I CAPITAL JOURNALCLASSIFIED DEPT. 1 Willamette Valley News Qi'lCK REFERENCE TO FIRMS THAT GIVE SERVICE ON SHORT NOTICE 8 :i; WHERE BUYER AND SELLER MEEM'E KEGOUEND OUR ADVERTISERS 8 EVEETTHINtt ELECTEICAL frlm Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High TRANSITS AND DRAT AGE Uitom Truck & Dray Co., corner State aud Front Streets Teiephono Main 1200 AUTO DELIVERY BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELI V erel ftnv placfc city or country. Phone li't cr 2QS1K. VV. V. Fisher. LODGE DIRECTORY AWNINGS KNIGHTS UP PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack hall on every Tuesday at S. P. Andresen, C. C. VV. U. Uil son, K. R. & S. DO iW WANT new awning for store or hor.ef ("all or write U- Dill-ma-i, H0 lliyhb'iid Ave. 5 J8 DENTIST MODERN WOODMEN OP AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5-Mfi.meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'oloek in Derby building, corner Court and HiKh streets. R. F. Day, V. C; J. A. Wright,- elerk. DEPL UTTER. DENTIST, BOOMS jSAfKM HTM AXE S(K'IETY-I) D. 413-414 Dank of CVmmeree bldg. Keelcr, president; Mrs. Lou I V Ittl - .ill lllffia Ul VllltHjr ui ui g lect of dumb animals should be re ported to the secretary for iuvesti- Phoi cm. 11-4 FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN Oa Good Real Estate Security . TIIOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush bank, Salem, Oregon gatiou. HATTERS CLEANERS ROYAL NEIGHBORS OP AMERICA "Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1360. meets e'very Thursday evening in Derby building, Court and High St. Mrs. Pearl Coursey, 214 Court St, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, recor der, yi5 N. 4th St. Phone 143CM. ELLSWORTH, TIIE HATTER Men's and women's .hats cleaned, reblocked end retrinwned. Old lints made to . look like new. Wo carry a large stock of fine ribbons. 495 Court St. LAWjS MOWERS THE FIX1T SHOP Let us repair and sharpen your lawn mowers, iitil Court. Thone 1022. tt UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. in 1. U. O. t '. hall, iNorma u Terwillieer, M. A ; C. A. Vibbert, secretary. Crown Drui Store. 338 State street. SECOND HAND GOODS OSTEOPATH DRS. B. H. WHITE AND R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer ican s.'hool of Osteopathy, Kirkville, Mo Post graduate aud specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angoles Col lege. Office 505-508 U. S. Nat. Bank Bids. Phone 859. Residence, 1620 Court. Phone 2215. Dr. White lies Phone 409. FOR RENT FOR RENT The storeroom at 141 N. Commercial street, now ocenpied by Oompton's 15c & 25c store, will be for rent May 1st next. Fat particu lars inbulre at 'room'" 22'Breyman block. tf LET US ESTIMATE ON AH your Printing an Up-to-Now office to meet your print ing demands, TIIE CAPITAL JOtJBNAL PHONE 81 RAILROAD TIME TABLES SALEM- GEER LINE No. 73 Arrive at Salem 9:15 a.m. No. 74 Leave Salem 3:05 p.m BUY, SELL and EXCHANGE- Men's clothes,, shoes, hats, jewelry, watches, tools, musical instruments bicycles, guuB, rifles, revolvers, suit eases, trunks, cameras, typewriters and furniture. Capital Exchange, 337 Court street. Phone 493. FOR SALE 3r0 ACRES, 100 ac-rcs cultivated. 100 bottom, 35 bcaverdain, 25 brush and timber, good pastures no white land, living uaeer. river front, land prac tically all tillable, 1 miles from Waeouda, Or. Price ifSo per acre. C40 acres, millions of feet of fine saw timber, lays well, affords good grazing, living water, 3 miles of rauread station. $15 per acie. Own er, Room 341 State St. Salem, Or. 5-2t BUYERS ATTENTION! I have a com fortable 5 room cottage for sale, with good lot for $700; also a mod ern five room cottage one block from paved street. This is a cheap property at $1400. I have a choice buy for $1500, two blocks from car lino and one block from paved street I have several valuable lots for sale (heap; also a house for $000. Square Deal Realty Company, U. S. Bank building. Phone 470. tf 240 ACRES, 200 cultivated, 40 timber pasture, running water, fair improve nients, 3 miles from Pratum, best Waldo Hill soil, price $23,000. 00 acres, 58 cultivated, 18 pasture, 2 timber, all good soil, spring water, good improvements, 1900 prune trees, 50 English walnut trees, good team of horses, wagon, harness, 3 Jersey cows, 100 pure bred hens, 1 mile from Aumsville, a snap, price $8500. Terms. Socolofsky, 341 State St. phone 970. . 5-10 Silrertoa News ' (Capital Journal Special Service) SUverton, April 29 Liberty day was well observed in Silvertoh. All busi ness house were clised all day. At eleven thirty a- m. the children of the public school took pait in a patriotic parade, marching to Main street where the oompany was halted and addioss cs were given by Supt. B. F. Youl and two young men of the SUverton high school, Jay Rleakuey and Brock Ham moud. After sinking two (atriotie songs and giving the flag salute the school ehi'dren were dismissed for the rest of the day. SUverton has raised more than'her apportionment in lib erty bonis. Fifteen K. cf P. brothers will attend lodge at Independence tonight. The Lotus club boys gave another one of their enjoyable dancing rtiee Friday night. It was well attended as usual and the boys realized a neat lit tle, sum from it, besides showing the young people of Silverten a very pleasant evening. O. C. Sieamund, Mark I. McAllis ter, O. G. Shelrberg, P. Andresen, Dr. E. E,. Fisher, E. W. Hazard of Salem attended the K. of P. lodge at Silver ton la9t Thursday night. ' Miss Inez Doiiohuc, one of the pri mary teachers, ia spending this week end in Portland. Muss Irene 'Farmer of .Portland nas been employed as a stenographer at the Silver Falls Timber company 8 or fice. This company is now employing four stenffjiraphem. REAL WEST ON THE SCREEN Word and Color Artists Outdone in "The Honor System" SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos proprietor. Garbage and refuse or all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main 2247. Residence Main 2272.- STOVE REPAIRING HTYWFS PF.MTIT.T AND REPAIRED 50 years experience. Depot, national and American ience. Sizes 20 to 58 in." high; Paints, oil and varnish, ere. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court Btrect. Phone 124. 110 ACRES, 80 cultivated, 30 timber pasture, 40 acres in crop, good build incs. on rock road, two miles rom town, some stock and implements, price $1100, will tako $3000 Salcin residence, some cash and easy terms oa balance. 100 acres, uu cuitivatea 50 bottom, 5 timber, all fenced, good road, new 6 room bungalow, barn, close to school, $11,000. 20 acres Yamhill county, exchange for 6 room bungalow in Satcm. Equity i 40 acre Idaho irrigated farm fo ranch near Salem or Dallas, not over $3000, price $0000. 20 acres close to Salem, 6 cleared, good improvements, rock road, $4000. 58 acres, 45 culti vated, 25 beaverdam, 12 pasture, 1 orchard, good barn, fair house, join ing town, running water, $6200 easy terms. Modern 5 room bungalow, furnace, paved stroet, $1500. Mod ern 5 room bungalow, furnace, fire place, bath, Dutch kitchen, close in, $2000. $8500 worth of acreage and Court House News In his uew photoplay, "The Honor system, William; rox is saiu to nave accomplished purely as au incident the mcst valuable reproduction of western life that the camera las yet given. For tin; first time in the history ei the si-reen it is pertain that the future historian of this country will turn for verification from the wonderful word vjaiutings of Bret Harte and O. Henry to the scenes depicted in rhi master drama. In realism Frederic Remington has be-n outdone, for what we have been wont to consider Keiumgton reaiis.n becomes iu "The Honor System" truth its. If. The dance hall, the lazy burro, the biting mustang, the bat- cared eayuse and a tnousami vme-r things characteristic of the brave up standing west are . Ml .there, real, breathing, speaking. Showing thK last times tonigui ai the Liberty theater. WAR HAS fOKCED NATIONS TO SOCIALISTIC FOOTING New Yo-k, April 20, ltf' are already on the verge of the recoa Earlv war news this work was not ' t ruction period which means so much hosts lor the industrial future of the L'nit- A marriage license was issued Sat urday to Ray A. Knigihten, age 24, a laborer,' and) Elsie L. Lindlcy, age 19, , housekeeper. They were married at the parsonage of the "first vnnstjan church. Todav a marriage license was issued to Raphael D. Whelan, age 29, a farm er, and Lenora Finney, age 19. The marriage was at the Catholic church- Delbert Clayton Brock filed his peti tion for naturalization at the office of the county clerk. Ho lives at Aums ville and it a farmer. He was born in Croton, Ontario, Jan. 18, 1888 and carao to this country November 25, 1895. resiuenee prop-.y f ft, tr to be exempt is ranch any wncre. pocoiorssy, . Lucy M- Kaliut. the widow i. An order was issued by the county court for the setting apart at personal nronertv to b exempt from execution .;;n tkn .tjit nf John. J. Kahut. The Bananas 7c VETERINARIAN Retail Prices Oreamerv butter 45(50o Flour, hard wheat $2.70r)2.8O Flour, soft wheat $2.502.60 Country butter 0c Eggs, dozen ..: 3JC Sugar, 11 lbs. for Sales limited to $1 DR. W. O. MOORITOL'SE COUNTY veterinarian, graduato Cornell Uni versity. Office Chorry City Feed Stables, 544 Ferry St. Phones, office 2199; Res. and night 1510- WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets Bills paynblo monthly in advance. SALEM, PALLS CITY it WESTERN 181 Lv Salem, motor 7:05 a.m. (183 Lv Salem, motor D:35am. 165 Lv Salem, motor 1:40 p.m. Through car to Monmouth and Arlie 167 Lv Salem, motor 3:48 p.m. 169Lv Salem, motor 5:57 pm. 839 Wy frt. Lv Salem 5:00 a.m. 162 Ar at Salem 8:30 am. 164 Ar. .at Salem 11:00 a.m. 166 Ar at Salem 3:00 p.m. 168 Ar at Salem 5:35 p.m. 170 Ar at Salem .7:20p.m. 840 Wy frt Ar Salem 2:30 p.m. Train fit. 1 5 Ltd T 9 13 Ltd 17 19 B1 OREGON ELECTRIO Southbound Leave Arrive 4Portland Salem 6:30 urn 8:35 am P:"0am 10:11am 10:45 am 12:50 pm 8:05 pm 4:15 pm 4:45pm 8:40 pm . 9k THE MAKKM I Markets open for tire week, steady, .w.rt,l nvor pntur- no cnanges ui-inj; m". v... lay 's quotations. Gram Wheat, soft white tl.mif Wheat, red - UbJ Wheat, lower grades on sample vr, c3 liUIH'V, lUH jj.jg Bran .shorts, per ton iTSfflon ii.lv. cheat, new Arrive h ,., veMi. new - $-0-- Eugene raVi el-iver, new 10:50 amlJu-ttorf,t 12:25 1"BiCrcamcrv butter 6:35pm!,Vl!mr-V sonal property valued at $looO. ine appraisers ot tne estate are n- v,. ram ter, H. C. Mack and Homor N. Beck. Real Estate Transfers. Security State Bank to Walter Hughes and wife, part of section 21, 22 27 and 2, o, i. Lizzie Uppendahl aud husband to Wil liam Schwader and wife, part claim No. an. 4 1W. Rudolph E. Schmidt and wife to Ther esia Ncitliug, part Moore's claim No. 54, 9 IE. . Zoller Hop Co., to D. P. Mac Cartuy S. W.V4, K- ami n. 20 and N..E. , S. E. , sec. 27. Tp 8, 4W; also part of S. . Soe 27; H 4W. tt'oHor Huirhes and wife to Security Stat.3 bank of Woodburn, WVj, N. E.Vi S, E. , sec. 21, 5, 1W. J..lut Mi Kinncv. and wire to worouiv K-inmn. nart block 5. Scttlemeir 's add to Wcodburn; also tract 30 feet wide and 200 feet lonR Just east of same bloek. .... Aniriist Huckestem and wife to Anton Oehrman and wife, part of block 15 iu North Salem. T. A. Bishop and wife to Wm, Staple ton, lot 5, block 2, Bishop's add. to Salem. David F. Ingcrtoll by executors to Ruth Armstrong, lot 4, block 3, Broad way, add., Salem. Biiraiv Meiring Climbing In France : ri. :...... iwuuro&iug. mo vriiii e i Kta.te. brought unprecedted pressu-e upon; Bu3inefs is Confident the British army on the western front j remarkably steady tone prevailed forcing it to give considerable ground, . j tne security- markets, despite un in an effort to sever the liue and drive f,iVoralde news from tne front. There the British back to the sea. Fort una e-' -as ailei'ided resistance to bad neiwa, My that British line he'd, and through gn(j resdinosa to disconut gooil new. oadly ben:; nus not ieen uroKen. fnia uij be partly explained by the Hope is now rising owing to arrival ! a(.t tliat tne umrkot is well sold ouk, of French reinforcements; aud the tlat t(,e supply of floating stocks is most critical point since the war be- ;PXliaiisted. that new offerings hav . fcan is now being faced. Xhe destiny jrnotii-ally ceased, ,thnt speculation i if the world is at s:ake, and auy day at jts iwest vlb, that the railroads dwisive results may follow. At the!Bre now . douug better under govera ssune time we must mt deceive onr-jmeat pruteetioB, aud that the big war selves by overeoufidence. Let it be j miustriais are making liberal profit frankly admitted that Germany has I notwithstanding war taxes and iiu'reu bi-en immensely Tavored by the break- j tll V(isia of proiilU'tion. The reaoa tor up of Russia, and the consequent re- tms ,.onfj,unee in f rtiancial circles ia lease of large bodies of German I 'so -partly founded ucb the coining diers, which enabled Germany to drawof . oej,ersi ivh with French- rein treely uihii Russian "iubor and food sup j foreements, aud unquenchable faith ia plies. Should tho enemy succeed in an gji; victory; government bonds of making important gain ia the present all tl6 aiij0j nations having bcea drive it will mean nothing less than a iii.ti.. .ffivted bv recent military serious prolongation of the war. But ! revwrses. Certain it is that optimism a final Herman victory is impossible; ; is ,,,.1 among the inner financial bc-ause the world 'and civilization can-.j! wno get n0 li,ft!ff iasi;iratioft not and will not suomn w ucnin, fKm the magniiicont courage oi inusw ideals and doiuinatjoln.- In. any event iat the frmlt a3 wen a, from those who it will probably fall upoa.ua to give the finislnne streke wituout aeiay. it is precisely this that Germany intense v toiirR'. nenea tins urcuc uic, siinrmns effort to win, before America cots in with all its might. Our efforts " . i it!. . hn to spud men ana mu unions backed wp generously and promptly with funiia. The uucrty .oan musi uc heavily oveiwbcrihed as a patriotu; debt to our country, to the men at the an.) even, on tne common own Of Intelligent self interest. Of late subscriptions have aot been eoming in ith miffii'jent Droimntiicss, It ia dif ficult to explain this letnargy, wnico . , , 1 ,.. Till M- mainner of ,tho canrpaign miust be push ed with growing: intensity, ror ewce in the war depends upon successful fi nancing. It is either " oonas or uuuu- age oniotlv suffer and endure at home. HENRY CLEWS. Rural Week Awakens Deep Interest In All Schools In County Judging from the general interest ta ken by practically all schools in tin county in program for Rural week, County Superintendent W. M. Smith, savs that the results are so encouraging that hereafter agricultural week will be one of the regular feafcires in tin country school, work. . Of 75 schools visited in .fie county last week, without exception, the rural program was carried out. In many in stances, the interest was such that tha afternoon programs were well attend ed by parents and the evening exercise! bringing out 1he greator part of thost nwitrnttinf Eacialism t, war u nrovincr a mighty central iin force im government and indus try alike. Tho authority of govern ment haa already expanded to a de gree scarcely realized, rscni TiS living in the district interested in .k.n.irHH At T 11 Ml- ' 111 1 1 W tin ' v . ""--- nn hotk school work, $1S 4-'c 4'-'c 40c 8:50 rm ,., Mnft.nn B.fiT nm Snlem only i0IB' VKa PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Or., April 29. Butter, city creamery 44c Eggs, selected local ex. Jb(a J7a Hens 'Itiw'IHe ... Broilers 35(r3"c Geese 20e Cheese triplets 151216c Daily Live Stock Market Cattle Receipts 930 Tone of market 75c higher Good to choice steers $14(ril5 Medium to good steers $12.75fr13.7j Common to medium steers $tl(ri;12 Choice' cows and heifers $1314 Canners $4.25fn6.25 Bulls $.2:ili Calves $8.75 13.25 Stocker and fcetler steers $7090 per -neaa Receipts 2215 Tone of market easier, unchanged Prime mixod $17.90(S18 Medium mixed 17.6517.85 Pigs $15,500-16.50 Rough and heavy $16.65(al6.S5 Bheep ' Receipts-40 Tone of market strong, unchanged Spring lambs bid $20 Western yearlings $15.2515.50 Valley yearlings $15-2515.50 Wethers $13(5-13.50 vatp ivirtlliind market on Sbora sheep, 2V to 3c under quotation. THEN SHE QUIT adtuinista-atrix. For the minor child, twn venrs old. Peter Kahut was ap pointed guafrdiabuj .-ppa na property valued at $iuuo. : A netition mu filed for a decree of court appointing three referoes to al lot and partition or seu mi. sj, vii tad City Fruit farms of Marion coun ty The case is entitled Rogina, K. Hirscb. against Qottaielre Hl'eh and others, and Ernestena Boehmke, exec trix of the will of Theodore Boehmke. . t will nt Ernost W. Hoffman, signed and executed April 10, 1918, with S. W. Weaver and C. M. Critten den as witnesses provide mat a orotu or, Cmrl Hoffman, foe given a Ford touring car. To his sister Maf'-ha Keil ho gives $50 and the same amount to each of his two nephews, Walter Keil r.A TTownrrl Keil. To his tatner anu mother, he gives the balance of nis astat in equal part, inn inciuin-s lifo insurance policy of $1000 and per- 9:20 pm 11:20 pm Salem only Pork, on f 11:45 nm 1:55am 6:50 am; Veal, fane North Bank Station (leave Jefferson Steers Street 15 and 20 minutes later) K'ows :. j nuns Nortliboand Traiu Leave Arrive Ho. lscneuo Sa'em' foot y ... i5(S'in 10(o17c f,..!.- -FMc in Pmlem know "Bunny' Meiring and every Elk in the city will be glnd to learn that he is doing a i;t.n elimbinar in the servico, having been raised to th rank of ecrgcant March 5. In a letter to Harry J- w lea rner, secretary cf the local wiige, w ed April 14, ho writes: "I am sill In San Antonio, Texas, and busy an hell. 1 now playing in tho regimental blind an.l nave to prac tice every evening and with my extra duties at I'twit. 1 am Kept on me jump all the time. I was made sergeant March 5. Not bad ror being in the servico two months. ,,., "Mort Pilkeiitan and "'Buddy Welch are sitting here smoking and tih.li- regards to all the butirJl. How about our eardat These poor nuts down here are as-aing auuuv As we understand it the situation in Ireland is this: "We'll fight peaceably but begora wa'll never be mado to. UATTLB NEWS STIRS MEN TO GO rtT. TO FIGHT WITH BRITISH TOMMIES r-T. H i 1 Sni in? laiuos :f,!am T.,r!evs. dres-ed llr.i.iaini- - . . NOi 1:20 I"" ili,-, is ' ,iressed. round ?:i',r cYvs, d:e-d 5:4.i pm ii..;,,!:, jive 7:40 pm !lve 10:00 pm,ni. mnsters iNorth Bank Station (Arrive Jefrerson j yoml, rpcs!ers Btreot 13 minutes earlier) Leave Cor-, ....to vailis. i CORVALX8 CONNTCTZOKS iLeave Corvallis Arrive Salom 8:25 am..Northbenr.d....9:45 am 12:12 -pm....Northt!Ound...l:50 am 2:41 pm....Northbouiid....4:00 pm . 4:10 pm..Northbound....5:30 rn 6;13 pra....NoTt?iound....7:."5 pm i. ISiCiiam 4:35 am 6: 0 7:15am 10 Lt-i 7:3." am 9:4" am IS 1120 nn 14 11:20 om 1:30 pm t6 Ltd 1:55 pin 4:iKpm 80 M-.IOpm 5:30 pm z- ).1. rm 7:;.o pm New York, April 29 Yvette Ouil vVhUe krf. Ki. Trench actn-ss, started to ra CyyU' strip for the third liberty loan today. . 5fiCV The can she wore brought $2,000 for lH'12a bonds; "hoi apron brought $300; her ...... 557c handkerchief 2,0UUJ her brocade 10c j ooo Then sh" became enthusiastic i'MnVAt 'i off her fkirt. wn,-.!Ii . .,! ,i l,r Ii..a,t Alter ii'ree an- "" it went to C. F. Moore of Salt Lake City for $1,000 then she quit. Tho Ktw York federal reserve dis trict, still lagging in the drive for riota of .!M)(l,00ll,0iH, reported total subscriptions of $5(10.900,000 today. 21(721 26i'(i2H; 2ifTf-:t-' 21)11 2'K 26(3'2Rc 18i20c 15'rl6o I4('n-I5c 1820 r le 4 I V 4 A Si St. h V r " H I if i 6' t b jn j... i i , . . - , aii th hflllieerent eountrie on dou idi-9 of tuia trugl have in four short years plunged into a aegrc w socialUm rar oeyouu wu i daring idealist, dreamed before the war. As an, experiment in political and economic .theories tho movement is likely to prove highly instructive. The strong undercurrent of socialism in tnis eoikntry and in Europe has alr'y arcAvsed eonsiderable opposition. The collapse of Kiwsia was largely owing il jiintnuriitiiiir influenc of so- cialism. , Its sinister, influencca v Framre wer early aiscuvereu , kriroly eliaiwnated. As a binder to- gather of nations or a preventative B .. : I.. ..11..,4 in 11)14. in war, it enurmy i.u- - - -Great Britain there is lrealy re ..i:- .inut thA socialist drift, and ruliu ..ui ant Inilior are sii.hing for uowi voi-.v , f srreatcr froetloni in me niun"---their own affairs. Capital protests while labor has no relish for restraint upon it right tenure , the most av orablo wages nu nui."B .":.i.i- wf it not for the exi- ,r. there would bo a gecenKiev flrM Britain against exceiive government control, Must D6 unRcramuicu. tr fnr th 8 WOUld CO, it, in -i hl to sav. for some of tho huge indus trial omelets created since xne w. "u u ,.n.nrn,iiihiod in any event .10 Ts:t7ue hero akto. .Socialism U as strong as evor biuuuk " .....i i,.. hut. lmbor is Buspicioni of VVyitcm of vague and untried prom . v. tn freedom of ZeTwbi.. the .had . thnnriiM nt all lllj iowtioiu u-,- V.- ,...,i..mnra ereatinif a scries . J;;.... h milv in military at .L. L.T branches of industry. iTMu7 the world, has placed more power in .the hands of one nm ., ' .. ..i n in the world. " nan "l b i,, and liiHc in i8V.f V. , " m ds. manufacturers, eetc, and the last move , excellent cyie oy w ' t Mr Sdiwab in supremo-, co i tiol o shipbuilding. AH Z a war measure, and will Mng Iht needed efficiency in tho , horUrt time. When neace comes mm .u - Th Dnnils of the rural schools wet especially interested in practical work, Mr. Smith saw, sncn as wsung muiv, seed testing, drawing plans for farml and farm homes. Tho girls in their work put special stress on the arrangements of kitchens ana tne uccoruouo home. . ' The teachers rose to the occasion ia great shape," said Mr. Smith, "and it is to them we must give th credit fot making the first rural weea an un qualified success. Many teachers adapt ed the program to the immediate need of their commuuliios and this of cours added to the real interest 6f theroral week program. A loon, it is pointed Out, does not float itself. Buy bonds. Sore Throat, Golds Quickly Relieve HiUi'e VYtoard Oil Hamlin's Wixard Oil ! iimple and effective treatment for lore throat and chest colds. Used as gargle for sore throat it brings, quick relief. Robbed on the chest it will often loosen up hard, deep seated cold in one night How often spraine, bruises, cute and burns occur in every family, ae well as little trouble like earache, toothache, cold sores, canker tore, still neck, and tired aching feet Soothingjiealing Wizard Oil will al waya bring quick relief. Get it from druggist for 30 cent. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. - Ever constipated or have sic headache? Just try WUard Liver Whip, pleasant little pink mil. 3 cents. Guaranteed. NOTICE Or SALE Of Government Timber Notice is hereby given that subject to tho conditions and limitations of tho Act of June 0, 1910, (39 Stat, 218)', and tho Instructions of the See rotary of the Interior of September. 15 11)17, the timber on the following lands will ba sold May 15, 1018, at 19 o'clock a. in. at public auction at the United States land office at Portland. , Oregon, to the highest tmiuer at no. the to ad- ditionul sum of one-fifth of one per j Vegetables (String garlic C! recti onions Onions, in sacK Lettuce, ciate ' p.roccoli Artichoke, Cabbage - Florida' tomatoes Hhubard Asparagus STEFPINS CAN'T STEAK. 6c 40c $125 $3 1 8:35 'am....Sotithb0itnd....9:57 am 10:15 am....Sont'nbor,nd..ll:33 am J2.-50 pm....Soullibe -i.c " pm 4:15 tim....SouttihounJ....o:'' I"" - 6:40 pm....Southbound....8:00 pm j yi(Jg m Dates - IKack figs TRY JOURNAL WANT ADSLpie, JOURNAL WANT ADS muz .... t 40c 10i San Diego, Cal., April 27. Lin.ie'm Stcff ina, noted magazine writer aul lec turer todav has been denied the priv ilege of ppeakiug in San Diego. A si nel nled nduress on the " Menace of Peac which was to have been delivered at Rj lnenl cburr-li last night, was preven'td j c, by city police and officers of the iu-'-l- ligenct department of the United State army. 1 . " ... IU Ilfl .lt,.,wtHin DOL'lUW. lii - ... . , ,..,.- - mt.t iods will less than tho appraiseu vaiuc that many of tte "' t ii, dis-1 1. i.i, ! to bo sub ect to retained nnd tliat not a.- - , , s-eretary of the I carded ideas ni l ni m , i rice. with an UOmbmai.ivu , . . week the foreign. At onic."."". ... , a llt thereof, being commissions auow- trdo council of Me Lni ,i(,t',.,r9 C(, ,ml9t bc 'jeposiied at t urn of sale. orguu.at,on ot lei nig ma , ,f 0(i " exp..rter for. he pui ,(n Othorwl0 patent will issue for eign trade, hdd ts J "! !',,',, , ,i,i9 : timber "which most be reinovei There was much h ig tun n , UB Bid8 wU, t6 ree- i meeting; for th" Vn't. d M froM eiUzoM ot tho United States, I tilled to veiy shnnlj J -.i - . i SliLh citiei.s nnd cor- it f"'U"i cimimeice. ...m , th I jj.,,,, or(?ari,.d under the laws of ,.,mii,hiu,ti.in and eirft . or any state, tcrn- ict thereof only. I'pon ap- .. .1... . .... ,i. i e:ii or, r Ot 111" ' .., l. ' In-ff nr t -: if, Ceri.uuiy. m 7 .,, Blllt. , atinn of a qonl, lied purchaser tue o. wnti-li words of tlie i . .. :,,. nv i.m subdivision will be though doul) less ';h;0L v. and ' offered separately bofore being includ- ' . . : ;n ,m i.ffi.f of n nra --r unit. - 90c IKCE.EDIBLE FALSEHOOD 13c rruit AVashington, Aril 27. "Incredible ola..lir,f,d ." was the answer of Otucra! -0 March, chief of staff, today to German 6(f S atatemeiit that American aviators are fi,0 being sent abroad in hospital ships, reg- Volunteers to i:;;m mstuiiu. more nurnciojs tv'rr.n r.e'.vs;japt:t headline furnished evident of the rxtd for num., .That death and muti lation on a stup.-indo1: s aJt were th? fate . of others merely atw i,i ! . -Jifn iii 10 i'v:ot " : :;!: .j! , Vi.iunteers ro?e . ... .'.: i. - i,.... c:t.it.i..i' Aiiiji r.t the !lol wi li the hr.ttie u-.vrRt-a ?:nny rtcui: in- ctSi ;. li:iC l.een o;:iieJ reett't'y Wen ti,r,ii-l-.fiit thecoimtiv md :iif wtari: them men swurmed in re.i -utiK Un pies'. reports of t'i;ien lo'ii -oe.'lr want to go Thai Kir." . nrvd has got to git," one toid Si-rt Ncl ; e .Mi'I'htr.-'jn, v.iio is on reu-ruiting duty tt one -depot. "I want to go." ihe cii'-x-rs and man of tho Mis kn irad the headlines with tense lines , their faces. To them, who ,.,i,iu,e,! the dtafc-riii!.'! vrah of .... ", , . .-.."...hius tour of .-til-'f-rv ri'ie ':re 'and m.-i'lune L'unc in on ..tenive as in ih-iuui.i ;--:: u?., tr.: pi-e.-i Jl.'.pjtchei - vi:;.; Lack fj2' ' V fri.ie the trfnchc To those iu hud eo.5is i-;x!s." many the military C ross or .Mili-i li,r Ai'.-iibl a.'iO wou.i'.vu .t-tr.ambrance of the need made th.em' , ri !Jjle .-'tfurti to send Ic.-ward rt .i ulU. 1 .ic: he !.:;.! :; i of ; l-ront'l.t UIti 111 thes. ideas m i n varying degrees. In an t";""" ,. ... 33. sK"t $K yeo u;e opened of recou.truction w.il n:i- - ; ' f 5() KV,m, mediately follow the war. In th cou ir . m (.f m try a n,as, .if ev.sting lcig siat on ; M 8V KV, yllow fif undoulitcdly he .wept aswi. . T 1 m M red fir 250 M.j 8E, Nr 4. our laws are even now fir 350 M., red fir 450 M,; NEJ4 Tho Sherman anti Uwt law nd V w ,. 750 M., red fir 2oJ U Folletto shiH.i..S hmf.!M.. heniloek 10 M.; 8K14 "NW Vi, yI the acrap heap. Ko is mm ot ou , rn, j f. 100 jj tei fir 1200 M.; M- iJ.:Ji!,l,. which Irsji been a, ,. ., 2)0 ni f,r Rod .iHbtsnare for years v, - tne once , .,., issiOTi liere is to ' one nee n" " stto Oommerc M KE'i SWVi, yellow tir .wo red fir 830 M.; NE!4 8fiVi, yellow fir 450 M red fir 000 M.j NW SM4, yellow fir 500 M.. red fir 000 1 , hW' V, SK'V. yellow fir 50 M., red fir 1809 0,' L, ir.SO M.. none wart' What about tne &"m" of tne nr to tie om m ,.. - :ho tariff ,and what are we going to do with it'f What aoout.ou, oreign tn-atie and foreign policies flfter tie . 1 . r,ii ana o'ln, ',,. i ami none or tno ili'parimens w&r boardf m,AA t I ... than, f.50 per M. mf-nr. or nricuiiuio i..j - . ww . , . Mow far will they be maintained or exi.nndedf Theso and many other like problems must shortly be met; for wo hemlock te CLAY TALLM AN, Commissioner, General Land Office- istered as non-combatants.