THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALfiU. ORE. SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1918. i S i! il "J, I O ; "' 'V Ssf V'. II .--i.H-vf r & ipfr mi ' itWSSW - if S1MV f V -y-' V ! V 1 -dv.rtUem.nt C 'I J written by i ."J 4' I V Charlotte R. MUh, rif't k RfeakV" 1 1 .. lis. i.t,y-.": issi-T ..r, i it In the wake of the Hun there are worse things than death. Neither helpless youth nor j defenseless age is spared. Frightfulness must be abolished ' forever. and now. You must do your share to rid the world of it. If you can't shoulder a gun or fly an airship, you can lend your dollars. llt Words won't buy ships or ammunition. "Mon is now the Nation's greatest need. We mus have money to keep "our boys" supplied with food and clothes with cannon, shells, cartridges ' with blankets, horses, aeroplanes all the tools of; war wkh which to crush a monstrous foe who1 points to ravished Belgium, her women and her children, and promises that we, too, shall taste his Hohenzollern hate. Shall we cruh the Hun on the battle CeMs of i Europe or grapple with his fiendish soldiery heri among our homes? tmI . i 1 t i lie time lias ctiiic lu prove your loyalty. I If you hold back now you are as bad as the m avowed traitor. Your money hidden away in a sock or vault will not buy the things that America needs and must have. Your citizenship is being tested. If you are an American you will y 5 iy a Lifee ?! LIBERTY BONDS ' Are United State. Garrernment Bond. They are rapportod hj erery tiollar of tli. enormoiu rMooroe. of tb. United States. They am trantfenM. aod eoaatitut. an Tiey are in denomination, ranging upward frost $50 to cuit the con anieaca and th finaarw of Wtff American wbo went f kelp tU country. They bear intereit at rat. hither than earned by any other cla of Govern ment bond. They do not repreaent war gift or do nation but the highet typ. of profit producing investment. If you are willing to help your country any bank or trut company will help you by accepting your order and arranging term of payment withxa the imposition of any commission Jf charg. for it services. Any Bank Will Help You 4 j i 1 1 1 11 ' v I - THIS SPACE IS PATRIOTICALLY CONTRIBUTED BY WELLER BROS. , JACOB A RISE HILEMAN IklACHINERY & TIRE CO. FOSTER & BAKER STANDARD CLEANERS & DYERS MODERN BAKERY SALEM FIRE DEPARTMENT J. A. BARR