Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 24, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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(Xbc DaUnilfyilal Journal
for you in
Bed Spreads and Sheets
These prices, and a look at the goods, will convince
any one that they are certainly remarkable , values.
72x72 inch Crochet Bed Spreads at 98c
82x92 inch Crochet Bed Spreads at $2.69
Then you will find other Crochet Spreads
at $U5,?1.4$1.98. $2.25
72x92 inch Marseiles Spreads at . $1,98
There are other Marseiles Spreads with cut corners
.. ?2.98. $3.98 and $498
sfc 3jt s(( sjc sfc st sfc sfc sc sf( s( lfc j(
N. A. Mohand otf Mioldon, was a
business visitor in Salem yesterday and
JF. II. La Branch has purchased an
interest in a grocery store at Newport
and will leave the lattef part of the
week to engage actively in the busi
ness. The Willamette rogiatered 3.9 feet
above low water this morning.
Hockey Mason was a taeiuiess visit
or in Salem, today from Albany.
W. M. Behuott, a prominent farmer
of the Kola district, was tittnsticting
business in town today.
, J, Siuu)u was trailing in the t.ty to
day from his homo in i'olk county. '
' Mrs. Wm. Ridgway was a visitor in
flalcm yesterday from ier home at
Amity, t-. .'-
Dr. H. 0. Hickman of Oervais, was
in the city on professional business
Mrs. W. P. Mills Idft today for her
name at Grand Mound, Wash., after e
visit of several weeks with her som,
W. II. Mills and family. She was ae-'j
-compaiutvl y hor grandchildren who
will spend the summer with her.,
, N. N. Christie, deputy state com
mandor of Maccabees, arrived this af
ternoon from Albany, for an over
night visiit with his fuiuily in this
"ity, and also to attend tonight '
mooting of the local order.
W. IF. Buchnr and W. P. Brietzke
lelft about 4 o'clock this morning in
the fomer's machine, for Oregon City
for an early morning try ait the
Chinook salmon below the full of the
G. A. Burkhead, who was formerly
an instructor in one of the Baliun
schools tifid is now an instructor in
the Mare Island ivaval school, was a
visitor in Hlem yesterday, coming
over from Monmouth where he is
spending a furlough.
H. Apinw41-and W. L. Gaskill of
Brooks, wcro business visitors in Sa
loon yesterday.
Mrs. Ruth Andrews was in the city
yesterday from Jefferson.
Bort Waller w enjoying a visit from
Lis father, 0. A.Wollur , an old time
resident of Marion county, but who
baa made his home for the past eight
year op Douglas county.
Zurich, April 24. Two largo Aus
trian pwder factories at (llazenbnch
were down up with numerous casual
tie according to reports reaching hero
25c Pineapple 16c
25c Salmon 17c
18e Oysters 12a
25c Cream of Barley 23c
Albert Rolled Oats 22c
Del Monte Catsup 13
2 Can Sugar Pea 25c
2 Can Sugar Corn 25c
2 fiize Tomato 12e
1 gal Salad Oil 194o
33e Steel Cut Coffee 25s
S0e Spider Leg . Tea 4Se
It will pay you to trade at the
Opposite Court House
?c sc 3C ifc SC st 3)c sc 5(C 3C Sjfi 5C
State House News
Herbert Nona, state highway en
gineer is just home from a week's
work in the eastern part of the state.
He reports the completion of a macad
am road between Fossil and CQndit, a
distance of 9 miles costing about
$57,000. This is known as part of the
John Day road and was co-operative
work between the state and county.
Mr. Nunn reports wheat and in fa't all
crop conditions good in eastern Oregon.
Before the Public Sorvice Commis
sion on May 31, the case of Rupert
against tho Portland Railway Light ft
Power Company will come up for a
hc-arinrr. At Present, the enmnnnv runs
a wire to the State Institution for the
Feblo Minded. At' 25th street it be
gins a short cut to the institution, go
ing directly across state lands.- Tho
petition anks that the wires be strung
along tho highway to the institution in
order that people living along tho road
may be given service, Tho hearing
will be held before the Commission in
For the purpose of establishing on
ion grades and providing for the in
spection of onions, the Public Service
Commission will :,hold a hearing In
Portland May 22.
In the Corpora biom department, ar
ticles of incorporation woro filed to
day Iby Welch & Co. of Baker. The cap
ienl stock is $20,000 anil 'the object of
the company is to establish and main
tain a cemetery.
The Kugene Woolen Mills filed a
certificate anl copy of resolutions in
creasing their capital stuck from $-10,-000
tcs $150,000.
Aptik'los mf incorporation worn fil
ed by tho Voelke Tool Co. of Port-
lnnH Thn onmtiil ttnclr i () 11(1(1 nil, I
lithe company will manufacture and
sell principally the.Vnlcske shears.
R. Monro Gilbert, who has been em
ployed in the shipyards at Portland, is
honin for a visit of several days with
his wife. Mr. Gilbert had tho misfor
tune to sustain a fall while at work Fri
day, striking on his side against an iron
projectile. A Portlund physician examin
ed him and pronounced his injuries not
serious and no bones broken. Ho camo
hotiw Saturday and. Monday his side
pained him to such an extent that he
went to a physician here and found he
had two ribs broken. He expects to
return to work in a few davs.
t A U A .
aii Arouna i own
April 23 -4 Cherrian Minstrel
at Grand Opera House.
May 2 Dedication of Oham
poeg Memorial Building.
- Juno 8. Total eclipse of
the sua. World's Almanac gives
hour as 1:38, but new time
schedule will make the hour
Dr. M. P, Mendelsohn fits eyes cor
rectly. U. S. National Bunk Bldg. tf.
A basket social followed by an Inter
esting program will be given at Middle
Grove Thursday night at 8 o'clock by
the Junior Red Cross auxiliary. The pub
He is invited.
"The funeral beautiful." Webb k
Clough. Co. - tf .
"Th best", is all yon can do when
death comes. Call Webb ft (.'lough Co.
rhone 120. tf.
An interesting address was given this
afternoon nt the W. (J. T. U. hall by
Mrs. L. F. Addition, national superin
tendent of labor for the Woman 's Chris
tian Temperance Union.
Patton Plumbing Co., 385 Chemeketa
Phone 1006. We do repair work. Stoves
and furnaces coiled. tf.
Wanted More men for work in fac
tory, steady work, 8 hour day, good
wages. See J. A. Mills, 320 State St.
Miss Agnes Bayne, daughter of Attor
ney and Mrs. John Bayne, V.'ft the first
of the week for Corvnllis, where she
has accepted a position in the business
office of the Oregon Agricultural Col-
Cabbage contracts wanted by Gideon
Stolz Co. for saur kraut purposes. Ex
perienced grovedB preferred. Prices on
application. . 4-25
1 O. O, F. Attention I 99th anniver
sary program. Address by J: K. Weath
orford of Albany, and presentation of
Vetoraln Jewels by Dr. W. T. William
son of Portland. Special music. All Odd
Fellows, 'Rebckahs and their friends
invited. Wed, Apr. 24th.
Members of the Woman's Belief
corps will meet Thursday afternoon at
2 o'clock' at the Rigdon chapel to at
tend the funcrul of the late Mrs. Mary
fi. tlolstin. ,. '
....Wanted, everybody to attend dance
at Moose .hall Thursday evening.
Hear Hunt'B orchestra at Moose hall
Thursday owning. Bunefit dance.
o I
At the meeting of the Maccabees to- j
nignt a aeiegate win ie elected to rep
resent the local lodge at the state con
vention which will be held in Portland
the second week in May. A numlwr of
candidates will also bo initiated into
the order as full members tonight,
J. H. Cradlebuugh calls attention to
tb,o fact that he is right up among the
big ones on the democratic ticket. Num
bers 14 and 15 belong to Will R. King
and Os West, candidates for U. S. sen
ator. Numbers 16 and 17 are located
5-Passenger Ford, new tires, first class condition; a
big snap $350
5-Passengcr Overland, best buy in Salem, mechan
ically perfect, all new tires, one extra . . $600
1917 5-Passenger Maxwell, fine shape, good tires,'
Phone 361
20c Pound; 2 for 35c
10c Bunch
, 25c, 35c and 40c Dozen
Yellow New,town Apples, per box $2.50
Kome Beauties $2.75
Grape Fruit, California, 3 for 25c
Grape Fruit, Florida, each 10c
Roth Grocery Co.
' 1 TP " l
by Walter M. Pierce and Harvey 0.
(Starkweather, candidates for governor.
.Number 18 is that of Mr. Cradlobauga
who is a candidate for justice of the
' Tftmmpa Anil ihara am n f.tlicT dmnnjrnti
who are candidates between the gov
ernorship and the latter office. He, how
ever, haa a democratic opponent in T. A.
Rinehart, whose summer
Mr. apd Mrs. G. E. Terwflliger, grad
uate morticians and funeral directors.
770 Chemeketa St. Fhone 724.
Big dance will be given by Modern
Woodmen and Royal Neighbors at
Moose hall Thursday evening. Receipts
to go to Red CroeM. Everybody invit
ed. 8:30 sharp.
H. L. Clark, living on south Commer
cial street, has received a -telegram
from his son ,Edward Clark, who unlist
ed in tho medical eorps of the navy
and has been stationed the past year
at the Mare Island navy yard, statiug
that he was on his way to a hospital
base in Virginia, near Wshington, D. C.
Eev. John Oval left for Seattle yes
terday where he goes to attend the dis
trict conference of the Methodist Epis
copal church. Pacific Mission "confer
ence His pulpit in the local Scandin
avian church will be occupied n,?xt Sun
day by Dr. John O. Hall, of Willamette
; o
Lee Canfield, president of the state
board of barber examiners, spent yes
terday at Sheridan, Willamina and Falls
City examining the sanitary conditions
of barber shops at those places. One
shop was closed at The Dalles Monday
on account of the unsanitary conditions
Mrs. Parounagian'a class of the First
Methodist church held their quarterly
social meeting last isvening, meeting at
the home of Mrs. A. A. Lee on State
street. Refreshments were served and
a very enjoyable Bocial (evening was
A five passenger Ford belonging to
I'. G. Holt was stolen from the vicinity
of the Grand Opera house last evening
while the owner and family wcri at
tending tho Cherrian minstrel. The po
lice we.ro notified and communications
were sent to tho officers at Albany aad
Oregon City to Ue on the look out for
the machine. The Ford apparently did
n 't get very far away from Salem, how
ever, for it was' found early this morn
ing in front of the college of music at
Willamette university.-
George W. Eyre will leave this even
ing for a two woek's stay in Canada.
He is quite emphatic in his statement
that when he comes back, he will be
iu the cattle business lugger than ever,
and morenvter, he says he intends to ro
main in the business as long as be stays
on this side of the River Jordan. He
goes to visit his son at Bothune, Sat
katchewan and while there to assist him
in stocking a 1000 acre cattle ranch.
.... Dr. O. B. Miles, city physician re
ports today on.o case of dipthena in the
family of Chang Yen Huie at 0'J5 North
High street. This is the only case in the
city and in fact the only one that1 has
been reported for Beveral months. The t
home is now under strict quarantine.
Tho general health condition of the city
is good, Dr. Miles reports, with but a
few cases of "Liberty" measles.
Perfect order and remarkably quick
time were made at "fire drills held yes
herdny at the senior high school and
the Washington and Garfiold schools.
156 Commercial Street
'ijky ProYcd To Be
fl &e Alien Enemy
I Sunday night John Simcme, aged 20
years, was arrested as an alien enemy
on inforg.iition given the officers by
Joe Linsky. aged 60 years. Linsky and
Simonic had been friend d Li!?ky
had wanted the latter to pose as his
son. Simonic refused and also refused
to engage in other questionable prac
tices which Linsky urged on him.
Linsky then beeame' angered and re
ported to the officers that Simonic wa?
an alien er.cmy, leading to the latter 's
arrest. It . developed, however, that
Simome was not an alien enemy but
that Linsky was. Simonic was released
yesterday and Linsky placed under ar
rest jnsteud and the lat;er is now be
ing held in the city jail awaiting word
from the federal officials at Portland.
Linsky was born in Russia but natural
ized as a citizen of Germany. He
claimed to "have become naturalized in
this country since the war started and
also that be owned some liberty bonds,
both of which claims were found un
true. Unknown beforehand to the superinten
dent or principals the school board
sprung a little surprise on the schools,
called unannounced and had the fire
alarms turned on. At the senior high
tho entire building was emptied in out
minute and forty seconds, students as
sembling and marching out from the
manual training department iibthe base
nrent to the gymnasium on the third
floor where a number of girls' gyninas
ium classes were taking their l.'ssons. At
the Garfield school the entire building
was emptied in one minute and fifteen
seconds. At the Washington school the
boys who are assigned to the hose racks
had the hose down and in place before
the gong ceased ringing, while those as
signed to the fire extinguishers also had
them down and in place and the boys
assigned to the exits of tho building to
observe order as those within marched
out were all in their positions before
the final gong sounded.
The fame of the Cherrian minstrels
is spreading. Tonight at tho opera
house A. R. Atcheson, army Y. M. C. A.
secretary of Vancouver Barracks will
deliver a short eurtaiu address in which
he will invite the Cherrian minstrel per
formers to appear in Portland especial
ly for the pleasure of the sailors and
soldiers at Vancouver Barracks.
W. A. Smart, who formerly operated
a fruit farm in Polk county is home
for a few days from Camp Lewis. After
completing the officers training course
at the camp he was recommended tor
a commission as second lieutenant.
Within a few days lw will report to
Camp Lewis rf or assignment for duty.
Ho is a graduate of the Oregon Agricul
tural college.
The fourth Junior Rainbow regiment
continues to grow. Tlw following are
entitled to official recognition: Louise
A. Frores of school district 12, near
Stayton; Sadie Brewer of district No.
35, of near Hilverton; Ralph Emmons- of
200 south 23d street, Washington school;
Mildred Bunn, Salem high school; Ireiue
Uoje, of Hubbard; Phillip Livtsley, ot
Woodburu and Charlotte Zieber of De
Two applications were made to the
local exemption board yesterday for
service as provided for in a special ex
emption circular from the war depart
ment. Stanley Ostrander of 925 North
20th street applied for servico as a
motorcyclist or chauffeur. Charles N.
Ruggles of rural route 3, Salem, applied
for enlistment as powder man. These ap
plications are wired to the war depart
ment at Washington and tlw decision as
to acceptance made there.
Plans are under way jfor the organi
zation of a Boy Scout's Council in Sa
Urn. The council is to include represen
tatives of nil the boy scout troupes in
Salem, Tunvr, Silvcrton, and other
Tilae.es in the countv. Bv a closer orean-
lization, it is hoped that the boy scouts
Itiii.uKrhmii- the ennntv will become bet
ter acquainted and that through a cen
tral council the work in the county wiil
be advanced.
Attention Members of Sedgwick
Post No. 10. You are requested to turn
out on Friday morning, April 26, at 8:30
to act as escort to the new soldiers who
will tlv.n lenve the Court House for the
8. P. station. All other organizations of
a military nature are also requested to
join tho Post in this matter. Kemember
8:30, Friday morning at the court
house. A. li. Hudleson, Commander, D.
Webster, adjutant.
Hand carders or wool carders or cot
ton carders are wanted by the ladies
working in the surgical department of
tlw Red Cross in the postoffice building.
These eardcrs are not to be bought and
should any one happen to have a pair,
it would bo doing a service to the
women working in this department just
to loan them for a time. An average
of S3 workers report each day for the
suigical dressing work and at the Mon
day night classes of instruction, there
Used Furniture Wanted
Highest ("ash Prices Paid for
Vsed Furniture
- E. L. STIFF ft SON
Phone 941 or 508
- -
Calls answered all hours day
and night.
Res, Phone 111; Offiee Phone 1S3
252 N. High St. .
IN ew r ashion r lates
for May are here
-showing all the latest
Our Prices Always the Lowest
PHONE 1072
Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store
BRUND1DGE At the Willamette san
atorium, Mnd,ay, April 1 22, 1918,
Mrs. Emma Brundidgc, at the age of
46 years.
She was the wife of Nathanial Brun
didge of Brooks. Besides her husband
she is survived iby nine children as fol
lows: Mrs. A- C'hrisotto, Mrs. Maud
Timm and Ivan Brulndide' of Brooks;
Mrs. Olaia Eollhis of Oakland, Iowa;
Eva, TheJona and Bora Trununuge who
live at hontf, and Dowey and Eddio
IBrnndidge, living at Oaklolnd, Iowa.
The children will come from Iowa
to attend the funeral The body is at
Webb & (Clouigh'a Juujrtakjnig par
lors, who have charge of arrangements,
OLINGHOUSE Tuesday, April 23,
1918, at the Deajconess h'Mpital, Har
ry Ed Olnghouse, at the age of 38
He is survived by a wife and four
children, living at 305 Trade street.
Deceased was injured three years ago
in lumber operations at Mill City and
has been jiractjcally an invalid siucc
The funeral will be held Friday
morning at 10 'dock from the Rig
don chapel. . ,
CARD At the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Catharine Brown, living at 355
Bellevue avc)nue, Tuesday, April 23,
1918, occurred tho death of MrB.
Amanda Card, at tho age of 82 years.
Besides her daughter she is surviv
ed by a son, Le-vi Card, living in Oak-;
rand, Calif., and by ten grandchildren j
and six great cralndchildren. She was
married in Canada in the year 1837 to
John Lochard Card, who preceded her
in death by six years.
Funeral services will be held Thurs
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from
the residence, Rev. R. N. Avisodi hav
ing charge.
Mrs. Card was a faithful and. devot
ed member of the Fiist Methodist
church of this city, and during the
last fifteen years and a half has miss
ed attending church only three Sun
days. Sho had a very lovable disposi
tion and her death will be deeply re
gretted by her many frieinds and asso
ciate .
A marnago icertifwnte was issued
yesterday to Charles Ira Adams, 26,
of- rural route 2, Salem, and Ella Lou
isa Hillman, 21. It is the first, mar
riage for each. He wag born in wastt
ington and she in Idaho.
Tn tlm nrnbuto) court notice of ap
praisement of the estate of John Wer
ner, deceased, was tiled, naming jih
A ot Kilverton. us tho date and time
of appraisement The appraisers are Al
fred Keunzi, Willim Kautmau and
H. H. Keunzi.
JIn the circuit court, a decree was i'
UreA n-wardirur a. iudement of $936
'and $85 attorney's lees in the case ot
Ella M. Kirk against Oscar Snelson
and otners. .
Tn t.h casfl of Maanelia C. Benson
against Mary E. Schell and others.
ttiA ciiit. vn diamiflged on the order of
j Judge Bingham, of the Circuit court.
is an attendance of about 40. These
Monday night clnsses are open to a 1 1
and the instruction begins at 7:15
o'clock and continues about two hours.
Returns are coming in from the Boys
Scouts in the campaign of selling Third
Liberty loan bonds, which began last
Saturday, indicating that even after
the big central committee bad worked
ten days, a few people were left who
!wt?re quite willing to purchase bonds.
The Boy Scouts were asked to wait in
their campaign until the big fellows
had had their inning. However, the in
dications aro that the boys will make
a creditable showing. One scout, Evan
Reid of th, Washington school reports
the sale of $1800 worth of Liberty
bonds. He is a son of Mrs. Cora . Rekl
of the county superintendent's office.
Lloyd Arnold another scout reports good
California towns, it seems, have been
shaken tj another series of 'files."
Married Three Times
and Divorced Once
For the third time, A. M. Groshong, 44
years old, and Mary Gaffey, 34 years
of age were issued a marriage certifi
cate. It seems that after their first mar
riage they were divorced. Then before
the six months legal expiration after a
divorce in this state, they decided tho
divorce was a mistake, and were mar
ried again. Then a short time ago they
l discovered that the second marriage was
illegal and to make sure about it, tho
third marriage license was issued. Tho
groom intimated that if necessary, he
was willing to marry his wife the fourth
time to make sure about it. They live
near Mt. Angel.
Throw 'er into high, says Secretary
Baker. All righto. Let's go.
Your Juijk and givo you a square
business deal. I always pay the
highest cash prices.
I Want Your
Sacks arid Rigs
I buy all kinds of used goods,
2nd hand furniture, rubber and
junk. Get my prices before you
The Capital Junk Co.
The Square Deal House
271 Chemeketa St. Phone 393
Phone 77
Try Our Checking System on Baggage.
Claim Checks for Every Parcel
caro of
Yick So Tong
f Chinese Medicine and Tea ,CV.
Has medicine which will cure
any known disease.
Oy.en Sundays from 10 a. m.
until 8 p. ni. ,
153 South High St.
I Salem, Oregon. Phone 283
And All Kinds of 2nd Hand
Full Market Prices Special
Prices paid for Sacks.
a Get our prices before you sell. ?.
271 N. Com' I St. Phone 734
w u r v
For Feeding Hogs
Marion Creamery
Call or Telephone 2488