Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 29, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    wl.rv CSEOOtf
MONDAY, Arr.IL 20, 1018.
You are assured of gating all of these points whefi
.you buy at the J: C. Penny Co. Store, With accent
on the geat savings you make.
New Silk Foulards, 36 inch
New Silk Taffetas, 36 inch, stripes and plaids. .$1.75
Georgette Crepes, nice collection of colors .... $1.70
You can do better at J. C. Penney Co.
" ,
J. C. Penney Co., the Place to Save Money.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gochffll, of Port
land, were over, Sunday visitors with
Mrs. Gocbcl'i parents, Mr. and Mr:
Win, Christiance, of .fliis city.
Vernon fluko returned to Silvorton
yesterday after upending Saturday
night In this city.,.,
lira. it. J. Pate, of Ilillsboro, spent
the woek end as guest of her niece, Mrs
D. E. Cooper, of 2$,56 north Liberty.
Mrs. Jessie Prince and son returned
Saturday af tor a visit of several days in
Geo. V, Vick loft this morning for
Portland where ho is spending the day
on business.
Earl Simons and wife drovo down
from Eugene yesterday and spent tho
day .with Salem relatives. Mr. imons
is manager of .Vick firothors' garage ot
Eugene. ,
Fred.Bornhardi loft this morning for
Cnrvallis on a business trip.
Mrs. J. E. O'Brion accompanied by
Miss Lois, of fcugene, is visiting witli
her sister, Mrs. B. L. Beall, at 143 Court
street, . .
Mrs. E. W, McBroom and Miss Nellis
McBronm left over the Oregon Electric
today for Chchalis, Wash.
Linis Simpson returned ..his morning
to Portland after an over Himday visit
with his mother, Mrs. John A. Simpson
of Division street.
W. A. Percy left today for Alberta
Canada, where Ive will join his wife who
has been visiting relatives the past sev
eral months. They will make their home
in Canada.
Joseph B. Whitby left ;,hii morning
for Portland after a week end visit with
friends in the city.
C. F. and Dr.- M. E. Fomcroy, accom
panied by Mrs. Ray Pomeroy and Mr,
and Mrs. W, J. Eearth, made up a mo
toring party and drove to rtlverton, Mt.
Angel and Woodburn yesterday, return
ing through St. Louib,
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Boyd, of Dallas
wore in the city Saturday, accompany
ing tlvoir daugh'fpr here who underwent
an operation at one of tho local hospit
als. Mr. Boyd is publisher of the Dallas
Mr. and Mm O. E. Price and Dr.
and Mrs. II. C. Eploy motored to Port
land yesterday and spent the lay.
B. W. Peyree of Bilverton; was
week end visitor in tho city.
Johnio WRleoi of Brooks is register
ed art the Capital hotol.
J. H. Burnotte of 8ilverton, spent
yesterday and today in Bulom.
0. K. DeWitt returns thLs evening
to Portland after a week end visit
with his moth or, Mrs. Anna K. DoWitt,
Of 459 Oak street, and other relatives.
Miss Otg Monson spout Sunday with
friends and relatives in Jefferson.
B. 8. Balderree a prominent lugging
contractor of Dallas, spent Saturday
'in Salem on business.
Jlonry Crane, of AumsviUe, was a
visitor in Saleim, Saturday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Waltz and son,
Lloyd, motored to Barton, Cltietksmas
Bounty, yesterday an-d spent th day
with Mrs. Walts' parents, Mr, and
Mrs. WiU Rlchey.
llui D. Patton drove to Portland
yesterday where he joined Mrs. Pattion
and children who spent the past week
with Mrs. Patton's mother. They re
turned to Mom last evening,
Mrs. E. C. Patton and daughter. Miss
Lueila, spent Sunday in Portland witli
. . $1.75
Rev. Carl H. Elliott
Will Leave Monday
For Work In France
Tho Bov. Carl H. Elliott, pastor of
the First Presbyterian church of Sa
lom announced to Ais congregation at
the services yesterday that ho had ac
cepted the eall of the government and
would leave Monday, May 8.
The sudden decision of Mr. Elliott
to enter tho service was due to the
receipt of a telegram Saturday from
F. A. Jackrton, chairman of the western
division of the army Y. M. C. A. emm
cil who wired, "Prepare to start May
Several months ago Mr. Elliott had
signified his williiignew to go into
tlie Y. M. G A. army work, provided
ho was needed, but had no intimation
that the eall would come so soon.
With .hhi four years service in tho
canal zone as chaplain of the Isthmian.
Canal C'onmiismon and as pastor of a
union chureh on the Isthmus working
with Col. Gorgnw, chief of the sanitary
department of tho canal zone, Mr. El
liott is especially qualified for the
work of Y. M. C. A. secretary at the
front. He served with tho army on
the zon foin 1909 until 191.1, coming
diect from that charge to the pastor
ato of tho First Presbyterian church
in Salem.
At a meeting called for Monday ev
ening, May 8, the congregation will
bo called to declare the pulit vacant
and to take under consideration tho
calling lof a successor to Mr. Elliott
Tourist Front Writer
Comes to Visit Salem
Miss Mildred Davis, a sister of Mrs.
Arthur Wilson will arrive in the city
this evening for a short visit at tho
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. K Wilson.
Sho arrived yesterday at Vancouver,
B. C, from Singapore, India, on tho
steamer Kashimia Maru, where she was
met toy hor sister, Mrs. Wilson.
Miss Davis holds rather a unique
position, that, of tourist travel writer
for the O. S. K. steamship company of
Japan. As wiriter for the literature of
this big steamship company, she trav
eJs in all parts of the world. Since tlio
beginning of the war she has exper
ienced several thrills, including an ex
perience in London with the Zeppelins
and traveling Ui rough tho submarine,
zone seven times.
San Francisco, April 29. Pedro Ca
ran, suspected of being a German spy
and held at Angel Island by govern
ment authorities pending an investiga
tion, leaped from a 50 foot cliff into the
bay early today and "died. - Ho broke
away from a guard late yesterday.
Have you your seat picked for tlvi big
tho former's nnjther, Mrs. A. W. Reg
ner. - Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Littler and son.
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Underbill and Mrs. E. E. I'pmeyer,
drove to Lincoln yesterday where they
spent the day witn friends.
Hoy 8. Blodgett, after a week end
visit with his family, left this morn
ing for Lebanon where he is employed
as linotype operator on the Lebanon
! MMt
All Around Town
rnw.v,r cttthto
VVilllU ltluuj
April 29. Music Recital at
Willamette-Chapel, Waller hall,
8 p.m.
May 2 Dedication of Cham-
pocg Memorial Building.
May 6, Opera "Chimes of
V rormanuy" mgn eenoni auuit-
orium, by Music Department of
High school.
June 8. ! Total eclipse of
the sun. World's Almanac gives
hour as 1:38, but new time
schedule will make the hour
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn fits eyes cor
rectly. U. S. National Bsik Blilg. it.
"The funeral beautiful." Webb &
Clough Co. tf.
The E. P. McComack farm, located
about four miles east of town, lias beeii
purchased by Clifford Brown, the deal
being handled by Grabciihorst & com
pany and involving 208 acres.
o -
"The best" is all you can do when
death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co.
Phone 120. tf.
Patton Plumbing Co., 385 Chemeketa'
Phone 1090. Wo do repair work. Stoves
and furnaces coiled. tf.
Dr. W. O. Eantner, Jr., passed through
Salem today on his way from the IT. 3.
army base hospital a. Seattle to Camp
Freomont, Cal., Dr. Kantner was rais
ed in Salem, and at the time of leaving
Seattle had been promoted to the po
sition of first assistant surgeon at the
Special meeting of Pacific
lodge No. 50, A, F.'& A. M.,
this evening at 7 o'clock
sharp. Work in the M. M. de
cree. Visitiing brethren wel
Don't miss the big dance at Chema-
wa Wed. night. Autos leave Oregon
Blectnic depot at 7 p. m. sharp.
W. D. Smith has received word from
his son, Paul Smith, who has been con
nected with the adjutant's department
at San Antonio, Texas saying that he
had been transferred to the spruco div
ision with headquarters in Portland. Ho
experts to arrive In Portland the latter
part of this week.
' Dane at Chemrwa Wed. night. Dont
miss it.
This is to notify the public that the
firm of Livvoek and1 Wheeler has been
dissolvod and that I have no interest
whatsoever in said firm or business
conducted in the basement of the Hub
bard building.
(Signed) K. F. WHEELER.
Preemont Walton, ' who has been
spending the past several days on fur
lough from Camp Lewis visiting his
paren.s, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. W. Walton
of 790 north 17th street, received a tele.
gram Saturday informing him that ho
had been promoted to the position of
first lieutenant. Ho is a graduate or tli.i
Oregon agricultural college, and a bro.
thor of Dr. R. W. Walton, of .Jifs eity.
i o '
Company E of the Salem Oregon
guards has been changed to Company F
and the regular meeting night for drill
has been changed from Tuesday night
to Friday night of each week. Tho new
change will go into effect this week.
O. W. Brant, James B. Chenoweth and
Geo. C. L. Snyder, of the recently or
ganized Oregon state police, came up
from Portland Saturday and spenll the
week end with their families in this
city. They report themselves as well
pleased with the service. Most of the
men have not yet received their uni
forms. Of the above three Mr. Snyder
who holds the position of lieutenant,
was the only one to whom a uniform has
yot been issued, Needless to say George
cut quite a swell figure on th,o peaceful
and non-nuiltaristic streets of balem.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hansen living at
563 Mill street had an experience wl.h
their Ford yesterday they wouldn 't
care to experience every day in the
week. They drove down town and park
ed their machine on north Commercial
str.eet, between Court and State When
they returned they noticed nothing
wrong about the machine and got in
aud drove off. Shortly after they had
stopped and alighted, however, ,io rear,
of the car was discovered on fire. The
flames appeared to originate between
tlw baek cushion and the rear seat. Ex
nminntion disclosed that a lighted cig
arette stub which had been thrown int
tho machine while it was parked had
caused Jie flames, the stub having lodg
ed between the mat and back aud smol
dered until it burst iuto flames. The
fire was extinguished bcfor.j serious
damage was done.
Vick Brothers received today a car
load of tractor plows, consisting of two,
three and four bottom plows. This is
to be the firs" complete carload of trac
tor plows to be shipped into the city.
Lea Canfield, president of the Oregon
board of barber examiners leaves today
for Eugene on business connected with
his position.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Tripp and son, Ed
I ru, moiorea rnrougn baiem lor Port
land Sunday. They visited their daug!
icr, .sirs, is. u. ileall, for several hours.
The Highland Mother's club will meet
on Thursday afternoon of this week at
ina mgmniiu senool at 3:30 o'elock
Miss Paxton, school librarian will ad
dress' the meeting. All mothers and mem
bers are urged to attend.
Paul Hauser left yesterday for Eu
gene whers he expected to bo joined
by a party of friends on a fishing trip
to the upper Siuslaw about forty miUu
above Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil A. Schaefer and
daughter, accompanied by Miss Schirlev
Chappell and Miss Ruth McCain, made
up a motoring party who drove to Dal
las, Sheridan and McMinnvillo yester
day in the former's new Oakland six
SauiDson and Gideon, nrnnriotnm nf
flue 5, 10, 15 & 25 cent store tn nortl)
Commercial street, are this week moving
to a new location on tllo opposite sid
of the street, where they will have largo
floor space and better facilities for s.or
ing and displaying their stock.
Allen DeMent, who gave his age as 20
years and his address as Los Angeles
signed up at the local army recruiting
station today and left for Portland for
assignment in i.Jio medical corps.
I The Woman's Home missionary so
ciety of the First Methodist church will
meet Tuesday evening a. 8 o'clock at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bnknr
G45 Court street. It is tlio annual mite
;box opening. The program will be fol
lowed by a social hour.
I Miss Lenora H. Finney wag joined in
, wedlock today to Ray Walton, the eero
' mony '.liking place at 9 o 'clock at St.
Joseph's Catholic church in this city.
The bride ii( the daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Edwin A. Finney of Wacouda.
while the groom is the youngest brother
of Mrs. J. C. Savage, who conducts a
store at Wacouda. -
Funeral services over the late Mrs.
K. L. Hibbard, who died Friday at her
home three miles east of Pratum at
the ngd of 78 years, Were held yesterday
afternoon from the homo of her daugh
ter, Mrs- H. II. Pageffat Willard. Bur
ial was in the Warren cemetery under
the auspices of Webb & Clough.
Joe Lisky, who was arrested by local
officers last week as an alien enemy nf
ter he had caused the arrest of an asso
ciate, John Siinonic, on a similar charge
was taken to Portland Saturday after
noon in 'jhe custody ofa federal offi
cer. After Simonic's arrest inquiry de
veloped the fact that Lisky was really
(the alien enemy. He was arrested and
simoinc was given his liberty.
E. 3. Willard returned today to As
toria where he is engaged in the Rod-
gwrs Shipbuilding yards, after an over
Sunday visit with his mother, Mrs. S.
C. Willard, of south Cottage street Ho
reports that there are four ships on the
ways at the present time. But one shift
a day is worked. Efforts are being made
to g.vt a second crew togethor .,o ei
able two shifts to be worked.
TThe Auto Electric Shop, located at
418 Cour.f street, has been purchased by
J. it. Degge, of Everett, Wash., and E.
H. Burrell, of Mt. lemon, Wash. The
neni was eonsumatea tne earner part of
tho month and Mr. Doggo has had
charge tho past two weeks. He expects
to be joined by his partner from Wash
ington in a ew days. The shop was for
merly owned by H ,N. Steele.
Oovemor Withycombe received a let
tor Saturday from Lieutenant Paul Wal-
' lace now with the American expedition
'ary forces In France, Lieutenant Wal
lace in his letter takes a very optimistic
view of the situation. He belioves that
if the wesl-rn lino can now hold, that!
the war will be over in a yiear. As to
the English army, he writes that the
Americans have a great admiration for
it and aro adopting the English army
methods in many lespects.
r 0
Funeral services over Ed La Valley
and tho late W. R. Anderson were held
this afternoon from the Webb & Clough
chap.-!, ?he former at 1 o'clock and the
other' at 2 o'clock. Rev. Lovel! had
charge of tho La Valley services and
interment was in City View cemetery.
The Anderson services wcr.it conducted
under the auspices of the I, O. O. F., of
which ho was a member, and burial waf
in the Odd Fellows cemetery.
lAjf - . rJ Dv!iui f
iVUCl VIUUU 1 1U.CO lul
Industrial School Work
Efforts are being made to have Mar j
ion county stand 100 per cent in he i
state club work of the senools. The
state fair board has offered $1,000 in
priies for the beat industrial showing
from the schools of all parts of the
state. As special inducement It
have the children become interested in
this state club work, the Portland
business men have offered for the com
ing fair a special offer of two weeks
eours at tho O. A. C.
To encourage sheep raising among
children and also that of Belgium hares,
special prii-es have been offered this
year. H. C. Seymour, state club lead
er and Miss Helen Cowgill assistant
state leader spent last week in visiting
the county schools during Rural fair
week. It is the hope of County Super
intendent Smith that every school in
the county will have at least one club
worker represented at the stale lair,
just as a matter of loeal pride.
The Willamette stood at the lowest
point todav it has reached for the past
seven months, regis jering 2.6 feet above
low water by the government gaug.o
at the local wharf.
The children of the Highland school
were given a treat Monday morning
when Lieutenant Walton, 363rd mfaii
try statioed at Camp Lewis, gave a very
interesting talk of camp flf.". He gave
illus- nations of the wig wag system of
signalling, also arm signals curt gave
them an idea of the masks used in the
The Portlan4 Press club had the dis
tinction of entertaining several promin
cut Salem folks at ;'ie annual dinner
given yesterday in Portland at the Mult
omah hotel. Among thoso w!ro were
tlier.o may lie included politicians much
as Seymour Jones, candidate for the leg
islatuA; George W. Weeks, also caudi
date for the legislature; Ben F. West,
who is running for state i.Veasur,-jr ami
Hal D. Patton, who ran once but is not
ruuuiug now. All were invited guests
of the club. Besides several kinds of
trimmings tlws visitors wore served with
real bear meat.
The Presbyterian church has purchas
ed the Cox proper at the northeast
corner of Clwiueketa and Winttr
streets. The lot includes 130 feet on
Winter street aud 165 on Chemeketo
street and is regarded as ideal for y
church location. For some tinw past the
trustees of the chureh have been con
sidering .fie buildiug of a $-1,000 addi)
tioa to the church at its present loca
tion, to be used principally for Sunday
school purposes and as club rooms for
tho younger members of tlia eiiureli,
However, with the purchase of the 00
property, it is probable that uo improve
ments will be made on the present
church propeity but that the .effort's of
the congregation will be towards the
building of an up to date church cdific
on tho property just acquired. '
o - ' ' '
The Greater Willamette club met this
morning and received the report of com
mittoes. From .lie general information
turned in the indications are good fol
a large attendance at the May day fes
tivities beginning May 2. A committee.
will go to Woodburn Tuesday ana other
high schools in the state will be visited
urging stodoniJ) uot only to attend the
may day exercises, but to consider at
tending Willamette University next fail
F. P. Foisie, director of the north
western division of Civilians Relief
work of the American Red Cross is in
tho city and nv.'t this afternoon with
.jho executive committee of Willamette
chapter American Red Cross. This after
noon at 2 o'clock he addressed the chap
ter course in tlw auditorium of tho Com
mercial club. Ho also had a conference
with the Civilian Relief committee. Mr
Foisie 's headquarters are in Seattle.
For the week ending April 27, War
Savincs Stamps in the county as report
ed to Postmaster Huckestein were as
follows: Mt. Aneel. 29.0o: Chemawa
$415.00; Gervais, $900.00; Mill City,
138.00: Woodburn. $137.00: Aurora
$138.50; Niagara, $32.20; Jefferson
$201; Mounkir $108; and Sublimity ao
This is nn increase of $1,188.65 over
tho nrceedins- week. The Gervais people
are great believers in Liberty Bonds
and War Savings stamps, as tins week
they reported tor the lirst clay or tne
week, sales of $850. in War Savings
When the bridge across the Willam
ette is.fully lighted, it will receive just
one seventh as much lighii as that given
State stneet. On the bridge 13 lamp
posts will be placed on alternate sides
loU feet apart, tnuer tne ormge win
be three lights for navigation, two red
and one green. The bridge lights will
bo placed on mwal posts all partited a
battle ship grey to harmonize with the
bridge colorings. Within a day or so
bids will be called for to furnish thij
posts and the single globe for each
light. For those who are interested in
watching the erection of a modern
bridge, it may be said that the steel it
now on the ground and that it will be
placed In position as soon as tho false
work is in position.
Beginning with Monday, April 29th we w ill make no
more free deliveries.
Meats of all kinds have taken a decided jump but in
order to keep them as low as possible we have adopt
ed the "No delivery system" being used by other
markets in different cities and in accordance with
that recommended by the United States Govern
ment However, for the convenience of those who
may wish it we will for the present maintain one
delivery car and make your delivery the same as
usual for the nominal charge of 5 cents.
"Meats of Quality and Flavor"
1 I
ii r
f i! I
iiilpili il
ill1 l!fXMa
in, "OUR,
Madge Kennedy Star
in w0w Little Wife"
fMadgo Konnedy is the star of tk
ncrw Goldwyn picture, "Our Little
Wifo," from the play by Avery Hop-
wood, which will be shown at the Lib
erty theater, beginning Thursday mat
inee. JSho has the role or Dodo, a brioo
of a few minutes who grieves over the
disappointment of sevoral other men
who wanted-to marry Tier.
T alleviate their suffering, she do-
cides to) talie three of them along
with hor on her honeymoon, a decision
that stuns her husband, Herb, whose
objections avail nothing. So off they
go to Lakewocd, tho bridal conplo and
Dodo's three admirers Dr. Elliott, Bo
bo Brown and Tommy Beldon.
Aneered by his failure to have Dodo
ail to himself, Herb sends. himself a
telegram calling him back to the city.
H takeB two of Dodo '8 wooers with
him. hut the third, Dr. Elliott, stays
over; and fortunately so, for Dodo,
learns the telegram was spurious anil
goes iuto hysterics. Herb returns to
take Dodo back and finds her with Dr.
Elliott A scne ensues, but Dodo, ap
peases her husband with the promise
never to look at any wther man. That
promise she keeps long enough for Dr.
Elliott to wed Funnio Weston and1 for
Bobo to become engaged to Angle Mar
Dodo, kcwever, rdbels at her hus
band's neglect on their, first wedding
anniversary. Slip telephones to Dr. El
liott, and his bride Is made jealous
by th)e message. Meanwhile, Bobo's
fiance has called on Dodo, wailing
that she, too, has been neglected and
revealing -that 8he is going to Tommy
Beldon 's fancy dress party with an
other man. To prevent Angie from
being compromised, Dodlo phones Bobo
to como and take her to tho party.
Then the real fun begins.
fnnkn.tn. Minn.. Anril 29. Bovs at
tending the Mankato high school are
hnKavM tndav to hnvo been resnonsi-
blo for breaking into the high school
ana destroying au uernian lexn oouna,
ovr the week end holiday. Superin
tendent. Sierrv said todnv that he
would make no attempt, at prosecution.
Though tar and feathers are not being
worn in the best circles, exactly, they
arc being found very effective in some
ft .
And All Kinds of 2nd Hand
4c Goods.
Full Market Prices Special 4
Prices paid for Sacks.
Get our prices before yon sell.
271 N. Coin'l St. Phone 734
Zurieh, April 29. Serious riots result-
p.l in Prnenio -nrkon A Pzeeh soldier WllS
bayonetted by a Hungarian soldier.
Your Junk and givo you a square
business deal. I always pay thfi
highest cash prices.
- I Want Your
Sacks and Rags
I buy all kinds of used goods,
2nd hand furniture, rubber and
junk. Get my prices before you
The Capital Junk Co.
The Bqnare Deal Ho; noed 0f M.
271 Chemeketa St PI - ' how
Phone 77
Try Our Checting System on Baggage.
Claim Checks for Every Parcel
care of
"Yick So Tong -
Chineso Medicine and Tea CX,
Has medicine which will cure
any known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 a. m.
until 8 p. m.
153 South High St.
Salem, Oregon. Phone 283
Used Furniture Wanted
Highest Cash Prices Paid for
Used Furuitnre
Phono 941 or SU8 '
Colls answered nil hours day
and night.
Res, Phone 111; Office Phone 183
252 N. HiKh St.
For Feeding Hogs
Marion Creamery
Call or Telephone 2488