Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 25, 1918, Page SIX, Image 6

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m nrr niim irfin
KW53)i An' Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trad
And Dress Skirts The same quality of
To $3.00 Now 50c Garden Hats, Etc Each 98c f
Gingham or 69c Each Values to $3.00 Nobby Suits '
Percale 98c Corset Covers 21c Now 50c $3.83
Standard Brands of
Good Styles
Sold Elsewhere
3 Collars for
Allotments for Wife or Rela
. tives, Insurance and Such
Are Explained
At th court houso this afternoon
in department No. 1, the 20 men who
lire to leave tomorrow tar Camp kowu
wore givea thoir final instruction by
Bhoriff W. I. Keedham, chnirmnn of
the IcH'al board for division No. 1, Ala
rion county.
Roy F. flhiolds, jnoni.lMjr of tho legal
tidvisory board explninod to the men
the proposition of allowances and ot
The government will make an allow
ance to the dependent of soldiers, if
the aoldier himself makes an allow-
ftneo from hi pay, Mr. Bhitihls said.
Married men are reiiiiired to allot at
J ,i t $15 a month 'and to this allotment
ito the wife where there, is no child,
the governiment adds $15 giving th
wife, an income of .'10 a month,
Thero are several married nion
nmrmg those; leaving for Camp Lewi
tomorrow, as the fact that man was
married after Juno 5, 17, did not
r.hnngo his clarification.
For singlo men, Mr. Shields explain
ed, that the allotment oif pnrt of his
When Few Women Used Face Powders
Creams or Cosmetics
Now, almost every woman iies
them nod without concealment. It is
conceded that she has the right to re
tain her youthful look as long as she
can. For this reason, many women ot
linquOBtioni'd rofinenient! now use
ty-baa Hair Color Restorer to retain
the. youthful beauty c.f their hair. If
your hair in gray, streaked with gray
or faded, you, too, can bring back all
its natural color with this simple, harm
less preparation.
Q,-bHii is not a dye. You caii prove
this by trying it on your combings.
yes will color them but (J-ban leaves
them unchanged. It is a wonderful and
delightful toilet requisite which keep
the hair glossy and youthful. Does not
Main the scalp, or wash or rub off,
end does out iuterfero with washing j
ir.wavititf the hair. Removes dandruff
una keeps the saln healthy. Kanilv ap
plied. Sold by all good druggists every
where ou. Money-Back Ounrautee.
I'rlco 75c.
pay was voluntary. Ho could nialse it
to a dependent parent, a brother or a
sinter, If the in;le ninn mndo the al
lotment, Kiy of $15 a month, tho gov
ernment added $10 month for each
parent, if allotment was made to par-
onU. ltut the singlo man must allot
$15 a month out of his pay, Mr. Shields
explained, betore tho government
would give anything.
Insurance is voluntary for the sol-
dier ami it annv be from $500 up to
$10,000. At the close of the war the
policy is convertaiblo into any stand
ard lino Insurance company. The tiro-
minims paid the government is much
less than that of an old lino company,
a.1 the government charges nothing for
transactm? the business.
A private is paid $:10 a month. If
ho is So years of age, he mny take
out his insurance at tho rate of 06
cents per month for each $1000. The
Kate is according to ace of tho Appli
cant. In ell cases, Mr. Shields ex
plained that tho government holds out
the Qay of tho soldier and sends the
allotment or pays the insurance di
rect. At 8 o'clock Friday morning tho
men will wseml)le at tho court house.
A short address; will be delivered by
Ituv. Rrtbert 8. Gill and tho Oram!
Army of the Republic will serve fls an
escort to tho 9:20 o'clock Southern
IW.Lfie train where tho men will en
Sau Fr'icisco, April 25. Immedi
ate construction rf a $1,000,000 steel
shipbuilding plant on the cast bay
shore will follow tho award of a gov
ernment contract for 10 steel freight-
orw of 0400 tons to the I'nioln Construc
tion eolunpuuy, President W. W. John
son of the lonel concern nuueunced to
day. The keel of tho first, vessel will
be laid in five months, Johnson aid.
Tho vard will bo located near tho Key
itoutes pier on tho Onk'and waterfront.
Washington, April 25. Pooling and
operai'ioiv by an inter allied shipping
biwud of all tonnmgo mow operated by
the Vniited States, Great Britain,
I'miioe and Italy is being jointly dis
cussed try these nations,
The pool plans would bring the same
coordination in the shipping shortage
that was brought on the western front
by the appointment of General Foeh
;w generalissimo of allied troops.
Zurich, April 25 Count Joseph Sze
renyi litis been appointed Hungarian
premier, it was learned here today,
Are you buying War Savings Stamps?
w is the time to begin, Hie campaign
will last bust about eight months longer.
Bring Your Tire Work to MEN
Let us look over your Tires
This Service Is Free
126 South Commercial Street.
Corner Court and
Cecil Street, Salem
Everybody Satisfied With This
Kidney Medicine
In the trade there are manv mcdi-
cinos for Ale, hut considering all el
them thero is not a lemedv that- en
joys a better reputation or has met
wita better sic;'e-s in ho treatment
oif the troubles for which it is intend
ed than Dr. Kilmer's B amp-Root. It
has been a successful and satisfactory
is-'ller with, ais for twelve years, and
.it,. i-Amn:!i'-ti mi Bvmiig u nas icen
very favorable.
Verv truly yours,
Tor Ad;lph Dirrmor,
August 3d, 1017. Orange, Calif,
Letter to
Dr. KiUner ft Co.
Blnghamton, N. Y.
Prove What Swamp-Boot Will do
for You
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size
bottle. It will convince anyone. You
will also receivo a booklet" of valuable
information, telling abou wo kidneys
and bladder. When writing, ,be sun
and mention the Salem iJaily Capital
Journal, Medium and largo size bot
tics for salo at all drig stores
Yields $U3420 Month
The ineom,? from the Hubbard build
ing for the month from March 15 to
April 15, 1018, was 1134.20, according
to the report of W. 11. Norris, receiver
for tho property of Fannio E. Hubbard
filed yesterday in tho county court.
On March 15, tho cash ou hand was
$1003.93. The income for the month
being 1134.20, tine receiver had on hands
for the month of Anril tli tmn nf.
$2198,15, l(Tss amounts expended for the
ttnkncn nf tlia nfnitnit
r.vl,v,.V(,. i
The total expenditure for tho month
amounted to $1907.50. The largest sin
gle item for which money was paid was
taxes, amounting to 113033. The annual
taxes assessed against tho Hubbard
building is $1943,50 and against the
farm of Mrs, Fannie E. -Hubbard, $317.
14. The Dnvmciit of idlisn.ta Iith h!o
month was' the semi-annual amount dueijB" 'vwinR. tn enemy attacked the
ou both proiM-rties for which Mr. N..r-1 French but wore repulsed. Early this
ris is receiver. Other items of expense
paid during the month was $182.00 for
wood supplies and $102.30 to the Salem
Electric company for supplies and ro
pairs. Iu the suit of tho Alliance Trust com
pany in a foreclosure proceedings
against Mrs. Hubbard.sho was awarded
judgment' in the lower court but was
reversed' by the supremo court. As yet
no execution has been issued against
he property.
The Gold Hill Irrigation district has
filed with State Engineer Lewis plans
and specifications for the irrigation of
1500 acres by gravity canal from Ro
gue river. Two thirds of thia area is
now iu cultivation. The cost of con
struction: is estimated at $50,000, not
including east of ifinaneing. is claim
ed all arrangements for financing and
construction have been made This ap
plication indicate alwiidcimient oi
tho effort to combine this district with
the Grants Pass district John Dubuia
is engineer ffr both dis'nc's.
rrUwmt toilaV submitted to VZident
WiW,m foi -final TtTon two courTmar-
.1 - a :i i r m
tial cas. iuvolvinff the nerimui nffen.
Great Prize Ring Pacifist Says
match tan t Be aged
Good Bout at Portland
Chicago, April "Ifs all off."
jess Yvtiiard saul today regarding his
proposeu round ot July bout with Fred
Fultou. Despite the seeniinar assurance
of (remoter J. C. Mill.?r, who returned
" hi. Paul today, the champion Co
llared the match couldu't be staged.
'The opposition encountered at SI
faul sua the fact that it is growing
muses ir iook as it i will not eet a
chance at Fulton," he said.
A permit to stage the fieht will lv
granted or refused after a joint hearing
01 me .uinnesota public safety and box
ing commissions in St. Paul on Mav t
Portland Matches.
1'irtland, Or., April 25. Although
artv Farroll, the Xew York middle
weight straight lefted Mick King of
Australia out of Uv decision in their
six round bout here last night, the An
tipodean won the admiration of Port
land faus by his willingness to battle
and his well trained left found a rest
;.g place on Farrell 's proboscis more
than once.
farrell started the fight by jabbing
s.mg'8 nose in tke first round until tin:
wiiet appeared, King replying with
hort arm jolts to the body. At tue bo-
;tuui:.g of the fifth Farrell showed his
IL.t-nlinn in net n fnufni- n'tn anil Tv'!i,
rallied and met lain with henvv swings j
but m the sixth Farrell was still fresh
"u liivugu HJUJJ IlttlU, ItBd K ll'l
;aud tiwd in consequence of which the
i referee gave the New Yorker the ver-
Lee Johnson, colored 123 pounder
'Oakland. Cnl.. Wfls irp,i vnrv i,f. ,
i tilar decision over Stanley
,i::.. ir-ii!.1
!vT... " a ... . !, ," ! ' .
"'. T ,M"VT uelnK
afraid and inclined to holding.
They Want Christy.
New York, April 25. Christy Math-
ewsuii, famous baseball pitcher and
manager of tho. Cincinnati Heds, has re
ceived an appeal from the American ex
pcdiliousry forces asking him to eooo
over ' ' ami take charge of baseball in
The appeal to Matty eamo through the
war personnel board of the Y. M. 0. A.
after his selection by a vote of a ma
jority of the men in France.
Masons to Hear Lecture
Saturday Evening
Salem Masons are due for an intellec
tual treat next Saturday evening when
Robert D, Graham of Denver will come
; to tho
city again to deliver a .tature
on "The Wages of a Master Mason."
Mr. Graham has spoken in the citv
L..f. 1 1 i. - j l.
lA-iuiu mm mime bucu u luvorHuie im
pression among the Masons that ar
rangements were made for his appear
ance here again Saturday evening.
His endorsement comes - from the
Scottish Rite and York Masons from all
parts of the country, including many
33d dcgre.j nieu of national reputation.
He has gathered his information from
a life study of Masonry and has visited
many places of Masonic history to con
firm the geography of Masonic tradi
tion. Tho lecture Saturday evening will
begin at 8:15 o'clock.
cf sleeping on pest in France and two
others for dWedieinee, understood t9
have .been refusal to drill. The presi
dent must decide whether the death
sentenco sllall .stand against the sleep
ing sentries, but lio has the power to
mitiga. e the punishment if ho desires.
(Continued from page one)
early this morning and was being
pressed on a Wide front, including a
scci or held by the British to the cost
ot the French positions.
Heavy lighting occurred around
lllers-Bretcnncux throughout the
night and was continuing today, Haig
said. British artillery and taMks have
inrncted heavy losses on the enemy.
"Them W11t he:ivv firhfino. thrnmrh
0ut tlM night in and around Villers-
Bretonneux." the report said. "The
fighting still continues. We regained
ground by counter attacks and took a
number of prisoners. V
North of Villers-Bretonneux, on the
St. Qnentin road, the enemy attacked
three times, but was repulsed with
loss. Tho enemy used a few tanks-
JNortheast of Bailleul late yester-
morning me jimncK was renewed
aaiinst tho British posttions. together
with the British sector to the east, fol
lowing an intense bombardment.
"The fighting continues on a wide
"Tho fighting on the wholo Villers
(Bretonnoux fretit was extremely se
vere, Heavy enemy caaualttios' were in
flid'ed by our artillery and tanks."
By Henry Wood
(Cnitod Press staff correspondent)
With the French Armies iu the Field
April 24 (Mght) Allied airplanes i
detected vast, hurried concentrations
L .11-7. TV ' .ru"-' :.;"U1U'''
the allies to -prepare the ehffest re-
aistance when the third German push
was hunched this morning.
Vdlers-Bretonneux, (the first Geriaan
t ...j ui..iruin,l M""
objoctuve (which Haig admits the ene- hmlth Nervousness, sleeplessness and
my has captured), was the ecene of ja,k enorfiy which nearlv alwv8
some of the Germans nuost umHrtant , aconiianT excessive thinness, soon
maneuveni in the battles of 18.0. Like- disappear," dull eves become bright, and
wise, during the battle of the Somme, pai c'-eeks glow with the bloom of
it was the aviation center of France's perfect health.
most brilliant sqiiadroms, including -the! CAUTION Although, bitro-phos-Laflayette
esoadrilie. jphats is nsurpassed. for relieving
- " UArvniMIlOfM. nlonlpssnAAA nd OATinrat
Tillers Bretonmeux dominates three
?BttpnRl leading on' like a
Ami.0M'.Albrt- St. Quen-
a"u lw-,w "l,ei Tnrl'e "
Toe Accepted
lead out lika a fan toward Amiens,
ot.rt. ff9 and Montdidicr.
. ".UP1U io oraginai drive- againsc
V Amiens, tho Germans engaged 110 di-
VUSliqilB l(l)i,U,UUU IllCa;, WllLUIlf VUUjl'
od with the 31 divisions (372,000 men)
engaged HI Armeul.TOTes, leaves the
Germans about sixty divisions (720,000
men) not yet engaged in the present
By Frank J. Taylor
(United Press staff Correspondent)
With the American Armies in Lor
raine, April 25 Gorman artillery fire
is increasing in the American sectors
iu this region.
Reports show that ithe recant Ger -
man attacks against ' American posi-
jtions here were. launched 'by "travel-
ing circus troops, who are moving we are aetcniling desperately. j
continually, carrying their special, "In the neighborhood of Hailles the1
"1'rightfulne.ss'' equipment and avia- ,f ghling vias less violent Several eno-!
tion service. my assaults directed against the ridgo !
This type of enemy troops is leliev- , cast of the village were frustrated by
cd to constitute a permanent mobile
organization for testing the strength
of the allied lines, particularly those
portions held by Americans.
Last Night's Report '
Loudon, April 25. American troops
are aiding in the defense of Amiens.
These units, ithe French night com
munique disclosed, are holding posi
tions south of tho Somme and along
the Avro, iu conjunction with the
It was against thoss positions that
the Gerniains directed Cheir heaviest at
tacks in tho resumption of their of
fensive yesterday, The fighting is con
tinuing along a wide front there, ac
cording to the latest official reports.
'"AJa (Utitense 'bomhaliklfent of tho
Fianco-Amoricain positions south of
the SoniMie and on the Avro was tol-
1,,n.A "k.r - (-in.mon nffnib- lftlf. h a
mil uu mu nyiu nns aw-
whole front by considerable forces at ou? h zoning the enemy had
five p. m. today, deUred the night ,f.al"J? P?SBes91on 1 V S
official statemcint from Paris. tho( fig1 7? continuing.
"The enemy's efforts were directed1 C,th" J bV "T J
against Hangard--Sianterrc, the re- he nk of ihe. S.on,e(a
gjon of Hailles and Scecat ood. nofr,h of ,Albcrt Te npu,wd- V ,00k
" South of the Avro the battle which a few prisoners."
Hasted all day, continues. It was pa- "'Mr" the fighting in Flanders,
Mictilarlvl stubborn ip the region of, 8 ,' . ., ,. ...
Hangar'd-En-Sani'erTC. After a series off 1! a lo sf'fv TJ" 1
furious assaults, the enemy succeeded ,?H of ItlP"-,a P?.s
' ;en;ii1iirerl hv fha enftm-p- -in thia InnlitV
Nothing Like Plain Bltro-Phosphate to
Put on Firm, Healthy Flesh and
to Increase Strength, Vigor .
ana werve orce
Judging from tho countless prepara
tions and treatments which are con
tinually being advertised for the pur
pose of making thin peoeplo fleshy, de
veloping arms, neck and bust, and re
placing ugly hollows and angles by the
soft curved lines cf health and beauty,
there aro evidently thousands of men
and women who keenly feel their ex
cessive thinness.
Thiniiess and weakness are usually
duo to starved nerves. Our bodies need
more phosphate than is contained in
modern foods. Physicians claim there
is nothing that will supply this defi
ciency so well as the organic phosphate
known among druggistsas bitro-phos-phato,
which is inexpensive and is sold
by most all dniggista under a guaran
tee of satisfaction or money back. By
feeding the nerves directly and by
supplying the body cells with tho nec
esary phosphoric food elements, bitro
phosphate (juickly produces a welcome
Itransformatdon in the appearance; the
inorCBse wci ht being
I astonishing 6
j Thig in wei ht carrics
uk s . .n.,Mi ;,r..,.,.. : ,u
weakness it should not. owintr to its
remarkable flesh growing properties, bel" favor the United States by
used by anyone who does not desire to accepting its citizenship, with'littk, or
put on iiesa.
Attractive Dresses for
There is just enough variety in the styles we are
showing to make the choosing of ones dresses ?
most delightful pastime. Simple tailored model i
for business use. Dressy models for special
In many variations of panels and overshirts at
moderate prices.
$12.50, $14.50, $15.50, $16.50, $17.00,
$19.50 and $25.00 .
4i6 State St
Instant Action
Surprises Many Here
This grocer's story surpriso local
people: "I had bad stomach trouble.
AH food seemed V maT a"d form gas.
Wag always constipated. Nothing help
ed until I tried buckthorn bark, glyc
erine, ette., as mixed in Adler-l-ka. ONE
SPOONFUL astonished me with it's
INSTANT action." Because Ad!or-i-ka
flushes the ENTIRE alimentary
tract it relieves ANY CASE constipa
tion, sour stomach or gas and prevents
aippelndieitis. It has QUICKEST act
ion of anything we ever sold. J. C
Perry, druggist.
'm obtaining a foothold in the wood
north of the village, as well as in tho i
eastern edge of the village itself which
jartil'ery f;re and counter attacks. Fur
ther tc the sourh, the Germans were
.similarly checked before Semec.at wood
and Hill 82, which retain entirely in,
:ur posse-scion.
Germans Took Town
l-'i'ld Marshal Haig, in hid night rc
p'ut, admitted the capture of Villcrs
lUotwiiHi.x, three miles north of Han-gard-En-Santerre
and eight miles and
a half east of Amvens.
"Ai'ter a vie ler; bombardment, the
enemy .situikeu oi' our wholo fromt
south cf the Somrae and against the
French on our iight, about 6:30 a, m.
today, and was repulsed," the Brit
ish night report said.
"Later an attack en our positions
this sector was resumed in strength
and, although repulsed with loss on
the ou'hern and northern ends, mado
progress at "Villers-Bretonneux, where
, , . , n , . .
lUU Jb I'U llHIIUf lUil UCXU BOVCftJ' till U"K
on Monday was regained. We captured
a few prisoners and four machine guns.
"The enemy delivered a strong lo
cal attack without success against our
new positions easit of Robecq early in
the morning. Our line was maintained
and we took 84 prisopers. Additional
prisoners were taken in minor enter
prises in the Nieppe forest and near
' Thero is nothiing new to report
iff0"1 ny theater," was ail the Berlin
motif rrvi.rut an id
Tho German day report said: "Fighl
ing activity on the lys and Somms
battlefields was limited to local act
ions." To Maintain Landstrum
Amsterdam, April 25. The minister
of defense declares the situation ren
ders necessarv the maintenance of the
maximum age for landstrumeTS.
The cable rniav refer to some agita
tion for reduction in the age limit of
members of the landstrum, the last
military reserve.
Dispute Serious
The Hague April 25 Foreign Min
ister Louden, speaking in the chamber
cf deputies today, admitted that the
dispute with Germany over the use of
Dutch sand, and giavel is "most ser
San Francisco, April 24. Major
General Arthur Murray was today re
lieved fronn command of the Western
department of the United States army,
and Major General Charles Treat was
named to succeed him.
The order which reached here from
Washington! did not say where Murray
will be assigned.
Several weeks ago a similar order
was received here, but it was subse
quently withdrawn.
We find that many of our naturalized
citizens seem to think thev have eon-
-no coucepuon ox us ODiigauons. nenry
New Styles I
Spring and Summer Wear.
Washington, April 25. Major Wil
liam Thaw, American aviator, com
manding the Lafayette cseadiillc, has
added two more enemy planes to his
record, said an offic'nl dlcmitie dW
ptitch here yesterday,
enrolled among prho aviators. Thaw
This double victory permits liiui to be
is now second io Major Lufberry in
enemies downed.
DORof My dalton 1
' Also
' Mack Sennett Comedy
"Sherriff Nell's Tussle"
, A Knockout ,
J. Warren
In a Big 7-Reel Super
"The Torn of a Card"
(& i )
S JinMiU
1r"."i-r-r: ir
m W ' T F -
T. Fletcher.