Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 27, 1918, Page NINE, Image 9

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T "' -' ' - ..- .LI! -I . i H II . a I II,.
Worn El-jetric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High Main 1200
Saltan Truck & Dray Co., corner State and Front Street Main74
ered any place city or countrj.
Phine 64 or 20S1R. W. W. Fisher.
IX) YOU WAXT now awnings for
stor? or hor.e? Call or writs C Dill
man, 3m Highland Ave. 5-lS
DR. F. L-413-414
Bauk of Commerce bldg.
Phone finti.
On Good Real Estate Security
Over Ladd & Bush bant, Salem, Oregon
and women's hats cleaned, reblocked
and retrimmcd. Old hats made to
look like new. We carry a large
stock of fine ribbons. 495 Court St.
THE FIXIT SHOP Let lis repair and
sharpen your lawn mowers. 261
Court. Phone 1022. tf
TON Osteopathic physicians and
nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer
ican school of Osteopathy, Kirkville,
Mo Post graduate and specialized in
nervous diseases at Log Angelea Col
lege. Offices 505-508 U. S. Nat. Bank
Bldg. Phone 859. Residence, 1620
Court. Phone 2215. Dr. White Res.
Phone 469.
FOR RENT The storeroom at 141 N.
Commercial street, now occupied by
Oompton's 15c & 25e store, will be
for rent May 1st next. Far particu
lars inquire at room 22 Breymaa
block. tf
LiUl UU LivJlUllTllLi Vll
He All your Printing an TJp-to-
. Now office to meet your print-
lug demands.
No. 73 Arrive at Salem :.9 : 15 a.m.
No. 74 Leave Salem . 3:05 pm
1161 Lv Salem, motor . 7:05 a.m.
1C3 Lv Salem, motor ....9:.15 am.
165 Lv Salem, motor 1:40 p.m.
Through car to Monmouth and Arlie
167 Lv Salom, motor 3:48 p.m.
aeLv Salem, motor 5:57 p.m.
839 Wy frt. Lv Salem ...5:00 a.m.
1C2 Ar at Salem 8:30 am.
let Ar. at Salem 11:00 a.m.
160 Ar at Salem 3:00 p.m.
lies Ar at Salom B:35 p.m.
170 Ar at Salem 7:20 p.m.
240 Wy frt Ar Salcra 2:30 p.m. i
Leave Arrive
P6rtland Salem
6:30 am 8:35 am
, .
f :30 am 10:11 am
10:45 am 12:50 pm
2.05 pm 4:15 pm
4:45pm 6:40 pm
6:05 pm 8:07 pm Salem only
1 .
6 Ltd
13 Ltd
19 .
9:20 pm 11:20 pm Salem only'Pork, on
01 . 11:45 pm l:C5am 6:50 am
"Noah Bank Station (leave Jeff rsoa
Street 15 and 20 tiinutes later)
Leave Arrfvs
Ecgene Salem
12:05 am 4:35 am
7:15 am
10 Ltd 7:33am 9:4u am
18 1120 -im
14 11:20 am 1:50 pm
tS Ltd 1:55 pua 4:j0pra
BO .4:)0pm 5:30pm
22 1.25 pm 7:55 pm
, V.:1
IKOrtn cans oiauoii larnto -".
.Street 15 minutes earlier) .'Leave Cor
Corvallis Arrive Salem
. .. , ci....: A : ei, ..........
- 8:25
am.ortlir.ouna....:i-) ura
pm....Northbound....l :50 am
pm....Northbound....4 :00 pm
pm....Nortl.bound ...5:30 pm
pm Nortibpund....7:55 pm
am..8outhbound....9:57 am
am....Southboud..ll:33 am
pm....Siitthbo -'i.C " "' V'l
rpm....Southboimd....5:40 pin
6:40 vm..8outhbound.8:00 pm
MeCornaek hall on every Tuesday
at S. P. Audresen, C. C. W. B Gil
son', K. R. k 8.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 524Gmcets
every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
in Derby building, corner Court and
Hiah streets. R. F. Day, V. C; JrA.
Wright, clerk.
Keeler, presideut;
Mrs, Lou Tillscin,
secretary. All cases of cruelty or ncgi
lect of dumb animals should be re
ported to the secretary for investi
' ' Oregon Grape Camp" No. 13(i0.
meets every Thursday evening in
Derby building, Court and High St.
Mrs. "pearl Coursey, 214 Court 8t-,
oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, recor
der, 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M.
bly No. 84, meets every inursuay at
8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall. Norma L.
Terwilliger, M. A-; C. A. Vibbert.
secretary, Crown Drug Store, 338
State street.
Men's clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry,
watches, tools, musical instruments
bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, suit
cases, trunks, cameras, typewriters
and furniture. Capital Eichange, 837
Oourt street. Phone 493.
proprietor. Garbage and refuss of all
kinds removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Main
2247. Residence Main 2272.
50 years experience. Depot, National
and American fence.
Sizes 26 to 58 in. high.
Paints, oil and varnish, etc
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250
Court streo't. Phone 184.
veterinarian, graduate Cornell Uni
versity, Office Cherry City Feed
Stables, 514 Ferry St. Phones, office
a IDSt; Res. and night loiu-.
corner Commercial and Trade streets
Bills payable monthly in advance.
The outstanding feature of today's
markets via a two cent rise in butter
and butterfat.
Wheat, soft white s $l.S(al.S7
Wheat, red - $1.85
Wheat, lower grades on sample
Oats" !c
Barley, ton - $03
Bran -..
Shorts, per ton $38
i II av, cheat, new fiupuzu
Tr- tj. w 20ST22
E"gene;Hav ci0Ver, new".'.'".....".! $18
r fcutterfat 42c
12:-'Pnl. Creamery butter : 42c
e:35pmiCouutrr butter 40c
8:50 nml
t t. rr i n ..... ..
r or, v tau uw jmuuuu
foot UifSlflc
: Veal, fancy 16()17e
'steers - 7(o.'9c
! Bulls -
... 5(fi)7c
ifMn 31c
I5f 16c
14 to 15c
j Spring lambs
Arrive. K"'" :: -
Portland il-nibs, yearling .
6:30amiK;iKs' faih
9:25 ausn,8. i'0K"J
11:30 amT"'-keys, dressed
t.nn iTutkevs, live, o. 1
j inn - - i ,
3:H5 ,m',k'-'s-' drC9Sl,d'
5:45 ,m d'd
T.tii fucks, livo ...
in. no .,, V ' "-i "B
Old rooster? ...
Yo'inji rornters
Ijtaoes "
I . Vegetables
1 String garlic.
; Green onions
, Onions, in sack
j Lettwe, ciato
i Brrecoii
I Cabbage
I Florida tomatoes
. 6c
... $1.25
.. 90c
.... $4
.... $5
.. 40c
... 10c
Figs and Dates
tD!ack figs ...
44444444444 4-4-e-
fortable 5 room cottage for sale,
with (rood lot for $700; also a mod
ern five roean cottage one block
from paved street. This is a cheap
property at $1400. I have a choice
boy 'for $1500, two blocks from car
line and one block from paved street
I have several valuable lots for sale
cheap; also a he-use for $000. Squars
Deal Realty Coniany, U. S. Bank
building. Phone 470. tf
240 ACRES, 200 cultivated, 40 timber
pasture, running water, fair improve
mcnts, 3 miles from Pratum, best
Waldo Hill soil, price $23,000.
60 acres, 5$ cultivated, 18 pasture,
timber, all good soil, spring water
good improvements. 1900 prune trees,
50 Euglisli walnut trees, good team
of Bout's, wagon, harness, 3 Jersey
cows, 100 pure bred hens, 1 mile
from Aumsville, a snap, price $8500.
Terms. Socolofsky, 341 State St.
phone 970. 5-10
110 ACRES, 80 cultivated, 30 timber
pasture, 40 acres in crop, good build
ings, on rock road, two miles from
town, some stock and implements,
price $1100, will tako $3000 Salem
residence, some cash and easy terms
on balance. 100 acres, 90 cultivated
50 bottom, 5- timber, all fenced, good
road, new 6 room bungalow, barn,
close to school, $11,000. 20 acres
Yamhill county, exchange for b
room bungalow in Salem. Equity is
40 acre Idalro irrigated farm fo
ranch near Salem or Dallas, not over
$3000, price (6000. 20 acres close to
Salem, 6 cleared, good improvements,
rock road,' $4000. 58 acres, 45 culti
vated,. 25 beaverdam, 12 pasture, 1
orchard, good barn, fair house, join
ing tows, running water, $6200 easy
terms. Modern 0 room Dungaiow,
furnace, paved street, $1500. Mod
ern 6 room bungalow, furnace, fire
place, bath, Dutch kitchen, close in,
$2000. $8500 worth of acreage and
residence property to exchange for
ranch any where. Socolofsky, 841
Bananas 7c
Retail Prices
Creamery butter .... 4550c
Flour, hard wheat $2.702.80
Flour, soft wheat , $2.502.60
Country butter : ..... . 40c
Eggs, dozen doc
Sugar, 11 lbs. for $1
Sales limited to $1
...Portland, Or., April 27 Butter, city
creamery 40e -
Eggs, selected local ex. 36c,
Hens 27c
Broilers 3337e
Geese 25c! 1
Cheese, triplets 3
Dailr Live Stock Market
. Cattle
Receipts 28 '
Tone of market steady
Good to choice steers $13.25a 14.25
Good to medium steers $12Ca l3
' Common to good steers $10.25fall.25
Choice cows and heifers $U.2512.25
Canners $4.256-25
Bulls $C25 10.75
Calves $8.7513.25
Stocker and feeder steers $70Vt90
per head
Receipts 210 1
Tone of market firm
Prime mixed $17.9(t(o'18
Medium mixed $17.6'51.7.83
Pige $15 50(516.50
Rough and heavy $16.63(t 16.83
Receipts none
Tone of market firm
Spring kwnbs bid $20
Western yearlings $15.2515.50
Valley yearlings $15 25(a;15.50
Wethers ?i;iDl3 u0
Ewes '$121250
NOTE Portland market on shorn
sheep, 2V4 to 3e under quotation.
Of Ctovernwat Timber
Notice is hereby given that subject
to the conditions and limitations of
the Act of Jutie 9, 1916, (39 Stat.,
218), and the instructions of the Sec
retary of the Interior or septemoer
J917, the Utnher on tne teliowing
lands will be sold May 15, 1918, at
o'clock a. m. at public auction at the
United States land office at Portland,
Oregon, to the highest bidder nt not
less than the appraised value as shown
by this notice, sale to be subject to the
approval or tne secretary or me in
terior. The purchase prico, with an ad
ditional sum of one-fifth of one per
cent thereof, being commissions allow
ed, must be deposited at timo of Bale,
money to tie returned it sale is not ap
... . . . .,, : 1HU V .1.1. 11H WHS tl..'IU lJ lit b Mill IIIUU)
proved, otherwise patent will issuo for.i Ulo fh.s,
the timber which must be removed
within ten years. Bids will be receiv
ed from citizens tf the United States,
associations of such citizens and cor
porations organized undor the laws ot
tl? United .States or any state, terri-
nxr r, iV'?rr,l Vtlf.r.-K.f f.nW TTTWltl BO-
pli-ation of a qualified purchaser, the
timber on any legal subdivision will be
offered separately before being indud-
ed in any offer of a larcer unit. T- 9 S.
T o V 1C. Vtll (Pll nllnnr
fir 250 M.. red fir 50 M.t NW'.i NE.'lanU, !tvrei, whe.ro he is attending r
yellow fir 6'0 M., red fir 800 M, hem-
lock 10 M.J SWl, vellow fir
700 M., red fir 250 M.j SE'i NE.
ve!lfw fir 350 M., red fir 450 M.; NE'
NW 'A, vellow fir 750 M., red fir 250
M., bemloek 10 M.; 8K NW'Vi, yel-
low fir 100 M., red fir 1200 M.; EViC'arIp U-wis. White had airca.iy i-een
SW, vellow fir 200 M., red fir J0 j ea'led in tbe diat;. but the need of
M.; SE'i 8W. yellow fir 350 M.,itiien for the Im-pitnl ci.rs induced the
red fir 850 M.; NEYt SE, yellow fir Cbi-kamas county H-al board to rc-
450 M.. red fir COO M.; KW(', EVi,ka them for that service. They left
yellow fir 500 M., red fir 000 M.; 8Wjen-.lv Huudav Obsirvcr.
H SE',i. vellow fir 50 M., red fir 1800 1 '
M.; 8EV4 8EH, red fir 1550 M, none LOST CLOTHINO TOO
of the fir to be sold at Iras than $1.75! Jioston, Mass.. April 26. Five men
per M., and none of the hemlock to aitcmpting to save their clothing were
be sold at less than $.5') per M. burned to dearth today when the Brook-
Commissioner, General Land Office,
44M 4444 44 444 4 4 4 4 4 M
Willamette Valley News 1
t44 44444 4 444 4 4444 4 4 t M 44444 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 44 4 444444-
Dallas Man Has Leg
Affipniated-Doing Wefl
Dallas, Ore.. April 27. George W.
McBee, a prominent real estate dealef
of this city, underwent an operation
at the Dullas Hospital this week for
fhc amputation of his right leg below
the knee. Mr. McBee had the limb in-
jured wheu a small boy and again l iter
on in li,"e and for the past several
years it has given him considerable
pain. Of lute it has been almost un-1
bearable ai d upon advice of physicians
he underwent the operation. Mr. Mc-
Bee is well along in years, beinr over
60 years of age and it was thought
that the operation would be
shock to his system but at
quite a i
last ac-
counts he was getting along nicely.
Dallas Fishermen Hake Big Catch.
C. L. ("rider, one of Dallas' prom
inent business men, and District At-;
tornev E. K. Piaseeki. went to Ortirnn !
city "the first of the week on a -salmon
fishing trip. Both men are enthusiastic
fishermen and had the good fortune to
make a good catch. Among the fish
caught ww 3 one by Mr. Piaseeki weigh
ing 19 pounds and another weighiag
18 pound was caught by Mr. ('rider.
Quite a number of Dallas fishermen
have beta going to Oregon City latsly
to fish for salmon, Dr. C. L. Foster
being anioag the lucky ones to make a
good, catch.
Dr. Stoats Attends Meeting of Medicos.
Dr. V. C. Stants of this city, pres
ident of the Polk-Yanthill-Marion coun
ty Medical Association, accompanied
by other members of the profession in
this city, attended the regular monthly
meeting of the association in Salem
this week. The trip to the Capital
City wis made in automobiles, tht
parties returning at a late hour.
Kd. Dunn, the popular confectionery
man, was a Capital City visitor this
week. -
Will Snyder, of the hospital corps at
Camp Lewis, is a guest at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. R.
Circuit Judge Harry H. Belt accom
panied by Court Reporter Miss Blanche
Barrett, was a McM'innvallo visitor
this week holding a session of the
Yamhill county court.
Frank Gilliam, a prominent rancher
of tho Pedee country, was a county
seat visitor this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Eary Shultz arc tho
proud uarents of a baby boy born
Thursday morning. Mrc, Shultz was
formerly Miss Anna Anderson of this
A. B. Miftr, W. 8. Muir, Rov. D. A.
McKenzio and W. Q. Vassal! , were
Capital City visitors this week.
R. U. Balderree has returned from a
short business visit ift the t S'tuslaw
Mr. and Mrs. A. 3. Barham were
Salem visitors the first of the week.
"We htn the rputttioiiin PettkjDU
of handling ike lM laying Mock. Let
t prove Qua o you. Buy not (he
cheapett, Wt the beat. Write for
PetaJuma, California
Rickey News
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Rickey, April 27j Galda Wheeler
spent Wednesday evening with Miss
Hazel rjnrris.
Henry Burbce had the misfortune of
having his leg broken by a cow.
Frank K. Harris of Terrcbone, Ore.,
spent last week with Ms parents, Mr.
and M's. D. A. Harris.
Bobbie Lewis, who has been quite
ill, is ante to be up again.
E. Matton of Bethel, tho assessor for
this district, mado his yearly visit to
our neighborhood this week.
J. W. Magce, who spent last sum
mer in our neighborhood but now of
Scetts Mills, Ore., left Wednesday for
Philadelphia. Mr. Mfliri is a member
of the Frendo ReeonstnieHsfl Unit and
expects to leave Philadelphia for
Franca in a short timo.
' Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Auf ranee yrftl
give a dt nee at thc'ir hall Saturday
evening, the proceeds of which, will be
donated to the Red Cross. All arc in
vitid. M. M. Hngee and family and Louie
10,Mageo motored to Scotts Mills Sunday,
and spent tho day with Mr. and Mrs.
Ivnn Smith.
The Red Cross Auxilisry will meet
with Mm, Fitspatrick, Wednesday af-
j ternoon.
Jos.. Graham who 1m been ill fir
smo tim is reported soiiuvvhr iin-
....1 TT.! 1.1.. ... ..... M-l.l....
Mrs. T. R. Norton has j"f received
I n'nwH of tho safe arrival oil her luisliand
tin I'niiice. Ho wax formerly stationed
j at t'ati.'p Launl, Marybnd.
Dr. H. W. Weaver and J. U Culvert
'drove dr.wn fiotn Ilnlihni'd Satiinla;-
tvlll,i"K- The ja (t has -been quite ill
j 011(1 uf f,;r t!,8 f,st "ll,e lu st'v
l'a' weeks.
' f "'''t dunies MiHrr. c of Geo. Mil
! Icr Ot this fitV. lSHOW Stationed Bt At'
the school of military aeronauMes a!
tho Georgia whool of Technology.
Kdfcar M. White nnd Wm. -1. Flick,
i Jr., wero oiled by phone Sunday at 2
a m. to proceed fo Portland to join the
hospital corps there and tlienf-e to
1 line Bakery of the Henry Iilewett c-oia-
ny was destroyed by fire.
M 4 4 t 4 4 4 t 444 44444 44 44-a
Donald News
(Oapital Journal Special Service)
IVniald, April 27 Mrs. Jennie kiemn
j of Portland gave an address in Pe4?art
hall Monday on "War conevrvattons''
I esiwially the saving of children and
jour soldier boys. She told us of many
! little ways we eau help to w in the war,
' besides the saving of food. She is an
, interesting speaker and we regret she
didn't have more out to hear her. It
'is possible she will be back about the
lsth of May when we hope a full house
I may welcome her.
Mrs. Wycoff of Donald vicinity
I tick the train for Portland Wednesday
p. m.
Mr- and Mrs. Stone of Spokane Bus-
mess college' have gotten the corre-
spoudenee class nicely started in Don-
ad, and 'moved Monday to St. Paul,
where they will organize a class.
W. A. Meyers of Portland was stop
ping at the Bungalow hotel Tuesday.
J. W. Daws arrived home last even
ling from Vancouver, where he has been
employed in the -Staudifer Shipyards,
He had the- misfortune to have his
foot mashed - quit badly, so will be
off duty for a time.
Sim Marty and mother left Donald
Wednesday, for Minnesota, where they
expert 'to remain indefinitely.
Mrs. Jess Jdinson and sons hiked
from Aurora to Donald Sunday morn
ing Lu time to get the morning mail
Little June Sexsuuth .daughter of
our genial depot agent, is having la
grippe this wecR.
Mrs. A. Autranc was initiated in me
Eastern St'ar lodge last Friday even
ing. A social time ,was bad afterwards.
Ico cream, caxe ana cor tee were serv
The work of laying new tiling along
Mkin street of Dounid will soon be com
nletewl bv Ma DeSant, then the oiling
process wiu soon nave to oe aone, as
they are gdtting quit dusty already.
Misses Doty and Grcttie attended
servaeea at Fargo Sunday ovening. af
ter wihich they partook of a bountiful
repast at the home of Mrs. Roder.
Hoskins and DeSart have decided
not ifco operate their tile factory this
summer. Farm help is so scarco its dif
ficult to get men to lay the tiling
Mrs. O. Freeman, Mrs. A. Aufranc
and Mrs. M. W. Johnson were callers
at tho Peter Feller home Tuesday p.
Mrs. Moore of Brondaeres was at
tending Maccaibce lodgo in Donald
Thursday p. m.
'Tis a busy plnee arouna tne uomua
nursery these 3ys, slapping trees,
grafting and plowing. They have done
a golod business this spring and Still
Mrs. unai km or rorirana was
week end guest of her daughter, Mrs,
VrpA Sexsimiitih.
Tho Eastern Star had rather a novel
auction 'sade Friduy evening. Aticr the
refreMhtments were served there seemed
to be "many fragments" left, such as
ham bonca ,cake, ice cream and wild
flower bouquets, which were sold to
the highest biddej .the results four
dollars aiwl eighty cents were inrnuu
into the Red ('rcs fund.
The committee of the Company I
Auxiliary, coiuuBtiiif of Mrs. Eugene
Moshbovger, Mrs. T. C. Poormau and
Mrs. H. M. Austin, felt that their ef
forts www well repaid when the receipts
of the Saturday lunchws, benefit movie
shows and jitney dwH4 amounted to
about $157. Mrs. F. W. Poormau had
charge of the. publicity.
A the Liberty headquarters at noon
a hago Hoover luncheon was sorved by
th auxiliary, ifcttUU-d by the Honor
Guard girls. Many were there from the
surrounding country and towns, Gei'vaiu
being represented by a large delegation
The sum of nearly $50 was realized.
A mb'iutv.' and night at the Bungalow
was put on by Manager Gatshell for ths
auxiliary's btmcfit and this added $17
to the receipts.
At night at the Armory a large eowd
attended the jituey dance, paying 10
cents Oilmissivu and a cents pr uuncu.
Muhju was by the Kent orchestra. Many
were there from miles uruund to have
a good time nnd to help a Host worthy
cause. Woodburn Independent.
Rook Received at
the Public Library
" Denmark, Sweden with Iceland and
I'ltuuim, uiit'i iiintuiy ui uiu luui
4l ' , . a, .,
iiillliiiiii euiiiKiiin, m. iuiiiint.u.
''American political theorieu, " a dis
cussion ef the types of political thtory
which have boon prominent in our coun
try uiid development to the present time.
"A belle of the. fifties," one of the
best pictures of Wellington in tin. ear
lier ' diiys, presented in the experiences
of Mrs. Clny.
"Our Hawaii " an intiiiiutii descrip
tion of tiie (.Aj.eiii'iii'f; of Jack London
,'md lii wife in Hawaii written by Mrs
London. .
'M il'.- in ancient Athens," Tucker.
"Characters and events in Roman
hi. toiy," Fcrrero.
"A.tsuruuco of immiirtiility " Fosdick.
"Stepping heavenward," Prentiss.
"Tenuis for women," Bjuistedt.
" Eleuientaiy mechanical drawing,"
of the best books for Indus. rial
work, well illustrate!, wen a.
"Anierican poems, 1023-1892," a col
lecti'in ly Walter Browon.
" Eve Din re," Strothi-r.
"Drum I 'h tower," Phillpotti,
Rooks for the Children
"l!ed''ros stories for children," I every man employed by tiie company
Faulkner. having subscribed to one or morn bonds.
''i'ri:i.. e Melody iu Music lund," fjim- Mr. Dillingsley is naturally well picas
son. ' ed by the showing made by his depart-
'.rittl,. n..,t,.ti rrmr. 1 V:i rinJ . in.i.nf u.l.tr.tt wa. tl.y. first (lo nil P I llietl t.
"'Hi.'; gold enche."' Schtiltz.' -
St. Ni. holns."
In resnon.-so to"a call for Red Cross
.,.,..... ;.iim.ii..ni f.r it,., mnkii.tr
I"' ' . . . .
oinfort bags and housewives have been
laced in the library. They will be
loaiv.'d to patrons.
Corporal Ycung Writes
of Trip and of France
The following letter was written by
Corporal Guy F. Yung, company M. 162
Infantry, now in France to his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yuug living on
rural route 5, Salem Oregon. The loiter
was written March 20, and as the place
from which it was addressed was writ
ten by the corporal, the censor did a
little scissoring. He writes In part as
"We have French bread here oucc in
a, while when we run out of American
bread. I had an awftil time trying to
Vat it but I rather like it now. Bnt the
r.i.riii. hr. n.l u iust uliat I cannot m
iust what I cannot co !
it all. It has caraway
,.a it hutll
once I had to eat it or go without aiidjskira milk products. Every one is urged
we were about the hungriest uuuen or
fellows vou ever saw
"I could hardly sleep when I got on
laad after two weeks and one day on
board a ship. I had Warned to go to
sleep to the roll of the ship.-
"I received your three letters today
dated Jau. 7, Jan. 22 and Feb. 1. The
mail seems to come in a bunch. I re
ceiv.;d the helmet and socks, mother
sent me. I do not need them now but
the time may come when I will need,
them to keup my -toes and head from
f recxir.g. .
' ' I urn the only one of the Macleay j
bunch that got to come here. I wish you
to know, mother, that my circumsauces
hero oro fine and I would no have any
better care if in the state and maybe
not as good.
"I must not let you think that I am
held to one letter a week as I wrote you
from England. I guess I was mis-informed.
"We have here in our Y. M. C. A
a large piano and now one of tlie ladies
is playing some fine music. Music seems
to have a queer way with nw when 1 am
writings especially songs of the ones at
"The lady rlnying the piano is rety
well to do. She sold her home in San
Francisco to come over and be a moth
er to us bors and sh,c sure it. There is
nothinsr she will not do for ui, even
to lending us money 'when we 'are broke.
She serves hot shoeolate every after
noon in the Y. M. O. A. building from
4 until 5 o'clock. She is teaching us
French free of charee.
"Tell my friends I am gotting alone
fine. This is a very nice eountry but the
U. S. is better."
Mrs. Bam Brown mo''ored to Wood-
burn to tho Red Croes dinner last Sat
urday and took as her guests Mrs. Vi
ola Henning, Mrs. John Kelly and Mra.
Joo Mangold. ' ' ' '1
Mrs. Lena C. Mendenhall, -wiarthy
grand matron of the Order of ths
Eastern Star, will make her official
visit to Gervais chaptor Friday even
ing May 3d. All members are earnest
ly requested to bo present
The todies of tho Red Cross have
finished 48 towels, 21 pairs of oporat-ina-
letfiiins. 14 suits of pajamas, 92
si isirs and 14 dish cloths which were
made by tho children s Red Cross dans
Mrs. ucorgo voget awi .wiss cw
Auaman fame Tuendav for a visit with
Mrs. C. Stravens Monica Ausman, whs
has boon spending the past week wit
aor .grandmother returned to Portland
Wednesday. -
MiM Catherine Malo, teacher at Iho
Jo'hnnon school, ffave an entertainment
lat tho schiool fast Friday night which
was well patronizeid. The proceeds oi
$15 was turned over to tho Rod Cross
.auxiliary of Woodburu,
Gftbe DeJarilin came name irom -
irouo Monday, having completed his
cifliirsc of instruction for the ordnance
dimartment of the army. Ho is one ot
the 75 who took this counse and will
be assigned to duty soon.
On Wednesday M'av JO. miss i-arn
or jtho county demonstrator, will give
a tlcmitenstrfttion &t the scnooi nonse,
on war bread and how to use the sub
irtitiiiiw. All invited.
Raymond Vanderbeck and josepa
Bowlcy arrived Wednesday from tho
U. S. spruco eaiuip at Cosmopolis, Wash,
for ft few days furlough after being
in 'the hospital with mumps.
A film rnirenit teacher Tnoetina the
following officers were elected for the
ensuing year: Mrs, Grace E- Johnson,
nrn.idoti.i: - Mm. John Gflet.ien. vice
nrcsident: Mrs. Bessie Moisan, trea'
urer; Mrs. Hazel M.. Johnson, secre
tary. Star.
South 'Fend, Wash., April 27. Tho
fish launch lost off the coast near
fvtervill last Friday, has been
definitely identified as the Jupiter, of
Sentt e. The body or tne
man found in the wreckage 1b that of
Win Knutson. of Heattle
. i i, , l
Other members of tho crew who lost
their lives lire: Cantnin Charles Am-
merman, Ingar Anderson and Thomas
Walker, nil of SenHle. E. H. Aminer
miiii, brother of the captain of the
Jupiter and brother of Mrs. F. C. Drew,
!. ...ilk l,.l.n W S-itiirfolll.
.HfUUI.-, in ". - -
of the Secttlo Fishermen's Union, nml
has identi'ied the bodv its that of Mr.
Knutson. " "
The hodv will be shipned to Seattle
for burial Further identification of
Die launch was made by Captain Rob -
ef 'he Ktii'-sn life-saving station,
who found Jupiter's
papers in
(W. H. I'itts, of the fish and "loultry
nmrket of Salem, was a fourth owner In
this bout and, aside from the loss of
life, the financial loss is heavy.)
T. L. EilUngsley, superintendent of j to prevent the strike of commercial Wie
the Salem, Eugene nnd West Linn city I grnphers now impending, it was learned
street car lines, telephoned to the lieud, today.
offices at I'ortland last night that the) "The department of labor is doing all
employes in his department at all three in its ponvjr to prevent tho nation-wids
places had "gone over the top" 100 1 strike," Hugh L. Kerlin of the concilia-
tier cent in the tniru inwriv loan urive
out of a half dow n or more coming mi-! son, Donald Frazlef, a telegram arrival
the hr.-id f,ffbe!nt the home of Mrs. F. A. Frazier, i
I to report 1.00 per cent over tho lop.
I o
of .T TTir msbnrpcr anoearcd before City1
..... ..
: Recorder Kace yesterday aitemoon sna; rrazier was mo n T"""v" ,' ,
deposited $3 as a fine for speeding ou American army. Ho was si feet, i 1 -
Conmierciul street Thursday.
I Salem Heights Notes t
Mrs. Esther Culley is visiting at the
home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs.
Maw-rice Sawyer pent laat Sunday at
Silver Creek Falls.
Mrs. B. Day and children, Beth and
Hubert, nave returned to their noma
from Portland.
Howard Sanders had the misfortune
;to hurt his right ankle last Saturday
evuing. "
A UT " Red Cross meeting oa
eciuestiay, uay 1st, t we nan, Mis
Wednesday, May 1st," at the hail,
ottpf will be with us and demonstrate
to come.
W. Sawyer, who is doing state
road work near Ncwberg, was a Sun
day visitor at home.
A number of the boys enjoyed what
is known hy them as a "big feed"
one evening this week.
Raymond Willaon is spending ths
week end at home from Oregon City.
Mrs. Annio Webs'er of McMinn
ville was a Sunday visitor with Mrs.
Mason ssd Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc-Clain-
Mrs. 'Ruth, Miles returned to he
home this week, after spending the
winter in Medford.
Word was received from Donald
Willson, who is in the navy, of his
safe arrival in New York from his sec
ond trip to the war aone across th
C. W. Sawyer spent a oouplo of days
last week visiting his son, Ben, in
State House News
'R. A. Booth of Eugene, member of
the state highway commission, is in
the cify today continuing his studios
of the - general road situation.-For ths
past few days ho has been at Rex, Ti
gard with Stato Engineer Herbert
Nunn inspecting th grading and pav
ing of 15 mires of road in Yamhill and
Washington, counticw,
With the Corporation department,
suppkementary articles of incorporatiea
were filed today by ths Clyde F. Far
ger Self Acting, Self Hegulatin Brake)
Mechanism Co. The name ox wis tom-
njuiy whs wilier lenstthy and they
now file their new name, Parker Dav I
it and Equipment Ut. ;
The girls of ths O. A. C, or at least '
part of them, arc- trying to' redtae
the h. . of I- Today with the corpora
tion department the Chi Omega soror ,
ity fiVed articles f imwrporaiion 'to,
promote social welfare for Its members .
and to provide them with suitable liv- :
Ing quarters t a reaissnwHS eosi.
This 1s free information for thoss
who eontemplato a trip on the ocean.
With tho corporation department the
Harvey Komedy Co. filed articles of
incornoration. Thet elalm t produce
an anti-tawsea mtiedy lhat will pre
vent sea sickness.
The Irrisatlon and Power ' Co. 6f
Portland filed articles of incorporation
today. The capital stock is $20,uou.
Non-Partisan League
Or ganizers Are Mobbed
Wlnlock, Wash., April 27 W. B. EJ
wards and A. KnutsMi, organizers for
th0 Non Partisan League of North Da
kota were taken from their tooms hers
at tho hotel about 2 o'clock this morn
ing by a company of fifty citizens ani
loaded Into the automobiles and wilt out
of town. Knutson is state organizer for
the league, with headquarters at Bp
kane, and Edwards has been organizing
in the country for the paBt several
weeks, with headquarters at Winlock.
The men were taken following a twj
lmurs' conference held in Knutson '
room at the hotel, In which- ho was di
vulging inner workings of the leaguS
to Edwards, who is comparatively a
new man to tho game. The entire con
versation was overboard by four witnes
ses and the factB brought out we sue
that the citizens felt justified in rim
nine the two out of town.
Knutson was given a tnsio oi mi .
. ..... nll.na nif hftlnff tlftndv.
"m""' "
Defeat of Amendments
Victory for President
Washington, April 27, By a vote oi
41 to 37 the senate this afternoon do-
feat ed tho Hoko Smith amendment ex-
----- ., .,.
j duuing tne ibuithi icwi
the operation of the Overman bill.
Administration forces scored a sc.coni
! victory lilts this afternoon when by a
j vote of 42 to 35 the Smith amendment
1 burring ths interstate commerce fnm-
1 mission rroui ino operunon oi wi u-
bill was defeated by the senato.
Washington, April 27. Secretary of
Labor Wilson has appealed directly ts
S. J. Konenkamp, president of tin tele
graphers union, to do nil in his power
iiou uivikiom, nnm .....n.
Berkdev. Cnl.. Aiiril 27. Afevv hours
after receiving a cheery letter from tie
Berkeley, telling of her son's death in
on aeroplane accident in England. .
As nearly as could be learnea louu,-,
- .1- ..ii.. u; n
iuclw.'S tall.