TTTT?. T. A TT V C A T)TT A T T"TTTXT AT OAT "PUT rrTT nnrrv a ir I nrTT . m n i Capital Journal , EVEBYTHING ELECTRICAL Balsa Electric Co, Masonic Temple, 127 North High , m . ' TEANSFEB AND DRAYAGE Balem Track ft Dray Co.. corner State and Front Street , AUTO DRIVERY BAGGAGE AND PABCELS DELIV- . ereo. any place, city or country. avnp m ur tvoin, vv. W . Dlslier FINANCIAL ta i aim AUil 1U LUAil On Good Real Estate Security . THOS. K. FOSD Orsr Ladd Bush bank, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN Eastern Money at Lowest Bates, on approved security. Homer H. Smith, Boom 6, McCornack Bldg., Salem. Or HATTEBg AKD CLEANEB8 ELLSWOBTH, THE HATTEB Men's and women a hats cleaned, reblocked and retrimmed. Old hats made to look li!:e new. We carry a large took of fine t'lbona. 495 Court St OaTEOPATH D?' ? H. WHITE AND B. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and erve specialists. Graduate or Amer ican .school of Osteopathy, Kirkvilie, Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles Col lege. Offices 505-508 tt a jof t Bldg. Phone 859. Residence 1620 ourt. -none Z215. Dr. White Ees. .mono aujj. LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. P. Andrcsen, C. C. W. B Oil son. K.E. IS. MODEBN WOODMEN OF A Martha Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 5246, meets iuursuay evening at 8 o'clock In Dorby building, corner Court and High streets. B. F. Day, V. C; J. A. Wright, Clerk. 6ALElf HUMANE SOCIETY D, D. Keoler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of eruelty or ne glect of dnmb animals should be re ported to the secretary for investiga ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA "Oregon Grape Camp" No. 13G0, meets every Thursday evenina in . DerYy building. Court and High St. Mrs. Pearl Coursey, 214 Court 8t., orafie; Mrs. Melissa Persons, recor der. 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall, Norma L Torwiiliger M. A.: C. A. ibbertJ '-mi jr. wroffn urug store, 33S Stats street. MISCELLANEOUS FBLTTLAND NURSERY SALE YARD et High and Forty. Everbearing mwuernos ana loganberries. Call and see stock and get prices before making, your purchase. INVESTORS LISTEN I have a bar gain to offer; a large well built modern house, well located on a prominent corner, convenient to bus iness part of the city, for less than its value, much less, I will sell. It will rjy yon to look into this mat tor. Phone 470. tf FOB SALE IF YOU WANT to sell or exchange your property or business, list with tno Oregon Realty Exchange and Investment Co. We list property all over toe U. S. and Canady and cnargo no commission. Call aud see us. Room 28 Breyman bldg. 5-11 240 AOB.ES, 200 cultivated, 40 timber pasture, running water, fair improve 1'icnts, 3 miles from Pratum, best Waldo Hill soil, price $23,000.' 60 aires, 58 cultivated, 18 pasture, 2 timber, all good soil, spring water, good improvements, 1900 prune trees, fiO English walnut trees, good team of horses, wagon, harness, 3 Jersey cows, 100 pure bred hens, 1 mile from Aumsville, a snap, price $8500. Terms. Soeolofsky, 341 State St. phone 970. 5 10 80 ACHES irrigated, all cultivated, 50 acres alfalfa, joining town, $200 per acre. 175 acres all cultivated, im proved, 6. miles to town. $50 per eire. 12 lota in thriving town, $1500 1 i ruoia 110113'j. iois, in town oi 2000. price $3000, this will soon be business property. No incumbrances, will trade one or all for property east or north of Salem. Might con-' sider acreage, micht assume. Soco lefsky, 341 State St. 4-15 111 ACRES, 80 cultivated, 30 timber pasture, 40 acres in crop, good build ings, on rock road, two miles from town, some stock and Implements, prico 1100, will take $3000 Salem residence, some cash and easy terms on balance. 100 acres, 90 cultivated 50 bettom, 5 timber, all fenced, good road, new 6 room bungalow, barn, close to school, 11.000. 20 acres Yamhill county, exchange for., o r.wm bungalow in Salem. Equity in 40 acre Idaho irrigated farm fo ranch near Salem or Dallas, not over 3000, price $6000. 20 acres close to Salem. 6 cleared, good improvements. rock road, $4000. 58 acres, 45 culti- j vated, 25 beaverdam, 12 pasture, 1 orchard, good barn, fair honse, join-! jj. ing town, running water, $0200 east) terms. Modern 5 room bungalow, j furnace, paved street, $1500. Mod-; era 5 room bungalow, furnace, fire place, bath, Dutch kitchen, close in,1 $2000. $S500 worth of acreage and ; - residence property to exchange for; ranch any where. fSoeolofsky, 34 i TRY JOURNAL WANT ADS Classified .Column Telephone Main 1200 Main 71 DENTIST 0B. T. L. UXTEB, DENTIST, BOOMS 13-414 Bank of Commerce bldg. Phone 603. 11-4 SCAVENGER BALEM SCAVENGEB Charles Boos DroDrietor. Garbage and rafiinA nf all kinds removed ou monthly contracts at reasonable rates, xard and cess dooIs cleaned. Office phone Main B247. Besidenee Main 2272. SECOND HAND GOODS BUY, SEl and EXCHANGE- Men 'a clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry! watches, tools, musical instruments bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, suit eases, trunks, cameras, typswriters ' and forniture. Capital Exchange, 337 ioun street, roone 4s. WATER OOMPAWT SALEM WATEB COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets. Bills parable monthly in advance. WANTED WANTED Strictly fresh eggs, best . cash price at Cherry City Baking uo. tf STOVE BE PAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND BEPAIBED 80 years experience. Depot, National and American fence. Sizes 26 to 68 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, ete. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fenee and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. VETERINARIAN DB. W. G. M00.1HOU8E, COUNTY veterinarian, graduate Cornell Tfniver-( sity. Office Cherry City Feed Stables 544 Ferry St. Phones, office 2199, res. and night 1510. RAILROAD TIME TABLES SALEM- GEEB LINE no. vd Arrive at salom 9:15 a.m. No. 74 Leave Salem . 3:05 p.m SALEM, FALLS CITY & WESTERN 161 Lv Salem, motor 7:05 a.m 163 Lv Salem, motor 9:35 am. 165 Lv Salem, motor 1:40 pm Through car to Monmouth and Arlie 167 Lv Salom, motor 3:48 p.m. 169Lv Salem, motor . 5:57 p.m, 239 Wy frt. Lv Salem.-... 5:00 a.m. lea Ar at Salem 8:30 a-tn. 164 jAr. at Salem ...;.......ll:0e a.m. 166 At at Salem......;...,... : 3:00 p.m. 168 Ar at Salem ...5:35 pjn. 170 Ar at Salem 7:20 p.m. 240 Wy frt Ar Salom 2:30 p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC Southbound Leave Arrive Arrive vPortland Salem Eugene 6:30 am 8:35 am 10:50 am 8:S0am 10:11am 12:25pm am. 12:00 pm 2:05 pm 4:15 pm 6:35 tun xn ijta :4opm onupm :50pm 17 6:05 pm 8:07 pm Salem only la :zupm 11:20 pm Salem only U 11:45 pm 1:55 am 6:50 am North Bank Station (leave Jefferson Street 15 and 20 uinutes later) . Northboar.d Leave Avrive Kcgenc Salem ...12:05 am 4:35 am 7:15 am Train No. 2 8 Arrive Portland 6:50 am 9:25 am 11:30 am 1:20 pm 3:55 pm 545 pm 7:40 pm 10:00 pm 10 Ltd.;.... 7:35 am, 9:45 am 12 1120 -im 14 11:20 am 1:50 pm 16 Ltd 1:55 pm 4:09 pm 20 4:10pm 5:30 pm 1.25 pm 7:55 pm xrvonn anK citation (Arrive Jefferson Street 15 minutes earlier) ."Leave Cor vallis. COBVALI4IS C0NNS2TI0NS Leave Corvallis Arrive Salem 8:25 am..Northbound 9:45 am 12:12 pm Northbound....l:30 am 2:41 pmNorthbound 4:00 pm 4:10 pm Northbound....5:30 pm 6:18 pm NorUbound 7:55 pm 8:35 am..Southbound....9:57 10:15 am....Southbound..ll:33 J2:50 pm....Soulhbo itiC V, '-ii 4:15 pm Soulhbound....5:40 am am pm pm 6:40 pm....8outhbound 8:00 pm Spray Calendar, Marion County, Oregon Pink Spray. Spray now, just before blossoms open petals showing pink. Spray apples and pears for scab. . Sijay prunes for brown rot. Spray with lime-sulphur 1 to 3 f. Keep a look-out for "fire blightC" on pears and apples, and report suspi cious cases to the fruit inspector. S. H. TAN TRUMP, County Fruit Inspector, Court House. LEGITEIATE PROFIT Keeps the -permanent business man in front line business trenches get your Job Print ing at THB CAPITAL JOURNAL PHONE 81 ? TRY JOURNAL wNT ADS; Train 1 5 Ltd 0 '. THE MARKETS 4 Local market quotations for today remain for the most jart unchanged. Grata Wheat, soft white. $L8518T Wheat, red aSv Wheat, lower grades on ampl uats ..:.. 96 Barley, ton Bran , $63 $36 $38 $1920 $202 $1S Shorts, per ton .. Hay, cheat, new Hay, vetch, new Hay, clover, new Butterfat Creamery butter 40c 43c n Country butter . Pork. Veal and Mutton Pork, on foot 1516 Veal, fancy ...u. 1617c Steers a 7S9 Cows .... . t&kf: Bulls . 5(a)6i4t Spring lambs ll12c Ueuh 1 3032c 202U 2628. 21(i)23t 2729. 2628c awes Lambs, yearlings , Eggs, cash . Hens, pound ......... . Turkeys,, dresse'd . lurker. live. No. 1 . Hens, dressed, pound rv, dressed Ducks, live . Geese, live , 18M20. 1518c 14(o15c Old roosters i'onng roosters 4820c Potatoes Vegetables String garlic 6c lireen onions .. . 40r Dnions, in sack .... $1.75 Lettuce, crate . $3 C'Olery 90, Broccoli $1.25 Artichokes $110 Cabbage SU Honda' tomatoes $4.75 Rhubarb $2 Asparagus . $1013 Figs ana Dates Black figs 13f Fruit Apples : $1-25B)i Oranges , $5.50)8 Grape fruit . $5.75 Bananas i 6c Be tall Prices Creamery butter 4550c Flour, hara wheat , $2.702.81 Flour, soft wheat . $2.502.6 Country butter 40c Eggs, dozen : .. 35c Sugar, 11 lbs. for $1 Sales limited to $1 POETLAND MARKET Portland, Or., April 12. crcamery 42e Eggs, selocted local ex. liens 27c Broilers 40c' '"Geese 20c - -Butter, city 3435c ' . Daily Live Stock Market Cattle Receipts 16 Tone of market strong Medium to choice steers $1112 Good to medium Steers $10.50(0)11.50 Common to good steers $9l6 Choice cows and heifers $9.75fi)10.75 Canners $4.256.25 Bulls $5(9 Calves $75012 Stocker and feeder steers $6.509.50 Hogs Roccipits.511 Tone of market strong Prime light $17.25(ffi 17.50 Prime heavy $16.9017.15 Pigs $14.7516 Sheep Receipts 5f5 Tone of market strong Spring lambs $20 Western yearlings $lo.25(a)5.50 Valley yearlings $1 5.20(a) 15.50 Wethers $13(3)13.50 Ewes $12ff'12.50 iOTB Portland market on shorn sheep, 2 to 3c under quotation. Children Cry FOfc FLICKER'S CASTOR! A NOTICE OF SALE -Of Governmait Timber Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the Act of Juno 9, 1916, (39 Stat., 218), and the instructions of the Sec rctary of the Interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on the following lands will be eold May 15, 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m. at public auction at the United States land office at Portland Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, aile to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the In terior. The purchase price, with an ad ditional sum otf one-fifth of one per eent thereof, being commissioM allow- ea, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned. if sale is not ap proved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be receiv ed from citizen (,f the United States, associations of such citizens and cor porations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, terri tory or district thereof only. Upon ap plication of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be olfered separately bsfore being includ ed in any offer of a larger unit. T- 9 S. R. 2 E.. Sec. 35: NE',4 NEH. yellow nr zou Al , red fir SO M.; JNWVivMivi, yellow fir 600 M., red fir 800 M, hem lock 10 M.; SV NKii, vclW fir 700 M., red fir 2.10 M.; SE14 NE14, yellow fir 350 M., Ted fir 450 M.; KE NWi, yellow fir 750 M., red fir 250 M., hemlock 10 M.; SE'i NW, yel low fir 100 M.. red fir 1200 M.: KEV, SWJ,i. vellow fir 200 M, red fir SOUf- M.; SE'4 SWU, yellow fir 350 M., red fir 850 M.; NE',4 SEM, yellow fk 450 M., red fir 600 M N'W'A SEV.. yellow fir' 500 M.. red fir 600 M.; SV V SE14, yellow frr 50 M., red fir 1S00 M-; SE'i SE'4, red fir 1550 M.. none of the fir to be sold at less "than $1.75 Iper AI., and none of the hemlock to jbe sold at less than $.50 per M. l CLAY TALLMAV. c CT -BACKJCHE. Umber Up With Penetrating Ka.Tiiln a Wizard Oil A harmless and effective prepara tion to relieve the pains of Rheuma tism, Sciatica, Lame Back and Lum bago is Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It pen etrates quickly, drives out soreness, and limbers up stiff aching joints and muscles. You have no idea how useful it will be found in cases of every day ailment or mishap, when there is need of an immediate healing, anti septic application, as' in cases of sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and stings. . Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have . sick headache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30 cents. Guaranteed. Rosedale Notes Mr. Titus has been eick for a few days, but is convalescent. Miss Cook spent the week end at homo in Portland. Tho newly organized Red Cross in stalled the following officers at their meeting Thursday nignt: jresiacnt. Mr. Goode; vice president, Mrs. W Campbell; secretary, JsH Rtella Blin stonj treasurer, Mrs. T. Trick. There are about' 20 members. Gua Cole enjoyed a visit from his father from Portland, a few days last week. The young peoples S. S. clasB had a social at the home of Flora Turnbull last Friday evening. O. A. Beer and family visited at the B. M. Camniack home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bunodict of Marshal town, Iowa, visited W, S. Pemberton 's and other old friends in this vicinity last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bates visited their daughter in Polk counts', last Fri day. Mr. Kowe has gone to work in a ship yard in Vancouver. Mr. Arnold is home rrom tno hospit al but slightly improved. The lumoT . 8. class held a social with Cecil Bonney last Saturday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bates spent the week cnd at tho Albert Bates home. Geo- Palmer drovo to Albany Tues day, returning Wednesday. ECKMAN5 ; FOR THROAT AND LUNGS A Calcium romtKwmd that will brinir re lief In many ft cuto and chnwJc cftfw VroYtde In hunHtt form, a basic rem edy hUrhly recAmmornled, toy aclencou Cnn tolna no harmful druga Try them today. 60 cents a bore including war tax J TDEKER NEWS CCapital Journal Special Serviee) Turner, April 12. Mr. and Mrs Fred Gunning were in Salem the guests of Mr. and Mrs. enuth Mane n e.,n a.gus mi , .". down to the S. T.. B. OUnUiy 10 VISU Misa Hall. ri,i Tfiiu- ct,a n:..v trnitrt 1,0170 been buying sheep this week, over near Tndenenllence. Thc Lindios Aid society met witn Mrs- V. H. Cornelius to do Red Cross worK; tuoso laaieg are giving tneir Thursdays as well as the regular Tues days for Red Cross work. Tho remains of the late C. H- Van gross, who pnssed away in Portland tho 7th was brought to Turner Wed nesday for burial. Chairman K. D. Gray is well please rll ! lihnHv hnnrl ilrivA n.R Turner has none beyond her quota. Thanks it, due to each and every one of the com mmee. Harvey Bansom was in Salem Wed-j Mrs. Edith Ransom is having her household goods shipped to Astoria. Hollis Langicth failed in the exam-, ination so he will not be with the col- ors. John Watson has begun improve ments on tho interior of his home. Mrs. Glairs IMches Robinson and daughter leave for Washington, Satur day. Miss Sibyl and Helen Pccts spent the week end in Mill City, visiting friends. Pearl P. ITassloT made a flying trip to Mill City Saturday; his excuso was to fish, but, well I Ussier, we will not tell who the lady Js. Mrs. M. O. Cattcrlin was a week end guest of her sisters, Mrs. Small and Mrs. Cole; she was en route home af ter spending two weeks at Handon and Coquille with relatives. Salem Tailor Makes Valuable Find "After spending $900 for medicine and doctors in four years without get ting any benefit for stomach trouble and bloating I v as induced by my druggist to try Mayi'g V'OBderful Remedy and nnist say that a $1 bottle has done me W00 worth, of good." It is a simple, harmless preparation thatjgrs t to learn of her soricus illness. Hue remove the ca'arrhal muens from the, a taken to Portland for treatment, intestinal tra t and allays the inflam-j s ; .ant VIU:e of Canbv was in Donald mation whirh ran practically all j yt!r -interview!, g the cheese factory onia.-n, nvcr anu lnieaiinai aumenis. mcin.ling ap.en.iic,ris. One dose will ;irU(:k for le aetory. convmce or money refunded. Perry's; Mr . wll0 u now HOESES WEEE BURNED Baltimore, Md. April 12. Seven teen thoroughbreds were burned when tiro destroyed staldo M at the Bowie race trs.-k ear!y today. Among tie horses lost werei Fragcnard anil Ya Uttf Teluttf, tn.ifc d by Waller House; Alo'Mchfad, (n'orge W. Averv; CaheM and FeHowslim l' the Cslnmet stables trained ly W ilie. Jenning", aid Jrc ular, owned by Jan. eg Johnson. !TRY JOURNAL WANT ADS Frurthnd flews Items (Capital Journal Special Service) Fruitland, April 11. Miss Martha Setak went" to Tacoma Monday to visit her sister, .Mrs. Emma Shelby, whose husband, Sergeant Shelby, is stationed at Camp .Lewis. Hurrah for the liberty bond drive. Our Uncle Samuel has only to tell what ho wants and the whole country ccmcs over the top. I notice that B. E. Robertson of Tur ner resents tho published statement that he is not with the country in lib erty bond and lied Cross work says it is the report of enemies. Quite like ly. I have known Ben Robertson for 25 years have worked for and with him, and always found him loyal and true, lie would make a good counly commis sioner. I am told tli at horses are cheap this spring. It is two months yet till hay harvest and mill feed is hard to get and it hardly pays to feed dollar a bushel oats. Miss Dorathy Runner, Who was op erated on tor appendicitis, has so re covered that she has returned to her classes at Slem high school. Protracted meetings began at .the church here Monday evening, conduct ed by Rev. Jacob Stocker, pastor of tho church and of the Chemeketa street Evangelical church of Salem. Tuesday evening Rev. Abel of tho Center street chur-ch of Salem preached. iTom uniorseen causes the play which was to liava been given here this week.' is indefinitely postponed. Tne Uo-nlsoa and Setak smaller chil dren have been ill With colds but are iiow better. Harold Lattin having finished the grades of Fruitland school, is now at tending salcm high school. Tuesday solicitors tor liberty bonds worked through this section, with what success I have not learned. Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Coul- son visited tho Eggler family at the Frank Dur.bin dairy l'arm near Salom. Tho perfidy of our enemy, the Prus sian, is becoming mere and more evi dent as the days go by. The rule or ruin policy looms up be fore the eyes of all the world. The sneaking, spying system -is worked for all it will bear and nntil this, country begins to hang or shoot theso culprits this sly, gum shoo work will go on. Why are there no spies in tiermnnyi Because the first one caught would be shot, ani so the next and the next. Can't we ever take the hint. Count Von Bcrnstorff of infamous memory, shed tears it is said, on leaving our shores tears because he could no long or do tho dirty work of his masters. Donald News Notes (Capital Journal Special Service) . Donald, Or., April 12. Fourteen offi cers and four members of Fidelity Re view, No. 13, VV. B. A., of the Macca bees of this placo attended the Rally at Porlland, April' 3 and 1. All branches of the Maccabee work was presented by the vaiious Reviews, of which Fidelity share was the first degree of initiation. The team was highly complimented by IVptily Supreme Commander, Minnie W. Aydelotto and l)eputy Sup.- Med. Examiner of tho northwest, Ella Fi fleld. in regnrd to 1 lie excellent man ner in which the work was presented ind also th? dnhity uniforms and per sonality of the tenm. As a surprise to Mrs. Avdelott and Mrs. V. Jj. Allen. ninnis for Fiddi v lodtfo at the close nf tl.r. Irwl.TK Wf-vlc H,.. ln,U,. nf Tl,nlr1 s I presented each with a beautiful bouquet prcpiM of flowers Among tlic many good things presented by W. B. A. of the Mae- caoees is a 11-vear policy and 1ne iun- ior protection. Any child in good health over six months old whose mother is a Maccabee mny be insured. Inquire of any of tho Indies if you are interested. A patriotic fund is nlso provided for the benefit of members whose support ers have "gone to the front." Mrs. John Singer of Donald was a week' end "visitor" to Portland re- turning Monday, Messrs. J. C. Moore, M. W. Johnson, Bich nrl Fre.l Yere-en. visited tJ, A,.. I"" - " mo u- rora Woodmen of the World lodge Tues - Banquet following, Mr. and Mrs. Thiclsen attended the funeral of .Mr. Thiclsen 's brother in gaRm on Wednesday. W. J. Dawes, has accepted a posi tion with the Standifer Construction company of Vancouver, leaving Monday to begin his work. For the present the family will remain in Donald. Boyd Yergcn, who is employed in a Portland ship yard, spent the week end with his parents, near Donald. Mr. and Mrs. C'lins. Hosltins and fam ily came up from Portland Saturday to "attend the entertainment and dance giv en by the local Ked Cross Saturday , , 1 -i v 1 been spending some time irt the Souther land mill northwest of town returned to their home in Can by last Sunday.' Mr. and Mrs. W. L. White of Aurora were nhopping in Donald Thursday and while here d spesud of lou pounds of clover seed, through the M. VV. John sou & Company, irm. Mis. J. 1 clieis was a late Woodburn visitor. Air. Kidjiiisou the electric man of Can by was a Donald visitor Thursday. Miss Mabel Doty, made a flying trip to Woodburn Tuesday lust. The frii nils of Mrs. l'cte Ftdler, rc- r, j-,, r,..,ar,i to buying au auto 1 ployed at the Ktaml.fer steel ship yards spent Satardny night and Sunday with his family in Donald. Mr. Janu s K. 0u115 and H. W. Proe ioi of I'ortland were ln Donald this v.. '., :ji:iy their bian machinery to Wij.ioburn. tr. Ralph Heder, Mr. Fred Fargo, Mr. Hughes and Miss Kuder of Fargo a t' oiled the Liberty Loan meeting hero rast Friftsy evening. lr. Sw jin of ( lismpocg was shopping in !iiia!d Wednesday. very inter.'sting lei-ture was given by J'r. Fields of Chicago at the Pres byi, nan church un April 7th, subject H Ji iivi f PRESERVE THE LEATHER LIQUIDS AMD BASTES fOlt BLACK, WHITE, TAN, DARK BROWH OROXBIOOO SHOES. THf P.P.OALlCV CORPO.rfOHa, LTD. BVfrAlO, H.V "Tho Plan of tho Ages." The lecture w.ib ink-n s'.ing and instructive covering tho whole Bible from Genesislo Revel ation, illustrated by chart. Joe Fowler of Portland was visiting his father and mother on Sunday. SAYS HOT WATER WASHES POISONS FROM THE LIVER Everyone should drink hot water with phosphate In It, before breakfast To feel as fine as the proverbial fiddle, we must keep the liver wash ed clean, almost every morning, to pre ven its sponge-like pores from clog ging with indigestible material, so 111 bilo and poisonous toxins, says a noted physician. if you got headaches, it 's your liver, If you catcss cold easily, it's your liver, i tnn ln ' Sunnyside Methodist If you wake up with a bad taste, fur- church. Their travels will then take red tongnej nasty breath or stomach ' G'om mostly into Washington, going aa becomes rancid, it's your liver. Sallow 'ar east f Spokane. The Glee club in skin, muddy ciomploxion, watery eyes eludes 16 of the best singers in the uni all denote liver - iiucleanlinosis. Your versity. Their tour will close in Salem liver is the most important, also the ; May 10. most abused and neglected organ of l.'ercnfter, every Monday evening the tho body. Few know its function or ; celleec of music will give n free re itrl " how to release the dammed-up body , j Wnllor hall, bcrinnlno- at. 8 nVWkr wnsto, bile and toxins. Moat folks re sort to Violent calomel, which is a dan gerous, salivating chemical which can only bo used occasionally because it accumulates in the tissues, also attack) tho bones. Every man and woman, sick or well, should drink each morning before breakfast, a glass of hot water with a teaspuonnil ot limestone phosphate in it, to wash from-the liver ami bowelaiW"!)0 tt ftt Eaton hall, the previous day's indigestible mater ial, the poisons, sour bile and toxins; thus, cleansing, sweetening and fresh ening tho entire alimentary canal be fore putting more, food into the stom ach, - Limestone phosphate does not re strict the diet like calomel, because it can not salivate, for it is harmless and yon can eat anything alterwaras. Jt is inexpensive and almost tasteless, and any iiui mo. let niu niu J " m.w- pound, which is sufficient for a dem onstration of how hot water and lime stone phosphate cleans, stimulates and freshens the liver, keeping you feeling tit day in and day out. iSamuel Gompers Against Conscription of Labor Washington, April 12 Conscription labor "for tho benefit of private cap ital or private industry," would be bit- " 7 oppoww, But a laoor 1 'K . " " "fKI v-F.. , j,, jllHtrv- ar0 ; Tjlis wtt8 the 'keynote of add reBscs vesterdav bv Assislunt Secretary of Ijtbor Post. Samuel Gompers aud Frank Morrison, president and secre tary, respectively of tho American Federation of Labor, before the nation al conference of lecturers. "Ijalwr will not lay down its stand ards for the enrichment of the profit eeis, " it was declared. "If the fanner wants labor con scripted for his farm, let him say 'Air. Uuvurnuiont. here is mv farm' and if the munitions manufacturer wants la iwir conscripted foT his factory let him say 'Air. Government, hero is my rue 'torv, ' but labor will not be conscript ed for the profit of either of thorn." Gompers warned congress tnat pass ago of legislation to 'make strikes uo- lawful would provoke nation wide re seiitment and labor unrest. "Much a course," Gompers said, ''would not prevent strikes. It would make tho workingnicp law breakers as well as strikers, thnt is all. As a pa trio'tiu American, I warn congress not to commit, tho deviltry or the folly of enactment of such a law. Want Experiments With Concrete Ship Building Chicago, April 12. Delegates to tho Chamber f f Commerce of he United States prepared a resolultion today urg ing ootigress to appropriate $-"0. 000,000 for a series of experiments in con crete shipbuilding. This action follow ed an address bv Leslie Comyn of San Frani-iwo, who financed the building of the big cement ship "Faith." Comyn visualized for his audience a cow-rote bridge of ships over the At lantic, the links of which could be re placed more rapidly than the Hua eoold destroy them. The -Faith, aid Comyn, cost a half million and that cost will bo paid bj her first round trip to New Zealand. - STEAMSHIP LAUNCHED Seattle, Wash., April 12- licfore a small crowd of invited guests, the skinner and Eddy Corporation launch ed he S10 t'Mt steam-ship West Dtir fee, last evening, making the third vessel sent into the water at that plant in CI working days fallowing the keel COMMITS Al WILLAMETTE T Calendar of Activities Extend ing Over Commencement Season Events scheduled for Willamette Uni versity are as follows: April 12, a play will be given, "Jo seph and His Brethren", by the pub lic upeaking1 department of the Uni versity under the direction of Mrs. Bel la Crowdei Millor. April 15, there will be a- free recital given by the department of music in Waller hall at 8 o'clock In the even ing. April IS, the Willamette university Glen club will start out on its too of Oregon and Washington. Their first 1 0'"",ert win ,,n Pivn in Portland 0 each Monday. May 10, the big event in college life will bo tho return of the college Glee club and the giving of their final co- -cert i either the opera house or the First Methodist church. Mny 11. tho freshmen' of the Uni versity will entertain the students of tho Salem high school. The event will June 3, the public speaking depart ment will hold a special J. W hit com Biley recital. Mny 29, tho department of music un der the direction of Dr. Frank Wilbut Cliaco will givo its annual concert ia, the l'Mrst Methodist church. All advanc ed nupils in both instrumental and vocal will appear on the program. m;,v 3. ti,n jiay Dny f0Br;val will to celebrated with more pomp than ever. and it is tho intentions of the Greatee WiJlnmotto Club to mako a record ia bringing in high school students from all parts of the state to witness this eete tr:.tion. ' June 6 to 13 is the week for exam inations. The baccalaureate sermon will (a preached Sunday Juno 9, and Com m:i.cement week from Juno 9 to 12. laying. "Sixlty four days is fine," Baid Oe eral Manager David Kogers, "but we'll do better than that by delivering her to Undo Sam within iho next 2 days making her an eighty four da? ship from keel laying to commission." Children Cry '.OR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA HEAVY MEAT EATERS HAVE SLOW KIDNEYS Eat Less Meat If You Fed Backachy or Have Bladder TroubleTake Glass of Salts No man or woman who cats meat rej ularlv can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well known aithoritv. Meat forms uric acid which excites the kidneys, they become overworked trom the strain, get slug gish and fail to filter tho waste and poisons from tho blood, then we got sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headache. liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and urinary disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache ' tho kidneys or your back hurts or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, fnll of sediment, irregular of pussaee or at tended bv a sensation of scalding. sto eating meat and get about four ounce of .lad Salts from any pha-macy; taka a taolcsimontui in a glass of water be fore breakfast and in a few days your kidneys will act fine- This famous salts' is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lilhia, and has' been used for generations to flush. and stimulate the kidneys, also to neu tralise the acids in urine so it no Ion- er causes irri'ation, thus ending blad- icr wennness. Jad Salts is inexpensive and eaanst injure; makes a dolighttul eftervesceat lithia water drink which evervons should take now and then to keep tha kidneys clean and active and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. f