Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 11, 1918, Page THREE, Image 3

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f Practical ,
If you want to do your part toward food
conservation you can do no less than follow
Hoover's advice "Use more vegetables."
The best way, the most economic way,
Is to grow your own. And it's easy, pro
vided you buy the best seeds in other
words, Morse's.
Get the right start for your garden by
preparing the ground now. Morse's 1918
Garden Guide tells how also tells what to
plant and when to plant, for best results.
There is a copy waiting for you. Write
today. We'll send it free.
729 Front Street Sen Franciaco
yoru'i Seed en told
DruggtaUt Gtocm and
(Continued from page one)
rect, personal interest to every Ameri
can today in the light of the United
States participation.
American military men believed that
tho new struggle in Flanders is an at
tempt by the Herman to gouge his way
to the important channel port, Calais.
Through that city pour the British le
gions and supplies and it is but a step
across tho channel to England.
Some, however, oelieve that the pres
ent phase ia merely intended by the
Germans to relievo pressure on his Pi-
Here is the girl's, own story: "For
years I had dyspepsia, sour Btomach
and constipation. I drank hot water
. and olive oil by the gallon. Nothing
helped until I tried buckthorn bark,
glycerine, etc., as nixed in Adler-i-ka
STANTLY." Because Adler-i-ka flush
es the ENTIRE alimentary tract it re
lieves ANY CASE constipation, sour
stomach or gas and prevents appendi
citis. It has QUICKEST action of any
thinfj we ever sold. J. C. Perry, drug
gist. -
Do you know that modern, medical research finds
over fifty per cent of our physical ills are due to
bad teeth?
Do you know that the up-to-dte doctor is sending
his patients those whose cases baffle him to
the dentist instead of to the sanitariumor to
the operating table ?
Do you know that diseases and maladies, that have
mystified the medical profession and have caused
sufferers untold sums of money in wasted treat
ments, have been cured simply through proper
correction of tooth troubles?
Do you know that you may be filing right now from
some difficulty that is traceable solely to decayed,
abcessed, crooked or broken teeth?
Do you know that you owe it to yourself to see a
dentist once every six months whether you think
that you need dental work or not---because de
fects creep slyly into even the most carefully
cleansed teeth and gums?
Do you .know that one of the reasons you dodge the
dentist is because you fear him fear a heavy ex
pense, fear the interminable delays that gener
ally accompany dental "operations," fear the
gruelling ordeal that you h?ve been led to believe
must accompany all tooth-treatmentand fear
unsatisfactory workmanship, on top of all that?
Do you know that dentistry has become such a bug
bear that most of you prefer to let your teeth go
all to pieces before you will muster up enough
courage to face a jaw-architect?
Do ycu know that you are not only short-sighted in
neglecting what our Army is telling the people
is the most important part ( f a soldier's physical
equipment the teeth but you are failing to
grasp an opportunity to get relief without any of
the troubles and pains and annoyances and
financial burdens that have heretofore fright
ened you away from dentistry?
The leading dental organization of the world is at
your sendee.
fdf r I
i!if 1 U
Pedxiaitsm $
toenjwhert bu Floiitti
harduMtm MerchanU
cardy flanks and to prevent develop
ment of dangerous counter attacks
Military men believe that tho Ger
man has temporarily or permanently
abandoned his direct smash for Amiens
They think 'ho will content himself
with holding the line near that rail
road center and shelling the Paris
Amiens railway, meantime striving to
push through to the channel, farther
The bocho progress thus far indi
cates that ho has not the same driving
power as in his drive out of So. Quen
tin. Army men say, however, that the
great weight of the offensive will
push the British back for a time, but
that it probably will slow up as it pro
(Continued from page one)
Still informally, Eiegel told of lead
ing the search of tho jail basement,
dragging the victim from hiding under
a pile of tiling, exhibiting- him in tri
umph in the streets and finally hang
ing him, after permitting him to write
a farowell note to his parents in Ger
many. "A lot of -kids from lfi to 16 years
old pulled hiiu up," said the soldier.
.... ' miim
Honrs 8 to 6. Closed Sundays
Nineteen of ices located as follows: San
Francisco (2), Oakland, Stockton, Saa
Diego, Santa Cruz, Los Angeles, Fres
no, Eakersfleld, Sacramento and San
Jose, Calif.; Portland, Salem and Eu
Ore.; Taeoma and Belling nam.
N. Y.'(2); Hew
wasc; jsrocuuyn,
York City, N. T.
Mayor Keyes Has For This
Purpose OScially Pro
claimed "Enrollment"
Nine thousand five-hundred Oregon
boys are wanted to harvest Oregon's
crops this summer, and enrollment of
boys between the age of 16 and 21 years
will begin next week in Salem.
The enrollment is to be in etarge
of the Department of Agriculture and
of Labor co-operating with the State
Council of Defense. The city and coun
ty schools through their superintendents
will be asked to co-operate in secur
ing the names of the boys who will
agree to help in the harvest.
Enrollment week throughout the coun
try has been set apart by proclamation
of President Wilson as from April 16
to 21. While definite arrangements have
not as yet been made for the work in
Salem, it will probably be taken up in
a day or so through the office of County
Superintendent Smith and also throng.
Superintendent John H. Todd of the city
The proclamation of Mayor Walter E.
Keyes is as follows:
Whereas, the present great war and
industries incident thereto have made
heavy inroads Upon the farm labor of
this nation, and,
Whereas, upon the youth of our coun
try depends, to a large extent, our abil
ity to harvest the crop for fie insuing
year, and,
Whereas, during the week commenc
ing' April 15, 1918, the United States
department of labor, with the- co-operation
of the Council of National Defense
and the Oregon State Council of Defense
will conduct a campaign throughout the
state of Oregon for the ' purpose of
enrolling boys between the ages of 16
and 21 years to assist in taking cars of
the coming harvest.
Now, therefore, I, Walter E. Keyes,
mayor of the city of Salem, Oregon, do
hereby proclaim the week commencing
April" 15, 1918, as "Enrollment Week"
for the purpose of enrolling boys be
tween the ages of 16 years and 21 years
in the "United Boys Working Beserve"
and all local agencies and citizens of
our city are hereby urged to facilitate
in every way possible the action of the
Federal Director in this meritorious
Dated this 11th dav of April, 1918.
- Mayor.
Socialist Colony Near
Los Angeles Has Troubles
The Socialist colony at Llano del
Rio, in the Antelope valley near Los
Angeles, has not sulved all the proB
lems of living and new conies word
frbni Los Angeles that the greater part
of the colony has moved to Stables,
Louisiana, where the rainfall -comes
from above instead of in irrigating
Several families from Salem are in
terested in this colony, including thftse
of Mr. Newman and Mr. Pearcy. Jack
Frost, while not a member of the col
ony, is understood to have invested.
While those interested in the colony
claim that its affairs are prosperous,
yet it seems that about 200 of the
faithful found it advisable to move to
the colony at Stables, Louisiana.
After the Llano del Rio company
got into financial straits some time
ago and the report of the commission
er of corporations ffMJalifornia gave it
publicity, a Nevada corporation was
formed and the holdings of th.e Del
Rio colony turned in for the Nevada
stock. It is this company that is car
rying on the deal for the colony in
Louisiana. -
As the old Philadelphia Ledger Arises
to remark, now that you have an ex
tra hour of daylight don't make light
of it.
"I just looked on." .
The story was corroborated, it was
said, by three other witnesses at the in
quest. Praeger was buried in St. Louis, mem
bers of the Odd Fellows lodge acceding
to his request that he be wrapped in
the American flag.
(Continued from page one)
again against Messines,, where as 1
write, British bayonets are flashing red,
while Crown Prince Rupprecht's guns
thunder. -
Hoping to pinch off Armentieres, the
Germans intended to reach Bethune and
outflank Vimy and Arras and, more im
portant still, Notre Dame-Lorette.
.The Fifty Fifth's stand undoubtedly
checked this ambitious plan, the Brit
ish taking nearly 1,000 prisoners, who
testified to the German methods of
enthusing their fighters by promising
quickly to relieve troops who advanced
successfully and threatening those who
failed with a long stay in the line.
New arrivals make a total of about
200 divisions (2,400,000 men), with more
coming. Divisions which were mauled
during March are re-fitting and are
being cheered up with tales or big ad
vances and approaching victory.
Hindenburg's force is the biggest in
the history of the world and he has the
greatest network of railways and high
ways. The allies, fighting like lions, are
"Come on America!"
Germans In Eussia.
London, April 11. Charwoff, one of
the most important cities in Ukraine,
was captured Monday, according to an
official announcement by the Berlin
war office, received by wireless.
In Finland, German forces- occupied
the Earis Tailway station.
Charkoff is a city of 175,000 popula
t'nn. situated 420 miles southwest of
Washington, April 11. Provost
Marshal General Crowdor today order
ed a thorough investigation of local
draft board classifications in districts
where the percentage of class one men
is singularly small.
The inquiries are the result of con
gressional opposition to Crowder's plan
to base the quotas for future drafts on
the number in class one, instead of
the total liuimbcr registered or the pop
ulation. In some districts, comparatively few,
the percentage of class one men is
only 17, while in other districts it is
45 or 50. Several congressmen claim
that some local boards have deliber
ately adopted the policy of cutting
down the percentage of class one men
to, keep their quotas lower.
"The investigations are being or
dered just as rapidly as it is found
there is the least cause for one," it
v. as stated at tho provost marshal
general 'b office.
Many Alien Enemies
Milwaukee, Wis., April 11. Of two
hundred or more alien enemies arrest
ed here in raids by federal authorities
Wednesday, nearly all have ben warn
ed and released. About thirty are held
for further questioning and it is be
lieved the most "dangerous" of these
will be sent to Chicago to join a spe
cial train: of alliens leaving ishortly
for internment at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga.
Ah! That's tho Spot
Sloan' Liniment goe right to it.
Have you a. rheumatic ache or a
dull throbbing neuralgic pain? You
can find a quick and effective relief
in Sloan' Liniment. Thousands of
home have this remedy bandy for
all externa pains because time and
tim again it has proren th quickcat ntiaf.
Sodaaaaadaaay loapply. too. No nib
bing, bo atain. no inconvenience aa ia the
ceae with plaatera or ointmenta. If you once
sea Sloaa aLuuinant.you wul nsva be with
out it.
CeoataBje goad bottle, at all drucguta.
n--, -(tee'.'---- .w
Sloan's prices not increased 25c, SOe $1
5! i 1
I MmI : n n u p r
mumu imx nuuu utftiiu u
"jf ET us keep your trucks on the
JLj o. That's our business. And
we do it successfully because
we have tlie r'ht tire for
every need and a complete
service zkoj) to make any
" repair or change quickly.
Firestone Truck Tires are built of
the v&ht compound to ive most
protection to truck, combined with
economical tire mileage.
That's why trucks on Firestone
Tires require fewer repairs. This
resilience also means a road rip
(Continued from page one)
Amiens and Paris.
William Philip Simms declares Hin
denburg is prepared to concentrate
against cither the British or the French
as the occasion arises, aided by tho big
gest army in history and "the greatest
network of railways and highways. "
Biiums said the Germans now have near
ly two and a half million men on the
west front "with more coming."
On the new front the Germans, under
" We hv tlie reputation in Pet alum
of handling the beat laying stock. Let
us prove thu to you. Buy not th
cheapest, but the belt. Write foe
Petaluma, California
!?!5SSAn Economical, Delightful, Light Place
v n pi rn Finn
twej Li it ika-2 . I'--" K unit Mil 1 a m j - j
that prevents skiddi: and n help
to the engine which saves gasoline.
Hydraulic Press and Thorough
Shop. Work.' Our press of 150
tons capacity shows how much we
are in earnest about this matter of
prompt, thorough service. , We
have the facilities and the men
that will keep your trucks oin,
and on the basis of Most Miles
per Dollar. 1
Let us talk it over. We have the
riht tire for every load, road ond
delivery need, pressed-on and re
movable types. Call us.
150 S. High St., Salem, Oregon
Crown Prince Bupprocht of Bavaria,
whose base is at Lille, have driven
from an averago depth of three to four
miles between La Basse and Armen
tieres, while northward between Armen
tieros and the Ypres-Comines canal,
their penetration has been comparative
ly slight.
Haig's official statement last night
traced the British lino from La Basse
canal, just eastward of Givcnchy north
eastward to the Lawo river and north
along this river to tho Ly at Kstaires. .
From Estaires, which is four miles
back of the original line, the front fol
lows the Lys to Bac Ht. Maur then
turns eastward to Fleubaix, three miles
southwest of Armentieres. At the latter
city the lino turns sharply to the north
west, then swerves northward through
Ploegsteert and Messineato tho Ypres
Comines canal.
Tho German official statement, last
night merely confirmed the British nd
mission that the Lys had been crossed
and said tho British lines had been
for Spring Days
Coats for Women busy vsith war time duties.
Patch pockets set in sleeves convertible col
lars, many kind of belts, regulation materials in
Putty Blues, Reds. Women who require new
Coats will make no mistake in choosing from
these moderately priced and good looking,
practical and serviceable coats.
.50, $12.90, $13.50 $14.90, $16.50
$17.50, $19.50, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00,
$30.00, $35.00
4.6 State 5t
ri 4 ILL
H kL 1. "I, ., 1 1
13 'LiU
penetrated on both eidos of Warueton,
two miles cast of Messines. An earlier
statement eaid that moro than 6000
prisoners and 100 guns had been taken
iu theso operations.
The Paris war office mentioned only
artillery fighting around Montdidier
and along the Oise canal.
The terrific, bombardment on the
t-pnnnn. A nm.innn f 1,,nu.1 t. ...
south of Verdun to east of St. Mihiel,
described in yesterday's French com
munique, was followed by a determined
raid on one of the American sectors.
This was: completely repulsed.
on your
fmpta anyone can fnntall fa an
fcotir. Mo ii"hB, do carbon. Luta
liftkrn. Umi rffulr carboratur.
lend far UtaraLarw. fttclualv tarrf-
Vaporator Sales Cn, Ellis, Kan.
to Tradeyit
I VaporatoK
Li it