Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 25, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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Recovered Her Health
Without An Operation
it's a
Steadies nerves
'Allays" thirst
Aids appetite
Helps digestion
Keeps teeth clean
It's economical
Keep the soldiers and y
Jr ' sailors xm,.M" X
y avors -gSJ
Chew it after every meal
British Revise Attack
Northwest of Albert
By WUUam Philip Bluuus,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
With the British Armies, April 24.
An attack fcy Germans on the British
linos northwest of Albert Wars repulsed
by the British. Following half an hour
OonsUpatlon and Indigestion
Tbnao are twin evils. Persons suffer
ing from indigestion, aro often trou
bled with constipation. Mrs. Robert
Allison, Mattoon, 111., writes that when
she first moved to. Ma'toon she wan a
Krca sufferer from indigestion and
conetflpation- Food distressed her and
there waa a feeling like a heavy
weiidit preening on her etomarh and
het. &he did not rest well at night,
and felt worn out a good part of the
time. One battle of Chamberlain ' Tab
lta corrected this trouble ao that she
la aiuoa felt like a different person.
of intense shelling, the Oerinni in
I fantry lisped from thoir trenches and
'advanced to the assault. British rifles
and machine guns drove the enemy
I Astride the Lawe river north of
Bethune t'fce enemy deluged the British
positions with high explosive shells for
half an h(.ur early todny.
Northwest of Merville masses of en
emy troops were observed concentrut
; ing for an attack, but the British artil
; lery opened on thorn with such deadly
eitect tnat the attack was give up.
Washington, April 24. Senator
Chamberlain of Oregon this afternoon
threw his support behind the Overman
empowering bill. In a speech to the
senate, Chamberlain announced he
would vote for the bill if it is amended
to exclude the interstate commerce
commission and the federal reserve
board fi em the reorganisation con
templated by the measure.
tittsyJFTr. ' ,
v. v TS7! ar.vj t ,,..-).'-..a u A ' v--. if ...'Vr
Practical Patriotism1
If you want to do your part toward food
conservation you can do no less than follow
Hoover's advice "Use more vegetable."
The best way, the most economic way,
ia to mow your own. And it's easy, pro
vided you buy the best aeeds in other
worda, Morse's.
Get the right start for your garden by
preparing the ground now. Morse's 1918
Garden Guide tells how also tells what to
plant and when to plant for best results.
There is a copy waiting for you. Write
today. We'll send it ree.
- C. C. MORSE & CO.
TM Frart Stmt Sn FranclMO
Mva'i Suit am mlj nvrvwAci 6v Fbilih
.ItlftPSI jf5?.,
i. St s
Must Conserve 1,680,000
Tons For Use by Women
In Canning Season
Washington, April 4. Rationing of
confectioners and manufacturers using
sugar is coming soon, it was learned'
This step, to follow closely the sngm
card or certificate for housewives, is
believed necessary to provide sugar far
the canning season about to begin.
Over 1,080,000 tons of sugar are used
every year for cauning fruits and vege
tables, sugar experts declare. All ex
cept ii0,000 tons of this is used by the
housewives in the millions of American
kitchens, ,
Hoover's sugar card while not so dras-
tei as those issued iu .Europe, pledges
householders buying sugar on the card
to use it only for canning and preserv
ing. Hurplus sugar must be returned.
Kutiomng of von feet toners, manufac
turers of soft driuka and other lurae
sugar users dove-tuila with tho whole
war program of the nation reflected in
tho fuel administration's announcement
today that commercial greeuhousos
must cut their coal consumption fifty
por cent. Wealthy estates must reduce
coul used lit their luxurious hothouses,
also. Private yachts are to suffer an
equul cut. Passenger ear manufacture,
it ja indicated, may be cut down to 2 per
cent of the 1 1 1 7 output.
Shipping shortngo is cutting off con
siderably from the Cunan ugar Im
portation. Pood administration offi
cials aro counting on 2."0,000 tons of
Cuban sugar a month for the tea months
period which began March 1.
Petroit, Mich., April 23. Detroit 'a
streetcar strike, lmh has tied np all
surface lines here for two days, ended
at aoon today wlten both sides airrecd to
accept federal arbitration.
The men will return, to work immed
iately on the old scale of wages, pending
federal adjustment.
By Carol 5. Dibble
Dt. M. E. Pomeroy waa hostess lor
the Willing Hand auxiliary yesterday
afternoon at her home on North Win
ter street. Owing to the small amount
of material on hand the tegular Bed
Cross seiwmg oerupied only a part of
the afternoon, the remainder of which
was pleanntly paaud with cards. The
members circled three tables ef five
hundred, the high score falling to Mrs.
Boota C. Hunter. The auxiliary will
be entertained mrxi week by Mrs. Joha
Tiaeger, whefc s(a all day session, is
thirty and Mrs. Frederick Stew-art will
assist the hostess in entertaining.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Kirk were
reett visitors in Eugene, where they
were the guests of the R. A. Booth.
Mr. Kirk also attended the annual ini
tiation, of the Alpha Tin Omega fra
ternity ta' which he belongs.
Bar W. Reynolds is visiting his par
en.," Mr. and Mrs- Walter Reynolds,
at their home in the vieinity of Sun-
nyside. Mr. Reynolds who is connected
with the Glendale Pharmacy, is enjoy
ing an annual vacation, part of which
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powell have rC
turned from a vtst of several weeks ; he spent in Portland,
spent in Ouster, South Dakota, wfiere
they were the guests of Mr. foweirs
parents. The Powells will remain in
balem for a short time with Mrs. Pow
ell's parent Mr. -arid Mrs. George a.
The Daughters
of the
The Oregon delegation to the con
vention of the General Federation of
Women's clubs, to be held in Hot
Springs, Arkansas, April 30 to May 9,
inclusive, are leaving sPortluiid ,this
week. Mrs. Esther Allen Jotoes and
Mrs. Sadie Orr Dumfoar left Tuesday.
Revolution will meet tjaturday after- Mrs. Jobes will be an interesting vis
noon with Miss Margaret Roberts atiitor at the convention, owing to the
the Mute school, where Miss Roberts fact that she possesses the honor of
is an instructor. A timely topie on the
program will be "Practical gifts for
our txryu in the trenches, wnicn win
ba discussed tn detaal by several mem
bers including Mrs. Seymour Jones,
Mrs. Frank Miller and Mrs. Russell
The Aid society of the Presbyterian
church will meet tomorrow afternoon
at two thirty with Mrs. George J
Pearce, at her residence 207 North
Winter street- AddWufial hostesses
will be Mrs. M. L. Tipple, Mrs. K. C,
Small. Mrs. C. W. Brant, Mrs. E. Lamb
atod Mrs. Joseph Albert-
Mrs- Kate Kennel, who has "been vis
itiing her sister, Mr. K. B. liocflin,
will return to her home in Portland to
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge E. Schaefer
and Mrs. A. H. Moore were Portland
visitors yesterday, motoring down for
the day.
Mrs. Pal Tatton is passing several
days in Portland, where her "Another,
Mis. It A. Tibconibe, has been eonfwi
ed to her home with, an attack of pa
Dr. M. E. Pomeroy, Mrs. Ray Pome
roy, Mrs. John Traeger and Mrs. O. 8.
Holland motored to Portland last ev
ening, returning today.
The Woman's Union of the First
Ctigregational church will be enter
tained tomorrow afternoon by Mrs. K,
J. Parkhurst at her daughter, Mrs.
Homer Smith's residence, 075 Summer
street. The meeting will be at two
Moving Picture World
" 'The Honor System' meets every
demand. It reveals an extensive and
correctly mounted production, filled
with striking scenes, nuich quick not
ion and a human appeal that will find
ready response from every true man
and worthy woman."
Dramatic News
"William Fox has given us a picture
that stands shoulder to shoulder with
Tho Birth, of a Nation.' "
Brooklyn Eagle
"Too much that is good cannot bo
said about it. H i a play that deals
with biig things in a big way. Interest
is never lost throughout, the thread of
the intensely human drama and the ex
ecution itself is remarkable."
New York Times
"'The Honor System' is the mo
tion picture pretty nearly at its best.
You must certainly sec tho new pic
ture at the Lyric."
being the only Oregon woman who be-
loaigs to the Pioneer Uub Workers as
sociation, an organization which in
cludes only those whj held office in
the general federation in it early days
Mrs. Dunbar is chnirtnata of the edu
cational committee of the ftate Feder
ation and is aLo secretary of the Ore
gen association for the Prevention of
Mrs- Charles H. Oastner of Hood
River, president of the state federa
tion; Mrs. Sarah Evans .director in
the general federation; Mrs. Emmi 1.
Holmes and Mrs. Shurtliff of the Rail
road Women's club, and Mrs. Asa B
Milliean of Prineville left for Hot
Springs yesterday.
Mrs. J. R. Loekwood of Kansas
City, Missouri, and Miss Sadie Lacy
of Medtford are visiting their father,
Rev. A. F. Lacy of the Jason Lee
church, at his residence, 1314 North
'apitol street. The visitors will remain
in Salem until ithe recovery of their
mother-, who -is quit ill at the Deacoiv
ess hospital. Miss Lacy bias proven a
most welcome addition to the musical
circles of the church, being the pos
scosor of a very pleasing voice, with
which she has delighted small gather
ings of friends on several occasions
siice her arrival in Salem.
Mrs. J. F. Dunlap went to Portland
today, where she will visit her hus
band, who wias called to Portland pre
viously on business. Mrs. ! unlnp will
remain over the week en?
S-1m A J
- mrs. wm. McLaren
Found Remedy That Made
. the Use of the Knife
After enduring the agony of an
acute attack of gall stones, and bcir
threatened with an operation as tt
only'eure, Mrs. William McLaren, lota
Niagara Ave., Niagara Falls, N. Y
found relief by using a simple, inex
pensive remedy that is sold in drti-
stores and that anyone can buv. ij
telling of her experience Mrs. McLar
en says: "I was examined by seven,!
doctors at the Falls aad they agreed I
had a severe case ef gall stones as J
would have to undergo an operatic
to get Telicf. I had read of people wb
claimed to have beca Cired of gait
stones bv a nredicaie called Fruitii;
so I tried it and today I am well and strong. Fruitola did it, and saved ay
life, I believe."
Fruitola and Traxo ate compounded from the original Edsali formulas at
the Pinus laboratories in Monttcello, Ills-, and caa be purchased at Fry's
Drue Store, 280 North Commercial St. a doctor's preteriptioa is not neces
sary. Fruitola is a pure fruit oil that acts as .an . inf'.-stinal lubricant and
disintegrates tho hardened particles that cause so much suffering, discharg
ing the accumulated waste to the sufferer's intense relief. One dose is nn-a
ally sufficient to indicate its efficacy. Traxo is a tonic alterative that s
most effective to rebuild and restore the weakened, run down system
A booklet of special interest te those who suffer from stomach trouble ena
be obtained by writing to the Pinus Laboratories, Monticcllo, Illinois. t
Improve Your
Know the joy of a
better complexion.
You can instantly
render to your skin
a beautiluL soft
nearly-white appear
ance that will be
the wonder of your
frlcndi if you will um
A 13
Oriental Cream
ScnJlOc tor Trial SU
' i 4
Wtw York: Tribune
"Every one who sees it will send all
his friends to see it, and by that time
it will be time for nun to see i
New York American
'"The Birth of a Nation' at last
ccKpsed. Made new history in the film
business. The most vital story e
put on the screen."
This wonderful 10 reel production
will be shown at the Liberty theater
next Sunday and Monday.
Outdoor Workers
ar subject to exposure to all kinds
of weather, and strenuous outdoor
work brings the rheumatic ache. You
can't a fiord to bcluid up, to heed that
first twinge of rheumatism. Usa
Sloan's Liniment. Cleaand con
venient, no need to rub, no stains,
no clumsy plaster and your pain
Sprains. Mraiaa, Mon'tri arhea and tiff.
ate muMlca are tall rabmal by a appU
utioa of Sanaa Uaiaaeat.
CaMtoua ain bottles at all dnitiiata.
Sloan' prices act increased 25c, 50c $1
To Be Given by the High
school Ifcerus Direcied by
Miss lfaella Magers
Those who enjoy eood music, with
lot of fun mixed in will ea.-joy the com
io opera "The Chimes of Normandy'
o ue staged by the High school chorus
under the direction of Miss MiuueHa
Magers Monday evening, May 6. It is a
story of peasant life in France, in a
quami out iasnion.?a Normandy town
during the 17th century. The old fash
ioned dress is quaint and picturesque
irom me rougn plain Uress of the ser
vant to the handsouvj peasant dress
used at the fair and by the village
belles. Tho costumes will be rented fro.n
a Seattle house which furnished the
el.'gant costumes used in "First Lady
or me iaui," umier direction of Mr
Clark. The stuge .setting will be entire
ly in the hands of Mr. Bouneli of the
manual training department, which in
sures the best in stag,? effects. While
Mr. Clark has full control of the busi
ness management aim ts ptovlnz him
self very efficient indeed, ino i.pcia
will be staged by almut 40 selevt.-'il from
the chorus of laO. Miss Joanna .Tames
who was leading lady in the Mikauo
two years ago, when staged for a local
ledge by Mr. Wilson of Mvdford, has
the part of Geiniaiue, leading lady.
Henri, the prineijml man's part .s
wk-11 sustained by Wm. Harrij, who it
11 be remembered took the part ef
Scarief in Robia Hood. Oreuichaux, the
fisherman in love with 'icrmanie, ij
taken ty G'orge BorPt, Serpolctte tLa
merry mischief n aker of the village Vy
Florence Jones, baspard the old mis'r
verv dutieuU part is w-:ll sustuin.'-d
by Charles Douglas. The fat and pomp
ous old Bailli, by Phil Elliott. The no-
tarv and clerks by Ira Cave, Donald
Davidson and Lloyd Waltz. These with a
grand chorus of selected voices as pea
sants will eive an evening ef good mu
sic. Full of acting everything moving
right along, nnd full of fun, Miss Lil
lian Stege will insure tho best iu the
orchestra accompaniment. Remember
the date May 6, and remember the en
tire amount above expenses will go to
the Liberty Loan Fund. Enjoy au even-1
ing of fun and helii Uncle Sam.
Simpson For Governor
Makes Steady Prcgi'ess
Stop Itching Eczema
Never mind how often vou have tried
and failedsyou can stop burning, Itching
Portland, Or., April 25,--L. J. Simp- j eczema quickly by applying a little zemo -
son, the North Bend candidate for t ho j furnished by any druggist for 35c. Extra
republican nomination for governor, 1ms! large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the
jumpeo. into tno trout rank as a con
tender for tho nomination, With the
solid support of Coos and Curry counties
he started with a formidable following,
which has grown as the result of his
tour through eastern Oregon and tlw
Willamette Valley. Wise politicians now
predict he will carry Multnomah coun
ty. Mr. Simpson is strong wilh laoor
having the endorsement of thousands of
Coos Bay workers in tho sawmills, ship
yards and logging camps. In nineteen
years as au executive ut the head of
large lumber mills and shipyards, Mr.
Simpson never had a strike or a per
sonal injury suit, and although ho built
many houses on time for his men, never
foreclosed on a mortgage or sued on a
promissory note. Mr. Simpson not only
understands the. importance of securing
friendly co-operation between labor ana
capital, but having developed and put.
on a paying basis his large ranch at
Shoreacres, understands tho problems
and difficulties of tho fanneT. Having
built up the industries of North Bend
he believes iu home industry and appeals
to the business men as a builder and a
Since the entry of the United tSates
into tli.s war he has devoted bis time
to patriotic endeavor in working for the
Liberty Loans, Red Cross and War Sav
ing Stamp activities. Mr. Simpson is
winning the support of republicans
everywhere who believe not only in vig
orous support of the nation's war ac
tivities, but also in having at the state 's
hoad a trained business executive who
will pursue an active war-winning policy
of developing the state's latent re
courr.es and giving an active, energetic
constructive, businesslike administration
moment zemo is applied. In a short time
usually every trace of eczema, tetter,
pimples, ra9h, blackheads and similar
kin diseases will be removed.
For clearing the skin and making it
vigorously healthy, always use cemo, the
penetrating, antiseptic liquid. It is not a
greasy salve and it does not stain. When
others fail it is the one dependable treat
ment for skin troubles of all kinds, if
" The E. W. Rose Co.. Cleveland, a
Fierce Bombardment
Paris, April 2i A terrific German
bombardment Ibetwecn the Scmmc and
Avre rivers was reported today by the
rrctach war office-
m mm
an imrwir" iniiianwiniwii 1 ' ai 'TiiiHr'
Face Powder
It clings to skinstpys on. Re
moves all shine. Enhances nat
ural beauty with velvety smooth
ness. Tint for every complexion.
Exquisite fragrarxe. The pow
der that is different anuuately
betttr. Tryitandst-a.
123 S. High St
and a cup of coffee are the
foundation of thousands of
breakfasts. Don't let poor
toast or constant trotting
back and forth to the kitch
en range mar the joy of
your morning meal.
An Electric Toaster
is instantly ready to make
the most delicious toast you
ever ate right at the table,
to be served crisp and piping
hot as needed. Cool easy
clean f retless the ideal
way for toast-making.
Order yours today;
Telephone 85
237 N. liberty St.