TWO, THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. ORE. SATURDAY. APRIL 27. 1918. IBM regima of the ptejiie party is on onua more, and it is this fav ored form of entertaining that Milady turn to with renewed enthusiasm, after the long season Vif indoor affairs, which however charmingly arranged, yet lack that sparkle of unimpaired pleasure, which the test of tie outdoor world is the teat of the outdoor world is doiightful te)iing lrty, when the ,. .,j .,. ,, iBg. ri nd by Mrs. E.O. Moll, a to irmart. An especially gala last dance f the season under the u-! i .e cw tral theme nf Mrs. Moll's dis of this niure was hckl at the j pervision of Mrs. K. T. Busselle and , r, ,i-., tl effective rhtiiacter e golf Hnka Wednesday night. (Mrs. i'red t Buchtel was held at the t mirk, being a-rt-ojnpli-hed by alwut twenty five friends were MawuLe liaJl thia- week. Introducing r,.jnf ni-tivities as a whole. certain to impart. An especially gala parry i lllahce " - ' --- - foiHHpn hv Mrs O. f! Lot-kit in a. id ii ic dinner given tot the club house in honor of Mr. Loeke's birthday anni versary. Dajiciug formed a merry mode of evening entertainment. Mrs. Wil liam WaVon, Mrs. Edwin L. Hnkcr and Mrs. H. H. OUrtger assisted Mrs Locke. U ti a atftornootn fancy mou invent wwrk was Doi conference meets in Jue. The usual number of gueuta and members were S resent. Mrs. 8. P. Hale assisted the ostcss in serving. Tho next meeting will be held May 8 at the home of Mrs. F. U. Neff. tho wife of the .pas tor of toe church. Mrs. C. D. Gabrielsnn will leave early next wtwk for Palo Alto, Cali fornia. wher he ill visit her son, Lieutenant Carl (Jaibrielson, who is tationad a C&uip Fremont Mrs. Oa brielson wilt remain in the south for oreriU week ,nd following hnr re tura north, will reside in Portland, joining Mr. OobrioWon, whose business interest called him to Portland the fire of th year. Mrs. Oalwielsoa will be missed by a host of Salem acquaint ance and it is only the likehhood of bar roturninig to the ity occasionally to visit her daughter, Mrs. Chauncay l&thop, and orthers, that is reconciling hor friends to her departure. Mr. and Mm; Will 0. Bennett will ottpy Mm Oabrielaon's residence, 155 North, Fourteenth street The Boaoette are nflwoomers in t lent, having formerly lived in Portland, Their wedding wa a reeont eveut of that city, Mrs. Bennett being Miss IJoatrice Buacholl before her marriage. The Burefccll family came to 1'ort land frotm Pendleton. The young cou- . .1.. k riWlttfch. fbu. peiii wklt complexion- Brant hack U oft Miwotli appumncc of youth. Results an intUnt and tanpiaveincnt caatlant. fiauraud'a Oriental Crcan K,nJ I(V. for Trial Slz Umn r unmfta Mi SON. Nw Ynr4 mid Mrs. P. K. Puhlerton, Mr. ami Mis. much depth of fpeJing and beauty of The Aid iety of the Euglowood ri, Caiifield. Mr. UnA Mm Lfstn ii.,ii hv- Miss Urcsrorv to the in- . U. church, repoiided to thu invita- RV;S ftnJ jnuei,ter jfr. and Mrs. spiring aeicompanimeiit of Ave Maria on of their president, Aire. Came M- Ktensteff, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Frye tho Victrolu. base, to mt with BT Wednesday ... Mr. n c. Mi.itn W l Kv r lri Vntthixra an.l Miss Scl- . Tho Sadie brought tboir ' .' .m Harrington. Mr. and li Tailor assisted Mrs. Steiner in serv- work, and a short business ses- MrB lf H (;ore Mr ajl,x ii. j.;. L A' rf(1, wnite aiui blue color scheme wag sold, in. wJiien tne necu oi T un,,iu . pf,v.t,ivplv carried nut in a love- nted out.bofore the ti .....i a... tv,., .ino vi.rhi D. H. MOSHER .iiyh Class Ladies' Tailoring 474 Court Street TflMIIIIIfinilMM BUY SHOES IN THE MORNING sill NEW ARRIVALS HaviuiA brown, Oxford, Braziiun Kid, perforutivl ti wit.h white welt strip and low heels. A ImwuIv s'liiug ai $0.00 Ktiinskin Oxfi r.l with Ciilmn lied, Wintf Ti, White Ivwrv side, special $.'.00. White Kid Hiots Imliv Louis hvl, tin. Tim season 'h Price $10.00 White Sea UlHtid cli til, both hi';ii mid lew liic-ls, Kinging in piieo from $4.00 to 6 M. ASK TO SEE OUR $8.75 BPECIALS IN COLORED KID SHOES FULLERTONS 1 14 Liber'y EXCLUSIVE yjOBJ) FAMOUS AGENCY " FOOTWEAR SffOS J pie are being eagerly welcomed by 8a-1 lorn society. Mn. Bonnett being "very . , . , . ,r " . talented musically Mr Bennett has aneeeeded O. Guy Urgent as state - pcrmtenclent ol. Dancing club iiarticipa:ed in a most uovuhv intjk tliR iravetit1 of tho even ing were a number of old fashioned dnncos, which weic especially enjoyed oy mti ciuo niiHiiiners. . - .1...... uwA,nl llv 1 i iiuvniii); iji.7 uum ri ' i(l J"" sapper parties were held at the Spa i and the Uraybelle. Among those join- The Dorsonnel of the Thursday Niaht ln iiiimuKprnr Mr. nnA Mrs. Waiter "Kuchier, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchtel, Mr. and Mrs. K. r. uusseue, air. ana Mrs. George H. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Corey, Mr. and Mrs. 8- Z. Cul ver, Mr. and Mrs. John Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Can field, Dr., Mrs. K. Ellis, Mr. aud Mrs. P. E. J-ullertou. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hiblor, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. James Kapp hahn, Mr. and Mr. C. Harvey Jones, Mr. and Mrs. (Jharles A. Lytic, Mr. and Mrs. U. 8. Page, Mr. and Mrs. William Stcusloff, Mr. and Mrs. !Prcd Hteueloff, Mr. and Mrs. Klmo White. Mr. and Mr K. E. Shafer, Mr. and Mr David Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Kd Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Waiters, Mr. and Mrs. henry Nienieyer, Mr. and Mrs. R. W; Simeral. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Carloton. Mi- .ml r,.. T,einr Davis. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Delaio, Mr. end Mrs. New ton ftnifih, Mr. and Mrs. Dan rrye, Mr. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Pnuik, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffnell. Mr. and Mrs. H. 8- Poiwil, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. rtiwmiiiu. Mr anrl Mrs. D. C. Millto, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chatmbers, Miss Sybil llturington, w. u. rvans. The flifth birthday of littlo Mlldrod Shields wa ehanuiugly observed Thunsday afternoon at tho honne of her mother, Mis. Hoy Shields, 1065 vi4ii Wfth .tTet. A daintv Tink col or scheme was carried out in the deco rations, the taiblo nippointiments 9nu tho birthday rake, alight with its oln ter of five pink caudles. Mrs. Lee M. t;,.nh irnuM Mrs. Hhields in serving the ibovy of small belles, who' included eight friend's of tho young Hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Hussell B. Fields (01 iva iwklev whose weddinsr was an ovent of last week, arrived from Eu gene this afternoon. Mr. nows nas gene mis aiternoon. xur. j: ion were Mrs, mauvr i"i ----oomploted tlio ordnance course at the aid Volk and Mrs. Tred Delano. The .... . r . ..J 111 1n...l . ffo 11 J. SiJinvermT.v cr urrguu uu nm im.u Monday for a cantonment in Georgia. 1 The young' couple will be guests of SMrs. Fields' parent, Mr. and Mrs. J. ir. n.i.i. ...i,1 W. Berkley over the week end. in low, covered stmiubt. perforated clii'icest iiuulity. 413 SJate By CAROL S. DIBBLE rieauralile in the extreme, was the regular meeting of the Sweet Briar ! dub, for which Mrs. A. H. Sterner was . hpr fc on h0 Walaf4 ,,.,, --,lesdav afternoon. Besponaet m ,hc form of patriotic aud helpful thjunlits, the ri 'rat iln of which was -cmUMlica p. retlectivn paper. "WhiCt are w A fiini'lv feature of the Jirocraiu was the rradiug by Miss May Gregory of the poem, "Not VuJcMtood," giv- .... I... !-.......... f.i(li.Q.yia t. thn K.a uv iivii ii ii. tub ... urn i .v " " ..a I.;.. tliu i liin pvcnitu' ui iii tt'i'i'-. ..... .u-. - n at the armory. The poem, which pleads for a greater bond of sympathy unit ing niauKiuu, ly centerpiece of red tulips, combined with blue hyacinths and narcissus. Ex quisite wild flowers arranged in In dian baskets formed further decora tions. Fifteen menilbcrs were present Wed nesday. The club wiill be entertained next time by Miss Sylvia Mary Keil. Novel birthday parties for the lit fnlli ivmt.imin tn form bright spots of color in the spring interlude of sub due4 social nativity, for whatever the ban ,placcd on elaborate entertainment in grownup land during the war period, the children etdll hold sway when the eagerly anticipator mrtnuay runs iii.i ml tli ita nrominrt of caudle be decked cako, and festal frolic. In such a miorry manner was tne rmui inuujr of Charles Kay Bishop, the small son of Mr. atd Mrs. Chauncey Bishop, celebrated fclday morninK at the kindergarten of the high school A joyoue round of songs and games, con ducted by Miee meat u-oura mi Bates, were enjoyed by the juvenile gueets. Miniature cakes, bearing tiny candles were brought in at the refresh- inient hour. The littlo .peoi)lo numDorea: jane Harbison. Helene Elgin, Eleanor u.,!,.;,! Kmillv Frickev. Mild soij Shields, Warren Kennedy, Stanley Price. Howard rracc, r-rcuuy Chaato, Frederio Thielsen, Thomae El vin, Thomas Livesley, Asahel Bush, John Hughes, Myron Upton, Samuel Harbison, Ohct Olcott, Arthur Boes chen, Hugene Harllan F.rances Bailey. Tim Priseilla club was charmingly .-4..t.:u.i Tlmisiiliiv ftenioon by Mra. 8. 8- East at her rcsidnce, UO Court) street. An artistic arrangemeni of lovely spring flowers graced the rooms. . Additionally bidden for the affair were Mrs, Waiter uuenner. .ura. n menvocrs presuuu -- ry.( Mrs. John Craig, Mr Ida Barj- COPitj Mrs, A. I Brown, Mrs. tred atousloff, Mr Frank Myers, Mrs. C n urj.l. r W fl Alln. B. Weibb, Mrs. W. 0. AUen. M.iss Oertructe East, an O. A. C stu i ...i .u .a 4ha wok ml in Salem (ivill, wm poa "v " , . as the guest of hor parents, Mr. and a. , fcasr. . The seventeenth and eighteenth of irav haw been set as the da'ea for the" children's dance recital under the i:.....:.. r Balnh WTiite. Re- hearsalu are being held regularly and a nuiur of striking military effects have been planned for the. two acts, which will includo drills, aesthetic dttiicing, solos and several brilliant pa geant numbers. n-i. vi.i, ...1,1 Oneen. will hold court, I amid a gayly attired assemblage of xnuill tiWen.lants. uuiienne """'y .i... t..,.j'l.a little dauu-liter of Mr. ami Miw Edgar Hartley' will bo tie Uueen of tho day, wnno -'ac" ; "'';"' tlio eon of Mr. and Mrs. D- C. Minto, will owsuirtp tjie throne as King. The reeifcj, which will be in the na ture, of a putriotic benefit will be i held in the (Irund t)iera house and wi'l be sponsored by a ninuber of society ma trons. , Those acting as putrefuwes will D . vi,.. i.Ve,Uri..k Thiel'sen. Mrs. Clifford hrown. Mrs. John J. RounTts. Mrs. Assahel Buih, Mrs. Melvin i-nmpriM., Mrs. CWuuw'ey Bishop, Mrs. T. A i ,..!.. r,- T ('. Smith. Jr., Mrs. W, 11. Burshnrilt.Ji'..Mi-s. Bon Scliuek iii, Mrs. Zadoe Higgs aiid Mrs. W. 11 Lvtle. Tlio Memlny Afternoon I'.riJ'e club was en erlaiu'e.,1 this week by Mrs. K. B Uooilin at her reid.'in-e on Court street. Mi-t. Kate Keiui.U of l'orthml, a tn- of Mi, (imidin. wvs an nddi- Uuuul guft-l for the afternoon. Mrs, Ka'ph. lilever will be In stes to the club meiiibers next week. Much ic;ret is being felt among the friends of Mr. and Mrs. George M p,vt over the fact of their departure ,t: Portland tlu lust ot June, wueic thev plan to 'mute pcrumuciitly. Mr. poM has acceptt-d a pifitioM as archi- jtcct in the uffico of Morris White- i house. A j'dly outing .vas enjoyed msi Inighriiy'a group jf coiinial friends, iwho. taking ndvantng. .f the ideal levelling, met ore d over to Pallas to at 'tend a ilnnce. On their return the iner !rv makers rounded out thn evening's !g'.Hd time with a jay lit 'In Supper par j t- e.t the home of Mr. uud Mrs. Koy iMil'ii, n t'uurt. street. I The partv included Mr. and Mrs ,'paul .Minson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk. Dr. and M:s. O. A. OIsnoi, Dr. land Mrs. Charbxi Hates. Mr. and Mrs. 'William Neill, Mrs. Walter Spauldiug. Mr. and Mrs. Koy Mills. A decided lose to the musical cir cles of Portland and vicinity will be felt in the departure of Mrs. Thomas Carriek Buikc of Portland, for New Vork early ia the fall. Mrs. Burke, who is considered one uf the iiKwt brilliant piajiists of 1he day, is a member of tlio McDowell ehib of Portland dand for mine time litis .aken an active part ni all the woman's work in regard to war servb-s;. Several advanced piano students from Salem hao been pupils of Mrs- Burke at vaiious times. Miss Lela Slater, a former Salem girl, now residing iu Portland, and a taleu-ed musician has studied w ith Mrs. Burke for some time. Miss Dorothy IVace, tho daughter of Mrs. (ieorge J. Pearce, 267 North Winter street, also is tak ing work with Mrs. Burke, going up to Portland regularly for that pur pose. Mrs. Burke, who is a favorite social ly ia Portland, is the mother ci two charming children, Joeelyn and Thomas Carriek, Jr. She and the children will join Judge Burke in New York in September, w heo the ratter has accept ed an appointment as treasurer of the American Cotiton and Grain Exchange of New York, having already left for the east to assume his new duties. The Burke family came to Oregon from Walla Walla, Washington, Dr. and ifrs. Grovcr Bellinger and children motored to Scotts Mills last evening. They will return, tomorrow. The week nding April the twentieth gave rise ito an exceedingly interest ing seriea of vent9 in Washington, IX C, when the twenty seventh Continen tal Conigrese of the National Society of tho Daughters of the American Rev olution assembled, according to cus tom on that week, marked by the an niversary of the Battle of Lexington. The Oregon delegates to the Congress were Mrs. Mary Barlow Wilkina, re tiring regent: of the Multnomah chap ter in Portland, and Mrs. John Hall, also of the Multnomah chapter. An occasion to hear a program re plete with features of special signifi cance was given the delegates present at the tiougress, as the traditional pur-' poses and aims of the Daughters of the American Revolution are now finding such abundant expression and broad scope of oultlot in tho multitude of pres ent needs and oppoiitMni'tiee for hu manitarian activity, created by the demands of war. Besides .the regular routine of bus iness reports, several unique events oc curred, among which was the visit to the .graves of George and Martha Washington at Mt. Vernon by a dele gation of Daughter, for the purpose of laying memorial wreaths on the tonibs. The formal, ,large reception of the week was held Snturd'ay night in the Pan-American building at Washington, D. 0., the use of jvhieh was offered for the occasion by John J. Barrett, a well known Oregonian, and general director of the Pan-American Union. A cofliy of the prayer, written by the Rt- Rev. Daniel Sylvester Tuttte, bish op of Missouri, in honor of the sons of the Daughters of the American Rev olution, who have joined the service, was sent to Mrs. GecTge Thatcher Guorn'sey, president general, by Mrs. Isaae Lee Patterson of Salem, and read before the congress last week. The prayer which emiboiias an uplift ing message of appeal, was also read at the Oregon conference of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution held a short tune ago at Portland. It reads as follows: "Almighty God, our Heavenly Fath or, we thank Thee for all Thy good ness and loving kindness to lis and to all' men, and especially for tne national blessings wrought for us in the Amer ican revolution. "Give grace and wisdom o all in authority over us that by their coun sel, upheld and guided by Thy power and blessing, righteousness and justice aud patrkti,4iu may prevail. Defend and .prosper the army and navy of the Tutted States tha they may be a safeguard t the country and a pro toictioji to the flag. "Over the manifold sorrows and suf ferings niako Thy light to shino, to comfort saddened hearts and to briitht eu darkened limnes. Iu Thine own time and by Thine cwn .might, we pray Thee, make the right to conquer, to the ((lory of tfod and the gocd of men, through .If 'sua Christ our Lord. Amen." Miss Elizabeth Levy, aecompaiied by her mother, Mrs. S. Levy, went tip 'o Port bind Wednesday to hear Mischa KlniM, the givnt violinist, wh appear ed iu concert at. the Heilig Wednesday night. Elm., who hlis been furing tlio coast, lias been received with trc ineadous eut.husi!'.?m in all of the large ities where ln played. Fi.r Impassioned beauty of tone and poetry of interpretation El nan has taken strong lwld upon his audiences, the magic of his music and perscwality f'Siving them enthralled and profound ly moved. other violinist new liv ing has- attained such extiaordinury popuuiricy. It is uiit snly that public which the great, violinist, desires to reach. "I w-auc to ptinh deeper fur my pubic'' savji Mis -ha Klman. "1 want to reach 'those people who have never heard , good playing or good music. I want to got outside the circle of concert gocrs iin order to increuso the musisnl ap i pronation in the community. I want to j create music lovers, for that is as jnni'h the work of a solo artist as to ' intern, the great master composers The creation of numbers of utw music ! levers must have an effect upon the ; whole spiritual life of tho community in that it brings with it a greater ibread;h." These are busy days for the Oregon division of tho woman's committee, State tfcuncil of Defense. Each eoiuity is well orgauiaed and at Hie suggestion of the state council of defense, Director Kollock, the county chairman of the woman's com mittee have been ma le members of the executive conimitree of each county council and thus the woman's work is being recognized. The war savings scoietics are pro gressing well and the following coun ties have reported the work being or ganized: Marion. Mrs. William Hamil ton, Salrm, chaiimnn; Washington, Mrs. L. W. Hyde, chairman; Yamhill, Mrs. William 'Houek, chairman, Mc Minnville; Douglas, Mrs. A- C. Mars l)e..huti. Mrs. W. A. Ellis, chairman. Mia Pnatnur .f Portland, will go from the biennial meeting of the Gen eral Federation of Women's dubs in Hot Springs direct to Washington, where she has been called for a con ference of the state- chairmen of the women's committee, and upon her re turn early in June will call a meeting iu Portland of all county aud local chairmen, chairman of committee and tho executive oom.mi'ttee of the state nninwil rf iV.fpnse WOlllUll 8 division. She then wiM present tho pians re ceived at tie nanouat meeting anu further promote the state activities- Dr. Fiank Wilbur Chace, director of Willamette university, presents a number of the music students in re cital Monday evening, at the caapw, Waller hall, campus. The program is a mixed one of pi ano, vocal and violin number. Those taking part are the Misses Faye Bol in Union Mnnre. Muriel Stceves. Nel- Ke Beaver and Misses Ailene Dunbar and Marie Largent in a two piano ilunt -Tha vr.iul Ht.udenta are ouTJils of iirs. Chace, excepting Mb Gouldor wao is doing worn unoer ooin m. uu Mrs, Chace. Those singing are the Misses Vest Mulligan, meeso soprano; Gladys Hansel, alitor Alma Nelson, mezzo soprano; Albert Gouldor, so prano; Gladys Crozer, alto, and Ray mond H. Rarey baritone. Mr. Moore, studying with Mr. South, will appear for the first time in a violin solo. The musio lover are most cordially invited to attend these r-citals. The ro;mi!i urn iiniiRiifl.ll v coud for stu dents a ithey are making rapid pro gress iir tneir an. Mrs. Kathcrino Glen Kerry, singer and composer, gave a concert at the First Methodiait church, Monday even ing, for tho benefit of the Willamette chapter Atterican Red Cross. Mrs. Kerry is a prominent society woman of Seattle, who is devoting her rare talents to helping the Red Croat during the war. She pays all her own expenses, .giving concerts in the towns and cities of Oregon and Washington, aud not only all proceed are given the Red Cross, but all royalties from her songs (published under the name ofl Catherine Glen) are a'so givon to Red Cross for tho period of the war. Mi Kerry charjn! her audience not only with her lovely voice, but her winning personality- The latter part of the program included a group of Mrs. Kerry's own compositions, which proved exceedingly interesting. The nimsio so well fits the words, that it almost seemed to recreate the poems. Their rendition was delightful and the hearers were mst enthusiaiitdc in their applause. Dr. Prank Willbur Chalca assisted Mrs. Kerry in his inimitable manner, and aocpTupanied her with perfect sym. pathy. The program ended with the Star st,n.iAiii ttiniinr. anno' hv Mrs. Kerry .n,.'. - , r t audi the audience joining in the chor us. v Salem theater goers who have taken ,um;.il nlMKnire in io liiehlv artistic. piano playing of. Mrs. Warren Hunt at tho Ye Liberty theater, which has been characterized by sympathetic, and exceptional interpretative power, will !be interested to learn that she has giv en up her position as pianist to de vote her timo and talent to the study of th cpipe organ. iir.. Hunt was a well known pipe organist in Portland ,ia ram-fl ami. and w-ill resume her studies in that direction to tho grati fication or ker tTienw, wao teea sne ia uift.ed as an oraanist. 8he will remain in Salem for tho pres ent. BONNER.MOSER WEDDING James ('. Bonner, manager of the Silver (lien stock farm and Miss Oli-e G. Moser, daughter of Mr. and- Mrs. Stonewall Moner, were quietly niarriej at tho home of Rev. and Mrs. Atbyt Kssou near Albany Monday forenoon at 11:W o'clock, iu ihe preeuce of a brother of the groom and brother and sistvr of the bride and Henry IHiVal. The wedding party motored to Al bany and lifter the ceremonies, the happy couple left for Newport for a honeymoon and ethers of the puny re turned home. Invitations are out for a reception of the newly-weds at tlio home of tho groom ' parents at their Heal Skin Diseases It is unnecessary for you to suffer with eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes and similar skin troubles. A little ssmo, obtained at any drug store for S5c, or $1.00 for extra larpe bottle, rnd promptly applied will usually give instant relief front itching torture. It cleanses and soothes the skin and heals quickly and effectively most skin diseases. Zemo is a wonderful, ptnetrating, dis Sppearini; liquid and is soothing to the most delicate skin. It is not greasy, is easily applied and costs little. Get it today and savejeil further distress. Th E. W. Kose Co, Ocrclud, a for Senator Ihiiim iini-i-r -- krtA R. N. Stanfleld. Farmer, Stock Kaiser and Producer The State is entitled to the active services of a man who knows how to work. Work for the State generally and work for the people of the State, both individually and collectively. Oregon does not need any orators for orators are a drug on the market, and like constitutional lawyers, they do not get anything. The Federal government needs- all the assistance Ore gon can give, but is not receiving it because it has no t been put up to the department on a business basis. Today business men are having more to do with th government affairs than ever before. We are spending twenty-four million dollars a day and the people who pay this money are the people who actually create wealth, tho farmer, producer and the toiler. Our prosperity depends upon our- continued industrial activities and every one of these should be maintained a t the maximum capacity. , The prosperity of the small farmer, the small producer and the small manufacturer is as essential to the State and the Nation as. the prosperity of the big man, every one of our occupations should be, given equal considers tion regardless of the amount produced. Every encouragement must be given to increase l roduction and this can be obtained only through assur ance that the small farmers as well as the big man is go ing to receive his proportionate share of the war ex penditures, and that there will be a market for his prod ucts and a profit to him for his work based proportionate ly upon his cost of production. There must be equality in all phases of our State and National industiy, and the small fellow must not be for gotten, overlooked or crowded out through the rush for big things and big orders and big accomplishments. If the people of the State want a business man. a work er, a man who knows, is thoroughly acquainted with every phase of the industrial situation in Oregon, a man who i,J capable, honest and fearless, a man who has by his own labor and through his own advancement aided in the progress and devedopment of Oregon, they want Robert4 N. Stanfield. . Paid Adv. By Stanfield Senatorial League, 203 Northwestern Bank Building. 'farm home in the Silverton hills, the vcmng of May i. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bonner are well known young people of fins column n?ty and hal) .manv warm friends who extend congratula tions. Tho groom is 27 and the bride --. Silverton Appeal. WOODBURN SENDS 15 MEN , Wondburn, Or., April 27. School children, friends and relatives turned out a. thn Mti tion here yesteMay i.niorning to bid t'arcwvll to 15 drafted :nien leaving fi'om this district for 'amp Lewis under Captain Elmer S. jStllltZ. There were remarks by Mayor Sk-el-hammer, a farewell address by Dr. K. ti. .lVcker and swigs by pupils. They are a fine bundi of men and will make good soldiers.. The,., who entrained ; were: 1. W. Lawrence, K. ft. Stulte, Otter-;s'r(-m. P. J. Walker, (). II. Peters, A 0. Xerienn, ti. S. 's.h,M-fer, J. V jStraughan, W. P. Terhaer, I. N. Har ivey. f. C. Lrvgue. H. Matthieu, 0. C t Jefferson, J. F. Otterstrom aud W S3. Svhrauuu. JTJRY IS EXCUSED. I Xew York. April 27. After having leeu out since six p. m. Thursday, the Jury iu the trial of Max Baseman, and other editors of "The Masses" accus ed of interfering with the draft, was exrusr'd today when it could not a'ree on a verdict. r 1 -' TO BUILD CO All BARGES Now York, April 26. A fleet tf modern coal barges of both steel anil concrete construction will be built by the goveniiaient to accelerate transpai- tation. through tho Erie anal. G. A, jTomlinson, govermmeftt manager of tho waterways in this district announced todav. ) n UtdOEiOt. 1 -waste ft! !l n .IS a