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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1918)
y THR DrtTT.Y CAPTTAT. JOTTRNAT.. SA1.HM. ORK. Mi MTAV. MAR. 95. 1911 Eiorrr i i i i t M li k 0 It n a b n II i n (s ol ti w to is e ot tti to to o ia m as ant I thr tha am for liqi tu; Ir la I tbl ma oiir f.c tha pro is r cf i li sr. .1 c .in Be Many Men Many Places This very day you can be in twenty-six thousand cities, towns and hamlets taking orders, arranging deliveries, collecting bills, straightening out misunderstandings, quoting prices, etc. Fifty thousand Western Union, employees are forever at your service, yet the cost is within reach of everyone. Telegrams Day Letters Night Letters Cablegrams ?loney Transferred by Wire THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. WiLLAD AND FULTON SIGN AGREEMENT FOR BATTLE JULY FOURTH Willard Gets 75 Per Cent of Net Receipts and Fulton Jasi Advertising - a Rather Silly Rook Beattle, Wash., Mar. 22. Three ar- tional Bible Students Association for topics of the book which was placed under ban a week ago by Special Assis tant Attorney General Reames. The members held for federal investigation rests and the seizure of more than 2,000 nre Elder Frank K. French, Deacon A. volumes of "The Finished Mystery" i Wiiiquist and his brother H. W. Win were the fruits of police raids lant niirht (j,iist. on (lie homes of members of the Interna- ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists refund money if it fails. 25c i Chicago, Mar. 2). Jess Willard and Fred Fulton signed ah agreement here today to meet July 4 for the heavy weight championship of the world. The place was not named in the articles. Ful' ton is to get $20,000 as his share and Willard seventy-five per cent of the net receipts. The meeting of the two giants was de void of hostilities. Sitting at cither side of iPromoter J. 0. Miller, they scrawled their signatures on the fight, articles without a word about tho coming fray. Willard was firHt to appear. A few inutes later, Fulton and his manager, I.Iikc Collins entered. Jess spied the par ty and rushed to the door. "Hello Mike", was the greeting. Then to Fulton, "Hello Freddy how are you!" The two shook hands warmly. Fred, in a dark eutawayi coat and striped trousers, shifted a walking stick to his left hand to shake. "You're getting to be quite a sport," remarked V lllard. "Yeah," grinned Fred. "Carrying a cane and everything." The time honored ceremonial or pho tographing the group was carried out and the party broke up without the fighters indulging in farewells. The agreement ' provides that they shall meet at such place and hour on July i as the promoter may designate and that training camps shall be estab lished near the z mo one month before by the British, and he was driven back with great losses. (This may bo regarded as the most optimistic official statement issued by Field Marshal Haig s:nce the German offensive began, According to the Brit ish commander, the eni my 's advance has been stopped ail along the line tempor arily at least.) r Claims Made By Berlin. Berlin, via London, Mar. 25 The Ger man war office today announced the capture of Bapaume. .Divisions freshly brought up failed to bring a decision in favor of the en emy, tlic statement said. 'In the evening, they were defeated and streamed westward," it was declar ed. Near Bapaume, the enemy was again defeated. Northeast of Bapaume, German troops broke through aud drove the enemy back by way of Ytres and Sailly. Hot fighting is in progress for the possession of Combles. Neslo was stormed during me even ing. Strong positions west ot urozav can al were captured. Ytres and Sailly are southeast, rath er than northeast of Bapaume. It is nr&bable that the German statement meant the British retreated in the di rection of these two towns. Haie admitted tho enemy gained s slieht foothold in the new British lines north of Banaunie during powerful at tacks Sunday evening, but declared they were later driven out. Guiscard and Chauny have been cap tured, the statement said. Enemy losess are unusually heavy. Forty five thousand allied prisoners wun more 1m.a linan 1-nUpn tocrpther the battle. Miller reserves the right to u Uuu gun& ud quantities of other No matter what the dental operation may be, wheth er it is pulling or filling teeth, capping or straight ening them or putting new ones in place of bad ones, we have a process by which there is complete absence of the pain which has, in the past kept so many away from the dreaded dental chair. And the elimination of suffering is accomplished without using treacherous, habit forming drugs. We don't give you temporary relief at the price of saddling a far worse condition on you. And the painless part of the operation doesn't end with the tooth work. You get charged some thing in proportion to what the work is worth. Hundreds of thousands who have visited the Painless Parker dental offices will tell you ho didn't hurt the pocketbook any more than he hurt the jaws. Neither your pride nor your common sense are hurt. We make it an infallible rule to examine a pros pective patient's teeth free of charge, state what has to be done, explain it frankly and fully and then estimate just how long the work will take r and how much it will cost. Think of itgetting ' ' " your dental bill before the tooth mending begins ! The only thing that has any real agony is the Dental Trust. And we should worry. The more the Trustites squirm, the better we are pleased They have hurt the Common People's jaws and purses so long, we feel thst it is their turn to wince. Make the punishment fit the crime. The Dental Trust is a good deal like the dog in the manger. It wants only the high-toned, silk stocking patronage, just as if the wage earner , didn't have aching teeth as much as the million aire. And, yet, while scorning the laborer and the person with a small salary, it fights when Painless Parker educates the multitude about den tistry and points the way to tooth salvation that is sound, painless and reasonably priced. PAINLESS PARKER, DENTIST Hour 8 to 6. Closed Sundays STATE AND COMMERCIAL STS. SALEM, OREGON. Nineteen ofices located as follows: San Francisco (2), Oakland, Stockton, San Diego, Santa Crus, Los Angeles, Fres no, BalterKficloV Sacramento and San Jose, Calif.; Portland, Salem and En gene, Ore.; Taccma a:id Bellinghani, Wash.; Brooklyn, N. Y. (2); Nrw York City, N. Y. sell the match without releasing the srnppers from their obligations to which they are bound by $1,000 guaran tees. Miller announced a new offer of $135,000 from New Haven, Conn., the bidders name being withuem. TERRIFIC FORCE (Continued from page one) ing a revolver and crying that the Huns were on his heels, no was cougni ana proved to bo a German. The Morning Story With the British Armies in tho Field, Mar. 21. Under the eves of captain ana kings the great battle presses on with out pause. Haig and others are lingering us pulse on this side. The kaiser, Crown ivinnA Friedrich Wilhclm. Crown Prince Kupprecht, Hindenburg and Ludendorff uie in coiiBintaiiou on me The struggle widens in the nijjni time and contracts during tne uay. ln vno inooiiiignv ui liance to permit tho reading of news ,.... Lnmhinir and wnr Wanes swarm out, ca'rryiug high explosives, far behind ... I..,-. 1 1.. Thev broaden the area .,f d"Dlh scores of miles, tew villages v.. ....,. , ,;k w . ii Hie Htin rises, me uuimv, prowling night birds return m i roosts; ground fighting speeds up, and sect lU ets, succeeding the bombers, fly low over the clashing inrantry, i.uwu im. ,.1-mv columns and observing the n ... m..rif i-.nti'sh air men have smashed records. Thei forty seven German airplane downed Friday were equalled again l-atlirday and probably today. Tho bat tl re is almost exclusively between the ..if. .1 tho Oise. While the strug- ""1'" - tl, I..,..., o.. tlm British riiiht. , : ,.,,1-nlrv. hurled lorward at . "mtemnted to hack .i l. 4 liHtish lines, but was foil ed ivervwhere. Terrific encounters with iv.mi ted and unmounted enemy in the r.cion between the Tergmer enmu auu l'n-M resulted in driving the Germans hack. ' ,,, v. hou-h making some progress, ... Rrmnns have been unable to maintain all their gams. t ik. n.i.lut el the most in ... v .- . :. tnwh r.innoT resist tun. gle war materials. This Story Denied. -Berlin, via London, Mat 23. Passage of the Somme river was torcea oeiow Ham, tho Berlin war office announced tmia-v ' . ... i , . -a ... We mounted tne neigius wesi ui mo Soinme." the statement continued, Field Marshal Haig, in his official statement, admitted the uermans cross ed the Somme south of peronne, near t.ic.urt but- declared they were driven back. It is not plain whether, the Ber tin wnr ) ffice and Haiu referred to the same action. , No ReserT'ji Called Yet. Washington, Mar. 25. Field Marshal H:iitr is ii'oidinir the great German drive f seven divisions witn only cwentv seven Uivisions ot naming niies, it was stated by British military men here today. According to tho British strategy, it is believed here, Haig will not rush up greater concentrated iorces uum no ia ready to assume me onenmve Bl mo break of the German onrush. During a bombardment it is not well to over concentrate men, it is pointed out. ltritish officials .estimate tne it man losses at approximately 100,000 men a dav in killed, wounded and cap t,.r...l At" this rafe. they hold, they are iustified in optimism and in the belief that tho Germans are defeating them selves by their enormous losses. Admit British Bravery .in,ttrrl-iiii. Mar. 25. German corres pondents unite in paying tribute to the Qtnhhnm resistance of the British, es pecially tho artillerymen covering the retrcaf, who left their batteries when tlw. Germans were only a few hundred vards distant, according to copies i t stubborn f;i.ti,r li... British cannot re: ing at the wireless German claim that a considerable- portion of the British armv is defeated. " Extraordinary thing that we tluln t know it ourselves," exclaimed a British officer, England Waits Calmly. London, Mar. 24-" The empire stands calm and confident in its soldiers, was the message King George wired to Field Marshal Haig today. "I assure you the fortitude, courage and self sacrifice of the troops you couuuand, which continue so heroically to resist greatly superior numbers, is realized by mo and my people." President Confident Washington, Mar. 2a. l resworn Him today cabled Field Marshal Haig a I in 'sni'O of toufidenee in his forces op- pos ng tile uoruiHu ".-"" German newspapers rcceivea nere 10 The correspondents claim the British counter attacks with tanKS was meiiec tive as tho machines were demolished by tl... Ciernmn nrtillerr. Allied air squadrons also covered tne Brtish retreat, it was stated. The bootv taken is said to have m eluded manv motor cars. Air Raids Kill Some. Taris. Mar. 25. Several casualties n,siili,t frMii vesterdav's air raid Paris, it was officially announced today. A number of enemv airplanes succeed ed in crossins the battle lines at a high altitude unit attacked the city. They were pursued immediately by Fren airplanes rfom the front and those at tached to the Paris defense. They were driven off after dropping several bombs. of Heavy Firing Heard, London, Mar. 25. Kxtremoly heavy firing was heard along the Kentish coast throughout last night. Houses were shaken by the concussion. An engine that wrings from gas more power than was ever taicen out of gas before through its "Hot-Spot" and "Ram's-Horn" Manifold Chalmers devices. ) 'Z , r - ' ' , - V . ? 'fiW - z sites', j'i. Tests of exhaust vapors have shown weaknesses in many engines. By such tests you can always tell how good an engine is. . In the great Chalmers engine so very little in the way of unused or unburned gas comes out of the exhaust as to be almost negligible. The gas is used up ail of it in the Chalmers. The moment it passes from the throat of the carburetor it strikes the now noted "Hot-Spot" where it is heated and "cracked-up" and then rushed on to the combustion cham bers via the "Ram's-Horn" Manifold. When the spark touches it off there is translated a power such as a gas engine has never known; all the brute force ' imaginable, yet tamed down into a softness that is as smooth as deep water. . , , Once you play with it with your right foot you will be amazed at the thrill it'll give you. i "Touring car.r-passenger $ih touring sedan . - . $io town car landaulet - $m TOURING CAR. S-PASSENGER ltt CABRIOLET. 3-PASSENGER . $!77S LIMOUSINE, 7-PASSENGER . $ STANDARD ROADSTER - - tl TOWN CAR. 7-PASSENGER - 225 LIMOUSINE LANDAULET M ALL PRICES P. O. B. DETROIT SL'BJECTTO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE . Rutherford & Riedesel Capital Garage, 173 South Liberty Street County Fair Will Show In 'Tour Figures" Jitney Yielded $150 The report cf the committee in charge of the Country fair had not managed to count up the collections at a late hour this afternoon, but from present indications, the- total will run BOOSTS RED CROSS (Continued from page one) 1 j B Beautiful Bust and Shoulders r posiW If t wilt we" a Klfulifiollr constructed Bien Join ftrier. Tt dmpin wfirtit of n nncondncd bn w itretchw th upportuif uiutic. thai lue contour 01 u muic u .pu.. ... put the bust buck whert It be- iJJ ff . lonn, prevent tile full but from JIFW hTinr the pteartc of ni bines, eliminate the dnirer of or)ACf trn p clrnntin uclndcojnn tne .!- of tho tooulder i1' ltrcful line to tUtfniir upper body. ThrT mrr tht !intt1 utA mot errfpeable rrment IMtiie ctnie in!lnileriiil ud tyM: t russ H. Fr.-it. ttjrpitra, KiSt'iia, t. BoneU with 'Wnl.n, tne ruiio uuuinr-ptrnritling Hiiii without rtmorml. tjtrr ror dealer hnw yoa Bien Jotle Bnuslere. If not rtork ed. w lil ldlir end tuiB, preraid, aamplei to tow you. uvvlAMIN ft JOIIKES. M Warren Street, Newark. NJJ Beaten a Many Points. London, Mar. 2 X Gorman forces crossed the Somtne river south of l'eion no, between the city aud I.icourt but driven buck to the eat bank by counter attacks, Field Marshal Haitf re ported today. Tho first hostile attacks this morn Init developed north and south of Ba paume, llayj said. (.Bapaume is IS miles west of tarn brai and more than six miles south west of the nearest point held by the Hermans before the present ofcfnsive.) The battle continues with great vio lence on the whole front. North of Bapaume yesterday evemng (Kiwerful attacks were repulsed with heavy enemy losses. At ouiy oue point did the Germans reach the British trenches. They were immediately thrown out. Klsewhere, the enemy's attacks were stopped by rifle and machine gun fire The Ensli.-h channel at Tover is about 20 miles wide. From Dover to Arras, near the northern flank of the Gorman advance, is about 75 miles, however, into four figures. Tho jitney dance the last night brought in over $150, the rafflo brought in a goodly sum, some 1500 people wero fed at the restaurant and a rushing business was continuous AMAZING FORD FACTS It ds amazing the bigness of the daily operations of work at the Ford Motor company. Fairly takes one's breath an.iv to learn that the. tailings or steel trimmings that come from the lathes and other machines average 100 tons daily; cast iron borings. 25 tons and sheet steel clippings to 50 tons daily. Why, this is as nrnh and more than - most automobile factories eon sumo in fresh raw materials. Think of it! The total sales of serapniaterial from the Ford factory the past year approximated $3,000,000. This is in ad dition to an enormous amount of east iron borings and baled sheet steel clip pings consumed in their own foundries These figures indicate that for every Ford car manufacture.!, the waste ma terial average about 5. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A 3 TO R I A information of enlisted men for their families. A special branch maintains headquar ters at Washiugtin, and is able by this means to locate any enlisted mau quick er than can bo done by a private indi vidual. This is but one phase of the work done by the home service sec tion, and the work requires a worker to every eight or ten families. As there are 600 Marion county men in the ser vice, the local home service section should have around 60 -workers, but it is believed that half of this number will do for the present. Will Talk Tonight. Mr. Foisie will speak again this even ing at the Commercial club and the meeting will be open to the general pub lic. Mr. Foisie 's talk this afternoon was for the homj service workers, but at the meeting this evening he will speak more generally, explain what the home service section expects to do in Salem, and tell of the work of tho intelli gence department. The tome serviee work in Salem has t.t en in charge of Mrs. F. K. Buell, who has ben selected as secretary. The of fice is located at tho Commercial club, and since a revival of interest a few weeks ago, the local work has more than doubled. The need for a chapter course was seen by Mrs. Buell, and she brought the matter before the Bed Cross offi cials with the result that the course was decided upon. Several well known speakers are to ni i.ear durine the course- which will last about three weeks. Mr. Foisie will speak twice, his n-xt address being on Aprii ith. Dr. Ii. v. ih-dush win si-a on April first on Child Welfare. Dr. De- Busk is at the I niversuv or uregon, anu is jne of the state's foremost special ists in child welfare work. Miss Mabel Cunningham, head of the department of physical education for -women at the university of Oregon will also speak, and Dr. Joseph Shafer, head of the his tory department at the University of Oregon is also scheduled for an address. 'I' ' ' HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD Says Cream Applied in Nostrils Opens Air Passages Right Up- Instant relief no vaiting. Tour clogged nostrils open right tip; the air passages of your head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuf fling, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; .your cold or catarrh disappears. Get a small bottle of Ily'a Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It pen etrates through every air passage of the bead, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes in stantly. It's just fine! Don't stay stuffcd-lif with a cold or nasty catarrh. at every other attraction. The affair was considered the. meat successful enterprise the Salem organ ization has attempted. It is believed that close to 12,000 attended during the two days, and as the dancea cost 10 each, more than 1500 must havo danced. Brother Bill, the much heralded Red Cross ram, failed to put in his appear ance, but 11 pigs donated by a local man, brought in a good sum. The auc tioneering business Saturday afternoon was especially good, and most cf tha goods brought in were sold. NEW COAL PRICES I Washington, Mar. 22. New maxi mum prices on coal for fields in Illi nois. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and . West Virginia wero announced by tho I fuel administration today. They are effective at 7 a- m. tomorrow. fi ijc s(c .k jjc .k s. sc jjc ifi ijc sjs 5t 4c 4: All Colors Silk Hogiery New Shipment Just In 4c SHIPLEY ' S '- March 26 High School ! FANNY AND THE SERVANT PROBLEM i f To Be Presented by ! the mm mmmm I Benefit ! Willamette Chapter I Med Gross tl Reserve Seats 35c 8:15 P. M. i U General Admission 25c f