THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORE. THURSDAY, MAR. 21, 1918. Capital Journal Classified Column EVESYTHINO ELECTEICAL Salem Hectrie Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High TRANSFER AND DRAYAGB Sales Track & Dray Co., corner State and Front Streets Telephone Main 1200 Main 74 AUTO DELIVERY BAGGAGE AND PARCEIS DELIV ered any place, city, or country. Phone 04 or 2081R. W. E. Fisher. DENTIST 1)8, F. L. UTTEB, DENTIST, ROOMS 413-411 Bank of. Commerce bldg. Phone 600. 11-4 FINANCIAL - MONEY TO LOAN ' On Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FORD Ov Ladd & Bush bank, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN Eastern Money at Lowest Rates, on approved security. Homer H. Smith, Boom 5, McCornack Bldg., Salem, Or. HATTERS AND CLEANERS ELLSWORTH, THE HATTER Men's ana women's hats cleaned, roblocked nd retrimmed. Old hats made to look like new. We carry a large tock of fine t'Vbons. 495 Court St. FOB SALE 80 ACRES irrigated, all cultivated, GO acres alfalfa, joining town, $200 per acre. 175 acres all cultivated, im proved, 6 miles to town, $50 per acre. 12 lots in thriving town, $1500 5 room kou3e, 4 lots, in town of 2000, price $3000, this will soon be business property. No incumbrances, will trade one or all for property cast or north of Salcra. Might con sider acreage, might assume. Soco , .lofaky, 341 &tato St. , . . .4-15 IN THE COUNTY COUBT Of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion To all persons to whom these pres ents shall come, greeting: Know ye, that it Mppearing to the court aforesaid that Clark Ricket has died intestate, leaving at the time of his death, property in this state, such court has duly appointed Frank Ricket adminhrtrator of the estate of such de cedent. This, therefore, authorizes the said Frank Ricket to- idminister the estate of the said Clark Ricket, deceased, ac cording to law. .... - In testimony whereof, I, U. G. Boyer. clerk of the county court have hereun to subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said court this 5th day of March, 1918. . - (SEAL) U. G. BOYER, By A. J. MaeGregor, Clerk Denutv. :. 4-4 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the nn- FOR SALE One of the best farms in Mnrior. ennnrV! 123 anrpa. 115 in mil- tivation, balance pasture, all good designed, by an order of the comity mnd. well House mod liarn and house, barn road, covenient to 'school and R. R station. See Square Deal Realty Co- jaiance pasture, an gouoi-'-s"' -j - .w fenced and cross fenced., court of Marion county, state of Ore Inm in nil reflects, larie'gon, duly mad aud entered of . record granary, spring water in j on the 1st day of March, 1918,. was ap--n and eardeu. on a good ; pointed administratrix of the estate of 1'liono 470. 4TOVX EEPAIBINO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 years experience. Depot, National and American fence. Sizes 26 to 58 in. high. Paints, oil and varnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove - Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. OSTEOPATH PBS. B. H. WHITE AND R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic phygicians and nerve specialists. Graduate oZ Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirkviile, Ms. Post graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles Col lege. Offices 505-508 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 859. Residence JR20 Court. Phone 2215. Dr. White Res. Phone 409. i" LODGE DIRECTORY MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 5246, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Derby building, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day, V. C; J. A. Wright, Clerk. BALEM HUMANE .SOCIETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or ne glect of dumb animals should be re ported to the secretary for investigation. PvOYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA "Oregon Grape Camp" No. 1300, meets every Thursday evening in Derby building, Court and High St. Mrs. Pearl Coursey, 214 Court St., oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, recor der, 1415 N. 4th St; Phono-1430M.,. ' SECOND HAND GOODS t Tot. ItnoKir ilmjtauAl q ii rl thttf aha hna qualified as such. Ill persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tho same, duly ver ified as required by law, to me at the office of W. I. Needliam at the county court houso in the city of Salem, Ma rion county, Oregon, within six months Ifrom tho date of this notice. Dated and first published this 7th play of March, 1918. LOT XL A DARBY, Administratrix of the estate of John Darby, deceased. SHERIFF'S SALE Of Real Property on Foreclosure Notice is hereby, given, that by vir- BUY, SELL and EXCHANGE- jg 2 ZZ Men's clotnes, snoeg, Hats, jewelry, V0u, for tho county of Marion ana to watches, tools, musical instruments bicycles, guns, rifles, revolvors, suit eases, trunks, cameras, typewriters m directed ou the 5th day of March ,1918, upon a judgment and decree iduly rendered, entered of record ana and furniture. Capital Exchange, 337 !(aolkotod in and by said court on the Court street. Phone 493. !il8rh day of February, 1918, in a cer tain Buit then in said court pending, Wherein Henry Schott was plaintiff land tho Oregon Homo rrotQcxive a WATCH jgPAIBINO WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY repaired. Earl Neugebauer, ' CJent.'-l Pharmacy. Yt 'bociation, a corporation, was defendant ,5 'lin favor of plaintiff and against said Wi 11-4 i WATTE COMPANY (defendant by which execution I am commanded to sell tne property in sum execution and hereinafter described SALEM WATER COMPA-Office,? paf the sum due PJ- dollars, with interest thereon at tho Bills payable monthly in advance. VETERINARIAN (rate of 8 per cent per annum from the i!3th day of jNovemuer, law. unm ,th. further amn of $75.00 attorney's DR. W. G. .MOOBHOUSE, COUNTY i'fees, together with eosta veterinarian, graduate Cornell Univer- .b-ursements of said suit taxed 17;o0 VS .., esi.Li.JanH mats and expenses of said ex- gity. urnce nerry r;;(.- , :,, Saturday the 6th day lof April, 1918, at the hour of .u o cioca 544 Ferry St. Phones, office 2199, res. and night 1510, TUB MAPKTTS IliLi UUUU1U1U Duly minor changes arr to be noted UNITED ARTISANS Capital Asaem-idn today's market quotations. Oranges niJ-J,(U J me oi avety -1 nuratta y at " . . . . . .1. - i J nt m. in. of saul aay ai, me wbbl the county court house in Salem, Ma- rl-aiTAn aoll nt. nnhlift aUC- Z 'ition to tho highest bidder for cash in sale, all the right, (title, interest and estate which said defendant land alt persons claiming it. Riibsecment to the execution of plaintiff's mortgago in, of and to isaid premises hereinbefore mentioned Dallas Local News (Capital Journal Special Service) Dallas, Mar- 21. Tho benefit sup per and entertainment given under tho auspices of the Dallas Woman's club in tho Christian church parlors Mon day evening, ras one of the biggest financial successes of its kind ever held in this city. The sum of $129 was realized from the supper and entertain, ment and the entire proceeds was turned over to the Dallas Red Cross auxiliary of Willamette chapter. The supper was in tho nature of a'cafeteria affair and proved to be a great draw ing card. Among the pleasing numbers on the program after the supper were selections by tho Masonic quartet of this city and by Miss Tartar, musical: instructor m. me city scnoois, ? To Hold Social Gathering - The Dallas Commercial club will hold a social gathering in the club, room on Mill street tonight and invi tations have been sent to prominent citizens throughout the country to be present. Among the prominent speak ers to be present at the meeting are J. K. Kollock. director of the State Council of Defense. Mr. Kollock will tell of the workings of tho defense lea gue and tell of the good it has accom plished already throughout the state. Other prominent men of note are prom ised by the Commercial club- manage- ment and all mcmoers: nave oeen urguu to bo prcsont. Dallas Boy Joins Colors " Jack Kakin, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Eakin, loft Dallas Monday morn iu" for Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where he will take training in the Ban itary corps of Undo Sam's fighting forces. Jaek. haa been: taking special wwk in this line at the Oregon Agri cultural college at Uorvallis, and wuen his appointment cama was ready to proceed at onee to the point where the corps is being mobilized. Probis Hold Big Meeting At a big union meeting of the lnl las churches held at the Evangelical church Sunday night Dr. Louis Albert Unnka of Bonton, Mass., one of the Prominent prohibition leaders of this Country delivered a stirring address The flags .presented at tho meeting to tho school room , having tne grt.ncai 'representation at fhe Imelctiug 'were won by the school roams of Miss Geor gia Ellis and Miss Rossiter. Dr. Bauks spoke at the Methodist church in the morning on "Making Uncle Sam a safe leader for democracy." Tho ev ening address was "War time prohibi tion. ' Social music ior tub iwh was furnished by choirs from tho dif ferent churches. ;i MV m.nd Mrs. R. Y. Morrison and Mrs. John R. Sibley and little daugh ter returned Monday evening from a -n,nrol ,lnv visit, in Portland. Mrs. Morrison was a ' delegate to tno an nual meeting of the Daughters ca tue Amnrii-.nn Revolution, wuicu met in Clorerdab Notes Capital Jou-nal Special Service) Cloverdale, Mar. 21- Miss Arnold, Miss Blackmun and Miss Craig were shopping ia Salem Saturday. Report Bays that Walter Miller pur chased a now motorcyclo last Saturday. Ivan Hadley, who has been attend ing college at Newberg, returned home Saturday to attend his father's farm, as his father is fn poor health and can not farm -this year. On tho evening of March 1G a party rf CO people, old and young, gathered at Mr. and Mrs. Charlie C'ummings' in honor of Mrs. Cummings' birthday. It was inthe nature of a surprise and a light lunch was served by the ladies, late in the evemng. During the luncfl, Hev. Mickey of tho Methodist church of Turner, passed the hat and took up a collection for the benefit of the Red Cross. The sum of $410 was rais ed in a few minutes and this the Red Cress auxiliary of Turner received yes torday at their regular meeting. More than this tnose present, ncarmy i-ji-drsed tho movement of doing what they can to help out our boys at the front, or soon, to go there. The Cloverdale school girls did not start out to sell thrift stamps until yesterday, then the two little girls did not visit everybody, a tho day was too short for. that, but they raised $48.50; pretty good for one day's work The Pneumonia Season Tho cold, damp weather of March teems to be the most favorable for the pneumonia germ. Now is the time to be careful. Pneumonia often results from a cold. The quicker- a eold is gotten rid of tho loss the danger. As soon as the first indication of a cold appoars take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy As to tho value of this preparation, ask anyone who has used it. RESPONSIBILITIES OF WAR (Continued from page one) WUll JUUu4v 1IWIIO Suit for divorce was filed today in department JNO. z or circuit cuui by Franscsco Seley versus Ella Quier Seley. The couple were married in In diana, in 1893, and Uiere are two chil dren, both grown. Desertion is charg ed in the complaint. The roply of the defendant ths Merchants National Bank of Portland wa filed today-in the case .of Shirley Buck versus L. A. Thompson, et al. In a cross complaint, tho bank decJarea that two nottf for a total or fiuuu were given by certain defendant to the bank and secured by a mortgage on cortain property involved in the miit. A iudamcnt ifl asked tfor the amount of the notes, and foreclosure of tho mortgage on the property. The case of F. S. Lamport versus Adrian Kemp, et al, was dismissed by stipulation by Judge Kelly in depart ment No. 1. CLEANSES YOUR HAIR l IT BEAUTIFUL THICK, GLOSSY, WAVY Try This! Ail Dandruff Dis appears and Hair Stops Coming Out Surely try a "Danderine Hair Cleanse" if you wish to immediately double the- beauty of youi hair. Just moisten a cloth with Dandorine and draw it carefully through your hair, taking owe sinall strand at a timej this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil in a few min utes you will be amazed. Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and possess an incomparable softness, lustre- and luxuriance. Ra;, i,. i VinnutiiVin? the hair, one ao- A marriage license was issued today Lijuntjou of Danderina dissolve every Iby Raymond O. Bristol aged of mi- i j.urtj,.i0 0f daudruff; invigorates the verton and Amy Ross, aged 20 of Sil- gcaip stopping itehing and fallinsr iair verton. :- ' Dandcrine is to the hair what treaa showers of rain aud sunahma are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. lt exhilarating, stimulating aud life-producing properties, cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. You can surely have pretty, soft, lustrous hair, and lots of it, if you wJ spend a-fow cents for a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine at any drig store or toilet counter and try it as directed. 8 p. m. in I. O. O. F. hall, Norma L Torwilliger, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, secretary, Crown Drug store, 33S State street. toki a .sharp -nise-ftod -iudiatioa are (aa -described in saW execation -as fol ithey will soon be so, high as to Be an lows, towit jBCEIXANEOTja FEUITLAND NURSERY SALE YARD at High and Ferry. Everbearing strawberries and Loganberries. Call and see stock and get prices before making your purchase. SCAVENGER BALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos - proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office phone Main 8247. Residence Main 2272. RAILROAD TIME TABLES SALEM- GEER LINE No. 73 Arrive at Salem 9:15 a.m. No. 74 Leave Salem 3:05 p.m SALEM, FALLS CITY 6 WESTERN 161 Ly Salem, motor 7:05a.m. il63 Lv Salem, motor 9:35 am. 165 Lv Salem, motor 1:40 p.m. Through car to Monmouth and Arhe 167 Lv Salem, motor 3:48 p.m. 169Lv Salem, motor -5:57 p.m. 239 Wy frt. Lv Salem ..C:00 a.m. 162 Ar at Salem 8:30 am. 64 Ar. at Salem 11:00 a.m. 106 Ar at Salem 3:00 p.m. 368 Ar at Salem 5:33 p.m. 170 Ar at Salem 7:20 p.m. 240 Wy frt Ar Salem 2:30p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC Southbound Leave Arrive ''Portland Salem 6:30 am 8:35 am P:S0am 10:11am 10:45 am 12:55 pm 8:05 pm 4:15 pra . 4.40 pm 6:40 pm 3.7 6:05 pm 8:10 pm Salem only 19 . 9:20 pm 11:20 pm Salem only il , 11:45pm 1:55am 6:50am North Eank Station (leave Jefferson Street 15 and 20 minutes later) extremely expensive luxury. Grain Wheat, soft white 1.851.87 Wheat, red .. $1.S3 Wheat, lower grades on suuiplt Oat3 - - &6e Barley, ton $63 Bran $3S Shorts, per ton ..... $38 Hay, cheat, new - 1920 Hay, vetch, new $20Ci;22 Hay, clover, new . $13 Butterfat ..... - 54c Cream cry butter -. .. 53c Country bntter 45c Pork. Veal and Mutton Pork, on foot 1516c Veal, fancy : leglTy- Steers - 79c Cows - - 56Mc iBulls 50c Spring lamba .... lltel2c Ewes 5(ai7 Lambs, yearlings 10i Eggs and Poultry Eggs, cash 30(S)32c Hens, pound 2021c Turkeys,, dressed Turkers, live, No- 1 - Hens, dressed, pound rys, dressed Ducks, live Oeese, live Lots eleven (11), twelve (12), and thirteen (13) in block fourteen (J4; Br, - T?i-.rrtrvlw Park addition to the teitv of Salnm.7 as shown by the duly recorded plat tnereei in mnnuu cuuu tjr, Oregon.- Kmri au A OPinff mane Blli.iicri, i-u 10 lem,ption in the manner provided by Dated this 5th dav of March. 1918. W. I. NEEDHAM, Rlorif f nf Marion county. Oregon Rv O D. Bower. Deputy. 4-2 26(a)28c 21(u)23e 2729i' 26(23o 1820c 15('16c Old roosters - 14fi15c 'Young roosters lSfuWe Potatoes I1 Traiii Ho. 1 , 5 Ltd 9 13 LtL Vegetables String garlic Oreer onions Onions, in sack 8t 40c $2 Lettuce, crate $2 -4" Celery e9i Broccoli - $lo0 Artuhokes l-2r rnhbF,.:w, 3 3-4 c such a settlement of the war is not possible- At test it would mean mere ly a temporary truce with a determi nation of the military caste of Berlin, after once tue .Russian suuuuuu uau been placed under control, to resume, aud -continuo its plaB of world con nueat wilik h has been' so unmistakably displayed aa the underlying object of the present war. President Wilson in' his message to the Russian soviet at Moscow has, however, intimated the American nosdtion on tho Russian prob lem, which problem must be consider ed but a seimrate division of a single great peace question. The o"ly possible basis for ptiace which can De cousin ored is one which will mean a perma nent peace predicated upon the over throw of autocracy and the safeguard ing of democratic ideas of freedom of thought and action, unronunaieiy xu.: recent successes of the euomy in Rus sia are calculated to delay such a re sult. German leaders now are report ed to bo willing to consider a peace Eeal lEntate Transfers, Warranty Deeds." Susanna C. Frecland to the Hammond Lumber company, 25 acres in S. .E. N. W. , Sec. 20 Twn. 9, S. K. 3 K, consideration $1.00. A. L. Seamster to Alict Stuckey, lot 60 and 61, Grabenhorst Fruit farms, con sideration, $1.00. R. C. aud L. A. Dement to Eunice V Bradcn. 42 acres in donat iou land , ' Lmaof "John Purvine, consideration tor, guardian to F F and ME Town- ..nfvn semi, laiiu iu mis , r R. C. and L. A. Dement to a., . numnu", nnd Ella Carl, 129 acres in Twn. 5. S. T 1 W j',,l..rai lull. H.000. W i,. , ... -- - , morlna Kne.tnr to i. r. ami m.. iu, Townsend, tract of land in lots 5 and 6, Capital Park addition, Salom. W. R. and R. J. Ruth t to John S. and Ella M. Harper, 114 acres in do nation land claim No. 42, Twn. S. R. 2, W, consideration, $20. Quit Claim Deeds. Delink Glover to Frank Glover, 20 acres in donation land claim of Phillip Glover, consideration, $1.00. Delink Glover to George Glover, 100 acres in dountion land claim of Phillip Glover, consideration, $1.00. Deliuh Glover to Amelia C. Comet, ncrrs in donation land claim, of Phillip Glover, consideration, $1. Doliah Glover to Frank Glover, 39 acres in Donation land claim of Phil- lin PrlflVftT. ; !'"- "1' Tl.a uuaruiuu n Estate of Eva Rector by Charles Bee- THE WEEK'S LOSSES Lcttidon, Mar. 21. British shipping losses in the week end ing March 20, the admiralty announced today, included eley on vessels of more than 1C00 tons Mix under that tonnage and two fishing boats. ' In tho previous week, the 1jp-ko8 were 15 ships of more " tlian 1600 tons and three under. Portland Friday and Saturduju i 01l tte basis th,9 fttntu quo ante in .T ! lio-low. republican candidate ,. , 1V ,,.,,, ,, : the Arrive Eugene 10:55 am '(Florid tomatoes - $ 12:25 pm 6:35 pm 8:50 pm Northbcand Train Leave Arrive Ko. Ecgene Salem 9. IS -fin am 4:35 am - 7:15 am Sweet potatoes Rhubarb Black figs Figs ana Dates 7c $2.50 Fruit Apples Oranges Orape fruit Bananas $1.25(5)1.75 . $.).256 25 $5 50 6e 60 Arrive!- butter Portland :CT. .v- 42.702-SJ 6:50am CT ' t ,. S2.50O2.fi4 10 Ltd 12 14 . 9:25 ami 11:35 am 7:45 am 9:45 am 11:20 am 11 :15 am 1:50 pm 18 Ltd 1:55 pm 4;00pm 80 "4:10 pm 5:30 pm 82 4:25 pm 7:55 pm xNorth Bank Station (Arrive Jefferson Street 15 minutes earlier) .'Leave Cor vallis. CORVALLJS CONNECTIONS " Leave Corvallis Arrive Salem 8:25 am Northbound .9:43 am; 12:12 pm.Northbound-...l:50 m 2:41 pm Northbound....4:00 pm 4:10 pm Northbound ...5:30 pm 6:18 pm NortbounL.7:53 pm 8:3 sm.....Soiitl.i.iua.l -9:57 am . 10:15 am....Sou'!i!onnd..n:33 am 12:15 rm....Soiithl. .nnd -.2:20 pm 4.15 pm..Sonthbound....5:36 pm 6:40 pra.-SouthboundSO par Flour, soft wheat Country butter Eggs, dozen Sales limited to $1 1:35 am guga;( u lbg" for 1 - V ,UI 5:45 pm 7:40 pm 10:00 pm PORTLAND MARKET Fortland, Or., Mar. 21. Butter, city creamery 52(S.53e Tggs, selected local ex. d4(asuc Hens 30e Broilers 40c. Gcev-e 20(a25e No. 13993 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Of thee State of Oregon, for the County of Marlon, Department No. 2 A. G-. McMillan and Lizzie McMil lan, his wife, plaiutiffs, vs Sarah A. Lee and Theo. Leo, her husband, and Adda B, Van Valkenburg, defendants Summons. To the above named defendants, Sarah A. Lee and Theo. .Lee. In the name of tho state of Oregon, you are hereby notified to appear and answer. the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within six weeks from the date of the first pablicatiou of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer .said complaint, plaintiff .will apply to the court for a decreo for the relief .praved for in tho complaint, and for ever' quieting title to tho following described real premises: Begiuuiug at a point north 44 de-(rrcr-s west 62 2-10 feet from the north east corner of tract of land deeded by 'P !niniTi( mid wife to Sarah A. Leo and Theo. Lee. her husband July 24th, 1890: thence north 44 degrees :Kt 62.2 feet: thence south 40 do greea west 200 feet; thence soutn i Wires east 62.2 feet; thence north 46 degrees east 200 feet to place of be ginning. You are notified that on the 23rd day. of February, 1918, Georgo G Bingham, judge of the above entitled court, made an order in tho city of Salem, Marion county, Oregon, au thorizing and directing this summons to be served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six success ive weeks in tho Daily Capital Journ al, a newspaper of general circulation, published daily at Salem, Marios county, - Oregon, the first publication of said summons being made on the 2Sth dav of February, 1918, and the 35cdato of the last publication thereof 11 will be made, and the same will ex- 1 pire on tne am uay ui and the defendants, and each of them, ! . 1 J nnaBA -1 i ,1 are requireu 10 uper mm ou complaint on or before the loth day of April, 1918. W. E. KEYES, One of the Attorneys for Plaintiff. 4-11 J. C. lifrlow. republican ca for th office of county clerk was a Monmouth Visitor Tuesday afternoon- Clyde Beckett, tfounty ccminisioucr from Spring Valley, was a Dallas bus iness visitor rucsaay. .- . a Mis. Viola A( of Salom Was an , over Sunday guest at the home of Miss Rachel llolloway ou uuurcn sueev. K-iilielton! ivisited with friends in the Capital city ,'over Sun day. '-'-.. Maurice Hayes and Bolton btinnei.i were Capital city visitor the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. R. M- Kwing or I'on- land, who havo been, visiting hero tor 'the past "several days, left Monday tor a she- visit with friends in Salem. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Scnnerer re turned Tuesday, evening from a sever al days visit in' Portland. an tho wtiher hand conditions havo re cently arisen as a result of tho far sightedness of our officials at Wash ington which clear up at'DSy ithout such action naraiy kcould havo failed to have culminated n onforced liquidation or -sufficiout volume toi produce most ser .! ...0n Rnilrond returns whuli jvoint there appears no reason to change J..,tiT become available for tho V1UW3 rUCOUUJ i;a(,h.i,i u j i ..w vi:s. On the one hand must bo recog nised the ccimpetlt-ion for tho savings tho west end tho status quo in the cast. Thig impossible solution appears all thoro is contained in the more re cent press reports of renewed peaco feelers from Berlin. From the general investment stana- DANDEUFF SOON 1 RUINS THE HAIB of investors tvhi h v.ill accompany the offering nest nioiit'i of the new war bond issue. ITndoubtadly tho utmost pressure will bo cieitid to make the new oifwinr au milstuuding sueeess. The bonds themselves will be attract ive and will, iu addition, havo behind them tho spur of patriotism to make 1 ..,,ntl, nf January the first momn ui governmental control of our transpor- t .. . .nt .ip ,mnvilicin Itation nnes-couvuj' - r Suggestions of what m such e'reum stances mustlmvd been tdin the case of rudVoad . securities. RailioaJ traffic, it is truo, nus uuei -me far in excess of the iM' a- Wcitv But increases in iuu wi ,bor, or, - to the raun.uu '. .. d such large uencim 13c Daily Live Stock Market Cattle Receipts 1C6 Tone of market steady Medium to rh&ice steers tllfill.SO Good to medium steers ?10(;11 Common to good steeds SS'alO Choice cows and hciters $-5.50(510 . Calves $7.50(al2 Stocker and feeder steers $6.50((i.9.50 Hogs , Receipts 78? Tone of market steady Prime light $17W 17.20 Prime heavy tlt.7-"i(S. 17 Pigs $14.7515 75 Sheep Receipts 236S Tone of market steady Marion News Notes (Capital "journal Special Service) Turner. Mar. 21. A veiy successful chicken pie supper was given last Sat urday evening at the hall by tho Red Cross ladies, netting them about $50 for their good work. Tho supper was excellent and was followed by an in teresting program. The revival services at the Friends church closed last Sunday evening. J. Sanger Fox of Portland was an over Sunday visitor with friends here Mrs. .1. A. Tavlor of Scotts Mills is visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. C. Russell- . - ' Mr. and Mrs. John Kuan oi iwso dalo ent twn or three days in Marion recently, visiting old friends- They havo a waim spot in many hearts here who are always f;lad to see them. There was a misprint in our last notes in regard to tho baseball gamo. Jefferson school won. The Marion fcoy scouts aro planning a baseball game with the Turner boy scouts. Here's wishing them success. T.n nnerl'kr of the Waldo Hills vis ited his sister, Mrs. Hal Russell, last week. A very pleasant surprise was given M, Mr i oas recent V Dy tne a,h'nnl children. They eavo them snower of canned 1'ruit and vegetables to help fill their pantry, now they are keeping bnuse. Miles Barber has purchased the ho tel property hero and expects to move in as soon, as neecssary repairs are made. Mrs. Kenneth Doerfler has returned from a visit with relatives in Wash ington. Tho Demos family, concert enter tainers, are to irive a program at the hall here next Saturday evening. They give a good, dean program and as the local junior Red Cross is to share ia the proceeds, we hope there will be a good crowd. Miss tula iayior oi ai -m "" her aunt, Mrs. 1- Conklin, last week. ncKtioiwIencT Dun to Constipation Women often become nervous and despondent. When this is due to con stipation it is easily corrected by tak. inir an occasional dose of Chamber lain's Tablets. Those tablets are easy to take and pleasant in effect V. , 1 i. i.t; -.tering in oireonvo ooinamis ur"" . f iiheon (o treat, aud sucn large supply of funds available- for invest- creBted in railrond revenues meat, in-addition is to bo expected la v" uBCriously threaten - dividends and 'some degree or iiqunmuuu iinv(i'g its purpose tho release of funds al ready -o-ecupying fixed channels. But as i-w o,"v : . t kin not n few cnHcs lntevew pyi""" bs well. Thero does no upy' an adequate aoprccution of what rau taud cont-rol by the govwnmont in 8TATE- Sfact means to holders ol ficuritics. It would lnuueu - " tn nvcrKtuto its ni.porianco. i" - v" v .. i , j:n.....,Tnirnl nv becoming thoroughly u.-.-b-. -, i,.,.. ,ii,,,r defaults, holders are today ,oncerned chiefly with the eot.d1n. ui nnL unvsuui. iu f inanci '.11 v.ill.flMA their property ,um-..ii trl Tho administration s ra. " bill has duly passed both houses of con SYNOPSIS OI'' THR ANNt'AI. MKN'T OK TUB ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY of Philadelphia In the state of I'ennsyl vnnla, on the thlrty-lirst day of December, 1!H7, nmde to th Insurance C'oinnilBHloner of the t-tato of Oregon, jiursuaut to law ; VAi'lTM. Amount of capital paid up . . $750,000.00 INCOME. Xet premiums received during (he year . .- $1,780,500.04 Interest, dividends and rents received dill-inn the year.. 132,258.25 Income front other sources re ceived during the. year.... l.Tin.oa Total Income $1,02:1,004.87 IHSUritHUMKNTS Net losses paid during the vear U25,lil!.40 Dividends paid on capital mock dmine the year.... 105,000.00 Commission? and salaries paid ....1.... t,r, H NIIJ unit iirt inr iuu urirnui j ..... - . Tares. llcenes and fees paid i - t ,, ih,, nthor hand, the thrte -1 " . 1 avi.oe.lod. during vhe year 41,101 giweriiment w gress without aineudmeiit so far as us tn uriKiao aro concorued. All tho systems of tho country a c now tor a practical purposes consolidated, i-arn ings of individual systems are not im portant to the .tockholdcrs. If not rev enues fall below tl.o average for tho three years immediately on formal entruncc a u. r--- i tho treasury will make up the Ue ; ... Vnn nV turPH (11,'roz. in surplus inuov b - -- - - t i.eniiittire f 1 .5o.21)4. 89 ! : .. ;t.. fnir. since the IxiNiness rorm ASSKTS i; ., rolled by the individual lines Value of stocks nnd bonds ' ' v,, mihicct to ar Utrary root- owned .market value).... $2.Sfl.5flT.0 -has becomo ' . (Yirect0r in Lanka and on hand.: 214, 115.20 ; ma. try rcprunuuiun . rash Dills receivahle for Marine and Inland Itlnka Premiums In course of collec tion written since Keptem b..T 0, 1917 Amount reciverable for Iteln surance on I'aid I.oases... Interetil and rents du nnd accrued 320.00 201,620.82 5,475.25 30.578.81 Total assets .. $3,414,082.03 T.eK Special flcprMlta In any state (If any there lie).... w,o..n..w 12,000.00 R7.500.Ofl 318,118.54 Western lambs $15(S 15.50 Valley lambs 14.50?al5 YearUngs $1.VS 13.50 Wtther $12.50(0.43 Ewes $10fll NOTE Portia d narctk on shorn sheeTi. U. to 3'' under quotation. Total autteln admitted in Oregon $3,:!05,024.3 I.IABIMTIKR Gross claims for lowii Unpaid $ 447,785.00 Amount of unearned premliirna on all oiitstiinding risks.. 1,0-10,621.09 Due for couiniisHiou and urok--eras-e All other liabilities, estimated amount hereafter payable for Federal. State and other taxea. based upim bUMlm-Ka of the year of this state ment Contingent Fund .'. Total lliibllitied. eicliwive of capital stock of 75(Ummu0 $2.01.1.O24.3 Surjiltta over all llabllltlea. . . 750.OoO.OU Total premiunta In fon-e lecember l. 1117. . . $1 0M.8X1.R5 BfSINKKrt I.N OliE'iO.N Foil TIIK YEAR Total Inanrance written during- the nar $2,!)84. 359.00 Or" premium received flor in the yr premiums returned during the year Iwwa paid during the ye.-ir. . I,.-u- incurred during tho rear Total amount of Insurance oiitxtamling In Oregon. 1 eemlKT 31. 1 -1 7 A SSt' ut:,uplate ing the railroad. of the tounuy ou u: h they will 'be able to nanuie -1 .L.. .;, basin. The treasury is to lend its good offices to see that am ple funds are provided for the purpose If enabling the railroads to make ncc. cssaiv - riM... nt. si.' 7-a auu iemm- and to provide new cqutpmem.. . means that funds tne h" " . j (poniiig jwk-e a $1.25 V4, has in recent years been such a hau t . P car, on railroad development all'u g ,rovisions were higher. Girls if you want plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, -silky hair, do by all means got rid of dandruff, for it will starve your hair and ruin it if you don 't. It doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash it out. Tho only stirs way to get rid of dandruff is to dis destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at. night when retiring; use cnoun io. " tho sculp and ruib it in gently with the fingor tips. . ...'.- ' Hy morni.iig, most noi a", vi yur dandruff will be gone, and throe or four more applications will completely dissolve aud entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of tho scalp will stop and your hair will look and foci a hundred times better. You can get li quid arvou at any drug store. It i inexpensive and four ounces is all you will need, no matter how much dand ruff you have. This simple remedy nev. er fails. Finance Corporation Bill Passed by House Washington, Mar. 21. By a vote of 307 to two tho war financo corpora tion bill, deigned to furnish finuucial assistance for the American industries nei-essnry to tho war work, was passcol by tho houso this afternoon, Hepresent atives LaVollatte, Washington ami Mason, Illinois, formed tho opposition. Tho senate has pa-sod the m'asure. The corporation is to be capitalized nt $51)0,000,000, either by private sub- ription or by funds from tne i States treasury, isccretary ulcauuu chairman and four other members will coinposo the corpora-ion. Seizing Dutch Ships Makes Prices Jump Chicago, Mar. 21 Government sciz ra of imtch tonnnee expected t liring increased exports, proved a bull ish factor on tho grain excuauau and brought higher prices. March oats opened ! higher at 9". Inter gaining l'i. May oats opened at 85',. down 1-8 but later gained 1. March corn opened late, yi uikj; a at vwi nged at the but later -, , . ,.fi..ii fin uu- .n avntijiii ur iil rtiic ""--- " ..rnment credit. Hence there seems ci- .ll.i,t reason to 1'cuevo vuv wlieo TRY J0UR?!AL WANT ADS 31,027.03 10.S3247 3.474.10 tho managennent of the railroads is re Jurned to tho stockitold, rs the proper ties then will be in a muw. .."f ""The'market still is in an attracth. position for those who are desirous ....u-rini? inM long range investment. .,T..r.r.h of the formal onenuB , tu i-t'i . ot the new war loan, n -repeat, is not unlikely to be ied bv efforts to provide a favoring investment atmosphere to ensure its complete succe8S-HEXT;Y CLEWS- A Bilious Attack When you have a bilious attack your liver fails to peif'-nn its functions .you become constipated. The food you 3 016.04 at ferments in your Ktomim i"" lof dieting. This inflames we .'), nnd causes nausea, vomiting 1. .12.00 " .... .....;. Tn'ic ... .... ....... ,.-.!..& i iitrriiirt iirouu' -t r;A V ": Z,--'- T.i,!,. Thcv will tone up your Htaturor'r relleiit general nzift and at- jiver. clean out your stomach and you torney for ixM-vi: W. Q. lln:vltiffton. 'j iie as w) a ever. They on.'.v and Chamber- Tho Payton (Or.) Tribune gets the rial small town ?!ant on tho thing whea it says that if the government cuts off Half the passenger trains it will re lieve some of the town girls of a lot of work, because it is somewhat of a chore to meet every train now without being Into nt nnv of them. W. A. l.iaton, local agent, Salem. Ore. " JOB PRINTING THAT Gives yon satisfaction and at Bates you can if ford to pay THE CAPITAL JOURNAL 'anners $4 2."0.25 cost a quarter. Liuls $)ijt9