THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. ORE. MONDAY, APRIL 29. 1918. THRFF ' ' ' no que bbstgos ad ir till WHAT IS IM N I ICMOW. A ND R0 one but God knew what was in the heart oi ' 'ru the Stranger. The Man o! Mystery who came to the Desert and to the Woman! And in the End came Agony of Mind! In the End came the Terrible Revelation! In the End the Woman paid! Paid as she altvays does! Wm.N. Sclig's Half-a-Million-Doilas Produc tion of Robert Hilehens' World-Famous Novel and Play of the Same Name With HELEN WARE in Her Best Characterization . I III nir'tl Jl v - .1 ... f W 1i-u.. ,., I I illfff !" 0 n a- BLIGH THEATRE 3 DAYS Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday TOW Terminal Secured for ; Coast to Coast Route San Francisco, April 29. A large tract of land on the old expoai.jion site has beon turned over to the Pacific Aero club by the exposition directors and will be used as the Pacific termin us of a coast to -coast aerial route. Low elljE. Hardy, secretary of the Aero club, announced today. ' -,.- Aero club officials expect soon 'As have completed plans for the establish ment of an aerial mail service between New York and San FranciBCO. Get at the Real Cause Take Dr. ; Edwards' Olive Tablets , That's what thousands of stomach sufferers are doing now. Instead of taking tonics, or trying to patch up a poor digestion, tney are aicauuiiB me real cause of the ailment clogged liver and disordered bowels. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse the liver in a soothing, healing way. When the liver and bowels are performing their natural functions, away goes indigestion end stomach troubles. If you have a bad taste ta your mouth, tongue coated, appetite poor, lazy, don't-care feeling, no ambition or energy, troubled with undigested foods, you should take Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. Take one or two at bedtime for quick relief, so you can eat what you like. At 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. T FIFTY FROM FRANCE Wants All Able Bodied Ger mans ReturnedTo Send - Back Sick Russians ; Washington, April 29. Germany in tends to present to Russia an ultimatum demanding release of German prisoners held in Siberia, but this will contain n joker permitting release of only inva lid Kussian prisoners. A committee of 115 members will go t.i l'etrograd to ,ko up the question of Mi:' exchange, and should it be refused Cn rmany threatens to take Potrograd. The ultimatum provides first. t tlr Russia free all German prisoners in good health; second that all those in ill health remain in Russia under care or neu .ral physicians and third, that Ger many release only invalided prisoners. This new evidence of Germany trick ery was supplemented by new evidence of similar treatment in Finland. The Germans man..iy3 innfsh forls fired on 143 ships bound from Ilclslng fors for Krnnstadt. This is violation of tho Brest treaty and the soviet has protested against it and against ilie derman demands for return of trans- norts bv Russia earlier in the war. Stockholm advices said the Germans are curbing the red guard. The Finnish white guard government is requisition ing lobaeeo. oil. coffee, copper and cloth laraelv from American and British sources, but under an agreement not, to re-export to Germany. Must Put Up If 150,000,000 a Day -New York Starts Big Drive N,w York, April 29. New Yoik to day welcomed the first American sol dicrs back from the firing line. Fifty lads from Pershing's army marched up Broadway and into city hall park for the noon liberty loan rally, while Jious ands cheered, climbing upon window sills, statues afTd upon the top of sub way kiosks to get a glimpse of Amer ica's first veterans of the great war. At city hall park the troops lined up and were greeted by Mayor Hylan. Af terward they were cnter.ain.-3d at lun cheon. With total subscriptions of $500,900, 000, New York started the last week of the drive with the intention of raising $1,500,000,000, instead of merely its $900,000,000 quota. Big individual sub scriptions ara looked for Jiis week. Want $15,000,000. Washington, April 29. America must Your Rheumatism The twists and aches of rheumatic sufferers usually yield to the rich oil-food treatment in OSiBioao when everything else fails. Besides helping to purify and enrich the blood Scott's strengthens the func tions to throw off injurious acids and is especially beneficial during changing seasons. Many doctors themselves take Scoff'. You Try It. ScQtt & Bownc, JUooinfield. N. J. 17-34 Line k of the Firing Modern war conditions demand that our armies must have behind them national solidarity the coordination of all the vast activities and an indus trial army many times greater than the Nation's fighting forces. The Nation's capital is linked with all these varied activities by the toll and long distance lines of the Bell System. Thousands of miles of special wire systems have been turned over to the Government for its exclusive use. Switchboards in the Government departments at Vaslungten have been en larged and. new ones installed. Right of way is given to Government busi ness over all commercial lines, so that the Government chiefs may keep in constant touch with every phase of the Nation's great task and direct its progress intelligently and effectively. In organizing the military activities of the country, the Government has had the effective co-operation of the Bell Telephone System, which even in peace times reached 70,000 communities and now extends to the headquar ters of every Army Department and Naval District of the United States. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPLY pass (,)700,0Q0,000 over the liberty loan counter during the remaining six days ot the drive 11 the great loan is to reach its J,3,00U,000,000 minimum. Total subscriptions shortly before noon today were $2,240,950,000. As final, reports on liberty day sales cair.fl in, it became cviden.j official ex pectations had not been altogether ful filled. While something less than $250,- 000,000 was subscribed for the day, $250 000,000 had been looked for. Confidence at headquarters and re luewcd vigor throughout the country, however, marked the opening of the last week's lap. ureat cllorts were bertig made ,;o reach the average man, in order that a goal of 15,000,000 individual subscrilv.'rs might bo reached. Hume 9,500,000 per sons already have bought bonds. Builder of First Trolley Line In City Here After 28 Years After an absence-of 28 years, H. W. Ehurtz, who was one of the contract ors in the building of tho first trol- , ley Iina in Salem, is in the city. I It was in 1890 that .'lie contracting' tirm or tilmrtz & Tobin began the work of building the trolley from what was jthen known as the Chemeketa hotel to i the penitentiary. At that time .Jiere wera but .a few houses on Btate street jeast of the railroad track and Mr. iShuitz says that as he remembers it, the work beyond .,he ruilroad was mostly in open country. ! Ho remembers that Clint Monroe was 'manager of the Chcnwoketa hotel, now the Marion, and that most of the streets were just as nature had mude them. i Mr. Shurtz now lives In Decatur, Il linois, and is traveling for 8ie I'abri kona mills of New Jersey. I - i CARRIED OUT 15 WOMEN. - PASTOR DISCUSSES EVERYDAY THINGS Key. R. N. Avison, Talks On Dancing, Red Cross, Sctocls and Other Things Dancing, politics, tho pessimism of some people and the Y. il. C. A. were discussed in the sermon delivered yes terday morning by the Rev- B. N. Avi son, i3tor of the IVst Methodist church of Salem. In regard to the pessimistic tone that ran through the me.sagos of nmuy during the sessions of the Oregou Sun day school association which met the past week in the Methodist church, Dr. Avison said: "I do not share, in any degree the ipirit of pessimism that seems to be- abroad- in the country. I hope the feeling is not shared to any extent that the church had failed to some extent and that the Y. M. O. A. was taking its plao in war work. Tho Y. M. C. A. is the church in action but not by any means a substitute- for the church. "Tho chaplains in the army axe from tiie pulpits of Christian churches and the Ked Cross ia made up largely of Christian women. If it were not lor the Christian church, the Y- M. O. A. nor the Itcd Cress would have an ex isteace," he said. "I think the Y. M. C. A. came for just such a time as this, but let us not forget that the church gavo it birth. Delinquencies Increase "You note that ministers and theo logical students are exempted irom the draft It is either a slander or a challenge. The fact is, tho government has renoguized that any undertaking without the church would be a fail ure." Dr. Avison said there was an in crease of 37 per cent in juvenile dolin queney in Portland since the war be gan, due to the fact that fathers and brothers were in the war" and that mothers and daughters were working in factories. In regard to the1 proposed 48 weeks of si'hool, he said tho higher govern ment officials knew of the perils of the long vacation and suggested that tho superintendent of the city schools and the city educators offer their ser vices to caro ftr the boys who would be working in groups in different part of tho county. The Church and Politic Referring to the Ked Cross and en tertainments given to secure money Dr. Avison said: "Ladies, maintain your institution without any relatioJ to questionable amusements such as dancing- I have been asked, what harm is there in dancinef I am tired of talking of dancing. It should have no place in the life of a mature man or woman. I am not narrow. J nere is something more important in life than such frivolous nonsenso us dancing." Dr. Avison holds that it is tho duty of every citizen to s'rutunzo the rea ord of every man to be voted on May 17, whether for the city or for tho county and state offices. "A man said to me the other day that the Meth odist church would not control poll tics this coming election," said Dr. Avison. "I will say that tho Method ist (ihurch never tried to control any election, but that it is interested vi tally in good government. Borne of you will know nothing about a candidate and his moral standing 24 hours bo fore election, day. It does seem strange I m to info iii! Can we get the fuel? What is it going to cost? When may we expect delivery? These are questions uppermost in the mind of every manufacturer whose is today striving as never before, even running 24 hours daily, to keep production apace with demand.- Use Gas for Industrial Fuel and your problem is solved at once no more worrying about costs, deliveries, etc. You have at your command cur immense re sources. You pay a definite amount that does not fluctuate with market conditions. You pay,. , for Gas only as it is used thery is no need to tie ; up capital or space in a fuel pile. You abolish waste, dirt and haulage charges. You get a fuel - of uniformly high standard, easily and instantly regulated to the fraction of a degree. These facts are worthy of serious consideration. Telephone 85 now for our Industrial Engineer. Telephone 85 The GAS COMPANY 237 N. Liberty St. out for election. Take a little timo and investigate your candidate." SCORED AGAIN. Washington, April 29., Administra tion forces backing th,9 Overman em. powering bill scored again in the sen ate this afternoon when Senator Gal- linger's amendment barring tno govern mcnt printing office from the provisions that any Tom, Dick or Harry can come of the bill was defeated 44 to 28. Even though not bing grows we've hud the fun of planting. CASTOR I A: Fcr Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Cignatrtr of Oakland, C'al., April 19. Sailors from the Defenders' Club and Oakland police carried 15 women from a burn ing lodging house at Fifteenth and Broadway early today. . Policeman Leslie Cot was overcome by smoke after rescuing two occupants of the building, fieme 40 persons were driven to the street in their night clothes by the fire which destroyed the building and did 1 0,000 damage. 8 I ' t - ' ' HI DON'T BUY .! UNTIL YOU ! SF.F. the "ADS" ! I for the H a s S A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA f j