Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 29, 1918, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Sate per word New Today:
Eaei inaertioa
Ob week (0 insertions)
One month ("6 insertion)
FRESH Red Durham cow, 3 years old
for sale- Also 4 pointer pops. Rt. o,
box 147B. 4 -29
The Capital Journal will not b re
sponsible for more than one insertion,
ior errors in Classified Advertisement!
Bead your advertisement the first day
it appears and notify us immediately
f inimiim charge, 15c.
. lfl
17e LOST Heavy Elgin wateh, between
.Fairmont dairy and Heazlau. Leave
at Journal office. Reward. 4-29
FOR SALE Eight room house with
six fine lots, with tins garden, see
G. W. Johnson-, or phone 4. tf
Writes Doctor Sterner, Says
Salem Boys Are Weil
Confessed to Shying
Whole Kimball folly J State Hcse Mews
Says He Wants No Element of Models Built That Gve Prac- XSZT?-
Coercion cut Duly a
Square Deal
Ithaca, Mich., April S9. Herman wit-
tig, who confessed to slaying an en ire ) . i
family in Lafayette township, was sen.-j An initiative measure to be include J
tenced to life imprisonment in the Mar , ; the proposed amendments to th
today. Fearing mob ,,... . votp. nn ihtk
waived examination
FORD trailer for sale. 21 D St. 41:9
WANTED A good piano. Phone 803
B. - 51
LADY wishes room and board close in.
Addraa K. G. cere Journal. 4-30
VANTBD Housekeeper, good
address F. D. care Journal.
WANT to buy a sow and pigs. Fhone
1204. 5
SWITCHES made from combings. Airs.
Bovcc. Phone 4041. 5-4
Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner is in receipt
of a letter today from Captain Roy R.
Neer of Company M, 162 Infantry, now
with the American Expenitionary
forces in France. The letter is dated
April 2 and was received at the Salem
postoffice April 29. He writes:
"Your very welcome letter received
yesterday and I was clad to hear from
WP HAVE some bareains in used 'you. I em pleased beyond measure to
Fords, Ovetlands and Buicks. Salem know that our boys have won the
Veiio Co., Hi -V xiigh. o-i j respect end admiration of the Saleni
WANTED A farm hand-13.
Thone 53F
FOE SALE Or trado, one John Deere
sulky plow. Phone 14-2. 4-29
FOR SALE White Leghorn eggs, $1
per setting. 1549R. 4 -'J
FOR SALE 285 acre farm, 250 acres 1 "I feel sure that all my men now
in crops, all at war time prices. John ; realize they have a responsibility to
a. Hair, 2-'5 Aorta 20tU t-, fc-atein j fulfill nn-1 they are doing their best to
Or. 5-2 i live up to their pledges. We appreciate
1 I the kind interest which our friends
TEAM, wagon and harness, 7 and 8 show for us and we join them in the
both mares, and full blood Poland ; hope that the war will be brought to a
China weighing about 323, one yeaiigpeejy e08e an)i toat nust of us will
old. Call 430 between 12 and 1. 4-29aeai en;ov he pleasure of our Salein
"Tho b.vs are being well provided
with food and clothing and everything
that could Snake army life more en
joyable is being done. Every one
seems to be v.ell satisfied with the
new surroundings."
FOR SALE Ford roadster in first
class condition. Electrically equip
ped. Good tires. A snap at $-50. Call
418 Court or phone 203. 4-29
LOST Gold circle pin. on State, be
tween 12tr and 15th. Reward. Leave
at Journal offico or phono 2227
mornings. 4-29
FOR SALE5 passenger car in good
condition. 694 N. Com'l. 4-29
TWO and three room furnished apart
ments, 491 N. Cottage. Phone 220&
EARLY ROSE potatoes, fine large
eeed. C. C. Russell. Phone 3F3. tf
HELP WANTED Boy 13 to IS years
to learn mechanic trade; a good op
portunity. Oregon Motor Car Co. Fer
ry and High St. 4-30
San Francisco, April 29. Thomas J.
Mooney today telegraphed all labor un
ions asking that they call off any May
day strikes planned as a protest
again-s his conviction.
Mconey also f egrapned .President
Wilson thanking him for his appeal to
Governor Stephens and tellting the
president that he had asked unions to i . .
aumiuuu luear piauucu jjjvo, o ......
The mcag sent to the laDor unions
was as follows:
"Please call off any protest strike
for May 1 that vou may hay been
planning in my behalf. I am grateful : , & -
l,.v ;wt viut nnnilin'inil lld al
other labor organizations have taken
in my eas, but I wish to have nothing
dome" which would ayipear like an at
tempt to bring pressure upon the court
where my case is still pending, or
which would interfere with tho import
ant national activities now going on.
I need only a fair trial in order to
prove my innocence and I am pertain
that the at'itude of President Wilson,
of labor, and of puolie opinion gener
ally will secure this for me
tical Illustration .
of School Work
A new idea in practicalizing school
work in the graded has been tried' out
in the district school of North Howell
and has -proven a great success. In or
der to foster and direct the interest
such as
ng, Red Cross work, etc.,
cnaldrcn nave been directed in
const ructi
;i ...i v. .!.: , .. - can be turned into yastii
big sand table, to illustrate in a prae-.." all oat field; and beyond that
vivid wav. the underlying pnn-, -- "";'" " , ,
edplea of these thing. The children ' wne 18 nwdra f ;-
thenuilvea have dom all the work. ! ... . , .
The'"War tablo" awakened aJ The children a uteres has been such
much interest as any other. A paste-j Kcnrl that hy wo.",d.-1" ,B8'-;
board Y. M. C. A. But, patiently put work after school upon it if allowed
.,....- k ..;i2 .,....i;,. and the promise that they could work
carefully studied designs from the Pn li?".jn the latter
and pleaded guilty when takua inte the November elections was received I f
circuit eourt here this morning. (Secretary of State Oleott today where-
He killed Willianr Kimball, Mrs. Kim- by it is proposed that the terms tf
ball and their three children, all under county officers including that cf
acven years of age, because KimbalL sheriff, county elerk, treasurer, and
"over-charged" him for repairing his! coroner oe for the term of four years
instead ot tne present term or vw
yean. Also, providing that if the pro
posed amendment passes this fall, that
it applies to those elected at the Not
ember election.
Another proposed amendment is en
by which cities will be given the power
of ensilage for this herd. An attract
ive house was designed wita a garage
cf the pnplls-and indirectly, of their I?4.0"6 lni ho,J th tiat woul
parents-in the live topics if the day,;. th? f.rm" wl,th"1 f7
p.i b luences of the city, and his lighter J to .tot,.;- and eontroi their own pub'
have been directed in the produfta within reach of the city mar-!lic utiliti-a for a period of 25 yeats,
i,m of sl nuclei imr umn keta A clover field was played next xhi. u an outerowth of the six cent
rm, miniature Red Cress hos- to the bftrn- ow clov' fare fi'ht in Portland,
i ; h n . can be turned into pasture. Beyond ,
Tho Oregon Timber A Lumber C
with camps at Parsons, Oregon, writes
the commissioner of labor, O. P. Hoff,
that it has complied with the request to
equip its camps with bath roomB, dry
ing rooms and ft room for the recrca-
Uiou of loggers.
WANTED A second hand typewriter.
Must be in good condition. An Un
derwood or Smith preferable. Call
8. P. freight depot or phone 2016J
after 5 o'clock. . 4-29
GARDEN plowing wanted, 1549 Broad
way. Phone 2017J.
COL. W. F. WRIGHT the auctioneer.
Turner, Oregon. Phone 52. 541
FOR RENT Furnished, five room
house North 21st St-, large lot, car-
den, fruit, ban, chicken yard, $12
per month. Ivan G, Martin, Masonic
bldg. Phone 419. 4-30
WANTED To buy stock cattle, any
kind. Phone 1576W. 5 -
FIVB room flat, furnished or unfurn
ished. Call at 399 Mission. 4-29
FOB RENT Pasture, call S4F5 after
6 p.m. : . 4i9
HAVE you wood aawing! Call pkone
7. n
FOB SALE A five passenger Chal
mora car. Inouire E. C. Cross, 118o
tlilt MOIXEUFot.d.io le cheap. 14,83
Norti Summer. Call after 6 p. m.
mna nk'TiVU.IM. 50x150, first lot south
au"J B-Wt) ,a00. Write A.
Dallas, Or. -
IWTr-BlAcJM (purse, Ore'gofi Electric
ppt. Kindi leave at Capital Jow-
WANTED A delivery Ijoy, must
oxperionced with FoTd. Apply
Dauo & Son.
FOR RENT 6 room,
i or,r. ,V, 14th 'St. Phone 24
modern bunga-
wivTi'n T ilnv nlil chicks, R. I. K
or Plymouth Hocks. Phone 10!)8;OIJ
WANT a small acreage close to
street car or the electric, and within
school district No. 24, with a good
6 room comfortable house on it Will
pay cash, gdv full particulars first
letter. P. O. Box 355, Salem. 4-29
Rcnie April 29. Losses of
German submarines during the
past six weeks have been niore
than double the rate in Janu
ary and February, according to
advices from Zurich today.
- .... nf n t k a artaninnn if idpv irtix i.nrir
cemmou i ai. posreers, was sirai.-guai- - , v. w the Chelsea Lumber Box Co. Cl
thecenterofthotable.be- '!"" " r,. "7. " wi,n, v..ll. l. notic. of an in-
tiiuience. idi m in "u
Wittt tne VjOrporautiB iifpariuicui,
a ChMaoiL T imIiOi- k. Boi Co. i t
ly placed ui tne center ol tno table, be- """.' uo. '
mud a oomt proof of ano w, nm iB .d.oo.1 crease of stock from $50,000 to 100,003.
ireacn c a svsrem oi irencncs cut in r r - ,, i.;f: v;n.mf; i-nrTinrntinn
the sar,d. A the trench observation teaching that a child will do better lie J iciho JJ"K 1 l
. . i , . wnrV if hi tnterrnt t aroused m it, filed articles of incorporation wita-
The following telegram was sent to " " ""r '""";' "8io,",; t than if s.urred on according to the old $5,000 stock. Tho corporation pro
President Wilson: . Ipe- JK method by fear of t uuisnmervt if he poses to develop private corporation
" As you have taken an interest m j" " 7 07 . Much c.lit is duo to Hi Fern and to re-establish and euide business
justice being done in mv ease. I wish c g ore A company of card n of t, Nwt How- enterprises. .
to assure you mat no aunmpi uo - ,.ofa , -.3 ell primary department, for the sue- it is probable tnat Attorney ucnoiai
made, with my consent. o mm yj ... ' t-' cessful Dlanninir am
calling strikes May first. I have tele-
WANT to get in touch with owner of
l'a, ton truck mat warns to earn
from ten ta fifteen dollars every
day during summer, hauling ties.
Write Blodgett & Matlock Lbr. Co.
Dallaa, Or. 5"1
FOR SALE CHEAP House and lot
in Portland, near Mt. Scott line;
will take team on part payment.
Write O..W. Cobb, Aumsville, Or.,
or call at place 3-4 mile S. U. West
Stayton. tf
to $3.64, 8 hours. West Linn mills op
posite Oregon City, at free employ
ment office. Strike still on. Rail
road receipt for fare up to $2 cash
ed after working one week. Come
along. Work assured. Beard and bed
fi.5 week at mills or $7 at Beck's
WaI Oregon City. 5-6
SOME one wanta your property and
you would sell. We charge no com
mission tor mittine buyer and sell
er' together. For further information
Oregon Realty Exchange Investment
Co., Inc., 14 tfroyiman mug., oajem,
nr nhamber of Commerce bldg., Eu
ffcnc. Or., 250 '4 3d St. Portland,
OUR 105 aero ranch, 2 miles east on
Garden road is for sale. Geo. Swe
FOR SALE Good, clean foisy wheat,
raised on new ground. John II. Scott,
404 Hubbard bldg. 4 '
WANTED Three disc plough
automatic lift for tractor.
FOR RENT A 6 room house, strictly
.i ,u-;ti. onvsffp. close in. Phone
Goes to Inspect Work
Done In Wasco County
Percy A. Cupper, assistant state en
gineer," left today to inspect the work
being dune by the slate engineer's of
fice iu connection with the adjudio.-'.-
nf. water lights on iittcen lvun
Many Spy Activities
Exposed at Detroit
Detroit. Mich.. April 29. Thirteen
cases' of spy activity, abotage, draft
dodging, German propaganda, food
violations and seditious utterances
have .boon uncovered and attended to
in Detroit since June, 1918, it was es
timated by the American Protective
League today. Two thousand patriotic
women and men, working without pay
have been responsible for most of the
With its laree area of war plants,
Detroit has been one of the principal
German spy centers in the country, ac
cording to Fred Randall, head of the
Kaiser Gives Gcd
Some of die Credit
Amsterdam. April 29. The kaiser,
it was learned here today from Berlin
sources has Bent tho following mani
festo to Chancellor Hcrtling:
"The reichsbak 1917 report shows a
splendid state of finances. Tho marked
strength and resistance in our economic
lifo fills me with proud joy. This un
paralleled success is due to the vic
tories which His divine grace nas DC-
stowed on our army and navy.
'I am glad to express this as I come
fresh from the battlefield. We are con
quering military and economically.
There is a strong future before us."
Two Amendments to
Overman Bill Beaten
Washington, April 29. By a v.,e of
42 to 30 tho sonate this afternoon de
feated an amendment by Senator Hard
ing limiting the operation of the Over
man bill to departments directly con
cerned with war materials productions
or .lie conduct of the. war.
umnlwid tha labor orean'MltioM
ported to have called protest strikes
ior iu.aj- i, atMwii8 .
,i n intimi with the na- V"J
tionally imiportant work on which the
are engaged. I have read your letter
to Governor Stephens and shall do noth
ine and al'ew nothing to be done in my
behalf which will weaken the force of
your Mt?1T,i0MAS j. MOONEY."
t oriirwal carrying I ISrown will bo called npon to aeciao
tins wnurr iu ma imiycr iiuliiuit - . ) . , , . i i i. u.
sition. Tho child.i had worked out out of these .and other ideas. j,.t what county cWks throughout
all the details, even to the hand carv- The effect upon the communrty of he state hall do in regard to the plac
'ed trench mortar, which one of the sending out these youngsters as mis-l of the name of B. B. Huston on
,i:K.;v..,ai,. naf,aj .iti sionanes or biuomi ruiwoini tn bailor, or wna vney snmi uu :i
Boss of AH Railroads -
H?!d lb m Tram
Chicago, April 29. The national rail
road heeded the voice of ita mastor to
day when Director General McAdoo by
long distance delayed a train here for
Grand Rapids, Mich., until he could
climb uboard.
The secretary speaks for the liberty
loon in (4rnnd Rani (Is .tonicrht.
A review of 20,000 . Jackies at tne
Great Lakes training station ended
McAdoo ' Chicago visit, in which he
mdo a number of "hurry up"
speeches. He was so interested in the
Great Lakes station that he nearly
miRsed connections... . ',
Ueirfonal Director' ' Aishton flagged
the train, which waited for the secre
tary and his wiie.
ja.ck knife outside of school hours.
Accompanying the constructive work
"i. .i.k. i:r. ... r.t so He won t put. pro spoomuim w u-
these being better than their parents in his coffee any mwe, and now
could have written upon these present niama won't let him put more than
day topics. , . ,
Following the "war teble," came
the "Red Cross table" with its appeal Wfl omplf f.raflliafe
eflpecdallv to the girls. A well planned iTIildmaiC Ul dUudiCS
Red Cross hospital, with one siae re
moved to show the rows of little beds
within, with their white, linen sheets
and hospital equipment was given the
center ot the table, ihe girls tnenv
been very marked. For examplo oneineir ballots are already printed. Mr.
little itirl came gleefully to her teac'i- iiU8ton recently withdrew as a candi
er, and exciaimcu, --i ve go my yv
May Afl Go To Front
date for Ui S. Senator. Tho question
is, now that Mr. Houston has with
drawn, now that tho official ballot has
been made up, whother the county
clerks tan legally withhold his nam
from tho ballot. It is understood thn
attorney general will rule on the ques
tion as soon as it is presented to him
by a district attorney.
. .. . . ...... .!!.. WmIkv Hammond. Otto Paultis. Warrcit
si;on ana tne aavisaouuy oi ennsHnR v ; -, ....
.. .. m- Into the army, now that they hava
While the seniors 6f Willamette thoir diplonmi fr0lll lBt University.
University are pursuing the plaeid included in the class to be graduated
selves hand hemmed) all the sheets and pata 0f learning, at the same time their . next month are Wallace Adams, Thos.
ndlloiw cases and pieced all the quilts ... ... niih 1 ha -ma TiTinn. E. Brunk. Earl Cetton. Harold Eakin.
ward. Besides the white capped nurs
es, the scene waa compiewa oy me
representation of a group of boy scouts
bringing in a wounded man on an army
The "Model farm" table, with it
was as important an undertaking as service. And for this reason, , t ' ne
any other in this line. A Wholly mod- of he nine have accepted the ssveral
ern, scientificaUy designed bam wa PPs.tona that have been offered them,
constructed by tne boys, large enough AH of the seniors are of draft age,
. t - nr iva mi. At one'end while some have drew order num-
end they built a'silo with the right ea- bers weU down on the Kst, it weir
pacity, determined from the govern- the young men Uv tmammously
menu ouuetins, ror ino proper buivuuv sura v "w -o- o-
as'soor Tm the m W l dolph Bpies. and Arli
the parchments handed around. manor.
AlthouL'Ii no donnlte aciion nas peon
taken, it is pretty well understood that j
the nine men who are to b graduated I
next month will at once enter the
Turks Want to Make -
Peace With Russia
By Joseph bhapilen
(United Tress staff correspondentr
Potrorrad. Aipril 23. Despite the
Caucasian declaration of war, Turkey
haa again offered to begin peace n-
srotia-tions wittt the Russian govern
ment, proposing that they be conduct
ed m Trebaaond.
This action can be explained as ro
snltiii from a hint from Germany
which needs ail the Turkish troops it
can obtain.
ek and White River in Wasco couu-
WANTED Maid for general house
work. Good wages. Phone 1431 or
call at 1417 Court St. tt
man, must
Work on farm by married
hn steady, .rnone v"
WANTED First class seamstress. Ap
ply at once. The Hob Nob, 215 Ma
sonic bldg- '
FOB SALE Loganberry plants.
Phone 10OF32. W, U JUCJunuev,
, box 121.
ms Br.MT 'Mil-civ furnished house-
keeping and sleeping rooms. 645 er-
FOB BENT Good fW room modern
kaiaa TnnnirA KOS N. Commercial St.
. nl,nn 1R4P.M. ' tf
WANTED Farm hand; must be
will nav the best of wages-
c. n Riiwll. Phone 3F3. tf
This didspaMi the first 'received
from Wiftilt ii since early in the month
thn unusual delay in cable
news from Russia.
"WALL PAPER, 12 cents double roll,
upward Btlren'a Furniture Store, 179
Commercial. "
22 TEAR old hens, mostly R. I. B.-,
, good laying condition, fine B. I. B
Sock. M. Jones, Bt. 3, bo 2640, fea-
AUTO FOB SALE 1917 Cheyrolet.
nm 4000 miles, in good condition;
nrtae is reasonable. Call at Capital
Journal business offico
or phone
Main 81.
WANTED Men and women to work
in vegetable drying plant in the
country. Good camping grounds, and
' tents with floors free- For particu
lars, address E. Clement Hortt Co.,
Independence, Oregon. 4-
A survey is being made of these
streams preparatory to th,?. de:ennina
tion of the rights by the superintendent
t water division No. 2, Maps are pre
pared showing all irrigated land, ditches
' .11. I.. 1...- ..... M.A.I,-n
streams, ets. am uncnes a in""
n,l the nmouni of water used on tne
land as well as thc'ammmt available for
use. This information is compiled and
forms the basis for a judicial determin
ation by the stat.o water board of all
water rights on tne streams., xiuvuiS
such information available eliminates
the necessity of taking .thousands of
pages of testimony and greatly decrcas
,i th ,-nst. to the irrigators. This work
...v . .... . t.:.i.
. ti,o .tot. MMPineeT'S omce, ivnii-ii iu.
. ,,mt,er of years has been under Mr.
Cupper's immediate supervision, has
nrnven very successful and is being
adopted by other Btates.
Kicked at the Bread and
Criticized Government
Sacramento, Cal., April 29. Because
i,. u nilocred to have kicked at the
bread allowance after eating a meal in
a local restaurant and to have declar
ed Jhat the government had no right
to ship food to the allies, Patricio Sil
ver was held to answer to the federal
grand jury by United States. Commis
sioner Martin I. Welch today. Silver is
charged with interfering with the oper
ation and SUCCeSS OI tne immary mm
naval forces of the United States. He
was arrested by Deputy United States
Marshal Morse. Bail was fixed at $1,000
London, April 29. The total Britif
casualties resulting from last week's
raid on the German naval bases at
Zee bnigge and Ostend were 188 kill
ed, 16 missing and 384 wounded, ac
cording to an official statement by the
Washington, April 29. A late ma
rine cerpj cfsualiy list showed three
killed in action, ono died of wounds,
'.hrco iliedl cf d-ase. ten severely
wounded and thirteen slightly wound
ed. ' .
The list follows: Killed in action:
GJnnerv Helcanti WiWam Tarr;
Privates O. Robinson, John L. Shade.
liied of wounds:
Private Jieujamin J. Lueken.
Died of disease:
Corporal Vernon N. Sothcim, Pri
vates Myrtis B. Cargill, Edward N.
Severely wounded:
Corporals Dutty S. Peterson, John
Mulcahy, Azard Eailey, Privates Clar
ence C McTag'rart, Walter W. Pierce,
Stanley 8. Fairchild, Harvey 1). Ad
kins, Frank E. Gess, Thomas M. Un
de rwoo d, Charles W. Milbnrn.
Clarence E. Lewis of Biverbank, Cal.
nrhn is a native of Orctron, born at this
place May 29, 1871, was up looking
the old farm, and the house in
which he was "born, now owned by U
W MeNeal. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis are
vtiaitinir his mwther. Mrs. Lizzie Kmith,
and his uncle, Abner Lewi, of Salem,
also Sunday in company with Abner
Tsrocim nitlrt Mrs. Dmiin lurj niuiui-.
n,t tnr a visit with his uncle, J. E
I,;, of this place, also to visit his
hi-thnlace. Mr. Lewis will be remem
bored by some of the older residents
of this town. Aurora itecoru,
San Francisco. April 29 Nils Vull,
v- ; nu1. was subpoenaed to-
day in connection with the issuance of
a passport to John Bernhardt,
man who was arrested last week. Bern
hardt is alleged to nave secure. m
. . , . r.Uraifln'a nil-
Son Francisco. April 29. The amoun
of inheritance tax to be paid to the
irnvernment by the estito of the late
Henry Miller, multi-millionaire cattle
man,, has been determined, it was
learned today.
Justus Warden, commissioner oi in
ternal revenue, did not announce tho
exact fieure. but it, was understood to
be between $5,000,000 and B,')0,000,
based on tho sliding scale of inherit
ance tax.
Notice was served today on the at
tnrimw (nr the estate tnvintf linn to
days in which to pay the tax.
Tokio, April 29 Rentaro Mi.iino
has succeeded Itaron Goto, as home
minister, following the resignation cr
Foreien Minister Motono. .he appoint
ment of Baron Goto to succeed MotonO
as head of the foreign office was an
nounced immediately atter .Motono s
Miziino has been vice minister of (he
home office since 1913. hnor to mat
he wes director of the public works
bureau. M'izuno was tho originator or
the Japanese copyright law.
passport by showing a fishermen's un-
.r anrl representing himself to
ion card and
be Norwegian.
Seat do, Wash., April 29. James J.
Callaghan, King county eharity commis
sioner went on trial before a jury la
Suporior Judge Frator's department thU
morning charged with graft. '
Callaghan is accused of having Issued
fraudulent orders on a grocery store be
longing to Lester Gandolpho, who i
namod as a co-defendant.
v. ft
llia Canada
i "
New Yi rk, A)ril 29. The war ha
already wiped out a fraternity at
Columbia Iniversity. Ihe supreme
court h.13 authorized the sale of the
Delta Tin Delta chapter - house. Koor
tho last two members of the Gamma
Epsilon chapter will have entered tho
nation's service.
a '
Phoenix. Aria.. April 29. Accused of
the murder of Kenneth C. KoUton, of
Oreeon. vhn disappeared tivre myster
iously :!; November, Ivan McCaa is
n pnotndv here todav. Pulsion body
wo. fniinrl on the desert. Papers and
correspondence established identification.
iSt.iw-- ' r '"1
I if nil 'A
i iff 'I i
. f It M 11
' l L ' A3
f The wondci f ul tril ute to the valor
of troops from the British Dominions
and Colonies, paid to-them by David;
Lloyd George, Premier of Great'
Britain, once more focuses public
attention upon their remarkable,
achievements. The Prmier's state
ment was not only a I -.Vite. but iti
was an urgent call for !e:p addressed
to every able-bodied Hi ilisher and
Canadian in the United States who,
has not yet volunteered.
Since this great war began t anada
has sent overseas as her contribution
to the fighting forces 408,000 men,:
and has actually enlisted about 800,-,
000; Australia has forwarded 405,-;
000, or nine per cent of her popula-;
tion; New Zealand 125,000, or ten
per cent of her population, and South ,
Africa 105,000, or eleven per cent of j
its white population. j
Canadian troops have so often ;
nroved their dualities as fighting
men that it is unnecessary to single!
out specific battles, or name inui
The famous "Anzacs," valiant and in France have displayed splen
fiKhtir.g men from Australia and did fighting qualities nd have won
New Zealand, have . proved their high official praise. When the Ger
ralor at Gallipoli and in France. mans started the recent drive ngainst
Newfoundland troops at GalliDOlii the British. Australians and New
In a message addressed to the
Premiers of Canada and other
British Dominions and Colonies
Premier Lloyd George says:
"We have been inspired by con
stant news of the dauntless cour
age with which the Dominion
troops have withstood desperate
assaults by vastly more numerous
German forces in the battle. The
empire has good ri)Mn to be
proud of all its sjms. Our armies
rannot have too many of these
splendid men.
"As already announced, wc pro
pose to ask Parliament to author
ize the ra'sinR of frch forces
here. I would also urge the Do
minion Governments to reinforce
their heroic troops in the fullest
poHsible manner with the smallest
possible delay. The utruggie is
only in its opening stages, and it
is our business to ee that our
armies get the maximum measure
of support lhat we can give them.
It no one think lhat what even
the remotest Dominions can do
now can be too late. Before this
rampaign is finished Ihe last man
may count." .
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ZeaUinders ru.ihed to tl)0 rescue of
the hard-pressed troops, with tho
"spirit of men going to the rescue of
n great cause," as one noted war
correspondent relates.
The Canadians who captured Vinvy
Midge clung to this important posi
tion and held u despite counties
attacks by superior forces of tho
Some of tnetie men nan a cnanro
j to get a very close range view of tha
! democratic King under whose color
they were fighting. Immediately
after the great drive was started,
George V. made hurried trip to
France and was whirled up and
down the lines like a hard-worked
inspector, shaking hands with tha
enlisted men and eating their mei
food wherever mealtime caught him.
Seeing a slightly wounded Aus
tralian at a railway station the King
walked up to him and taid:
"I've often heard about you.'
Tho Australian, holding out his
hand, responded: ,
IJ,,t it tVinrot" -
The King shook his hand warmly
J .. ,4 mmioha u n hiUUOi 1 11
be Uken as an "equal."