Six THE DAILY CAPITAL .fOUItNAL. SALElf. ORB. FRIDAY, APRIL 12. 1918. pB-iLw.w in ii i HI- .iww mu ...). ' Hiiiml-I )IjiiIiiIi.i..iuiiii.hihiiiji 11 ill II I HJ in mm in i ,1,11.1111 1 1 1 1.1 111,1 111 ,11,1 , , ,,.n u 1 111. 1 ...m, , n - - ' ' rj - ' . I II . . . . I ... . ll II II I I III ' II " '- A : Jmmlk 1.-. . ' :.i , ... . I I.WI. I Mill 'f "Till 111 II HWMlMH W Bl'l I I II I , 1-1 'OW great is German Kultur upon an unwilling world men who know no law or n that stables horses in cathedral sanctuaries, thafc enslaves defense- - less people, that violates every decency on which civilization is founded, that ravishes women and children and that stands white haired men against their homestead walls to face the firing squad! What have YOU done to stem the onward tide of the Hun to stamp out the barbarous cruelties and vicious greed of autocracy to preserve for your children and their children the peace and freedom and democracy for which our flag stands? Remember the War Lord's boast: "Paris, then London, then America.' Picture the German torch given to our dwellings, the helmeted sons of hell tramping our city streets, .the screams of our children, the unspeakable fate of our wives and sisters! Unless our response to the Third Liberty Loan is of matchless Generosity unless we lend the Government our ammunition-dollars America will with the greatest calamity in her "'HE Prussian atrocities The highly temperate, suggestions that we hear hesitancy to accept exaggerated report, are simply the products of German propaganda. "I have seen dead Canadians crucified against dugout doora seen them with my own eyes. V''hether the men were dead or clive when they were inpaled through the wrists and ankles with bayonets is not an important question. The act was. one of Laihari shiT intended an expected to terrify the comrades of the crucified men, according to the theories of German frightfulness. And I hav oaly recently seen a man a returned p.oner- who was unspeakably mutilated th the order of a Prussian lieutenant because he refused to give information about the condition and position of his regiment. This cirse is one which so recently and remarkably came to my notice that I take occasion to give details concerning it. The prisoner said to his captors that he would tell only what the rules of civilized warfare required him to tell his name, number, rank and re ligion. After threatening him with appropri ate punishment if he still refused, the officer who was questioning him gave an order to the soldiers who had him in charge. They took him to the rear and without question or comment, tied him to a post and mutilated him in a manner whltii I cannot describe except to say thai the average man, without wa-ii. i). 31 a so-called Kultur forced . backed by wanton steel, by honor. A Kultur, mind you, be face to face history. are real. thoughtful in this country, counseling taking into consideration the mere physical agony, would have preferred death. "Our people must awaken to the reali zation that this is not a civilized war and that we are fighting a nation of the highest civilization which decided, long ago, that this should not be a civilized war. The dis position of the Anglo-Saxon races to take a sporting and chivalrous attitude toward their enemies was discounted in the German - school of warfare. Plans to take advantage' of it were eagerly and scientifically arranged. The use of poison gas, the dissemination of disease germs, the bombardment of unforti fied cities, the despoliation of the young women of captured territory, the sinking of unarmed passenger vessels, were all details of a deliberate preparation for 'frightful-. ness', and the utmost care was taken to keep the murderous planning secret, so that its effect might not be lessened by anticipation' of it. The Prussian manner of thought and the conception which the Prussian has of warfare make it impossible for us to treat him as a Christian and civilized opponent" UtuUnant AlcxanJtt McCIinlodt In Iht April Dtlimatf. Q (i GXEnc y m v 'teiPtS ' ; ' 1 '''' "''''"1"" t'a--'-"-rf.i,Ma(i j,. r-n.-liiinm.iiil.iir-- HOHENZOLLERN' mercy and German Kultur think it over! Then go to any bank or trust company buy a Third Liberty Loan Bond sign the death warrant of militarism and justify your right to citizenship and your right to freedom. "Would you rather lend to me or-give to Germany? asks Uncle Sam. LIBERTY BONDS Are United States Government Bonds. They are supported by every dollar of the enormous resources of the United States. They do not represent a war gift or donation but the highest type of profit producing investment. They are in denominations ranging from $50 to suit the convenience and the finances of every American who wants to help his country. ANY BANK THIS SPACE IS PATRIOTICALLY CONTRIBUTED BY SCHEI'S CLOTHING STORE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP W. T. RIGDON & CO. FRANK K. LOVELL THOMAS F. RYAN GEORGE M. BROWN SAM A. KOZER BEN W. 0LC0TT WM. GAHLSDORF FLETCHER & BYRD n UTKDJ UWSXMSJ MM They bear interest at a rate higher than earned by any other class of Government bonds. They are transferable and constitute an ideal security. If you are willing to help your country any bank or trust company will help you by accepting your order and arranging terms of payment without the imposition of any commission or charge for its services. WILL HELP YOU TODAY