Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 29, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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    THh iihilI CAr 1 l Ai. JUl K.NAL, SALEM, ORE. MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1918.
For centuries all over the worMl Po cot delay a minute if your bek
COL. A1KDAL Haarlem Oil has i aches or you are sure across the loins
forced relief in thousands upon thou-: or have difficulty whe urinating. Go
eviads of ease of lame back, lumbago, ; to your druggist at once and get a boi
viatica, rheumatism, gallstones, (rra-!of imported GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
el and all other affectiona of the kid-; Oil Capsules. They are pleasant and
ncys, liver, stomach, bladder and al-jeasy to take. The dissolve ia the atom
lied organs, It acts quickly. It does;ach, and the kidneys soak np the oil
the work. It cleanses vour kidneys and .like a sponge does water. They thor
porifiet the blood, It makes a new mannghly cleanse and wash out the bind
aew woman, of you. It frequently der and kidneys and throw off the in
wards oif attacks of the dread and fa-! f lamination which is the cause of the
tal diseases of the kidneys. It often j trouble, Your druggist will cheerf ulh
completely cures the distressing die-! refund your money if you are not sat
eases of the organs of the body, allied i isfied after a few days' use. Accept
with the bladder and kidneys. Bloody, jonl" the pure, original' COLD MKDAl
or cloudy orine, sediment, or "brick- Haarlem Oil Capsules. None other gen
dust" indies tn an unl'oalthy condition-j uine.
(Continued from page one)
ohares, Stanley Gosiuki, timer N- llol
yoke, William J. Kentile, Charles 11.
IStSerson, Joseph. Rnmando, George J.
Kansom, Edward W. Smaller, Alax
Robert Burke, Prank' Doreski. Ihego i
J.uis IJorrctjer, Joe Leto, Anthony
ilarkarcwu'Z, Stanley Miedowski, Hob
in Moore, Thomas H. Musker, William
OlMl, Walter .1. Koiind.
Among the slightly wounded were
Lieutenants Heibert A. Chase, .lames
J. Flanagan, Kolwrt Hayes, William
.J. Kievenaar, Willianu H. Osiliorn, John
1. Katajcxak.
Because of Functional Disor
derCured by Lydia E
Pinkham'i Vegetable
Marine Casualties
Washington, April 29. The Ameri
can marine casualty liat today showed
ona dead of wounds and two wounded
in action, the navy department an
nounced. A machinixt's mate was lost
'overboard from a submarine chaser in
a heavy sea, it was further announced
I l'rivate Kred Charles Sehat'fner,
Keck Island, J11-, died from wound
audi Privates- Spencer J. Leads, Bt.
Joseph. too., and Carl C. Kingsbury,
New tattle, were wounded in action.
Matthew I. Sullivan was lost over
board from . submarine chaser. Ilia
home i in Brooklyn N. Y.
i Bell-am s
By Carol S. Dibble
t Indigestion. Druggfsts
' refund money if it fails. 25c
The martial call continues to erip-1 since their organisation at ike be;in
p'e the art ranks of the various com-. Jing of the ytar: 3-3 triangle, "il
munitres, leaving voids in numerous head, 02 abdominal liaudases; H suits
artistie activities, well uiiih iinisi- paajiia. l"o bendkerciirsla. 14 frae-
The departure of Harry tnre ;iUow, 4 pairs sox, 30 dish '
b!e to refill.
y. jiuis ior a ueorgia trajmnj camp,
shortly will remove fiem the musical
ircles of tal"iu one of its most gifted
towels, 1 pair bed sox. 4 wash cloths.
la March a box socml was hclu netting
me injury ?s.ou, I tie auxiliary is
FiiD Blooded Indian
Eora In Alaska Bound
io Fight For America 1 1
Wheu an Indian wants tn get into;
tlie service and tight for his eountrv. I
pianists, and one destined to go far now buying its own. material and plana jit is evidentlv liaid to keep him
Oakland, Cl. " I iufferiid from Ir
regularities and congestion, o 1 could
- not stand on my feet
i for any lone period
m ume ana aia not
leepwell. Thephy-
Haitian who treated
. .1 liav W.U KVk Villi! kV
W help ma any and a
Lydia E. Pinkham'i
, i-. n
v insDia uni
! norml I tonic H ir.l
before 1 realized it
I was well. I shall
raeommend your
valuable remodv to
my friends." Mrs. L. H. D WfcESE,
05 Alcatras Ave., Oakland, Cat
Every woman at aoma period or other
in ber life suffers from juat such dis
turbance ae did Urs. Weese, and if
there is no interee ted.friend to advise,
let this be a reminder that this famous
root and barb remedy has been over
coming these ailment of women for
more than 40 years.
If any complications exist, writ
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
Mass., for advice. Th result of many
yews experience is at your service.
j " i
With the Canadians
Ottawa, Ont., April 29. The follow
ing Ameriraiu are tnontioned in. to
day Canadian casualty list:
Wounded: J. W. Sweuerton, Los An
geles. Died of wounds: W. B. Cass, Butte,
Amsterdam, April 29. "The
kawer watched the Kemmcl
lattte early ThiiTsdfty morn
ing from an 'advanced posi
tion,' " Karl Rosncr, the kais
er 'm favorite war correspond
ent, declares lu the Lokal An
zeiger. Hosner says the kaiser fol
lowed the de,tail8 of the bat
tie "by eyesight and telegmph
ieally, "marking them down on
his map. Ho remained on tho
battle front until aftornoon.
Children Ory
i: A Word on Assortment I
If you are interested in a line of merchandise say ;;
Silks -it is not a pleasure to buy where your ;;
vuuuoiiig iiccu nub wvuiuuxu tu it very, very
limited assortment? No matter what they
are wearing in London, New York or any
where else, and no matter what such and
such a person is wearing, the fact re
mains that truly correct style means
suiting the personality of the wear
er. This requires an Assortment
Sufficiently Large to allow am- .
pie latitude for personal pre
ference after all other con
siderations are covered.
Now look at our as
sortment of shades
and colors in just
one quality of
t A splendid weight, 40 inches wide, suitable for
:: Waists, Dresses, Underwear, etc. Colors: Ivory,
:: pink, flesh, myrtle green, pongee, brown, gold, sap
phire, Copenhagen blue, navy, scarlet, Burgundy,
plum, peach, rose, silver grey, mais, apricot, delft
blue, apple green and black. A Grand Assortment of
,good cloth and a low price.
Beautiful colorings in nearly all the new Spring
shades, fine qualities, :!6 t 40 inches wide,
priced at per yard .'$1.90 to $3.00
Ten new shades in Georgette Crepe, just in by
express, making a suitable selection possible
without difficulty. Extra weight and quality.
w mcnes wide at per yard . $
in the concert field. Tho votin? sol
dier musician appeared iu recital last
nij;ht at Portland before an audience
"innl of member of the KeaKza
ti ii l.wii;ui at Woodcraft hall. Fol
!.!!: the miti"al. Mr. Mills held an
...ioi'iiH1 re .'M'tion, when a large umn-
: .i -.id time friends took advaut
xf c i t ill.? i.pii :unity to extend both
:.,;. a.u'dtii and farewells, lie was
a ctmiituiii'd to I'ortland by his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mills and
Mr. and Mrs. J. H- Baker, the party
motoring back to talent last night.
Vesterday's Orejioniau says in re
?ard to the recital of last nijiht:
"Kev. H. Edward Mills of Spokane,
wm ailure.s the Realization Leajrue in
he Women of Woodcraft hall, Tenth
and Yamhill streets, this morning and
tonight. At tonight ' meeting th ad-,
dresg will be preceded by a piano re
cital by Mr. Mills' nephe-w, harry
Mills, of Salem.
"This young man is 21 years of age,
and belongs to the ordiianco class
which was scheduled) to train at Eu
gene, but will soon be sent directly to
Georgia. He is the son of Mr. and'Mrs.
John A. Kills, long tim residents of
Salem. From a little child he has play
ed the piano, and with constantly in
creasing ability. He received instruc
tion at Willame'tte university and la
ter at the state University of Oregon
at Eugene- It was here, that Arthur
Frazer of Chicago, concert pianist,
heard young Mills perform on the pips
organ. So talented is young Mills that
Mr. i raster urged him to accept ft mu
gie scholarship for 1917-13. He did so
and for months has been studying in
tensely uuder the close supervision of
ihis instructor.
'Mr. Mills has returned for a few
days at home before going into train
ling at) the army camp. It will be the
last opportunity today for a long time
ifor Portland! pople to hear this na
tive of Oregon in piano recital. If a
(single word describes his playrag, it
lis individuality. He has himself made
a modest beginning in music composi
tion. '
Mrs. C. P. Bishop is planning to
leave tbc middle of the.wock for an
extended eastern trip. She will accom
pany her son, Clarence Bishop, of Pen
dleton, who will go on business. They
will bo gone a month or more, stopping
at New York, Boston and other points
of interest on the coast.
Mr. nl Mrs. Will D. Bennett enter
tained as guests yesterday a party of
friends from I'ortland, who motored
dawn for Uie day. The visitors were
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Muudcll (Margaret
Mitchell), Mr, and Mrs. Ralph' Watson,
Mrs. Whitehead, Mrs. Deverens and
Percy Guragus. Later in the day Mr.
and Mrs. Bennett joined their guests
for an afternoon's outing to the golf
links, whore a number of picnic par
ties wcro itt progress.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lee Patterson
entertained a party of out of town
guests over the week end, -several of
whom will remain tit the Patterson
residence for the greater port of the
week including, Miss Virginia Mc
DunoiHrh of Portland, Miss Mary Lou
ise Uogo of Seattle and the hosts'
son, Captain Philip V. Patterson, of
Camp Low is. Tho hitter's brothec, Lec
Patterson, and Mi-ss Harnett Cum
mines of Portland, who wcro also mem
bers of tho houso party, motored' back
to Portland last niRht. Lieutenant
Sullivau of Cump Lewis, who likewise
was a recipient of the Patterson hos
pitality left this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. EUlridse, Mr
William Brown and little grandson,
Chandler Brown, enjoyed n week end
stav in Portland, where a drive up the
Colunrbia Highway was arranged for
tho pleasure of the visitors by their
to continue being self supporting.
Mrs. E. G. Tei-.wiiiigcr was the motif
or a peasant surprise partv last Thurs
day, when tie Aid society of the AVo-
At lea ft that is the npiniuii if rl" lo
cal exemption Iw.ard in its experience1
with William Henry Keddie. j
For the past few months Rcddie has'j
been touring the country in the R.?d-
mans Relief Corps gathered at her ' Patn Lyceum bureau ns a member of the ,
resiiKTcj on ( aemekcta street on the llullal1 s'r'"g quartette, nut even the!
O'ica-ioii"if her sewinj wedding auni- Uuuuds of stringed music could not sub-j
veisary. The afternoon was cnlornblv i J"0 !' martial soul as the board fre-
at-stnl a kit Rod tro needlework, and i quwitly lvard from him,. asking when!.
aa lnruririgi program. Mrs. Echo iStaa-jhe could g.'t into the service. Keddie
ton gave a rea.di;ir i.lr. Terwillicer i's prop'orlv registered, but the time had
"r!i several vocal Mlwtions aud
little Olive Lewis of Rivert'auk. tal
il'ornia, also gave au entertaining read
mg. Refretshments were served by the
committed in ciarce. About fortv 1h.
i dies wcro present.
Mrs. Louise Wells, president of the
Sedgwiek Corps,, recently entertained
ine onicers or the .orps at an after
noon gathering at the armory. Dain
ty refreshments of cake and punch
were served.
Mrs. Arthur G. O 'Shaungnossy of
Denver, Colorado, who has been visit
ing her sister, Mrs. George Lewis, at
her home on South Twelfth street for
a few days, left for San' Frai RCA
last night, where she will join her hus
band, who has business interests there.
Mrs. O'Shaughnessy was accompanied
by her two children, Margaret and
Commencement events held full sway
Saturday night, wnen the pre-gradua-
won lesuviues oi Willamette univer
sity were gayly inaugurated. Mrs. Carl
Gregg Doney, the wife of President
Doney, now in service in France, en
tertained! tho seniors of the university
at the annual class reception. Masses
of cherry blossoms lent ft glory of
flaky Wooro "to the reception room.
About forty five guests were in at
tendance. Mrs. George H. Alden assist
ed Mrs. Doney- In the absence of both
the president and acting president, the
receiving line was dispensed with.
Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Findley were
also boats Saturday night, for the an
nual freshman-sophomore party at their
residence 225 Norta Twentieth street.
Japonic and an array of spring bloom
furnishcdl lovely decorations for the
affair. Professor and Mrs. W. E. KirR
acted aa chaperones for the occasion.
Over a hundred guests were present.
The entertaining committee number
ed Miss Ethel Fopg, Jknss Evelyn Gor
don, Miss Gertrude Diliard and Wil
liam Hclt. Mies 'Mary Findley assist
ed. -'WF
Mrs. Eussel B. Fields (Olive Beck
ley) weni to Portland ithis morning to
join her husband, who reaves this ev
ening for Georgia to complete his ord
nance eoursa at a training camp near
Atlanta. Mr. Fields, who left for Port
land early this morning, had expected
to return to Salom, before his depar
ture, but a change in orders, made it
Jut now we are featuring (he
not conic fur his calL
However, this morning the board re
ceived the following wire from Rcddie
in Chicago: "Wire permisison at once
to enlist in the V. S. navy at Chicago.
Have passed physical examination."
The request was granted in a telegram
to the proper Chicago authorities this
Rcddie came from Wrangel, Alaska
entering the Indian Chemawa Training
school in 1908. He is a graduate of Che
mawa and for the past year has been
with the Iudiau String quartet.
Holds False Teeth Firmly
In Mouth
It Prevents Sore Gums
Gums shrink or swell and plates be
come loose, which is no fault of the
Dentist. An- application of COREGA
sifted evenly on the Dental Plate re
lieves these conditions. It holds the
Plate firmly and comfortably in posi
tion. Also promotes mouth hygiene.
25c at Drug Stores and Dental Sup
ply Houses, Your Druggist can get it
from his wholesaler. Free sample
from Corega Chemical Co., Cleveland
Ohio. Adv.
Requests State to
Withdraw Application
The Desert Land Board has been re
quested to withdraw its application for
a five years' extension of t'ine made to
the Federal Government prior to the
recent decision of the supreme court on
tho Chewaucan river water right ma-;
tore, according to a letter received today
by John H. Lewis, secretary of the
board, from th.o commissioner of the
general land office.
The federal government has been in
formally advised that this water right
litigation has laminated adversely to
the state's interest aud if such with
drawal is not made, the state is called
upon to "make a full showing as to
the present situation and what it pro
poses ijo do."
vices are no longer needed.
"The right to organize is the only
impossible for him to raiake the trip issue.'
back again- Mrs. Fields will remain in
Portland for several days.
(Continued from page one)
Mrs. Walter Spaiilding was a
laud viMtor over the week end.
Three lots of Jersey Ribbed Undcrrcsts:
Regular sizes :!G and .".8, each 10c
Regular sizes ;i6 and ;J8, two for 25c
Extra sizes 40 to 44, each .T. 15c
Wemaltc a specialty of Extra Sizes Carrying
many lines in sizes up to 50
t Oft (77
Mis. M. K. Moycr and little daugh
ter, Klva, have returned from an en-
joya.'ble week stay in I'ortmnu.
Miss Constance Cnttwrigltt return
ed ti WiHiiUnirn lust evening arter a
week end visit, in Sulom, as the guest
if her -parents, lr. mid Airs. P. Cart-wright-
ill's, v.. McUroom nn,l itiitigntcr,
;Mii Nclhs, returned to tlioir homo
at Clieliiilis. Wnshiimton, today, aftei
f .,a month's visit in Snlem, ns the (.uest
tjof Mr. n-1,1 Mri. Clinrleo H- Kiher.
'.Mr. M c KriKiin i ft sUtor uf Mrs.
t -KisllCl'.
j ....
M.-s. Aif i" Sax and dar).'Mer, Pnvn,
!f flan PtancUco, who lrivc been eu-
'joying a two iMouth'ii viit lit thislii'iiis"
Tl'of lr. M. I. Mciiili-isi'lin on .xattnaw
I slr.-ct. left for IVrtland tub inorniug,
f '-,ln;-e tl;cv expect t ) leca'e prnnaiH-iit.
j Mr. mid Mrs. Murini Pe.'.itam have j
lici-n enjoying a week's viwt from their
wm. Cliniineey Putnam, of Pasco.
j Wushington. '.Mr. Putnam rcturutJ
'home tcd.iv.
Mrs. W, 0- Maxwell of Portland
was a week end visitor at the Hnrtwcll
llioiue on H. in t Ii )th street.
ly in. i (.riant Vnns and '.here is even
n.e fear tVi tha Teuton will rea h
th elianiicl portj.
i muciuuig -e battle of Seichepr.
nicfiivnii tne American rorcuh, -ue
statcn.cni t.vi:
' !i h. irontage of approximately
tim- vii.-i'crg in .'ho viem'ty f
Seiclioprey tl e ncrny swept over our
front lines. Our men were driven out of
the village, which the enemy was abl.
to hold temporarily. During tho night
the Germans evacuated the position cap
tured and we were able to reoceupy our
original front lines. Along thj Meuse
our roops bent otf another raid."
liie summary added that pressure
.ainst the American sector northwest
of Tottl ia increasing.
Hie chance of an Austrian offensiv,
a;;;.iiibi Italy was again noted.
(Continued from page one).
out hero today because they attended a
union oi-jpniization meeting Sunday, ac
cording to .lames Duncan, secretary of
tho central hsbor council.
A special meeting of the union oper
ators lias been culled for eight o'clock
tonight to discuss the si ,uation.
Approximately 100 operators of the
Y ' stern Vtiion joined the Commercial
TilogrnphoM Vnion of America Smuluy.
t'r;icli-:iliy the cmiiw Postal force had
previously I veil enrolled. A rumor is
enrrent lit noon that twenty Western
Vnieu uperaf.-t were lucked out, tut
In. kt C'.-iif irmiuieii.
Western Union officials who could
be re:u-i:..-d today H-fused to diwusj tin
situation. "1 am certain of niy sla'eincnt,'
Diuiean s.-.M. "Tloy were" told thoir ser-
Henry M. White, United States im
migration and conciliation commission
er for the government spoke at Sun
day's organization meeting. '
"You are not denied the right to or
ganize aud "bargain collectively," ho
said. "Xo orw can deny you the privil
ege of organizing. It is yonr lawful
Tfcs ky Of
A Wcra 5 rfi-l Homed? That U a Natural
Au and Rslivre ib Vetuioo.
Decidedly the latest style productions :n fabrics of
dependable quality ?nd priced at figures much under
-their present worth. . .
Coats from $12.48
Suits from $16.48
Serge Dresses f $ 9.75
Silk Dresses from $12.48
Waists, Neckwear, Hosiery, Undcrmuslins, Corsets,
Petticoats Ribbons, HandkercMdfs.
Quality Merchandise
Popular Prices
U. G. Shipley Company
Where Shopping Is a Pleasure
An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trado
Tlie expectant meiher rccolres In her mind
ill r un3crrtar.d by drrthiy. And It Is ot
t!:a ulir.oat lmportaiK-e that tier physical com
fort be our first thought.
There Is a most splendid remedy for this
purpose, known M Mrthcr'a 1 ricud. It ii
applied over the nnuvlas of tlie ttoniach,
sentljr robbed In, sad at occe penetrntcs tc
rliee strain on nerves, cords nr.d lia
iie:i!. It makc the mimcles ra p'lsnt that
fl'iMf fTminrf micllv -(.. l.nl... .
, 1 I . t C B 11 U
u. .ni.jri h lu0 crisis 13 natural!
niuuicrs rrica is ror external nse onlv.
s absolutely fala nr.d woniterfully effective.
It e.-i.ilA-s tho potant mother to preserve
it l?;Ml aid flrc-.-th and she remains
J pretty mntlur by bin; avoiilcd the euf
'ri:: n:v.l d.;nser which weald otherwise
icjomp.iry tuch aa occasion. Tvery ncrye,
r-niclo a:. J tcijcn Is tUi-.roubljr lubricated.
MnHw' Fri-r-l I, prcpr;l ly the Brad
'ol.l oli:t;r Co., Lomsr Bldr, At-
;:il;. f "lT IU rc.-ill y:u an intensely
iterertlr.f ".Xiolberh -m! Em. Frlte t''em
5 ncrid it to yru, ar.J In tbc rreanllrae send
r5 r"-r druskt toilijr for a battle
rrcry womaq fWd aid raturo in her
t!f.-ii-ti oik. .M,tl,er's )-rlci,d makes ii
,ws hlc fcr t -il tn ad shonM tie used
etularl;-, lutliout fjil, niEi,t and niornliu.
Women will wear silks for every kind of dress and
frocks this Spring because the Government does
not need Silks like Cotton and Woolens. Hundreds
of yards of new Silks are here ready for the call.
Every yard is unique in its individual beauty of
weave and color.
Through opportune buying methods we have been
able to keep price 'down to the same level as were a
year ago and this means very great savings 'for
those who buy of these good silks:
Tho member of t!'t IJnlcn R.'a-l
Ked 1'ros.i ni!i!rv, wlmh is n very
t hand uf workers,
i ioumviiisf article
Children. Cry
Beautiful Bust aiyl Shoulders
are pible if yon will wear a cieutiflcally constructed
men jotie ura55itire.
The ilrnririnir weight of an unennfined hint o stretche the
upporting niusclea that the contour of the tigurc i spoiled.
Rut the bust bade where It be
IIH IMVV.nl Ilia 11 K.ib.
0LIS bavinf the .arpearnnce ot Dab-
.. jo.ifil iwnesx, eliminate the daiirer of
BRAJPIER-E drarnjnt muKleaanrteondne the
UllrtslJltlttJ eh of the liouldcr iv1UI a
iraceful line to the entire upper body.
Theyarethe daintieot and most nerviceableitairment!! Imagi
nable come inall matenala and .tyks: I ross Back, Honk
JYont, Surplice, Bandeau, etc. Bmi1 with "W atnhn," the
rustics bouiii( pennittinrwaahuif witboutremoval.
Have four dealer ahow you Bieo Jol ie Brawierea, if not itork
ed, we will (ladly aend him, prepaid, aamplea io show you.
BENJAMIN H JOHNES, 51 Warren Street, Newark. .N. J '
36 in. Sitk Pophn $1,25
36 in. Fou'ard t ..$1.79
36 in. Plain Taffeta $1.59 to $2.25
36 in. Fancy Silk Ginghams $1.75 to $2.25
36 in. Satin $1.35 to $2.25
40 in. Radium 2.43
40 in. Crepe de Chine $1.50 to $2.65
36 in. Messaline $3,65 to $1.98
40 in. Georgette Crepe $l.5 $2.45
4l6 STATt St-
tw-' . J