Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 30, 1918, Page SIX, Image 6

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aeFoSawbg Is tie Ofidtfl:; 2
II i t 1 1 r i
puDscaoca or cue record ci
Oaks before the Marion
For April Term, 1918,
r wua y, U.v!
iK&aw, C. A. grmdiug an J hauf-
iniz vator : IO OO
Cossty Ccnnnissioners Court l;:;;
glUVei . ,
Sn.ilN l,,i:., l
wrlfl. it.' Ji,,.i SP,,,II Lining Co., The
ttlUI UiC ttlUUUiil " OllUWCUjt Chrvs. K. lumber
tills continued, eta, according
to the records in the office of
the County Clerk;
Sfr,wl V t. .... ...II...
' " ' .1,1. IUH11 1V1II-E . -.
W'orden Ha,Uh hold seurifier
Clacrgert, Aivhie wood
Road District No. 20V
Spauldioir. Logging Co., The
'. t'iias. K. hin der A..
Road District No. 22 '
DvVries, William diagging
Cove, A. J. lo -
Johnson, Oiareiice do
Fx-Min, C. R. do
Kamoyar, Beii ditching and
thjovelirg .
HerS'h. Fnod dragging !
Myor, Alfred hauling rock ......
15.00 j Jackson, Ben shoveling dirt
I5amaen, .1. patrolman
Road District No. 25 i
Von Behron, H. C. pa'rolmsn....
Road District No. 26' '
Farme r Hdhv. Co., Kay L. 2 piece
Road District No. 27V, !
Taylor, 1. B. repair bridges..- i
Tajlor, lHu.1 H. repair fill, etc. .
Taylor, C. H. patrolman ..........
Road District No. 28a '
Falls City-Siilem Lumber Co; J
lumlbftr and inula
Salem. Hardware Co. nai! and I
i sluvol handles ....: i
Salom Rand & Gravel Co. gTavel i
15 1. 50
. 9.00
. 5X0
: 18.00
; 10.50
; 2.25
: 11.25
77 50
. .95
6 25
; Boad District No. 2
f-'aadeis, Frank chamman .....
Dun, T. J. diagging, grading, etc
OM, Benjamin do
Palmer. Earl grading
Troudt, Adam grading and
scrapin.g - '
Troudt, "Nick filling-holes, etc.
Troudt, C. D. patro'maa
Road District No. 4
Davidson, John grading, etc
Degg, Fred dragging, "etc.
Mertin, Moris do
Pellett, Ed grading, etc
MePoland, Hue fill holes, etc.
Bikes, Riissol grading
Davidson, W. F. act patrolman
. Road District No. 5
Connor, Leo shoveling gravel :.
Davidson, John, hauling gravel,
grading, etc
MertiU, Mows grading-
Mortin, itt'OTO scraping land
grading , 7.50
' Davidson, W. P. patrolman 7.50
Road District No. 6
DuRette, F. Ralph drawing 10.00
Ilmlah, John do , 2.00
Pallwellber, Duke do ., 8.00
Bliviris, Howard, do 4 00
- DuRette, Don B. do 100
DuRette, P. R.' patrolman 4.50
Road District No. 7
Adams & Co., J. D. King Junior
blade 8.35
Drown, S. H.' on' caterpillar
grader 72.00
Pickens, Frank on grader, ditch
ing, er. 2250
Brown, William driving team.... 12.00
Darker, Josephine haul corduroy 3.50
MoBwigall, Chas. bridge work.. 3.75
Eitchey, George do 2.50
Cutaforth, F. H. on King log
drag : - B.OO
Hoover, Chas, do ....i 7.50
Cii'tafoTth, John H. patrolman.... 51.00
Road District No. 8
llawley, D. H. grading 40.00
-Lliaer, Berirdi dio , 7.50
Durant, L. W. patrolman 44.00
Road District No. 8ft
fla'em fewer Pipe Co. cement
pipe : - 3.51
Davis Chas, ditxhiug, billing
, holes, etc 37.50
MeOormU'k, Chas drugging 15 00
Hirt, Dan do 22.50
loguQir, l'oter put in wilverts 8.00
11ule.r, 1iuranco do 2 50
Proctor, Frank do a U.75
A'kerman, B-. duag and gnilbbiug 3.75
fVcllard, J, C. kauling tile, e'tc 22.50
tlcol'ord, Wm. patrolman 30.00
&oad uistncn jno.
v'ash,' J. H. blaoksiiiUhlng
fyduwfcb Coami8Biou Co. drain
Van Cleave, Joseph A. patrol
man Road District No. 10
Koehler, Henry haul giavol
Schwab, Fred J. repair bridge
Hi'lawib, John acting patrolman
Rod DisiJict No, 12
llausor Bros, cap crimpers
Drmigher, A. U stiowls, handles
Johnson, Chw. iblacksTiiithing....
Wiepherd. Floyd ruliuing . ....
Hhe. herd, Carl d :
Rcmolke, Paul, do
)unogan, fcthirley, do
lloog,. W. T. wrtrohuan' : '
Road District No. 11 .
Alexander. Chas. chaiivmau
OtiberJy, Etl axeman
Knauf, Klmer dwving stake.....
Oeiler, A. a iinu pntrolman
Road District No. 15
Karl, C'hri.is (jiavcJ and hauling
Iliiri, Chriss dragging
Jiaberly, W, J. (K-Jiipiug, etc...
Hicks, Mrs. K. H. shovels, clev
is, etc.
Jlrunner, Johnuio nauling rock,
7Ceer; Fred D. do - 58.75
Jlrunner A.vis dragging etc 13-75
Hari, Citrkw, ha-uling grnvel...
Dilek, Oocar do
Jvasor, 6am V. do
Kftser, Jolinnio do
Knotson, KlUl haul roclt, etc
lvuenzi, Herman d
Kuoii7.i, (leorgo do
fctik4i, Rudolph hauling rock....
l'i'fun. Ooorgo haul gravol
loaan, Martin shoveling gravel
)kk. .William Broadiiig grwol
Jlaller. Henry C. patrolman ....
Road District No. 16
Leslie, John A. Ixlaoksniithiug ... 10.0U District No. 61
KonnedT. Abe plowing W.i'w nrauor. 1 W. iialrolman 10.75
htvti, Clabora scraping and hold i Road District No. 62
ine plrw 27.00 ,11 ). s. dragging 17.50
Woolke, August crapliig Salem Htwtor l'ipe Co., cement
5.1 J
Srauldind Logging Co-, The
Chas. K. lumber
Sulem Sand & Gravel Co. gravel
Kayser, J. general repair work
Ryzoly, O. T. team work
Meyer, Hugo gcnl repair work
Jones, J N. patrolman :
Road District No. 29 ,
lleepcr, ( Arthur cutting out f
trie1.! on road ;.. j
Barnett, Frank bridge stringer
Vt httemtin, Claud O. hauling
gmvol, etc
Sim-jwcn, B. F. biiJ(je work
WhiolUAhr, Will haul gravel..
MmCormick, Jesss dih-liing
Whitcnian, Jnhn G." patrolman
Road District No. 33
Etwl, .Trno. W. dragging
Kttel, Jno. W. making new road
ftieoiuund, Hcnrv dragging ....
Freres ,Theodore do 7.00
bantbro-.ht, (lei. do
Ktzel, Ooo. A. patrolman
. Road District No. 35
Spennver Ifordiwiarp Co. ax, pick
luandltts, etc
Rood District No. 37 .
Iloyser, Goo. M. patrolmm ......
Road District No. 39
Pounce & Bon, Lot It. cylinder
oil, grease, etc.
Salem Sower Pipe Co. ceiment
PPo --
Slipley, P. A, cutting wood.:..
,Tohn?on, F. O. woil
Ma'.tson, A. repair on rd drag
Balem (.!ontrupiion Co. erusliod
Kobow, Gi A. hauling water,
grading, Wtc.
Worden, Ralph hold larifier..
Stroud, K. H. run rciad voller..
Shipley, P. A, sawing wood ....
Johnsoi, r'. (, patrolman .
Road District No. 41
Sppucer Hanlwnre Co. shovels
Salem Con. Co, grnvel and
crushed rock
Sweglo, Charls haul rock, etc. 148.50
Swoglo, Gecirge patrolman 12.00
Road District No. 42 .
King, ICatkigih G on steel drag 9.00
Clark, J. D. patrolman 10.50
Road District No. 43 .
Dovamport, Flovd nict patrolman
Road District No. 46
Adams & Co. J. 1). read drag ....
Craig, J. C. haul rock, etc
iilac.o, W. A. do
Fleetwood, H. T. patmlnuin....
Bad District No. 46 .
Siviiler, John K. ropuiir work
(Sodelman, John do ...
Koseitbauin, N, putrcJmn
Roal District No. 47
Ttattinor, Johu repair culverts
Miller, C. M. lumber
Southern. Pacific company rent
Tn ground tor utorsge of gray
Fiiiber, Chftrjes dragging .
MuAluitor, Charlra I., do
'SUvertoa Lcr'.t.er Co. lumber..
love.-r.p,t. Ilyd act paTOiman
Road D-st.ict No. bo
Adams k Company, 3. P. road
Kiag blade aud bolts
Pearc t Sen lt I.. t!eviies
Oili, K. ditching anJ spreading
gravel .. .
Salem r-aad & Gravel
Hryiits, W. H. pa Volmeu
Road District No. 69.
Fall Citv-Saleai Lumber com
pany lumtx-r .. .. j....
Road District No. 60.
f.i.is r, IU-n F. dragging
Pr.ttoa, F.tward B. lo
Road District No. 61.
McKay, Albert dragging
i-!ii:m, Roy grading , .
Buywrie; Louis A. driving team,
vie .. - .... - - - -
BtVserie, Joseph dragging
Phillips, Robert grubbiug
PniTish, Gordon do v.
Buyserie, Alphons J. patrolman
Road District No. 62.
Girod, Paul .grading,; plowing,
etc . ...A
MeCormicK, Lee grading ; ..
W'orden, Chas. U. do .-..'
Hardgraphe.i, Joe sharpening of
Li.. k, Kay patohnun :
Road District No. 65.
Bcntz, Stephen t'.'am for dragging
Patterson, Richardson patrolman
Boaa instnct No. 68.
Loose, W. H. patrolman
Road DiUrict No. 69. -Kramer,
Ham grubbiing, plowing
'g, etc
Humpert, Henry patrolman ...
Roadmaster. -
Culver, W. J. salary and expea-
-- - 217.87
Elliott, N. D. envelopes and let
tor i. -ads ' fi -.
Johnson, V O soalaty and expen
80s as deputy roadmaster 33.30
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
Company, The teltt.uuue uiid
mils 5.60
Salem Bridge.
Buell, T. T. engineer i : 62.90
Coast Bridge company Robert -
Wakefield payment-ou bridge
- -- :. 20
J-armor Hardware company, Ray
u. nans ..
rortlaud Railway, Liglit and Pow-
Willamette Valley News j
Stayton Items
Monmouth News
((?i,al Journal tpeia' Service) : 'Caphai Journal Special'service)
iMottmousa, Apru juine Ked Cress Mlayion, Or., April 30. J. il. Ringo
?aie wnun is svneduled for Saturday, ; ": -uc, accompanied by Mrs, E. 1
May IS promises to 'be a great success -''san(r and Mrs. G. E. Korinek re,
The mmittee, ot tae several districts uru 5-"nu-v rrom """tor trip to
hve met with splendid sivcs in se-1 r : A rA.Z.ZrZ-TZr.
lit cf live stock are several register- tn... t 2
erf th.on r,c tk. p;,i.iii . "i auu sons, wen
Albeit Kov, wife
icTh Polk countv 7 amoi,;: . so U-!fUeS,S ' lthe ,hi" We"k
Bood ones ndrl hli-w r,io I bavmK . "Stored : down from Portland
tt f 1 - Anrl ihwlrATia
Mrs. M. J. Norton left Thui-sdav fori.. lue Ked Cross dance at Sublimity
6 25'fonthern California, where she socs to!1'""5 .as "ttended, a gr.?at
4 50 j take- charge of three childrea. For this ! au "P from btayton repor, it
sem-ice. she is o receive 25 per month jlne lar8l't oance ?ver held there
music nas yvty goou ana an exeel
lent lunch was also enjoyed.
Miss Inn Harold, who has been em
ploed ai the post office in Silvertor
visiling home folks this we.;k.
S. H. Heltzel, W. F. Blakely and
I- R. Lambert went i.'o Turner Saturday
j ;;q and tord. .he has inted her place
13.50 ' nr B:,B ud Mr- Morion, fr., is put
tinr in the crop.
- The Oregon Milling and Warehouse
ygyifo. is installing a new cleaning ma
Jg' chine and a wagon dump at the local
I p4rtt and wilt ibe rmdv to handle this
ij"r s Kiu vrvp jii imiia, th lariner;? ; --""s 1117 m-ipeu lue Jiason
, I need hot worrj- abcut the high price of c lodge of that city initiate some eai
1 ween s
2-00:: Mrs. M,
Mrs. Sarah Boots left Tuesday for a
visit "with relatives in Sheri-
Miss Juiiia Sullivan, who has beei
visiting at the E. Shepherd home for the
past six mouths will leave todav fTnes
E. Percival has rented the day) for her home in Paradise. Knn
Ballis property and will move in soon gas. . ..
Mrs, Percival says besides buying a Mrs. Mary Hill has gone to Warrenton
liberty bond and helping the Red Oregon, for a visit wi.fo her daughter,
" s"'"s s"- aivs. xrauK 'olMr,
Los AcgalesVoildDlop
Meetings cf Tetuon-
Los Angeles, Cal.,' April i0. "Trni
tor, pro German, throw him out!''
Those end other triplications. aewu
panied by his,es were hurled at Ma
Socha, ed tor of the Germania, en tht
floor ' of city council today.
Socha only escaped having violent
hands laid on him through prompt ac
tion of the president of the council,
He had launched into a denunciation
of the resolution presented by Council
man lru which would prevent un
hindered afsemblaijo of citizens of Aus
trian or German birth and destroy any
organization composed of German 01
Austrian citizens.
Upon the vote being taken, the-resolution
was passed unanimously and nii
forwarded to this district's represen
tatives in congress for a national law
covering its demands.
dea and thus do her bit toward win
ning the war.
Harold Bowman, was taken to Sa
ieii Saturday and had his tonsils and
adenoid removed. Dr. Clements did
tho work.
Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Sickafoose will
loente in NcWberg for a time but will
no; 'buy property until they decide
whether they care to remain.
A letter from Mrs- J. O. Matthis of
AVHlamina states that the doctor is do
ins? well there, do well that she hard-
jl'v saw him any more, as he was so
busy. .The little folks are having
iuf asfes of" course.'
Harold Haley is busy washing cream
Nick Guymer is home from California
I where he has been looking over the
country with the intention of locating.
Prof. B. F. Ford will leave todav
(Tuesday) for Camp Lewis, whero he
win De engaged in Y. M. C. A. work
for some time, before going to France.
His going at this time will work a hard
ship on tho Stayton schools which he
has conducted so satisfactorily for the
past school year, and he will be great
ly missed in social, church and civic
affairs. Prof. Davis will have charge of
the schools for ; tins remainder of the
year. ' ,
Marion HuntMvas in from the Wal-
375 F2 1 eaus and1 helping around the creamery dow Hills Monday on business.
' 1 A ..l'll,. ....,: l.n TTfllTV TTlimnhrovWaa a fill.,,.
company motor
ing his country in France and the lady
is attending JNormnl school prepara
tory to teaching school: she is the
. 3.50
er company, lights oil bridge..
Associated Oil
.iVV luuiiiK, vit X.VQ ,. j ... 1 ... .1.
Bol.ier, John driving' truck, etc. 80.18 " 3 S
repairs tor .truck .etc 21.90
lieckninn, lliester driving truck,
Peaiiw &, Son, Lot L. gas
Halcni Iron Works fibre
Vick Bros, gas etc
Road Districts No's 27-28.
Stroud, E. engineer on roller
Cunningham, B. hnuliiif water..
Fiederit'kspii, J. W. do .". .
ZohmI, Wm. do
Mull, F. E. do
Fisher, August holding scraper..
Tompkins, T. A. shoveling dirt....
Gibson, It. D. picking rock
Sawyer, Charlie W. shoveling of
Wustcuhousc, W. W. pntriilmun
Roberta, E. E. hauling rock
Miscallaneous Account.
Uoven, Oscar foreman at grnvel
Hoven, A. O. worked 011 g. bins.
these davs, occasionally running the Harry Humphrey "was a Silverton vis
tinck'ou some "of the cream routes. . it or Saturday.
T. J. Edwards has a brand new W. D. Cornish, wife and daughter.
Ford and Pj O. Powell a new Chevro- Mable, are enjoying a new Ford sedan. I
An. instance of patriotism personi
fied is noted here iu the case of a
Mrs. CatJow of Brad, Oregon. Instead
Sutih startling, sensational results
come from a very simple, harnih-t-
home made wrinkle i)mover, there's
no excuse now tor anyone wearing
those hateful narks of age, illness or
worry, ino need fooling with worth
less pastes, creams, nor "skin foods"
whis-h don t feed tho tkin. No need
rubbing, massaging, stcaiming sense
less methods which expand and loosen
skin and underlying tissue, aggravat
ing a wrinkled, flabby, condition. Bet
ter, saner, surer, is the scientific sax
olite formula. Thousands have success
fully tried it thousands freed of
wrinkles, enlarged pores, saggy cheeks,
double chin thousands younger look
ing, happier!
All you need do is to dissolve one
ounce of powdered saxolite in one
half pint witch hazelr and bathe pour
flalce in this. The effect is almost mag
ical. Even deepest crow's feet com
pletely, quickly vanish. Skin becomes
firm, smooth, fresh looking 'bears no
trace of treatment except tliat'of en
hanced beauty. Get these -inexpensive
ingredients la't your druggist's . and
try this marvelous axoaite lotion to
day. '
Cases Quickly When You Apply
a Little Musteroic.
A n.1 Muctomt uinn't- blister lire thm
"-" -
old-fashioned mustard piaster. Just
spread it on with your fingers;. It pene
trates to the sore spot with a gentle
tingle, loosens the congestion and draws
out the soreness and pain.
Musterole is a dean, white ointment
made with oil of mustard. It is fine for
quick relief from sore throat, bronchitis,
tonalitia, croup, stui neck, asthma, neu
ralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy.
the back or joiatssprains, 9orepinscIev.
bruise "chilblains, froslSj feotcolds 011
the chest (it often prevents pneumonia).
1.T.-.U: l: 1. - M . 1. V, .'?
dren. Keep it handy for instant use.
30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50.
Oover Seed Crop
Is To Be Protected
Dr. W.H. Darby President
of Dental Society
105.23 1 mcthcr of three small children, the. J
3G.94 ' voiiiijjftt a lutbe of two months, the 1
-iod'e-tt a child of five. She with the
Oregon Station Man Tells of Federal
and State Cooperation to Trounce
Expensive Pest.
O. A. C. Experiment S ation. Corvnl-
tis, April 30. "The clover midire
baby, board with Mrs. Stone, the ether vhU,h annlmlv K,ail9M WMj los.
At a meeting of the Marion-Polk Den
tal society held in Dallas, Dr., W. H.
Darby of this city was .elected presi
dent. Dr. Foster of Dallas vice president
and Dr. Fred Ellis of Salem, secretary
and treasurer.
This was ihs first meetine of the den-'
UMs of the two country V'M-f.or. sev- rilor West continutxl,
West s Candidacy Not
In Good Faith: WoiL'd
tfut In Favoir of SMary
Portland, Or-, April 30. Oswald
We:it. (candidate for the dmocratie
nomination for United S tcs senator,
believes in the Hooverizafcion of can
didates, holds the opinion that Sena
tor Huston has shown himself a good
sport by his withynwal from tho sen
'8,".rinl race, and proposts to E. N,:
tanfield and Will R. King 'hat thoy.
join with himself in doing likewise.
-j. warn to congratulate tho commit
tee whicili brought about tho wiuhd;aw
:al of Senator Huston f rcim the sena
torial contest upon its suocosm. an a
Senator Huston upon hU coooeration
with the commiirtec," ex-Go Vernoi
West said Monday-moraine in discuss
ing the senatorial situation as ho sees
it, upon his return from a two weeks "
trip to Washington.
"I am a strong believer in tho Hon.
vcnzatico of candidates, " ex-Govern
ior West continued. "If we are to cut
down on expens on ni-rcmit of th
war, there is no reason wihy we shou'd
not tout down on candidates also, and,
to show my sinceriry in this direction)
I wish to suggest; that, dnammch nl
Senator McXary is guinsr the presi-
'rt,. I ! 1. .1 '
U "tf umjiuuineci support in his
proswution of tie war .and is moat
acti in has endeavors to. advanc
the inters' s of the people of Oregon,
Mr, Stanfield. Mr. Kinir nnl nidi
also withdraw from the contest.
Mien action on our part," ex-Gov-
wc-uld leavs
.1. ....1 .1....
"" ' l" -. ,t(1 H ,., ,! o,ttu 5. ,! f,...
Fruit prospects in tins vicinity are i," j, ,T- .T- T . .
. i i .!... ... .. i'.,.i tfrutbiug this yoar," says A. L.
Ooi. thl om'X, aithougi tboa'-tatO. A C.
7.50imJn,ing9 have b,n" fmty, the iair . ,hK8k. tlle
35.00- sunshiny days are most favorable nd J VJ1''" "c"vln
7.50 fruit is setting well.
6.87 Monmouth has more
5.00ihor quota in liberty bond subs-crip-jtious..
On Saturday night the total was
5.00 approximately $46,000, for the Mon-
30,75 , niou-th-Airlie district. This is excellent
23.75 j in comparison with other districts and
will put at least one star in our nonor
94 50 Mrs- oauio oinitn,- aaugn-ier oi air.
'tlio services of a
eral months. It was decided to hold the
meetings of the society on tho same
dales as those of the Polk-Marion-Yam-hiU
medical society. Although the Yam
hill county d'.mtists were not iu ntten
ance at the Dallas meeting, it is plan
ned in invite them to inin in nrilpr flint
number Of CXpeit V mnnthiir nicrMa tlin loiitita n n-o)l
JJ?MHi)r.jSiSaiyJieo to d( vote his en
tire time to tho (luftes'Wnls- oTfce
without the iiievValblo- distractions
duo to his participation iu the senator
ial campaign and put him in a posi-tic-n
wihere ho could better serve ths
people of Oregon and - tho nation at -
largo in the serious crisis through
than doubled ca omcfcgvsts who are at rH-emak- , ,e 1hvsi(;ians of tUe three c0UntlC8 ""covmtrr is now passing.
60.00 alul Mrs- u- fiiiucr, Timca iio
lloveu. Otto do 63 00 f 1U"S trom As.oria. for ncr nome in
Teter, Graat do 60.00 - Cordova, Alaska. Tho slup Aiiuneua
Terlnnd, O. N. do 5400 maKes tne trip in aoour s..neii u,.
Wad, D. carpenter work Inde- M- ''"'h has sPen!t fYcra m0V"ls
pundence ferry 11.25 with hOT Parc";8 and other-relatives
Duvall, D. M. do 5.62,,1PL,?- . , . ., m
Arnps,J.A. holding scraper, I f- ' VU 1 1
l,t iJO.0'i c' !,, ,1qv with
ing -a survey or the. situation in wte
gon and tliise men will oo prepared to
IfcSvo first hand dntlormation cn tho
control of the midge," he exp'iains.
lite government is very anxious that
-twill me.et to each discuss matters of i
teii'st -totheir prof cssiousi
Among th'ostfv attending the meeting
at Dallas from Saleni wurw-J) F, L
Ashby, C. C. unloading cars, el-;. 78.00
IKmiogallii, r rank do 78.0U
Dinger, D. G. advance for freight
on crtishor, etc 36.58
Drnger, D. G. advance for freight
on asphalt .. 1988.05
Graham, J. F. work on fill Sulem
bridge, etc., .. .. .. ., ,
Halvorsen & Burns gas, etc
ILuren, J. H. chninmau and lovol-
IIodson-Feenaughty company,
set scarifier teeth, etc
Huckestein, August envelopes .... 118.08
5 00 ;
tho Jesse Parrish family. Mrs. 1'ar
rish is a daughter of Mrs. Neal and a
sister ot Mrs. Edwurds. The nappy oc
casion, was the birthday anniversary
of Mr. Parrish.
Adell Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Akingo Moore, - came up from Portland
Saturday for a week end visit with
home folks. Dell is working one the
steel ships. '
Jefferson Hews . .
V I TTii.. T- tir ' TT T 1 T 11
ir:im, .i.. u iiur. ur, vv . n. unruy. urt jo, v
nium clever seed cop this year and Brion, Dr. Fred Ellis, Dr. D X. Beech,
growers are uvged to keep in touch Dr- 8- Bowerman and Dr. H. H
with their local prc., tjheir county ag- Olinger. , ,
ncultunst and the federal experts in
'the iiield and ibe advised as to the
'proper time iapd measures to use to
prevent injury by this pest,"
North Sandam News
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Jefferson. Or., April 30. Mrs. Chester
9.50 Miller was an Albany visitor Tuesday
Mrs, J.'iinie Kemp of Salem delivered to the Ever.m home.
1.35 lecture at the Masonic hall Wedues
Hunt, James 11. viower
Larson, P. J. piece of oak
Lamlwrt, L. 8. viewer
20 , Salem Water Light and I'owor
Lftwis. O. E. lmtrolmnn 3.0u . eom nny, wvr at toot nouse..
Road District No. 49 i-jiHuum BBing v.o., dav night. Her subject was
Roecltman. Goo. shovel gwvol 2.50, The Chas. K. lumber 21.60 ,,; at the table." and was grear.ly ap-
Kdgorton Pro, lumber 149.69! -mluilt ..6429.47 predated bv her audience.
Eriiton, J. D. grabbing 2.50 j Yamhill Electric company lights Miss Leta Bueliner l.'ft Thursday foi
Ferris, Henry hauling crushed 011 rfowberjr bridgp .la Salem to attend the State Sunday School
I gravel 5.00 M wiiei itnrdware enmpany, Kay
I Hiautli, A. A. grubbing 750 1 L. miscellaneous articles
I Hove, A. C. do 7.50 Farmer llaidwaro company, Bay
Nash, Fred log drag work 22.50 L. iron, nuts and waslv;rs
Nelson, N. C. grader Iblade Farmer Hardware company, Kay
I sharpened 4.00 L. miscellaneous articles
.Oborhinor, Albert grubbing .... 7 50 Road District No. 1.
!oierninAr. .T iln 0.25 Vi.iw.i'imn V V l,1aWt;l,;..
9.3H i;n,di.. Vrnnt ,lrt 7.50 a 1... A r .1 i
i rn "tone, Aiiuwt log urag worn
4(, j0 Wirtze. J". shoveling rock 2.50
(Capital Journal Special Service)
North Santiam, Or., April 30. Koj
Sc.ofield, Adam James and Harry
Chance have secured employment in
Mr. Cobb of Salem has moved back on
his place recently purchased by Martin
Itev. Hall of Coos Bay representing
the American Baptist Missionary work
preached at the church Sunday.-
Layton Davis was in Salem one daj
Puts it Un to Stanfielil
"In making thia suqgestron, " ex
governor West couicluiW, "I feel that
I would be making a greater facrifice
tlian Mr. Stanfield. fr.r I kno.w t.hiif I
wsuld ibcat him ,t the general elec
tion were he to bo nominated at the
primaries may u next.
"Senator Huston him hmirn tui v.
is a good sport, and they say that Boh
is also, and, in makinir this
t'iou ito hiim, I am jiving him a good
ramue to demonstrate the fact."
uovernor vest returned to Port
land Saturday night after a two weeks
For neinv vear drnoirists have watch trlP to VV ashinflton wherA he hn1 mn.
ed wiith much interest the remarkable j j fno interest of the eontenticn ot
record maintained by Dr. Kilmer' I,1-008 alld Douglas counlty offJcials tha
these .counties should bo given a. larg
er share of the proceeds to flow from
tho opening of the Cbos Bay wagon
road grant, lands, provided for by tho
Chamberlain bill now pending before
congress, ana an Cie interest cf other
maters relating to tflie shipping and
iiiiuu suuuiion ioi ureg'on.
Mr. Sianfiei'd was at Pendleton j
Leabo, Mark D. dragging
convention at Salem.
Ernest Powell and Ray. Snatterly
were called to Salem Tuesday for army
examinations. Both boys wcro accept
Herman Plunket lef.i Thursday for
Camp Lowis to report for army service
Kav Alberts returned to Baker City
'Thursday where he exp-.'cts to resume
Road District No. 26 Continued.
fttcKoe, Cas A pntrolman S...00 hurtlmt Albert p. grading ........ 11.25 B.mes, J. M. blacksmithing
Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver
and bladder medicine.
Tt is a physician's prescription.
Swamp-Root is a strengthening med
icine. I; helps the kidneys, liver and '
bladder do tho work nature intended
thoy should do.
Swamp-Root has stood the test of
years, it is sold oy an aruggists on its I. iieru whs at renaietcn yes
merit and it should helr vou. No other I tcrday. When advised of the nnnJiin
kidney medicine has so many friends, 'cd proffer he made prompt telegTaph-
Be "sure to get Swamp-Root andlc reply.- ,
start treatment at once. Interference is Intolerable -
However, if you wish first to test I "Believing that the republican vot
this great preparation send ten cents 'n of the state of Oregon would not
to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. i'ook with favor upon Oswald West
. i i .iri i na.n.intr 1, .t , . .
Charles Oelesbee and familv will move1 1- lulr a """"l"0 "-" nuuB 8 canaiaate ior
.i, V,.Z.ell t. Ha""1? will move be 8Ure Rnd mcntion tho galem tho republican party," runs Mr. Stan-
Capital Journal. field's message, ".and inasmuch as 1
' have received many thousands of let-
IiKrfv I nan Rnnrlc ters and ether assurances from the re-
LlUCliy LOdU DOliUS I publican voters assirin imo cf their
Maw Ra TVaneforrorl .?1u',lort' r, mug' rosrltfuiT decline
lliay 06 . iranSierreU the proposal of Mr. West that all other
-candidates withdraw and give a clear
PortlandOr. .April 30 Some rnisap r'1"1 c- L- McNary.
! prehension regarding tho word "eon , . IP6' '"at I have the confidence
this week,
Rov Scnfinlfl trails nU fart treatment at once.
car for a new one,
I'. A. Stevens was in Salem one day
last woek.
I. Ii. Hammer was home with his fain
ily a few days. He is employed in the
ship yards in Portland.
the work lie left when he tried for eii
trance in the marines,
"Brother Josinh" by the Scio nigh
school was put on at tho opera lious
Thursday night. Th,o young folks did
"heir part well and the play was great
ly enjoyed by the audience,
. Zimmerman, Allen J. patrolman..
Road District NO. 3,
V'altman, Lestor do 16.00 '
rVhaap, Munms, hold scrapers...
Crouwjr, 8, A. dumping scrapers
Jhivis, W. G, scraping
Tu.v. K. T. do
Jtitx-liev, H. L. o
I I'lo
Uredwoll, W. E. steel shar.e, etc.
Kuonsting, F. O. dragging
Kucusting, Ben do 8.44, etc.
32.50 Osborne. J. H. raking rock, ate
Hear, C. A. patrolman
2.51 Road District No. 31.
17.35 Hummett, A. C. hauling gravel,
vcrtibilitv," used in connection with f the rePWil!n vo"e:s and the peo-
Third Liberty Loan Bonds, seems to ple ot ,,tnis ereat state tbat I will
i -: ii. - .l , , i Serve them hnnwjf.K- ftn.i offi:Tit1,. o
iss hladv-s Thurston returned from 4.. ii44 -4 c.f. , a senator and at. th ri t t; th
Salem Sunday whore she had been in ,rtv Lan hcad,1Uanrs, some personD ro ined to 8uPIrt a man from
attendance at tlws Sunday School cou ': n. 4 .:.u ' " 4:.A,:. the business walks f liife.
wmuoitijj llic lliw Willi m-k-OllilOlilLV. ttr.nl TT. , , .. ..
.... Edward Cookimrhnm tte Pr(ivJ C-snald Wst has heretofore as-
chairman, gave out the following state l-!!,.!?";, 7,only. ied to be
r,,..f k.,h M..i:.. 4,.. ' undulate that he might oppose me if
T Should be SUCf.Cfmflll in ile-ftva'ino
1000 yMtutti()iSl O-ruver, dragging etc 20
"W Swart, H. b. survey 4.00
BaHsetit, Fred hauling tile
a nil . . . -
,7 Olson, Lars shoveling dirt, ejc...
mini, iienry araggiug
10.00 Russell, H. E. shoveling gravel,
7.50, etc.
4 op. incnois, nay nauiing raus, etc.... iv.ou tshipparil, orvu iAJimg scrapers,
5 no Aiusou, Anion snovcung uirt, etc. a.To etc.
. " a U' ,,.,., : ,, ,. I -1, 4.1.. OI T T, 11 O TT 4 1
lHni R I ,1,, fi nil ivh. v iian, in.iiiunii 4,1. ui iUSSVll, K. II. Iiruilllii ........
t no i i:finci no. vontinuen. jtoad District no, s.
Hlattiun. T. P. do - 4.00 1
.TMi-mfLu. O. V.. An
Dunn, Robert dumping scrapers Lvre. John do 2.50 j lurmuge, w. J. graveling
Waltmau, Charley do 4.00
Jefferson, W. J. patrolman ......
Road District NO. 17
IVmer Hdw. Co., Kay I cable
eVamps, t. ..
Johnson, F. O. use of tm on
grader, etc.
Kobow, C. A. hatiliiijt 'water and
gracing ...........
fitroud. E. B. running roller
WornVn, Ralph holding scarifier
IVult; J. W. dragging .
Goutey, Romon patrolman ......
Road Dii-trkt No. 19
iroiton-Freeimuglity Co. chains
fr a. elevator
Road District No. 53
7.50 Browu-I'cUcl Lumber company,
16.0U Iarby, Jamos 0. dragging
Il-lsxhur, Anilrew do
jYost, ir"nd do .........
00 1 June Chirence C. patrolnran..
I Road District No. 65
( 10.00 Karris, O. W. dragging ............
IMillerj F. A. do
20.00 Road District No. 57
18 00 Amiadnon, Kuy making fill ete
10 00 Anumlxon, Toilef bridge work..
3.12 Harkhiutt, Johu taking out old
2550 ' bridge
Biskaei, Chriot bridge work -
I Hicks, Mrs. E. M. nail
47.54 Petorson, John F. bridge work
i Krebs, John do 8.75 lumber - 5r. 71.57
4.00 lOixiid, Ijce do 80.00 i U'libcrger, E. J. hauling lumber 3
4.00 -Turnidge, John special patrol-- Burson, Ot'io L. do
4.00 ;
5 001
men 9.00 Ruble, O. J. do
Load District No. 20 Continued. ' :itlins. Geo. drairirine
Quite a number of Jefferson people
visited Albany Friday and Satnrdnv
3.75 nights to see "The Eyes of the World"
1.88 Jefferson has irons thrco thnnsnml
over her quota for the third liberty
Mrs. Frank Reeves and daugh.er Fern
and Mrs. Glen Bilyeu accompanied Roy
Snatterly to Salem Tuesday.
A number of ladies of the Christian
church wont to Albany Wednesday to
au iwi-uav wri'iing or tne missionary
societies of this distriat.
A crowd of young people chaperoned
oy miss Alice emitn ana Miss Mason
went on a picnic to "The Bluffs" Sun
Mrs. J. B. Hill paid a visit to Port
land Wednesday.
Fa.mor Hardware company, Ray
2 75 u. shovel and handles
2.75 SHlem Hand k Gravel company,
10.00 Edwards, Howard dragging, etc.
5 00 Tindell, Robert dragging
Bowden, B-n do .
2.00 Ofsncr, Clifford hauling gravel..
30(1 Williams, W. H. do
1.00 VWV.HI V. tanitino vr-nrtA
Kaplinger, Wm, F. patrolman
' ilottinger, Freddie dragging
2.85 Lambert, L. 8. patrolman .
i Road District No. 36.
ll.o ; Uee, Anton on main project Min-
4 00 to trail -
2.00 Giebler, Chas. C. do
4.50 - lty, Clifford do
1125 V.Vltv, Clifford repair bridges,
13.30 Miuto tra 1
1.25 -
13.50 (Continued on page seven)
2.00 1 J. W. Armstrong has purchased
3.UU new Ainu overland Sedan.
rffcdktkehrtUyiMaock. Lm
m wm iU i. Buy xdrh
kul tht U. Writ, fat
PMahnu, CaKfonim
mt-nt Saturday, regarding the meaning
of the words:
"I would like to make it plain ,o all
purchasers of bonds that the Third Lio
eny Loan Bonds are both negotiable
and transferable and in that respeet do
not uiffer at all from the First and
Second issues of Liber y Bonds.
'The word 'convertibility' has no
r Terence whatever to the negotiaomiy
ot the bonds. This particular issue is not
convertible' into any other bonds
v-Mch may be issued later in the war
that does not mean tha,. the bonds
a-e not negotiable or transferable or
diiiverable in the freest possible man-
" " yiime ana to any person
ner at any time and to any person
w!n ihe holder may desire to trans
f.'T tucm."
Oficial pamphlets comrainincr rlctnil
iuformatiou regarding Third Liberty
tl. ...lu 1 . ...
w-,.- u uau irom Plate JLibcrty
Lonn headquarters, 222 c Northwestern
fc"11 building, Portland, for the asking
Doubtless a lot of the boys at the
-McNary ait the primaries.
His interference is intolerable to
me, as I bolieve tit is to the republi
can voters of tho state, and I will wel
wome the opportunity to oppose him
in me general election if he should be
successful in defeating his democrats
opponent, Mr. King."
rabbage and Sausage
Salem Woman's Diet
' 1 have doctored with tho best doe
tors in the United Pttee Some said
one bin? and seme another was ail
mir mo and. all wanted bo nit me open,
but Mayr'a Wonderful Remedy saved .
me. so nriw I eat faibbae. sausage and
"nythine J want to Vnthin? hnrtg me.'
J' is a simple, hanrJss preparation
'iwt rnrnovpr the ca'arrhal muens fromt
the intestinal tract and allays the in
f'ammation which rvnss - practically
all stomach, liver and intestinal ail-
Washington hiKh school think . w .menU ...iacluding appendidtis. - One
the girls are plenty sweet enough with- LV'' ,ilTincOT moneT rftlnd
le girts are plenty sweet enough with g- ' g wwre' P1101