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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE. THURSDAY, MAR. 28, 1918. SEVT" Capital Journal EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Ealem Electrie Co, Masonic Temple, 127 North High , TRANSFER AND DRAYAGE Balem Track k Dray Co., corner Bute and Front Street AUTO DRIVERY BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIV ered any place, city or country. Jfhone B4 or 2081R. W. B. Fisher- FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Beal Estate 8ecurity THOS. K. FORD Otsr Ladd & Bush bank, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN Eastern Money at Lowest Rates, on approved security. Homer H. Smith, Boom 5, McCornack BMg., Salem, Or. HATTERS AKT CLEANERS ELL8WOHTH, THE HATTER Men's nf women ' hats cleaned, reblocked and retrimmed. Old hats made to look like new. We carry a large tock of fine x'Jbcni. 495 Court St. OSTEOPATH DR B. H. WHITE AND B. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduatn n." Amor. lean school of Osteopathy, Kirkville, Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles Col- unices ouo-ooh U. S. Nat. Bank mag. -none 859. Residence 1620 Miurt. j'lionu 2215. Dr. White Res Phone 469. LODGB DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEEt"AT . McCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. P. Andresen, C. C. W.-B Gil son, K. K. & S. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMUTRtpa Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 5246, meets rvcrjr xuursaay evening at 8 o'clock In Derby building, corner Court aud High streets. R. F. Day. V. C: J. A, Wright, Clerk. . SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tilisonj secretary. All cases of cruelty or ne glect of dumb animals should be re ported to the secretary for investiga tion. BOYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA ' ' Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1300, meets every Thursday evening in Derby building, Court and High St. Mrs. Pearl Coursoy, 214 Court St., oracle; Mrs. Melissa Porsons, recor der, 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets evory Thursday at 8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall, Norma L Terwilliger, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, Crown Drug store, 33S State street. MISCELLANEOUS FBUITLAND NURSERY SALE YARD at High and Ferry. Everbearing strawberries and Loganborries. Call and see stock and get prices before making your purchase. INVESTORS LISTEN I have' a bar gain to offer; a. large well built modern house, we!l located on a prominent corner, convenient to bus iness part of the city, for less than its value, much less," I will sell. It will pay you to look into this mat ter. Phone 470. tf I THE MARKETS Soveral minor changes are to be not ed in today's quotations on fruit and ivegetaliles, all without exception being decreases in price. Grain Wheat, soft white Wheat, red $1.85187 Wheat, lower grades on samplt Oats 5 96c Barley, ton . $03 $36 . $38 $1920 $2022 Bran f-horts, per ton , Jlay, chest, new ... tHay, vetch, new dlay, clover, new ... Jmtterfat Creamery butter $18 50c 50e 45c Country butter Pork. Veal and Mutton (Pork, on foot 15?J16c iveal, fancy Steers K'ows 0 lulls r;pring lambs , 16(3)171. 759e .. 5(a6M.e 5(Vi6i:.e ll(fi)12f 6(a7t i-wes Lambs, yearlings Eggs and Poultry Eggs, cash lUt 30!ff32c 20(a21 e 26?28c 21 23c 18rS20c 15(S16c 14150 lS20e : is I'ens, pound Turkeys,, dressed Turkerx, lire, No. 1 Hens, dressed, pound rys, dressed Pucks, live ( ese, live Old roosters Young roosters Potatoes Vegetable String garlie freen onions Onions, in sack ?ettuie, crate Celery iTJmecoH - lArtb'hnkej r- $.75 $ r.ZIIll.25 $1 10 Cabbage S4 9 lorida tomatoes ilhubarb 4 71 $2-50 l:'a.-k fg Fruit 'Apple . Oranges Classified Column . Telephone Main 1200 Main 74 DENTIST OB. F. L. UTTER, DENTIST, BOOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce bldg. Phone 600. 11-t BCAVENGEB SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Boos proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone 12ain U2S47. Kesidenea Main 2B72. FOB 8 ALB 80 ACRES irrigated, all cultivated, 60 acres alfalfa, joining town, $200 per acre. 175 acres all cultivated, im proved, 8 miles to town, $50 per acre. 12 lots in tnriving town, $15UU 5 room house, 4 lots, in town of 2000, price $3000, this will soon be business property. No incumbrances, will trade one or- all for property east or north of Salem. Might con sider acreage, might assume. Soco lofsky, 341 State St. 4-15 110 ACRES, 80 cultivated, 30 timber pasture, 40 acres in crop, good build ings, on rock road, two miles from town, some stock and implements, prico $1100, will take $3000 Salem residence, some cash and easy terms on balance. 100 acres, DO cultivated 50 bottom, 3 timber, all fenced, good road, new 6 room bungalow, barn, close to school, $11,000. 20 acres Yamhill county, exchange for 0 room bungalow in Salem. Equity in 40 acre Idaho irrigated farm for ranch near Salem or Dallas, not over juuu, price souuu. ZV acres close to Salem, 6 cleared, good improvements, rocK roaa, spiuiiu. os acres, 45 culti vated, 2a beaverdaui, 12 pasture, J orchard, good barn, fair house, join' ing town, running- water, $6200 oasv terms. Modern 5 room bungalow. furnace, paved street, $1500. Mod- era a room DungaJow, lurnace, lire place, bath, Dutch kitchen, close m !Or'00. $8500 worth of acroaee and residence property to exchange for ramcn any) wnere. pocolofsky, d41 State St. 4-23 r3:Tg. . - 11. STOVE BEPATBTNQ JTOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 60 years experience. Depot, National ana American lence. Sizes 26 to 5S in. high. Faints, oil and varnish, ete. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Uourt street. Phone 124. SECOND HAND GOODS BUY, SELL and EXCHANGE- Men's clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry, watches, tools, - musical instruments bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, suit eases, trunks, cameras, typswriters end furniture. Capital Exchange, 337 Court street. Phone 493. WATCH REPAIRING WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY repaired, Karl Neugebauer, with UentAl Pharmacy- 11-4 1 .,. B , " WATTE COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office " corner Commercial and Trade streets. Bills payable monthly in advance. WANTED WANTED Strictly fresh eggs, best . cash price at Cherry City Baking .Co. . tf VETERINARIAN DB. W. G MOOiiHOUSE, COUNTY veterinarian, graduate Cornell Univer sity. Office Cherry City Feed 8tables 544 Ferry St. Phones, office 2199, res. and night 1510. iGrape fruit $5.25 Bananas 6c Retail Prices Creamery butter 55c Flour, hard wheat $2.70(5)2.81 Flour, soft wheat $2.502.M Country butter StU Eggs, dozen 35e Bngar, 11 lbs. for $1 Sales limited to $1 PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Or., Mar. 28. Butter city creamery 49c. Eggs, selected local ex. 3ac Hens 30e Broilers 40c Geese 20(ff25c Cheese triplets 2828'ic Daily Live Stoc& Market Cattt3 Receipts 254 Tone of market strong Medium to chcice steers $11(S12 Good to medium steers $1011 Common to good steers $9(al0 Choice cows and heifers $8.50(trl0 Canners 4.25(a6.25 Bulls $5(&9 Calves $7.50fal2 Stacker and feeder steers $6 509J5 ( Hogs Receipts 126 . . Tone of market strong -Prime light $16.85117 . Prime hcavv !6-85((il7 Pigs $14.5015.75 Sheep Receipts 35 of market steady Western lambs $15''a 15.50 Valley lambs 1 4..".0(a 15 Yearlings $llJ(SM3.50 Wethers $12 30(13 Ewes $l(all NOTE Portland knarkot on shorn sheep, 214 to 3c under quotation. Only One "BROMO QUININE" 13c 1 To gi't gennine. eall for full name LAX j AT1VE BROMO QUININE. Look for $1.2.VrC"'iBnature of K. W. GEOVE. Cures a $5teS Cold in One Day. 30c. IN MXMOEIAM. "If lengthened shadows crept and crept And I stood watching them alone, I'd beg of God to loose my soul And send it out to realms unknown, In search of you, my own, my 'own I' JlosBic Elizabeth Barnes was born January 5, 1889, and passed out of this life March 26, 1918, at 12:25 p. m. at tho ago of 29 years, two months and twenty-one days. Beginning life in humble little home at Medical Lake, Washington, she wae raised to young womanhood and received hor early edu cation at Medical Lake. At the age of years sue removea, with Her father to California, following the death of her mot nor on February 9, 1889. Aftet three years spent in California she again ....... j . 11 i 1 . . . . n ii-iuinra 10 iui-tueai juaKe. in iyoa, af tcr completing school, she met and be came engaged to William H. Mills, and wue on tue 10th or Juno 1907. They took up their residence at Medical Lake, where there was born to them two daughters, Helen Chrystal, on September 2,. 1908, and Dolores La Verne, on August 10, 1910. In 1910 Mr. and Mrs. Mills moved to Ceutralia, i iian., uere tney resided until April 3814. On May 8, 1913, thev were blessed with a son, William Howard. In 1914 the family removed to Eugeno. Ore. niiKre iiii-y mane iiieir Home until Aug ust, 1917, at that time coming to Salem. Mrs. Mills was the possessor of manv charms. She was fond of her home and family, aud at all times, during stress or illness or during bright periods of gnynoss, her first thought was always 01 ner iiushana and her babies. As a Christian believer she was blessed with little knowledge of the false side of life, and it was her constant effort to lead her little brood over a path of clean, wnoicsome living, and righteous Chris tian thought. In her home circlo she at an tunes created an atmosphere of sun shine and brightness, and even throne her own many trials and ills, and suffer ings beyond words she was the same patient, loving, bright-spirited wife and mother that has won for her friends in numerable in every circle she inhabited It has been rightly said: "Onee to meet and know hfr, was to forever love and adore her." tne death angel has entered her homo. The Almighty God in his divine wisdom has seen fit to remove this love. ly daughter to a place. beside other earthly angeis who have gone to that last beautiful home. And, though her advent into her lasting peace and hap piness is a Wow so severe and lasting us ro cause unremitting pain to her im mediate family and lasting sorrow to lier many friends, those left to grieve 'ier departure have a source of content 111 the thought that she is now pence fully reclining on that beautiful altar at the foot of her God. ' Besides her husband, W. H. Mills, and three babies, Crystal, Dolores and How ard, Mrs. Mills leaves tiji mourn her de, parture, her father, Clias. Af Barnes, and step mother,? of Applegate, Calif.; three sisters, Mrs. Dan Smith "of Port land: Mrs. Max Mecklenburg, Creston, Wash.; sud Mrs. H. L. Smith of Al bany, Ore., who are in the city to at tend the funeral services; five half-8is; ters, Mrs. Philip Cook, Sparks. Nev.: Misses Lillie, Cleta, Melba, and Vera Barnes, of Applegate, Calif.: and four half-brothers, Messrs. AValter Barnes. now at the ni:val training station at Key West, Fla., Charles, Lester and Arthur, all living at the family home at Apple- gate, Calif. Funeral, services were held from the Webb & Clough Parlors, this Thursday morning nt 10:30. Rev. G. F. Holt offi ciating, and interment was in City View cemetery. The Pneumonia Season The cold, damp weather of March seems to be the most favorable for the pneumonia germ. Now is the time to be careful- Pneumonia often results from a cold. The quicker a cold is gotten rid of tho less the danger. As soon as the first indication of a cold appears take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. As to the value of this preparation, ask anyone wno has used it. Submarines Increase Number of Sinkings London, March 28 Twenty-nine Brit ish vessels were sunk during the week ending March 27, according to tho ad miralty's report. Of these sixteen were over '1600 tons. Among those under that displacement, one was a fishing vessel. This is the greatest number of British merchantmen sunk in one week since the week of September 16, 1917, when the same number was destroyed. At that time only eight of the vessels were over 1600 tons. Despondency Dim tq Constipation Women often become nervous aad despondi-nt. When this is due to con stipation it is easily corrected by tak ing an occasional dose of Chamber lain's Tablets. Those tablets are easy to take and pleasant in effect. State House News State Insuprance Inspector Wells esti mates that the receipts of hia depart ment for 1918 will go about 60 per cent over last year. So far all but 11 com panies have filed their reports with the state insurance office, and the re mainder are due in soon. Charles J. Sehnabtd of Portland, a re publican filrd hia notice of candidacy yesterday with Secretary of State Olcott He would be United States senator for the short term. Ho states that if elected he will at once resign and allow the governor to appoint a senator for the term beginning immediately after the November election. Iu his platform he states tuat we should win the war, enforce the Monroe doctrine, modernize Court House , News Two divorce cases are being heard by Judge Bingham in department No. 2 of the circuit court this afternoon. both being default cases. They are the suits of Smiley versus Smiley and Cole versus Cole. A writ of attachment was issued to day in the case of F. S. Lamport versus Adrian Kemp to satisfy a judgment of $78.35 aga:nst the defendant- - The probate court today issued an order appointing Conrad Miller as ad' ministrator of the estate of John Mil ler, deceased. There are four heirs, and the estate has a probable value 01 $15U. County Clerk Boyer is doing a rush ing business in fishing and hunting licenses tnis montn. over 50 having been issued. The fishing season will open the first of April, and the local anglers are preparing for a busy season. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Warrantee Deeds. tloir of Peter and Marie Bcrnhard to W. R. Ruth, 39 acres in the dona tion land clnw of Adam Stovcns, con sideration, $8275.25. -5. John and Isabella Scott to Bert ana Gertrude M. Scott, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15 and 16 iu block 26, and all of block 27, Scots Mills, considera tion, $1.00. i . A. Drake et al to Kristian Thorpe, one-third acre in baleni, consideration 10. Series of Lectures On Russia Concluded The last of the series of lectures 00 Russia given at tho public library was delivered last night oy JUiss I orneiia Marvin, state librarian. Miss Marvin was assisted by Mrs. menard (Jart- wright who illustrated the talk with readings from Russian authors. Tho lecture by Miss Marvin was con sidered by tho large crowd present, to be one of tho best of the scries. Ttiere have been five lectures in the course and they have attracted larger at tendance than any similar course giv en at the library. Miss Case, the librarian, stated to day that sho considered tho series the most successful held under the auspic es of the library and believes that the sneakers, who all volunteered their services, should receive more than or dinary praise for the service tney have rendered. The Day's Casualties Among Americans Washington, Matrh 28. One killed in action, four missing atter action, one death from accident, sixteen from disease and one from wounds; one woundsd severely, nd twenty-nine woundsd slightly were listed in the war department casualty list this afternoon. Killed in Action. Pm-ata Patrick Rogers. Died of Accident. Civilian Arthur Davenport. ' , Missing After Action. - -SergOHiit Mack Trent, Privates Ash- gorn Holm, Thorea Parks, Lorton W. Register. Died From Disease. Second Lieutenant Gerland L. Eb- ner, Se-geant Frederick Louis Adkins, Sergeant Samuel J. Chnrpic, Mechanic son, Robert H. Allan, Cato Barber, John W. Butler, Richard J. Craig, Frank L. Evans, Gilbert V. Evans, John Uzone Oetgen, Joseph D. Lambert, Cepheus L. Leggett, Mike Standingwater, John Whetsone. r- Died of Wounda: Corporal William F. Eilwood. Wounded Severely: Private Touf ik J. Maatook. our ports and develop our industries. Owing to the depletion of the $45,000 appropriation of the state livestock san itation board, it will be necessary to discontinue paying indemnities for tu bercular cattle or horses afflicted with glanders. This will be about July first at the present rate. It is estimated by State Veterinarian Lytle that the ex penses of his department for the re mainder of the year will pay $10,000 and there is but $13,000 remaining un spent the board. A meeting is being held at Portland today, and in addition to financial business the question of dipping sheep will be considered. Three republicans and one democrat filed today for state offices. W. C. Hawley of Salem, a republican, filed for representative in congress from the first congressional district, and gives as his slogan, ".No interest to serve but the public interest." In his platform he states that he will faithfully serve all public interests, including vigorously prosecuting the war: Will protect the interests of our armed defenders and their families and will adequately pen sion the veterans, widows ,uud depen dents. K. 1. Iiallnirh of St. TTclenn ; would be a republican representative in Interdenominational Missionary society the assembly for the 20th district. Wil-;of Salem will be held Friday afternoon Ham G. Hare of Hillsboro, a republican ! at 2:3U at tho First Christain church, would be representative iu the assembly i Elecion of officers will be keld and from the 15th district, and M. D. Ukr- plans made for the ensuing year. It lord of Baker, would be candidate for ig urged that all who are interested be judge of the circuit ocurt for the present. 1 1 itir f1 eighth district on the demoratic ticket.! 0 Mrs. A, N. HowelL living at 1129 "The Tip Top Lumber company of i oriianu, nas iiieu n-riicieg ui incorpor ation, giving a general lumber business as their reason lor existing, and $500 as the capital stork. ; CITY. NEWS ; 4: The last three cars of bridge steel for the new iulerrounty bridge arrived today from the east. The spring weather, low water, and presence of ail TT II n O 1 CC nan acnan op 8 xt For your safe-guard when buying Clothes rely on the above labels. They are a pledge of the makers. You will find the quality you demanded in custom made Clothes in these garments. The saving you will make is considerable. Coupled with this is the knowledge of satisfaction and full value in styles and fabrics. Get An Easter Suit 55 )s )c 3js 9l 3t 41 .- PERSONA! Miss Ruth Morwood, who has been employed at the state house, will leave Saturday morning for Pittsburg, l'euu. Attorney Carey t, Martiu iett tor Portland thin morning to spend the day. ' ' Robert Hchniutz and tamiiy arrivett today from Eugene and will make "their permanent home in baium. Mrs. Clint liannon was 111 tsaleui yes terday from hor home near independ ence. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Hodges and Mrs. G. Mcintosh of Independence, were in Salem yesterday. C. J. Beach oithc Salem street rail way, leaves iu tho morning for Oregou City, where he will spend the day in connection with company business. Herman Swank of Aumsvillo, was in the city yesterday on business. U, . .weens 01 Anuiy, nan iiiiiinai ug business iu Salem today. W. P Burns made a short business trip to Turner this morning. L. V. Wrignt .left yesterday ior can Frauciiito, wuero hi; t called by the ttrious illness of bis Jiieee A.. A. UnruK returned to his home in Portland- today tt'ler a visit of sev eral (lavf with uhitives and menus in this city. ..',...... Levi Otteibciii and tamiiy lert to day for Canada, where they expect to make their home. Mrs. Anna Wessela of 1625 .North Front street, lias returned from a visit with her son iu southern Oregon. tho structural materials going into the cv.- bridce will enable the builders now to puth the structure to completion. o Edward Jobuson and family, formerly livimr on nor th Fourteenth street, re turned this morning from California and are emphatic in their determination to make their home in Salem. The family left this city last fall for their old home iu Oklahoma, iu,maing to take up their permanent residence there. But Oklahoma didn't look tho samo when they arrived there aud settled down to live, so they came to California. After looking over that state for a location 11, ev decided to head back for Sah-in, arriving here at 5:30 on the Southern I acific tins morning. o Funeral services of the late Mrs. Elizabeth P. Miller, whose death oc curred yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O. F. Litchfield, 1(535 Waller street, at the age of 73 years, were held this afternoon at 2 o.'clock from the residence. The body will be shipped this evening by the RiKdon com pany to Shellbourn, Ore., for interment. TWenacd wan the widow of the lute Oeo. A. Miller of Marion, and is survivod by two sons anu iwo uhuijuvc.d, whom live in Marion eoiinty. i o The Ladies Aid society of tne First Presbyterian church will meet Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. C. P. Bishop, 310 North Liberty street. The hostesses will be Sirs. C. P. Bishop, Mr R. C. Bishop, Mrs. H. L. Beau, Mrs. L. C. Cavanaugh and Mrs. li. A. Pooler. The annual business meeting cf th Hines street, brought a hen's egg Into tne tiuuniai wiiiiT ......... -- excellent sample of a biddy's efforts to do her bit for her country. The egg in 'iiPhlii,n is fix inches in circumfer ence tiie short way round ami eight iuclies the long way. It was laid by a Black Minorca hen. Captain A T. Woolpert, of Company D, Oregon home guards, nwpuisM that all those who signed up Lr service in the new companies come to the ar mory Friday evening of this week aud fill out their papers so that they can bo aajigucd. tier $30 All Wool Suite $20 $25 SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE rt-tT jt - Concert and Dance Was Great Success Tho concert and dance given at the armory lust, night for the benefit ot Company M mess fund was a great success. Admissions- to the number of (ilO wero sold for the entertavnnont, and during the first fit'teon minutes af the jazi dance over 5'K) ticket were disposed of. Tho concert given between 8 aud 9 o'clock was a big feature of the evening, the orchestra donating their services as well as all appearing on the program, while tho " spot dances" for which prizes .were given, wore fully as popular. A total df $158.15 was realized for Company M'a mess fund. F. M. Woodry, who was manager and instigator of the entertainment, wish es to extend las' bunuks and approcia tion to thoso who contributed their services, to the merchants who donat ed prizes for the dances, and to the general public for heir geucrous pat ronage and support of tho affair. SHERIFF'S SALE Of Real Property on Foreclosure Notice is hereby given, that by vir- (tue of an execution duly issued out of line circuit court of tuo swto of Ore igou, for the county of Marion and to line directed on tho 5th day of March, jyis, upon a judgment and decree luly rendered, entered of record and klockoted in and by said court on the 118th day of February, 1918, iu.a cer tain suit then in -said court pending, iwncrein lleury ttchott was plaintiff laud the Oregon Home Protective As sociation, a corporation, was defendant du favor of plaintiff and airninst said (defendant by which execution I am commanded to sell the property in said lexecution ami hereinafter described (to pay tho sum due the plaintiff of wight hundred and 0(1-100 ($800.0UJ dollars, with interest .thereon at tho irato of 8 per cent per annum from the d3th day of November, 1917. until paid (the further sum of $75.00 attorneys fees, together with the costs atul dis bursements of said suit taxed at $17.50 nd costs and expenses of said ex ecution. I will ou Saturday the 6th day or April, JH1S, at the hour of II o'clock m. of said day at the west door of the county court house in Salem, Ma- irion county, Oregon, sell at public auc rtion to tho highest bidder for cash in hand on the dr.y of sale, all the right, Ititlo, interest and estate which said defendant and all person b t-laiming under it subsequent to the execution of plaintiff's mortgage in, of and to said premises hereinbefore mentioned land described in said execution as fol lows, towit: Lots eleven (11), twelve (12), and thirteen (13) in block fourteen (14) in Kiverview tPark addition to the city of Sulom, as shown hy tho duly fecorded plat thereof iu Marion coun ty, Oregon. !,lMnptJ Said sale being mane sun.ioct. to ro- on in the manner provided by law. Dated this 5th dav of March. 101 3. W. I. NKEDHAM, Sheriff of Marion eoiinty, Oregon By O. D. Bower, Deputy. 4-2 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Notice; ip hereby given that the un dersigned, by an order of tho county court of A! arii, n county, state of Ore gon, duly made and entered of reeord on the 1st day of March, 1918, was ap pointed administratrix of the estate of qualified as such. All persons havine claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the some, duly ver ified as required by law, to me at the office of w. I. Needham at the county court house in the city of Salem, Ma rion coiintv. Oregon, withiu six months (from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this 7th Any of Murch, 191S. LITTXA DARBY, Administratrix of the estate of John Darby, deceased. - EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been a-ppo'inted execu trix of the estate of Henry II. St. Helen, deceased. All persons havin? claims again-t said estate are hereby notified to present the same, proper ly verified in the manner provided by liiw, at the office of Donald W. Miles, TRY JOUENAL WANT ADS 44--4- & Marx $35 $30 Get An Easter Hat tfittii. attorney for tho estate, ir tho eity of SflJom. Marinn finnntv. Cimrrnn wif h. ij 'ix f,o,ith.s frma f Tho first publication of this notice i made this 2xth day of March, 1918. ELIZABETH I. ST. HELEN,, Donald W. Miles, Executrix. Attorney, 503 Salem Bank of Coin, merce Hldg. 4-25 No. 13993 IN THE CIRCUIT COTJET Of thee State of Oregon, for the Count oi jy.ia.rion, department No. 2 A. G. McMillan and Lizzie McMil lan, his wife, plaintiffs, v Sarah A. Lee and Theo. lee, her husband, and Adda B. Van Valkenburg, defendants Summons. To the above named defendants, Sarah A. Lee and Theo. Lee. In tho name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby notified to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summous, and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, plaintiff will apply to the court for a decree for tho relief prayed for in the complaint,' and for ever quieting title to the following described real premises: Beginning at a point north 44 de grees west 02 2-10 foot from the north east corner of tract of land deeded by T McClaine and wife to Sarah A. Le and Theo. Lee, her husband July 24th, 1H90; thence north 44 degree west 02.2 feet; thence south 48 de grees west 200 feet; thence south 44 degrees east C2.2 feet; thence nortU 40 degrees east 200 feet to place of be ginning. You are notified that on the 23rd day of February, 1918, George O. Bingham, judge of the above entitled coui't, made an order in the city of Salem, Marion county, Oregon, au thorizing and directing this summons to be served upon you by publication thereof onco a week for six success ive weeks iu. tho Daily Capital Journ al, a newspaper of general circulation, published daily at bull' in, Marion eonnty, Oregon, the first publication of said summons being made on the 2Sth day of February, 1918, and the date of the last publication thereof will be made, and the same will ex pire on the 11th day of April, 1918, and the defendants, and each of them, are required to appear and answer said complaint on or before the loth day of April, -1918. W. E. KEYES, Ono of tho Attorneys for Plaintiff. 411 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CiiELITOBS To all whom it may concern, you. will please take notice that the un dersigned Belle Shauts has been duly appointed as the executrix oi the last will, testament and estate of James N. Shantz, deceasei All persons hav ing claims against said estate will pre sent them to said Belle Shantz at 697 Market street, Salem, Oregon, withia six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. The first, publication of this notice is in the Capital Journal, of Salem, Oregon, and appears in the issue there of dated the 23th, dav of March. 1918. BELLE 'SHANTZ. . Executrix of the Last Will, testa ment an,l estate of James N. Shantz, deceased. 4-25 - IN THE COUNTY COURT Of toe State of Oregon, for the County of Marion To all persons to whom these pres ents shall come, greeting: Know ye, that it nppearing to the court, aforesaid that Clark Riciet has died intestate, leaving at the time of his death property in this state, such court has duly appointed Frank Ricket administrator of the estate of such de cedent. This, therefore, authorizes the said Frank Ricket to idminister the estate of the aid Clark Ricket, deceased, ac cording to law. la testimony whereof, I, T7. G. Boyer. elerk of the county court have hereun to' subscrrbed my name and affixed the seal of said court this 5th day of March. 1913. (SEAL) U. G. BOYER. By A. J. MacGregor, Clerk. Deputy. 4-4 r