Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 25, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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flaUpjffifotyd Journal
for you in
Bed Spreads and Sheets
These prices, and a look at the goods, will convince
any one that they are certainly remarkable values.
72x72 inch Crochet Bed Spreads at 98c
82x92 inch Crochet Bed Spreads at $2.69
Then you will find other Crochet Spreads
at.... $135, $1.49, $1.98. $2.25
72x92 inch Marseiles Spreads at S1.9S
There are other Marseiles Spreads with cut corners
at .-. $2.98.$3.98and$4.98
Mm. A. B. Wilson, agont for the Sa
lem street railway, left the first of the
week on a ten day business and pleasure
trip to Seattle, Wash., and Victoria, B.
3cv. Yarns, pastor of the Methodist
church at Independence, arrived iu Sa
lem today to attend the state Sunday
school convention.
W. E. Simpson, of Mapleton, is regis
tered at the Capital hotel.'
Mrs. Elmer Hubbard, of Silverton.
was a visitor yesterday and today iu
J. M. Burnett, of Silverton, wns a
visitor in Salem today.
W. J. Amann, of Toledo, has been
pending several days in the city this
"Walt" Buchner and W. F. Brletzke
returned last evening from Oregon City
where they spent yesterday angling for
Chinook. They had a fair measure of
hick bringing back with thom throo fine
Chinook salmon, the largest of which
weighed 38 pounds.
Albert C. Vester toft today for Hills
boro where he will be engaged for a
week or ten days on state highway oh
ginooring work.
Mrs. Myrtle Cartor of Sublimity,
pent y?stordny and today in this city.
J. 0.,Ba;icy, assistant stnte fittoriwy
general, leaves tomorrow for Washing
ton, D.'C, on business connected with
the attorney general's of fi(T.
Mr. and Mrs. Clias Cooder of Conennv
ly were trading at the local stores today.
J.' A. Bow,o of San Francisco is spend'
ing several days in the city, on business
Interests. '
William Christlance, Jr., spent last
5-Passcnger Ford, new tires, first class condition; a
big snap $350
5-Passenger Overland, best buy in Salem, mechan
ically perfect, all new tires, one extra $600
1917 5-Passenger Maxwell, fine shape, good tires,
one extra.
Phone 361
g i U1V1A
1 Good sturdy plants that will grow.
Cabbage, box of 100 for . 50c; 25 for 15c
- Tomato, box of 50 for .50c; 12 for 15c
5 ONION SETS, large size, 3 pounds for ....... .25c
: Good quality, will cook mealy, and of fine flavor,
f ' $1.00 per 100 Pounds
BEAUTY: of HEBRON, a good early seed potato,
$1.25 per 100 Pounds.
y , Sacks to I returned at this price.
4 Delivered north of Mission Street.
Phone 494 2395 Front
night visiting friends at Macleay.
Mrs. Winnie Braden, secretary of the
.Dallas commercial club, was a visitof
in Salem yoBtorday.
J. H. Bator of the' Barnes cash store,
left this morning for Portland ou
business frip, ,
N. 8. Savage left for Silverton this
morning on a business trip.
Mrs. & T. Barnes, who underwent an
operation about ton days ago, is report)
ed to bo gradually improving.
Miss Bertha Waldorf left today for
Sheridan where slw will spend tho bal
auee of the week visiting with her par
ents, Mr. and MrB. T. E. Waldorf.
The two young women, Vivian and
Lavern Reynolds, who escapod from the
state gill's industrial school Sunday
evening, wore tnkon to Kelly Butte,
Portland, Inst evening by an ofiicer who
came up from Portland after tUom.
GRANT. At her home, 859 Con tar
street, Wednesday, April 24, 1918
Mrs. Matilda Grunt, at the ago of 78
Mrs. Grant was tho mother of Miss
LnifTa Grant, music Instructor, of Sa
lem. A sister resides in Kansas City
and a brother, Murry Cox, arrived in
Salem Tuesday from Pclln, la. Deceas
ed had lived in Salem for tho past sevtn
years, coming here from Iowa.
Funeral services will bo held Friday
afternoon at 3:00 o'clock from the First
Presbyterian church, R.ev. Carl H. El
liott having diargo. Interment will bo
in City View cemetery, under the aus
pices of tho Torwilliger homo.
156 Commercial Street
IU rLAiN 1 0
All Around Town
May 2 Dedication of Cham-
, foeg Memorial Building.
May 6. Opera "Chimes of
, Normandy" High School audit-
orium, by Music Department of
I High school.
j June 8. r Total eclipaa of
the sun. World' Almanac gives
; hour as 1:38, , but new time
schedule will make the hour
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn fits eyes cor
rectly. U. 8. National Bank Bldg. tf.
"The funeral beautiful." Webb ft
Clough Co. tf.
The Willamette stood at 3.7 feet
above low water today, vuryiug from
the 3.9 foot mark yesterday.
"The best" is all you can do when
death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co.
Phone 120. . tf.
Patton Plumbing Co., 385 Chenieketa
Phone 1096. We do repair work. Stoves
and furnaces coiled. tf.
D. A. White & Sons unloaded a forty
ton car of eastern corn today which will
be retailed for feed. The corn is in bulk
shelled, and is of the yellow variety.
Cabbage contracts wanted by Gideon
Stolz Co. for saur kraut purposes. Ex
perienced eroveds preierrcd. Prices on
application. 4-25
Buy the Apex Electric cleaner and
you will havo service without repair
trouble. Sold ' Hamilton.
The "Standard Bearers" a mission
ary organization of the First Methodist
church, will serve the eoavention ban
quet tomorrow night at th First Meth
odist church to the state Sunday school
convention which will be in session in
that city.
Basinet social and entertainment at
Shaw school house Saturday night.
Benefit Red Cross. Good roads. Every
body cotmo.
Let's go Independence, Monmouth,
Rickrcall, MuC'oy, in fact, nil of Polk
county turns out to the big Pallas
danco Friday night April 23. Hunt's
Harry Johnson, giving his age as 19
and his address as Toledo, Ore., signed
up at the local army recruiting station
today for service in the coast artillery
leaving for Portland for assignment.
The beet stock of wall paper shown
in Salent C Hamilton 's, 340 Court St.
An entertainment will be held in St.
Josoph Hall, on Ch,etmekcta street to
morrow, i nday, evening at 8:13. Re
freshments and flower and vegetable
.plants will be for Bale. Admission 10c.
Prank; Barager, who formerly lived In
Salem, was in tho city yesterday from
his home in Douglas county. Mr. Bar
ager was born in Snlem and spent the
earlier part of his life here. Ho is a can
didate for sheriff ot Douglas county.
Artisans attention. Open meeting to
niRht I. O. O. F. hall 8 p. m. Conic and
briiitf your friends.
Study stenography at the' Capital
business college., and prepare for one
of tho ninny places now open to those
well qualified to do office wort. llore
calls than wo can fill. A new class in
shorthand next Monday. Investigate.
Zadoe J. Rlggfl, candidate for the leg
islature from Marion county was in the
northern part of the county yesterday
Interviewing voters and incidentally
mentioning tho fact that his hat was in
tho ring and that he would appreciate
being rnmoaibored on May 17 at the pri
mary eloction.
Dance at Masonic ball Friday night
April 2ltth given by Business college j
former students and friends invited.
Sea the new wall papers shown by
i Hamilton, 340 Court St
Word from the Willamette Glee dubi
which is now making a tour of Washing '
ton is to tho effect that the boys are I
drawing record houses .every night and 1
are nicetieg with flattering ' reception !
at each place tbey stop. They stopped I
off! at American Lake and gave two
concerts, end last night were at Colfax,
Wash., Tuesday night they gave a con
cert at Spokane where they were
ceptionally well received. ,
" Wall paper, new patterns and large
stock to select from, C. S. Hamilton.
Be there. Where? Armory Sat night.
Tonight at 9 o'clock 100 members of
the local Elk lodge wil be given a ban
quet by tho domestic science class of tho
high school. The dinner will be served
in the high school building and besides
the Klks, just to add dignity to the
occasion, Superintendent John W. Todd
Principal J. G. Nelson of the high school
and other school dignitariss will be pro
.cut. Some time ago Superintendent
Todd in speaking at the fclks lodgo men
tioned the fact that members of hit do
mestic science class '.vpt first class
cooks and Invited the Klks to attend a
banquet. The Invitation was accepted.
Hence this. evening, after a short ses
sion at the lodge, th numbers will
march in a body to the higin school and
partake. -
Anglers licenses were issued this week
to E. W. Hall of Gates, Ore., E. H. Mit
chell of Talbot and W. E. Simpson of
Big dance armory Sat night Wood
ry' orchestra. Nuff sed- 8:30.
Trade your old range as part pay
ment on a Duplex Alcazar. It bums
gas, coal or wood ana pves perfect
satisfaction. Sold by Hamilton, 340
Court St
The funeral of the late Mrs. Amanda
Card which was to have been held this
afternoon, has been postponed till Fri
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, when
it will be held from, tlw home of her
daughter, Mrs. Catharine Brown, 335
Bellevue avenue. Interment will be is
City View cemetery. Arrangements are
in charge of Webb & Clough.
Miller tires are wrapped tread. Made
with less heat than other tiros, leaving
the natural life in both the fabric and
rubber. 99 per cent perfect. I save
your riincirt and sido blowout tires.
Clark's tire house, 319 N. Commercial.
Dance, dance, then dance some more
armory Sat. night. 8:30 sharp.
Funeral services over the late Mrs.
Mary B. Holstiu, who died Tuesday at
the age of 75 years, at the home of her
sou, W. L. Holstin, living in Polk coun
ty, wre held this afternoon at 2 p. m
fiom tho Rigdon chapel. Rev. F. T. Por
ter had charge of the services. Burial
was in the Odd Fellows cemetery. Tho
Woman's Relief corps, of which Mrs.
Qolstein was a member, attended in a
o 1
Always this same good time, armory
Sat. night.
Special convocation of Mult
mwimh chapter No. 1, B. A.
M., this evening at 7 o'clock
sharp. Work in- the most ex
cellent Master and Royal Arch
degrees. Visiting companions
Charles William Niemeyer yestorday
filed his intention of becoming a citi
mii at the United States' with County
Clerk U. G. Boyer. Mr. Niemeyer in his
application states that he is 34 years old,
that ho was born ill tsiacitourn, anumuu
and that he came into the United StateB
from Canada, June 5, 1916. Ho served
with tho Canadian forces in Franco dur
ing tho early part of the war, and later
become a successful recruiting officer
:t. vuA Hn left. the. service after
becoming incapacitated for active duty.
Ground Chocolate in Balk, lb. 20c
Peanut Butter, lb 18c
Hershey Cocoa, lb. ..... 15c
Al Flavors of Spice, 2 oz.
cans 8c
2 o. Bottlo Buckeye Vanilla 20c
1 lb. can Chocolate .". 27c
6 Bars Royal Whito Soap.... 27c
3 Cans Shinola i 2Tc
2 lbs. Brick Ced Fish 37c
Bulk Soda Crackers, lb 18c
45o pkg. Snow Flalio Sodas 35c
45c pk. N. B. C. Soda
Crackers 35c
Medium Cottolene $1.15
Large Cottolene .. $2.75
2 pkg. Grape Nuts 23c
3 Its. Curve Cut Macaroni .... 27c
Monopolo Raisins, pkg. 11c
3 pkgs. 11 oz. Raisins 25c
Citrus Washing Powder I5c
Dependable Coffee, 3 lbs..... 95c
Royal Club Coffee, 3 lbs. 85c
3 pkgs. Jelo 25c
Knox Geletine, pkg 15c
Otter Brand Clams lie
2 cms Minced Butter Clams 25c
2 cvnt Shrimp .. 23c
Creamery Butter, pound 43c
36c Bulk Coffee, extra quality
Teaberry, lb 22c
Fancy Potatoes, Special per
100 pounds $1.15
W pay 30c Cash and 32c Tradt
Tor Sggs
The following available
ground has Been listed with the
Salem Tloral Society, to be used
for War Gardens:
10 acres near Salem, Folk
V. acre' in Salem Heights d.
i" lot 17th and Oak Streets.
1 lot Cottage and Marion.
No charge is made either to
the property owners or to those
who will agree to properly
care for the lots,
Ivan G. Martin, See'y.
The Floral Society will hold
an exchange on May 2, at which
time garden seed, plants and
flowers will be distributed. 4-27
Puneral services over the late Harry
E. QHnghouse, whoso death occurred
Tuesday, were held this afternoon at
3:30 o'clock from the Rigdon cuupel.
The funeral had been set for Friday
morning at 10 o'clock, but was chang
ed this afternoon. lutcrmeut was in
the Odd Fellows cemetery.
Tire of unknown origin was discover
ed at the early hour of four o'clock this
morning iu a chicken house located at
1265 Marion street. The tiro department
was immediately called and extinguish
ed the flames before any "roast chick
en" resulted from the blaze.
The funeral of Mrs. Emma Brnndidg"
whose death occurred Monday at th
age of 4 years, will bo held Saturday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Webb
ot Clough parlors, Rev. F. T. Porter
will have charge of tho services. Inter
nient will be in City View cemetery.
The deceased's sons are expected to ur
rive today from Iowa to attvud the fun
eral which has been held awaiting their
The nostoffice will be closed Friday
at noon, in accordance with a procla
mation of President Wilson giving an
fo,i,.rnl pmnloves a half holiday. Tho
day is known every whOic as "Liberty
tW mwl tlm halt hoiidnv was given
that the federal (employes might dovote
their time to working lor ine . imru
t ;u.ti, lnon Tim buildinir will be open
all day but there will be no service af
ter- 12 o'clock noon.
footitHtlea of Willamette
lUViunj J ' "
t-: ..;n IwMrni Kridnv Mav 3. and
continue two days. Posters are now be
ing distributed announcing a Junior
6 . , . .1.... ....It. .Ulaa whioh
week entt anu muy uuy ucii..o, .....
include the crowning of Queen Blnncho
I with May day dauc.es and coed ten
nis and other May day amusements. Pco-
x n.wl aa Willnm-
ette University at its best, according to
the poBter.
HIU- V.trr'h f .tlrtftl St.llriAnt DOdV haS
1119 UlgU bvuvv. - -
appointed a committee to choose the
orator tor tlio comnienceuiout ticmui..
to 18 held June 14. Of the class of 144
but three will be given the opportunity
i. t.n,..i ! Arntimi On a scholarship
10 uu iieuiu in - ,
basis, tho faculty selected Hcrmogenes
(JurUOllCU 01 U1C X miil'...i "
has ton iu the school two years. The
class elected Phillips Elliott and the
.,j. -i niu Kmifnrrl. The other
iiacuny i-iiuBu . - ---- --
,141 graduates will be seen but not
vtj-o T nrcr, Parker, home demonstra
tion agent for Marion county and Miss
Genevieve Potter, uairy agi-m i
(roil, spoke yesterday at Aumsville on
,i ' i.: t nHoir ..liposp and of
me muiviyg vU..Bv . ------ -
war br.end. Today they both spoko at
. - Ml n lninnllBlm.
rihaw and i-nuny, win "i " ....."
tion at Gervnis. Saturday they will be
in Portland attending a meeting of
ii. :,.-,,nfl in tlm food oroEiain or
UHIBU in iv v. i c
tho state. Next Tuesday there will be
the cheese and bread demonstration in
Clackamas county and next Wednesday
at Wood Kirn
Dont Miss It
Saturday Night 8:30
The Only Cool Place to Dance.
Woodrys Orchestra
Will play aU the latest waltzes,
Steps and Trots.
i jt R 4 K
t Used Furniture Wanted
Highest Cash Prices Paid for
. Vea Furniture
!.". Fhone 941 or 50S
Colls answered all hours day
and sight.
Res. rhone lllj-Office Phone 183
252 N. High St.
Our Prices Always the Lowest
PHONE 1072
P. N. Woodry, the auctioneer is more
than satisfied that the Willamette val
lev and Salem is the proper place in
which to live. He is just home from a
week's visit through Washington and
eastern Oregon and after looking over
that couutry and sizing up Pendleton
n.wl Wnlln Wiilln And also Tacoma. not
ing the general business conditions, ho
is once more DacK in oaieiu auu immus
tn .fo-17 hern. 1I will resume his busi
ness at his old stand at Ferry and Lib
erty streets.
Saturday, April 27,
Woodry's Auction Market
10:30 A. M.
1 Hack, 1 Spring Wagon,
1 Plow, Horses, Tools, etc.
1:30 P.M.
Household Furniture of all kinds.
PHONES 510 or 511
Mr. Farmer: Take advantage
of the Auction Sale every Satur
day, at Woodry 's Auction
Market, corner Ferry and Liber
ty streets. Anything and every
thing sold on commission. See if
you can't find something around
the farm that you have no use
for. I can find buyers for most
everything. Farm Stock and
Machinery sold at 10:30 a. m.;
Furniture, Tools, etc., at 1:30 p.
m., every Saturday. Tell your
friends and neighbors about it.
Every assistance you render will
bo appreciated and a step to
wards building a successful
Respectfully yours,
Ussd Furniture, Machinery,
Bicycles, Harness, Tools, etc.
I always pay the best cash price.
Second-hand Goods. Bought and
Sold. .
Store Cor. Terry and Liberty Sts.
Farm Stock Sales a specialty.
Auction Sales 'Every Saturday.
The Auctioneer,
Phone 610 or 511
Ladies J
Closing Cut Broken Lines
in Two Tone
Combinations at
An excellent
lot for your choosing.
An evening that was much enjoyed
was spent at the joint meeting last
uijrht of OdJ Fellows and Rebekahs, tho
'occasion being tho celebration of tho
9!tth anniversary of the founding of
Odd Fellowship. Several prominent
speakers from Portland were present,
among them being past grand master
Henry 9. WVBtbrook and past graml
master Dr. W. T. Williamson also of
Portland. A feature of tho evening was
the presentation of 40 year veteran jew
els to Geo. H. Burnett, P. J. Larsou
and William Steiger. Dr. Williamson
made the presentation of the jewels, tho
response being made by Judgq Burnett.
Your Junk and give you a square
business deal. I always pay the
highest cash prices.
I Want Your
Sacks and Rags
I buy all kinds of used goods,
2nd hand furniture, rubber and
junk. Get my prices before you
The Capital Junk Ca.
The Square Deal House
271 Chemeketa St. Phone 398
Phone 77
Try Our Checking System on Baggage.
Claim Checks for Every Parcel '
caro of
Yick So Tong
Chinese Medicino and Tea Cu
Has medicine which will cure
any known disease.
Opi-n Sundays from 10 a. m.
until 8 p. m.
153 South High St.
Salem, Oregon. Phone 283
(s sjc sjc sjs 9c jjc jjt sjc jc sc sc jc sc s(s
And All Kinds of 2nd Hand
Pull Market Prices Special
Prices paid for Sacks.
Get our prices before you selL a
271 N. Com'l St Phone 734
gggg 11, I II win
For Feeding Hogs
Marion Creamery.
Call or Telephone 2488 .