Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 29, 1918, Page SIX, Image 6

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,i in u t w, mi
. jf
; , if
f If
I .ft
' I
Are you
all played out
Does lifting the wash boiler tire you? Does
boiling water hurt your hands? Will hours of
hard rubbing exhaust you?
Take the tire out of washday. Wash with
Fels-Naptha soap. It cleans the garments while
you do something else. No boiling or hard rubbing
Is necessary.
Wash the Fels-Naptha way. It's a real saving in these
aays when savings are so important.
1 :.I
i I'D 'il!'t
4rnF grmn mrapptr.
Via FtU-Napha to ktrp
unm cfocic tvute.
j ' II Hi 'limii '
"&,ni ill 'I 11
1 1 ',
According to This Hinden
berg Has About 450,000
Unused Troops
By William Phillip Knim.
(United Presw staff correapondeutr
With the British Armies i n. France,
April' 28, Practically seven ninths of
4he fit German divisions on the wont
fron have appoared in the fighting,
either on the Homme or the Lys. since
Jiind-nburg lotwdd lit drive - March
About 35 fresh divisions (420,000
jnen) have boon thrown against the
fillies on tho uorthe-rn front, and about
.100 divisions (1,200,000 men) on the
southern. As about twonty enemy di
visions are ui-fit out of tho 20.1 (2,400,
000 men) on the west front, it is plain
.the jnajorltly of tho Germans already
iiave shared in the offensive.
Thin explain tho lulls In the fight
ing. Tli tired demand rest and these
jinits which wwo smashed up must un
dergo repairs, tho gaps must be filled
?vith recruLf from the field depots or
.tilio interior.
Tho 1919 dans now 'appear to be
in the line and tho 1920 clans is ready
Y. M. (. A. Managers, Says
No Loss of LifeOne Was
From Oregon
i They Rare Nci Bec-n .Up;
Agassi the Leaders Yet
This Season
By H. C. Hamilton
(Inited Press staff eorrefpondent)
New York, April 29. Today -hculd
turn out the real lew dewn on the
Gia,i. The series s'ar'ing this af-
Itoru-to in Philadelphia' will le the
hardest test to -which the National
league- champions have been exposed.
ir tni'i ean wp.uncr tire storm mat i
will shower over .aim in the next few
dr.y, hopeful onjs will have to pull
hard, for their early scasjn sprint looks
doleful, to say the bast; for the rest
of tho league.
There i but one bright rift in the
cloud enveloping the champions and
it is tha the- thampious haven't yet
betu caled on to n.eet a club figured
to run sirong. Their opponents have
("been the Biaves and the ledgers, two
clubs ripped to piecc3 dunug the win
ter. The Phillies have recovered finally
from their mid-winter afflictions. Kr
skine Mayer, Bradley Hcgg, Joe Oesch
fitr and iba other fiingcra have made
I'hilly fans wonder if Alexander's loss
hurt so much alter all. In addition to
this, Pat Mcran has gained strength
in tho Infield and cut field by the nc
cfuisition of Mue?l anl MiGaffigan-,
the latter to supplant Pert Niehoff at
, sicond base and the former to take
tho place of Dodo Paskeit.
KarVv pnrinsf drpe makes Moran's
club the- dark horse in the National
league- If o nn Mni.aw ian pii.s tuis
I obstacle he will be well set for a chal
jlengo to the western c'uts. I" he fails
,to pass in good form the race will nar-
row down to a hard battle.
Soiro Fast Pitching
San. TVanciseo, April 29. Del C'respi
todav was the proud possessor of a
P n I TL 1 record of pitching two successive no-.
oenator orandegce lnmks hit, m games, a week ago h let;
A l't Ml A ! 1 'd-iwn tho nnmy quartermasters with a
nlllal Hill yUalalvU Ihitless, ruhloss panto and repented yes
t Tl 11 'terdav a?ainst the Goat Island Bailors.
I0r inS J3D I He twirls for Crockett
New York, April 29. The Y. M. t.
A. here- today made public the names
o uS of its war "workers who w,jie
abolrd a steamer reportiid lost in the Washington, April 29. Demand . Beat Norman Bobs
sutminnne zone yesterday, Arthur Huu- that congress look into charges of. Alameda, Oal., April 29 Perry Mc-geil'-ird,
an American newspaperman "shameful profiteering, criminal nog- i GUlivray 'had a firm hold on his po-
w:i in liaise ut the party, 'lhey were lent and cross inefficiency. " in ear- 'eitic-n nnionsr swiniimintf rhanrpions to
fn inuto to the fiont for army work. All rviiie out America's air nrocrram. wasidav foUi-wintr hia defeat of Norman
HeiD avi.d, huiording 'jo the Y. M. V made in the senate today by Senator rtiws in tho 100 yard na'-ional event
Ii-.re I5riiidesee, Connecticut. jhere yestei'day. MeOilliv.ay finished
I jiijiving i ', bit of names: I The report of Gutzum Borglum, Pres-jlu 55 2-5, with Ecss a fifth of a sec-
J. N. Armstrong, LnPcre, Mich.; ident Wilton's personal investigator, oud behind.
Ralph tt Bennett, Chicago; William was submitted by Brandeiree and was
Clayton Berry, Childress, Texas; A. II immediately mado-tho subject for hot
Bogue, Highland Park, 111.: Theodore debate.
Ivan Bordwell, Wariwn, Po.; J. E. II. "If .habituation as to aircraft
Chauioars, Evanston, 111,; Phillip Cook, production is anything like what is
Baltimore, Aid.; Harvey K. Durr, Wots- described iu these -blistering words,
ter, Olno; Ihonias B. Dawson, Provi- said Brnndfgee, '"it is
aonce, K. i.j rjamuol W. Dowuer, Down- legislative department ottho govern-
Girl is a Swimmer
Oakland,' Cal., April 29. Charlotte
Boyle, who hails from tho cast, drew
jat.;Vnt:on frr.m western swimming
fans todnv as result of her victory
time for the in tho 50 vard na'ioilal swim here
to bo eared up. One must not get tho
idea the divisions mentioned are defi
nitely used up, although at Jeast j r, llaign, vvaukegan, 111.; Henry K,
of the 185 fit divisions have been in Ilervlg, Chicago; Carleton C. Ilutchin
Ihe fighting, 8on, Cleveland, Ohio; Arthur B. lluiiger-
Himienburg ban been busy during f,,, Mount Washington, Md.; Percy E.
April in grofliu'iug up and making fresh in,., yort Collins, Colo.; George H.
tfivisions frcm. the battered one. This Haves, Topeka, Kansas; Heurv 8. Jew
jg tho meaning of The long quiet p-itt( New i'ork; Iteuben Monro John
jod on Uio southern batUo front I er- B(m l,ianapolis; Frank E. Lnhvn, Tra
Jiaps forty diviiAoM which were mMVOT City, Mich.; Samuel IiobbLeland
on tao rwurao are uioip io n iu.u w Bronx, N. Y.: Geor.'e H. Mnerum. Now
er, N. J.; William A. Hisenberger, Iier ment to act. I have already urged. the ! Burns eamo in second and Miss Claire
win, Md.; Evow Evans, Honsdale, Pa.; senate military affairs coniuunittee tojGalHgaii was thinly
Albeit H. Gurney, Providence, K. I.; act, to learn whether Borglum s report
ictor Henry Guerney, Brighton, Mass.; is true or false.
,'iiii.cs 1 trpor GrierCannonsburg, Pa.; "The tuith about it ought not to be
C'lmrle U Gilmoro, Tulsa, Okla.) Jo longer squelched or camouflaged."
se.ph II. Gray, Kansas City, Mo.; A. II. Henntor Phelsn, California, ashed
Holmes, and Mrs, A. It, HolineH, Schuy what Borglum 's business is.
lor l Herron, Winchester, Mass.; Jo- "He's a sculptor," said Brandegee.
aspli H. Ikifflen, Winchester, Mass.; A. ""s . ho "')' qualifications foi
juaging airplanes continuea rneian,
Silvcrton News
((liitn JourMiil Speu'liml Bnrviee)
Biilverton, AprU 29. F. D. Shea,
who held a prominent . position wi ll
York; Charles Wolcott Merrill, Grand
RapidN, Mich.; Horace II. Mnllison
Flint, Mich.; James Garfield Murray
Indianapolis, Ind.; Edward Tilden Mu
thee, Bellinghnm, Wash.; Jor.ph Alder
son Matthews, Hollywood, Cal.; Charle.t
G. Noble, Indianapolis, Ind.; Isaac, Ed
ward Norns, Marion, Ind.; Samuel Na
the Silver Fall Timber company, died ara in orris, war.onliu.; wa.m.ol ISa
at a Portland sanitarium early yestor- hes, Maltfen, Mass.; hailes J. Pearson
day morning. Ho had been ailing for m ll'r 1 "K 'j'T, Lrooklmfi
novcral motitim lint no on thought him "a9"-! ."''' 1 "lkn! Khuiebeek, N. Y.
n.mlv.n Walls... 1l,...kl,.m a..!M '" "vy'"aalJ ." " "" -
i."b'".' from tha allies, Senator Hitchcock
,,'K. . , a nn ,1,
..., . ...... ,mn(lrpa pounos ot corn pounas. At
' AeorayKii. ueeiuit'u in me euuivf-ui mri-- .... , .i..n..u ...m , ; l--
'.. . . . W Pf.TllH 1L I, 11,1,1 IV." I, H I1I1IIH1 Will II11V 3:
28 pounds of potatoes, mums the mois
ture; and at $4 a hundred for corn, a
dollar will buy 2214 pounds corn.
novcral months lint no one, thought him
to . ,, 14 i 1 al condition. Mil. Bhoa
re 'e; n ' n V1'' r fr--i him Stnturdnv
in which ha stoled that he ws doing 1 . "'"'". f'"", Frert- aisclJsiiion England ho said, is unable
i"1' 1 ' M' " wn a inl'tii.v eciucnt- """." to build more than enough to take cart
Cd man and one who mado many Albert Noah Smith, Mankato, Kan.; 0f her own wastage; Italy .can't de
'I 1 nvea a wife and Oovgo Heiny Bhafer, New York; Colo jver because tho llnited States "failed
child, a H'tUa boy of six vears. Tho Seaman, Loa Angeles; Donald J. Taylor t0 i,et,n it. contract with her for 111a-
liody will b lirought to Bilverton. Haint Helens, Orn.; Frank Milford Van terial. and France is delivorinp idanes
A f . t 1 . t . I'.,..,. '1. 1. 1) TJ1..1.,.-.. Tl 1!... T . .. " . ?
.nn aw omenta lor ounui nave 1101; yoc I'l'". n jv. niinnj', iiiiiiuus, m. which are 110 ot first quality."
Iieie-n made. Y.; I'erry Cowler White, Hound Brook, m '
Mr. and Mia Itoy Kelsfvy and little N. J.; Hiunuel Edwin Walter, East IMC A MTD V ATTATIf'C '
daughter, Holcn, visiUM relatives in Norvhfield, Mass.; Albert Franklin Wil. InrAFllKl AliAtlVJ
Vooillwrn fca'imlay and Sunday. Hams, Frceport, 111.; Arthur Luke White (Continued from pago one)
Miss Maria Jones, formerly of 811- Maiden, Mass.; Georgo D. Whitehead. I
verton, but now a resident of Hoqiliam Bloomfiold, N. J.; Robert, Purdy Zeebley todnv.
5'ah ia SiKvading a few days in this Philadelphia. There was heavy artillery firing on
'ity. She expects to return to her home "'" both sides of Vihera-Bretomwux and
next wwk, acce-iivpniiicd by her grand- 7-W,J. ' in the region of Ussignv, Notoh, Boiff
mother, Mrs. Mary BlnckM'by. UlltiUC) IlliU) Des Fmsi and Boise lhvs Oaurrieres.
Joa Warwick of Beio visited at the IIhomim f.-.l A (lemma surprise attack failed
(I ant Davis homo a few dnyf this UpiuIIlg UOUie I north of Gravesnes. l'Vench forces pen-
ve','' "' Mrated (krman lines near Coibenv and
Mr C. Low and gnn, Elnathan, mo- j Gervnia, April 29. The Gurvnis in upper Alsace, and brought " back
(orcd up from Lrlbanon yesterday and baseball tnm and North Howell prisoners.
.w snding a few days with Mrs. envl hats on the North Howell ,
ww i parwiW. gnouads Sunday at 2:30 o'clock. Tho
'Lieut. ( heMw vVwIcott of Camp Lew- game was very interesting and cxeit-
" Well, since president selected him.
I am inclined to think lie has not,"
answered Brandegee.
Senator McCuinber, North Dakota,
asked Grandegee or "somebody" to
tell what tne American people have got
in exchange for the money they gave
for aviation.
"Well, I should judge we got it in
the neck, nid Brandegee. ,
Senator Thomas, Colorado a member
of the military affairs committee, said
Borglum's etory is not new to the com
mittee, as practically every member ha
conferred with him.
"I understand Borglum is not an en
tirely Disinterested wnuess. s""' save loss in potatoes, and tli.9 potatoes
Thomas, "and for that reason thr , .,, hp, thol poultry.keerer to get a
comnutteo declined to summon him.' lprofit fom ,jie hp9.
1110 im.'ica eiuies is unamo to duj . iir ,,,i, nC nnintM nun.
Propsrly Mixed With Mill
Feed fee Low-Priced Tuber
Makes Egg Builder
Corvallis, Or., April 29. Potatoes may
bo liberally fed to laying hens at a pro
fit at present prices, says Prof. Jam,"s
Drydon, hea'd of the O. A. C. experiment
station pouljry work. One dollar will
buy 133 pounds of potatoes, or more.
The same dollar will buy about 30
I pounds 01 corn, rue nens win neip to
Arriving each day in High Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords. Every known color,
brown, gray, ivory, champagne, tan, white and black, bothliigh and low heels.
Come in and look ever the late arrivals. We can St any foot regardless of size
or width.
tains 21 pounds of dry matter, and a
it is visiting with home folks prior to ing from start to finish, as the teams
liia diiparhiro for the oas'ern coast. wero wall nwi'tclicd.
Miss Mima lftiltbs, ono of the Salem We can give the fTorth Howell pi'ch
leachors, spent Sunday at her home in or Schapp, much credit for his work,
flvertiin. 1H0 has the h mor of not walkin? any
men, lmt wlnk he gets that credit wo
ni''t not forget his rpponent, who has
' th hoiiw of strlkinti ou"; e'mhteen
men. Sim, the GorvnUt center fieJdcr,
carries tha honor of the day for his
sla- fiolding and hitting.
Game olosed in the ninth, the score
being 11-14. Umpires Johnson and Russ
Rumored Czar's Son Is
Proclaimd Emperor
He Copenhagen, AprU 27 WhHc
He no teilegrajn hava been raceiv-
lie ed from Poitrograd for sevcr-
:Je al days, reports from Finland
H say that "there is serious riot-
:it ing in tha Bussiaa capi'al.
There ara also pergistwnt rum
He ors that Grand Dulto Alcxief
: Nhkolaievitch, son of the for-
mer czar, has bo"n proclaimed
tje emiporor with Grand Duko
sis Michael Alraandrovitrh. hi
uncle, as provisional head of
tf; tho governmont.
, It is Final Push
1 Rome April 29. "Tho Germans are
preparing for a final push," declared
tho Zuuch correspondent of tho Cor
rie;e 1) 'Italia,
"They are ready to sacrifice one
' if th i- men. All available
troops have been drawa from their gar
risu, s,
"Tho enemy is determined to stake
a!l on a great effort before the full
strength of America materializes."
San Pratwisco, A"ril 29. Feiled in
her plans to foment a revol in India, !
Germany now is planning to invade
tliat. terrif rv via the ("n9pia.ea with
an amvy of 100,000 men according to
Lieutenant Colonel T. Thord-U-ay of 41
h" 1'ritinh anny. who wa in San
K'anc :sco tedny. Th" Geniia'8 are it
Ik workinir on the assumption that the
" H,i'' nlement wouM join the in-
vailing army.
Keeps the permanent business
man in from Una business
fnches get your Job Print
ing at
We are having a wonderful business in Hanan Shoes, we are adding new custom
ers to our already long list of satisfied wearers of the famous Hanan Shoes each
day. Our stock is complete in every width and size.
The chemical composition of potatoes
does not vary greatly on a dry mat.Wr
basis, from corn or wheat.
The potatoes should be boiled and
then mixod with bran and shorts, tho
whole fcd as a mash once a day. After
boiling, pour off most of tha water and
mix: as much bran and shorts as the
moisture will take up. This mash should I
be fed preferably in tho evening about
Undertone of Strength i Names Capital Issues
Develops In Market Committee and War Board
Wasnington, April 29. President
Wilson today nominated members of
the war finance corporation created In
dividuals. They are:
Charles S.- Hamlin, Massachusetts,
John Skelton Williams, Virginia;
Frederic A. Delano, Illinois; James B.
Brown, Kentucky; John 8 Drum,
California; Henry C. Flower, Missouri,
and Frederick H. Goff, Ohio.
i"iild !v fed after lie fowls become
accustomed to the ratiou.
iyou" 1-41
well eifford
ihc Jbcsi
Washiugton, April 29. Two Ameri
can transports were damaged in a col
lision at sea, tho navy department an
iiouucid. Both vessels have returned
ftly lo an A Santic cort and no lives
Kew Y'ork. Anril 29. The New York
,w;o hours before dark. The bens should Evening Sun finanoial review to
have nil they will ,?nt. In the morning ay Snid:
give them a light feed of coarse grain-1 While trading was restricted in to-, congress to determine on and render
corn, oats or barley, just what they day's stock market, inhere was an tin- financial aid to war industries. Those
will clean up in nn hour or two when dertono of strength which reflected con- named were:
it is thrown in a litter of straw 8 or fidence in a satisfactory ovcr-subserip- William P. G. Harding, Alabama,
10 inches deep. About three times as tion t the war loan. present governor of the federal re-
mueh mash by weight as of dry grain! Bovine of the steel and kindred stocks srvo boaid, for a term of two years.
relatively active, was predicated on the AIIcn u- forties, JNew York, for two,!in. .eport.-d lost.
showing as to .earnings and disclosure as years. , The two vessels were under convoy
,0 dividend action at tomorrows qunr- Eugene Meyer, Jr., New York, for a ,Bnd running without lights when the ac
terly meeting of the United States Steel term of four years, and Angus W. Mc- jcident occurred, the official aanouuee
directors. iL(n. Noith Carolina, for four years. lmont statcd. Neither was seriously dam-
Kailroad shares were goncrally firm.' At the same time the president nom- ag.od, but both were ordered back for
American Telephone was weak featnri linated seven members of the permanent repairs.
and so was American Sumatra. Central capital is-n;cs committee, which licenses A board of inquiry will be appointed
Leather and Corn Products Kef im . the issuance of securities to private to make a thorough investieatioii of tha
corporations, municipalities and in- ac.eiucnt, Secretary Daniels announced.
were in gpod demand.
Price movements were irregular
through the mid-day period, but in the I
afternoon i.he general list was substan J TODAY
ness, however, almost came to a stand
still, in the last hour.
St. Paul, Minn., April 29. The con
dition of Archbishop John Ireland was
unchanged today. He is suffering gen
eral exhaustion end extreme fatigue,
following his journey from Florida to
his home here. Members of his house
hold insisted that they are not
alarmed. At the same time they said
that the archbishop may live for years
or may die shortly.
One of the Greatest Pictures ever seen in Salem.
Ask a friend who seen it.