Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 27, 1918, Image 1

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(22,000 EKADEE3) DAILT
Only Clrcalr-tian la &Iem Gur
' aateed ly tv. Audit Ecjmi ai
Hons tms J
Oregon : Tonight
and tnmday fair
not so cold to
ight in the south
and east portions;
light frost tonight
in east portion;
moderate westerly
a If n 11 fl
i in i im n R TTI r T A I A -f-
Her Cousin Murdered Beside
Her In Bed-She Is At
tacked Bat Spared
Victor, X. Y., April
Ten German Divisions After Capkrkj Mont Kemmel Make
Five Charges In Attempt to Tarn Mount Scherpenberg
But Are Beaten Back-Exhasicd Annies Rest But Big
Guns Ksep Hammering Away Throughout Ypres Front
Cenoas Checked On Wkle Front
By William Philip Simms,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With the British Armies In Flanders, April 27. There
is a comparative calm on the Flanders front, following a
tempestuous three days. But the fighting may start
Again at any moment.
Field Marshal Hindenburg has brought General Sieger
up from the Verdun region to help around Kemmel.
Under him are five divisions (60,000 men). General Von
iEberhardt, with another five divisions, it at his left,
together, these ten divisions hammered away yesterday,
awaking only slight headway after the capture of Kemmel.
Sieger tried to advance toward Ypres, astride the
.Ypres-Comines canal, yesterday, but the British coun
tered brilliantly, retaking lost ground and establishing
-GGrong posts.
" Von Eberhardt's "hill men" hurled out of Dranourte
four times, were unable to push on after occupying the
uice in a aim cnarge. LiiKewise, tney were too ex
hausted after taking Kemmel to succeed in turning Mount
Scherpenberg. . .. ' , ,
Throughout the Ypres front the German guns thunder
ceaselessly. Local shelling keeps up ' elsewhere. The
, weather continues threatening. The ground is unusual
ly dry.
Enemy Hjld at All Fronts
London, April 27. "The enemy is
J. old everywhere, " Field Marshal Haig
announced. tod.iy.
"Along the Ilangard-Gretonncux liue
wo advanced oiir positions at certain
. t-oiats.
... ".Hostile attacks with tanks were
-Woken up and failed to develop," '"
"From L.OCM to Laclytte the enemy's
Arnaults against the French positions
wore pressed with extreme violence. Af
ier three attacks were beaten off with
(treat losa, the Germans succeeded in
carrying Locro village. ' .
"In the evening he allies counter at
tacked and drove the enemy out of the
village, which is now held by tho French
At other" points in the evening the
inemy was repulsed.
"North of Kemmel village and in the
neighborhood of V oorm.ozel'.o, after i
prolonged and fierce struggle, the po
nilions remair.ed ours.
"In the nilge and wood southwest of
V oormezel'i the enemy again heavily
attacked but was completely repulsed.
Wj took hundreds of prisoners.
"Local fighting on the Lys f.ont and
in the neighborhood of Givenchy yester
day afternoon won us forty prisoners,
"South of the Somnvs in the after
noon and eve;;ir.z we obtained advan
tages in the Hangard-En-Santerre and
Tdlors-Gretaunsux section. Our prison
(Continued on page three)
. .rjKuingion, April Zl. The great
a.n.vl f-r.-.i. . .
t. iivbi. iraitio i8 oegniniog to take
its toll of American fiirhtnra
. General Perishing 's casualty lit to
day showed 103 names, including elev-
vn mum in action, it severely wound
ed, 37 slightly wounded and two miss
in. In addition, four men died of ac-
eiuent nd two of disease.
Killed in Action
J-.ieutenan.ts John D. Arnett, Charles
k.. LdOrug, bergeants Edward J. Beattv,
CorporaJa Harry F. Ditmara, Edward
1'. Wing. Privates Charles D. Cosma
Fmuik Kurwin', Bernard T. Fitzim:
mans. Brie. 0. Hoikpiist, Abe Koser,
Henry A. Lacroix.
; Lietntemant Andrew S. Robinson, Pri
vate Edward P. Maher.
Died of Accident
Lieutenants Thomas J. Atooney,
Gharlw S. Williams, Wagoners Fred
Bonye, .Tohn CocUrane.
Died of Disease
, Private 8am German, Charles N'aills
' Wounded Severely
:? Capitaiii John T. English, Lieuten
ants Clfltnent A. Fogarty. Kichard R.
Vrterw;. Harvey Cupdcerove, Ser-
ronnti) Clovw L. DeSauimiers, Charles
I- Gilbert, George M. Parks, Coriinr-
'b Jarom J. Henderson, Charles J. Hill
w miatm Jnendan, Samuer Tobias,
Oooks Andrew H. Brcadhurst. Leon
Robertson. Wagoners Russell Drury,
Richard M. Lend, Privates Clarence V.
Adwie, Charley P. Pays, William Bech
with, Aloysrus J. Brown, John R. Can
hon .Domenico Cauuzzi. Crodie Cav-
wood, jfanuel O. Correia, John W. Dili,
John J. Giles, John M. Grattan. Her-
ibert? W. Hopper, Joseph. Jordan. Jos
eph. Kv.her, jolin Knops, Joseph Lau
jriiM, Oney E. Xanftault, Archie C.
Lnnie, David E. Marshall. Alnhonse
Wedder, Andrew F. Off'itt. Rav K-
flalmer, Mar!in Peterson, Frederic!: C.
Rii. Johnnie E. Roddy. Lewis S.
lviteJ!, Bennv Smith, Raymond E.
.South, John 8. Spallone, Nick 8pano,
A Zimmerman. Andrew F. Zint.
Aimong the slightly wounded were
(Siap'ain William J. Farrell and Lieti-
.U luek -would hare it, Tell BinMev: tenants T. Andrews. Howard I. Oenin
f -got t' turn his auto clock an hourjand Samuel A. Tyler
4 rwart". an' artived at th' railroad cros-1 Toiar'n lit is bolieved to eontain
tNisy aa Lour too late t' git hit.!rhi rmt of nmny who were in thj
V.',''it'9 becon:e o' th' gal that used t' 8eichprt.y fight. a Chaplain Farrell
I oo so tight tHt we wondered how had previously been reported wound
H swuilowcd? cd in gallant action there. '
rf sjc jjs 3 3fC jjc sc s(c 3fC 3fc
J Abe Martin J
S'j! 5(t c jjc SC 3fC Sj'
.General Pershing's Casualty
tj d'L iao
ui iuauy cinuws 1UJ
who lav beside her. Miss
s JJe.Lkiw warded oif the 1.1
Sen struck at her and .nlen.tea
he con'seuted to spare
a sound of the blows which a
rained with an axe on the
' t cousin
with him
her lit
The madman, Earl Austin, a farm
hand.betoro the murder of Miss Dobows
cousin, Mis3 Blanche Mosdier, had kill
ed his employer, McC'lain Mosher, the
girl's father. Ho is now at large.
The attack occurred about 2 o'clock
this morning. After promising to ac
company Austin anywhere, Miss De
Bow walked the lonely countiy roads
.with the murderer until daylight.
Near Farmington, they met Mark
Gourley. who was about to board a
suburban car for Victor. Miss IXeBow
ran toward Dourley, calling i'or help.
Austin hesitated, ,tnen sprang into tht
nearby woods and disappeared.
Dourley brought Miss Deliow to
Victor and ' noufiod the authorities.
State police ary looking for Austin.
French Regiment Obeyed
rought to the Death
The French regiment, order-"
ed; to defend Mont .Kemmel
"to the death," obeyed the
eoaiimaiKl to the letter.
Entirely surrounded by Ger-
mans, the .poihis held out for
more than eight hours, slaugh-
teiing whole companies of the
enmy as they swarmed up the
teep slopes in the face of the
French machine gun fire. -
A veritable flood of grey
clad troops finally swept over
tho summit, obliterating the
defenders as "one's heel does
an ants' nest " Like the old
guard at Waterloo, this French
regiment "died it did not
surrender." i -j!e
ak ,
Main Object Now Is To Check
Drive Wliile Gathering
Forces to Attack
By Carl D. Groat
(I'nited Press stiff .orrcspomlent)
"asnmgton, April .(. Hie (ieruian
drive menace against the cluumel is
forcing the allies to use great efforts
to check tlio foe. This ineuaie is so
serious that to s!op the Germans is tho
most to be expected for some time and
it is certain there will be no major al
lied counter offensive for the present.
Americans and foreign army men
here today agreed on these points, fol
lowing Teuton capture of the tactical
ly important Mo lit KnmWl. The for
eigners particularly warned that the
outcome of the present offensive will
not be determinant, 'but that the strug
gle will go on for .months until the al
lied strength i greater ithrougU rein
forcements. These reinforcements must come
mainly from America and, it is a a mil
itary axiom that the last fresh man
wins the battle. ' .
Foch's strategy tho-otghly approv
ed bv American efficlalfe is to wear
(down the German n much as possi
ble, f
There can lo no mistaking that the
allied reserve hae been heavily tap
ped for forces simply to hold the Ger
mans thus far. This tapping quite evi
dently has been eo serious that fresh
forces must ibe hurried in before the
allies can even think of imaUing a tell
ing counter stroke. ,
American forces are going across in
Irqnstantly iinerieiBs!ing plumbers. Ital
ian reinforcements are being pushed
to the westward and British reserves
are pouring over the channel.
When Hindenburg has exhausted his
main strength and slaughtered au in
comparably largo force, Foch will have
fresh men to win battles.
The days are serious, close to crit
ical, but there is confidence in the fit
two, .military experts, sai undeserved
ly; " . ' -'........'.
If So We Plan of War May
Be Changed Is Risky
Move for Germany
By J. W. T .Mason
(Fnited Press War Expert)
New York. April 27. The entire of
fensive plans of the allies may be
changed over night to the ovc rwiwi.imng
disadvantage of (...'rmauy, if the militar
ist diplomats In Berlin compel Holland
to enter the war to defend her sover
eign rights.
With the Netherlands as an associate
in the war, the allies would bo confront
ed with the possibility of conducting a
direct invasion of Germany- from the
Dutch border toward Bremen mid Ham
burg. If the Dutch nrmy could hold the
Germans along the frontier until the ar
rivul of heavy allied reinforcements,
Germany '8 military situation might
soon become precarious. Hindenburg
might well be forced to shorten his line
n France to provide tho noccssary
troops for the defense of German ter
ritory. Should a situation such as this arise
it is highly probable that America would
supply i large part if not most of the
troops for operations along the Dutch
frontier. The ferrying of these troops
across the North Sea to Holland would
present difficulties becaus.0 of tho
length of tho journey wnich would
menu a run of about 100 miles through
a submarine infested xone. Neverthe
less, the problem of transportation
could be solved by the use of a suffi
cient number of destroyers and patrol
The danger to Germany if Holland en
ters the war with the allies is well un
derstood at Berlin. Tho Hohenzollern
militarists, however, are showing a
spirit of recklessnes under the blind
spell of their successes along tho west
front. Th"ir effort now is to secure a
diplomatic initiative as an accompani
ment to their military initiative. The
question at issue between Germany and
Holland are not of such vital urgency
as normally send nations to war.
The groat danger in the situation,
howev.cr, is Gerninny's arrogant refusal
to discuss theso matters With Holland.
The Berlin militarists are attempting to
dictato to Tho Hague what Holland
must do, as if Tho Netherlands were a
vassal state. Dictation in international
negotiations frequently ends in war,
even when tho subject in dispute is tri
(Continued on page three)
Turkey and Bulgaria Each
Want Salonika-Turks
Afraid of Germany
By Robert J. Bender -i
(Tinted Press Staff Correspondent)
Washington, April ' 27. Thunder of
giant guus on the west front is drown
ing a Teutonic: .quarrel of growing ser
iousness around Germany's backdoor.
Bulgaria, Austria-Hungary, and tho
' i-p
Turks with tho Czechs, Jugo-81uvs and
hunger as ever present stimulants are
repeatedly making a situation in the
Balkans alarming to Germany's ill con
cealed imperialistic ambitious. Officiul
diplomatic dispatches to Italian Ambas
sador Cellero and through French and
British channels disclose that Bulgaria
and Turkey are fighting over expected
spoils, which Gcrniun papers now warn
must go to neither but, on the con
trary) must be taken by Germany,
Bulgaria demands the eonquest of 8a
loniki for herself, according to Italian
cables. Turkey objects, fearing any addi
tion to Bulgaria's strength. Even great
er opposition comes from Austria and
Germany who need Salonika In taeir
plans for a Berlin-to-Bagdad route to
Asia. ...
That British successes in Palestine and
Mesopotamia have not deterred the kai
ser from this dream is evidenced by
German papers, which have begun a
propaganda campaign declaring that tho
central empires cannot give Salonika to
Bulgaria. This must be a free port and
a German naval base for the German
Mediterranean fleet.
Tho suggestion .of a Mediterranean
fleet indicates (hat Germany would
maintain such an organization to assist
Assert Germany Has
Served Ultimatum On
Commander In Chief Orders
All Leaves of Absence.
London, Aprtf 27. Special
dispatches from Dutch sources
today declared that Holland has
yielded to one of Germany 's de
mandsthat of the uso of the
railway across the province of
Llinburg but has stipulated
that it shall not bo used for mil
itary traffic.
Washington, April 27.That Germany
has not served an ultimatum on Holland
on the question of free transportation
of supplies through that country, was
U.-3 declaration of Dutch legation offi
cials here today. -
Possibility of a break over tho nego
tiations now going on between the two
countries was regarded slight. Contrary
to the statement of the Dutch premier.
this w,?ek, legation official here declar
ed negotiations "have not yot assum
ed serious proportions.'' n "
. Repoi-ts that Holland had placed an
embargo, on tlie eftportition of tin, tin
ore, and kapok , from the Dutch West
Indies has been deuie in an official
diplomatic dispatch to tho legation to
day. It was said, however, that a li
cense has been imposed on the products
but that this is thoroughly in keeping
with custom and is not a result of tho
United States requisitioning Dutch ship
Keeping Army Intact.
The Hneuc, April 27. Tho premier
and foreign minister held a long con
ference with political loadors last night
before going into secret session.
The commander in chief has oruewil
leaves of absence stopped in tho army
and navy.
Tho people do not disguise their anx-
(Contiimcd on page three)
(Continued on page three)
Guards Have Trouble Quelling
Inmates Who Are Drunk
and Noisy
There was a ni-.'rry time out at the
slate penitentiary one day last week.
Some of the cons, led by George Clark
got on a glorious drunk and began to
play with tho guard. They surrounded! re-i of the stuff he had taken. Clark re-
U ..n.l ...1. n ... .. I..ul.ln tl., n,l.nni. ..1 tnl.. Al k.t.U n ,1
lift lll'I" UMIHHU-ljr
Uui1 charge of the commissary discover
ed him one day prowling around iu ono
cud ot the basement where ho had no
"What arc you doing thcrof" the
man demanded of tho convict.
Well, you've got the goods on me;
lure's the stuff," replied Clark, as he
p.Hed five bottles of flavoring extract
from his pockets.
he guard told Clark to go dig up the-
the guard who was Inside tho prison
yard and playfully jammed his hat down
oi ci his eyes. Then one of them grab
bed his hat nnd slammed it on the
As the guard, who was unarmed as
is rcquiieu of guards Inside the yard
did lie I like tlu gnme the drunken con
'' ts wantod to play, he beat a hasty
reli'eat to the office.
Deputy Warden Burns and some other
tvned approximately 40 bottles, and
s.iid that was all.
That afternoon the convicts cclobrat
cd by drinking the 40 bottles they had
not returned.
Guards employed ot tho prison say
-in y can 'maintain but little discipline
over the convicts, particularly tho
trusties, and can get only half the
amount of work that should be expected
from men, because of the extreme len-
gi'iuus returned to the prison yard to j iency displayed by Warden Murphy and
till the boys to behave, In tlw conver- those under him in authority.- Guards
saticn which followed, one of the con- say that, when a clash occurs botwieeii
v..-ts walloped Burns on the ear and de-la guard and a convict, the warden will
livered an effective body kick, while the
others entertained the guards. After one
of tho eonvicts had been beaten next
to insensibility the others concluded
their fun was over and they went with
tho guards to their cells. The six ar.v
now spending their time in the "bull
The merry little fracas was caused by
George Clark getting a supply of flavor
in't extract from the prison commissary
Al;out 40 bottles of th extract was
mough to permit half a dozen convicts
to indulge in the finest drunk they had
cxpei ienced in many a day.
George Clark was sent up from Lane
county, with his brother Tom, for burg
Icy. He is known as a bad egg. it; was
( ne of thfe boys who cut their wny out
of prison a few months ago, by cutting a
hole through the roof and swinging
not back up the guard, until now the
convicts have litter contempt for tho
authority of the guards. - -
Complaint is also being heard from
guards who declare that the convicts in
tht trusty gang are much better fcd
than the guards.
"The guards get one egg a week,"
suid guard, "while the 35 or 40 trus
ties get eggs heaped up on a platter
nearly jvery day, 1 wish I could cat
with the cons. Borne of the boys too
the matter up with the warden, anil
hi- replied that the guards were fed good,
' The other night our supper consisted
',1 Ivcans. The beans were so few that wa
could count them, and tho guards wera
id'.tng each other about how many beans
Just now the warden and Jot Kcl-
lown a roue between the windows of ler, state parole officer, and other em-
thc warden's office. Later he was cap-! 1 1- yes at the prison ar,? putting in much
tured. I t their time doing political work for
A short thin ago the warden assigned Governor Wilhycnmba in connection
him to work in the basement, where the
fifon supplies are kept. The inan who! (Continued on page three)