Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 25, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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I 4
uy Tires to
Your Needs
National economy has no place for haphazard
tire-buying. . .
The Country's need demands conservation.
Your own responsibility as a motorist re
quires that you treat the equipment of youi
car as a business proposition.
Study your tire needs.
Select and buy the tires that will give utmost
service per dollar, on the roads you travel, with
your driving.
There is a United States Tire scientifically
planned to meet every motoring requirement.
The steadily increasing sale of United States
Tires is an evidence of their solid worth.
Steadfast performance has proved their un
failing reliability and long-service economy.
Equip now with United States Tires.
Let our nearest Sales and Service Depot dealer
help you to select the right ones.
For Passenger. Cans 'Usco' Tread, as illustrated;
also 'Royal Cord', 'Chain', 'Nobby' and 'Plain'.
United States Tires
are Good Tires
-1 li s 3 1 IlrlN'
(Continued from page one)
was defeated.
Military exports here believe thai
unless allied forces are sent to Hol
land's aid ,i,t would require scarcely
more than a half million Germans to
overrun the little country. "
Sbft May Submerge
This would depend on Holland's de
termination, however, literally to
"sink or ewim." The scheme of de
fense of tho little neutral embodies
concentration of her forces in a re
stricted area "the Holland fortress"
comprising the provinces of North
and South Holland, with parts of Zee
land and Utrecht. Two thirds of this
area is surrounded by the sea. On the
land side are strongly established mil
itary works, rendered exceedingly dif
ficult of attacks by inundations.
Tho German land apprc aches to the
Holland border are hilly. Amsterdam
is well fortified and there are inunda
tion protections which might preclude
aunceesful attack by the Germans.
Control of tho inundations has not
. been entirely in military hands, how
ever, and the fear is expressed here
that Germany ' long arm of intrigue
may have a'retched ta the point where
ithe flooding of the country to prevent
invasion may be jeopardized by Ger
man a-fflts.
. .(Continued from page;u!e)
Every effort was made to tiinto
the slip sp she would go down in deep
water. As she settled and struck bot
tom, she careened over on her port
A survey was started this afternoon
to ascertain steps necessary to raising erican war both ships were employed as
the St. Paul and putting her back in auxiliary cruisers by the United States
service. There is no way of telling how .navy.
long this operation will take.
The St. Paul has recently been in
government service.
Will Be Raised Soon.
There were 47 United States naval
gunuiers on the St. Paul. One of them de
clared he had seen a workmen jump
overboard. One of the sailors, according
to this statement, leaped into the water
in an attempt at rescue, but failed. As
tho liner settled an effort was made
to keep her at an even keel by drawing
taut hawsers attached to each side, but
to no avail.
i'rank . Rennick, Brooklyn carpenter,
was missing three hours after the acci
dent. Tim police gave out the names of the
following four men slightly hurt:
Willium Cray, Detective Prank Brecn,
Joseph Accersia and Petro Slofto.
Men aboard said the St. Paul started
to list as she was part way from the
drydock to her pier, that the list be
came sharper as she neared shore. She
finally settled in. forty feet of water-
There were 500 drydock workers and
part of the crew aboard at the time. It
was rumored that one man had drowned,
leaping from tlui ship and disappearing,
but there was no confirmation.
The St- Paul is one at the largest
American linen. She is a steel twin
screw steamer of ,"10,230 tons, 535.5
feet long and has a beam of"u3 feet
nd depth of 26.8 feet.
She was built by W. Cramps and
Sons of Philadelphia in 1805. She is
owned by the International Mercantile
company and is registered at New
She is a sister ship of the steamer
St. Louia and durifng the Spanish-Am-
(Continued from page one)
est blunder of the war.
' With the failure of the submarines
and the failure of the German militar
ists to foresee what America's part in
the war would mean, it is.no wonder
that- member of the rede hstag are be
coming skeptical of the value of Hin
denburg's recovery at so tremendous
a blood cost of territory he voluntar
ily abandoned a year ago.
Von Hrndenburg's reputation may
even now be on the verge of collapse.
There is no doubt but that his unpar
alleled prestige at least is beginning
to tremble with the halt of the Ger
man 'advanre. Tho reiehsta? is privi
leged to aask questions of the govern
ment. These questions must grow in
cnibarransment so long as the allies
hold Hindenburg at bay. Every Ger
hfronlt will be provocation of further
unrest among the members of the
reichstag in Burlin.
San Jacinto and Hemet WiD
Bar All But Nonstable
Buildings .
San Jacinto, Cal., April 24 San
Jaac')ito and Hemet will rear them
selves from demolition immune in the
future U earthquakes, it was decided
today by councils in both stricken cit
ies. Ordinances will be passed barrin?
the construction of anything but earth
quake proof buildings such as were
constructed in San Francisco after the
quake and fire there in 1906. -
Offers of financial assistance fTom
many quarters will be accepted and
the towns will be completely rebuilt
in the most modern way. Relief funds
have been Marted at Riverside, Po
mona, Pasadena and many other south
em California towns.
Both San Jacinto and Hemet stand
by their liberty bond subscriptions
,which have showed over subscriptions
of several thousand dollars. The fed
eral reserve bank at San Francisco of
fered to waive the quota entirely.
Bed Cross to Help
San Francisco. April 24. At the re
quest of Mayor Horace Porter of Riv
erside, Charles J. O'Connor, director
of civilian relief of the American Red
Cross, was eta route to Son Jacinto to
day to aid in the rehcbilitntion of San
Jacinto and Hemet-
O'Connor was instructed by Marshal
Hale, manager ot the Paeifie division
of the Red Cross, to make a thorough
inspection and extend what relief is
(Continued from page one)
released here without fear of being
grabbed by the California officers. The
California authorities refused to do this,
it is reported. '
Reports from the penitentiary are to
the effect that Martiu is a favorite out
there and has been working with Joe
Keller in distributing the governor '
campaign pictures. But he did not make
any friends for himself or tho govern
or when he insinuated that Mr. Harris
was unpatriotic becauso he declined to
have the governor's picture in his stor,
window as not only Mr. HnrriB, but his
friends, "are indignant about the matter,
Berlin via Amsterdam, April 25.
"Tho British .naval attack on Zeo
biuggo and Ostend failed to impede
German naval operations," tho Ger
man admiralty of ficially announced today.
1 . V5.-W.-
'COME 7.HROTJGH" is the biggest melodrama this town will see this sea
son. It's the photodrama that set all N. Y talking. Written by George
Brouson Howaid, You'll hugely enjoy ft You'll talk about it. , .
San Francisco, April 25. Thomas J.
HON. F. C. HARLKY, mayor of As-
Mooney, .under sentence of death for , toria, is seeking tho republican noml-
j'ttitieipaition in the preparedness pa- atiou for governor of tho state. Mo
lade bojnbing of July 22, 1916, ,today machine, no clique and no bankroll are
issued a statefent tfTom his cell in the . back of him, but he stands on a plat-
unty jail declaring that he would ' ?m c!lll Pcitic planks tavor
),.: L !, i,..,- s. ..n i'tttwotism, labor, development of
i lather be hanged than have his sen
tence ciojnmuted to life imprisonment.
equally excellent qualities, that the
judges were- only aula, to arrive at a
decision after many hours of re-reading
and comparison. It is evident from the
essays themselves, that the school child
ren of Portland have gained a pretty
c.'iar understanding of the issues involv
ed. While the bonds will be given to
the school of which the winner is a mem
ber, tho child will be awarded an appro
priate insignia of honor.
Another feature will be the unfurling
of tke state honor flag. In addition to
the honor flog, a Third Liberty Loan
Honor Roll, containing the names of all
tho counties, the amount of their quo
ta, the amount subscribed and the per
centage above their quota, is being plan
ned by Manager RoLwrt E. Smith, and
Bhould it meet with the approval of the
Liberty Loan committee, tho Roll will
bo accurately filled out about May 4th
when the amounts will be definitely
known. The Roll will tli.cn be rramed
and hung in the lobby of the State
House, where It will bo preserved as a
state record. It is hoped that duplicates
of this Honor Roll may be printed or
embossed and placed on record in the
court houses of the various counties, in
(ir.lor to show the part played by the
county in the Third Liberty Loan. It is
rhn desire of Manager Smith to cstab
lish this as a precedent and to keep a
like roll of honor for each future drive.
A Unsold Wool
In Federal Hands
Washington, April 25,
have been taken to "control all
wool", officials of the war industries
board stated today, after a conference
with wool growers. Whethor outright
seizure will be resorted to will depend
largely on the .attitudo of tho holders
of wool, it was indicated. While a basic
prW has been agreed upon, it was
stated that differentials hud not been
worked out.
Oregon resources, light wines and beer,
distinctly excluding whiskey and sa
loons. "
Ho is striving for a greater Oregon,
an Oregon for ull.uiot a few, and hji
slogan is "Do' you want a 'live statef
j Veto for Hafley tor governor." If you
are in favor of liberty at home, ns well
Measures ns abroad and believe in a square deal
tor all, become a Hurley lieutenant by .
writing to the Harley for Goveunor
League, Portland Hotel," Portluini.
Lieutenants era needed in every pre
cinct. Pa. Adv.
Final Demonstration of the
Wonderful Spirit of
' Patriotic People
Portland, Or., April 25. Liberty day
designated by President Wilson as Fri
day, April 2t, will bo an -occasion of
patriotic gatherings throughout the
state, a final demonstration of the won
derful spirit with which Oregon has
responded to the appeal of the Third
Liberty Loan and come, out first in the
fulfillment of its quota.
It will be a day on which every citi
zen who possesses the emblem of tho
Stars and Stripes will see that it floats
assault that fails along the west j ?om ? housetop, from his porch is
automobile. Public gatherings of var
ious sorts will be held and honor flags
and honor rolls displayed. In Portland
Liberty Day will be marked by patriotic
music and a community sing at Liberty
Temple. This will take place at the
noon hour.
The awarding of the tSO prizo bonds
for the best essays written by tho school
children on "Why We Should Buy
Washington, April 25. Far awaj
Alaska 's first draft contribution to the
military strength of the nation is now
movinrr to camp, Provost Marshal Gen
Aral Prawrlpr announced todav.
" T ! . Tl 1. II "11 I .. . . 1 . B -
The mobilization has Keen delayed i "oeriy uonus. mu i i m
by winter weather closing the trails 'tnre of the program.: In these essays
and other lines of communication but the points, why Liberty Bonds should
587 men, the territory's quota nndel purchased, and what will be done
the first draft will soon be drilling at moner tLat Koe into the bon,ls
Fort Seward, Haines. Alaska. iTe o well brought out that it was
difficult, Indeed, to attempt a choice
of the best. There were so many with
Are You Still
Young at Heart?
Then Why Look Older
Than You Feel?
Evory woman is as young as
she looks, so why let sentiment
or prejudice prevent your keep
ing youthful as long as you wisht
Not long ago many women
would not use face powders or
cosmetics. Today, most women
know their need and use them.
This is equally true of the hair
restorer. Thousands of women
keep their hair dark and youthful
It is not a dye, but a delightful
toilet preparation which gradually
brings buck all the natural eolor
and gloss.
Q-ban will not
stain the scalp,wasa nr-j.r
or rub off; and
docs not interfere
with washing or
waving the hair.
Keeps ( glossy and
Bold by good drug
gists everywhere on
Money-Buck guar
antee price 75c.
Today the United Slates government
under an order issued from the. office
of the quartermaster general, has com-mnndeere-d
tho entire 1918 clip of wool
of the country and all spot wools re
maining from the 1917 clip. The price
to bo paid is to be that of July SO, 1917
but as details have not been worked
out it is impossible to give prices at
this time.
This word was received from Wash
ington, D.. C, this morning by the Col
umbia Basin Wool Warehouse company
and from the same place by the 11. P.
Norton company.
From tho telcgramt received, it is be
lieved the producer will receive every
possible advantage in the matter ot
grading and prico. It is understood that
a profit will be nllowed sufficient to
stimulate production.
The decision is presumably the result
of a conference of members of the Na
tional Wool Browcrs' asosciation wi'h
the price fixing committee of the war
industries board.
Tho dealers at tho conference which
began yesterday represent interests
from Boston, New York, Philadelphia
St. Louis and Chicago. The growers ar
from practically all the wool growing
Just how much wool remains from the
1917 clip unsold in tho warehouses of
Portland is not known but an inventory
was begun immediately upon receipt of
the Washington dispatch to determine
the exact amount.
One effort of Jhis action will be to
put an immediate stop to the selling
of wool of cither the 1917 or 1918 clips.
A wire received by the H. P. Norton
company this morning surs:
"Tk, government is going to take
over all the wool which has been offered
it by the Boston wool trade, which in-'
eludes all the wool held in Boston nndl
all the wool which has been offered by I
tho Boston dealers belonging to consign-!
ors from different parts of the country
The government will also take over all
of the new clip. The price has not yet
be.cn arranged, but it will be bused on
July 30, 1917."
Wool prices in Oregon on July 3Q,
1917, follow:
Willamette Valley, coarse 5860 cents
a pound; medium 60(oj65 cents. Eastern
Oregon fine, 00C0 cents; coarse, 55
(fi60 cents.
It must not be taken for granted these
are the prices the government will pay
for Oregon wool. They are published
merely to give an idea of what was ac
tually paid in this state at that tlnv3.
The difference in quotations here in
other wool producing states, in Boston
and elsewhere is considerable and what
the government is expected to do is to
arrive at a compromise which will be
fair to everybody concerned. '
Some Good Advice
"Don't think too much of your own
methods. Watch other pooplu's ways
aud learn from them." This is good ad
vice, especially when bilious or consti
pated. Vou will find many people who
use Chamberlain's Tablofs for theso
ailments with the best results, and will
do well to follow their example.
These days when a fellow starts to
brag you don't know whether he's goin;
to finish up by telling you about hU
baby or his wnr garden. '
!- .ay
is a cool
ing, refreshing, satis
fying drink the best
you ever tasted.
Try it today you'll
say "it's the drink for
Alpha is a bev
erage of quality
served wher
ever soft drinks
are sold. Order a
acquainted with
new beverage.
Alpha Beverage
Chicago, III.
Aik Your Dealer
T.W.JLiiACt. UniJoMt&C.
Portland. Oregon
H. I kyi m m ati hi 1
tft AH.'ll IN( n