Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 26, 1918, Page FOUR, Image 4

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age or TTie Capital Journa
Editor ui PublLikar
AprU 26, 191 S
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Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Sec. and Trea.
The statetment of -Winston Churchill, minister of
Calif bf carrier, pr year I5.00 Per Month 4flr
Ua'.ij bf mall, per jear . 3.00 Per Momh ....S.'.c
W. D. Ward, New lork, Tribune Building.
Chicago, W. H. Btockweil, Peeple'i Oaa Building
Th Capital Journal carrier boya are Instructed to pnt the papera on the porch. If
the carrier doea not do this, m leafs you, or neglects getting the paper to jou on time,
kindly phone the circulation manager, aa this U the only way we can determine whether
r not the carriers are following Instructions. Phone MhIu M before 1 .30 o'clock and a
paper will be tent you by special messenger If the carrier has missed you.
b the only newspaper In Salem whose circulation la guaranteed by to
Audit Bureau of Circulations.
The Capital Journal is very much interested in the
"war chest" proposal naturally all our citizens are be
cause it concerns all supporters of war activities. It is a
matter that should be thoroughly discussed from every
viewpoint before being adopted or rejected by the
.We are inclined to the view that there are just two
great war activities that should be supported by the
public, first, last and all the time the Red Cross and the
Y. M. C. A. The first of these takes care of the men on
the battle line, the wounded, sick find distressed every
where; the second affords conveniences, entertainment,
encouragement and assistance to the soldiers back of the
lines. Together these great organizations are the mairii
reliance of the soldiers and civilians alike in the war
zone, and the Y. M. C. A. begins its ministrations to tho
soldiers in the training camps of this country.
The Red Cross and the Y. M. C. A. must be supported
to the limit of the country s means if that necessity omep .
The welfare of our fighting men and the morale of the
army depend upon these agencies to a very great extent.
Next to the fighting machine itself these are the. most
important factors in waging a successful war under
present conditions.
There may be other worthy movements launched m con
nection with the war but they are of restricted and special
character and not so essential to the welfare of the army,
neither do they have, so important a bearing on the great
object in viewa victory for the hosts of democracy and
freedom. Let those support such movements who are
able to dd so, but the great mass of the people must be
marshalled back of the Red Cross and the Y. M, C. A.
and given to understand that they are doing the next best
thing possible to manning the trenches when they
furnish the funds that keep these organizations actively
and effectively at work wherever and whenever their
activities are needed.
.uuuiwuiw 1Ui uicai ui limn, iu me nouse 01 commons
yesterday is simply astounding. It shows the tremendous
Our Dan, Story Ji . 'f jjg )flQmQ Chmgtti
I o
With a heavy heart Agnostes Jones
paid the eighty cent check for his ham
loudly, had expressed the wish that 1
have a pleasant journey, and had sent
kind remeqibrances to those at honie.
resources of the British, and also how the English women
are "doing their bit." They have made more than nine-
tentns ot the output of shells, and this output has made'sl"uhvU'k aud cui of toitv-
good all those expended in a nearly 40 dav battle It is' "Suo uso!" he thouht- "r caB't
admitted that during this battle the British lost 1 000 7 V" i'f cst livi"B
vu..ul. uu Fu,a1Ja u,vw macmne gUnS, DUt all tnese ! business getting worse every dur, and!
ikra "vc ucc" 1Uttu gOU ana tne UntlSn have more ""'tax on everything, and ..(rerythiugiTheu, just as he left me, he said
t; viceauie guns man at tne beeinnintr nf thp HafMp 11 1 11 uo w"-v Wlt" my, ad
Rnolnnrl ,'o ,H. l' " g. "g' 01 -itU. at least Maehiua .and the kids!
o UiC matve mure guns, more cannon, !ii! k aia fn & wiaie .JU the $5ouo
more munitions and more anvthine- elsp shp tipp in q!"'' '""-a"'- money."
month than she was able to make during the first year of :nC f ;,SS ?t
the war. Ihis is shown forciblv in Churchill's stntpmpnr;1'11'' jf-"'
AS in nirnlonpc Ha eoM. i . avi !, ' svd tilt elerk.
r ---- kJcAjivA. mc .1 1 r I n :i K I n u rrniro air.
planes in a week than during the whole of 1914, more in
a quarter tnan during the year 1916." While he does not
say so, his statement as to the shells shows that English
women are behind and responsible for most of this great
increase in production and ability to produce. The work
oi tne Ingush women has discounted all unrh pffoH-Q QC
the suffragettes militant made, for the militant women of
ungiana wno are helping win the war, have won the right
of suffrage and any other that it is possible for a citizen
to have.
AN UNEVENTFUL JOXTKNET . couldu 't race me to the too of Brundol a
hill ia those things."
"I'll riet I emililn't mtlsp" T ...
George had kissed nie good-bye very: . ,T) . .
.. . . 8 " ' i swered. "But you just wait until I act
, some sensible ones out of my trunk and
. I '11 race all you watt to.-'
te .Li
said Agnus
r.vervtut: g .avn
s I iiv.
' Scjiwn -ip Kt," said the clerk.
" KifC'.'ii ivti worth cosls $4.75 now
.lea ;i war ;yx of $0.80, making $14.90
aih.g.'UK , it uif customer is in a Imrrv
"Boys, She Hasn't Changed After All"
"llouest, will your"
"iiew,.mber, 1 shall expect you homo! . , "f "r set 1 w"' "ttle simpl
. ' I A 11(1 1 11 bout vou. totv. Hist T n.a
a eek from W ednesday.'- t0 x br d nQt t sur(J r h
Someway, I wished he hadn't said it'totgotti;a to rutt.
1 had promlscd to do as he wished, audi ..Sav. b,,vs. she hasn't chnire,l afrr
should have preferred to carry the ! an," he called over his shoulder. " Mar
mory of his kind thought of me, his:ryillg that rich Buy hasn't Quite suoil.
ed her, 1 guess."
Governor Withvcombe's sDecial npt PnrAlo nfflro.
Joe Keller, says the Capital Journal falsely accused Con
vict rranK Martin oi questioning the patriotism of S. A.
Harris, the Hopmere merchant; that he (Keller) was the
man who made the insulting remark when Mr. Harris
refused to post a picture of the Governor in his store
winaow. we only have Mr. Harris' statement of the
affair and think he told a truth which several witnesses
well-known in that community, will verify. Anyway
what business has Parole Officer Keller,, in, state pay, to
be running around over the countrv with convirt mm.
panions electioneering for a candidate for governor? We
uuii t uiame me convict Martin ne probably had no
cnoice in tne matter.
ml .!.., -t .ake time to add it un for fyla"""g
i i i.i i..ir lumo i. sat wil
Jones paid grimly, and, with the not
sou in his pocket, stopped around to see J"" 3'n, "V-V '
the undertaker with the idea of getting j h"le- ou" .""ink m
rememuraiu-es to mother and the rest at
home, as his parting words.
I would be all day reaching home, so
I made myself as comfortable as pos
sible. I took off my-hat and coat, open
ed my box of candy, and laid mv maga-
s u vacant cnair u rront ot mc;the year before. Maggie, mother's one
? to read, nut tor a long servant, camo to meet me and I was
ltli it unoncned on mv lan. n.. i, t t i.:.a v.
I was thinking of George, of myself M much to Jut delight. I ran from one room
i iimo. uuu ua x lids w iit?ii j. ii'i r
."Just for that I shan't walk another
I step with you," I returned, aud hasteu
; ed to mother. So laughing, talking sense
j or nonsense, I once more entered the
house out of which I had gone a bride
a reduced rate for his funeral if he
paid in advance.
"Very sorry," said the undertaker,
"but my cheapest funeral with lame
horses and undusW carriages is now
$2500, with a war tax of $840.60."
Agnostes Jones groaned aloud.
"Snow use either way!" he cried in
And that night he ;rcpt out of his
house with a can opener and a rolling
piu and broke into a bank and made a
haul of $90,000, on which he and his
family lived iu guilty luxury for almost
a year.
' With German cavalry on the Dutch border, it is quite
probable the ravening Prussian beast will fasten his
fangs in the throat of Holland just as he did in that of
Belgian. He is already declaring the lamb s shadow is
interfering with him although the lamb has pointed out
that the shadow points in the other direction, and is pre
pared to jump on and punish him for having a shadow
anyway. At the same time each country has withdrawn
its ministers and are as far at the outs as they can be
without being openly at war. Holland has tried to play
fair, but the Prussian beast does not want fair play, but a
stacked deck and the deal. In other words- Germany
wants the privilege of sending war munitions and sup
plies through Dutch territory to her troops in Belgium
and also to have a port on the Holland coast if Ostend
and Zeebrugge are out of business. Holland could put up
a hard fight and give Germany a great worrying if she
was willing to make the sacrifice and submerge. It may
be she will do this for apparently the only safe place for
nor at this time is at the bottom of the sea.
t Just why more drastic laws should be asked by those
m authority for the punishment of spies and disloval ner-
sons, is a mystery. Under the present laws they could
be punished, if the effort was made to do so. We have
cnarges ana assertions, and threatened investigations in
abundance, but out of the mass nothing ever m -?prifllea
A- L, An1 . . . . O - .
as a matter oi tact tne only person benefited by such ar
rests as are made are the attorneys in the cases. As they
will stave off any action by the courts until after the war,
-i, gives uie lew oi tnem iortunate enough to get an ac
cused person for a client a meal ticket so long as the
kaiser keeps busy.
Whether Moonev is eruiltv Or innocent thp, rpnainor
uaj, mc muuuo i a waste oi time, ior tne
reason that it cannot possibly accomplish anything. The
wiiuib mauer now rests witn tne governor of California,
who says he will examine into the matter and act as the
merits of the claim for a new trial demand. If the gov
ernor could be swayed by a strike from performing wThat
he thought was his duty he would be most unfit for the
position he holds.
or would they fail to
to another, sittinsr in all the old. com.
e improved ; f,)rtablp chairs. Nosincr around tn sea
recotfuize what ; i.,i i u j. : .v..
eorge considered as an iinrnvmit ' ' . .
jn mj was auyiuiug new; ana maKing tno lata
I honed thnv wnl.l i,. ,,, i dinner wait until both mother and Mag-
to soe me as I should be to see them. I
Then smiled at myself for mv foolish
: It's Easy If You Know Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets
The secret of keeping young Is to feel
young to do this you must watch your
nver ana ooweia were a no need of
having a sallow complexion dark rings
under your eye3 pimplea a bilious
look in your f a:a dull eyes with no
sparKie. xour doctor will tell you ninety
per cent of all sickneca comes from in
active bowels and liver.
Dr. Edwards, a v7e!!-known physician
In Ohio, perfected veneiabls com
pound mixed with olivo c:l to act on
tha liver ar.:l bovrcls, whicli ho gave to
no pznenra i:r yecr3.
Cr. Edwards Olive Tablets, the substl.
tute for calomel, ere gentle b their action
yet always effective. The? bring about
that exuberance of Gpirit; that natural
buoyancy which should be enioved bv
everyone, cy coning up tne liver ana clear
in? tha fivstem of immirifies.
You will know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tab
lets by their olive color. 10c and 25c oet
box. AU druggists.
The house yesterday afternoon passed the senate reso
lution for registration of all men who have become 21
feince June 6 last. It is claimed this will add 1.200,000
men to the nation's available soldier reserve. Of these
it is estimated 700,000 will prove physically fit for service
in class one. It will go at once to a conference committee,
as some changes were made in the original resolution and
will then be rushed to the president. From these returns
it is seen that boys are reaching their majority almost as
last as soldiers can be sent to France under present trans
portation facilities. - .
Governor Withycombe seems to have solved the
problem of employment of the state convicts. He has
put them to work distributing his campaign pictures
rather a tough job but they are in no position to kick.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
The Third Liberty Bond Sale is now on. We have
a Liberty Bond Department in one of our Lobby
S tails, A teller is constantly in charge ready to
. answer questions and take subscriptions.
There was a flock of things in the news stories Thurs
day containing the number 29. There was the story of
the 29 boys who were to leave for Camp Lewis this morn
ing. Another story told of the conviction of 29 con
spirators m San Francisco and there was a dispatch about
the letting of a contract for 29 more shins Then Q
murder story told of a victim 29 Vears old Jinrl the Hnvs
casualties in France showed 29 wounded.
Rippling Rhymes
by Walt Mason I
I set the clock an hour ahead, one night be-
iore 1 went to bed; 'twas at the govern
ment's request and I obeyed the mild be
hest. A greater sacrifice than that I'd glad
ly made, you bet your hat. And so, as I've
already said, I set the clock an hour ahead;
and now I get up with the birds and greet
the dawn with fervent words; I see the
good old sun arise and climb the well known
eastern skies. It is a wondrous thing, I say
this breaking of another day. Like count
less jays, I always slept while rosy faced
Aurora swept nieht's clmirk
wu-. fom fc.he sky and let the best of life go by.
In! mTmS s. mlracles took place I snored a deep
sepulchral bass; in my soft couch I lay asleep, and snored
The Cradle of the Deep." While morninir snread its
Chicago, April 36. Hope of com
pleting today la jury to try the 112 I
W. W. leaders charged with sedition
and sabotage went cllmmeTina when a
call for fifty additional veniremen was
issued by Judge Ijandis- Two seats in
the jury box remain to. be filled. -
"Defense news," a handbill pub
lished by the defendants, hlas been
barred from the mails under provis
ions in the espionage bill, Kditor Ealph
t'hapin was informed today.
. . . nauuius auoioniuon lea, 1 s
u7'fu' at,y 0 C10CK 1 l!liae it 10, and now I
get up with the hen, and see the greatest show on earth
and caper with exceeding mirth. The hour I garn at
dawn of day is worth a fortnight in the hay.
San Francisco, April 2G. Threo
prominent marine men left here today
for Washington to attend a conference
next Monday when means of providing
ciews tor America s new mercnauo
murine will 'he worked out.
They aro Captain C. W. Saunders,
port captain for the Mntsra interests;
.1. T. Kohltf, manager or marine equip
ment on tho Pacitic coast, for the
Standard Oil company, and Captain J,
H. Bindor, marine superintend nt of
the Pacific Mail Steamship company.
A Lane county man walked 100 miles
to be arrested. He certainly must have
needed a rest.
Ladies! Keep It '
on The Dresser
Pew drops on corn or callus
stop, pain, then they lift off.
Your high heels have
put corns oa your toes
and calluses ou your feet,
but why care nowf .
This tiny bottle holds
an almost magic fluid. A
genius in Cincinnati dis
covered this ether com
pound and named it free
jsoue. Small bottle of free
zone ran be had at any
drug store for a few cents
Never linvp or twist your
face in pain again, . but
get a bottle ' of freezone
and apply a few drops on
your tender, aching cora
or callus. Instantly the
soreness disappears and
shortly yon will find tho
corn or callus so shriveled
and loose that you lift it
off with fingers.
Just think! You get rid
of a hard corn, soft corn
or a corn between the toes
as well as hardened cal
uses, without suffering
one particle, without the '
slightest irritation of the surrounding ',
skin. Just a touch of freezone on a
sore corn gives instant relief. -
tiiougiits. Uf course they would ha. I
visualized dad aud mother and the boys,
each one expressing their joy in their
own way, each one voicing their re
grets that my visit was to be so short.
Hie day passed slowly; but prompt
ly on tinw tho train drew into the sta
tion. There they all were! I saw them
before the train stopped.
A Joyous Reunion.
There were dad and mother, she hang
ing on his arm aud peering anxiously
at this train. All three boys talking ex
citedly together, and running along with
the slowing train.
I was so impatient I could scarcely
wait for it to come to a stop, and
made the porter quite angry by trying
to push by him and get off before he
had taken off the luggage which filled
tha vestibule. But, finally, I was in
mother's arms, then in dad's. After
that the boys each in turn, took posses
sion of nie. Oh, it was good to be at
home; and to be so loved!
Wo decided to walk home. The house
was but a little ways from the station.
so tlM boys carried mv handbair. Curl
took my bag, Ralph the basketf of fruit.
and David, the youngest, not to be
outdone, insisted upon carrying my um-
oreua. My trunk would come up later oil
the village express wagon.
1 walked now with dad and mother.
then with each of the bovs in turn. I
fairly danced along the street, I was
so happy to see them. -
"Some swell, sis lias got to be!" Carl
said in a stage whisper to Ralph. I
laughed, but wondered what they would
say could they see the wonderful out
fit preparing for me for th summer.
"I should say she had," David broke
in. "See them nifty shoes. I'll bet you
gie declared it wouldn 't be fit to .eat.
But it was. One of mother's delicious
home dinners.
I "We killed the calf, you see, when
the prodigal came back!" David tried
to toasti.
"One calf seems very much alive!" I
retorted, only to find hfm behind my
chair and to feel a smart box on my
ear. One of his old tricks. -
All this seems silly and inconsequcnt
nl to others, perhaps, but to nvi it was
all so vitally a part of my old life that
had anything been changed, had tha
boys been different, I should have twon
terribly disappointed. Now it seemed
almost as if I nov,r had been? awy.
When we finally decided to part for
the night, dad had family prayers as
usual; aud thanked God because I had
been allowed to return, It almost made
me cry oven if I was so happy.
(Tomorrow Simple Honw Pleasures
Old Mother Earth sees the neod of
again giving Southern California a good
shaking. '
CASCO-2Vf. ClYDE-2'ste
Ulcer of the Stomach.
O. 8. Please describe nicer of
the stomach. How lony iocs it take
to get icillf Are there different
kinds, and what medicines and diet
would be tisefulf
This condition comes to these
who are anaemic, who work hard
and are poorly nourished, and ocea
slonally to those whose gaBtric juice
Is acid and corrosive, or who have
some kind of corrosive juice in tho
stomach, from whatever source.
It may be a long time coming on,
and may last for years. There are
different kinds, In tho sense that
there are ulcers of different, size, of
different degrees of discharge and
absorption," and of different degrees
of poisoning and harmfulnesa In
other ways.
In most cases, the ulcer does not
eat through or' perforate the entire
wall of the stomach; for that would
almost certainly mean the occurrence
In such cases of peritonitis, which
usually would quickly have a fatal
An accident which is not unusual
with this disease and often Is
serious or fatal, is haemorrhage;
and as it is wont to come on sud
denly, without 'warning. It must
always be anticipated and prepared
for, when ulcer Is knowu or sus
pected. The treatment is principally die
tetic, the diet being composed of
simple substances which may be
easily digested; meat and other
foods which are digested In the
stomach, with the exception of milk,
being excluded.
Medical treatment is also useful In
some Instances, especially such
medicines as may have an astrin
gent and healing tendency, for ex
ample bismuth.
If the diagnosis Is clearly made
out, an operation by a skilful sur
geon will result tn a cure of the
ulcer, but this does not mean that
ather ulcers may not develop.
There ia usually but one ulcer, but
Jthers may be In the course of for
mation and it is quite possible to
sverlook them In the performance of
m operation, ' If the corrosion has
made only slight or moderate pro
gress. ;
Many cases are cured by medical
measures, and It by no means follows
that every case which Is discovered
must be treated surgically.
Questions and Answers 1
L. A. R.J noted in the report If
the physicians who examined me Jot
che draft, the state naif, "coverci
, witn ichthyosis scales." Is this di
ease inherited I have a brother an
an uncie who are troubled in thd
same way. And is there any car
for itf It causes intense itching,
especially after taking a bath. DH
ing the warm weather, my skin it
clear and smooth. Are there many
people who are troubled with fii
diseasct" . I
' Answer This disease Is a rather
rare one. Ii is som-timei inberiteal
possibly always. I do not think;
that you could have it In a very'
severe form if your skin Is clear durJ
ing the warm weather. I should
think It more probable that your
trouble is of the nature of a scalr '
eczema which is quite troublesome
during the winter. If you would
sponge your body every night wltlj
a solution of bicarbonate of soda and
use castor oil freely In keeping your
bowels open, you would obtain a ver
decided relief. ,
Mrs. L. A.l. What causes vi
Unt beating of the heart about thrtm
ftottrs after eaiingt
2. am troubled with insomnia
and sometimes have chills aftefi
going to bed, even though I feel peri
fectly warm. i
Answer 1. if I were you, t
would omit the evening meal for a
few times and see If it does not re
lieve the trouble yoi refer to. Very,
frequently this trouble indicates In
digestion. -
2. The chills you refer to may bm
nervous chills. If you would use a
hot water bag at your feet, in going
to bed, J think it would obviate th
trouble. -