -holding up the print ing of their ballots awaiting some le gal advice from stato authorities as to whether they -can legully omit the name of Mr. Huston, auiice his name i on tho official- ballot. Ajt the office of district) 'attorney is part of the iogal machinery of the stato, it is ,more ithan probable that Attorney (tenero.1 Brown would give an opinion .should the se be referred to him- In the meanttdmo county clerks are wir ing into tho office of Secretary of .Sitato Ben W, Olcott asking what shall be done. As the matter now I'anJo,-tho matter is beyond the of fice of secretary of stale and up to the legul departments. teeral Foch Sends Greeting to America 9e New York, April 30. The fol- lowing eaiblo from General Fcwh, commander in chief of ' the allied -ai-nnies in Franco, waa rerived today by Govern- w Strong of the Neiw York federal reserve bank: "With magnificent ardor. America has thrown herself lata the war. Her soldiers are fighting valittiUtly on our front, 2-ut, aibove all, money is the wnerer f war. "I am convinced thnlt Amer- ican thrift will respond to the call of my country and will tontribute to her the help so important in this combat " , : Good Bye Broadway Coming to The Grand The cast of "Good Bye Broadway"; the Boylfl Woolfolk song and dance re 1 vue numbers some -of the best musicoi comedy and vaudeville eomedians, sin , gers and dancers of the day. This i-uow , which will come )o the Grand theatre oa Sunday, May , matinee aud .evening, is headed by Joe Roberts, - a widely known comedian. Others in the east are: ' Lillian Stewart as Bonnit O'Day, the cashier of the Owl's Eye Cafe; Bobby! Roberts as Bofcby Allan, in lov.? with the former; George Vr. Perkins as Pierre head waiter; Mabel LaCouver as Vales-, ka Gray, queen of the eabarets; Guy; Rarick as the Best; Tom Cornelius as, Ampara, a native of Panama, and Joe1 Roberta as Joe Sample, a poll. Seal boss; who help to earry the plot from eur-j tain, to curtain. j Ladies' CIcses Out Broken lines f in Two Tone. . Combinations st $2.98 and $3.45 .4a Excellent lot f er Year Cfeoosffig 1072 & SON, Hp WANTED, JUNK Aud All Kinds of 2nd Hand Goods. Full Market Prices Special Prices paid for Sacks. tier cur prices oeioze you seii. THE TEOFXE'S-JUNK tijStp HAND STORE 271 N. Com'l St Phone 734 sc js sjc sc s)t ic sjs s)c jc sjt )( ft W. UPON CO. ' UNDERTAKERS W. T. E1GDON L. T, EIGDON Calls answered all hours day and night. Res Phone 111; Office Phone 183 252 N. High St. sjc sjc sc sfc sfc sjc sft sjc sc IC WHEY For Feeding Hogs CAN BE HAS AT THE bt r uiariuD uttuuerj Call or Telephone 2488 1 WANT TO BUY Your Junk and give you a square business deal. I always pay the highest cash prices. I Wast Your Sacks and Rags I buy all kinds of used gocds, 2nd hand furniture, rubber and junk. Get my prices before you seU. The Capital Junk Co. The Square Deal House 271 Chemeketa gt. phone 398 ESBU