Tils? - JOU1CNAL, SALEM, ORE. THURSDAY. APRIL 4. 191 FIVE - I WE W T IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR WHISPER IN A WELLMJSE A JOURNAL WANT AD CLASSIFIED ADVEKTISINQ RATES Rat per word Mw Today: Each insertion : lc 5c ..I7c One week (6 insertions) Una month (2(i insertions) The Capital Journal will not be re- sponsible for more than one insertion, for errors in Classified Advertisements Bead your advertisement the first day it appear and notify us immediately Minimum charge. 15c. FBESH Jersey cow for sale. 53FG. 4-6 FOB RENT Modern five room house, good location. I'll one 1201. 4-6 I PAY the highest price for fat stock. Phone 2357 J. . 4-4 GIRLS WANTED At Glove factory, 1455 Oak St., Salem, Or. 4-5 . GARDEN plowing wanted. 1549 Broad " way. Phone 2017J. 4-8 WANTED To buy stock kind. Phono 1576W. cattle, any 5-2 FOR SALE Good six room furnished. 740 8. 2Ut St. house, 4-9 B. I RED eggs $1.50 per setting. L. A. Grote, Rt. 2. 4-9 WANTED 100 pounds seed artichokes Phone 72F4. 4-4 WANTED To rent first class Phone 1279. piano. 4-5 GOOD English Setter bird dog for sale. G. E. Eoeff, Rt. 6, Salem. 4-5 WANTEDA two horBe harrow, state price. C. Mitchell, Turner, Or. 4-3 HAVE - 7. you wood sawing! Call phone .tf LADY wishes house cleaning or other work, by hcur. Phtme2183M. 4-9 FOE SALE Or trade, two fresh cows. Phone 1800W. tt FOR SALE W hito seed sweet ccrn. Phoiwj 53F11. oats and 4-5 FORD for sale, after six. 1483 North Summer, 4-6 SILVER Campine cockerels for Inquire 1259 Ferry St: sale. 4-U FOR RENT 5 room modern furnished house, 7. Phone 745R. 4-6 FOR SALE Loganberry tips. Henry Young, Rt. 5. Phone evenings. 89 F4. 4-6 WANTED Woman for light house work, no washing. Phone 212 IB, or call 245 Division St.- tf FORD tire lost with demountable 'rim, all enclosed in case, finder leave at Vick' Bros, and receive reward. 4-5 FOR SALE Loganberry plants. Phone 10OF32, W. L. McKiiiney, Rt 6V bos. 121. tt FOR RENT Nicely furnished house keeping and sleeping rooms. 4345 Fer ry St. tf "WANTED A good second hand gui tar. E. B. Flake, Phone 1046J, 590 South 17th. 4-5 FOR RENT Seven, room house, all i lodern improvements with fine gar den. 803 north Liberty St. Werner Fennel. 4-6 WANTED Salesman and collector for Linn and Benton counties. Singer Sewing Machine Co. 4-4 FOR SALE Team of mules, six and eight years old. Carl Aspinwall, Wa conda. .Or., on O. E. By. 4-4 .WANTED Some one to plow 19 acres 4 miles from Salem. Apply 140 Myers St. - 4-5 FOR SALE -straw $5 a 77F14. - Loose veteh and oat load while it lasts. Call 4-5 LOST A Scotch Collie answers Lassie. Call 437 evenings, reward. to 4-5 FOR BENT One half of house, furn ished or partly furnished, furnace heat. 482 S. High. Phone 1123. 4-9 FOR SALEt Harley-Davidsoa twin mo torcycle, fully equipped, $95. Ad dress P T care Journal. 4-4 MY home for sale, bargain, if taken at once. Inquire Ben Perlich, care Steusloff Bros. 4-6 WANTED A five or six reom modern bungalow, unfurnished. Phone 2394 W. . - 4-4 FOR 8ALE Chevrolet ear, ran about , 5000 miles, good condition. Address F. ear Capital Journal. tf WHITE Leghorn hatching eggs foi ale $5 per hundred. Baby chicks $12.50 per hundred. W. I. Baker. Phone 68F2. 4-4 FOB RENT Good rive room modern house. Inquire 506 N. Commercial St. or phone 1549M. tf PeND a few hours In enjoyment packet billiards 2e per em. Dal rympl Billiard Paiton, under O B- depot. Courteous treatment. tf FOR SALE My. attractive six room bungalow, strictly mod era, close in; parage, garden, cement basement, furnace, fireplace,, etc. Reasonable price. Phone 1869, or write 46 ears Journal. . 4-4 BY JOURNAL' WANT ADS AY SELL SOMETHING, "DON'T WALL PAPER, 12 Vi cents double roll, upward. Buren'g Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf FOB BENT Nicely furnished house keeping rooms, reasonable. 855 N. Com'l St. 4-26 OUR 105 acre raneh, 2 miles east on Garden road is for gale. Geo. Swe gle. tt MODERN 5 room house in South Sa lem for sale cheap. Call at 456 State St, r 4-4 TWO and three room furnished apart ments, 491 N. Cottage. Phone 2201. tl TO RENT My home for practically nothing, to Tight party, if perma nent renter. Phone 533. 4-4 WANTED Light wicker baby buggy, must be reasonable and in good con ation. Call 2494M. 4-6 Purl 6ALE-Confcctionery busiaess,will accept auto in part- payment or will tiado for a small home in Salem. 4-8 FOR RENT Well furnished house keeping rooms, close in, 511 Mill St. Mrs. Eugene Prcacott. 4-6 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wanted three hours a day, morning or after noon. State terms. Address 82 care Journal. 4-5 FOR SALE Fine work and driving horse; Moteor range, incubator, heat er, buffet. mile west of Sunny side school. Phone 11F12. 4-4 FOR RENT Furnished house N. 21st St., five rooms, large lot, garden, fruit, barn, chicken yard $12 per month. Ivan G. Martin, Masonic bldg. Phone 419. 4-5 GEIER AND MILES, successors to J. N. Shantz, new and second hand goods- Second hand goods bought and Bold. Plume 639 or call 347 Court St. 4-15 400 BUSHELS of potatoes, field run, 45c per hundred. Brinn own sacks. Phone 41F12. Claud Bamsden, Prat- mn, ur. 4-4 NOTICE I will not be responsible for any. bills contracted by my wife, alter this date. H. L. Hardenbrook, 4-5 COLT to tradci for work horse, have tine young colt out must have horse now. What have yout act quickly. . Phone 76F11. ' , 4-5 TU EAUHAiNtU!; Acre and half on carlihe in Portland suburbs, for good automobile. This is an A-l bargain. Phone 1671W. 4-6 LOST Between. Salem and Sublimity a Chain tread,, new tire, enclosed ja case; finder leave at Vfck Bros, and receive reward. 4-5 FOR RENT Modern 8 room house with garage and large garden spot on Fairmoumt Hill. Lease and reas onable rent to desirable tenant?. Thone 2244, 4-4 FOR SALE On car lane, 1 lot, 2 houses and wood sheds, barn, chick en house, well. All kinds of fruit, $1000; good gardea ground. 1805 Fair ground road. A bargain. 4-5 FOR SALE Good farm horses from sixty five dollars and up; also seed potatoes- Pure blood, blue ribbon Clyde stallion, coming 3 years old for $250; also two fresh cows. En quire W. H. Egan, Gervais, Rt. 2. Phono 3F11. 4-4 WANTED Man between age of 25 ami 35, will pay salary and commis sion, expert training and permanent position in city business well known and established. Excellent opportu nity for advancement. 309-10-11 Ma sonic Tc-mple from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. 4-8 FOR SALE Baker Eloetrie coupe and General Electric rectifier, in good condition; car has soft rubber tires and extra large head light; for fur ther information phone 1261H. tf FOR RENT Office rooms, sleeping rooms and housekeeping rooms in Hubbard building; also one 5 room house $6 per month. Call room 304. tf WANTED la logging camp, one boy for whistle punk at 40e per hour. En quire of U. G. Holt, Chas. K. Spauld ing Log. Co., office Front & Ferry sts. 4-3 FOR SALE Beautiful 6 room bunga low for half the cost of the house; small payment down, the balance easy. Leaving town and don't care to rent it. See H. JS. JJolinger, 40'j Hubbard bldg. tf FOR SALE 18 ewes with 14 lambs, one pure blood Shorthorn, fresh cow; one pure blood Shorthorn yearling heifer; seed potatoes. Address W. H. Egan & Son, Gervais,, Bt. 2. Phone 3F11. 4-4 "MEN ONLY WANTED" West Linto Mills opposite Oregon City. 18 years and over, if able bodied. The strike won't Dotner you any more than it is bothering us. Bring railroad receipt from Salem, and we will pay back if yon work one week. Lowest wage $3.36, 8 hour shift work, 9 hours dav work alone. Come anyway and try it once, seeing how foolish the strik ers were to leave. JOURNAL WANT ADS PA? TRY JOURNAL WANT ADS O D QUOTAS ALLOTTED TO'MARION CITIES HI BOND DRIVE Salem Asked For little Over Half Million Silyerton Is Next The quotas for the Marion county cities in the Third Liberty loan drive have been determined, and the Salem total is found to be - somewhat lower than the unofficial staatisticians fig ured. Salem" will be reauired to tro duce $517,550 instead of $600,000 Sil- verlon is second on the list with $96,300 end Woodburn third with $65, 000. The quotas are determined from the bank deposits and resources. A meeting of the captains and of ficials of the organization was held laBt night at the commercial club, and the plans for the work discussed. The fist of captains will be increased by five, who will be selected tomorrow. Each captain is expected to sclAt the workers for his district. Following is the list of quotas for Marion county: Aumsviile : $ 7(coO Aurora 18,700 Donald 5,500 Gervais '. ;. . 8,500 Hubbard 14,700 Jefferson 13,800 Mt. Angel 28,700 Salem 517,550 Silvertou 96,300 Stayton : 32,700 t. ram 7,550 Turner 8,500 Woodburn 65,000 Monitor 4,000 $829,000 Investigate Reports of Ground Glass In Eatables New York, April 4. A thorousrh in jvestigatdon of numerous reports of the finding of class in bread, candies and 'other edibles, is being conducted to day in the Brooklyn district by the department of justice. Edward Waller, a confectioner and his .clerks Henry Williams, both un naturalized Germans, are being held by government authorities. No chares has been preferred against them and government orficials state that they are being detained merely as alien ene mies. Under orders of the federal food board all alien enemies employed in -BrooKiyn DaKenes are to be diacharg ed. The police department has receiv ed comiplaiints daily of the finding of glass in edibles but to date no. latau ties have resulted. Mrs. Donald Wilson, wife of a Long Island railroad . official today, report ed to the district attorney of Nassua county that ground glass had been found in bread purchased for her home 'last night. Government investigation of the finding of glass in edibles purchased on the Pacific coast discAosed the fact that tho supposed glass was sugar crys- tal at was- declared here today, L W. W. Roughly Handled. Kniappa, Or., April 4. When, tho L, L. L. meets the I. W. W. the latter gets the worst of it. Members of the Loyal Legion of Loggers felt satisfied today that two I. W. W. o- pro-German sympathies will not return. T. Yanetf and Lumbo Matzff were tarred and feathered and run out of tolwn with a warning to pass tlie word about that pro-Uermans are not wanted 111 Knappa. Prominent Businessman of Eugene Indicted Eugene, Or., April 4. Elmer D. Paine, former baseball 1 University of Oregon, and a member of ouo -of the oldest and wealthiest famil ies in this section, was out on $2500 bond today following his indictment with two others on an arson charge. The indictment alleges Paine with Jesse Fox and Harry Martin burned a Coburg warehouse belonging to the Eugene Mill and E'.evator company, of miicu x-aine is a memDer. xno ware 1 ouse contained potatoes belonging to tn. The warehouse and contents were heavily insured. A" second indictment charges Fox and Martin with a second, similar offense i'Uii SALE Two "Big Bull" tract ors; since purchasing these tractors developments have been such that I will have no use for same and will sell at big sacrifice. These tract ors are the latest model 10-20 and have never turned a wheel. Address Goo. A. Purdy, 713 16th Ave. N., Seattle, Wash., for price. Can ship at once. 4-fl CHEAP LAND, Big crops, hil priees have put the fanners of western Ca nada on a prosperity footing that was undreamed of before the world war. More western Canada farmers have big bank balances than, ever before; more western Canada fan ers are spending this winter in Cal ifornia and Florida than aver before more automobiles were bought last year by Canadian farmers thaa aver before. Western Canada has struck its stride and the man who- get ia there now is going to make money for years to come. Along the Hues of the Canadian Northern Railway is some of the best land in the eoaa try price $15 to $25 per acre (easy terms) and 128,000160 acre free farms. Let us tell yoa all. about western Canada and why more land was sold to Americas farmers in 1917 than ia any one previous year. Send for free illustrated, bsoks and federal officials in the projects which folders. Call on or address A Bros-' lead to hi trip. The Jordan Valley irri tedt, D- F. 4 P. A, Dept. 10, agent. ' gati-n iro.iect was approved by the de Canadian Northern Bailway, 695 partrrent of the interior, and while the Hastings St., Vancouver, B. C. approval of the president has not been SEATTLE INSPECTOR UNDER fflSATIOI Said to Kare Been Captain of Steamer Furnishing Coal to German Cruiser San Francisco, April 4. Captain K. Z. Paulson, government inspector of hulls and boilers at Seattle, was severe ly grille! on the wisness stand here to day by United States Disttict Attorney Preston during the Hindu revolt plot Paulson was captain of the steainel Mazatlan, which is alleged by the gov ernment to have furnished cool to the German cruiser Leipzig when she was roving tho Pacific early in the war. Unrevealed chapters of the story of the MazMlan and the Leipzig wero brought tut during Presotn's question ing of Captain Paulson. Preston declared he intended to prove: that a cook was taken aboard the Mazatlan who really was a wireless operator, and this "cook." rigged up a wireless outfit and sent messages to the Leipzig arranging for a meeting in Mexican waters; that when the Leipzig was met, a small boat took tho "cook" to the German cruiser. Paulson denied knowledge of the Mazatlau's transactions with the Leip zig but admitted that he was skipper of the Mazatlan. Asked if ho had been a paid agent of the German gov ernment, Paulson said: ."Not that 1 know of. I was in tho pay of Jebsen." (Jebsen owned the Mazatlan.) Paulson said he knew nothing of the coaling of the Leipzig and did not know I'ha: a wireless outfit had been rigged c?i his ship. He said his ship met the Lt'ipzig in Mexican waters and two cases of food were transferred to tho warship. ''Didn't you know that these cases, contained important documents and wireless outfit' " asked Preston. "Do you mean to tell me the chief officer of a ship doesn't know what is going on on his own vesselt" Paulson said he must have been be low when such transactions occurred i they did. - 1 Preston then exhibited to Paulson a photograph showing a small boat going from tho Mazptlan to the Leipzig and asked Captain Paulson, if he- had ever witnessed such a scene. " It waj no. long ago that I have for gotten, ' ' said Paulson. . COURT HOUSE NEWS Two divorces were granted by Judge Bingham ia .department No. 2 of the circuit court yesterday, Mary E. Fin ney being given a divorce from 'pjd'win A. Finrrey and Etta Seeley from Fransisco Seedey. In the Finney ver sus Fi.incy action, the plaintiff was given custody of two minor children. Judge Biugham is hearing the case of wiggs versus Kig g this afternoon, this being a default divorce, proceeding. In the case of Julian Provost versus Thomas F. O 'Mara, et al, an interlocu tory decree, appointing . commissioners to admoasure curtesy rights was given and in the case of Lena Minton, et al versus W. J. Gehlen, et al, a decree was entered correcting a clerical error in the final decree of partition. Suit for divorce was filed today by Isabella M. Hardenbrook versus Byron L. Hardenbrook, neglect, abuse, insuf ficient support, false accusations, and a threat of a divorce action based on grounds the plaintiff considers incor rect, were given as the cause of action. It is alleged in the complaint that' the defendant is cxtavagant and buys many ;lot!;? for himself and none for his wife. His inability to 8av money, it is alleged, has been unjustly laid to to the wile's extravagance. The mother-in-law of the plaintiff, who lives at Klamath Falls, also is accused of be ing incensed at the plaintiff because of a suggestion that Mr. Hardenbrook en list in the army. Mr. Hardenbrook. it is claimed, moved to Klamath Falls, and his viie has been supporting her self as a millinery apprentice in Salem. Later &ho alleges that her husband, un known to her, visited at Halem and took a room in a hotel where he could watch her movements. An- attorney was said to have been employed by jne defendant, who endeavored to pursuade her to consent to a divorce on grounds which she claims are unfounded and unjust, r.nd the present suit ia taken to prevent such an action. Six petitioners for final naturaliza tion papers filed with County Clerk Boyer during the past three days, the list including two ministers and a theatrical manager. Four subjects of Great Brrtain are included, one form er Swede, and one Italian. Following is the list: William J. Warren, English, now liv ing in Stayton, minUter. John W. Worrell Ireland, now living in Salem, minister. Frank D. Bligb, Canada, now living in Salem, theatrical manager. Emido Belli, Italian, now living in 8alem, machinist. William Nickoll, Ireland, now living at Gervais. Nancie C. Behn, Sweden, an attend ant at the state hospital. Federal OScials Interested Ia Oregon Projects by Lewis State Engineer Lewis, who has been in Washington, D. C. the last three weeks in connection with state engin eering projects, returned last night.' Mr. Lewis was successful in interesting the RED CROSS k4 Your Sons and Brothers will soon be at the front! Fighting for YOU! See the RED CROSS has funds to help them. Drug Sundries Creams, Lotions, Soaps, Powders, Tooth Paste A large shipment has just reached us and has been marked at prices that mean a saving to you. fish Tail Sweaters V The very newest thing, Slip-On-Sweaters with white kid belt; they are made up in rose, robin egg blue, Ontario grafle and all the new colors, $8.50 to $9.65. secured, it ia believed this is a matter of form. W 1 1 u n tttia lino luun -. i ------ " J .fww.. nil hi i.i, nijiK will start at once. The Maney Brothers cuuiuuy ol -buitio is ready, as soon as thi approval is secured to enter into A contract and start work at once, and the first unit of 28,000 acres will be under water by fall, if the present plans are carried out. . The project approved by the govern ment calls foi the irrigation of 29,000 acre of government land, and 17,000 acres of private land. This will be ac complished at a cost of approximately $7') an acre. The water is to be secur ed by means of two dams on Jordan Creek, in Malheur county. The plan for co-operative surveys wag also approved, and it was so arranged that the returns from, these will be used ill further research work, in order that when the war is- ended,, the state and government will have the necessary in formation to permit them to go ahead with important reclamation project The matter of the adjusment of claims in, which government land, is involved, was also settled. Under the recently enacted Smitk bill, it will be 1 -mm I til 4ft; v o t in. llrdtd 4 Portland Railway, Light and Power Company 237 North Liberty Street NEWS FROM THE BIG STORE Every bond bought You can always do better at Miioooiic6oo We carry a Earge stock of the best and most reliable Drug Sundries manufactured. Gingham Dresses A large shipment just received now makes our stock of Mouse Dresses very complete, from the plain apron styles to the more fancy afternoon dresses. posible to secure a lien on government lands for' reclamation work, and this ... . .... ! wlU now be I,OTatlve the state. A tract of land in the Suttlo Lake dis trict is to receive the first benefit of this adjustment. Deschutes County . Legality Contested An. appeal, in which the legality of the ' admitted, at the time, aril a frieml'y organization of Deschutes county is con- suit to compel the county clerk to cor tested, has been set ahead for hearing met the emirs was stared in the eit by the supreme court, and will bo ar-jemfc court, but not carried to tho cu gued on April 17th. The affair is the.prtsn'e courh This resulted, it is lf:in. case of tho State of Oregon, ex rel.Med in tie correction of the error, .'t I and Gus E. Stradig, appellants, versus I further r.ih ged that the county 'vus Deschutes county, W. D. Barnes, A. L. legally ci sated by a proclamation of Mackintosh and L. E. Smith. The do tho governor, and has a duly (.eV.cted fendants named are county judge and : county organization, and for that reu commissioners, respectively. The case son the. fremiti action should have came up originally before Circuit Judge .been taken iv the circuit court fo lies Duffy, and the decision, was iu favor of the defendant ceunty. It is alleged by the plaintiff that 65 per cent of the voters in what is now ucHcnuies county aio. not vote ai ine a. Jl" ST9 f - f b m 1 lie- a vmmk- il! mnAf.imii.m9w mvm-i 'V.iimi -jiwt 13. 'f 1 iflliii sa 1 sst ifirWrMstit t.jim & mjt. ft.si.Taai. jft mJ SiaissWcx Saving Siamn Authorized Agency U. S. Treasury Dept. by you, no matter how small, is a shell in the enemy's camp. Be, An American Skirts We are showing a beau tiful line of Skirts in Wool and Jersey, in plain, colors, plaids and stripes; also a most striking line of Silk Plaid Skirts, which bid to become very popular. election which decided tho partition of Crook county, that 35 per cent of tho 'eniaining voters in Crook county did not vote, and that illegal and incorrect returns wero sent in by the county clerk of Crook county to the seerctj y of state. In the respondent's brief, it is ail- ' mittod that in tho election, certain i-r-rorj wort made because of the neces sary dividing of a certain product when 1liC now coiiutv was set off. This v:nn chute? county, and that the Crook coun ty court has no jurisdiction. Tho fact that lusfchutes county is made a pnity to 'hu suit i advanced aa an estoppel or the p.'ahilrtf's suit, 7 m t i v sU Jk tl' will! hznj