7 THE Da FLY CAPITAL jfU'kNAL. SALKM. ORE. SATURDAY. APRIL 13. 1918. SEV no imc; , ft .. J Mm - m ' 'jw nr-fif ft f I mm m t wfm J .r. yj (1 Is Liberty Bonds Are United States Governmesx Bor5. - They Jcip ;pp-C b.f wver diar ,dt it5 enormous reduces siJ ei Uiie4 Stxfr 'iliey Isear er4 at S 5?if iig!jer Liaa eiifiscJ by any wfW class of Governnstnt They do iiot represent a war gift or 'Jc-natlo but the highest type of profit produait? investment They are ia deaominations ranging upward frcm $50 to suit the convenience and the scces of every American who wants to htlp his country. Jiey a! e transferable and constitute an ideal security. If ycu are willing to help your country any jbaak or trust company will help you by accepting- your order and arranging terms pi payment wiihout the imposition of any commission or charge for its services. Any Bank Will Help You f n f t The test of patriotism is before us all. Now is the opportunity to show your true colors. Our country needs money.- Every American foreign born or otherwise must help her raise it. Will your purse ; strings be tied in America's hour of need, or will you loan your money freely? It matters not how many other Liberty Bonds you have bought you must buy more Liberty Bonds and buy them now. Our fighters must be equipped and fed. We must have ships, guns, ammunition, aeroplanes all the tremendous armament of war. We must have money! The . purchase of j Liberty Bonds by;cvcry one of us at home willj enable Uncle Sam to supply every need. v . Every man or woman; who enjoys the blessings of American citizenship must heed this call. It is plainly up to you either you are with us or against us. Prove your patriot-; ism by buying that Liberty Bond today! -.-.ij Uli. . A ilOTI- CALLY CONiiuBUTED BY I-KKULESH HAKKHY KAY L. FA KM KB HDW. CO. CilAH. K. .SI'AULDING JLOUUINO CO. LLOYI) K. RAMSDEN MYHTLK KNOVVLA.ND W. J. I'OKTKR AUTHCR H. MOOUK If. C. MARVIN 8. P. CULVER ' liKN VV. OLCOTT ht 1 " " "-"T 0 f' - ------- - " .a 3-? - Sii!?rtU.'t'" - -- fS;. fraJ-vertiirmmt prtparrd by tht ' H. K. McCamt Cl" Advtrtismg AgemU 'Sa Francis ct - : is ;-5