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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1918)
SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1918. AB1 EIGHT 99 . -nTi rrn : I over me ii o 197 STRONG On 1902 Mr. Penney opened at Kemmever, Wyoming, doing .that year a busi ness of $29,000. In 16 years he has produced 197 busy stores in 25 states, do ing an aggregate business of Fourteen Million Eight Hundred and Eighty Thousand dollars. They cannot keep us back, we will go over. Just a few of the reasons why we are growing. , 9-4 Sheeting 39c 42-inch Pil'ow Tubing .'21c 72x90 inch Sheets, . .69c, 79c and 89c 81x90 inch Hemmed Sheets 98c 81x90 inch scalloped Sheets. . . . $1.29 42x36 inch Pillow Cases 15c Bed Spreads . . . . , 98c to $4.98 27-inch-Iress Gingham 18c 27- inch Zephyr Gingham ...... .20c 28- inch Percale ...... 2V2c and 15c 36-inch Percale 17c and 20c 28-inch Cheviot Shirting 19c I 24-inch Calico iuc 32inch Renfrew Devonshire Cloth 25c KIMONAS We have a fine line of Kimonas made of serpentine : and Japanese Crepes, $1.19, $1.49, $1.69, $1.98, $2.98 . BATH TOWELS Fancy Bath Towels', 25c, 35c, 49c and 69c each Plain White Bath Towels 25c, 39c, 49c, 59c and 98c pair WAISTS White Voile Waists 98c Silk Waists $1.98 to $4.98 Fancy Voile Waists .......... $3.98 BUNGALOW APRONS Nice collection going at 79c, 98c, $1.15 HOUSE DRESSES From . . .". ... v $1.25 to $3.98 THE GOLDEN RULE 4 All Around Town : , '' ' ; ... . t ' Dr. M. F. Mendelsohn fit eyes cor rectly. U. 8. National bank bldg. tf. 1 o The twenty-second anniversary of the founding of tlie order of Foresters in Balcm was celebrated last night with a dance at tho Forester's hall. An enjoy able, occasion was reported. ' O. E. Unruh, money to loan, 202-3 Bank of Commerce.. Phone 815. 4-17 EvangeJlgtlo meetings, Leslie Moth odist church, 7:30 every evening, ex cepting Monday and Saturday. Come, tf A regular meeting of the Marlon County Jdrsey Cattle club is being held today at the Commercial club. The us ual routine business is being discussed and the report of tho tests will be made. "The funeral Olough Co. beautiful" Webb ft tf The Lancaster Tire and Rubber com pany of Columbus, Ohio, has filod its articles of incorporation in Oregon, and will do business at Portland. The com pany, which has a capital of $500,000 Don't fail to read the following prices and compare them with what you have been paying for goods. 15c Toilet Soap 9c 10c Toilet Soap, 7c 7c Toilet Sdap A 6c 5c Toilet Soap 3c 15c Powdered Sea Foam 9c 15c Lubricating Household Oil 13c 25c Cedar Floor Oil 17c 20c Oysters 12c SOc Sliced Pineapple 16c 20c 8tring,"Beang 13c 30c Codfish 20c Arm & Hammer ft Soda 5c Toilet Paper : 6c Come In and see what we have? FARMERS CASH STOKE Opposite Court House sc jc 3c sc sjc 3c sc sc sjc 3c s( dc sc : COMING EVENTS March 22-23 "Country Fair" Bed Cross Benefit at Armory. March 23. Demonstration of uses of Substitutes for Flour at Public Library Auditorium 2:30 p. m. March 26 ."Fanny and the Servant Problom" by Snikpoh Dramatio Society at' Salem High school. - selbj, manufactures and repairs automo bile tires and. accessories, and deals in rubber goods, i o Ira L. Let, yard foreman of the South ern Pacific company, has been transfer red into train service at Bnkersfield, Cal., which is an advance in the service ' o Knittincr basrs 98 cents and ur at Buren's Furniture Store. ' .- o r. Our large stock of rugs give you a fin cassortmc.ut to select from- Sec tho special juices. Vou save more mon ey at Hamilton 's. R. L. Lewis, cashier at the local Southern Pacific freight depot, has re signed his position to take the position ot .chief clerk at tho company 's offict at Medford. . o Everything in our store goes at spe cial discount. No fooling. We intend to unload our stock. When we adver tise special prices you know we mean business. Hamilton s. Fatton Plumbing Co., 385 Ohemeketa Phone 1096. We do repair work. So vet and furnaces coiled. tf Saturday moraine the usual storv- liniir will lie hold nt Hin mihlir lihrnrv at 9:30 and again at 10:30. The story us uuiovmi which was not tolil last week, because of lack of time, will be told this Saturday. The other stories will be the " Hediey Kow" aud "The Hedgehog and the Hare." "The best" Is an you oaa do when death comes. Call Webb ft dough Co I r none jbu. u PERSONAL. i i . Attorney Willard 'Marks, of Alabny, was in Salem yesterday on legal uusi nes. Gus Mosher was in the city yesterday hobnobbing with political friends. Gut has his eye -on the guhernational' chaii and promises to liven things up before the campaign is over. E. E. Bennett left yesterday for Camas, Wash., on a business trip. Mrs. W. T. Wall 'of this city is en joying a visit this week from her sister, Mrs. William Greenwood, of Dallas. ' Fred Kozer, the well known Kickre all sheep man, was in Salem yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Fox were in the city yesterday from their home at Rick reall to attend the funeral of the lato Mrs. Lloyd T. Reynolds. H. Thompson, of Kansas City, a cou sin to City Treasurer C. O. Bice and Fred Rice, was in Salem over night, leaving today for Portland. He enjoyed a short visit with his cousins while here. Mrs. M. Poulsen and daughter, Miss Evelyn, left today for Lebanon for a visit of a week or ten days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Glaser. Elbert Thompson and Fred Bamhardi left) this morning for Portland on a business trip. ' - r- Harry B. Hammer waS up from Port land today on a business trip. Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. A. Park have re turned from an extended visit in south ern California. . 4 . Ed Plinsky was in the city a few hours yesterday on. Irs return to Silver ton from a trip to Eugtne. "Mr. and Mrs. H-fcH. Boersma, of 1688 Center street, spent yesterday in Port land. - i ' ' ' " : ' Sam Rome was up from Portland yes terday and spent the day in Salem on business. . u P. A; Spence, uncle of James L. Spcnce of this city, returned to j'ortland last night after spending the day in Sa lem. ' ' , . F. G. Dcckebach treturned last even ing from Portland from a business trip. Mrs. W. P. Morse; widow of the late W. P. Morse, is spending some time at Eugene with relatives. J. Porter of Silverton, spent yester day and today in the city on business. L. S. Bonney of Lebanon, is registered at the Capital hotel. For Rent 6 room modern bungalow irnn.1 location, also garage. Address J 20 care Journal. . ifl'iZS vtr iw Walte and Loyal 'Henderson, both clerks at Patton, Bros.' book store, are confined to their homes, today with an attack of la grippe. . 0 Bugs, rugs, nigs at special prices. You can save more money at Hamil ton's. o m. r-haria u.. Archnril Imolefment Co. is now in position to supply Shell ... . . . i 1 a.M5 DdstUlate in Duik or Da.rre1B. o-r 0 Mrs. !E. C. Gamble, , Of 345 Union oti-ont whn underwent an operation ftt the Willamette sanatorium Thursday, is reported to be improving very satis factorily. .,, 0 TT.mlltnn'l Oalo in a. ofitlUinfl mOneV saving sale. You save more money at Hamilton's. c . Mr nharlAn Maxwell, who returned last woek from a short visit with her sister, Mrs. Mille M. Cline, at Los An geles, received word yesterday of the death of her sister, .which occurred Mon day. .' o 1 finoMnl tnr 1 few riavs only. We will ooii a iir.iitn.1 numher nf Anex Elec tric cleaners, regular $37.50 machine, $32.50 spot cash- Every cleaner guar antecd. C. S. Hamilton. I WATCHING THE OTHER 4P FELLOW-- Used Furniture Wanted Highest Cesh Price Paid for Used Furniture E. Ii. STIFF ft SON, Phone 941 or 508 ' ' . . W. T. MM CO. UNDERTAKERS W. T. BIG DON L. T. RIGDON Calls answered all hours day Res. Phone 111; Office Phone 183 252 N. High St. and night- Price fixing and price juggling. Our prices on merchandise are drmmed by market conditions and cost of merchandise and priced to you at the low est possible margin of profit. Some grades of merchandise that we are draMwtoto we do not care to handle or sell at any price. Quality merchandise at the low est price possible is what you get at Gale & Co. LADIES' NEW COATS The Best and Smartest Assortment of Ladies' Coats and Suits are now here. New express shipments direct from the fashion, centers of New York and Philadelphia are arriving. We do not depend on any one or two houses in this line but are today buy ing Coats from twenty different New York firms which give us the best assortment possible. , Our buying direct saves you all the middlemen's profit. ' ' '. COATS $6.90 TO $27.: 50 SUITS $9.90 TO $25 00 ADVtHTUf l ft ft. viCf Our Prices Always the Lowest v GALE & COMPANY Commercial and Court Sts. Phone 1072 Formerly Chicago Store Mrs. Herbert Hanson is here from Everett, Wash., for a visit with her par ents and relatives. Mrs. Hanson for merly lived in Salem until about a year ago when herself and husband moved to Washington. . o Smoke Salem's best cigarHy grade sell for 5 cents worth more. Dance at Chemawa St. Mar. 23. Attention pig club members Ten pigs will be sold at auction sale at Country Fair at armory, Saturday af ternoon. o The Willamette this morning stood at 5.3 feet above low water, a fall of three inches since yesterday. The heavy rain of last night and today is expected to start the water coming up again. o Hamilton always saves, you money You can save more money at Hamil ton's. o Don't buy furniture or rugs until you see what we have to offer. Every articlo in our store will be sold at a discount for cash. You save more mon ey at Hamilton 's. o , Dance at Chemawa Sat. Mar. 23. Hamilton has the goods and the prices. You save more money at Ham ilton's, 340 Court street. 0 . Special $37 50 Electric cleaner $32.50 t: : . . i I. m iL.i v. juiv a viuueu nuiiur m matt j'i o H-Dil c&sa muss ocoininv urucr. j.iu- nton 8. WHEY . : , For Feeding Hogs CAN BE HAD AT THE J1 Marion Creamery .1. riall mir Falanhnna lk I . I . w Sergeant Willard Mclnturf f ip in the city for a visit with his family before going to Fort Monroe, to which place he has been transferred. Sergeant Mc- Inturff is in the coast artillery service and has been stationed at Fort Stevens. o AtK?ntion pig club members Ten pigs will lie sold at auction salo at Country Fair at armory, Saturday af ternoon. - . o Be sure to attend our price reduc tion sale. For the next ten days you can buy house f urnishinfrs at less than ever before. C. S. Hamilton. o Hugh A. Martin spent last night in Salem with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin, on his return from a six months course in the cooks and ha kers' school at the Presidio to Fort Stevens. He expects to receive a fur lough from Fort Stevens shortly after the first of the mouth for a visit with his parents and Salem friends. o Why not look in at Hamilton's and get prices. His salo is a genuine mon ey saving sale. o Special Apex Electric cleaners, the Dest house cleaning tool on the mar ket. Not easy to get out of order. Ev ery machine guaranteed. Regular price $37.50. Spei'ial price for spot cash, $32.50. .Only a limited number at that price. Hamilton's. o " The city comfort station is closed for an indefinite time owing to sewer trouble at the foot of Ferry street. It is said the sewer has caved i and shut off all drainage. Water has backed up over the floor of the comfort sta tion to a depth of several inches and the basements of several business houses are flooded. Street Conimisisoner Low is having difficulty securing employes to work on the sewer at the wages he is permitted to pay. It is not known just ; how long it will take to repair the sewer and remedy the trouble. BiJ are being asked for the mail route from Salem t'o the state hospital. Two deliveries a day are required, and a bond of $500 is required. The con tract runs four years, and pays $312 yearly. o- - . Auction of-Residence A good 7 room modern house to be sold to the highest bidder Saturday at 2 o'clock; perfect title and warranty Jecd; owner going to war, must have some money. One fourth cash bal. terms. A good home or eood investment. Sec W'm. Fleming at 311 State St. or phone 303 for all par ticulars. The Oregon Packing company yes terday received its first carload of tin cans in preparation for the coming sea son. The company is now renovating its plant on Twelfth street and getting it in shape for handling spring products. It is understood the company wishes to contract with farmers of the val ley for 100 acres of green siting beans for canning purposes. o Sergeant Chas. Davis in charge of the local army recruiting station, yesterday compiled a report showing what the of fice lias done since ho t'ook charge of it on September 7. The report shows that up to March 20 a total of 170 men have bceu recruited at the local station, which is a better showing than can be made by any other point out side of Portland. This does not include the meu enlisted at the local naval re cruiting station, which it is estimated runs up well toward the hundred mark. Sergeant Davis is well pleased with tlt showing when compared with that made by other points in the northwest, es pecially whin it is considered that four companies of volunteers, Company D, of Salem, Company L,-f Dallas; Company i K of Woodburu and a company from Al- j bany had already entered the service i from district. I o CARD OF THANKS With tho deepest feeling of heart- felt gratitude I wish to express my j most earnest thanks to the many! frie.nds of my beloved husband, who 1 in the dark hours of bereavement, so generously paid him a tribute in beau- j tif ul flowers, and speke to me tender s words .of consolation, and by their aets rendered me most material assistance. All will be forever most tenderly re membered. Irene St. Helen. WANTED JUNK And all kinds of 2nd Hand Goods. TuU Market Prices Special Prices paid for Sacks. Get our prices befort you sell. THE PEOPLES JUNK & 2ND HAND STOKE 271 N. Com'l St. Phone 734 FARM LOANS I t Fire and seven years loans with privilege to repay $100 qr multiples t on any interest date. I Vermont Loan & Trust Co 814 Masonic Bldg., Salem, Ore. s(c jjc sfc s(c sjc c j(c sc s(c DR. L. M. HUM ' - care of TICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Co. Has medicine 'which will cure any known disease. Open Sundays from 10 a. m. until 8 p. in. 153 South High St. Salem, Oregoil. Phone 283. SACKS WANTED Highest price paid for old sacks CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa St, Phone 398 CHIROPRACTIC THE WORLD'S GREATEST HEALTH SCIENCE If ycur spine is right your health is good all disorders of the ' t stomtch, heart, kidneys, bowels and bladder can be corrected by put- I uS " si'iue in proper eotnamon. Let mo make you right. DR. PAUL H. MAY, D. C 306-7 Hubbard Building. NEXT BIG DANCE MOOSE HALL Sat, March 30th BOOT FORGET IT GRAND FINAL BAN CE ARMORY SATURDAY NIGHT COME HELP THE BOYS OVER THERE Music by Salem's Leading Orchestra W. L. Bryant, Floor Manager Through courtesy to the Red Cross I have postponed my reg ular Saturday night dane at the Moose hall, and have donated the services of the Hunt's famous jazz band and myself to this great Red Cross benefit dance. Don't fail to be there.