Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 24, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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Make Washday
Use Fels-Naptha soap. It washes splendidly
in cool or lukewarm water no boiling water,
no steamy, uncomfortable laundry, no hard
rubbing. That lessens the time and effort
you give to washing.
The naptha does even more than hours of
rubbing and boiling with ordinary soap.
Wash the Fels-Naptha way
just once; you'll never go
back to the old, uncomfort
able method.
Simple directions inside the red
.. and green wrapper
n. .slt.ii.
Caro S. WWe
The member of the Mothers club of
the First Methodist 4-hun-h were host-
Fred Mangis Trying
to Secure Uniform
P. (.:., and will present the ease to th Art Tft rilir rDtnilV
llAl iKIUAi
. ....... ..............
I . f w i murine, si iicw isnuuiiti iu uw cuori
virSdlll? lOr lOtatOeS f,ccuro "ome uniform action by the
. different state food administrations.
Potato dealers who ship in ear lot.! " .the .food 1
...... . .. decisions in one state are not to be rec
to other state have been placed at a , 0Bmzcd by those of another, shippers
preat disadvantage recently. It seems 'of potatoes and fruits from the north
that while the inspectors for the Oregon west will have no protection whatevci
food administration have found certain I Po,uto sniPl,,r from Salem have had
Buiue vct.r uiibwi ifiuuiurjr rcAprrnsiuiiB
and Mr; Maugis hopes to secure some
uniform methods of judging shipments.
shipments entirely within the law, yet
the food administration officials of
Texaa and Louisiana were working on
entirely different lines and were in the
habit of condemning shipments from 84-
lera, although properly certified to hero.
There are 1300 William Smiths In the
To get some uniform method of judu-! 1 ""lea Btates SPrvlM- Am JUU.W Just
lag potatoes Fred E. Mangis of the firm I ordinary "Smiths," It's a grand old
of Mangis Bros., is now in Washington, 'name. .
Boys To Be Escorted to Depot
by b. A. K. and Utoer
Watch Your Blood Supply,
Don't Let Impurities Creep In
Pure Blood Means Perfect
rha hverage druggist hat handled
hundreds of medicine in hi day,
ome of which have long sine been
But there is one that has been sold
by the druggists throughout this
eountry, for more than fifty years,
rod that is S. S. S., the reliable blood
medicine, that is purely vegetable.
Many druggists have seen wonderful
results accomplished among their
customers by this great old medicine,
and they know that S. S. S. is one of
the most reliable blood purifiers ever
made. Keep your blood free of im
purities by the use of this honest old
medicine, and if you want medical
advice, you can obtain same without
eost by writing to MedicBl Director,
Swift Specific Co., 28 Swift Labors
tory, Atlanta, Gs.
' ' ' ' ' ' j '''''
This Oxford $1.95
Read carefully the description of this Shoe and
you will agree that it is a wonderful value. .
Patent leather circular vamo lace Oxford with I
iawn colored top. Dull kid eyelet stays and trim- I
mmg. bond leather soles both in and out, genuine I
ixoodyear welt sewed. Last is a good medium full
f toe and the heel medium high. All sizes, widths
is ana u.
t Two J I
Popular Sk
Black Shoe Soap Kid,
t the finest kid to be had.
i inch lace top, 2'3
t inch heel, circular varrm
f Goodyear welt sewed.
A pretty Field Mouse
Kid, 8i3 inch top, 2U
inch heel, lace, Good
year welt A real swell
shoe. Also a two tone
- $935 and $8.65
Already the 29 young men who are to
be inducted into thy service this week
are arriving in the city. According to
present arrangements, the boys will be
escorted to the Southern Pacific depot
Friday morning for the 9:20 o'clock
train by members of the Grand Army
of the Eepublic. A. B. Hudleson, com
mander of Sedgwick Post will also in
vite I lie high school cadets and the
Hpunish war veterans to serve as an es
cort. They go first to Camp Lewis.
The O. A. R. and other organizations
to escort the recruits to the depot will
meet at the Court house Friday morning
at 8:30 o'clock.
' Of the 29 to be Inducted into tho ser
vice from Salem, one, Oscar Herman, has
been given the privuego of visiting his
relatives at Manitowoc, Wis., and of
entering the service at that place.
The names of the 28 to leave from
Sale in are:
William Filmore Wilant, 22, Council
Bluffs. Iowa.
.Edward Gittins. 30, of 1490 South
Cottage street, Salem.
Harold George Hermanscn, 24, of
Alike Henry Sims, 22, of Tendleton.
Chas. K. Olcott, 24, of 1740 Court Si.,
Theodore C. Pcerenboom, 21, of 2640
Brooks avenue, Salem.
Chris Bahr, 29, of Silverton.
Clair Donker, 11, of Aumsville.
Eirol Valentine livrnes. 24. of Port
John Zabud Larson, 25, of Shaw.
Walter Leisi, of 2728 Lee street, Sa-
Douglas Phillips, 24, of Miami, Ail-
Kicliard R. Gray, 2J, of Turner.
Alvin S. Heinmingsen, 29, of Silve.-
Everett H. Craven, 21, of 1529 A til.
Vernon E. Rings, 23, of 463 South
Commercial street, Salem.
llervcy t Ham, 22, of rural route 0,
Clair V. Dimiek, 27, Mist, Oregon,
fcugene E. Kelley, 23, Portland.
Albert C. Smith, 22, Portland.
Gaither C. Stuart, 21, Jefferson. '
Charles B. Wcatherill, 23, of Turner.
IJarry P. Bowors, 24, of Willamette
University, Salem.
Floyd C. Shelton, 27, ol rural route i,
John A. Uein, 22, rural rout 6, Sa
Forest Glen Day, 23, of Portland.
Gontneros Demetrov Demos, 23. ot 600.
Trade street, Salem.
Henry F. Kauschcr, age 21, ot Aums
litven of the 29 men in this call are
from Salem. Two are from Turner and
t'ilvutou also send two. Harry P. Bow
ers u now with the Willamette Gloc
club on their concert tour in Washing-
j. he will arrive in Sulem iu time to
luat with the others.
Tnc men will all report at the court
lioiiM! Friday morning, leaving there fur
tU depot.
'.Strike In Ireland
I Paralyzed Business
I Dublin, Aprit'"4. The nation wide
parulyzation of industry resulting fro.n
I yesterday's strike, which worked with
Tj machine-like precision except in Ulster,
1 1 was regarded today as having emphasis
ed the well knit organization with whien
the auti-conseriptionists are working.
There were indicntious that the Btrik-
iers were resuming orK quietly today,
aiinongn tne streets in practically every
city were still thronged. The demonstra
tion yesterday was remarkably quiet.
I Auti conscriptionists have not shown
any animosity to date, parading the
istrwts in their 'Sunday best" bIoiim-
j side English, Irish and American sol
diers. The situation, however, is not re
garded as a joke.
The lord mnvur of Dublin in rtmnrtfrt
Jlto have asked Foreign Secretary Half our j
esses at tiieir quarterly evening meet
ing last sight, when they entertained
their husbands at the ken of Mr.
and Ml A. -A. Le. 1515 Hot stret.
ijBvely dfrorstioiv of dogwood blooms
aid eaerry Moeaom adorred tne
rooms Refresfeaieatf of wav w and
punch vera ser.ed, Mrs. A. . Hunt,
Mrs. J. ft Littler an Mr. W. T.
Kirk presiding t the pouch bowL
An rajoTObM ptogtm n givea
folknrctli by m diverting Variety ot
pk-ncs. The program committee consist
ed of Mr W. C. Tonng, Mrs. W. E.
Vin-nt, Mr MrOulor aad Mrs. K.
K. CherrrngtotL The selections eontrib-
uted were: WhuVing solo, "rne
Mocking Bird," Mrs. C. C. Clark; vo
cal aoloa, "The Sunshine of Your
Smile," and "Hhe Blackbird aad the
Rose," Mm Kv lone tnerringtoa;
instrumental solo, Mas Audrey Med-ler.
The Eastern Star Red Cross auiU
ary held sjn election of officers at
the regular meeting of the order yes-.
terd&y at the Masonic eJub roxnn
when Mrs. Elizabeth Shafer was re
elected preeidnt, Mrs. Elizabeth Land
elected vice president and Mrs. Paul
Orson and Mrs. Elizabeth Read re-erect
ed as secretary and treasurer. Mrs.
Marion Derby was also reappointed to
supenntipde tn worn or tne auxil
iary. Yesterday was eomfort tying day
and a goodly number of comforta were
completed by the auxiliary memrjers.
Mrs. A- S. McGinn, who has been
the house euest of Miss Catharine Car
son for a lew weeks h returned to
her home at Hubbard, preparatory to
her departure for the east.
Messanes of con2ratulation are find
ing their way to the home of Lieuten
ant and Mrs. Cloy Raueh at Taooraa,
upon the arrival of a son, born Mon
day, April 22 at the Tftcoma general
hospital. The baby has been named
Cloy, Dixon Raueh. Lieutenant and
Mrs. 'Raueh are alwo the parents of a
small daughter. Mrs. Raueh was Miss
Rc.in Long before her imarriage, and
an instructor in tne r.nguB ueyniv
ment f the Salem high s. hool.
Mrs. William Staiger went to Inde
nendieiiico today, where she will be the
guest of Mrs. E. E. Paddock for a few
days- , IJ.AB
Miss Graoe Babeock, Miss Mary
Babeock and Miss Georgia Broyles
were recant Portland visitors.
Mr. and Mm. Rov Shields and chil
dren have returned from a few" days
visit at Amity.
Th oiirhth Wrthday anniversary of
Bertha Rosalie Babwk formed the oc
casion OI a merry eeii mm
day afternoon at the home or ner
mother .Mrs. William P. Babeock on
South Commercial street- A group of
s-uall guests frolicked through- aa af
ternoon of .games and gay Jastnne,
followed by the glad summons to the
dtining room, where- a Destal birthday
cake sparkled with Ita diminutivs ar
ray on eignt eanaies. xam.
flowers provided wttrac-tlv decoration
for the party, which numbered as
guests: Mary KihtMnger, Hinetta
tiin NuiM'.v Thielsen. Doris Hens-
ley, Dorothy Boeshurtit, Mary Schei,
Frances Martin, Ahna Johnson, Esther
Arnold, Margaret Moreho-w and Vel
ma Perry. Miss Amelia Babeock as
sisted her another in serving the little
folk. . . .
f;a r.lKilvs Hansel, a studemt at
the Willamette collego of music, was a
Portland visitor over the week end.
rhen she sang before an ameroums
soldiers at the Vancouver x.
r, .nd Mrs. a?rank Bowman have
.J...Ia hnm three months' sojourn
at Ldng Beach, California, where they
went directly after their marriage,
whieh took nlaee eariy in i".tt"."6
at Eugne. Mrs. Bowman was Miss Ma
bel James before her marriage.
mtw.r nf St. Joseph's auxil
iary met yesterday at the Knights of
Columbus hall on State street, ine i
terhoon hours were devoted to Red
rt. (Mwinir. the husbands of the
members joining thorn the supper
hour. whU a "Hoover lunch" was
served. . .
kt lirht thirty a Business bkh
was called to order fcy Mrs. A. A.
Michel, chairman of the auxiliary. The
following election of officers too
place, Mrs, A. A. cnu.ru,
Miss uernruoe m""""!
dcot: Mrs. A. E. rnK-Bemera.
tnryj Mrs. rTann unvry, 1,
A mo sansraewry "r" "
.-rk luiconrorifhed T -
auxUiarv in nciwral Red Cross activ-
Witffcwe a complexion tiafy
iiM't always presenaSe-
Hi' ml now possible for every
" tt-i woman through use of
Phantom Powder
Immediately gives skin appear--ance
of beauty then really
beautifies it. Unrivaled beauty builder
for face, neck and hands. Doesn't rub "
orwaflhoff. Splendid for eveningmake
up Your mirror will prove its merit.
123 X. High St.
(Continued from page one)
a variety of patriotic causes. St. Jos-! X
eph's was .the first auxiliary to be
organized last year and is one of the
.largest m the county.
Th committee for the. evening eom
frimei Mr Frank Davey, Miss Rosal-
Ua Mw h, ilrs. j. ri Do ran.
Mrs. Paul A. Fugate of Aberdeen,
Waahiugtoa, is visiuag in Salem at
the host a of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Fngate, 1197 South High
street. Mm. iVigata waa Miss Ruth t u
Ste before her narrisg ,m well known
Salem girl. She win spend about two
months 8n the city.
Mies Thenie Draper, who whs the
goes of her aunt, Mrs. W. 11. Burg
hardt, Jr., for a few davs, has return
ed to her home m Portland.
It is not a myth, buft a reality and
women may find it in perfect func
tional health. WVmetn who want to
grosy old Jgracfffully should guard
against all organic weakness and de
rangements, and at the first symptom
of such conditions resort to Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, na
ture's cWpi root) and hr remedy, to
restore health. For three generations
women of America have depended up
on this successful remedy and have
found no other medwrne to equal It.
Of Course You' Are Buying Your
Clothes Carefully This Season
No doubt you are as keen as ev
in your love for beautiful fab
rics, graceful lines, and smart
effects. .
But you are looking closer to see
that the new suit or coat will
pive plenty of wear, and that it
will be fashionable as long as it
is worn.
We have paid particular atten
tion this yeaf to the s-lection of
garments void of freak effects
which soon pass out of vogue.
You may be sure of a double
economy first, in the cost price
and values afforded second, in
the fact that the styles will not
be limited to" a short period of
wear but have many of the qual
ities of long life.
The values are here. Take prompt advantage
Coats from ." $12.48 up
Suits from $16.48 up
Silk Dresses from $12.48 up. t
U. G. Shipley Company
Quality Merchandise Popular Prices
fair cofnside ration but in orderly fash
ion. Time is necessary to review the
evidence and read the 'briefs. In the
meantitm I shall pay no attention
whatever in organized sen-ding of tel
egrams and letters nor to strikes or
other demonstrations designed to in
fluence me in the matter."
This is the first statement that Gov-
eihior Stephens has made in the Moon
ey case which has attracted interna
tional attention. Heretofore he has de
clined to discuss the case, declaring
that he desired to wait until the case
came- officially before him.
;m will, read. The members or this
auxiliasy Sa f&mmi with ttios ot
numerous other auxiliaries have been
mast active in hmne service work, in
tho surgical dressing dBrtment, and
Business or School
who have thin or in
Sufficient blood orare
physically frail will find
--" i fur a passport to America.
a rich blood-food and strengthen
ing tonic It is so helpful for
delicate girls it should be a
part of their regular diet "
Scott A Bownt. BhwmficM. N. J. 17-41
Dunn Defends Court
TTashincton, April 24. Judee Frank
H. Dunne of the superior court of (.'al
ifornia today presented to the senate
through Senator roindexter, wasti-
ington, a defense of California courts
inf their conduct of th Mooney trial.
Judee Dunne said the presidfpt s
mediation commission, appointed to
inquire into the Mooney case, worked
on false reasiekiing.
"Only ramcals, anarchists, near an
archists and bolsheviki have taken any
other attitude than yours," Dunne
wired Poindester in a telegram which
was read into the record. "Thev have
seised on the Mooney case as a new
instrument with which to break down
the faith of the country in law and
order- Don't be. fooled by the Oxman,
camouflage. The conviction of Mooney
did not come until after a large sum
had been raised and a' pitiless cam
paign started to break by publicity and
terrorism, all the witnesses for ,the
state. Moclney's defense, like the Ger
man troops, picked on Oxman 's testi
mony as their greatest danger point
and fired at it with every kind of
poisoa gas. ' '
Difnne said he was the presiding
judg in a age in which Oxman was
tried for perjury and found not guilty.
"One hundred thousand dollar ',:as
raised for Moopeya defense from
sources' which required receipts." said
Dunne, "and it was reported 1106,000
was raised from soui.e requiring no
receipts." - t
To Strife in Seattle
Seattle, Wash.. April 24. The pro
posed on day strike May 1, as an ex
pression fromv labor to obtain a par
don for Tom Mooney, was given al
most unanimous support Ian night by
the metal trades council, although sev
eral Bwals opposed the plan.
Tho gas workers- voted unanimously
ajiaincst the plan. They say they will
follow the instructions of President
Sanmel Gcmpers. The carpenters voted
151 to 21 against the strike.
The palmers and butchers decided
to take the stand of. the Metal Trades
Council. The electrical workers took
no action.
The President's Position
San Francis?o. April 24. President
Wilson is "confident that Governor
Stephens will be disrwsed to do the ut
most justice" for Thomas J. Mooney,
convicted preparedness parade dynamite-.
Today J. H. Beckn;eyer, member of
the machinists union received a tele
gram frim President Wilson in a re
ply to on ! from wn-K?rs here on April I
17. Tne president V message ioiiows: j
"I warmly appreciate the telegram
of April 17 which you were kind
enough to send me on behalf of the
Mooney case. I aave certainly tried
It Is Up To Michael
to Prove Relationship
or Losethe $13,000
It is up to Michael O'JJicll to prove
that lie is the brother of James Noil
who died in Salem Dec. , 1610, if he
is to inherit an estato of about $13,000
left by the last will ana testament of
James Neil, dated Nov. 20, 1916. -
in the will of James Aeil. after be
queathing St. Jostpu's Catholic ehurch
of Salem $250 and Garrett Julien $1U0,
ho named as his heirs his brother Mich-
au eil and his two sisters Jane and
Catherine Neil, whose addresses ho did
uot know nor had he seen them for
Tany years.
T K. I ord was appointed by the court
as executor of the will. One of the pro-visi-us
was that if by diligent search
r.ci;l. -.r ; t the sisters nor tho brother
cm. Id founo', that at the expiration of
ten years, the estate should be divided
one fifth to each of the following. (Jar
retto M. Julien,' Marie Julien, Ma Mar
tin, James yuir and T. K. Ford, to
gether with one fifth to St. Joseph's
Catholic church and Patrick Byau of
In a report today to the court, the
executor states that both of the sistors
had died before tho death of Mr. Neil.
However, Michael O'Niell, of Jersey
City, New Jersey, made claim to the
estate as a brother of the deceased im
dvi a provision of the will that should
to do all that it was my privilege to
do and am donlfilent that Governor
Stephens will be disposed to do the ut
most justice. . . -
his brother or either of his sisters be
dead at the time of tho execution of
th.' will, that the survivor should inher
it all.
In a report filed today in the circuit
court, T. K. i'ord. executor, files an an
swer to tho second amended complaint
of Michael O'Neill, claimant, ' statiiijj
that he had Used diligence in searching
for the heirs nf James Neil. Also that
tho proof of Michael O'Neill that ho is'
a brother of James Neil was such tbat
he was not justified iu believing he
was a brotller of the deceased and en
titled to any benefits under the will
Stockton Bunch Looks'
Like Ku Khix Klait
Stockton, Cal., April 24. Thirty oiht
masked und robed men mounted oa
white robed horses paraded silently thrir
the main streets of Stockton last njght
and countermarched iir front of I. W. W.
The men gathered quietly at 8 o'clock
in front of a fire engine house and the
liorses were'brought to thein there. Two
policemen were on hand. The horse
were robed after tho style of the Kit
Klux Klan and the robed and maskof
men mounted and filed silently up th
street without a word of command be
ing spoken.
The throe mon in the" lead rode abreast
and were rolled in black. One carried a
lurgo American flag and one flourished: ,
a sword. Each rider carried a small Am
erican flag. No one could be found to
day to admit a knowledge of who the
riders worn, what the Organization was
called or what its purpose is.
smw ' wg us t oft jffm
An All -year -'round
Soft Drink
for the Bluejackets A
Our boys in the navy enjoy their
Bevo. The esteem in which it is
held by the entire Navy Depart
ment is clearly indicated by the
fact that it is sold and served on
all U, S. vessels and in training
camps. Afloat or ashore, you will
find Bevo unusually refreshing,
good and healthful.
'Soft in the strictest sense, but a
thoroughgoing man's drink. Try
it by itself, or with a bite to eat.
Served everywhete families
supplied by grocers, druggists
or dealers.
Manufactured and bottled cxclunvtty fay
Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis
rr .
' Distributors
Warehouse Office at Dan J. Fry