Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 25, 1918, Image 1

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(22,000 BEADES3) OAtLT
Oily Circulation ta Sites Guar
anteed tj the A adit Buieas. of
( Circal&ttons
One bojo
Oregon: Tonight
fair, with liht
frost in the west
portion and heavy
frest in the east
portion; Friday
fair and warmer;
moderate norther
ly winds.
i(0 Iff -. .i
JPVrf i-
fl ,4 I
iwbs- r .
TriGers-Briionneux Rather Important " Railroad Town Is
Taken First-Later Hangard-Ea-Santerre, Which Was
Defended by Americans and French Was Captured
Germans Paid Tremendous Price Iu Lives For It Airmen
- Cave Warning of the Assault
Pari a. Anr.1 9 "TV. a r.armnno Iiotto Annlnt.A1 Un
gard-En-Santerre (where American and" French troops
are fighting shoulder to shoulder), the French war office
announced today.
"The battle continued violently around Hangard-En-Santerre
where the Germans centeied their attacks dur
ing the night," the communique said.
"The enemy took the city during the night, but was
driven out by our counter attacks. It was then retaken
by the Germans at the price of heavy casualties. The
French hold the outskirts and the Germans have been
unable to push them out of the city, despite repeated
! "Artillery fighting continues with violence on both
sides of the Ancre. '
" "West of Lassigny, south.of Coucy-Le-Chateau and in
Lorraine we made several successful raids and took a
number of prisoners.
"Artillery fighting was active in the region of Flirey
(three miles east of Seicheprey, where French and Amer
icans recently repulsed a determined German assault),
and Reger.eville (five miles northeast of Flirey)."
By William Phillip Slnims
(United Pres. staff correspondent)
With the British Armies in France,
April 25. Desperate) fightiri? -boiled
ou-tho height east of Amiens through
wut 'the night. '
Tanks were used on both sides for
the fire time iu. history.
As this is cabled ' the situation ou
the Villers-Bretonneux ridge looks bet
ter. A British counter alttnck seems to
have made progress, driving the Ger
mans out of Aqueune wood, west of
Villeiis-Brotonjneux. The situation in
the town itself is uncertain, beiug of
n touch-and-go nature.
First reports suggest, the British
rtiiuks drove the others off the lielJ,
mince the German infantry, supported
ly its tanks, has been flung back.
Two British tanks crawled up and
down the' lines, mowing down the Gcr
man infantry in windrows.
Strikes at Two Points
London, April 2."i. Itindenburg is
flfcrikdng simultaneously in Picardy and
While the battle still swirled around
Villers-Bretonneux today in tho drive
against Amiens, the Germans orc
thrusting against, the northern lflie of
the Flanders battle front.
Tho enemy suffered a temporary re
verse on boith fronts, ITaig reported to
day. In the neighborhood of Villers
Bretonneux the British regained some
ground by counter 'attacks. Northeast
oif . Baillcul, in Flanders, tho French
repulsed a heavy attack yesterday ev
ening, but the aasnhlt was renewed
(Continued in page six.)
There 'i few things -as nnwrtaia as
collections an' paperhangers. Hoaetiiswe
a woman 11 gi; fo hard pressed fer Home
thin t' boast of that she'll say aer kus
band is going t buy m ear h th
atate goet dry- ,
Abe Martin
T fi ""4 "H 1 J S
' fit .
Bloody Battle In Los Angeles
Saloon Follows Attempt
Los Angeles, Cel., April 25. Two men
are dead, one other probably dying in
hiding, another fatally wounded' and a
fifth severely injured is the bloody toll
of a fierce gun battle in which &?von
men. engaged in a Vernon saloon early
today, following the attempted robbery
of the place.
The dead are William Griffin, a bar
tender, and one of the bandits, yet un
identified. The man believed to be dy
ing in hiding is one of the bandit trio.
Cadet Yriborni, proprietor of the Vernon
bar, is fatally wounded, shot through
the lung, and the third of the bandits
in carrying a gunshot wound.
I iaving their dead companion behind,
the two remaining bandits fought their
way out of the bar and to their ma
chine. Here the second bandit fell in a
heap. The other carried the inert body
to the machine and dashed away.
The battle started as Griffin refused
ta open the cash till. With one shot
from tho trio Griffin dropped dead be
hind the bar. Chief of Police Harris of
Vernon, a suburb, was in tho proprie
tor 's office talking to Yriborni. He and
Yriborni rushed out. As they did, they
were targets for the bandit trio. Yri
borni caught a bullet in the lungs and
fell back in Harris' arms. Drawing his
revolver, the chief shot the nearest ban
dit dead and followed after they started
running from tho building.
All three bandits appeared to be
youths under twenty. They wor,3 white
handkerchiefs for masks, and carried
automatic revolvers.
London, April 25. "Our air
craft observed a break of twen
ty feet in the Zeebrngge mole, If
at the inner end," an admiralty
announcement stcf s.
"At Ostend, a sunken object
was observed between the piers,
blocking the greater part of the
Panta Eosa, Cab, April 25. E. H.
Tryon, prominent wool man of Stockton
and San Francisco, today said he had
received a notice that the governnvnt
is taking over all wool on tho basis of
the price quotations of March 30. Tryon
is here oa a visit.
Portland, Or, April 25. The
hull of the wooden steamer Cap
onka, riding serenely in the Wil
lamette river today, represents
the world's speed record in
wooden ship construction, it hav
ing taken the Grant Smith-Porter
Ship company but 49 days
to complete this latest aid to
the cause of democracy.
The best previous time was
that made ou the steairvr Wa
ken, which was launched by the
same company in 52 days.
The ship was sponsored by
Miss Helen Cantine, daughter of
E. L. Cantiue, inspector for the
federal emergency ship corpora
tion. The Caponka is 286 fret long
46 feet beam and has a tonnage
of 3500. She is the tenth craft
launched by the Grant Smith
Porter firm since February IT.
Blow at Submarines Coupled
With His Failure Causes
Worry Iii Rdchstag
By J. W. T. Mason
(Written for the United Press)
Now York, April 25. The assemb
ling of the reichstag this week has in
creased, the urgency for a quick Ger
man vidtory along the westt front, and
it is principally to forestall criticism
by the members of the reichstag that
Von Hijiidertbttrg is now trying to
drive his aemi-exhauste4 troops to a
further advance.
A 'firm stand by the allies at this
time, and the consequent abandonment
by Hindenbung of his new offensive
will undoubtedly have a profound ef
fect ou the reichstag- There is no ques
tion but that a critical attitude toward
the stupendous west front slaughter of
Germans has arisen in the reichstag.
The territorial gains are coming to be
considered wholly inadequate compen
sation for (the heavy casualties by a
growing section of Gilman publie opin
ion. Unless Hindonburg therefore can
conjure up a new victory of stupend
ous jiroportiofns, he must suibmiit to in
creasing criticism at home that will
seriously threaten his prestige.
The reichstag has -just heard from
Minister erf Marine Von Capelle a very
unconvincing statement aibcut subma
rine successes. The reU-hsl'ag too, is be
ginning to reaKze that the govern
ment's contemptuous disbelief in Am
erica 's ability to end u grealt army to
France is being shown to be. tho great-
(Continued ou page three)
Had Just Come From Brook
lyn Drydock Where She
Was Repaired
500 Dry Dock Workers and
Fart of Crew On Board
No Lives Lost
New York, -April 25. The huge Am
erican liuer St. Paul sank at her dock
at the foot of Twenty First street short
ly after noon today. Her seacocks are
supposed to have been left open, either
from accident or design. As far as ij
known there was no loss of life.
The steamer was coming from the
Brooklyn drydock, where she had been
undergoing impairs" since her arrival
from a European port, April 15.
As she' was warping into her berth
alongside pier 61, in thevNorth River
she began to siuk.She settled slowly into
the ooze of the river bed and is now ly
ing on her port side, only partially .sub
merged. A heavy guard of soldiers and police
men was instantly thrown about her.
The only information given out was a
police, statement that it was believed
her seacocks had been opened. Whether
this was through enrlessness at the
Brooklyn drydock or whether it was
done while she was enroute to her berth,
is not known.
This phase is b?ing investigated by
federal authorities. .
no Time usL'i'i i
Ambulances were rushed to tha pier,
but it was declared there had been no
loss of life. Police and military officials
wre checking . up the members of tl-
crew, however, so that each member will
be accounted for.
leave the pier until the investigation
lias be,?n completed.
The investigation as to opening the
seacocks was exlcndcd to the Eric basin,
where the big liner had been lnid up.
"We beb'.3vc a hole was left in her
side," said one Investigator.
After a checking up of all aboard, it
was announced this afternoon that two
of the workmen had been injured.
The St. Paul was towed from the dry
dock by tugs. She started to acttlo just
as she' rounded the eiic1. of the wharf.
i.w wv .v v.
.n n.in n-.ll lA n nlt'nH tn An . O ni
(Continued on page three)
London, April 25. Winston Churchill, minister
of munitions, announced in the house of commons'
this afternoon that since the present battle began
British losses of. material included 1,000 cannon,
between 4,000 and 5,050 machine guns and "be
tween two and three weeks" total manufacture
of munitions."
. "We now have more serviceable guns than at
the beginning of the battle," Churchill said, "and
have added to our air service twice the number of
machines lost or destroyed."
"Given loyal support by the workers, we can go
through the 1918 fight on the present scale with
outjbreaking into the 1919 requirements," the
minister said.
"At the end of last week all the British munition
losses of. the present battle have been made good.
"Every lost tank has been replaced with one of
a newer and better pattern.
"We are now making more airplanes in a week
than during the whole of 1914; more in a quarter
than during the whole of 1916 and our output in
1918 will be many times that of 1916.
"Women are making nine-tenths of our output
of shells.'
Are Battling Side by Side With
British and French On
Two Sectors
"Wfladri n.ouvn 1
in the
25. Fiight'irg
storm center
LAmorWanj are
llth ' to 8mme.
Brigaded with the allies, they are
taking a valiant part in the struggle
that rages there, according to advices
toda Tho Ailutim or th. ieA ,ftnnliC9
I with Americans has proceeded so far
,i . .. .. -
iTnnr, now rA I TlltM Matn. ha. tnm
siderable repiresen ration in the bottle.
This strength i being constantly in
creased. The fact that our men aro withstand
ing tho Teuton blows in tho major
4 niggle was hailed as welcome tidings
here. With it comes the, thought that
tho American casualties will swell, but
that with every list there will be a
vaster cftie in Germany.
The brigading process flLill is under
way. At some paints the addition of
American forces to tho French and
British has been heavier than at oth
ers, it was officially etated, though
th war department
cate hew much of a
declined to indi-
strength wo have
The. Teuton smash south of the Soin
me is likely to go the route of Ger
many's other blows to date advance
for a time and then come to a com
plete block.
Expact German Gains '
This was how military mem sized up
the- prospoets today in . the - wake of
news that the offensive had netted 9
mile about Villers-Uretonneux and had
taken that place.
The tact that tho retirement else
where was small, as far as reported,
was taken as hopeful, though by no
mctjis conclusive, that Jr.l:)erc would
not bo Boimo "give" in the . allied
Tho new drive has the actual cap
ture of AmJens as its main objective,
apparently. Tho lirst objective, VU1-ers-BietoJineux,
has been taken, but
behind that place the terrain is such
as (to give the defenders an advant
age; and unless the line elsewhere re
cedes too much, tho Teuton will find
his progress beyond itrotonneux any
thing but easy going.
American army men arc disappointed
thnt resumption of the battlo found
the allies still on it ho defensive. But
they rely m thoroughly
Foch that they bclievo
on Ocfieral
he hus some
surprise Htratogy in store which makesi
an allied sttoke inadvisable at thh
Mmntiino, there is sl'rong urging for
the allies to purtrno the aggressive on
the seas, so valiantly undertaken iu
the Ostend and Zecibrngge raids. The
results are considered worth the sac
rifice if wimilnr daring and Initiative
is used henceforth iu a follow-up cam-
Say He Is the Man Who Ac
cused Storekeeper Hams
of Lack of Patriotism
Frank Martin is a convict. His prison
number is 71o0. He is the man who was
out with Joe Keller, state parole offi
cer, last week putting up campaign pic
tures of Governor Withycombc, and stir
red up considerable feeling when he in
timated that 8. A. Harris, proprietor of
the store at Hopmere was not patriotic
because he refused to permit one of the
governor's campaign plctores to bo plac
ed in his store window.
Martin was convicted of highway
robbery in Multnomah county and was
sent np in 1914 with a sentence of 10
years. He is a "repeater," having serv
ed time in prison before.
Information coming ' from reliable
sources is to the effect that Martin is
now wanted at Ban Quentin peniten
tiary, California, as a parole violator.
When Warden Murphy of the Oregon
prison was in California recently, it is
understood that he then endeavored to
persuade tho California authorities to
drop their case against Martin and thus
leave tlw way open for .Martin to be
Germany Desperate, Would
Violate Dutch NairaHty
Holland Fears Civil Service
Has Been Corrupted by
German Intrigue
The Hague, April 85 Ger
man cavalry .has appeared
along the Westphauan border,
hitherto guarded otalyby land
strum. A strong Gorman note, . de
manding a quick r"eply, has ar
rived. The main demand is for
free transportation of mater
ials through Holland to liil
gi'.im. Westphalia is a Prussian prov
we extending along th great
er part of the Dutch frontier.
It contains the Rhine valley,
Washington, April 25. Uenuanv ia
holding tha 'mailed! fist over Holland!
to mi fare o sanction of supply ohipmeata
through that country into Belgium.
Ill imp riftannMLfn ii ,w,v .A
a decision on tho west front. Teuton
diplomacy is once more showing its
mituiett tlisregard for th rights of
neutral. "
Tho situation appeared fraiiht with
war possiijiuties, Dut there was a
strango dearth of official news hero
uum-uiu'Mig uuveimjruiviriii.
If war comes, Germany would ua
doubtodly seek to plow through Hol
land, opening a path, to Belgium,
which she wants for troops and sup
plies. Holland's border in well protect-'
ed by highly trained troi'ps, but it is
doubtful that the Dutch eould with
stand long any serious attonvpt at in-
. It is held certain here that Holland
will not agree to Germany's demands
unless sho is willing to sacrifice her
Hulla'ndl knw that if she throw
her lnt in with the Germans tho allies
'are in a position to take virtually all
her ships and her colonies.
Germany's Hand Forced
Hence, the little neutral's position
'becomes gravely (dangerous- If tne
I'British hnvo succeeded in bottling up
the licnnun U-boat outlet at Lwtoiia
and Zeebrngge, Germany is forced to
tjiko drastia action im. llolland or see
her submarine fainpaien utterly fail.
(ierniun designs on Tho Nethertaads
are uf long standing. Soun years be
fore the war German influence sought
to .ilrivo a nueosure through the Dutch
J 'ill I IJI'IIH Il.l. 11.1 lljl.liv him I1IUILIUI9 in
tho Scheldt thus affording protec
tion against attack frosn tho sea. This
was aimed at Great Britain, and Kng
laud protes'ed so strongly as to con
stitute a vii tuul ultimatum ad the bill
(Continued on page three)
Twenty Killed and
Twenty-Nine Wounded
. Is Day's Casualties
Washington, April 25. Forty nine
casualties listed by the war department
today showed two killed in action, six ,
died of wounds,' sovon of disease and :
four of accident: five wounilod severs-
Iv, 24 wounded slightly and one death ;
fioguushot .wounds.
Killed iu action; " ... . .T
Lieutenant Laurence S.-Ayer, Private
Frank Mr fnll. '
Died of wounds: . j'
Sergeant Kuiil Monger, Privates Cltir-
en? B. Eaton, Guiseppe Mol.iirui, Frank
Alekno, K. G. McDertnont, Banmcl
Roach. ' .... 4.
Died of disease:
Albert Kelly, Harvey i A. MePeak.
Georcc Moore. Earl Burton Eathburn- -
Elmer Oi?orge Zuchlag. '
jica oi acciueni: i
- Corporal Daniel J. Seanlan, Privates
Donald R. Frazier, Robert Sammona
Lieutenant James Calder Marquardt.
1 1 i , I r.m AfL.. ... ii jn. .
Private Jeffe M. King (gunshot-
wound), (This may indicate foul play
within the American lines, or action).
Wounded severely: .
Corporal Carl A. Johnson, Jr.; Pri- '
vates Omer A. Godin, John K. bimmons
Xapoleon C. Charles, Robert William.
rrivata. Hector . itonman, previous
ly reported missing, it now reported
(Conrfniied oa page three)
prisoner in Germany. -