Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 26, 1918, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Bead your advertisement the first day
it appears and notify us immediately
Minimum charge. 13c.
FOKD trailer fosale. 271 D St. 4-29
WANTED A good piano. Phone 803
R. 5-1
FOR SALB Two milk cows. Phone
115tiV evenings or mornings. 4-27
WANTED A farm hand.
Thone 53 F
FOR SALB-Or trade, one John DeerelR)B SALE Choice Udy Washington
sulky ilow.c Phone 1422. 4-2'J seed ;
sulky piow.c
IjOST Lit red pig about 6 weeks
old; finder phono 1476M. 4 2(5
FOR RENT Three furnished house
keeping rooms!" 687 N. Front 4-27
FOB SALE OHEAP 6 room plastered W SALE Cheap for cash, 5 acre
house. CaJl at 305 S. loth. 427 tract, 5 room house and other nn-
provements, 3 acres to Lojsanber-
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 6U4 ries. Address X J care Journal. 4-27
N. Com'l. Phone 2454W. 4-27
FOB SALE Practically new Maxwell
TWO and three room furnished apart- automobile, run only 2300 miles, a
mente, 491 ,N. Cottage. Phone 2203. bargain Call during business hours,!
tf 301 N- Commercial street. 4-27 ,
PIGS FOB SALE $5, 6 weeks old. FOB SALE Buick Cylinder, 7 pas
Phone 3CF11, Skyline Orchards. 4-2(5 scnger in A-l condition, with extras
' prate $850. A.. E. Peterson, Kt. 9,
FOR SALE Farm wagon complete, bo. 160, Satem, Or. 427
also flat rack. Phone 1119. 4-2b T" T ... . .
' WANTED Office assistant with fair
EARLY ROSE potatoes, fine large knowledge- of bookkeeping and sten-
eed. C. C. Russell. Phone 3F3. tf ography. Satary b5. Address t. IX
care Journal 4 -0
GAEtonlf!7JWa,ltea 1549 Br882 WANTED A redwood tank, 1000 or
way. Phone 2017J. lg00 wpw.tty Mll8t te in good
COL, W. P. WRIGHT the auctioneer, edition. Royco Allen, Rt. 9, phone
Turner, Oregon. Phone 52. 5-11 '33-
WANTED To buy stock cattle, any WB HAVE some bargains in used
Wone 1576W. 0-2 Fords, Ove rland san Buieks. .a.ern
rnttl" -""S rOU SALB-ISO feet Mp. ma-
; nilla rope, oenter wound, jack srew,
FOB RENT Pasture, call 54F5 after wire stretcher, hay and manure fork.
fi p. m. 4-23 Phone 434.
HAVE you wood awingt Call phone FOR SALB-285 acre farm, 250 acres
, ' 5 tf in crops, U at war time prices. John
' R Hair, 225 North 20th St, Salem
W ANTE Man for general farm Or.
wwk,- good -age and board. Phone ,,,
Marion W 4-27 TEAM, wagon and harness, 7 and 8,
Mjftn0n 33' : 11 both mares, and full blood Poland
FOB SALE One acre modern home China weighing about 325 one yew
placa on car line. 00 acre farm. old. Call 430 between 12 and 1. 4-29
Phone owner 2140. til FOK SALE Ford roadster in first'
FOB SALE-Two fresh cows, or will class condition. Electrically equip-
trado for dry cows. Phone 1576W. , ped. Good tires. A map at 2o0. Call
' . 4-26 418 Court or phone 203. 4-29
i-OVk BHNT 6 room, strictly modem LOST-Gold circle pin, on State, be
fumshd bungalow,' No children. Wv tween 12tr and 15th. Reward Leave
A. LiSton. Journal office or phone 2-27
. . ; mornings. -tf
WANTED Mai d for general house
work. Good wages. Phone 1431 or
call at 1417 Court Sb tf
7 FOOT hoe drill good coudition.
Trade for good work horse. Rt. 2,
Bor 19 A.
FOB RENT A one room apartment,
also Bleeping rooms. 152 S. Church
ui 1 8 4-26
WANTED Work on farm Tiy married
iimn mush he steady. Phone 9CF
WANTED-To rent 5 room furnished
house; no children. Address F. H.
caro Journal.
FOB SALE Good ea 'y seed corn on
Jefferson Toad, one nile from street
- li-nA A Rrvrdnfl,r. 4-27
WANTED First class seamstress. Ap
ply at once. Tho Hob Nob, 215 Ma
sonic bldg.
FOB SALE LogflnDerry plants.
Phone 10aF32, W. L. McJimney, m
6, box 121.
FOB RENT Nicely furnished house
keeping and sleeping rooms. 645 Fer
ry St. "
FOB BENT Good five room modern
house. Inquire 506 N. Commercial St.
or phone 1549M. "
"WANTED Farm hand; must be a
good one, will pay the best of wages
a C. BusseH. Phone 3F3. tf
WALL PAPEB, 12 cents double roll,
upward. Buren'g Furifiture Store, 179
Commercial, "
FOB RENT Nicely furnished house
keeping roomsreasonable. 853 N
Omni St. '26
SAVE your old carpets and clothing
have them made into rugs. Salem
Kaff Rug Co., 2075 Mill St. 4-26
AUTO TOR SALE 1917 Chevrolet,
ma 4000 miles, in good condition;
price is reasonable. Call at Capital
Journal business office , or phone
Main 81. tr
FOR SALE A large team of young.
sound horses; also harness, wagon,
hack, plow, harrow, disc potato
plow and 3 cultivators. Inquire at
4)66 N. Summer street, Salem
WANTED Men and -women "to work
ia TegetaHe drying plant in the
onntry. Good camping grounds, and
tents with floors free- For particu
lars, address E. Clemens Horat Co
lad&pendeace, Oregon. ia
FOR REXT Furnished rooms, 292
Church. Phone 5R. 4-26
FRESH Bed Durham cow, 3 years eld
for sale. Also 4 pointer pups. Rt. o,
box 147B. 4-2a
FOR SALE White Leghorn hens from
O. A. C and Tailored stock. Phone
57F13, D. X. Becchlcr. 4-25
5 ROOM house for rent cheap. 202
Court St., business district- Inquire
236 Court. Phono 1005. 4-26
FOR SALE Eight room ho3e with
six fine lots, with fine garden. See
(i. W. Johnson, or phone 4. tf
OUR 105 acre ranch. 8 miles east on
Garden road is for sale. Geo. Swe-:
gle. tf
or pnone jiu.
i)H SALE - Good work or driving!
horse; also surrey and harness, rcns -
onaMo. 465 N.
Com'l St. Phone 1135:
FOR SALE At a bargain, team of
blacky mates, weighing 2400, 8 ana
9 years old; also good double harness
and one 8 year old horse weighing
lifin 9M N. Front. 4 20
WANTED A second hand typewriter.
Must be in good condition. An Un
derwood or Hmith preferable. Call
8. P. freight depot or -phone 2016J
after 5 o'clock. 4-29
ATTENTION Mail order buyers, tho
Minneapolis Wooldn Mills have a
sample room alt 385 State St. and are
taking orders for future deliveries.
Be euro and see their line, as they
sell direct from mill to consumer
and e.an save you money.
to $3 84, 8 hours. Wes Linn nulls op
posite Oregon -City, at free employ
ment office. Strike still on- Kail
road receipt for fare up to- $2 cash
ed after working one week. Come
along Work assured. Beard and bed
J(i.(55 week at mills or $7 at Beck s
hotel, Oregon City. fa
TRACTOR for sale at a bargain. Big
Bull with the pull, 7-20 horse power, (
14-in- double bottom P. & O. gang,
plow, automatic lift; outfit has had
little use, owner having sold place
is leaving city, will sen ror
cash, or bankable note with interest
t 8 tier cent per annum. Addrcsi
21, Capital Journal.
FOR SALE at a bargain, 1 blac k fit
lev age 4 years, weight about UM,
1 'black filky age 3 years, weight
about 1450; 1 grey filley age 3 years
weight about 1450; 1 black geld.ns
age 2 years weight about 1000 Wdl
sell the lot at $500 cash, or bankable
note at 8 per cent interest Address
No 22 care Capital Journal. 4-2 1
SOMB one wants your property and
you would sell. We ehorge no com
mission for putting buyer and sell
er together. For further information
Oregon Realty Eidhange Investment
Co., inc., 14 mey u,us- -
Or Chamber of Commerce bldg., i-u-1
gene, Or., 23014 M St. Portland,!
350 ACRES, 100 acres cultivated, 100 j
bottom, 35 beaverdam, 225 brush and j
timber, good pasture, no white- land,
Eving water, river front, land pr-1
tically ail tillable, 1 males from!
Waconda, Or. Price S5 per acre.
640 acres, millions of feet of fine ;
saw timber, lays well, affords good j
grazing, living water, 3 miles .of ,
railroad station. $15 per acre. Own
er, 341 State .. Salem, Or. o --6
If Absent 48 Hours Will Be
Declared DeserterPen
alty 15 Years
I'uless Enrol Valentine Byrnes re
ports to the local exemption board
within 24 hours, he will be declared a
deserter from the V. S. army and the
adjutant general of Oregon and the
tederat machinery of the country wm. dieted at Uo.vernor t.ardner will now business r.ien who were invited for the
be looking for him. j offer the seat to Judge Waller W.j
Byrnes was oue of the 29 men who .graves, of the Missouri supreme court. oc's?10n'
were in the selective draft and order- lieveral times in the past Grave has i The principal feature of the meeting
ed to report at Salem April 5 to leave ! been prominently mentioned for the j was an address by H. W. Stone, gen
for Camp Lewis on the morning of ! senate pTal seetarv f the Portland Y. M.
April 20. Byrnes failed to show up to-1 Ckrk s reason for not accepting, as1 c t(me spoie p0U the var-
lay ami ne is not appreuemieu oy
the sheriff wi'Jihi 48 hos from the
tima he was ordered to report here, he
will bo declared a deserter from tne
army and treated as such
my nun ircHttru h-j mi:.
When Errol V. Bvmcs registered in
.Salem he gave his address as 5o2 north
T : 1 ... l T ....... I.n n.d.t l tllA
board that he was with the Portland
Baths, Portland. 107 Fourth street. All
papes had been othcially sent to wn,js of no avail,
at his last addese and he was expect-:
ed to appear yesterday and leave this
morning with the
I His case is nw out of the hands of iittle doubt that his acceptance of the : due, the speaker stated, to the fact
h 5 acre I the lo:'al exemption board. According gcuato seat would have disorganized , that the Young Men 's Christian Asso
o'her iin-'to fhe law governing uch cases, the! the legislative program in a critical' ciafion of Canada had increased its
Lewis -
sheriff is allowed 48 hours in which
to bring hian before the board and if
not found within that time, the case
gees to the adjutant general ana ine
federal authorities. Should he report
within the 48 hour limic, which exp.rra
tomorrow afternoon, it is up to the
iy disoSieyed its orders.
In his questionnaire, Errol . Byrnes
declared that lie had followed various
owupations including that of news
boy, messenger boy, miner, fanner,
teamster, repairing of sewing machines
florist, hod carrier, watchman, spieler
and a teacher of swimming. In the
last ntumed vocation, he was in Salem
during the summer of 1918 and appear
ed at times at the Riverside Dip giv
ing lessons. He is 24 years old and
gave his weight as 165 pounds.
Think Open Ash-Port
Was Cause of Sinking
New York, April 26. An ash-port
carelessly left open was believed today
to have flooded the American lined St. I
Paul, sinking at her pier here. However,
so far no official announcement as to
the causo of th.o accident which prob
ably cost three lives has been made.
Twenty men or tne aou aooaru were
Work, of raising the vessel was pro
gressing rapidly today. Meanwhile in
vestigation definitely to place the res
ponsibility for the sinking was con
ducted by annymen.
Saloons Most Obey
or Go Out of Business
Chicago, April 26. Closing of all
Chicago saloons within five miles of
the naval station on the municipal pier
was stated to be the penalty for fail
iro tn cnmnlv with a reauest received
today fl.om Secretary of the Navy
pall;ei8 to abolish special bar permits
at dances. Jackies have been served
'intoxicants at these dance The city
council took Daniels' request under ad
visement. FOB SALE Heavy team harness, wa
gon and wood rack. Will give pur
chaser a mmimer's jid with the out
fit. 404 Hubbard bldg. Phone 254 or
oo 4-20
FARM for sale or trade, 148 acres
northwest of Turner, 70 acres in
crop, balance timber and stumpoge.
All st.cM-k and implements iiK'luded-
Price lu.500. Will take Salem resi
dence up to $2300. For particulars
Plinno 33F13
Now is the time to spray your
roses for Aphis. We have tho
spray and tho -sprayers.
, Spray your applo and pear
trees, as the blooms fall, with
S. W. Arsenate of lead. We have
all sized packages.
Wc have just received a car
load of good dry Eastern Corn
for feed.
Now have Cabbage, Kale, To
matoes, Asparagus, etc., ready to
The best selected stock in the
state to select from of Bulk Gar
den Seeds. All new stock and
tested seeds. Call for catalogue.
n 11 wuttt P.
v. rt. mui et
251 State Street. Phone 160
Salem, Oregon
Refuses Appointsiest As
United States Senator to
Succeed Stone
Washington, April 2tJ. Champ
Clark, speaker of the house, today de
clined to accept the Missouri seuator-
iship to sueeeed the late Senator WU-.
jliam J, Stone.
Democratic, leaders here today pre-,
stated a telegram to governor .
Gardner, was that he believed
.could render more service to the eoun-
.. I
,try jn the speaker's ehair than m
Sink's the receipt of the offer Clark
has been in constant conference WitO
,1 Q.v.,,1 .n
0vher8 made an eleventh hour attempt ,
to change the speaker's decision but it i
Although the republicans assured
Clark they would make no attempt to j
boys for Camplwrest control of the house from thoM snowed no increase or tnis spim
j... l,o,,lrf h leavo. thme is (among young men and boys, which was
tum This as his telegram to the gov-
crnor indicates, was his main reason
for not accepting.
B. H. E.
New York U 13 3
Brooktyn 5 12- 2
Demaree and Bariden; Mitchell,
Grimes. Russell, Plitt and Wheat.
Philadelphia 3 6 0
Btwton 0 4 2
M!ain and Adams; Hearne and
Cincinnati 1 10 2
Pittsburg - 7 11 0
Eller, Conley and Allen; Hamilton
and Schmidt.
St. Louie 2 2 1
Chicftpo 3 5 2
May, Sherdell end' Snyder; Alexan
der and Killifer.
Washington 9 10 4
New York 4 7 1
Johnson and Ainsmith; Alcvraw,
Thornmahlen and Hannah.
Boston 2 4 0
Philadelphia I " 1
Leonard and Agnew; rerry ana rei-
kins. ..
Clevetand-Detroili , postponed, com
Vlnta MA11PA Naum
WUiic iiuuov ovna
With the Corporation department the
following were filed today:
Articles of incorporation Dy tne lor-
cst Investment company, of Portland
The capital stock is $3,000.
The tf. R. Chown Hardware company
f!lea ailicles of incorporation. The com
pany is located in Portland and the
capital stock is $10,000.
Tub W hittaRer Jjumoer company oi
Mvrtle Point, Oregon filed articles of
incorporation for iu,uuu.uu.
F. A Elliott, state forester, will leave
dt.v fi-i La Grande to attend the Un
ion Wallowa Fire Patrol association
nil itiML's im annual event. Later he will
itt.;nd the sisuons of the Baker county
iiBwintion vhrt there will.be a gen
eral discussion of the forest and patrol
.v rk-uC the cuing summer.
Oisman Minstrels to .
Give Entertainment In
Heili? at Portland
Tho Oherrian minstrel performers
will not go to Vancouver to give their
show a announced yesterday. It nas
been found advisable to change, their
pinna materially.
H. W. Stone, secretary of the Y. M.
C. A. in Portland, in conference with
the Oherrians today, proposed that the
entertainment be given at the Heilig
theater in Portland on the evening ot
May 15. t 1V
The plan is to onng tho soldiers
from tho Vancouver barracks and give
them- the entire lower floor for the
evening. Boxes will ho assigned to the
officers and tho balcony to those who
have given $100 or more to the waj,&
lief funds-
The entertainment will bo given un
der the auspices of the army . M. G
A. Manager Bligh went to Vancouver
and after hearing his report and the
invitation today coming from Secre
tary Stono, it) was decided that the
Vancouver how for next w.-k should
be cancelled and to accept the invita
tion to play at the Heilig May 15.
Can't Find Anyone
To Take Senatcrslih)
.Tpff-rsnn Citv. Mo.. April 26. Judge
W. W. Graves, chief of the Missouri marriage license was issued yesfor
stipreme court, was officially offered the day tolese Lawrence Schad of Burns.
United States scuatorship from Missouri regon, ago 29, a druggist, and Lola
late today. ,
Governor Gardner on receipt oi ni-B- ,
er Champ Clark's telegram declining Thomas Acheson, a. Methodist minis
th nost. made a request that Judge,t,,r ivjne Ht 1980 Month Liberty street,
'Graves accept the appointment. Salem, filed yesterday his declaration j
I Judge Graves refused late to day toj0f becoming eitiwn of the United j
' make a pnblie statement, but intimated states. He was bor April 18, 187 at',
he probably would accept Governor flallinajjh, Ireland, and came, to thisj
Gardner's appointment. He nec.iareu l -
,,M Minf nr with other members of the
topneme bench before making an an
Secretary Sicne Mads Ad-
dress War Chest Believed
Practical Ran
The regular meeting of the board
of directors of the Y. M. C. A. was
held at the association building today,
a tastefid banquet being served at noon
to the numbers and a large number of
h . . the y M (. A had
taken up since the' bosinninsf of the
war, emphasizing more particularly,
iiuncvn, tur ttuii tut it?vtiBiiwn uittov
do among boys and young men under
the draft age.
He stated that in the European na'
!" at.war ludmR England and
'n-ramy ami i u.u .u-
r'?" " , 7, Ts i" ' .V
,A;.' .'; ;T 12 "
wag the only nation m the stnigj, e
bovs' work ten fold to what it was be
fore the war.
Mr. Stone said that the extra war
work the association was called upon
to do both in this country and in
France depended upon the strength and
stability of each local association as a
home base, and urged, that each be
strencthened and be not overlooked
when it come to financial and moral
support of the war. He said that the
Y. M. C. A. had to enlist and train
men for war work at the rate of 43 a
day to keep pace with the demands
both demesne and toreian. ine as
sociation has 2500 trained men in the
camps and cantonments in this coun
try, and 2,000 trained men. in France.
The ratio which the association en
deavors to maintain is one secretary
to each 850 enlisted men in the United
States, and one secretary to each 250
men in France.
Mr. Stone also emphasized the fact
the Y. M. C. A., was not overlooking
the business men of the nation, on
whom falls much of the financial bur
den of conducting the war and main
taining Red Cross and association
work. He stated that one thing tho
association was doing for tho business
man in return was the organizing of
business men's classes in physical ex
ercise, saying- that It was necessary
that business men take regular and
svstematia lAvsical exercise if they
were to maintain their health and
stand u) under the strain.
In speaking on tne worn wnicn tne
association must take up among the
bovs and young men, Dr. , Sione ex
pressed the hope that a boys' secretary
as well an a general secretary couio
presently be had for Salem.
Followinp Mr. Htone 's address a num
ber of short speeches were made and
a general discussion engaged in ns to
the proposition of estaDiismng a com
munity war chest for Salem, tho gen
eral opinion being that such a scheme
would lo practical.
San Francisco, April 26. Despond
ent over a quarrel with his fiance end
ing in the break iii of Wicor engage
ment, Willhiir V. mshop, agea an, to
day ended his life with a pistol, shoot
ing himself through the head as h sat
on a bench in Union Square. Hund
reds of persons in the (-iiare saw the
act. Ho was dead before reaching the
oonei-gency hospital.
Award! GRAND PRIZE X U P. P. 1. 1
R$. U.S. Pat. Off
Keep Kids Kleen
Trie most pr-ctical, healtMul.playtuna
8 ywt of age , MaeincneM:eMiii
drop back. EaJy ilippfd on or off.
Etiily wtfKrd. Notigf'tfUsiic Un
to tfop circulation, mac's in d:ii
rJmim, ad genuine bli:e and while
hickory rtripe. Alw lighter wight
fat-color materiel in a variety of
pleating deii8na,atl appropri
ately trimmed wvh f at-coior
gaWrt. All garrr-Miti made in
Mutcn new wi n r.rxiw wt
l- l . L ... J 1,., .LvM
I pm Folder (in co'orr; ihowng Jit
j f-''t' 3-lrtent materials mt liaa on
- J SC t,t.
. oi iimn nn-sk. i.v.-.
$1.25 the suit
II vmtr Anrt cannot umIy you
re will terd ihem.chara" peer-aid
on receipt of piice, eacn.
Salicl!on fiuarantecd
Bcwom of Inlitatioos.
Sflf r WW.,)?:',,
IT.'l STRAUSS k CO., Sa Frcu
lha nr gtm at far wana
Court House News
i Gladys Simpson, age 21, of Halem.
1 country September 2, 1H12. He leciuf,l
i.itpntimig of becoming a citizen
Dec. 21, 1913, at Klamath Palls. .
AITS, rilimv n . unniurm 'mmw
the county court for guardianship pnporf
Helpful Hints on Banking
WHEN a checking account is opened at the
United States National Bank the new deposit
or's signature is recorded and kept for refer
ence. If he has given, us his signature as
W. H. Smith, his checks should be so signed
and NOT Wm. Henry Smith unless notifica
tion is given us.
CAREFULNESS is the first requisite in safe
H ,L ill 3 IEi fl. mSFS 3 I
I 1- m ' 5alem
. 1 III .1.1 t
for Henry Earl Laysou, a minor son of
Martha Belle Lajson. Ho lives in Lin
coln county, Washington, but has pro
perty interests in this county of $t!0.00.
She Was required to file bond for $120.
A divorce complaint was filed by
Gladys Ktutcsman M&ckson against
John Dell Mackson. In tho complaint
she recites that they wero married in
Vancouvor, Wash., Oct, 2, 1915, and
tbiy have one child, Ruth Elizabeth,
age 22 months. She charges that he de
serted her and her new born babe in
July of 1916 and that since then he
has given only $5 toward her support.
She also charges that ha mad.9 an ef-1
fort to have her commit perjury by .
swearing tbat no luut supported ner m
order that he might secure a deferred
clarification before the selective draft
board. No property rights are involved.
Joseph W. Kirk filed a suit in the
circuit coilrt against C. S. Mullen and
wife praying for a decree cancelling a
sheriff's deed for land in. which he is
interested. He claims that as a minor ho
made a contract for bops and that Ma
tilda Haas, who pretended to be his
guardian, signed his nanvj to a note and
Seal Estate Transfers
In the Recorder's office the follow
ing deeds wore filed yesterday and to
day: '
Zollcn Hop company to D. r, Mac
Carthy, for a consideration ef $20,000
the' Zollora hop ranch just across the
river from Independence,, and all the
tools, sprayers and farming implements
used on the ranch.
P,ercy M. Collior, exeeator of tho will
of E, P. McCornjick, to Ulitlord. Brown
for $8,300, a tract of 208' acres near
tho Oregon state Training school;
Mrs, Fannie E. Hubbard filed' for rec
ord a deed to the Title and Trust com
pany of Portland, what is known as tho
Huboard building or tho Uregon fcloc-
trie depot building. Tho consideration is
not nofaid In the transfor as it is a
straight warranty deed, "subject to all
liens as shown by public recotds." There
are claims amounting to about $o0,0WJ
on the building and the supreme court
recently decided against Mrs. Hubbard
in the foreclosure proceedings brought
by the Alliance Trust company. Airs,
Hubbard declined to make any com
ment on the sale.
Henrv Ostorhala and wife to Hugh
R. Smith, part of Peter Raymond and
M. O. Foisey I). It, C. r;2W'.
Henry five and -wife tn Volney tunc
Philliw, lot 4, block .1 ,J'. M. Brown
-add. to Silverton.
John Beollard and wifo t Louis For
uier, Hr lotw 1 111, 2f, SI' and 2$,
block 1 of Towse's 1st add. to Wood
burn. Carl IP. Hchficdeeko a-nd' wife to K.
H. Campbell and wife, part David II.
Smith claim 61 W.
W. J, Patterson and wife to T. A..
Robert, part of lots 7 ar.d 2, bln-'k !I7,
A. W. Fish". and wifo to T. A. Rob
erts, part lot 2, block 37, Salem.
Halfert A. Ness to It. H. ;anipboll
and wife, part D. II. With claim, 42-B-1W.
M. C. Smith to Hettio M. and .T. V.
Lyle, part lot 4, block , Town of Tur
ner. n
- i
Alibert Wolfe to Wim. Wolfe, lot 24,
of West Woodburn.
J. J. llershbergT to Lee F. Hersh
berger and wife, tract 47 of Dimklt
Home tracts,
Faamio E- HuMiard to Title on F
Trust Co-, EVi lots 1 and 2, block 20,
Harry DoSart and wife to S. T. Cot
stock, lot 80, IVeSart add. to Silverton,
Nathaniel Campbell and wife to
John E. Shaveland, lots 1 and 2, block
69, North Sulem.
Margaret StofMianser and husband
to Donald W. Miles and-wife, part lot
4, block 2. Mvers add. to Salem.
Albert Ruge and wife to Emma Whit
more, part lot 1, block 47, University:
add. to K-alem
50fears ago
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Mil 1
the biggest melodrama
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joy it You'll talk about
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