THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. ORE. FRIDAY. MARCH 22. 1918. SEVF- Capital Journal ' EVEBYTmNO ELECTRICAL Salam Electrio Co.r Masonic Temple, 127 North High TEANSFEE AND DHAYAGE lem Truck Dray Co., .comer State and Front Street AUTO DELIVERY BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIV ; ered any place, city or country. Phone D4 or 20S1R. W. B. Fisher. DENTIST IB. P. L. TTTTEB, DENTIST, BOOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce bldg. Phone 608. ' .11-4 . FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Beal Estate Security THOS. K. FOBD Ovx Ladd & Bush fcanks Salem, Oregon EIONEY TO LOAN Extern Money at Lowest Bates, on pproved security. . Eomer H. Smith, Room, 5, McCornacfc Bldg., Salem, Or. JIATTERS AND CLEANERS ELLSWORTH, THE HATTER Men's nd women's hats cleaned, reblocked nd retrimmed. Old hats made to ; look Uke new. We carry a large toek ot fine r",6ons. 495 Court St. OSTEOPATH DR& B. H. WHITE AND R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists. Graduate o: Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirkville, Mo Post graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles Col lego. Offices 505-508 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg., Phone 859. Residence 1620 Court. Phone 2215. Dr. White Res. Phone 409. " EODOB DIRECTORY MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 5246, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Derby building, corner Court arid , High streets. B. F. Day, V. C; J. A. Wiight, Clerk. . . ' BALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tilisonj eeretary. All cases of cruelty or ne glect of dumb animals should be re ported to the secretary for investiga- ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA "Oregon Grnpe Camp" No. 13G0, meets every Thursday evening in Derby building, Court and High St. Mrs- Peafl Courscy, 214 Court St., oracle; Mrs. Melissa Porsons, recor ' der, 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 143GM. -UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assetn TTT bly"No. 84, meets every Thursday jj't . 8 p. in. in I. O. O. F. hall, Norma L :v Torwilliger, M. A.j.C. A. Vibbert, ,-; secretary. Crown Drug store, 33S . State street. . . .. - miscellaneous FRIUTLAND NURSERY SALE YARD ; at High and Ferry. Everbearing strawberries and Loganborries. Call : and see stock and get prices before miming your purchase. SCAVENGER BALEM SCAVENGER- Charles Soos proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main - 8247. Residence Mnin 2272. RAILROAD TIME TABLES SALEM- GEER LINE No. 73 Arrive at Salem 9:15 a.m. No. 74 Leave Salem 3:05 p.m BALEM, FALLS CITY & WESTERN (161 Lv Salem, motor 7:05 a.m. '163 Lv Salem, motor .. 9:35 am. 165 Lv Salem, motor ..1:40 p.m. Through- car to Monmouth and Arlie J67 Lv Salem, motor 3:48 p.m. 169Lv Salem, motor .... 5:57 p.m. 39 Wy fit. Lv Salem.........5:00 a.m. 162 Ar at Salem 8:30 a-m. .164 Ar. at Salem 11:00 a.m. 166 Ar at Salem . 3:00 p.m. 168 Ar at 8alem ..5:35p.m. 170 Ar ate Salem 7:20 p.m. 240 Wy.frt Ar Salem 2:30 p.m. OREGON ELECTRIO Southbound Leave Arrive "Portland Salem Eugene o:suam :.-!.) am 10:05 am :S0 am 10:11 am 12:25 Dm 10:45 am 12:55 pm 8:05 pm 4:15 pm 6:35 nm 13 Ltd 4.40 pm 6:40 pm 8:50 pm 17 , 6:05 pm 8:10 pm Salem onlv 19 9:20 cm 11:20 run Salem onlv I'- 11:45 pm 1:55 am 6:50 am 2oeh Bank Station (leave Jefferson Street 15 and 20 minutes later) Northbsard Leave Arrive Kcgene Salem -12:6d am 4:35 am 7:15 am - 7:45 am 0:45 am U:2iam 11:15 am 1:50 pm Train Ko. 2 6 10 Ltd. 18 14 Arrive 1 Portland ' fi-nn am ! Train 1 6 Ltd f 9:25amiE2s aozcn 11:33 am 1:35 am 4:00 pm 5:45 pm 7:40 pm 10:00 pm 16 Ltd 1:55 pni 4;Opm 20 MOpm 5:30 pm 82 4:25 pm 7:o5 pm iNorth Bank Station (Arrive Jefferson Kireet lo minutes earlier) .Leave Cor vallis. '. CORVALLJS CONNCTTOJrS leave CorvaliU . . Arrive Salem 8:25 am Northbound. ...9:45 am 12:13 piBKorthhrind J:50 am- 2:41 pm Northbound 4:00 pm 4:10 pm Northbound 5:30 pm 6:13 pru Xort&ound 7:55 ym 8:35 am Soct ('bound 9:57 am 10:15 am Sou;hiotir.'ll:.',.3 am , 12:15 pm Sonthhoun-l.-S.-SO pm 4.15 pmJSouthbound 5:36 pm 6:40 pm-outhbound 8:00 pm Classified Column Telephone Main 1200 Main 74 FOB 8 ALB 80 ACRES irrigated, all cultivated, 50 acres alfalfa, joining town, $200 per acre. 175 acres all cultivated, im proved, 6 miles to town, $50 per acre. 12 lots m thriving town, $1500 5 room house, 4 lots, in town of 2000, price $3000, this will soon be Business properly, no incuniurances, will trade one or all for property east or north of Salem. Might con eider Acreage, might assume. Soco lofsky, 341 State St. 4-15 FOR SALE One of the best farms in Marion county; 125 acres, 115 in cul tivation, balance pasture, all good land, well fenced and cross fenced. House, modern in all respects, large barn and granary, spring water in . house, barn and garden, on a good road, eovenient to school and E. R. station. See Square Deal Realty Co , Phono 470. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 60 years experience. Depot, National and American fence. Sizes 26 to 58 in. high. ' Paints, oil andarnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fenee and Wtove Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. SECOND HAND GOODS BUY, SELL and EXCHANGE- Men's clothes, shoes, hats, jewelry, watches, tools, musical instruments, bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvers, juit eases, trunks, cameras, typewriters and furniture. Capital Exchange, 337 Court street. Phone 493. WATCH REPAJRINa WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY repaired, Karl Neugebauer' with Oent.M Pharmacy. - 11-4 WATES COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets. Bills pavnble monthly in advance. VETERINARIAN DR. W. G. MOORHOUSE, COUNTY veterinarian, graduate Cornell Univer sity. Office Cherry City Faed Stables 544 Ferry St. Pffones, office 2199, res. nd night 1510. -THE MARKETS . The' outstanding feature of today's irkets was a drop of 4 cents in but- niar ter and butteriat. " Grata Wheat, soft" white 1.85l-87 Wheat, red Wheat, lower grades on samplb Oats i f 96c Barley, ton $6 Brau $36 Shorts, per ton $38 Hay, cheat, new Hay, vetch, new Hay, clover, new $1920 $2022 $18 Butterfat , 50c Creamery butter 50c Country butter ... 45c rorK. veaj ana xautton Pork, on foot 1516c Veal, fancy .. : 1617y2i: Steers . 79c Cows ...... 5S?'6Jc Bulls 56c Spring Iambi ll12c Lambs, yearlings ... 10c Eggs ax4 Poultry Eggs, cash Hens, pound Turkeys,, dressed Turker, live, No- 1 Hens, dressed, pound rys, dressed Dueks, live , 8032c 2021c 2628c 2123c 2729c 26rd)2Sc 18(S)20c 15fu)16c Geese, live Old roosters 14(&15c 'Young roosters '. 1820c Potatoes . . le Vegetablei String garlic . ... Green onions Onions, in sack Lettuce, crate Celery Broccoli Artichokes 40r r"v1'Florida tomatoes Swc"t potatoes Rhubarb rigs ana Dates Black figs Fruit Apples krnni - e Klrane fruit Bananag 6c Retail Prices C'rramr-rv butter 55c Flour, haril wheat $2.70(ui2.81 j Flour, soft wheat $2.502.6 Country butter - . . 604 Sugar, 11 lbs. for Sales limited to $1 PORTLAND MARKET Portland. Or., Mar. 22. Butter, city creamery 4!e Kgss.'selreted local ex. SjOjZGc Hens 2.jri3)e Broilers 3(Xfi4flc' Geee 20(5 25c " Dsily Live Stock Market " Cattle , Kci-ciptd 211 Tone of market steady to strong Medium to-choice steer $11x11.80 Good to medium ftecrs $10f 11 .'t-.iiTiH)n to good steers $Hf,i 10 CLci.-e cow end heifers t3.5ufol0 Canners iMJJOfo 0.25 Bulls ."(7?9 , -Caives i7.."012 Women! Here Is A Dandy Thing Few drops on corn or callus stop pain, then they lift off. lour high heelg have put orns on your - toes and calluses on the bottom of your feet,. lut. - why care nowf This tiny bottle holds an almost, magic fluid. A genius in - Cincinnati., dis covered this ether com pound and, named it free one. Small bottles of freezone can be- had at any drug store for a few cents. Don't (limp or twist your" face in agony and spoil your beauty, but got a little bottle of free zone and apply a f cw drops on your-tender, ach ing corn or cnllus. In stantly the soreness dis appears ana suoruy . you wm -xiiiu me .corn or esn lusso shriveled and loose that lyou can "lift it otf with the fingers. , Just iliink! You cet Tid I of a hatd corn, soft corn I or a corn, between the toes as well as shardenedj calluses, -without suffering one patticlk Millions of ws-, men keep a tiny bottle on the dresser aud never let corns; ache twice. TO WORK QN ROADS. Waaco, Or., Mar. 22. Wasco busi ness men have agreed to don overalls and do at least two days' work on the' euumy roans, mis . win release other men for necessary' sprins work on tho farms. . .- .- DHILD GETS SICK It CROSS, FEVERISH ! IF CONSTIPATED "California Symp of figs" Lant Harm Tender Stomach ir Bowels A laxative today savs a sick child tomorrow. ' Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish stomach sour., Look at the tongue mother! If coat ed, or your child is listless, cross, fev erish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat eartily, full of cold or has sore throat or any other children 's ailment eivo a teaspoonful of '.California Syrup of 'Figs,V ' then den 't' ' worry, because it is rjertectiy Harmless, ' and in -a few hours all this constipation poison, sour one ana termcniating waste will gent ly move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thorough "inside cleansing" is of times all that is necessary. 1, should be the first treatment given in any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig Byrups. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Ifjyrup of Figs," which has lull directions for babies, children or all ages and for grownups plainly printed on the bottle. Look carefully and see that it is made by the "Cali fornia Fig Syrup Company." 1 SALTS IF BACKACHY )i it i k. I A iD KIDNEYS HURT Drink Lots of Water and Stcpfe EatKig Meat for a Wliile If Bladder Troubles Yoa When you wako tip with backache and dull misery in the Kidney region it generally mesas you have been eat ing too much meat, says a well knowr authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks thp kidiys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and loggy. $2 , When your kidneys get sluggieli and $2.40jclog you must relieve them, like you 90:relieve your bowels; removing all the $1-50 j body 'a urinous waste, else you have $1.25 backache, sick headache, dizzy spells .. 3 3-4c your stomach sours, tongue is coated $44.75 and when the weather is bad you have 7c rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy $2.50 , full of pediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and, you are obliged to seek relief two or three times dur- 13c ing the night. ' Either consult a good reliable phy- 8ician""at once or get from your phar $1.25(0)1.75 macist about four ounces of Jnd SalU; $.).2j6 25 take a tablespoon ful in a glass of wa- : $5-50, ter before breakfast for a few days !nd your kidneys will then act fine. acid of grapes and lemoa juice, corn- Lined with lithia, and has beeu used for generations to clean and stimulate slueaish kidnevs, also to neutralize 35cjacids in the urine so it no longer irri-. . $1 jtatcs, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for rega jlar meat eaters. It is inexpensive, raa not injure and makes a delightful, ef- i fervescent lithia water drrnlc Feeder and stofker steers $6-50(a'J50 Hog3 Rocei;ts 402 Tone of market steady to strong Prime light $17'i 17.20 Prime heavy ilH.T.jftfl? . Pigs $14-75tf l: 5.73 Sheep Receipts one Tone of market steady Western lamtw $15?i 15.50 Valicv lambs $14 ."i iff 1 15 Yearlings 13!al3.5lT Wethers 12.5Kal3 KwTr- Wail NTK Portland Imarket on shorn eheop, to 3e under quotation, o if Willamette Valley News :i 4 Dsnakl News Notes - ' (Capital Journal special service) -Donald, Mar, 22. 8. L. Marty was up .firoju Portland -Wodiiesday - oi t.a short visit with his mother.- . ' : iGeorgo Lamb .who is employed .(ft a!social hour was enjoyed, followed by spruce camp Bear V' oleoma, Ur.t spent'! serving dainty refreshments- Guests of a Jew flays of. this week with, his tarn- the evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Chap- iLv a-t;Douald, .Roy Garrett and wife have returned froc the camp of the Western Tie Co.,; where they have: been employed or some time. . . 1 ; . " , Mr. aud Mrs. A- Aufranc spent Sat urday and Sunday at the home of their son, .raui, in r.vincniu. , . Miss Florence O'Connor, -Mis Pearl Lander and Cecil Lander were Port land visitors 'Sunday. - - Mr. "and Mrs. Dick Garrett of Can- by wer6 Donald visitors Saturday. W.-.-E. White and Charles Wycoff spenfr Saturday and Sunday -at -Port-, fjand; H. E. 'Hodges, who is working at Vancouver, spen-t' Sunday , with his luimly.' - , . --- : ' Roy Lobley of Portland: is .spending a few days with ''Donald, irieuds. Mr, and Mra.:Osborne of JSaleui were week end guoets St the home of the latter 'g sister, 'M.. A, E. Feller. Frank L. Allen left Wednesday fdr Vancouver, where ho has -accepted .ti position with. the . BtandUer construe tion, corporation. ... Mrs. E. N. .St. Helens and three children-of Portland were week end vis itors with Donald relatives. Mis Lethia Cone and little JMjss ildred fit? Ilelonej were ' Woodburft 'Mildred ,ti; lc visitors ' Saturday' atU'ruoon. '- ' Mrs. Brink of Fargo was a Donald shepper Jriday- . Mrs, E.' C. Mays and daughter, Es tclle, cmiie put from Portland Friday evening, . ,bufc Ji Mays :watf sailed back -uturday ;ii4ring to care for Miss Mag-Carver, who wasr taken ill with tha. meascls. a- strange co-inci- .ticnco. ner .orotutrr- t-ifuo, -yiuu ,o t.c.i. ing in Montana frain 'XJonald, is also ill with the measles' J. C. Moore Spent Saturday and Sun day in Portland with his wife, who is suffering from fan. attack of.appeadi- Mrs. O.-O.-TreemHu and Mis,.J. L. RfMHgeck' wdre-Poitland'shopiwris. Sat urday. . . .. . Miss Estelle Grettie Was a wek end visitor with Silvcrton friends last week. ' '.'- - M. W. Johnson attended a meeting of the Willamette Merchants' associa tion at Woodburn Wednesday- ( Mrs. Florence Chambers, district rep nty for tho Woman 's, Benefit associa tion of Maccabees, was out from Port land Tuesday, to attend a special meeting of the Donald review. George Soxsmith of Fall Bridge, Wash., was a visitor Saturday and iinday at the homo of bis brother, 3, A. Sexsmith. - ' vl , Miss Eva Swau,--who is spending an indefinite time iir"- Portland, came lioiiie Friday eveiYMg ' to attend ' the meeting of the Eastern Star, and re mained over Sunday with her parents. Russell Case and." Henry Yt'isohaar, of Vancouver 'barracks, spent Sunday with their parents. Mrs. A.. King Wilson, her daughters, Mary and Ruth, a tid son, Robert, of Cowegd, were tioue guests of the for mer's brother, C. J- Espy, for the week end. ... , Mrs. B.,,8. Quiiirt went to Portland Thursday to- receive 'medical attention. Mrs. Doty, who spent some time in Donald, nas returned to her home at Redmond, Ore. Her daughter, Miss Ma ble, accompanied her as far as Port land. . Albert Lamb came' over from ew berr to spend Siinilay 'with his parents. J. Al?tzler, repieRentatove for tho Kaiisa3 City Life Insurance, of Port land was a Donald business visitor Friday- Dr- Ben Geisy ef Aurora was mak ing professional calls in this commu nity, Wednesday. J P. Feller, candidate for county commissioner, on the republican tick- ent several days of this week at Portland. F. J. Chaduia of Portland was a guest of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Sex smibh, Thursday evening. Miss Jauuita Maya came out from Portland to attend tho Red Cross dance Saturday evening!1' 21. (J. lioskins was out irom roruaim looking after business, matters Sunday nd Monday. on'erated tiiod 8a- j Deliner De.Sart, who was uion for anoi'iidicitis, at the niaritan hospital ci l orriano, msi week, took worse Saturday and ha1 to submit to another. C)CraUou, Mon day. Mr. DeSart returned home, but Mrs. win remain u i . . .. -., ,, a until tne serious uan-cr is pa-.. has the sympathy of, a larye circle of friends, here and in V.c,odluru, wher he was atteudmg high school. k f IDQUGUiiIlP BAN KSyammiiK Dcug's laiesc appearing at the Oregon, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 4 Henry Heizcnreter of Portland was a visitor Sunday and Monday at the home of his brotner-in-Iaw, L. J. Keis beek. Jonn Miller was a candidate for in- itiation into the Eastern Star Friday evening. After tho regular meeting a man of Portland. Mr. and "Mrs. Henry Jjents, Mrs. Percy Ottoway, Mrs. Frank Miller 'of Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. A. Au franc, Mrs. F. L. Allen aud M. W. Johnson of Douald. The Rose Bud auxiliary of the Red Cross. gavo an enjojyable old-fashioned dance, (Saturday. night, in the Hoskins- DeSart hall. Iwenty dollars was clear ed for the chapter. Mr. and Mr. -H. A. Chaplin were Douald visitors Friday and' Saturdays Mr. Chaplin is employed by tho O. A. C. as state 'cheese inspector. C. L. Mattfeldt and Wni. Callender of Seattle were transacting business among Donald merchants the first of the week. H. W. Proctor of Portland is spend ing; several days at Donald overhaul ing a numiber of tised cars which are for sale, at. tho garage, .. v. Kistler and P- C.-Ross of Portland were recent guests at the Bungalow hotel. Tho baseball' game between Donald and Butteville -Friday,- resulted in vie-.. tory for tho latter team, tho score b'e-ina- 18 to 16. The came was played at iButtevilte, and most of tne Jmaiu school attended. The" Kunkie urotners formed the battery- for this team. Scctts Mis News (Capital Journal Special Service) -;. Scotts Mills. Mar. 22. A farewell re ception was given Mr. and. Mrs. Lewis Coulson-and family last..Fridny evening. Majiv of their friends and relatives went- in and surprised them and present ed them with a purse as a togen oi ine esteem in which they are held here. Af ter a pleasant' social evening refresh ments wore passed and good-nights said. Mr. and Mrs. Coulson leave this week for Yakima, Wash., where they expect to make their future home. W,e are sorry to have them leave but wish them sue cess up there ' Chas. Phillips, who is working in the shipyards in Portland, 'spent' Sunday with his family here. " lfs. Losiuger received a telegram Monday announcing the sad news of her daughter. Nova's death at Yuma, Arizona. The body is being sent homo for burial. ' Prof. Stultz .accompanied by tho three other tcaclurs went to Salem Safurdny to attend a teacher's meeting held in the interest of tho Thrift Stamp cam paign; - , - ? Mr. A. : Broughor and family mo tored to Salem Sunday afternoon to vis it, Mr. -awl Mrs. L. Ramsey (Myra Broiiglier;. They also called at '.the Newt Commons homo a little- whilo. Roy Dale is sick with tho small pox. Ho was in school one day wifth it be fore they knew what it was. Rev. Bristow preached the baccalaur eate sermon for the Scot'ts Mills high school last Kmiduy evening. His sub ject was "Men Wmitcdl Who" and wail ibly presented. The friends dismiss ed their evening service and attended tl.crc. The graduates are, or will be, Lewie McGee, Willard Kellio and Shir ley Dunnagan. RUB IT! RHEUMAIISM PAINS STOPS, TRY IT! Don't Suffer! Instantly Relieve Sere, Aching Muscles and Joints With "St. Jacobs Liniment" lihetHualtsm is "pain only. " Not enc case in fifty requires inter nal treatment. Htop drugging! Rub tho misery right away! Apply soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Liniment" di rectly upon the "tender spot" and re lief cenies instantly. "St. Jacobs Lin- iment" conquers pain. It is harmless rheumatism liniment which never dis- appuutis aim (run nut uitru uiu himji. Limlor up! Stop complaining! Get a small trial botth; of "St. Jaeobs Lin iment" at any drug store, and in just a moment you ll be free from rheuma- ti jain goronW)S ,, .tirfness. Don't 'sufff.r! Kl,lil)f awaiu V()U. gt. ,Taf.obs Liniment" is iust as good for sciatica, neilra,ia. iuinl,af;0 backache, sprains nnd RWCuin "1 d II rtJ Most Old People Are Constipated Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a combination of simple laxa tive herbs with pepsin, gentle in action, nd -especially adapted as a remedy sfor elderly people, women and children. It is the standard family remedy in count Jess homes. Sold by druggists every where -for 50 cts. and $1.00 two sizes. A trial bottle can charge, by writing to 457 Washington St., Another Hundred Names Are Added to Junior Rainbows ft v. - i . . The second "junior Eainbow division is fast filling ' ftp, and an additional hundred names werp added today by Superintendent Chprcbill, bringing the total enrollment in- tho second regiment to 600, aud making tho total for the state. 1000. Of the". 100 names added today, seven were from -Marion coun ty -and three from Salem. si Allowing is the lint: . .Burton Young, Junction -City Wallace McKeuzie, ullu Aileen McCarthy, Dallas . "". George Kaiser,- Dallas Phillip 1'hillips, Dallas "Enid Gilliam, jDallns, Margaret Friesou, Dallas Lewis Wick, Dallas .""". Susie Coulson, Dallas Lido. Smith, Dallas . Agnos Frieson, Dallas Juhuy Tate, iiallaa Sam Wall, Dallas , - Louisei Wiicbe, Dallas Edd Nelson, Dallas Andrew Huffman, Dnllag Willie Sanders, Dallas t'loyd Cochran, Dallas Lily Burks. Dallas . ." . Catherine Weiitworth, Portland ' ' Ward Davis, Horrisburg Bessie Nixon, Harrioburg Geneva Abrams, Crawfordsyillo Donzolla Abrams, Crawford'sville , Francis Thomas, Oregon City Thoo. Koakc, Oregon City Harold Erickson, Boring Vernie J art, Boning Silvia Hobson, Portland Elith Bicknor, Oswego Clara Classen, Dallas Alex Kennedy, Dallas ' - Pearl Kood, Dallas ,Joo Corny, Dallas Willi Perry, Dallas Jna Parks, Dalian Eddie Claussen, Dallas y Raymond Syron, Dullas WaLter Syron. Dallas Evelyn Beach, Dallas Kenneth Dunkelberger, Dallas Ernestine Davis, Dallas Margaret Swarta, Dallas Helen Butler, Duilus Alice 'WeiisuubBeh, Jiillsboro Wesley Goodell, Portlnud A'ida Sontag, Portland Vorle Priekott, Banks Verne Prickctt, Banks Betty Hughes, iiosebirrg Dorothy 1amsou, Gold Beach Hubert Lnuisou, Gold Beach Joe Nixon, West Linn Martha Mayer, i'eudleton Gertrude Ardrcy, Pendleton Norni Graham, Pendleton Oden La Hue, Pendleton Hobcrt Dunn, Pendleton Helen tjirnis, IVndloton Garnet Jack, Pendleton Janice Briyhum, Ilerniiston Fred Irvin, Hermiston Harriet Wohoxon, Powell Butto Kuth Shearer, Powell Butto Huso Smith, Marshfield Ktiun Smith, Marshfield Mabel Grush, Coquillo Alvin Kacgi, Wilbur Lawrenco Howard, Wilbur Hazel C'nlgan, Marion Gladys Colgau, Marion . Lionel CoLgan, Marion Walter Anderson, Salem George Ector, Salem Harold Olingcr, Sulem Harriet Contello, Portland Kuth Shoemaker, Portland Grant Hadli'V, Portland , Kuth Lent. Portland Clarence Stubbs. Portland Edith Buxtcn, Hissdnlc Harvev Barrows, Mnplenood Lillian Kenholds, Portland Evalina Alley, Portland Eleanor Woodward, Portland Dwight Ferguson, Portland Marie Hreignan, Portland Jennie McEachurn, Port 'and Alice Sidimidt, Portland' KudoLph Palitzsch. Pnrt'and Lawrenco Tyler, Portland Carl Bloom, Portland Francis Jonas, Portland Orrv Smith, Portland Millard' Easley, Portland Keginald Corteux, Portland Mabel Smith, Portland Hudson White, Portland Vernon Peterson, Portland Clarence Irwin, Portland Preacher's Long Sentence Convicted of Ssdilion Burliiiflon, Vt . Mar. 22. Fifteen years in the federal prison at Atlanta, Via., was the sentence imposed yester day upon Kev. Clsuenee H. WaMrou, pastor of th Jinptint chim h nt Wind sor, Vt., convieted of sedition. The sentence was'imp' sc-d by Judge Harlan B. Howe. be obtained, free of Dr. W. B. Caldwell, Monticello, Illinois, pray . Calender . : Marion County Delayed Dormant Spray Soon after winter buds open; loaves on fruit spurs 14 inch long; fruit bud not yet entirely separated. Spray ap ples and pears for scab, bud moth and aphis. Spray -with -Standard Lime Sul phur 1 to 30. Add neutral arsenate of lead 8 pounds to 50 gallons of spray for tho bud -moth. Add Black Leaf 49 3-4 pint to 100 gallons of spray for aphis- . a Spray .prunes for brown rot with Bordeaux mixturo 4-4-50. 1st just as buds aro showing white; 2d just after petals fall; 3d after shucks fall; 4th. about one month before fruit ripens.. 8- H. VAN THUMr, County fruit inspector, Office day every Saturday, county, court house. Children Cry ' 5-0R FLETCHER'S O ASTORIA Liberty Loan Committee Arranging for Work A meeting of the Liberty Loan com mittee for tho county iB . being held this afternoon at the Commercial club. John K, Kallock, director of work of the stato council of dofenso, is present and the methods to bo used in the coming campaign are being decided. 1 ' The county committee expects to pre pare tho organization fof the drive which starts tho 6th. of April. The los cul details have been delayed on ac count of the lack of information as to tho work of tho state committee, but this is to bo explained by Mr. Kallock. The leaders believe that a much more thorough campaign will bo made thi spring than has been tho caso in the past. Tho household qutstionaires give tho. workers much information -which was lucking at the time the other loan were raised, and in addition, the local committees are able to do better work because of tht experience gained in the last drives OFFER ITALY PEACE New York, Mar. 22 Proposals for peace have been made by Germany and Austria Hungary to Italy, according to a dispatch published in 11 Progress l.talo-Aniericniio, yesterday. Tho dis patch, whiieh is from tho Rome corre spondent or tne newspaper says: "t am able to inform yon of infor mation, from an authoritntive source that proposals for peace have juat been made by Austria and Germany di- rei tly to our government, whirh hM indiiiiinntly .rejected them, although they were quito alluring-'" Children Cry FOE FLICKER'S castoria: MA NEVER LET HER 111 GET GRAY Kept Her Locks Youthful, Dark and Glossy with Com mon Garden Sage and Sulphur When you darken your hair with Sago Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell,' berause it s done so naturally, so ev enly. Preparing this mixture, though, at hom is inussy nnd troublesome. For 50 cents you can buy at any drug store tho ready to use prejwirarion, im proved bv tho addition of other ingre dients, called "Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Compound" You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hiir, taking one small strand at time. Bv, morning all gray hnir disappears, and. after an other application or two, your hair becomes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant Grav. faded hair, though no disgrace. iis a sign of old acr. and as we 11 de sire a youthful and attractive appear innco, get busy at once with Wyeth'e ' Safe and Sulphur Compound and look jyear yemncr. This ready to use pr-p-iaratinn is a delightful toilet rcinis'te jand not a medicine. Tt is nt jutci.del ifer the enro, mitigation or prevention of disease.