PF.VFN" THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. FRIDAY. MAR. 15. 1313. Capital Journal Classified Column EVEBTTH1NO ELECT EI CAL Salsa Eectrie Co Masonic Temple, 127 North High TSAXSrZK AND DRAY AGE alem Track Dray Co.. corner Stat and Front Street Telephone Main 1209 Main 7 AUTO DELIVERY BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DKI.1V ercd anv place, city or country. TLoue 04 cr 20S1R. W. K. Fisher. DENTIST KB. F. L. UITEB, DENTIST. BOOMS 13il4 Bank of Commerce bldg. Phone 606. II FINANCIAIt TOVB REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND KErAIKEI' 50 year experience. Depot, National and American fence. Bizea 26 to 53 in. high. Faints, oil and Tarnish, etc. Loganberry and hop hooks. 1 .Willamette Valley News I i'Effil CROSS, SICK Stayton Red Cress , j . Doing Gccd Wcrki , I DcmM News Notes CHILDREN LOVE S10P OF flGS : (Caa :al JBuU S-ia! rrfee i Ivjnal i. Mar. 15- A-om LiZ'.. tlo s tke rivet iStst.- (Capital Jfocraal St-evial Ser'-) FV-2EJ.1:. i. Mat. 15. Sb i . cullers iciria gtaad for X s tie tiate to spray i-sr jeaci ff ar. l" b td.atix ci xtur. Tie kiih wtad Xtc-ada id a data- ': fsr t I i:vi. as Last, bob I Spray Calender rPnoifil Journal Sieilll Sorvieet "l v ' 1 , . -xi"". -- Sas.dar as tcie. Stayton, Or., Mar. lo. In looking, j,, Vi lUli Laa over the reports" of Belaboring eitie tv.-.b, visitor SsrsariaT a:4 S Pd Cross work, we wish to fail year' M-s. BtsW -. Mr frrt Rt.-ivton While we have not d Mrs- f Salem Fenee and Stove Works, SoLiteen saying niu'ea we have been doing. attended nosy Andy V."a.:ey T. Mtre of Brett -ta rss ;is.e m'-tii'X e-f tie -V.a 'a Court street. Phone 124. SCAVENGER Each mouth has averaged a good attend- finished goods has been turned in a rsesall Ttursday. rv C- e!.- t t"..-'- s Atari" stasia- Tke ke-av Vara c.-nei im la ' iw-. e rs ,s u. .i. a ;a . e-..- irjr is S'"''":''' war Te uti " kiss tie flag;. Tk $rtr4"eg joretg Teuto-a. tbe eceaiy wiskia wr fv,. k.-.-.a-s -her who txaaeii acier 5 Pe-4't yoar fretful, tw- -r door auV aal eavesdrv ander :ekiid- 5 if Wr.- U T-ae4; ti.ti t rivj, ; rtia asUa. U ware T i' 'tI' tasak. li'' mo aad to nrnvt tke kpMal- Wkea lttta. F--'?- fev-ssS, fail r ,Sij we ai't W ka.-d a htm. " If JeYerisL Bilious, Coasti-"' pated, urre rnm Lmirrs zt Once ; - EIONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FOKD Otk; Ladd k Bush bank, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN Eastern Money at Lowest Rates, on approved security. Homer H. Smith, Kopm 5, McCornack Bldg.. Solom. Or. EATTES3 AND .CLSANXR3 ELLSWORTH, THE HATTEK Men's and woaien's hats cleaned, reblocked ar.d rotrimmed. Old hats made to look like new. Wo carry a large stock of fine I bons. 49j Court St OSTEOPATH BALEM SCAVENGER Charles Sooi proprietor. TJarbago and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess itools cleaned. Office phone Main fe247. Residence Main 2272. SECOND HAND GOODS BUY, SELL and EXCHANGE- Men's ckuhes, shoes, hats, jewelry, watches, tools, musical instruments bicycles, fftins, rifles, revolvers, suil eases, trunks, cameras, typswriters and furniture. Capital Exchange, 337 Court street. Thone 493. any in the couutv. During the most . n r w..-t rJ- "'"'.r1!- O we are IJ. mar, is ra Brat ir of February,, the" followufg garments , .i: r raar. has :..m- . kiKVW iu UWL faey k,r it oar T I" I V HiitU t- it 11 V Ltl I UVL 1U I W (,IVj - wt-n .. j -- - j: DexmiAt Sjxay !, s4ar 1 to S stro;.K Now, sd oc-.J li bads bfiia o;a is tke ti to a?;-'y the drmaa ;----f td all fruit treies-. Frrs: T destroy fi Jos aai , Vvtor S?U ssue, !. Uckea. twif, miser ea praaes al peackes. bSisi asste oa pear, aad iRse-Jt eggs. P.. rdex yry Sprar th v--c a.w with BordeaaK t n arTt the i.if i ad irf'p keef iw Ciu.fv.TBia lk t'.i;M. S- H. VAX TtOdT. CCBtT TViit lBpt. Cfi-- ef ccuBty j'-S1" ofJi,fe ? ntcrsday. CMldTenCrr FCR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA pro els of tia otter a home-matle cook cooc or aa r the Ust tried and tented rectpea we sees.; tie wee e": can gather. MurU e red it ia due Sir ;'s W'ior. Mrj.,H-?!i 'ound'iii2 emmrrv lub the H.weH ; p n ovmt '. ll.-e Hive and Walli.iu clubs, for helr.trvw Pcn!aa.i baajifes visiters- Sa:ur-' in the work. Carl ' -:. at Frt-:- w:ri the fir--r M .-:v. ike ;.(s tar dei.t WATCH EEPAIEIN3 WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY repaired, Karl Neugebauer, with CentiM Fharmacy. 11-4 WATER COMPAIiT DRS. B. H. WHITE AND R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve socialist a. Graduate oC Anier- Jean sjool of Osteopathy, Kirkvil!.-,! WATER COMPANY-Office Mo. Po;t gwduate and specialized in ralJ'"u ' ,- , , m.-j. Dtr,,a j- t io r.o I corner Commercial and Irado Btreets. aaS! Bills payable monthly in advance. Vtldz. Phone S."9. Restdnee 1620; . . Court. Phone 215. Dr. White Res. j VETERINARIAN Phone 409. " ' MTSCELLANE0TT3 in Mm mm AND SWELUHG Don't Suffer! Go About Your Dalies Relief Comes the Moment You Apply JSL Jacobs Liniment" i wer !.t,r Jim LAVy iwty was t. - ,fe.rda tt XX a-s and aa ca time mrsw t ''-"' , i.:a'.T on tae aetlie. . . . e::-.i'f : :t- v ... a If toa ha-t notiua tJ par, way a.uia re n -j frvwu aader ti.-e." I. 2-Vv2.. Th s writer oi.d bo pleasvvl to kave a Jew w,ris frov. Ojv. Withveiuubc STiLVt- i K'ti it Katt iy notker! A little gv ea today save a k tkild touiorrow t:l eel tlte enu'-ne. ass year ni'ij. , is far a btuvie of -'Casif-rBia Syrup ' f Fii. wkuk baa dtretftuuu lor 5,.;. l-.onns which he re- e to uJ as ae rte i. i J' .. he teerno.r j;,i-.t i.c.! !y. w ,rs aad d.a't.!.5.... The t-v,-tnv.g were '. Tke officer of tke R'd Jiarv wv.t i'a a ',i:a"s; v'r:;aii;a M:rrh ltMt. ebta;r:ei 34 itew member. Mrs. kas been i!l for tha i KsUh Steven g-..; coll fe.-t as iave4 'tW state that I me ' keme ftm Kaek Tilay, I 5weui v, .w- w . i .n. .TnFin i-e'irr i ts t ortart-j . . ... tr vjrs . t - . , cere. si srT-., nv .- Moaliv. after a v.sit cr severe: ay;i4 ts- ,i-e California Kg Syr- r- k ta nts num. r,wir4;v. t'.aai pa .-a wna c-.ui rR1 1 0" W:o-i"oi:rE cf Mrs- A. F KQOTV IN f CO.000 brick income prop ertv in eood town to exchange for rr.n". h not over 40.J)(W1. J20.000 worth ! of good rental property, well located j in tood turn and rented to exchange i for a good ranch of erpia! value. $31, 000 prain r.nd fruit ranch well im proved wi'h good income to exchareo for ranch not over $20,000. $2000 8a lem residence and cash for acreage not over 5 miles from Salem. Soeo lofskv, 341 State St. 3-15 Da W. G. MOOPJIOTJSE, COCJNTT veterinarian, eradiate Cornell Univer sity. Office Cherry Citv Feed Stables 544 Ferry St. Phones, office 2199, res. ing and night 1510. the sprain, ! '- ' 1 comes pain Dou't stay crippled! Rub this soc;h- penetratmg liniment right mo Rohe or strain, and out soreness, stiffness and LODGE DIRECTORY ntlii"n! else penetrates, heal anl . wimw t strenctheiia the iiiinrel musel-'s. nerves MUJJJ!.K ui am cam, , - , , ,., l rMmr,t;r. It fenrae Cartwr.git wa a g-ws M the aom Feller. T'r.ut?-'a night. dav fr a visit t Portland. L il. Po-sirt rru::.-.' i M - ..iy r;io-r fre PtrtlSBd. l-svi-.g; Tltnter. t tee .K4 atar.- for n cveratiOB f' i !-sj IVS&r: is still sa Pen- laad. t-f'-t reryrt Ieht:er sainiEg gradual-r. Mrs. k.Bta of Qt:Bi.y is tay-in---"witK her brether during Mr. 5-e- a-t s a tempt any ot cr ti. svrup. f-.cial cha-- otaers, we-: ote to S"ct aaj 4 aad doubt Sat- ' Mills siwn; tke w-v-k end at the kome ,of their n 't-kew. M. M. Msee. . t R. F- Wheeler has pun Based an a t...?:.vlil. t 1 A. Harti. Miss Hate1. Barn and M. Ma zee tared t Salem Tae-s- tay. virv t'K;v;.!e titi e is reported by ke to kear trvml him. I s.'r;e t.te eolamns ot tae iuJ Jourcai are pen to his p'B skrsreaiit Shet'.y of C. C 44 tk I. iafaatry ta:if.-d at Camp Lewis, is 'vt.;'i":i Mrs. lihttfy'f !reiits, tr aa-1 Mr. Wm. Setax," at tkis place. Jle .s :u a tea eiays leave ot ocjtc - Sh.'lly pr.H-e.-de i him a few days. They jok"a' trip to Marshi'te'.d sinday to viir. M-. r..e. v s mu-vr.s. n ..B"i. Vael; t,.U in iVrtland. eauie ecu. -..rif.v to attend t6e earBivai. r," Vai-vie i5artr&ff of ,VakiBgtetv SBtVHi relatives a4 friends vhen she made her appearaac at Mr. F. H. Knvtk koat Taes.iay. Mr. itunktt Cothrea has finiske His eo-urse at the pi tevnnivai kow a Fottlasd and e - i e feewie trusay. Salem Kan's Trcuble Arnstca thtvse who attended the ho t .Vei&es -.lav. Ther leave for Taeema", daace Saturdiy r.utt. Tre stance was.j.; The sergeant states the report.- ai a ii.esi tinnewu ai.a m so ruanr trattora amoag tae o-i 4,Tk- . v, t have been K- 'Vhauk are due Mr- and Mr, fciigene ..-.. ,. is a.-mewhat ex- . ' .;,k ..-..r.h of ... s- e r..-. - "' - Antral fcr tte iise ot te tau. -51 lUi:y o:u or two being lt-.-; ,NimSih ,;ld had to cive up work l;,.ra.i vstter Ue they s;, at to ttak the dance tti;ert,a , .om-B weikenei t --.." iVm-A .a.Jir. j vas :0 e;ved by M. M. Macee'. - ... t rss ,iety. Ad the P-,11," "".!., Li :ta-k. Mavr'a I'ave li!-..j s.l a.l..i. t. . . h- ,-,-.;u-r a. s.-tts M.ll. .; -,,tt.-sia-ie in tke srHd work-l;.V-s';"i.., ...." i,. . ..,.,.,,.I,U f iUitt-vil'.e was trans si PjEaM Saturday. sdl-:;3 and daagMer. A'lee- re;v.rev S-itur;.iy aaersioej U n. a v.', to i-ort . .'tree, is slUh Fr-l Frns .-aiise cut from Port.aad; -Mrs j .,h,5 t , jpes..i S--aday at fcar.e. SW-.':a.-:e Tue- 'hat v as I . . ... -V-, ,v , -Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 5241., meets 1 "i " 1 " in" ,,! . 'll.,t"l..::7 ..,.-Thrfa evenini? nt 8 o 'clock i ""cs!1 V -. .; sapping ti ii'"' -?--"v- v. It" in Derby building eorner Cwirt and & ,Kttk. frm any drugl, m'v,,, -.v. ! 1 iugn streets. 1. x. fay, v., ,i:.her in, Rub tae reiser I . . ... 1 m nr.s-v.te-. IT? '.r. h.-t week ty ;v improved. CapHnger t&lU ,,'a- aftern.Ho. faiiisd are eat ini-astu' Tker will xueoi wtth the regular K. - ,, 'auxUiarv. . j on .ur. At tlle fi);vj j -niitraf.oa meeting j a.-. !!.. Sa;.- t t ommexeiat l the Fruit and t.'h.i.l l-.-l." re i r-,sen ted bv- Mrs. d X! rUde'tla Ktt-h. wkej of tue nt-i We-esnesday 'e'Uih r-Veu; ttrie: a j lie'itler 6 Wiight, Clerk ri.ri.t r.,(. - HHimint arter "Jr-t. i,..o.; Liniment" is ai tdied yoa eau not roriTT ivn V1T?SF1?Y SAT.F. YAPD aiT.FM HT'MANE SOCIETY D. D.!.,.,i ti, ii!,tet nai'n or soreaes. ari at Hi -h and Fervv. EverbrarinT I Keelcr, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson.i vpll ,.all K0 al,Mt your regular duties. .fm-Wf!e nnd Lorauberries. Call j secretary. All cases of cruelty or ne-:" ,ltt.-obs Liiiiment' ec-a.taeij aa l.v idbcm Tue-1 'iia U;lUu3 CUwi li rarv s e'etv F'.day eveiiuis '.noatitti and eelle M-nr.,l,-f..! fteiuerlv wivs reeenHiif nu I t iA a or u .-. feelitts! fine. It is a sun. . !. viMttbtn that re-.ueve the strrtMl 11. oeus tseiu me .:.r-i.... . . ,....;...! ail siomaeh. liver en".Ucii. Ihie d.e w:-H oviviu-e or ... I. I1..,... hi.,. i -.uooey leiuiiviea. ino a e ", .- ;"apitai t'ritj g.ore. harm ea- M and sec stock and get prices be tore making your purchase. I TOIl RENT FOR RENT Two and one half acres of improved land with bearing or-j chard, good .well, close to. ear line., Price 410 per month. Also ten acres j of land, small house and barn; place, f,c,i and well fenced. V-i ! are- in cultivation, half rtcic in; - be i-v- .hurries. Price 7. See rrxiTED ARTISANS Capital Assem- Sounre Penl Realty Co., cr phone- 470. j jejy jfo. 84, meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. in I. O. O. hail, orn.a u A. VibbeTt, 33S trWt of dumb animals should be re- iM. it, l,ns been used effective twrtod tn tha secretary for investiga-!sl, rains, strains, sereiiess and stiffn tion. for Oil years six gold mei-.t a.r--j j-.-y Wi.-eha tame et j " .-,', 17 i cct'ver'to sper.d Sunday wi .,rr.. t, l.o( o.wtr 2.! t 1 c ROYAL NEIGHBORS Or' A.M I'.li H A r lour, wn " err . Itiifl it-oumry rami 1 i,r Er.i rr -' 11.1 ,l..nn I . Pitng aa-J M.s. H- J. Saith ei Wise- -.-s r-ere Donaid ':.'. ' n-.-e rs iae.t; " E. G. Kj'-I. -T. of t.'at.l'y. tr: -tin-' bu-tr:e.- in 1 i Tae-Stlay : -t M)iui'a r.lectrie to. frsTU .111 a tia ; ar- tin re . 1 s "Oregon Grape Camp" No. meets every Thursday evening Egss, dozen Derbv building, Court and.-Iligh !5t. Mrs." Pearl Coursey. rid Court St., oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, recor der, 1115 N. 4th St. Phono 143UM. Sugar, 11 lbs. for Sales limited to $1 city TRY JOURNAL WANT ADS Tcrwillicer. M- A.; secretary, Crown Drug store. State Btreet. EAILfiOAD TIME TAELES SALEM- GEER LINE No. 73 Arrive at Salem 9:1 5 a.m. No. 74 Leave salem 3-0'' I' m THE MARKETS' -r,, - a irr-r'-'rn-W "M SALEM, FALiS cm " 1 Markets steady, with a pro- Z H IS rii:-!' s-tage tu miU feeds and 1(5.5 Lv Salem) motor l:10p.m.;,fiIIr substitutes, lihubard is' again on Throu"h ea- to ilonmouin "" itiio local maraeis. d67 Lv Salem, motor - ...3:43 p.m. ...5: 1 pi". Gran ..5:00 a.m. ... ,-, , sr,(n).1 ...8:30 am. ... , 1.S; .11:00 a.m. j WLeat, lower grades on samplb ...j:uo it..... :)uU ...5:35 p.m. I 1;aiIoV) to .-.7:20 p.m. ....2:30 p.m. jhurts, per ton I ilnv, cheat, new .. npTtriov ETjECTRIC ilay, vetch, new . IGlLv Salem, motor 230 Wy frt. Lv Salem 162 Ar at Si.lem 16 Ar. at Salem JC6 Ar at Salem - dfiS Ar at Salem 17i' Ar at Saiem 240 Wv frt Ar Salem OGc. $03 Southbound Traia Leave Arrive flo, 'Portland Salem 1 6:30 am 8:35 an 5 Ltd 8:D0aml0:llam 7 10:45 am 12:55pm 9 g;n? pm 4:15 pm 13 Ltd , 4.40 pm e:4Upm $:i$ $19(a20 9i20'.i22 . $1S I Hay, clover, new Arrive Km?ene:Butterfat 10:55 am Creamery butter 12-25 t)in 1 Country butter Ji 1 Port Veal and Mutton 54c 53c 45t P03TLAND MARKET Portland. Or., Mar. 13. Butte creamery 5-ie E;igs. seltvU-d local ex. u4j.ojc l'roiiers 4'Jc iiecse 25c Springs 20c. Daily Liye Stock llarket Cattle Receipts 222 Tone of mar net steady Medium to .'houe steers ?1 1 1 1 iw'J Good to medium steers :.7." n ' 1J'.75 Common to good steers J.35$:9.50 Choice cons f nd heifers ssioylO fanners 0.25 Hulls -foi'" Calves $7.50 -7 H Stocker and feeiier steers sb.ol-fit9.o0 Hogs 'Receipts 534 T, u - of market steady Prime light jl7oi:.15 Prime heavy !fl'i.75.ij,17 Pigs $14.35''i 15.40 Bulk $17 Sheep Irer-oirtts 753 Tone of market s'endy Wertern luiubs $.Vf. 15.50 Val'cy laii'.t)a H."-e:i.l3 Yearlings 13(T 13.50 Wei hers 1250(j 13 Ewes $10(fj 11 -0XK Portland maiket on, gliora sheep, i'- to 3c under quotation. Aaitton wore 1 t".? Men.Uv frtct t Bl i-1 ';fi t-' t" l-... t: vo-.i ,. i FSir was a T t 1 laid visitor Jr-a.uid.iy; Mrs Fred a xs:r.:ta ana ,T,e. tr-cre IVrt'.'nd visitors Sattti . 1 Si i-ilay. Iawrct.-e KaaVle. wl.r- .1 wer-' -in IV-rtliu-I. spcr.t S-.u.Uy a: hoxe. .1 .1 Rvan tf s. e:;t a : Weak. ari near' h - c " ' - " .- . . . s i l"e ere - ? 1' i-l tries.- sv-r- o v:l!! ll v-ui :. V.o.lll 'lit si-e1 ".vest r.ervo tie. ..ii;i.te t. n n in-Ci.-,- n - .1 - . 1 i 1 -- Z !- . .e,- t ! 'Vs M. J. Cerniek who has be.-n tak- me-! or wtnea , ,,,.',, ni -treatment iu Saiem has re-' crvous wre-'ss: ;u.ned 1.. " e iie . . n t in- ' Mrs P. L. V " 1 1 : '...I. ...-J. -.i.l It,',: ... 1 . Tilt 1 nui..i m- ... 1 v" ,l f-oui Ohiv, wkere the 1 .,v.,.i-.i.u- 1 :Mt.i iv.ic! w'lit Hxr. tile - ...... a - .m . Trkl cf Charge Against Keller Is Postponed Tr'uil nil the a'-iueiieu charge against to rve -o ..t the orjar.ic ph-s- - a-. 1 . to- .. f "-t tire .wed ia health. a and s -:'.-, llo' ert few !:i s, from wnere tey "'-! friesa '.'. V reUtive- They r- n hav-. ,-x:-erien e l se e ee'd w.a!l .-.t'.lha tieini? 22 e-Uw Wro. I The Hi el l atstl- Paul ad.n.m-' ishes i to. if cur euemy Unngers,. ki:n. t -iii. by oi vtg we a? en n:s no.iu. . - . - , ., ,. ,lu ii,.oii stat ,u-'. g ...rote .... e-- Saa Fraucisco u ha been toutia- .,! 1 ued, and -Mr. Ke ller is epve tv ,w i ' -i s a to Sr.'.ea; in a ff eii.ys. The charga s brxni 'lii br W . . -nitIi, ati aegi- We are to to. land and She bun till ts i;e . '' :rt time in I,r. ;-! Taat.iaT bt-tore ,1 fl-15-im Pork, on foot 8i50pm!yral, fancy 17 0:05 pm 8:10 pm Salem only .steers - 19 9:20 pm 11:20 pm Salem only -C'-wa 1 11-45 urn 1:53 am 6:50 am 11,1,1 -7 ; "oMlTBank KtaHtiE (leave Jefferson W lambs ......... r,. . . - , . ...... !.fn,i i.wes - 15 I tie 15(.!il7c ... 7i 0c 5:1: fi'.-.C .00K THESE OVER' -a . the 1 vcr 11 I' Mrs- Hight left Thursday for P r !aa l T here sl.o ill visit for tin e. i lh-' brisel all sr. ate between Dti and Itjtte-.i'.ie s iioo;-, which was 1 .av e! at Doaai ! Frii;...v" aiternoen, re-s-iit i in victory t,.r Donaid, the score being 7 to 3. Frank Alien, r-.e-r--r.8med the la d,.wa the- river . e-li.esiay, w 1 -T.vwe.1 a raft of s.r.!r-kt!ees, alfJ a ', of piling tj IVriiaitJ fcr Alloa a 1 . Sniit.h . . Mrs. W. J. I-iiwes sas murnv.l ir.Mii Mola.i'a where ste has been earing for her iiK'ther. who . iery ill. Frtd O-C.-nner is en joying a v ..t . ir i-i hi brotlier, wiio lives iu M..11-'tara- They text in tae sights of For. laud Taesdsty. i'ou Johust- a, who has been aCeml iaz school at Autora, is home :,a::i. Mrs. F. I- Alien received a'coiuam nieat ou this week from Mrs. W. M. Hamilton of Sale-i:, chairaian of the Natie-iat Couii. I cf Defease for Ma rt. ,n couutv. s-.kii.ii that a local un'.t !be formed at I'o:,.id. The folSowing ladies Lave agree 1 U serve, mis. o. 3. .-;-,-!. ..1.1, ir mac: --Irs. Fred ergen, Vice chairman; Mis. S. A. Sexaiuitk.t Berretary; Mr- O. 0. Freemau, treas-; V v 3 i i 'i.vttoi, IA Ol kl-l Pa 1:1 tue r 'sis nit? that verv initm . .1.. 1 .? .1,,.., ..f C.f:.v.'r- l.riSe'll. itf.tii mu i-o '." -, . . , ..... ,.,. . Keller as k f,t. tk bur guns ana . .-mux -' ....v.-.. -. - . 1' ,H, w. front-.was re.eos,d u ui C.e Mi yfv-.Un prr 'ar-:'f. .-.-' Il- l: ..... , ,1... ,,,.,. 1 ;:d h.VU t.ikeil In fvVTB li.-i oeeu l rio Mt;.ri. niui .-i.-;,..-- n ....... - ';., ' v.i.if ... As M-.u.h a the .v i:.-n- ...... .... . ; , ... ; ,, ;.-.r.- ie of ins left wtuen uiw llH P iciiee 9n i - and a. '' and l".ue. . f, o : 'The !'.-. of w bonder-ui ;T y a. fvti. s. ik e ri r- -.1 '.0 wee- CALTJON ,i!i-!c n-.1-' s - , ues, it 11.1 K. 1 . .i.-.M :.v put en 1 l'l j.Oe 1 ' injure use of bis te 'i-.i-i off lor a white. Ull'ill-, with tk oiiii e1 11 -.ei e 1 t me l-r lira. 11 ' li -, ! :i:v,.. a : I t Mr ht 111 a I iiv o i lies-, (So tor led been taeii hi by ceinp'..tininf - tin. - I" Cie charge imw-siii-' to eciui'Mie !,-ia5 wi.ei. it en . e up for c.Wderrstin vesteruiy. -li.e I il au:Uoii:ies are stid l.-e-ki- S. .idi-.p.t, v.l. l i, lipc l I'vm lii.s-. '- i 'or C.iC i".-:iue, Fhib i"-.i.l'al Journal Sped 1 " ue.i 1 Hp was e ni" --i 1 ' ". C..r;r!.i Howell Marek 15.-.Vtr. and . tue main btabnug. and hid tue.e ttued Mrs'. Cot f la mad-? a trip to Portland.,;,,. Cher pients had o.en taken out " ,. , .... ,.,..1 ii.,,k;.. .. f ,1-11 - t... ..11.1 rd. H- is 11 man aK-ut 4 .eir. -l.. I".' i. .... ... .,',,,,. B,il ot Ki.e, iiioi i. .... .... . Central Hawell i-'.g for l'. e:it the wee euei huh .ii..- !id familv. veiii'i sii-.ui.i n ':. l.edi !!.. r.uv.,11.. whe ,ea. l. is 1 r .011: l.rvi Mrs. Ai-o suffen and daughierj JirJ-n RfsfirT0 1 . 1 !,;!, ..oe-nt the week end r. Porti:u..i. UISwHCan iAtlUwvi Held Up la tmlana j 1 1 o it r.'.j Mr. rtios, bf', saUm .l.-sir,- to ; !a,.r, . city by ; r,,,r!i!1. Mrs. M.s Arthur t.ofiin ) xisimrs Wednesdsy. Jlss tn- !'ei'..l:ig the day w I h oa r i e ', ELOPED FROM ASYLUM Poliver Mlkkelsou "s sister. . . n Miss Crrrie Mcavel or. 1 ."'" ting ber rece-nUv ! Vahiuglu, Ai-ir. 1 Seventy fna ! Aioeiieaii utugevi. from IVtiograd r ilold up at lijora. nl org oil the est tia I , ....:.. irvnht to nirauira 111.-.U e-OUM en. ... .- , , c. the S. Chilli; s trade state hosp.tal foi iv, anJ has not his oeape from I lie irisu lie- yes-i-e 'ii recovcri-'t. Mrs.'; rover Simmons as pleasantly I paVage through ti e Red tiuard, acconr .jr.rised last Monday evetntig licr t iU-uml;tu.u fu-m Consul llayn lie sk-iit to the instittitii-n irotn Mahni'inv.h comity, is 4i years old, and s fr. iu Now York state. Phillips hid ia i-.e basement of the iniain building while a number of t no other patients were at work, and made 1 . . . wliiii tliev were taKeil ireni her t::e:ois m.h e t , ntimi'.er or no) ' remind her that i,ei; u en marched she had l.tst 1 Oil her tb.e to Ss-d :1 y aia es.'SjH Street 15 and 20 viinutes later) Tram Ko. 2 Northbidril Leave A:dve Eocene Salem 12:C3am :35am 7:1.) am 10 Ltd 7:43 am 9:45 nm 12 ll:20nm 14 11:13 am 1:50 pm 16 Ltd 1:53 pra 4;i7pm 20 .4:10 pin -5:30 pm 22 4:23 pra 7:5.j pm I Lambs, veiirlings Eggs and Poultry Ergs, cash - Arrive Hens, pound - Portland ' Turkeys,, dressed 6:50 nm iTurkcra. live, No- 1 .. 9:25 am Hens, dressed, pound lr35sm, Pucks, live ..... 4:00 pm 1 Geese, live 5:45 pu-ii'ld roosters ..... 7:41 p m ; Young roostfTS 10:00 .n elav Porrjnd. Her returned Wcln's- evening in,., a week s vi.-ii u an i' r,.;lrt fre.m Snlem. brand ne'v bungalow and barn, 6 acres clear-J ing for some ttt ed some tinilnt-r and stump pasture. 5'n 0i..c, Igood soil, no rock or graves, good ZL 11W.12C j Price 45';0, 15''0 down. . 6(im'c One a.-re just outside the city. 5 lljr 'minutes walk to street car. Good house. and lots of tru.c. wa er s3ijn auu o" nfoV a i.-ood road. Price J1S00. 20fri"'21c Pi acres 6 year old prune, 20 acres " 26f2Sc!plow land and 2 aeres cf timber, good 21(23- ihousa nearly new, with spring water ' .,. I . ... "t l,... -e1 rxl 1 VTflt&T "tt-rl I "I"' ' , ' j 1 1 , ' !l,v.'-H of Sei tts Mills. Who I urer. -;-.!the basement by the attendants. Phil- Mrs. Pete Fe'.er, who has been aw- . . . ,,,,. a,,U:,tor, was taKen-to tue : , . fc ,ll;u.k hair h.-sp.tal at erg laursoay 1.., - : treat tieat. Miss Li'.lle Rickey News (Capita! Journal Ki- ev, M;:r. 15. peeial Serv:. Mr. and M J. has- ,. ar,ia2i- ,tatii, ana m. K - "- ' '3. !"i -,"i,n,,,e of Mrs. K. McGee, have .. lSf.r2U out. Fri..e fM : wm t- a zyu , ,, n,ett arrcS ,r,m J.j 1 . 1 (Vi. I'i. nrowrtv 10 ?--o'-'j ime r .. 11c on the Daiance. No Humbug! Lift off Corns Doesnt hurt a bit to lift a corn or callus off with finger. another miles through b c. Mrs. Albirt Janz and .dirs eiilled 011 Mrs. Clurenee recently. K:iv:!-.i.d Steward is pnymg siter. Mrs. lb-liier M"ikk -1 - a well vi-lt as he expects ,Jo mak f.r,. hme in Hnrrisbttr-r. i'a. i r. and Mrs. v.r were Mr. ami 1 1 ,n of :--.!verf.n. ."r. auu r.i t.,.,i Mr. ar.l Mrs. Frank 1 Th-ac i-itii ; Simmons : Johns MeCi :to the -state depart iu. m touaj. This ut :.;e, rel.ieed through Mi i jter Morns at Sloe khe.lui, said that tha 'uued missions exeeptioB ot the British, g. t through the Hues Irosa L'.i.iielU o,ril.,.ui i-., torts to get an armistic. Maimwv ,,,, i,a-:ige through line were uiee M. n it is asrunied'here that the Amort- U'fHi will be puss.'d Fiifely alter a u-fa:e- t(. frth. r eleiv and that the Britisk . his u,i.v.ioii will get through ill time. i M s.ix-Senator Stevenson of Wisconsin Dead Marienette. V is., Mar. 13. Former Ciuted St.ite.'. Senator Isaac Steveusoa f Wisconsin .b-d here early today foi- lenator from U'07 t :,t toi !.. lS(S20c Vegetables Street 15 minutes earlier) .'Leave Cor- (String garlic Potatoes CORVALLJS CONKECTTOXS j J ''.T Leave Corvall.s Arrive Snlem j , 7 crnt. .;. a n x - 11.1. I tl.J . nm 1 :.j am himpum l(-o'erv -o.i7 ,n -iortiinonno ..1 " 2:41 Dai.-. NortLboiind .4:00 pm 4:10 pm.-Nortlibf und...: pm 6:13 pm.orr,i.ot!n.i .... j.m 8:35 am....Sonthbound .0:"7 am 10-15 am.-Southbeund 11:33 am 12:15 rm.-fottthhontid ...2:20 pm 4 15 pm ..S-m-hl.otind ...5:'!6 pm 6-40 pm ...Southbound. ...S-00 pm P.ioopoH Artichokes f'nbba;te NThxp'Rii tomatoes ... .Sweet, potntees ' Rhubarb "'" " ' - V. , Good five room nousa o-. walkii-e distanee from everywhere. Piii-e 41200, tiro dowu and $10 a j.j ;j2 aereg river bottom land. 2 miles ""40f out, 23 or 24 in cultivation. 8 or 9 in "" ' timber,- mostly ash. no buildings, ex- to''ooieollent soil. Price 140 per acre, 15o0 .... T-Uown, balance per cent. ' tiTii l'fei Have tun a anywhere near ia- 1.40('l I.H ,. . ..won HT Pivht thOU- l ir.-i : 1001 nt: i- .... 0. Figs and Date Black f:s - ' Im.medarv dates 34C sand dollars that yon would like to to 75. trade en a lar.-e stock ranch in aoutk- 7. tern Omron. 4s0 a -res in the R-oek ' 1 n--t T ..1,: .-n l irV,i.fl(lfB .;,. or.,1 r.iiii inches of water, inrz? 'wtm-k 'feod barn, no other Dtuimnps. o 13c 'toiile to tra ling p. int. Priee 23 per 44 .-; acre. See .. ?2.5o; W 1i! R. F. Wheeler has purchased an in tete'st in a p..-.d rooii in, Salem. Mr. and M::s. K. A. Iwis we.e sa- lem visitors Tue-iiay. Mr- aad Mts. 1 . uesncr ot Aumnu srienft Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. Geo. Edwa rds. J. W. Magee of Seotts Mills v siteu his brother. M. M. Mage, last week. N. Fryslie, wk-J ha be.u sptuUiug 'the winter ia Sal-m, visited his son, JUrven, Tuestlay. Mi-ss tiobU Whe-elcr siKnt the wet-x end with friends in Poik eounty. Mrs- H. E. Maetin and so:., Harry ? Jr.. spent Wednesday afternoon WiJ CASTORIA Ftr Infants and Chfldrea In Use For Over 30 Year?. I Fruit Apples Uranu-fs Grape fruit . ii-i.i fruit Bananas - - Eetall Prices r Tm -1 f o w 15(3.1.75 $l.5o(ii 0.2" , $5.3-1 : Cc A. 320 State St- COc Children Cry f3P. FLETCHER'S i ASTO R I A C s. D. A. li 1 r s. Mis. John. Caj.U.:g'r and rn- Irvin, were Salem visit .-rs last, Friday. Mrs. A. tiatdaer of Stilem i .-pending the week i;tt ter diaht 'r, Mrs. il. A. Icwis. Mrs. E. J. Whitney spent the first ot the week with iru-nd in Snlem- Clajao Al.i.y of t aloni was the guest ,,f Mr and .irs. W. iJ. Henifr Sunday. Warren Waiia - who has been i'i. able Vj be up a.'aia y I tie on j m 1 v.-.,,.-,. has been on the sic ; re. t. lie lmoi liv euen.... t...i.l.. t.rr.nt .stei'lieuson. a sou k in the war ions. iam rvived by his wt- a el f ieer , .1.. ...... ...r l- T .el. Muindins ami nim- ............. Mi Laurel Jan and Miss l.'-iinie is getlitg i. O-c proyra-n tot ... -r..o.-l...r. ' riii'i-iie 1 lite next I Ki"..- . . ' 1 ill,,,.. 11.. ... -,11 Fiiont r-iniit.r' iw"K " lil.i. ..s ..".' 1. I 1.,. having neell S'.neefce.. i' i'..i;n. flsu-a is now lor a Jew ecu is you can ;.et a small t" t-tle of the luatdc drug- freejjiie re-c.-ut!.v (ILseevcred by Ciioinnati J::st ask at any dru; .11 1 ..... 1 , siore ior a saian , , . , freeaone. Apply a few uncle Abe Mefieu and lanulv. drojs upon a tender, ing corn and ins'.autly.yes immediately, all s-.reuess di- pi ears an-1 shortly you will t:nd the corn or cal lus so loos- that you lift it out. root and all, with the fincers. .lost think! Not cue bit of I a 11 before ! Miss A,: 1 "Sunday with M ' . .... iv.'.iov lYntrul Howell we i .. 1 '...:.. 1 ,.t the honors in 1 Paul , 'the bail sti.uo. j Mr. Ctti-ti-.' are going to move LacK on tue rniiK i'm .... r.. - anotn.r S"o( isuae nauun visiiiiiK her sou and five tl.-nghte.s. : list. Miss Lena Stetten is M'ddb Grove News j ( Journal Special Service.) A clrnivul was given Saturday evert-'-. , .. .v... i...,...f,t of the Middle i Grove Red Cross auxilinry. i .... v.iTe trt'ent from ni.idviutfi 1,. r ,,,,;J l o.-huiiind and W alter ,. OHIO. i.v-u.- .evernl Salem- or afterward. ' j Toore A verv intervstirg program .l.s-.'t even i'rifite thei ivon ini.)udiiiir several quartets, surrounding shin. Uri.'. "duets and solos. Thos assisting i;a:.i eorns, '"'(. ,;-h the 1 restrain or eorns lutivecu i: e i"e-s.., al-o i.ardcn-1 ra'bises on M butt, in of feet, juit S' em to shrivel up and fall 'tf heut hi'.rt'-ng a par o. It is a'.iu-'st- magi til l.r..ri.! Keen a tinv hot ..r .Looser nnd uever let a aeho twice. wiei.e . 1.. .1 . . h the ir.-gram were me iu.... .- orf't of the Christian oliuren 01 i 1,.., ..-.,.rtet ..f Middle irov". i I -,tl . r Mi si MilUcan, Franc i T' '(iindvs Aspinwa'.b Vera otjen. Vn-ia Hv.-n and C.el'ln Knuths. tter t!i program the clown enter '.tained while th ladie '-ld a.nd- popcorn. candy puiieii toffc STUMEZE PUT THIS SUN BACK TO WORK This is to certify that Mr. K. L. Wolfe. 220 Ash St.. s-.m l-iejo. t a':for ' . ....: . 1 ....... ..r -;Tiu nia. pur. Biesisl inr.-e '"-" MK.K Mr. Wolfe s'uted that his stora a h was giving him so much tn uhla he wt uniiM." to work; but s;uee tak iPg STFMEZB he is entirely relieve ami able to regime Ins duties. iSigne.l T11K M' )N A ol'.i l'Kl l.l'U, San Id. ., t'aUfurnia. Wh-n vorr t'-iuaeh is sick yu ra Vek 'all 'over . n In-"'1 !.., t run the r'sk of total ill -ability; n ,w to ..ur ,lre,J st snd r-t a -t! of sTFMK.E. the real 11 e.iieine fW ''.iu.aeU ills, it is g.nuauteed. t Always bear the Bigaasitt of J- it. ai;d family of & ti torn or t-a-ius u:a) iKnr, hard wCeat