I THE DaILY CAPITAL OUKffAL. SALEH. ORE. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 24. 1918 J ''SSL He Needs SorneboJy !a Send HI in another pouch o! Real GRAVELY Chewing Ping Uncle Sam' Boys don't aslc for much in the way of comforU but good tobacco they must have. A few cents spent f or Real Gravely will buy more tobacco satisfaction than many times the. money in ordinary plug. Give any man a chew of Real Gravely PIuj, and he will toll you thal't the kind to tend. Send the best I Ordinary plug is false economy. It coU lees per week to ch.rw Real Gravely, became a email chew of it lasts a long while. If you unoke a pipe, (lice Gravely with your knife and add a little t your smelting tobacco. It will give flavor improve your sraoUe. SEND V3'JI FRIEND IN THE V. S. S01V1CE A rOUCI OF GRAVELY Dealers all around here carry it in 10c pouches. A 3c stMnp will put it into his hands in any Training Camp or Sea port of the U. S. A. Even "over there" a 3c stamp will take it to him. Your dealer will supply envelope and give you official directions how to address it P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO CO, Danville, Va. Tht Patent Poach keeps it Freth and Clean and Good -if u not Real Gravely without (Ait Protection Seat Established 1831 '303 DMES FROM WEST OF CASCADES TO ATTEND CONVENTION " i :1b 33d State Sunday School lonvenhon Coming for Three Days Twesij-Thres WoiinJ:i method; general assembly; wiiglr.g lid'?.. , A,. H-.-rl -A by Carrol Egberts; ptarer. R--v. Charles 1 iUC lCCU tUfl A. I'hipps; "Coort.uiatioa if Ail SelHIs,'SuperiuteuJ..Bt J. A. Church ill; "An Unrecognized Force," Mrs. llarwood Hall, Chetnawa; '"Our City I'laus Joseph II. Albert, SaK-ui; "A Big Job," Edwin Rowden, Portland. r mlay at ternoou, April 2u Kinging, Yi'ashi.igtrn, April 24. Forty throe casualties, listed by t'ue war d j artr.i 'u: today showed tix killed hi art:ou, three u.-rai t wi.uutis, eleven ct disease, lev ied bv Carrol Roberts: roll call ef rouii- verely wounded and tlurlceu sli-atl. ties aud awards; address, "Tlic Eneirc- j vouuded. ling Movemeut," Hev. K. V. Hatp.'ua-; list follows: school of methods; annual banquet serv- Wiled in actiou: ed by the standard-bearers iu the cua-i irgeants Joshua K. Broadhead, Ur vention churth. ville U. Fuller, Corporal Frank P. (ioi- Fridav evcninir. Anril 2S Call to ser-i lin. "vates Charles W. route, ieli vice; loug s-rvice, led by Dr. H. C. Kp- Hundreds Qualified CfScers Raid Won't As Second Lieutenants Works Headquarters Washington, April Names ot hundreds of men who qualified for ap pointment U seoud lii'Utoiitints by twining at tbn third officers truJniu tranijp at Fort ()(;lirthorpe (J., were an nounceid haro )day. These will 1)8 carried on thv list of teiigible oft'k-era and commia:ioucd as hueh tiims suitable vafancios cccur 'Among the suwessful cundidfttcs on:l Ithfl arm of servico for wiiich eaich (uaJif ied are two from . Crouon.They nre: Churlea C. Ooghlan, 185 North Twen- ly Fifth streot, Portland, infantry. Roy M. Tharouifhniain, 3!)8 8nu Ra chel street, Portland, Infantry. Boattle, Wash., April 24. ( ard fil iug systems IjearinK names of 20,000 ni'imlient of the I. W. W., a dietaiphone outfit Iful lithographing 'e-quipment for circulating propaganda was seiz ed by deputy sheriff a in a raid on a houso at 45th avenuo and Clcunesoe st roe t. Two men giivinj; thoir nalmeg o Bert L'wia aind O. Frwtt were p'aeed under arrvwt. They carried orgiinizerg docu UKtulM signed by Bill Hay ward." The sheriff attontion was direct ed to the house by persons who sus pected it waa a moonshine headquar ters. Protected 'by tiacs, it was iso lated from general view. j Tlie 3ord Oregon state Sunday school ennontion, '.i-ith 300 delegates cxpoct jed from all parts of the state west of ' the Caseaile moiuitains, will convene here tomorrow, to continue through Sat urday iii)lit. Some of the piiucipal ad-liT!-'?s will be given by the Kev. K, W. llalpeuny, of Chicago." A banquet will le given Friday evening and Thursday sad Saturday evenings will be turned over to patriotic oigauizatious aud pat riotic sessions. On Saturday eveuing the Hev. Howard McOonnell, of the liallas Chiisjian church, will have charge of an appropriate pagcaut given by the uiig people of his congregation. The cimvcutiou programme follows: Thursday afternoon, April 25 Cnll to order; song service, led by Carrol llob erts; scripture and prayer, Hev. F. G. Holt, Kalcm; special musi Willamette I'niversity College of Music, Dr. Wil lu Chaec, director; reports of state of ficers; director, Mrs. M. A. Danenhower secretary, J. V. Guthrie; treasurer, G. f . lilohin; secondary, Charles A. Pliipps; adult and home, Klton Shaw; education al and girls' work, Mrs. Danenhower, special music, direction Miss Minuet la Magers, Baleiu; convention singing; aa iiomiccment; address "Our Boys", Rev. Charles A. T'hipr-5, L Orande; address, "The Obligation and Opportunity of th.' Sunday School," Rev. E. W. Halpeuny, Chicago; asuigument of delegates. Buglo to Open Service Thursday evening, April 23. Call to service by bugle and procession of flags, including salutes to I'nited States flag and to Christian flag and singing of "America", led by Dr. II. C. Kpley, Sulem; convocation prayer, Rev. It. K. Avison, Salem; special music, ladled' quartet, First Christian church, Salem; address of welcome, Governor Withy combe; response, A. A. Morse, Portland; "Sunday School Pioneering in Oregon" Uev. Joseph Uoberg, McMinnville; con vention fong, special music, under direc tion Miss Minnetta Magers, Salem; an louncements, address, "Tho Sunday School and Good Citizenship," Rev. E. W. Ilulpennv. Friday morning, April 26. School of , ley; special music. Willamette Univer sity College of Music, Dr. Wilbur Chacc director; prayer, Rev. C. H. Eliiott, Sa lem; address, "Seven Workers," Rev. E. W. Halpeuny; spce ial music, male quartet. First Methodist Church, Salem; Y. M. C. A, Portland. Saturday Patriotic Day. M. Oliver, Roger Wilson, Died of wounds: Corporal Frank D. Brook, Wagoner John C. Burwell, Private Charles B. Sunday School Kl"'.ts?u- .. iJica ol disease: Sergeant James A. Mulligan, Trlvates Guiseppe Baldi, Clarence Bashaw, Le Hoy Cook, Donald H. Munn, Ben Jewell Saturday morning, April 27 School 0ra xewt Tidd, John N. Twetou, ii luuiru xj. aiu, nun i, Agut-r, tfuuu Dosges Weston. Severely Wounded : Corporal Viual B. Rideout, Privates Steve Adams, Hormidas Desrochers, John W. Gosminski, William E. Loper, Edward E. Mouahan, Thomas Morrissn, Louis II. Palner, Garred Stillings, Carl L. Witham. Lieutenant Renville Wheat was among the slightly wounded. Prospects Are Good For Another Company It is probablo that what is now known as company F of tho first bat talion, Oregotyi militia, will be form ally mustered in, although under a dif ferent company letter. Three compan ies of the Oregon militia have al ready heea formed in Salem and the prospects are good for another. It is the intentiRpi to uso these coniipanics only for local emergencies. Within a short time it is probable that the Salom companies will be or ganized as the Oregon Second battal ion. Mca between the ages of 18 and of methods; general assembly; singing led by Carrol Hoberw; prayer, Rev. II. X. Aldrich, Salem; "The Master's Com mand," Rev. II. H. Kclsey, San Fran cisco; "The Call of Christ and the World Crisis," Mrs. Ella Humbert, Eu gene; "Why the Boy Went Away," President Levi T. Pennington, Pacific College; "The Plaee of the Christian College iu Training Teacheis of Relig ious Education", Dean Alden, Willam ette University. Saturday afternoon, April 27. Sing ing led by Carrol Roberts; prayer, Rev. F. T. Porter, Salem; special music ladies quartet, First Christian church, Saleih; "Mother as Chum," Martha Ferguson Hood River; "The Kind of Sunday School I Like," Jack Burleson MeMinn vill, a boy of 16; "The Teen Age Tea- NtURALGlO PAINS Give Way to Soothing Uarr.'in'.i Wizard Oil Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a safe and effective treatment f jr headache and neuralgia. Rubbed in where the pain is, it act3 as a tonic to the tortured nerves and almost invariably bring quick relief. Its liealinpr, nr.tiseptic qualities can always be relied upon to prevent in fection, or other serious results, froai sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, biles and stings. Just as good, too, for sore feet, stilt neck, frost bites, cold sores and canker sores. Get i; from druggists for 30 cents. If not satislicd return the bottle and get your money Lack. Fver constipated or have sick headache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30 cents. Guaranteed. chers' Opportunity," Rev. E. W. Hal penny; school of methods. Saturdav evening Anril 27.- Patriotic music, led by Dr. II. C. Epley; prayer, I itov. H. C. Stover, Salem; special music male quartet, First .Christian church; re port of resolutions committee; patriotic pageant, "Tho Clean Flag," arranged and directed by Rov. Howerd McCon Htdl, Dallas, given by tho young people of the Christian church, Dallas, assis tants, Sunday school pupils, Salem; ad dress by "Somebody" from the Army Camp; pantomime song, "The Star Spangled Banner," Loreue Porter, Sa lem, 10 years old; benediction; adjournment. , v i A 3f Pi. V 534 TuMAC u ir!fr t L. DOROTHy DALTON aMs, (Look Me in the Eye) (The Female Hart) BEN TURPIN & POLLY MORAN In A Knockout Mack Sennett Comedy "SHERIFF NELL'S TUSSLE" . TheOREG O N 4o years are eligible, although a man over 45 years may join if he is of 'reasonable- physical ability or has had military experience. TO DISTRIBUTE TONNAGE Paris, April 21. The inter-allied commerce committee is conferring en distribution of tonnaj-o among the al NO HAMBURG STEAK Seaittlo, Wash., April 24. Seattlo has ran out cf hamburg steak. And whait's more, she'll never have any more. But there will he plenty of "liberty" steak. The name was changod toy the Se attlo Meat Dealers' association last night vvt tttttttt-teeeeeevT- RIKER'S VIOLET WITCH RAZE. A delightful preparation with a delightful odor. Refreshing, cooling, healing. V ONE BOTTLE J. ; BOO TWO BOTTLES 61c 5 TALCUMS T)0c Bouuot Jeanlce, perfumed with one of the most ddlii'Wul odors ever created .. 2 for 51c 25c Trailing Arbutus Talcum, delightfully refreshing for toilet or bath 2 for 26c SYMOND'S INN COCOA It's mighty hard to "beat the Dutch" in making Cocoa But ymcnds Inn Cocoa (American process) will convince- you" none finer can be found any whore, StantiardPrlce One Can 25c Shis Salo, Two Cans 26c Thursday, THE PLAN Pay us the regular price for p as an advertising plan. The Company sacrifices orders received for items on this sale. The con iAaAAilllAA iiiiAiAaiAAaAAi lllAiiiii AlililAiAAlAiiiAiAliA Ai,Ai alAaVAAA4 AiAAAAAiAAAAAAAAl A iiAiliaA .... The 11 S'ioT'e 1m. Friday,' Saturday, April 25, ffffffttffftfft 4 SILVERWARE . 25c Teaspoon ....:.."." .. ....". ;. 2 for 26c 50c Tablespoon , r. ;.. 2 for 51c 50c forks 2 for 51c , .703 Embossed Medium Knives. 2 for 71c Xote This ware is trie new "Par Plate" Juno1 pattern, and is guaranteed for 10 years by the uneida Cormumty Company, Ltd. HARMONY SHAMPOO A highly concentrated, cleansing sham poo. A . few drops make a delightful thick foam which cleans the hair and scalp thoroughly. Leaves the hair soft and glossy and free from stickiness. Daintily perfumed. Standard Price One Bottle 50c This Sale, Two Bottles 51c " MISCELLANEOUS 10c Tooth Brush Holder 5c Stork Nipple 25c Synionds Irm Cocoa, i2-lbs 35c Symond3 Inn Vanilla 40c Eymonds Inn Lemon 25c Tooth Brush 20c Powder Puff E'jston Safety Razor Durham Enplex Demonstrators mm .. - . . . 2 for 11c 2 for 6c ....... 2 for 26c 2 for 36c ...... 2 for 41c 2 for 26c 2 or 26c 2 for 11c 2 for 26c ny item here advertised and we will sell you arother of same kind for ONE CENT. This sale was its profits and something besides, in order to get a larger distribution of its meritorious products, ditions of this sale are such that all purchases must be cash. developed by the United Drug Company and you get the benefit. No telephone REXALL TOOTH PASTE Improved A perfect dnntrifico. antiseptic and de odorant. Chans and whltons tlie teeth. Comes out flat on the brush. Standard Price One Tube 25c This Solo Two Tubes 26c 3m gags, HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES 25c Arnica Salve, 2-o Z or 26c 25c Baby Cough Sytatp, 3-0? 2 for 26c B5c Blsrkbmry Cordial, 2-on 2 for 26c 50c Blood Tablets, 50s 2 for 51c 25c Carb, Witch Hazul Ointment, 2 oz 2 for 26c 23c Carbolic Salvo, 2 ot 2 for 20c 60c Catarrh Spray, Improved (Liquid), 2 s 2 for 51c 25c Cathartic Pills, 80s 2 for 26a $1.00 Celery and Iron Tonic, 10-oa 2 for $1.01 25c Cold Tablets, Special 2 for 26c 2So Cora Solvent. Vi-oa 2 for 26c 60c Eczema Ointment, 2-0' 2 for 51c 25c Toot Bath Tablet. SOg 2 for 2Cc 25c Foot Powder, 4-oz. Paper Can i for 26c 50c Kidney Pills, 60s .-. 2 for 51c 25c Ko-Ko-Ias-Ketii, 60s 2 for 26c 25c Mentholine Balm, l-os 2 for 20c 25c Soothing Syrup, 2-oa '. 2 for 20c 25c Tooth Paste, Improved, 2-os. 2 for 26c 15c Toothache Stopper, 2-dr 2 for 16c 25c White Liniment, i-os 2 for 26c 81.00 Wine of Cod Liver Extract, Ift-oz, 2 for $1.01 50c Parry' Red Spruce and Whits Pine Cough Syrup....2 for 61c 25c Perry's Cora Remedy : 2 for 26c 15c Rerall Corn Solvent 2 for 16c 60c RoraU Pile Treatment '. 2 for 61c 25c Subbing Oil 2 for 26c - -4-M-v LORD BALTIMORE LINEN WRITING PAPER m I Qctpaliimrt A high-grade white, fabric finish writing papor, 24 sheets of paper and 24 envelopes to tho package. Standard Price, One Package 25c This Sale, Two Pkgs. .26c TOILET ARTICLES ; 60c Alma Zada Comp. Powder . 2 for 51c 25c Violet Dulce Cold Cream (Tubes) 2 for 26c 75c Harmony Toilet Water, Lilac ... 2 for 76c 75c Harmony Toilet Water, Violet 2 for 76c 50c Violet Dulce Cold Cream 2 for 51c 60c Tiolet Dulce Vanishing Creim 2 for 51c 60o Bouqiet Jeanice Talcum 2 for 51c 25c Trailing Arbutus Talcum ;. 2 for 26c 25c Tar Shampoo Soap 2 for 26c 25c Medicated Skin Soap ; 2 for 26c 10c Rexall Toilet Soap 2 for 11c 25c Nice (a deodorant) ; 2 for 26c 81.50 Bonquot Jeanice Toilet Water 2 for $1.51 $1.50 Bousuot Jeanico Extract 2 for $1.51 75c Bouquet Jeanice Sachet Powder 2 for 76c LCD DRUG 115 So. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon 3Xo i r ! AMERICAN BEAUTY WATER BOTTLE heavy gauge, all- Full two-quart caoacitv. mbter red water bottle. Standard price One Bottle This Sale Two Bottles .... $1.50 51.61 Monogram Two Quart Hot Water Bottle . 4 Standard Prico One Battle Thi3 Sale Two Bottles Fountain Syringes on display. $2.00 $2.01 Mi W SYMBOL 2 gUART FOUNTAIN SYRINGE Standard Price One .". $1,50 This Sale Two $1,51 GOOD STATIONERY C0c Modern Art Papeterie .' 6 for 61c 35c Toyland Juvenile Papeterie ..!.. 2 or 36c 25c Lord Baltimore Papeterie 2 for 26c 40c Cascade Pound Paper 2 for 41c 15o Cascade Envelopes 2 pkgs. 16c 5c Pencil CUp ZZIZI.L. 2 for 6c 40c Old Homestead Correspondence Cards 2 for 41e 5c pen Clips. ZZ 2 f or 6c KLENZO TAR SHAMPOO SOAP Standard Price One Cakes 25c -wfmtTTTfHTvrrrTTmmfm L Ufi lltlVL 111 IJVVC IUU This Sale Two Cakes 26c