Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 19, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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To Relieve Sick Headache
'Remove he Cause!
WHEN your head aches you will usual
ly find that you are constipated and
bilious. To correct constipation and clear
the system of the fermenting congestion
of stomach waste, foul &ases and bile, use
tDhe Perfect Laxative
Drufc Stores Everywhere 50 cts. i $1.00
(Continued from page one)
Itoff. The local soviet is evaluating
Charkoff. Tho Oorann movoment is
regarded as a "covering" campaign
fur Ukraine. -
The Russian retirement from Odessa
was orderly. Tho Black Sea fleet re
frained from bombarding the city af
ter (Icnnnn occupation because it waB
may lead to hronlo lung trouble, or
Biftan that the chronic stage aiieady
U rachL In either 4ok try
This tonlo Rnd tlsmie-rtpalrsr 'ip
lilies trt at'ltnowlwdweri benefits of Cal
cium treatment without disturbing th
tuinocn. Contains no Aluohola JJttT
cutlo r Iliiblt-Ji'ormlujc Drue,
$2 tin, bow $1.50. $1 liii, mw 80c
Trice Includes war tax. All (lrucs-lsts.
K'kman laboratory, Phlladrllttiis,
loath to destroy it.
Tho fleet is awaiting tho arrival of
the social revolutionary officials who
ret' una-to ratify the peace treaty and
iwfho aro now en. route southward from
Baichmatsch is 100 miles northeast of
Kiuff. Konotop is 25 miles east of
liuchmatsch. Kiirsk, tho capital of the
province ot that name is 100 miles
east of Konotop and only 290 miles
southwest of Moscow. Charkoff is 100
miles south of Kursk and 350 miles
northeast of Odessa.
Washington, March 10. Government
seizure of personal jewelry containing
platinum is imminent, according to a
warning to women to prepare for
"federal commandeering" sent out to
day by the Woman's National League
lor trie conservation or platinum.
jf )Jt c 31 fc 31 )c ft jfc jjc 36 )jc
Before retiring on the night
of March 30, move the hands
of your watch and clocks for
wurd one hour. Move them
back an hour before retiring
on the night of Octobor 20.
Meantime forgot it.
37$ More
For Your
Get the Genuine
No advance In price for thtt 30yer-
old remedy 25c for 24 tablet- Soma
cold tablets now 30e for 21 tablet
Figured on pixiportionnto cost per
tablet you savo 94c when fni buy
nun curea Cold
in 24 hour grip
in 3 rinyi Money
back if it fail.
24 Tablet for 25c.
At any Drug Stor
Says Papa-in-Law
Wrote Nicky's Speech
Washington. Mar. 18. Charging
that the startling address of Hepre
ecntative Longworth was "inspired if
not written" by his father-in-law,
Thoodors Koosevelt, Representative
llyrncs of South Carolina, democrat,
today bitterly assailed tho Ohio con
gressman for "iuiectiuff partisan poll
tics into the house for the first time
mho too war. '
"The addrew breathes the spirit of
the maa who weuld be pitcher, catch
rr, the wholo infield, the whole out
liold and even umpire of every game,"
ivrnes nurt-
Want Jap8 Kept Out
l'etrciirrnd. Mar. 18. (Night) Hu
mors persist that tho Bolsheviki are
seeking an agreement with the United
States to prevent a Japanese invasion
of Asiatic Russia.
The Russian press critically discuss
es President Wilson 's message to the
pan-soviet congress, with the state-
ment of M. Pkhon, French foreign min
intor and others, regarding the allie
necessity for 6aving Russia.
Tho sum total of the criticism i
that Germany has sized up Russia bet
ter than tho allies. Both sought t
utilize the Russian revolution for thei
ends, the press charge. Tho Germans
lira discredited tho BolsheviKi. s
strength, the allies refusing to admit
Tho allies blundered continually
thereby l'auniuir the flnmo of Bolshev
bum which spread until Russia was ripe
tor the German Mow, which Jthattere'.
Iiilike ' the allied and Bolshevik illu
The' seventy eighth birthday anni
versary of A- N. Gilbert was most hap
Tiilv celebrated laflt evening, when
Mrs. Gilbert entertained at a charm
ingly-appointod dinner in honor of the
event., at me uuoer mime on norm
Li borty street.
A handsome color scheme of yellow
was tastefully developed in, the table
decorations, the centerpiece consisting
The guests bidden for the occasion
! included: Mr. and Mrs. Isaac .bee r&i
t-.soii,- Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Livesley,
IT..'.. W. H. Dolman of Portland, Mrs
iWilliani P. LoTd, Miss Elizabeth Lord,
iM;3s Margaret Cosper, Ir. W. B. Morse
R. 1). -Gilbert, Judge T. A. McBride,
8. K. lovell, Mr. and Mrs. B. O.
. Tho golden wedding anniversary of
Mr- and Mrs. Gideon tttolz is being
delightfully observed today at the
home of their daughter, Mrs. Lenta
iWestacott, on Court street. A largo
assemblage of friends called this at
ternoon to extend their congratulations
and many more will have the oppor
tfunity of greeting Mr. and Mrs. btoiz
this evening at the reception to De
igiven in their honor by Mrs. Westa-
icobt. The Stolz family has resided in
fcialom for many years and enjoys a
h(it of friends and acquaintances, to
iwhom over twoi hundred invitations
for the occasion have been sent, in
cluding out of town guests.
Miss Irene Howard lias returned to
Butte, Montana, after a three months
visit in &alum, with her mother, Mrs.
Blanche Howard. Miss Howard is an
:X-roy operator at the Murray hospital
im Butte.
A special meeting of the Woman's
auxiliary of Bt. Paul's church has boen
called for the purpose of meeting Mrs.
J. 8. Whiteford of Portland, the field
secretary of tho general board of mis
oions. It will be held tomorrow after
noon at two- thirty at the residence of
:Mrs. U. U. Baiplcy, 245 Worth 13tB
Judge P- H. D'Arey and sister, Miss
Teresa -J'Arcy, returned last night
from a feiw days stav in Seattle, where
Judge V Arey delivered an address on
'The Golden Ag of Erin" at the Hip
Miss JeKsie Mason was hostess at a
jelly St. Patrick 's frolic, Saturday ev
ening at the uotno of her mother, Mrs.
George Mason, on Oak street. A vari
ety of games played amid gala St.
Patrick decorations contributed to the
merriment of th young people. Mrs.
O. M. Cadwell assisted Mrs. Mason in
serving dainty refreshments.
The juvenile guests were Miss Alice
Meed, M.isa Pearl Meed, Miss Jean
Beck, Miss Veronia Cadwell, Miss Ba-
unona Cummings, Frank Cadwell, Fred
Bmith, Lloyd Sundin, Frank Kinehart.
Arthur Uummings, Fred Brown, JNor-
:val Hiron.
Congratulations are being extended
to Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Probert upon
the arrival of a daughter, born March
il6th et the Salem hospital. The baby
has been named Jean Lucile. Mr. Pro
bert is office engineer in the state
highway department.
As a result of the meeting of the
Salem Parent-Teacher's association,
held Saturday afternoon at the high
school, for the purpose of organizing
classes in the remodeling of garments,
a class of that nature will be started
tonight at the Grant school. At this
season of the year, when the spring
wardrobe is in such urgent need of re
plenishment, and with countless relief
activities making a more than justified
call on the pocketbook, it ig a decided
stride in the direction of tonserva
tion to re-make instead of re-furnish
the summer attire of the family. For
those who have had no. training or ex
perience in the making over of clothes,
the meeting this evening will present
a welcome opportunity for receiving
instruction alone these lines. It will
begin at seven thirty.
, The Chautauqua Reading Circle this
week gave the following program:
Current events, response by each mem
ber. Talk, the origin of the Arabian
Nights, Mrs. Kva Hicke. Talk, Sheher
azade, Mrs. Anna Walker. The story of
Aladdin and his lamp, - told briefly,
Mrs. 8- B. Frost. Story of Sinbad and
the forty thieves, Mrs. E. E. Fisher,
A comparison of the women of the
' Aladdin" and the "AH Baba" tales,
Mrs. L. C. Zimmerman. Talk, Bagtlad;
its past and present, Mrs. W. W. Bose-
baugh. Talk, The function ot imagina
tion in literature, Mrs. E. C. Minton.
General review and discussion of chap
Mrs. V. S. Wennersten of Pendleton
is the guest of Dr. Mary C. Rowland
for several days.
Miss Lena Tartar of Salem was the
soloist at a St. Patrick's entertainment
eivem last nftht by the Woman's club
of Dallas, as a Rod Cross benefit. Miss
(Tartar sang several Irish numbers.
The Aid society of the Woman 's Re
lief Corps will meet Thursday after
noon at the armory. Beside the regu
lar needlework, an interesting program
will bo given. Memberrof the G. A. t.
are invited.
Try Making Your Own
. Cough Remedy
Pure. Nearly neutral
Sweetly scented. It produces a
thick, soft, creamy lather, rc-
rnoves impurities, ieannijtbe flesh
BS soft as velvet and without that
I chawa leeling always following
i ujc use vi an rtii-..uuia snap.
Once use it end you will be
j a convert (or life.
Call for Free Simple, orwrot two
1 chi to cover ct ot ni itinis mud
J4A-'K'1-1 l.HJ .mil.
rhone !!' 125 N. ileh St
bit iiaii awtht
IlortUng Talks Big
Copeiihagen, Mar. 1!)- Chaneollor
Ilentling addressing tho German reich
stag yesterday, declared ho did not
wish to discuss it'll e enemy s opinions
regarding tho Russian peace treaty, ac
Icording to dispatches received hero to
Tho chancellor said the treaty did
not contain terms disgraceful to Bus
sia and that if certain provinces were
Ibroaking away from Bussia it was in
accordance with their own wishes.
"If tilie reichetag adopts tho treaty
f peace, tiio wholo east front will bo
restored," Uortling said.
'But among the entento allies there
is not jret the leasit inclination to fin
ish tho terrible war. The responsibility
for confcinuation of bloodshed will be
on the heads of those wishing to con
tinue it."
Hurtling's declaration was received
with loud cheers, except from the mem
bcrs of the extreme Kett.
Sale of Russell
Book Is Prohibited
Portland. Or., Mar. 19. Acting Unit
d States Attorney Rankin Saturday
'wired sheriffs at Pendleton, Moro.
Roaehurg and Tho Dalles to arrest any-
ono attempting to circulate copies of
The I'nfiuished Mystery."
Members trf the International Bible
itudeiit' RsstM'ia-Uon are said to hftvo
Misused of many copies of tho book in
'sections near these towns.
"The I'nfinislied Mystery," by Pas
tor Russell, will not bo allowed circu
lation in Oregon.
This decwiuta was announced late
ThursiUiv by Acting United States At
torney Rankin on authorization of
United States Attorney General Oreg
Mr. Kankin declared that persons
who had distributed tho book would
not bo prosecuted; but that anyone at
tempting further distribution of it
would tReo espionage charges.
Two arrests were made by federal
officers in Portland a few weeks ago
of members of the International Bible
students ' association. They were re
leased bv Mr. Uankin with orders not
to attempt the sale of the b.Mik again.
Tliey will not be prosecuted unless
thev reirme distribution.
"The book is dangerous propaganda
and violate tho espionage act," said
Mr, Kankin. i
Ton Ma save aboot ft, anl Iists
better remedy than the ready,
made kind. Usjdlr dAuit.
ou combined the curative proper-
of every known "ready-mudc" couirh
remedy, you would hardly have in them
all the curative power that lies m this
simple "home-made" couh syrup which
takes only a few minutes to 'prepare.
Get from any druggist 2Yq ounces of
Pinex (flO cents worth), pour it into a
pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain
pranulalod sugar syrup. The total cost
is alxmt Co cents and gives you a full
pint of really better cough syrup than
you could buy ready-made for $2.50.
Tastes pleasant and never spoils.
This J'incx and simar syrup prepara-
uuii nvi.ti j-jnc ui. me cause oi a cough
and gives almost immediate relief. It
loosens the phlegm, stops the nasty
throat tickle and heals tlio sore, irri
tnted membranes that line tlio throat,
chest and bronchial tubes, so gently
and easily that it is really astonishing.
A day's use will usually overcome the
ordinary coujrh. and for bronchitis,
croup, whooping couirh and bronchial
asthma, there is nothing better.
Pinex is a most valuable couccntrnted
compound of genuine Norway pine ex
tract, and lias been used for generations
to break up severe coughs.
To avoid disappointment, be sure to
ask your drugcist for "214 ounces of
Pinex" with full directions, and don't
accept anything else. A guarantee of
absolute satisfaction nr mnnpv nr.imnt-
ly refunded, goes with this preoaratiou.
j.uo i-inex vo., vs. way no, ino.
At Commercial Club
Tomorrow Nigjbt
A report will be made at the meet
ing of the Commercial club tomorrow
night on the "community war chest"
proposition. Two reports will be submit
ted, one by the Commercial club offi
cials, and one by E, A. Harris. The
report from the Commercial club makes
no recommendation, but that from Mr.
Harris will recommend that the war
chest plan be adopttd.
The war chest idea is to centralize
the war activities and campaigns for
funds under one head, irad to make a
drive for money for all the organiza
tions at one tune. This, it is stated,
will eliminate much duplication of ef
fort, and have the effect of putting the
war activity of the city on a firm ba
sis. The plan has been tried out with
success in other cities.
An address will be made at the meet
ing, which is a general membership ses
simi, by Arthur Foster, on the working
Prices Slightly Higher
On Both Oats and Corn
Chicago. Mar. 19. Covering by
shorts today sent gTain futures higher
in trading on the exchange here.
March oats opened V higher at 88
nnd later gained 2. May oats opened
at 84i, down 1-8, but later gained 1
Mjirch corn opened Into and 1-8 hign-
er ait $1.27!-i and remaiued at that lig
uco. May oorn opened unchanged at
$1.25, but later gained 'i,.
lrovisions were higher.
William Howard Taft, we read, is now
sitting on the industrial relations board,
so we would judge that the board is
iiuite solid.
At Salem, in tho State of Oregon, at the close ot business on Marchi 4, 1918
1. a Loans and discounts (execpt those shown ir. b
and c) ...!... $472,737.61
Total loans $472,737.01
Urge Raising Poultry
Brf How About Feed?
The announcement was made yester
day that U. L. Uiwon, federal exten
sion poultry husbandman for Oregon,
would be in Salem from March 21st
to 23d- Mr. Upson, who has recently
been appointed, is a successful poul
tryoian from southern Oregon, and is
thoroughly experienced.
It is planned to increase the " back
yard" production of the state, and for
this reason raising of chickens is be
ing adrvocatcd. Miss Lorene Parker,
home demonstration agent for Marion
and Clackamas counties, is planning a
series of meetings of women in the two
counttes to create- more interest in
poultry production, and it is. expected
that Mr. Upson will also be able to
speak. . "
(Continued from page one)
2, Overdrafts, secured, none; unsecured, $1,285.27
a U. 8. bonds deposited to secure circulation (liar
value) $ 31,000.00
f U. S. bonds and certificates of indebtedness
owned and unpledged - 35,000.00
g Premium on U. S. bonds
6. Liberty loan bonds:
a Liberty Loan Bonds, 3V& per cent and 4 per
cent, unpledged - 14,000.00
Strength and
How To Gam It
Instead of Exercises, Patent Foods and
Medluinesv Take Phosphate with
Tour Meals
(Continued from page one)
dcistuod to, be Unit she wanted a stip
ulation aaiiift use of the vessels in
the war "one. Such a condi-aon would
retract vastly from the value of the
vensel.s, and the American government
has been oppot-ed to that plan.
The demand today is lor men and
women who are s.rong in every sense
of the word possessing the physical
strength necessary to. endure hardships
and fatigue; the mental strength to
grapple with difficult problems; the
nervous fc-rce whKh endows the bodv
with vigor and vitality; the will pow
er tu triumph over adversity and turn
defeat into victory. 1
But such glorious strength is impos
sible so Icsig as your nerves are weak
and exhausted, and therefore if vou
would be really strong you must first!
car etor your nerves, weak, exhausted
nerves need food, end for this purpose
physicians strongly recommend the use
of the orgauie piuphate kuown among
druggists as bitro-phmrpuate and put
1 up la 5-gr. compressed tasteless tab-
If you feel your strensrth is failing
from any cause, got a supply of these
bitro-phosphatv tablets and take one
with every meal. Practically all of the
minor ailment afflicting uiankiud, as
well as many of the more seric-us mala
dies, can bo traeed to nervous exhaus
tion and lowered vitality, and preban-
Holland Notified
London, Mar. 19. l.wkiiijr a reply
from Holland to the allied demand for
employment cf Dutch tonnage in war
Transportation, .w an.es nave pu. lhi. ,Tlmns whv .ueh a remark
notified Tho Netherlands that Dutch '.i -,....,. ; .,.,i
ships will be requisitioned at 01.ee tin-iis invaiaWy mitieble when bitro
lcss the lh c.ndit.uua are weeded., . . directed, as thi
- , , , . . , nerves are thereby revitaliied and
Don't teke yourself too darned ser- ma,i., iro.ir
fl. Liberty Loan Bonds, 3 per cent end 4 per
cent, pledged to secure State or other deposits
or bills payable .
7. Bonds, securities etc. (other than U. S.):
b Bonds other than U. 8. bonds pledged to secure
postal savings deposits
c Bonds and securities pledged as collateral for -State,
or other deposits (postal excluded)
or bills payable 151,974.56
e Securities other than U. 8. bonds (not including
stocks) owned unpledged 266.723.49
Total bonds, securities, etc ,
8. Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent
of subscription)
10. a Value of banking house 140,000.00
11. Furniture and fixtures
12. Real estate owned other than banking house
13. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank
15. Cash in vault and net amounts due from national
banks -
16. Net amounts due from banks, bankers, and trust
companies other than included in Items
13, 14 and 15
18. Checks on other banks in the same city or town
as reporting bank (other than Item 17)
Total of Items 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, $342,900.33
19. Chocks on banks located outside of city or town
of reporting bank and other eash items
20. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due
from U. 8. Treasurer
22. War Savings Certificates and Thrift Stamps actu
ally owned -
"3. Other assets, if any
Total .
24. Capital stock paid in
25. Surplus fund -
26. a Undivided profits $
b Less current expenses, interest, and ta$es paid
30. Circulating notes outstanding
32. Net amounts doe to National banks .
33. Net amounts due to banks, bankers, and trust
companies (otherj than included tin Items
31 or 32) '.
Total of items 32 and 33 $20.50"..."59
Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to
Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days)
f'4. Individual deposits subject to check
33. Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 Oays
(other than for money borrowed) .
36. Certified checks -.
37. Cashier's checks outstanding
38. State, county, or other municipal deposits secured
by pledge of assets of this bank
42- Certificates of deposit (other than for money
44. Postal savings deposits
43. inner tune deposits
93,000.00 107,600.00
2,046 03
1. 084.68
Total of time deposits subject to Reserve,
Items 42, 43, 44 and 45 $61,93?55
Total of demand deposits (other than bauk de
posits) subject to Reserve, It?ius 34,
35, 36, 37. 3S. 39, 40 and 41 $til2,9Jr.5-
46. . United States deposits (other than postal savings):
Total .
$ 100000.00
' 7.S29.34
widows pension. Mrs. Sharpo was given
a pension of $15 per month for herself
and three children Dy the juvenile court.
This was later reduced to $10 a month
when it was found that Mrs. Sharpe had
a small tract of land, a cow and chick
ens. She appealed the case to the cir
cuit court and was given a pension of
$25 by Judgo Galloway. This was re
moved by the supreme court today, and
the pension is reduced to the amount
fixed by the juvenile court. Other op
inions handed down are:
Nancv A. llils, appertant vs. Floyd
J. Campbell; appealed from Multnomah
petition lor renearing ueiucu; uiujmuu
by Justice Benson..
Alice C. Rambaugh, appellant vs. F.
W. Settlemeier, et al., appealed from
Wasco; suit for decission 01 contracts
for purchase of orchard lands on
grounds of fraud; opinion by Justice
Henson: Circuit duclce tirausuaw ax-
Feeney & Breiner company, appellant
VS. V. r . Bione; uppeaieu j.ruui j.jh
mook; suit to collect money lor macn
inerv delivered: opinion by Justice liar
ris; Circuit Judgo Bagley reversed and
case remanded.
Nettie E. Gillord vs. William li. oil
lard, et al., appellants; appealed from
t ; . nit in rmrlitinn real tvroncrtv:
opinion by Justice Moore; Circuit Judge
Gallowav atlirmea.
L. C. Wevcandt vs. Ira B. Bartle, ap
pellant; appealed from Coos; suit for
damages for personal injuries; opinion
by Justice Beau; circuit juugo nmp
worth affirmed.
David Curtis et al.. appellants vs. Til
lamook City; appealed from Tillamook;
suit, to ouiet title to city lots; opin
ion bv Justice Burnett; Circuit Judge
Bagley affirmed.
Arthur M. Churchill vs. Minnie A.
Meade, appellants; appealed from Tilla
mook: suit to foreclose 011 mortgage;
opinion by Justice uurueu; licmt
Judire Bairlev affirmed.
Ashley & Rumelin vs. F. A. Lance,
et al., appellants; appealed from Mult
nomah: suit to collect on promissory
note; opinion by Justice Moore; Circuit
Judge Davis affirmed.
Henrv Johnson, et al.. vs. Walter
Crawford, appellant appealed from
Multnomah; suit to enjoin defendant
from blocking laud claimed to be road
way; opinion by Justice MeCamant
Circuit Judge Morrow reversed.
Johanna York, administratrix of es
tate of Lewis York, appellant vs. South
ern Pacific company; appealed -from
Tillamook; petition tor rehearing tic
uied: opinion by Justice Moore.
Petition for rehearing was denied in
Gable vs. Armstrong.
J. W. Morton ei al., appellant versus
VTnnd River countv. appealed from
Hood River, to review the laying off of
a county road, Judge Wilson affirmed
opinion by Justice McBride.
State of Oregon versus F. A. Hyde,
appellant; appealed from Hood River;
Are You Still
Young at Heart?
Then Why Look Older
Than You Feel?
Every woman is as young as .
she looks, so why let sentiment
or prejudice prevent your keep
ing youthful as long as you wish I
Not long ago many women
would not use face powders or
cosmetics. Today, most women
know their need and use them.
This is equally true of the hair
restorer. Thousands of women
keep their hair dark and youthful
It is not a dye, but a delightful
toilet preparation which gradually
brings back all the natural color
and gloss-
Q-ban will not
stain the scalp,wash
or rub off; and
does not interfere
with, washing or
waving the hair.
Keeps it glossy and
Sold by good drug
gists everywhere on
Money -Back guar
antee prico 75c.
(Continued from page one)
mcr voto.
Although tho weather throughout tho
state was mild and tho sun shone clear
ly, roads are in such condition that it
is expected the rural vote will be light,
it is probable the cities will decide the
nominations. Milwaukee labor voted ear
ly. Polls wero crowded at 6 a. m.
A record vote is expected at the pri
mary despite the fact a special election
seldom draws heavily in the primary in
this state. Many cities are staging mu
nicipal elections and wet and dry fights.
In these cities the vote will be heav
iest. ' Victor L. Bciger is the socialist nom
inee unopposed. He will make a stren
uous battle for election, April 2.
Polls in most of the larger cities will
be open until 8 o'clock tonight'. How
ever, many communities will have com
pleted balloting at 5:30 p. m.
A soldier vote from training camps
probably 10,000 strong may decide
the election In case of a close vote.
The Quinine Tliat Does Not Affect
Because of its tonic and laxative ef
fect, Laxative Bromo Quinine can be
taken by Anyone without causing
nervousness or ringing in the head.
Thcro is onl.v. one "Bromo Quinine."
E. W. GROVE'S signature is on box.
tariff commission ; W, J. Harris, chair
man of tho federal trade commission;
Hugh Fil'ne, war industries .'bcjirii
and Bernard Baruch, chaiiman of the
war industries board. Another civilian
member will be named later.
Tho committee will pass upon prices
for all basic raw materials, and estac-
ash a price fixing polk'y to be subinit-
petition for rehearing denied; opinion ted to the president for approval. Ex
. . i....;. -urmat ecutive departments which cxperienceil
of the Non Partisan league. Mr. Foster
is a former resident of North Dakota
and is familiar with the operation of
the league in that state.
(Continued from page one)
neighborhood of Villersguislain, Lavac
qt'erc and Boisgreuier last night, bring
ing back a number of prisoners, Ficlu
iiocihal Haic reported today.
Portuguese troops conducted a raid
east of Neuve Chapelle, capturing pris
oners and two niaciiiue guns.
lu the neighborhood of j-leur Baix
and Eoisgreiutr thivo attempted ener .y
taids were repulsed with considerable
losses to the raiders last nighc.
hostile artilierying occurred in tho
Yrrcs sector.
French Make Strllv.
I ris, Mar. 19. t reneu forces peae
ra;td the enemy lines in th'j theiois
retion to the tepth of otic - thousand
yards and brought back r-rUmers, the
r inch war otiicc .tatca tucl:iv.
.Vueiny troops raidtd frcneli positions
iior'heast of Sellery following a brit f
bombardment, but f.icw attack was
L'ol.tn up by J rench fire.
Muiig the right bank jf the At 0 use
time was violent fcrtillery iir, espec
ially in the vicinity of UiU S41. No in
Vantrv combat occurred thers.
STATE OF OREGON, Countv of Marion, ss.
I, E. W. Ha?ard, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that
he above statement is true to the best ef my knowledge and belief.
E. W. HAZARD. Cashier.
Subscribed and swora to before me thi 15th dsv of March. 1918.
JENNIE BEST, Notary Public.
Correct Attest: My Commission Expires June 9, 19u.
U. S. PAGE, Directors
For German Use.
tuiin, via 1 oudoa, Mar. 19. Twjnty
thiee allied-airplanes and twj captive
balloons were brought down yesterday,
till German war oriiee iiunoiiuced to-u.-iv.
It was stated tlso tha; ree.iiiu:ii3
3i,i et in Flanders had resulted in taking
3ii Belgian prisoners.
Ccmzniitee Appointed
Hat Will Fix Prices
difficulty in price tixing will have the
advice and assistance of the new eom-v
mittoo when desired.
Chicago, Mar. 19. Workers employed
in making uniforms for the government
were exempted from a strike ordered
today by the United Garment Workers
union calling out 10,000 employes in
twenty seven Chicago shops. The work
ers demand a 15 per cent wage increase.
The allies are going to take over all
Dutch Bhipa. That's going to "beat tho
Dutch," so to speak.
A Small Bottle destroys Dand
ruff and Doubles Beauty
of Your Hair
Within ten minutes after an appli
cation of Danderinc you can not find
a single trace cf dandruff or falling
hair and your scalp will hot itch, but
what will please you most will be af
ter a few weeks.' use, when you seo
new hair, fine and downy at first yes
but really new hair growing all
over the scalp-
A little Danderinc immediately dou
bles the beauty of your hair. No dif
ference how dull, faded, orittle and
scraca', just moisten a eloth with
Danderine and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking cne small
, , . ,7 .strand at a time. The effect is amaz-
W a,-hiEgton, Mar. 19. Creation of a ingvour hair will be light, fluff v,
price fixing committee under the war and wavv. aud" have an appearance of
uuustriat ooara was announced to- j abundance: an incomparable lustre,
i: . .,, , (softness and luxuriance.
The commrttee will I eompesed of j Get a small bottle of Knowlton'".
Kcbert fc. Iirookhniw of the war indus- Danderine from anv dreg store or toi
tnes board, chairman; General Palmer t counter for a few cents and prove
b- Pierce, surveyor general of supplies : that your hair is as pretty vand soft
for the war department; Paymaster;, any that it has been neglected or
John Hancock of the navy bureau of; injured bv careless treatmcnt-that 'i
upphes and accounts: Dr. H. A. Gar-1 ail-you surely can have beautiful
field, fuel administrator; F. W. Taus- hair and l,.t. oV it if , ;n i att
chairman of the United States a little Danderine.