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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1918)
Six THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON, MONDAY, MAR. 25, 1918. ;f f ", " f'"" V ',, h "V I . i aw-J ' ' 1 4 - ' ' - . f y fv Ai i 1 t Thoughts for Palm Sunday ; : ; How are we to receive the coin- ' ' ing Kingf : TL. ttS . y '&cMTi."f , WR URKD TO THINK THAT THE FRENCH "75" WAS SOME HJN HUT HERE AKE TUB NEW "190V, ALMOST TWO AND HA1I-' TIMKS BIOGEB. THEY ARE MOUNTED ON A SPEOIAlY CONSTRUC TED RAILWAY OWJSE ENOUGH TO THE GERMAN MNES TO OBLIT ERATE ANY DEFENSES WITHIN RANGE AND CLEAR THE WAY FOR FRENCH INFANTRY. Copyright, Underwood & Uu'terwood John Barleycorn Is Given the Blame land to which he had a half interest 'recorded in his name. This was done without his knowledgo, and while has . " uuui'r mo limueuce oi oooze. jn a For tho first time ince Oregon went .suit for divorce, granted by default in dry an attempt Is wing made to use 1914, tin property wag given to tho a reputation as a bar-fly as an asset ex-wife. Mr. Melson now wants a half instead of a liabiifty. This is boing intercut, and his sharo of tho rent, done by Howard C. Melson, who is su- estimated at $300 annually. Sng his former wife, now Grace Wol-1 Grace Wolford, in her answer, denies ford following a divorce, to secure an that thiB property, was bought by Mr. undivided half interest in certain prop- Melsou, but admits that he was con- erty which he declares ho was deprived sdorably inclined toward tho use of in- of by means of booze. In the answer toxicants. .She claims the property wne xueu luuaj uus attempt to use John oougnt aim paid for with, money Bhe Barleycorn as an ally is attacked by had saved herself and that Melson had tho defendant. M nothing to do with it. The suit is in Tho original complaint declares that equity and as Judge Bingham was nt- i -mr. Jvioison-a nabNual and torney lor tuo present defendant in tho well known partiality for intoxicating divorce proceedings, it has been liquors ho permitted his wife to manage transferred to department No. 1 and ais property and that sho had certain will bo heard before Judge Kelly. i ''TTTT ' TV T T T T f TTTTTTTT? Hints for the Motorist By Albert L. Clough Copyright, 1917, by The International Syndicate. ' Profiting By Tire Experience. , eXPERIENCE IS A GOOD TEACHER, but she keeps a dear school." U a maxim that ought to apply to the tire problem and every motorist should endeavor to learn, from bis past tire experience, something that will help hlra to reduce his future expenditure upon this most Important Item of automobile maintenance. The advantage of keeping full records as to make, mileage delivered, date of putting on and taking off and repairs made upon each tire used, naa been referred to in a former article. Without uch data a tire user is hopelessly at sea. It Is worth while for Iff C?rvUSevt0 compare th vice obtained from his tires with that obtained by other users of the game make of car and. If it Is found that he ti. not getting u good reaults as others, he should try to ascertain wby It IZ hrm 0ne V 01 01680 causes: Hls tlres to "f Poorer quality, be may not take as good care of them or he may use them more harshly. When a tire falls. IU owner ought to learn something TonT Us Z and oftaeU:en 7 t'68" SOinetlmC8 dcvel( 'm"! lion and often a first-class tire repairman can by examining a defunct tire L"8? a"d UM? conclusions as to'hetuse of Its w.wwac: BUCU HR T1A rnorilit am tv. i. .i wisdom of God " The lowly Savior i now exalted in heaven, . but he . still comes in low3y--guise '"through- the oolishnoss -of preachiug,' to ave them Kiat believe." (1 Cor. 1:21.1 It us therefore, receive Him and Hia word with reverence . in . however lowly guise and humble fashion He appears among us. We hould receive Him with joyful a&elaimation, as the descipies and the multUude rejoiced and greeted Him with acclamation as the King of Is rael, when they remembered His won' derous words and deeds, and the var in. tho heait of men and among the na-Jia the acclaim, "Hosunna! Blewied is By Rev. John Ovall Christ is continually coming to in dividual hearts and in the world at large. Still accents of welcome greet Him. Still there are those who despise and reject Him. How shall we receive ious proofs He had given that He was IU in 7 the proper Messiah; so let us hail aim We shall receive Him with humble as our great spiritual deliverer, remcm- reverence. We must remember that Ho bering the . wonders -of His grace in is the Lord of Glory; and that thi ourselves and others, and as we see preuchine of His cross should be to us Him advancing "eonqueriug and to "Ohrist, the power of God, and the conquer lions, let us join in rendering Him the tribute of praise, which is His due be lieving, that He only can bring the righteous peace into the world. - We shoull also receive Him with un wavering lovalty.. Let us not imitate the fickle multitude, who one day the King of Israel, that coineth u the name of the Lord. " Amen. EEDMOND ELECTED. London, March 23. Captain Will iam Redmond has been elected to parlia- shouts of iubilation on Olivet and in ment to succeed his father, the late the temple, Hosanna! Blessed is the- oJhn Redmond, leader of the Irish na King!" and another - day shouts jtionalists. Captain Redmond defeated "Away with mm, eruciiy mm!" )r White, oimi Fein candidate, wnr ilia iie, ine Drigmness or aivmc glory, condescend to this lowly guitef Why docs Ha still come to our hearts. i it loatinj f' ft iiv nwia -bear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him i It is hecauso thus aionat The Netherlands has decided to let tho United States and the allies use Dutch ships, which seems quite a sen sible decision on the part of the Nether lands inasmuch as the Lnited btates aim by . His self sacrificing love could we . , . mus9e(1 the Neth 7 1 1 n ' " " . . . ue savea oureiy, men, we too wun - ut ,,ad it been neces. hearts -and voice will loin the throngr i ' . . ...... .i f by- the power of His lovejing multitude of every age and nation j g. ' Eugene stores iu all lines of business except drug, cigar and confectionery stores are to ;lose at 5 p. .m.. each. Jay except Saturday, and on that day at 8 p. m. The. openiag" time i to be oplioai- al with proprietors. The war gardening spirit is in large part responsible for the new order of things. Editor Pearce of the Madras Pioneer registers amusement at hearing ''the various comments on the virtue of whale meat, since the whale 'feed' last Mondav. Many people reiieh the meat and perhaps as many more "just can't '. .i. . ;i" . . TRY JOURNATWANT ADS 41 A Feature Display for All New Styles for Men, Women and Children You'll need new shoes for Easter of course. You wouldn't think of dressing up in a new costume unless you were provided with appropriate footwear. In the matter of "dress," shoes are one of the most important items and since Easter is the dress-up period of Spring, careful attention to your footwear needs is imperative. Your Easter shoes can be chosen here with the assur ance that the style is absolutely correct, that the quality NEW EASTER STYLES : IN WOMEN'S SHOES AND PUMPS is of the highest type dnd that the price is very, very reasonable and this last is an important point when everyone is trying to economize. It means satisfaction in style, fit and service, both now and until your shoes are entirely worn out. . . Make Your Easter Selection Early and be Assured of Complete Satisfaction. (making allowance for the effeet 7, "IT ' ius a lne. llre ?f underlnnatlon faults in the 7lma o whlh Sto "nSSTS to removf hv ?1thes,e.cau8M of failure It 1. within the power of the user'rlng future tlr bter care and when defective a t. llty tread rubber or faulty ' obtaining better materials by .A?, "1 rAhe tre"d. there Is a chance of obUinlng better material, hv X 7ZrZlTi - -elude that Urea used by other, on IdenUcal ear. , ' , 0r tUan longer Uved hv , n laenuc . the conclusion must be aoceDted tht they receive unduly severe usage and ince a juue, t overloading the oar, tng pace a little .v- ' T,,.rT0 '" aec,ae cut down the drtv more gently and avoid. ENGINE STALLS WHEN THROT TLE IS OPENED. . i. it. asks: What makes my engine stall on cold mornings as soon as i open the throttle more than nought to start It on? answr: when you open the inrotue tne mixture becomes so lean that tho spark does not Ignite It and explosions cease. Ono reason for this is that gasoline and ail other liquids evaporate faster under a par tial vacuum than at atmospheric pressure. So long as your throttle ia nearly closed, there Is a consider able degree of vacuum In the Intake manifold and cylinders and the gas oline vaporie with considerable facility but, as the throttle Is opened, the pressure In the manifold ap proaches atmospheric, evaporation la reduced and the easolino. Instead of mingling with the air, remains as liquid C4i Uio Inside walls of the mitnifo:d, wiauit are so cold that they cannol .'uml. a heat required to ciange the tr"o Into vapor form. The result Is that not enough fue! vapor Is carried by the air to mak an inflammablo mixture. SPRING LEAVES RUST. C. B. writes: The finish on m car has lasted remarkably well, with the exception that ulong the edgei of the spring leaves tt has disap. peared and the metal has rusted so that It looks very shabby. Can any thing be done to prevent this or to improve Its appearance? r ; ' This complete assemblage -of" fashionable Shoes and Pumps for Women is replete with the most graceful, distinctive and fav ored new styles that have been designed for this season's warm weather wear. In the collection are models for dress, street, sports, vacation, and general wear. " Every woman will be interested in seeing this collection of Shoes and Pumps for, besidesportrayiig the smart and cor rect new styles, our prices in comparison to others elsewhere, are more moderate by dollars insome instances. HIGH WHITE SHOES ARE FEATURED FOR WOMEN Women's footwear for the coming season shows quite a predominence of white and in this new showing will be seen the most favored of the smart styles. Here are any number of distinctive mod els in Women's White Shoes to choose from styles in white leathers and white fabrics at a wide range of most moderate prices. White Kid, 8-in., with White Ivory Leather Welt Soles and Heels, specially cheap at $7.50 White Nubuck, Leather Soles, Franch Heels $6.00 White' Nubuck, Neolin Soles, Military Heels $6.00 White Nile Cloth, Elegant Design . . .$5.50 White Canvas, both leather and Composi tion Soles, at ...... . $3.95 down to $2.95 . NEW SPRING SHOES FOR WOMEN AND MISSES We have never seen models of Women's and Misses' Shoes which were given so much style and design attention .as in this Easter display. Each pair of High Boots in this assort ment is fashioned on strictly new lines in leather, fabric and combinations. For style, quality, workmanship and fit they are supreme in women's footwear modes. Beautiful Browns in High or Military Heels at $6.95 to $8.00 Greys in both Pearl and Dark and High or Low Heels $5.95 to $7.00 Dainty Ivory with Gold Brocaded. Top; a very Swell Shoe at $7.50 The staple Black Vamp with Grey or Tan Tops, either High or Low Heels, all grades from $7.00 rlnwn t0 $5.45 Sport Shoes in Tan or Smoke Elk, at $5.00 rTu 7R ri 1 Answer: The fact that th spring leaves are constantly bonding and that neighboring leaves move rela tively one to the other, makes It diffi cult to prevent the chipping off of the paint on their edges, but this should occur but slowly m the case of a well painted car. you can go over them occasionally with a vara. isn paint and keep them In a fairly presentable condition or, if the color of the running gear ts black, you can keep them coated with graphite, stove blacking will do. if H IS I 2 THE NEW STYLES IN CHILDREN'S FOOTWEAR These new Shoes for Children are built on common sense lasts that will readily adapt themselves to tender, growing feet splendid, wide-toed models that allow for natural growth of .tiny toes without un necessary crowding. . Experts in Children's Footwear designed all of the bhoes in thn Easter Showing, so you may really be assured that the Kiddies' feet will be ferfectly fitted at moderate price if you bring the children here. Patent Vamps, with cloth or leather.tops, light soles for dressy wear, at prices from $3.25 down to $1.35, depending on sizes. Many others in Gun Metal, Tans, also Skuffers and Pumps at money-conserving prices. j SMART NEW STYLES IN MEN'S SHOES Comfort is probably the most logical rea son why most men wear Light Shoes in the warm weather, but appearance should play an important part also. In ths showing of Men's Shoes will be seen the 'very latest ideas in dress, business- and sports Slices that are bound to please the fancy of every wcU-dressed man. For comfort, fit, style, wear and moderate price you should look over these new assortments. Mens Dressy English and round toes in Welts and Leather or Rubber Heels, com fort and appearance both cared for at from $7.25 down to $3.35. Then we "have a varied assortment-of Work Shoes at all grades from $5.50 down '?PWion o! general interest to motorists mil be ansvered m thtt tuUvm. i$44 permitting. Adjrctt Albert Cloug cm uj thu otfica, BOY SCOUT SHOES The greatest Boys' Shoes shown;, solid leather or Neolin welt soles, high grade calf uppers and well, put together, fully equal to any $;5.75 to $4.00 leys' Shoes at other stores; sizes 1 to 6 3.45 to ?2.95. Sizes 9 to 134 ,3.25 (0 S2.S5 r..tH I) - . fct t K. 1MI We cany the largest and most varied stock of Shoe Polishes, dressings, enamels, laces, , shining outfits and brushes. Convenient too, just inside the door at the ' wrapping counter. ' 1 ! 1 'I k 1 ' ! f I