Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 29, 1918, Image 1

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Only Circulation la Salem Oui
mteti by the A-iOlt Bursal of
Oregon: Tonight
sud Tuesday j.rob
ably fair; couler
- t.might - except
near the coast;
1 !
toast; Moderate
winds, nioaiy
lucn the mm)
k -flak
- tr-
' Attacks Begai At 3 o'Gock This Morning With Hurricane
Artillery Fare High Explosive asd Gas Shells Used
Germans Opened Fire by Sectors Beginning In North
Stakes AH, Willing To Lose Ojie-T&rd of Men
By William Philip Simms,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With the British Armies m Flanders, April 29.' The
French in the Kemmel region, who were heavily shelled
all last night, reported a violent bombardment beginning
, early today. Later an "S. 0. S." signal, indicating an at
tack and calling on the artillery for support, went up from
this part of the line.
Two similar calls were received from the region of
Ypres and later from Locre.
' At three o'clock this morning the Germans began a
hurricane bombardment of the British and French lines
from Ypres southward to the Lys.
Various allied divisions sent up S. 0. S. rockets.
At five a, m. the shelling became extraordinary intense.
The Germans were opening fire by. sectors, beginning at
the north. ' ,
As this is cabled, it is too early today to describe any
of the developments. " , -
. Entire Front Engaged
London, April 2t? -r- The German
were striking ou the entire Flanders
battle front today,' 'Field Marshal Haig
rogorted today.
From Meteaeu to VocnwKseele, a dia
' tance of more than ten miles, infantry
attacks were developing wider cover
f 'of a terrific bom'beirilmeut of high ox
plosive and gas aheiUs. '
The southern part of the Flanders
theater from Givenehy to Nleppe for
est, a ten mile front, was also under
toavy artillery fire.
At the same time the enemy began
Hilling the British lines on the ten
mile front between Lens and Arras
constituting about half of the sector
.naparating the Handera and Picardy
battle fronts.
"A heavy k-jtabardmcnt with high
explosive and gas shells vras opened
byr the enemy this morning on the
whole front from Meteren to Voorme
rjaelo," Haig said. "Infantry attacks
are developing.
"South of Albert, and in the neigh
borhood of Neuvitie;Vitassc we conduct
cd successful raids last night, taking
prisoners and four machine grins.
"The hostile attack in the neigh
borhood of Loc-nc, reported yesterday
afternaon wa-a repulsed by rifle and
machine gun fire.
"Hostile artillery is ative from
ne Scarpa river to Lens. It is also
active between Give-itchy and the
Nieppe forest.
.'In the neighborhood of Festubert,
by a succlessfui enterprise last night,
we re-took a post which had been cap
tared Friday night, together with fif
ty prisoners and three machine guns."
Attacks We Repulsed
Paris, April 29 Repeated German
attacks in Hangard wfood were reipuls
od, the French, war office announced
(Continued on page six),
Abe Martin
Who has nocei th' feller with his
windshield plastered with food conser
vation cards who parks in front o1 th'
market an' lays in a Sunday dinner big
enough t' feed an opery company f It's
now warm enough fer th' girls t' un
cover ther ears.
German Arrogance Hastening
Break With Both Russian
By Joseph Shaplen
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
. Petrograd, April 29, The soviet com
missaries have ordered the entire red
guard army to the border of Finland
to repel an expected effort by die white
guard to occupy Petrograd.
They believe the anticipated attack is
a German trick to obtain control of
Petrograd, which is the only Russian
Baltic port left.
Germany's brazen rule in Ukraine is
hastening .? break between th.9 rada
government and Berlin.
. The most serious disagreement has
broken out in the Ukro-Gerinan econo
mic commission at Kieff. Germany de
manded that the land be taken from the
Ukrainian peasants and returned to the
landlords and that all stores of bread
be transferred o Germany.
Colonel Van Kronenblem and Lieuten
ant Von Felder, the German represen
tatives also demanded part of all fu
ture harvests.
Members of the rada protested that
the peasants would never agree to give
up the lard, and finally left the meet
ing. Germany is playing with the rada,
as well as with Eussia. Both are now
German vassals. The rada is beginning
to realise this.
Uknfniaa workers and peasants are
joining the Russians in the formation
of a strong army for the restoration of
a universtilly recognized democratic
government in Russia.
The s-tme disillusionment awaits the
Finnish white guards, who have called
upon the German junkers to crush the
The iuluibdtnnts of all parts of Rus
sia, separated by Germany, are bound
to reunite in a common, democratic
government. No power on earth can
prevent this.
General Schwartz, the original captor
of Przemysl is superintending the
defense of Petrograd.
The Corroan excuse for the expected
occupation of the city is contained in
an ultimatum charging that the gov
ernment is still (tiding the Finnish red
Refuse Armistice.
Copenhagen, April 299. The White
Guards have refused the Red Guards'
offer of on armistice.
German and White Guard forces are
advancing upon Viborg.
Washington, April . 21). -The
Overman empowering bill passed
tie senate late today.
Dangerous Depletion of Ger
man Reserves Now Be
comes Necessary
By J. W. T. Mason
(United Press War Expert)
New York, April 29. Daugerous de
pletion of tli? German reserves will
henceforth be necessary if Von Hinden
burg continues his effort to capture
Ypres and advance .inward the channel
The battle of Ypres which is the- real
li:le i it tlv? channel ports in the pre
si nt series ot combats, is in reality a
Mi;.'. st.uggle between Hindenburg
and (Foch. concerning the employment of
their reserves. Th?re is no longer auv
doubt bu. that the German reserves are
being thrown lavishly into the Ypr.s
ar a, wliue up to the present I'och j&a
itfuifd to hazard his own reserve forces
for defensive imposes. If Hindenburg s
s.-;lv-.t vecmnneutij before capturing
i no ca.iMicl ports u.id if the allies' ie
set vim hav.j not bxn throw n into tht
conflict i'iu.'iti burg has lost by all .he
rules t i ,o m.r game, as even the Ujr
man po p'e uuiuatand thein. '
Xot only will the total German
slaughter h? very much greater than the
allic-S, but also the German front will
have been extended to a useless dis
tauue ,hat soon must be voluntarily
shortened. The present battle, therefore
is gigantic struggle on the part of
Foch to save his reserves and save the
channel ports, and on the part of Hin-
dcuhurg to use up Foch s reserves and
gain the channel ports.
Whether in the end Foch will consider
it better to lose the ports rather than
lose his reserves, cannot be at present
known. The argument in favor of this
procedure, is baw;d on the probability
that it will require more men than Get-
many can supply ,.o keep her front in
tact to the channel towns for any con
siderable period. A long thin line might
be out at a pomt that would involve an
nihilation oTtlte Germans in"Calais and
With a powerful American army in
i'lauee by the end of the summer to
increase the allies' reserve s.rength, this
strategy might even then b.o carried out,
it in tne meantime Hindenburg reaches
t'iif channel.
The Americans now fighting east of
Amiens may be the nuclus for just such
an operation. It is' highlT possible they
are undergoing a postgraduate course in
trench gramme now. rather than that
they are being used to guard any crit
ical point on the line'. For this purpose,
Foch is doubtless using only the best
proven veterans of the French army,
Number Reported Today 156
of Whom Thirty-Seven
Are Dead
Washington, April 29. Two casual
ty lists Containing a total of 156
names were isud by the war depart
ment today, upon receipt of reports
from General Pershing.
The casualties include 18 killed in
action, 13 dead of disease, six dead
front wound", 25 wounded severely, 87
wounded slightly, four missing, two
dead from accidents and one Irom otn
er causes.
Those killed in action were:
Captain Arthur F. Locke, Sergeants
Edward J. Kline, Joseph Sokovich,
Corporals Arthur J. Paulson, Wallace
C. Winter, Jr., Privates Francis
Barnes, Alvin W, Gordon, Mike Kuz
ntiasky, David F. Lindgien, Daniel E
Murdoek, William J. O'Brien. Melvin
F. Rice. John J. Ryan, Peter F. Crow
ley, Samuel Darling, James E- Deady,
David O. Lawrence, William G. Pierce
Missing after action:
Lieutenant El gar B. Noland, Pri
vates Edward J. Doherty, Carl Hoist,
James N. Muldoon.
Died of Wounds:
Lieutenant Norman F. Hood, Cor
poral Charles J. Blankford, Privates
Robert E. Ri'(by, Enos C. Sawyer,
Jaimes T. Williams, Gregore Palcolo
trufi. Died of accident:
Priva.es Joseph Francis Miskell
Frank Osborn.
Died of other causes: .
Privates John F. Cox.
Died of Disease:
" Corporal John Taylor, Cook Louis 15.
EEsweirth, Mechanic Olaf W. Flink,
Private Orval Fike, Ivory Gamble,
James C. Gardner, Jesse B. Hewitt,
Vsin.an n,iM. MCTlllt iTOCtor. Wll-
;Ke Simmons, Arthur J. Stevens. Ben-
Jflw.in B. t'larke, Howard A. yye.
Wounded Severely:
! Lieutenant James J. Parsons.- Ser
tkibIji ftAniamin .Tamen. Jack B. Ifend-
riek, Corporals Harold McDonald, Wes
ley 11. Burton, L'ooK blia Boyjjton,
Privates Mihai Bole!o, Dennig if. C'Oul-
i i ' ' i
(Coiitfpa'-d on page two)
The Date Is the 75th Anni
versary of Founders Day
Afternoon 1 o'Clock '
TUe Champceg Memorial building
erected on the 15-aere trait owned by
the State of Oregon will be dedicated
next Thursday afternoon on the 7-1 1 li
anniversary of Founders' day and the
ISth annual observance of same.
The building is of , colonial design
two stories in height with a ground
area of 2G by 41 feet, besides a porch
1 by 41 feet. On tie rust floor is
a large reception room with a large
cobblestone fireplace. f)n one side the
big reception room is ttie kitchen quar
ters and the retiring re nis on the other
The dedication exei rises of the day
will begin at 1 o'clock in th.j after
noon. Judge P. H. D'Arcy will act as
president of the day Addresses will be
made by former governor T. T. Geer
Prof. E. S. Meaiiy of Washington Uni
versity, Sena or Wood iif Hillsboro and
Rufus Holman of Portland and others.
The Fernwood band of Yamhill coun
ty will furnish th.j music.
For those from Salem who wish to
attend, bes'.des the usual auto method
of fast travel, there is the Oregon Elec
tric leaving at 9:45 o'clock in the morn
ing. This train will stop at Wilsonvillo
from which a boat will carry passengers
to tlw Champoeg grounds. The boat will
leave for the return about 4i40 o'clock
and passengers will arrive in Salem on
the Electric at 6:40 o'clock.
It was on May 2, 1843, when there was
a dispute oa between this country and
England as to ownership, that 102 pion
eers met at Champoeg and by a vole
of 52, decided to come under the juris
diction of the United States.
Twelve years ago a few pioneers de
cided to erect a memorial building at
Champoeg. The 1907 legislature appro
priated $2,500 for the building but th
b.-l as vetoed by Governor Chamber
la'tt. However the legislature ap
propnat.ed $5,000 for the building but
on account of the high price of mates
ialp, several plans could iiot be carried
out, Tne committee consisting of Judge
P. XT. D'Arcy, George Himes of Pottland
a. id the state board of control decided
t? construct as much of the building r.5
pof:sib'.o as outlined by the architect
George M. Post.
, A canvass covering is to be prodd
ed to cover the entire space within the
renola where 800 people or moie can
be accommodated should th.o weather
pove stormy.
Only Demand Made by Union
Is' Recognition of Its
Rights As Such
C.hiancrn. Anril 29. A national strike
B-, J
of commercial telegraphers appeared
more uniiKeiy touay witn uie ttepar
ture for Washington of President 8. J.
Konenkamp of the telegraphers' union
for a conference Tuesday with the fed
eral war labor board.
No further steps will be taken by
the union until the board's plans to
prevent a nation-wide tvup of .olc
graphcrs are made known, Konenkamp
Organization Sunday was observed by
union meetings throughout the country,
according to Konenkamp. Discharge of
six members at Milwaukee, several in
Atlanta, Ga., two in Albuquerque, US. M
and a threat to discharge union men a;
Memphis were the only ontoward inci
dents of the day reported to Konea
' ' I received a telegram signed by
Frank P. Walsh and Ex-President Taft
of the National War Labor Board ask
ing me to come to Washington to pre
sent our grievances," said Konenkamp.
"As '.lie board recognizes the right of
workers to organize, our sole demand at
p-vsent, I anticipate that the employing
companies will be asked to capitulate. I
have asked the unions eastern general
eommittc, including Percy Thomas and
Wesley Russell of New York, C. H. Lud
wig of Philadelphia and J. W. Fiwman
of Baltimore to meet with me in Wash
ington. We will do all in our power to
avert a strike, but the companies will
force a national lockout If they continue
to discharge men for belonging to the
Konenkamp 't headquarters in Chicago
una in reprint of advices from Birminlf-
ham tha'.J 45 union operators were lock
ed out mere, uaiias reporwu inai umu
wearing union buttons were discharged
and that tlidr offers to work on gov
ernment business without compensation
wero refused.
i Locked Out at Seattle.
! Sea, tie, Wash., April 29. Six West
ern Union telegraphers have L?en locked
(Continued on page two)
At Same Time Will Try To
Influence Gvilians of All
the Allies' -
By Robert J. Bender
(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Washington, April 29. Germany 's
bloody effort to split the British and
French allies in the west will be fol
lowed by a tremendous propaganda ef
fort directed to ,!iie same end.
"Diplomatic advices today indicate
that th; Teuton is laying his plaits for
a "whispering offensive" of treachery
as carefully as he prepared his gigantic
military effort in Flanders and Picardy.
From the advance guard of the prop
aganda assaults, it appears Germany
will follow two courses in France offcr
to arrange for settlement of French
loans to Russia,. now apparently lost
and stir up dissatisfaction with Eng
land for "starting the war and then
not doing her part." Advices here indi
cate that much of the new propaganda
is emanating from Switzerland. The
Germans, apparently ,,iw,bhiis lor the
future, have organized a virtual army of
propagandists in Persia m an effort to
demoralize the allied influence there
By creating trouble there at the rear
door of India Germany Ivdieves she
may hasten her expected realization of
a dominated cas!. President Wilson, in
French War Cross Pinned On
Men for Bravery
and Valor
By Frank J. Taylor , , . ' r
; (United Press staff (Correspondent
With the American Army In Lorraine
April 28. The One Hundred and Fourth
regiment and 122 Massachusetts men re
ceived the croiz de giierw this afternoon
on a hillside a few miles from the trench
es, for bravery and valor in repelling
the German attack on Apremont wood
(Toul sector) during qhe thrae days be
ginning April 10.
This was the first Amorlcan regiment
to receive the French war cross. Ail the
traditions of Buriacr Hill, Lexington
and Concord were upheld by these mod
i.'rn "minute men."
It was an inspiring sight as this en
tire regiment, during the ceremony,
formed three sides of a square, leaving
vacant spaces for Jlieir fallen connades
The regimental band played "The
t-'tar fpangled Banner" and the "Mar
siullpise." The Crosses were pinned on
the meij by French and Amoiican gener
al off cms, who shook thvj hand of each
rt ipient. The regiment then marched
Enemy Seeking a Decision Be
fore Superiority of Num
bers Are Against Him
By Carl b. Groat
United Press Staff Correspondent)
Washington, April 29. "Very large
quotas" of American men will be re
quired "in the immediate future" for
service overseas to fill up the gaps in
flkted iu th; west front drive," the
ni department weekly summary de
clared today.
"The outcome of the present opera
tions in the west depends on man pow
er," said the statement, adding "ours
Is the imperative duty of providing re
placement units for the armies in
France. We must be able to put fresh
men in the field thoroughly and meth
odically traiiued. In addition to those al
ready called to the colors and now
training at- our cantonments or already
selected or service, very large quotas
will lv required in the immediate fu
ture to fill the gaps."
This warning apparently was intended
to prepare the country for calls even
larger than those listed for the coming
iuou.pl or two.
Awaiting the gravity of the situation
the statement declared tho crisis up to
the present have resulted in "large
measure favorably t he nciny," but
pointed out ,)iat with joint allied com
mand the boehe has failed in his pur
pO!V of wrecking the British army.
The summary announced for the first
time, as far as the department is con
cerned, ihat American troops are located
east of Amiens, have had a part in the
struggle which kept ,'ie Germans off
Amiens the past week and "have ac
quitted themselvts well."
Main Reliance Man Power
The Germans are relying principally
on '.'"tVs, machine guns, man power
and carefully thought out methods of
his Baltimore address, warned of Ger
many's purposes to ultimately enslave
under her power Persia and iudia. Al
lied chiefs .here today Warned gravely
that the German propaganda directed to
this end is now under way and the al
lies must act.
It is n'ow evident, according to dip
lomatic advices i.Jiat tiermaiy, se.eiug
the pro-ipec't of a long struggle in the
west, is trying to create a situation iu
Russia, India and elsewhere such as
will find the allies, after 18 months
more, engaged in a dozen struggles, each
almost eqttnl in importance to th.; on
the fields of the west.
To beat the German in this, allied and
American loaders her0 are suggesting n
strong allied offensive in Italy and
Macedonia. This might be mado suffi
ciently powerful to disengage Ger
many's undisturbed efforts in Russia
which ultima.ly, it was believed by
many here, will result in the pressing
of thousands- of Russians on tlw side of
the Teutons.
The more Hindenburg bleeds his Ger
mans in the west, tho greater will be
come hiS urge for more men from Aus
tria and fighters from Bulgaria. Th.?
Au8trians have sent few men to date
and the Bulgars insist on figh.jn only
in defense of their own territory offi
cial advices say. An allied offensive
in Italy or Macedonia would definitely
stop any possible troop movement from
these nations westward, it is said. .
by the hill crest with the baud playing
and Old Glory waving.
"It's the best flag in the world
boy I" exclaimed a young lieutenant.
Chaplain Earned Cross
It was a' dull day iu 'Jlw trenches, so
Ear as infantry actions, were concerned
but tht dull boom of American and Ger
man guns furnished a fitting obligate
for the impressive ceremony. .
"'(he 1'ionch general, while pinning
jvostos oiu th,eXjnon 'a .tunics, spoke, to
such of (hem. '
' .'Utile, ii 's u( thing against you," he
U'ld out doughboy. The man was so ex
cite I ho fainted.
Bev, J B. DesVhlles of Worcobtor, a
chaplain, was among ;1hose decorated
He carried some wounded nien back un
der shell fire.
The citation read: .
"This regiment showed during the
battles of March 10, la and 13, the
greatest audacity and a fine spirit of
"Subjected to very violent bombard
ments aud attacked by very important
German J'oites, It succeeded in checking
daairerous advance and roMook positions
a', tit -j point pt bayonet with vigorous
n icrgv, tailing pi.tboners and a lew ae
uudUiicd tenches from which it had
fii'l'ii back in llr ihst assault,"
transporting and supplying munitions
tn thn frnnt nr fltrnr-K nnrtnr ail condl-
fliftiid " noirl Hm statement. This means
that they have developed mobility ot
..., . - - -
oftensivo action mat cau oniy oe met
by counter mcasura of equal potency
and flexibility. A battle of such magni
tude as the one being fought in the
west cannot be decided by uny single
"The vigorous Macks driven against
A. . T.:.ti. i: :i.,,i,.,i i,.
attr-rn tha i nilenciulent will nower of
the British command. In this the en-
tmy has failed. Unity of command of
tht allies has extended operations to
tho blonder fkld of general engage
ments in which all the allies forces will
henceforth be used interchangeably.
'T1.U Afiniitrn In ,61a combat situation
has materially altered the moment of
iL-.cimon of the offensive, instead 01 tne
able to defeat the British
a-my and then turn its full energy
aguinst the irenen, tne ames are now
abit to oppose their full streng.h to tlw
hostile attack,
'7t must constantly be borne in mind
thut the enemy is seeking a decision
ti'sit will end the war. This decision
cau only be arrived at by the destruc
tion of jhe allied forces in the field
its. contributed from ad
ditional levies iu France and Great Brit
ain as well as by our own troops, can
luita nn their notations in sufficient
numbers to turn the German successes
into defeat."
America Must Send Them
Then fiillnwi thn w fir n in? tha : Amer
ica must be ready to supply many men
for the struggle.
ic-.i Wirr tlm militnrv muTfltions ol
the week, the statement pointed out that
he southern end of vhe front had Decn
veil l,.'id, but that the Flanders region
wui ' less satisfactory." Military u.en
' tlw il.-uigerf us possibility that the
liiiti.sh wi'l be forced to yield the vital-
(Continued on page twoj
Are Facing Kajser's Army at
Peak of Oiie German
Old Gicry On the Battle Line
-Troops Are In Highest
By Fred S. Ferguson
(United Press staff correspondent)
With the American Armv in North
ern France, April 28. American forc-
s are now fighting boaido the Frcneh
in northern France, holuUniz a aector
In the heart of the world's greatest
This announcement ig now possible '
after three weeks eilence rwrardinsr
the movement of troops.
initantry, artillery, machine- gunner
anil other branches of the service aro ,
in line.
The Americans face the Germ.a ar
my at the peak of a German- salient.
The outposts are only 200 yards apart
at some places. At gome pos&tiona aro
maintained In shell holes.
As sooji as all troops and guns wera
in position the sector wa formally
taken over from the 'Fren-cJs. Ti Am
erican commander, who is under a
French corps commander, expressed
the greateetl confidence in the Frenek
leadership. - .
The en tiro country here u open and
rolling, with very few woods or other
screening facilities and no trenches
The entire problem is one of open fight
French CaH tt QtUt - ' v
The bocho artillery, which is octivs
in shelling all roads and villages with
in range, is visible from an American
observation post.
Although the French characterized
this sector as "quiet" the present) fire
is the heaviest the Americans have yet
faced. ...
Tho skies are ablaze every night
with tho flash of guns and the air
quivers with the roar of artillery and
exploding shells. As Oh a high. eplcive
pound the American tones, the soldiers
dive into the shallow cover of dutches
and shell holes.
One American outfit carried it
flog into tho front line. AJfllonsh fnrl
ed in a waterproof ai, Old Glory is
oh the battle line. .
The Americans' entrance into ths
battle lino in northern. Fiance follow
ed a trip partly by rail and partly by
Tho troops were in the highest -spirits
throughout. They elieered the vil
lagers from their freight cars and flat
cars as thoy passed tnrougn tna xowns
Railing kitchens, mounted on flat cars,
kept them supplied! with hot "slum."
Marched to Front
Leaving the train after two days
and nights of riding, they marched to
the mobilization area, where they wcro
billeted in villages and ehateausv
They rested in reserve tnrce days,
then began the march of marches to
the lint. .
They swung through villages singing
Hail, Hail, the Gaug's U Here."
Biif camouflaged American guns roll
ed aetWM the plaitis for tho first time.
The march was rnaav iu wages oi
from 15 to 20 mile a day. the men
s'eeping in barns, mills, anywhere, at
Strict censorship for military tob-
ons prevented disposing all movements
after departure from the original Am
erican lines to the souui.
Prior to their departure from a cer
tain village, an important conferencs
was held at headquarters, in which all
officers participated and received thoit
final instructions.
The boche and American outposts ar
only 200 yards apart in some places and
in other are 4UU yards anu upwarus.
Americans lyiusr in shell holes snips
away at the German lines. The Ameri
can "artillery has been exchanging shot
under enemy fire.
This dispatch is written rrom a vil
lage repeatedly under Bhell fire.
T.iulmn Anril 21. Maior Si-
denio Paes has been elected
president of Portugal by direct
'Paes headed the revolution
againet tho Costa government
lust December and was named
president of tho provd3'01181
government. Ho was at one
time minister to Germany.
After all, the man who brings homa
the bacon is the man who shoots rather
than the one who shout?.