THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE. THURSDAY. APRIL 23. 1918. FTVT i NEW TODAY IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL SOMETHING, "D0N7 WHISPER IN A WEIT-USE A JOURNAL WANT AD CLASSITLED ADVEKTISLNQ RATES Kate per word A'ew Today: Xtc insertion Ob week (8 insertions) Oils month (23 insertion) . t-5e -lie The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion, for errors in Classified Advertisements Head your advertisement the first day it appear and notify as immediately Minimum charge, 15c WHITE Rock, chicks. Phone 93F5. 4 25 FOB trailer for sale. 271 D St 4-29 WANTED A good piano. Phone 803 R. 5-1 FOB BENT Three furnished house keeping, rooms. 6S7 JJ. Front. 4-27 FOB BALE CI LEAP 6 room plastered house. Call at 365 6. lGth. 427 TABROT for sale- Oood talker. 1294 S. 13in. Phone 1664. 4-25 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 694 N. Com '1. Phone 2454 W. 4-27 TWO and three room furnished apart- meat 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2203, tf WANTED A driving horso for four months feed. C. E. care Journal. 4-24 PIGS FOB 3ALE $5, 6 weeks old. Phone 36F11, Skyline Orchards. ,4-20 FOB SALE 1000 "Mammoth blackber ry tips. Phone 2503W2. 4-25 FOB SALE Farm wagon complete, also flat rack. Phone 1119. 4 2b GOOD farm wagon for sale, 995 south 14th St. 4-25 EARLY ROSE potatoes, fine large seed. C. C. Russell. Phone 3F3. tf GARDEN plowing wanted. 1549 Broad way. Phone 2017J. 6-2 COL. W. F. WRIGHT the auctioneer, Turner, Oregon. Phone 52. 6-11 WANTED To buy stock catUe, ny kind. Phone 1570W. 5-2 FIVE room flat, furnished or unfurn ished. Call at 399 Mission. 4-29 FOB RENT Pasture, call 54F5 after 6 p. m. 4 29 WANTED To buy 12 or 15 pigs. Phone 65F5- 25 HAVE you wood sawing! Call phone i. t FOB SALE Cheap Mgh. grade rugs. Call 1155 North Summer. Phone 354. 5-17 WANTED Man for geneffal farm work, good wages and board. Phone Marion 33. . 4 27 7 FOOT hoe drill, good condition. Trade for good work horse. Bt. 2, Box 19A. 4-2 (FOR RENT A ono room apartment, also sleeping rooms. 152 8. Church St. 42,5 WANTED Work on farm by married man, must be steady. Phone 96F 11. 4- WANTED To reut 5 room furnished house; na children. Address F. H. tarn Journal. 4-27 FOR SALE Good ea-ly seed corn on Jefferson road, one ile from street car line. A. Bordnei-- 4-27 WANTED First class seamstress. Ap ply at onoe. The Hob Nob, 215 Ma ' Bonic bldg- H FOR SALE Loganberry plants Photie 10OF32, W, L. McKinney, Rt 6. box 121. ' FOR BENT Nicely furnished house keeping" and sleeping rooms. 645 Fer ry St. f FOR RENT Good five room modern louse. Inquire 506 N. Commereial St or pbone 1S49M. WANTED Farm hand; must be a good one, will pay the best of wages. C. C. Russel. Phone 3F3. tf WALL PAPER, 12 cents double roll. upwaH Ruren's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. FOB RENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms, reasonable. 855 N. Com! St 4-26 SAVE your old carpets and clothing hare them made into rugs. Salem Fluff Bug Co., 2075 Mill St. 4-26 .AUTO FOB SALE 1917 Chevrolet, na 4000 miles, la good condition; price is reasonable. Call at Capital Journal business office or phone lfaio 81. tf FOB SALE A large team of young, soond horses; also harness, wagon, tack, plow, harrow, disc potato plow and 3 cultivators. Inquire at 460 N. Summer street, Salem. 4-26 "WANTED Men and women to work U Tegetable drying plant in the country. Good eamping. grounds, and tents with ftoors free. For particu lars, address E. Clemens Horst Co., Independence, Oregon. 4-29 WANTED At onee man with small family to take charge of small farm, mostly team work, also want a man to do lawn work. Phone 254 or 622. 4-25 TOY JOURNAL WANT ADS t FOB BENT Furnished rooms. 292 Ji. Church. Phone oTZB. 4-26 FRESH Bed Durham cow, 3 years old for sal. Also 4 pointer pups. Kt. o. box 147B. 4-29 FOR SALE White Leghorn hens from O. A. 0. and Tancred stock. Phone 57F13, D. X. Eeechler. 4-25 FOB SALE 5 passenger Ford in good oraer. t jn. lomi mone 4-27 WANTED Maid for general house work. Good wages. Phono 1431 or call at 1417 Court St. tf WANTED 15 women, apply at once Salem King's Products Company, Frc-it and Market. 4-25 WANTED A man for garden work for a week or ten days. W. C. Frank lin, phone 52F14. 4-25 FOB SALE Ford roadster in good conumon, a new tires, x-none -uo-Call 418 Court. 4-25 'ROOM house for rent cheap, 202 Court St., business district- Inquire 230 Court. Phono 1005. 4-26 FOB SALE Eight room house with six fine kits, with fine garden. See G. W. Johnson, or phono 4. tf OUR 105 acre Tanch, 2 miles east on Garden road is for sale. Geo. 8we gle. tf FOR SALE Choice Lady Washington seed beans. Inquiro at 1204 N. Com. or phone 1470. 428 FOR SALE Good work or driving horse; also surrey and harness, reas onable. 465 N. Cam'l St. Phone 1135 M. 4-27 FOR SALE Cheap for cash, 5 acre tract, 5 room house and other im provements, 3H acres to Loganber ries. Addrws X J tare Journal. 4-27 FOB SALE Practically new Maxwell automobile, run only 2500 miles, a bargain. Call during business hours, 301 N. Commercial stTeet 4-27 FOR SALE Buick ftcylinder, 7 pas senger in A-l condition, with extras price $850. A. E. Peterson, Rt. 9, box 160, Salem, Or. 4-27 WANTED Office assistant with fair knowledge of bookkeeptag and sten ography. Salary $65. Address B. D. care Journal. 4-26 FOR SALE At a bargain, teaim of V.ln.,1... naioa -wainrhirwr 9400. 8 And uivnj uikbiv, " -'t, n 9 years old; also good double harness and one year oia norse weigsius 1500. 220 N. Front. .4-26 ATTENTION Mail order tuyere, the Minneapolis Wooleta Mills have a sample room alt 385 Stale St. and are taking orders for future deliveries. R mm snil see, their line, as thoy sell direct from mill to consumer and oan save you money. 4-26 FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE 320 Mien fiiue level stock ranch, 160 plowed, house, store and post office priming office of Lake County Tri bune. Would trado for smaller ranch in Willamette valley, good clean stock of hardware, or newspaper in country town. M. irieet, Fleetwood, Or. -25 LABORERS WrANTED Wages $3.30 to. 3.64, 8 hours. West Linn mills op-, posite Oregon City, at free employ ment office. Strike still on. Bail road receipt for fare up to $2 cash ed after working one week. Come nlong. Work assured. Beard and bed $15.65 week at mills or $7 at Beck's hotel, Oregon City. 5-6 TRACTOR for sale at, a bargain. Big Bull with the pull, 7-20 horse power, 14-in. double bottom P. & O. gang plow, automatic lift; outfit has had little use, owner having sold place is leaving city, will sell for $50U cash, or bankable note with interest at 8 per cent per annum. Address No. 21, Capital Journal. 4-27 FOR SALE at a bargain, 1 black fil ley age 4 vwarB, weight mbout 1350; l'ljlack filley age 3 years, weight about 1450; 1 grey filley age 3 years weight about 1450; 1 black geldinst age 2 years weight, about 1000. WiU sell the lot at $500 cash, or bankable note at 8 per cent interest. Address "No. 22 care Capital Journal. 4-27 Interest In Market Is Falling Away New York, April 25. The New York Evening Sun financial review today said: Dwindling interest 5n the market for suMiritha was eiven evidenced today ia restricted tradine and rather narrow" irregularity in prices. Standard shares were disposed to be easier, al though there was no doubt of the firm ness which underlay the entire list. 'nch ft American Sumatra Tobacco, Distillers Kecnnues. Amene&a uinun The motors, of eourse, were again weas. After its vigorous display of strength, Distillers Securities cancelled its gains, presumably on the report from Wash ington that the government might eom mandeer the country 's suppliy of whis key in bond. Through the afternoon ..c..m .AnC.n.J lull nH unintrest- WOUlUR ' - ing. Sbeel and the other standard shares were substantially unchanged. - m MRICAN MARINES lOODD HM24QW011ED Total Casualties To Date 274-Fiye Officers Wound ed, None Killed Washington, April 25. American marines, whose tlogan is "First and last in the fight" are now seeing hot action on the west front. Casualty lists of the last few days indicate they are "in the thick of it," manyVir.j; reported in General Persh ing's easvatty lists No distinction is made in the list now being made pub lic between marines and soldiers.' The total casualties of the marine corps to date number 274, General Barnett announced today. Thirty-four enlisted men have been "killed and lour officers ai.d 236 men wounded. None reported missiuff. One com pany lost 21 killed and 140 wounded! from the tota strength of 250 men. The 1st follows: Killed In Action. ! Private Emil n. Gehrke, John Stekel- j enburg, Edward A. Grober, Corporal Charles K. Toth, Sergeant Albert Hada, i Jr., Corporals Norman R. JacJkson, tienry ,i. smart, Fricates Leo Water meier, Leslie H. Arthur, Rene J. Titus, Walter ,1. Ward. Edmund Bollack, Cor poral John Formull, Private Hugh B. Rodenbo, Gunnery Sergeant Edward G. Warren, Private Edward C. Gehlert, corporal jonn u Auhn, Private Glenn Samples, Alfred E. Sehedel, Allen W. Jewctt, Villiam E. Giles, Hohan (name now being verified by department). Died of Wounds. Privates Harry L. Williams, John White. Wounded la Action. Privates John H. Page, Harry R. Wil liams, Aiiton F. Hoesli, John B. Gabriol, Sorgeant Lloyd E. Battles, Privates George D. Thompson, Clarence A. Judd, Ernest H. Bonvillian, Gunnery Sergeant Rohcoe Bledsoe. Privates Lawrence G. Beabout, Eli WHttstein, Claud L. Wilk inson, Eugene C. David, Walter Rey nolds, Sergeants Cecil Grimes, Harry F. Raymond. Accidentally Killed. Private Charles D. Graham, Serg eant Bernard J Rowan. Wounded In Action. First Lieutenent Willi tm H. Kirk, Captain A. B, MUler, Fimt Lieutenant Harold V. Sherman, Fint Lieutenant Harry H. Barber, Corporal Odom P. MaiUn, Private Anton F. Shillenkamp, Gunnery Serg eant Joseph Weitzell, Privates Born ard Yoakum, Eaile O. Andtrson, Lam bert L. Lchl, Coiporal Edward F. An sel, Corporal Johil F. Dunn, Privates bnocn K. 'J. nomas, Ray R. Dodson, Carl M. Bollards, Charles P. Martindale, Clarence S. Markham, Curtis H. Frei man, Hairy F. Raymond, Ivan W. Shaw, William R. Bliss, Captain K. W. Karsteadt, First Lieutonant C. B. May nard, Private Harry E. Hennessy, Serg eants Adil . N. Kass, Leo H. Hennen, Private Claude E. Brincker, First Lieu tenant Fred W. Clarke, Privates Syl vanus Ausborne, Leslie H. Arthur, Guil ford Aikin, James A. Alsobrook, Hd ward L. Anglin, Charles W. Ayars, Albert W. Barts, Corporal Aubrey B. Brown, Privates Fred O. Bayn, Win Slow D. Brannen, Arthur Bell, Earl K. Barnett, Harvne Bruton, Morris C, Arnold, Merl W. Brown, John C. Atchi son, Grover D. Adams, Corporal 8am D. Bennett, First Lieutenant Louis R, Nature Cures, The Doctor Takes VbM Pee There is an old saying that "Nature cures, the doctor takes the fee," but as everyone knovrs you can help na ture very much and thereby enable it to effect a cure in much less time than is usually required. Thig is particularly true of colds- thamberlarn s Cougn R-emcdy relieves the lutogs, liquifies tno tough mucus and aids in its ex pectoration, allays the cough and aids naturo in restoring the system to a healthy condition. ROSE SPRAY Now is the time to spray your roses for Aphis. We have the spray and the sprayers. APPLE SPRAY Spray your applo and pear trees, as. the blooms fall, with 8. W. Arsenate of lead. We hav6 all sieved packages. ' CORN Wc have just received a car load of good dry Eastern Corn for feed. GARDEN PLANTS Now have Cabbage, Kale, To matoes, Asparagus, etc., ready to P'ant, GARDEN SEEDS The best selected stock in the state to select from of Bulk Gar den Seeds. All new stock and tested seeds. Call for catalogue. n a wurrr a v, n. II lit i u ui u 251 State Street. Phone 160 Salem, Oregon Cherrians to Put Oa Show at Vancouver Next Tuesday EYening The Cherriaa minstrel show players will givi their entertainment aext Tues day evening at the Vancouver barracks, Vancouver, Washington, according to present plans. . A reDresenUtive of the T. M. C. A.1 of Vancouver was in the city today coa fernng with the players and it was thought best to give th show ia Van-, comer rather than in Portland. By going direct to the soldiers it was! figured that at least 3,000 would have; au opportunity of hearing the Salem i songsters, while w Portland the attend ance from the barracks would hardly run up to 500. According to present plans, the Cher- atternoon rw v ciwn i me auiumu bilo rouvs and leave for home immed iately after the show. . The show Inst night ran as smooth asgT a professional performance and every soloist was at his best. In fact, many are of the. opinion that the perform ance was just a little better than the one iriveu the first night. The house was packed to capacity and with the general encores, the Cherrians feel they have given the public a show light up to the Chorrian standard. One of the unique features of the show last nit;ht was the fact that the gallery was filled with the most appre ciative part of the audience as William Lereheii and Clyde B. Clancey invited 100 or more of tho youug9ters anout town and gave them tickets good for the gallery. TODAY'S BASEBALL SCORES National . R. H. E- New York b 13 0 Brooklyn 5 9 3 Perritti and McCarty; Marquard, Griner, Cheney and Kruegcr (10 inn- nss.) Philadelphia 5 9 4 Bostoa 6 10 a Prendergast, Tmeup AWams; Neh,f and Wilson, Cincinnati 0 3 1 Pittsburg 1 o u Schneider and Wineo; Miller and Schmidt. ' St, Louis - - 2 8 Chicago - 3 8 8 Packard, Horstman ana onyuur. Hendrix and Kilhfer. Jones, Seigeant Wilbert Blaekiord, LeRoy Bailey, Corporal Leo C. Buck ley, Privates Frank T. Boll, Joseph Biel, Warren G. Benton, Jr., John H Becker, Clarence E. Barnett, Raymond A. Berger, Thomas D. Boyer, Irving J. Buckley, Abncr h. Gibson, Frank Gor meley, Wendell H. OKver, Francis E. Probert, Ray Strain, Harry E. Young, Sorgeant Dubiey L. Brown, Corporal Ralph V. Chaney, Privates Fred H. Domke, Gus V. Sauerbraum, Robert H. Wimberly, William T. Asbury, Corporal Chester W. Ruth,""Heury E. Roberts, Fred KrameT, Privates James B, Mc Coy, David C. Reynolds, Jr., Arthur H. Spies, Corporals Carl W. Johnson. James K. Riley, James A. Page, Alfred A. Stock, Privates Jeff M. Parker, Paul H. Sanders, Walter H. Waterman, Earl R. Snyder, Warner B. Slocum, Kenneth W. Vancil, Ferdinand T. Stoer, Cedric Seaman, Milo U. Snyder, Valentine H. Thil. ' - Mrs. I. TO. Bennett, living on route 9 north of town, received a letter today from her son, Harry C. Bennett, who is confined in the Brooklyn naval nospitai as the result of a wound received on April 16 when He wag aecidently shot in the leg while doing guard duty, stating how th.v) accident occurred. Ho was shot by his own revolver, which fell from tho holster aud was discharged as it struck tho floor. The bullet entered nls leg just, above the knee and ranged upward through ttw thigh, lodging in oacs above the hip, near the skin. It wasjjje removed and he is keeping it for a keepaake. He stated that he was getting along nicely and expected to bo sitting up this week. s(( c jft )c it ))c State House News TlT rparuiDoa in an :,irif ni !.,n (mm tha Portland Press club to attend a banquet Sunday at the Multnomah hotel in Port- land, Percy A. Cupper, assistant state engineer wrote that while regretting 41.n. 1. 1.1 .11 .1 ... . a ZLiri T n" V , . . ' J,.V " urH. Westaeot, deceased, filed tlieir rc bear steak with all the tnmmiu s". The jtftU, wa vaIued at $Wu.,K. TUo mfitation from the Press club specified I prttisers were Joe aiiinnnrtner, Wal that tlw main part of the eating would uu or,,i v.i t,.. ue aiong me line or Dear meat and what generally goes with it. R. A. Booth of Eugene, recently an poiuttd a member of the state highway commission, is in the city familiarizing, nimseir witn rue ci titles of his office, Today with btate Engineer Herbert .uiiu he is inspecting m the Kex Ti gnrd district. In the Corporation department the following were filed today: Certificate of dissolution of tho Car stens Packing company of Portland. Certificate and copy of resolutions of dissolution of the Western Bag com pany of Portland. They organized but conditions unfavorable for business. Supplementary articles of incorpora tion were filed by the Eastrrn Manu facturers company of Portland. The stock was increased from $5,000 to $25, 000. The Portland Padded Bteel Harness company increased its capital stock from $5,000 to $50,000. ' ' Dr. TP, H. Lytle, state veterinarian, Lis in Ontario. Oregon this week attend - T. . . ing the Cattle and Horse Kaisers Aso - .7.. al , a , BIO OUW AGAIN The Ion:? ranee Paris, April 25. bombardment of Paris last night. rpnmed .MMUMMMMMMMMM.MMMMMM .,,M, , Agents for But terick Patterns, The Delineator, W. B. and Nemo Corsets, Munsing Underwear ft MEN'S "SHIRTS Wc are showing a most wonderful line of Men s Dress Shirts in our Court street win dow, at a surprisingly low price. $1.00 Each Quality has been kept up to old time standard. (See Court Street Window) Butterick Special Demonstration Come in and meet Mrs. State Treasurer Says $500,000 Deficiency by Meeting of Legislature State Treasurer Kay estimates that before the meeting of tho next legisla ture fully $500,000 in deficiency certif icates will be issued. These certificates will draw 6 per cent interest. Mr. Kay will ask that 'the depository banks throughout the state take up these cer l.ificji.tM and not nermifc them all to be handled by the Portland bank,. Of this deficiency, $280,000 was newssury for the state constaouWiry. 'n;e State Hygiene society was voted $10,000 and the state board of health $10,000. it will be short of funds before the first of next year and that the emergency board will fee called on to vote at least $200,000. CLARK HOLDS UP OFFER .,, T" T T"r. , -'" "- Washington, April C5. flndicartiont this afternoon were that Speaker Clark would accept the Missouri aenatorship offered him by Governor Gardner. After conferring with all congress ional leaders, CLark admitted that there was (3io other person who must bo consulted. It was hi wife. It wouldn't do not to talk it over with her. Mrs. Clark win in New York and is to arrive iu Washington late this afternoon. $ Court House News o 4t 4V V sic 4e b lW t p p p T' p A mandate of the Bupreme court was filed today in the circuit court where by tho judgment of tli lower court was reversed and set aside in thu case cf Mflry I. Mercer against the Gemian io Firo Insurance company, In tho low er court Mary I. Mercer !ued the insur ance company for $2700 for fire insur ance and w:s awarded judgment for the amount The insurance company ap pealed ito the supreme court which re- ! J04 the f ,"'fnt(,a" IB"7. IV1? t I ordered .Mary insurance com pany costs cifthe appeal amounting to 9U4.45. TV, appraisers of tho estate of K- Cecelia Fiddler, executrix of the es tate, of Sarah A. Pettyjohn, deceased, filed her accounting of the estate from the date of the final amounting Sept, Jo, 'J17, to April 24, IfllH. During tho time $15.85 was expcniled and tne claim of Minnie Pettyjohn for $'.'04 not allowed. The report rhowej a bal ance on hand erf $130.30. In the eircuiit court, the court or dcYed that in the cat - tf William l'p-: pendahl against J. H. Sanguinct, as William Uppeadabl had dud since tho iiitiation of the suit, the names of the executors of the elato he sutsti-, tifted. The, executors, are Edward l'p-; pendahl, WiJhehn Cppendahl and Anna ( Metske, ' In the suit of K. T. Tuv against Ag nes" Wilson and others and al the ad ministrator of the estate of Alfred Wilson ,the court ordered a confirma tion of the sale of real property. I , T . ... , As Hernando Otto Irvin did not ap P ' th divorce eas-j against him '1 YY ' ' V,n u iln'l!i ril IT! rtCIflll I . MB TV KO' . . , i;, ,i enia Irvin was th. planuiff. and as the defendant was not in the military or naval servke, and he did not ap- . in r.nrul fir Kv flttornCV. he Will ' be d.-ibarred from miking an appear- anco wnen tne caae is iwnnr called : for triai. NEWS FROM THE EIG STORE You can always do better at Just In A fine big shipment of BEACON INDIAN ROBES 66x80 in size, full bound, very heavy. Come in a wide range .of designs and colorings. Indespcnsible for Motoring, Camping, Picnics and Home. (See Liberty Street Window) ilT JIooopIooods te- Mrs. R. B. Laufer, special representa tive, is now with us with a Butterick plan that's a money saver. Laufer and let her explain. A writ of attachment was issued yes terday in the circuit court iu the ase of the Credit Servioo ccmpany against Andrew Nelson and A. C. Nelson, as the Monitor Lumber company. The amount involved dis $252.81. A complaint was filod yesterday by A. ?. Gillis against John A. Oearin and others for the foreclosure of mortgage Hun for $3000, the amount loaned June 11, 1914. Tho Bank of St. Paul is interested in the suit. 1 ma"ie 29 W ivnnh M-tnr.m in ih. i,i or B divorce She rentes that they i,wer8 mar,iCd Jan. 2u. 1889. at Baker. n. tt nhiuMn &orn to the union, uollc, a daugbter is tlhe only .minor child. She charges that he called her vuo unities and usod ob scene laiiguttgo and finally deserted hor Jan". 10, 1917. No property rights are involved, according to the com plaint. Annual Convention Openedjhis Afternoon The annual convention of the Oregon State Sunday School association opened here this afternoon, the convention be - ing held at tho First Methodist church. The convention was called to order at 2:00 o'clock by ' President Charles A. Rice. Reports of state officers and assignment of delegates were first or der of biifinesH. The program for to night's session in as follows: 7:30 Call to service by bugle.; pro cession of fJaKs; suluto to the United States flag; "America," led by Dr. H. ft Epley, Salem; salute to the Chris tian convocation prayer, Rev. It. N. Aviion, Sulein; special music, ladies' 8:00 Address of welcome, Governor quartet, First Christian church, Halcm. Withycombo; response, A. A. Morse, Portland; ''Sunday Hehflol Pioneering in Oregon," Rev. Joseph Hoberg, Mc Minnvillej convention song; ecial music, direction of Slis.j Minnettu Magers; aiinounc.eiiients; add res, "The Hunday Hchool and Uood Citizenship," Rev. E. W. Halpenny. Friday's program is as follows: 8:30--School of methods. 10:00 Genera assembly. 10:10 Singing, led by ' Carroll Rob erts; prayer, Rev. Charles A. f'hipps. 10:i0 "Co-ordination of All Schools," Superintendent J. A. Church ill, Oregon. 10:4"--"An Unrecognized Force," Mrs. Hardwood Hull, ( heniawa. Maefertocks THE BLUE BIRD MauriceTonrriem THE OREGON i wi '-i,ry-'"''!I!'-if' Our purpose is to hold your faith. To give satisfac tion always. Our prices are right; Our Merchandise is right BOYS' WASH SUITS As the warm days of Spring ' approach the Boy should be dressed accordingly. Our "Boys' Department" is in a splendid position to sup ply those Cool, Dressy Wash Suits that give the boy comfort, and a neat cool appearance. $1.15 to $3.00 (See Court Street Window) 11:45 "A Big Job," Edwin Row don, Portland. 1:30 Singing, led by Carroll Rob erts; prayer. 1:40 Boll call of eounties nl awards. . 2:10 A dress, "The Encircling Movement," Rov. B, W. Halpenny, 3:30 to 5:30 Schoo or Methods. 6:00 Annual banquet. 7:30 Call to servicej song service, led by Dr. II. C. Epleyj special musia, Willamette University College of Music; prayer, Rev. O. H. Elliott, Salem. 8:00-. Address, "Seven Sunday School Wonders," Rev.-E. W. Halpen nT! BPecill music, male quartet, Firs Mothodist churrh, Salem. secretary Y. M. C. A.," Portland. A twin convention of the association was held at LaGraude on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this weekt many of the prominent speakers coin ing from thero to Saern for the sob vention here. 4 CANCER CURED IJ 11 DAYS ' Miss Margaret Russell, 113a Isortli Fifteenth street, Sulem, Or., explains wonderful cure. To those afflicted with Cancer: I deem it a grent privilege to be h)s to testify to tho absolute cure of cancer on the side of my nose from which 1 had suffered for three years. on July 14, ll), F o,ppried to Or. H. C. Stone for treatment, lie applied a paste for four (lays and then a simple ointment, in just eleven days after tho fiiat treatment tho ennor fell out. Tho place soou healed and is now sound ai.d well. MIHH MAHGAHET RUS8ELI.. Suli'in, Or., Nov., 5, 1017. S.C. STONE, M. D. Stone's Drug Store 241 N. Com'l Street, Salem. Phone 35 Consultation and Advice Free mm vwv vv "1 hi 1 ''a IDAY ' S3f 1 mm y m wm 71 ml An ACTCBAFT Picture