Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 13, 1918, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    xj juUKNAL, SALEM, ORE. WEDNESDAY, MAR. 13, 1918.
The red-headed picture
Rate per word New Today:
Each insertion,
One week (6 insertions) 5e
Oae month (26 insertions) 17e
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisements
f.ead your advertisement the first day
it appears and notify ua immediately.
Minimum charge, 15c.
phone 7.
FOit SALE Two brood sows with pig.
l'hone 58F2. 3-1
FOR SALE Spring hack.
Phone 7
FOB SALE--Fir and oak wood. Phone
19F11. tf
BOB SALE Advance threshing out
fit, good condition. Phone 18F2. 3-16
salary $75 per month. E. D. Ham
den, Big Sandy, Montana. 3-13
FOR SALE CHEAP 11 acres, end
of car lino, Salem Heights. Rt. 3,
box 103. 3-13
FOR SALE Swiss Toggenbury buck
goat, fine milch strain. Rt.9, box
3d, Salem,- Or. 3-10
FOR RENT G. L. Smith place, five
room bungalow, ono half acre. Call
94iJ. 3-13
HOLLY tretes., plain and varignted,
cheap to clcse out. Roy V. Okmart,
Phone 53F15. 3-13
FOR RENT Choice 10 acre tract,
buildings and fruit- IF. L. Wood,
Bayno bldg. 3-13
WANTED To buy 20 or 30 Backs ot
small potatoes cheap, for stock feed.
Phone 31F13 after 6 p. m. 3-13
GIRL wanted, no cooking. 461 North
Wigh. 3-13 1 FOR SALE White Wyandotte eggs
tor seating if 1.5U tor lo. A. li. K.ir-
YOUNO horse for salo cheap. 1196 S. by, 1310 N. Summer St. 3-19
, loth. 3-13 i :
WAMTtD To buy a young Jersey
cow. Phone 153011 call for Brocker.
WANT TO BUY Used show cases.
Watt Shipp Co. . . 3-13
1VM. SALE My 105 aero farm on Oar
den road. Geo. Swogle- 3-23
WANTED At once a few tons of good
baled hay. John H. Scott, Phone 254
or.(i22. 3-13
MODERN six room bungalow for rent
$12.50, 1590 Hines. 3-11 j WALL PAPER, ten cents-double roll
Q-X1R IRENT On shares, Loganberry
yard. O. B. Miles, Phone 65F5. 3-15
FRESH cow, also one freshen soon for
sale. Phono Got o. 3-15
upward. Buren's Furniture Store. 179
Commercial. tf
FOR SALE R. I. Red eggs A No. 1
layinlg Wtrain. iPhono 50U'1H. 3-18
THE Oregon Fruit Co. will pay cash
for beans, large or small lots. Hop
warehouse. .Phone 943. 3-15
50 WHITE Leghorn hens for sale. 1770
Broadway, N. Salem. 3-14
NICELY furnished four room apart
ment and garage, 1047 S. Com'h 3-18
FOR SALE Almost new Alcazar com
bination wood, coal and gas range,
also solid oak buffet, both good as
new. Address J-40 care Journal, tf
FOR SALE Goose eggs for setting.
Phone fiF21. 3-15
WANTED Girl for general housework
Phono 5F3.
(FOR SALE An up to date bungalow
at price you cannot buy a lot and
I build it for. Very attractive home
I Phono owner, 57F14. . 3-16
FOB SALE 12 pullets. Phone 1153.
C. C. KAYS shingling and roof re
pairing. Phone 1074. 3-20
FOB RENT Nicely furnished cot
tage, five rooms and bath. Phone
738. - 3-12
GOVERNMENT money to loan and
federal farm loan bonds for sale. 303
Salem Bank of Commerce bldg. tf
BLACK Minorca -eggs fifteen for $1.25
$5.50 per hundred. H. C. Porter,
Aumsvil'le, Ore. 3-18
I HAVE several good farm mortgagee
' to sell. H. M. Hawkins, 314 Maaouie
building. 3-13
F VR RENT 6 room house, modern, 2
lots, fruit, barn, on Winter St. 1630.
Call 900 Highland ave. 3-14
MAN and wife wanted on farm, ex
perienced. Address L. B. Seharbaek,
Turner, Or-, Ht. 1. , 3-16
WANTED Some one moving to Okla
homa to share" car and pay part ex
pense. Address B. C. care Journal.
FOR SALE Eight thoroughbred Plv
mouth Rock laying pullets, six White
wyandotxo laying pullets, one An
cona cockerel. Phono 1488. 3-13
FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn
chicks from heavy laying stock,
juarcn ana April hatch, $14 per 100:
May and June, $12. Order now. W.
A. Sprii.ger, Rt. 7, Salem, Or. 3-15
GOOD, capable girl wanted for dining
room and chamberwork, country ho
tel, wages per niontn. Inquire
box 227, Falls City, give phone num
ber. 3-13
TOR SALE Pair of chunky brown
horses, gentlo and true to pull, sin
gle and double, weight' 2450. Price
$100. Call 225 Center St. Phone Main
927. 3-13
WANTED A girl to learn to sew,
would like ono with some experience.
Itouni 10 MeCornack bldg- 3-15
BARRED ROCK cockerels, Corvallis
ptrain, also eggs for hatching. Phone
2502W4. tf
EXCHANGE A good homo in Salem
$.',000, and cash for small farm. Box
7, Salem. 3-1
1 3 SALE Chevrolet car, run about
51)00 miles, good condition. Address
F. care Capital Journal. tf
HOUSEKEEPING suite, 2 rooms nice-
lv furnished. 2 uer week. bJd rer
ty street. 3-14
WANTED TO BUY Heavy 3 inch
wason. Call Silverton. Black 174.
FOR SALE Five aero tract Logan
borries and prunes, two miles north
on) Highway; new modern Ibunga
low, easy terms. E. O. Siecke. Phone
57F11. 3-18
Ycung Roosevelt Among the
Wounded Six Were
Killed In Action
Washington, March 13. Captain
Archibald Roosevelt was listed in to
day's casualty bulletin as "wounded
slightly". Tho list showed six killed
in action, two died of wounds, seven
of disease, two wounded sevorcly and
eleven slightly.
Word of young Roosevelt being
wounded today followed dispatches
from the American front that he had
been decorated with the French war
cros for bravery in action. It was be
lieved by officers here that the same
action might have resulted both in the
wounding and the cross. The casualty
list follows:
Killed in Action.
Private C'harloy L. Anderson.
Private Homer Dawson.
' (Corpora! William F. Gehring.
Private Homer W. Klein.
Private John Legall.
Sergeant Paul H. Ludwig.
Died of Wounds:
Private Guisscpo Fanucci.
Corporal Rudolph O. Hoff.
Died of Natural Causes:
Private Fern W. Driscol.
Private John Bailey Gill.
Corporal Clyde B. Jones.
Private Loren H. Mitchell.
Private Jtes E. Moody.
Pru-ate Geo. Washington T?utlc:'!ge.
Private Maurice L. Schwartz.
Wounded Severely:
S.'igriiEt Virgil II. Brady.
Private Jeel E. Jennings.
Wounded Slightly:
Captain Archibald B. Roosiveit.
Private Nicholas C'hriseow.
Private M. Cornelius.
Private Edward B. Darland.
Private Jacob Keller.
Private Robert H. Mater.
Private Edward S. Parry.
Corporal Charles R. Simmons.
Privato Howard L. Sp'idgl.
Private Joseph Tezgensk.
For more than 200 years, Haarlem
Oil, the famous national remedy of
Holland, has been recognized 88 an in
faliblo relief from all forms of kidney
and bradder disorders. Its very ago is
proof that it must have unusual merit-
If you are troubled with pains or
aches in the back, feel tired in the
morning, headache, indigestion, in
somnia, painful or too frequent pas
sage of urine, irritation-- or stone in
the bladder, you will almost certainly
find quick relief in GOLD MEDAL
Haarlom Oil Capsules. This is the good
old remedy that has stood the test for
hundreds of years, prepared in the
proper quantity and convenient form
to take. It is imported direct from Hol
land laboratories, and you can get it at
New Companies Will Be Liable
To Be Called to Duty
Only Locally
Between 400 and 500 men gathered at
the armory laBt night In response to the
call for a mass meeting I'o form addi
tional companies of Salem home guards.
une new company was organized, of
ficers elected, and many additional
names secured for a third company.
The officers elected for the new com
pany are: J. H. Arnold, captain; Clif
ford Brown, first lieutenant: A. L.
Morelock, second lieutenant. Attorney
B. W. Macy acted as chairman during
the election of officers. Considerable
balloting and a number of speeches
were made before the last two officers
were elected.
The new company was mado up par
tially of men who were members of
Company D who did not wish to be
subject for duty at points away from Sa
lem, the balance bein0 yiose willing for
guard service ;ut home. The new com
panies, it is understood, will be subject
for guard duty only at home. Company
D as it now stands, is subject to call
to any point in the' state and is rea ly
to go.
A comniitteo to raise and organize a
third company was appointed as follows:
M. Li. iieyers, chairman; W. II. Dancy
ana js,. i. jinnies. The committee is to
appoint additional members tj assist
them. Geo. G. Brown and an aNsistaut
will canvass the state house for mem
bers for tho third company. An effort
will be made to enlist as many business
men as possible. " .
A number of short patriaot'ic speeches
made by M- L. Meyers, E. T. Barnes,
Captain A. 1: Wooipert, Lieutenant A.
A. Hall and First Sergeant Choate, of
Company D. a considerable representa
tion of busines men of tho city wire
captain Wooipert stat'ed today that ho
believed three companies could lie easily
organized and possibly four, in view nf
the showing made last night and the
interest mat is Being manifested.
I ; J iflouJuir y uf i
I '-i jy - J
II HI ' .
CTT : r-. rrr L , , , s,
Court House Ihm
Arguments in tho case of BishoD
versus Kay wore heard by Jmlge Kel
ly yesterday, and the ease was taken
under advisement- A written argu
ment is yet to be submitted by attor
neys ior tne piain-tirt.
The ease of Marie Hollbcrc versus
Cornelia, Harriet and Willis J. Eber
man is being heard by Judge Bingham
in department No. 2 this afternoon. It
is alleged by the nladntiff that a note
tor $10,000 secured by a mortgago on
By presenting this
advertisement all Bed
Headed: Girls and
Women will be admit
ted Free "They need
not come on white
horses' '
, jl
. til
New York night life
with the seamy
side out.
Blili ..
Muriel fitth of tlio tUian-rrnwned
beauties entangled in "lOmpty
Francisco courts, Charles B. Smith, an i
witgim jmrme vioiater, was Drought
back to Salem yesterday by Warden
Murphy. Clark S. Emerson, another pa
lole vioiater was also brought along.
Parole Officer Keller remains in Cal
lornia for a while, until a case in the
courts there is settled. Smith made a
strong fight to retain his freedom, but
tho Ban Francisco court recognized the
legality of Oregon's claim on the man.
In a letter to Congressman Hawlev.
Attorney General Brown stated that
only citizens havo a right to vote, and
that aliens having only first papers can
not vote. This idea seems to be preva
lent over the state, and Attorney eGu
eral Brown has been called upon sev
eral times to correct the mistake.
v. ., "ty property, has been paid except the
" '"""J f"""l'"J . 41175IM !,;. .h t. ..i;..;;--a
reaay to pay, but that the partial re
leases of the mortcace have not been
made according to agreement, and that
credit for assessments paid are not
properly .given. Damages to the extent
or itoou, wutn attorney tees are asked.
refunded if it does not relieve you. But
be sure to get the genuine GOLD MED
AL brand, in boxes, three sizes
Germans Murder 110
Women and Children
Paris, March' 13 The death toll in
the last German raid on Paris was
placed at 110 in an official statement
issued by the war office. Of .the dead
seventy, mostly women and children,
FARJj; WANTED Only hotel doing
good business in live country town,
with big payroll, to trade for equip
ped farm or Mock ranch. What have, lost their lives during a panic in the
you. write full particulars. Address j underground railway, where they had
ur. care capital journal. 4-19 tied for shelter.
: s I Twenty-nine were killed and fifty
FOR RENT Dairy farm close to Tur- wounded in the suburbs of the city by
ner consisting of 55 acres, 35 acres j bombs. Five were killed and twenty
uudor eultivauon. rest in pasture andje wounded in the city. Six persons
timber. Can buy farm machinery, j wcre kiIed and Beven wounifcMl when a
stock and horses. For particulars i,m,i, tri,r.lr: o- i,n.n;iol
WANTED Competent housekeeper.
two in familv, good wages. Phone
SSF13. Route 3. box 162. 3-14
FOR SALE Gold Dollar strawberry
plants. $2.50 per thousand. Rt- 6,
H box 98, Wm. A. Bond. 3-14
FOR RENT 7 room modern house
with sleeping porch. Phone 967M or
call 215 Chemeketa. 3-13
WANTED To rent or buy grain drill.
Address Rt. 2. box 36. Turner, ur
SWITCHES made from combings.
Phone 1041, 3434 N. Com'l. Mrs.
Bovce. 3-14
IXR SALE Second hand platform
scales, hand trucks, counter scales',
belting 5 in. and 6in rubber, canvas
and leather. Salem Hardware Co- 4-1
WANTED TO RENT One acre, plow
ed near town for garden purposes.
Address, giving terms, Garden are
Journal. tf
IX)TJND A larga bunch of keys from
appearances belong to auto man.
Owner may have same by calling at
Journal office and paying for ad. tf
FOR RENT Good five room modern
house. Inquire 506 N. Commercial 8t
or phone 1549M. tf
SPEND a few hours in enjoyment
pocket billiards 2Me per eoe. Dal
rymplo Billaid Parlors, under O
S. depot. Courteous treatment. tf
to the increased eost of doing busi
ness it is necessary for us to receive
'ash for all accessories, gasoline, oils,
grease and repair work, this new or
ior will take effee April 1st. Hal
vorsen t Burns. 3-27
BABY chicks S. C. White Leghorn,
trapnested Tancred strain hens that
lav lai'Ke white ega;s, vigorous chicks
$12 per 100. E. J. Miller, Turner,
Ore. 3-15
WILL mend first broken plate of
teeth brought to my office for $1.
Thursday forenoon onlv. Gibson L.
White, 31S U. S. bank "bldg. Eleven
years in Salem. 3-13
FOR SALE 15 acres, mile to sta
tion, No. 1 snil, good buildings, suit
able for chicken ranch, some fruit,
small payment down or might take
small city property for first payment-
M. M. care of Journal. 3-16
EXCHANGE My equity in 293 acre
stock and grain ranch, well improved.-
Price $20,000, for smaller place
not over f'iOO. Owner W. R. New,
Rt. 2, box 67A, or phone mornings
34F12. 3-19
Tho inventory and appraisement of
tho estate Mannasseii Bergoy was
filed yesterday, in the probate, .court
snowing property to the value of $500.
The grand jury for the March term
of court convened this morning, and
will probably bo in session until Fri
day, when Judge jvelly is expected., to
return. An investigation of suspected
incendiary fires In Salem is the chief
business before tho jury.
20 acres V., mile from Salem, brand
new bungalow and barn, 6 acres clear
ed, gome timber and stump pasture,
good soil, no rock or gravel, good well.
Price $4500, $1500 down.
Ono ai'ro just outside the city, 5
minutes walk to street car. Good house,
FOR SALE One pair of middle aged
mares, weight 2400 lbs., price $So.
Also 11 other horses ranging from
.1000 to 1400 lbs; all good work hors
es. 195 South Liberty St. known &iani lots of fritt water svstom and on
the Club Stables. 3-lo a roa(1 Priee $isoO.
10 acres 6 vear old prunes, 20 acres
NOTICE TO PUBLIC I will not belpow land an(j 2 acres of timber, good
responsible for any bills or claims how nearly new, w:th spring water
contracted by any other-than myself. :pil)e(l into n0U8e( hot and cold water,
Also, I am distinctly sole owner of jhath, and sinks, good barn, 4 miles
saw mill located on Prospect Hill l(mt Priee $,5400; will take a good city
and no ono else, is authorized to j r,r0jrty to $2500, some cash and time
uauanw DJiy uusiicai trauctira... th(, Kolarvce.
Warranty Deeds
M- M. and L. M. Magee to J. II and
N. C. Gray, 6 acres in sec. 7, T. 8 S.
R. 2 W, consideration $750.
J. W. -Magee to J. H. and N. C. Gray
7 acres in S. 7, T. 8 S. 11. 2 W., con
sideration $10.
A- and L. Wenger to A. J. Lbwerv,
undivided. 2-3 interest in lots 5 and
block 13, Riverview addition, Sa-
lom. Consideration $1100.
Louis Brude to J. E. and II. Lud-
viksen, 1 acre in donation land claim
of James Brown in T. (i S. B, 1 w.
Quit Claim Deeds
Micheal H. Kellv, trustee, to Charles
H. Davis, SE Y4 SW , Sec. 26, T. 9
S. R. 4 E, consideration $1
D. R. and Grace Moses to W. E.
Moses, 28 acres in donation Innd claim
of Thomas Holt, consideration $!
State House News
San Francisco, Mar. 13. Fully equip
ped automobiles hereafter- will carry
can openers.
Their need was demonstrated when
a tanner wno came to tiie rescue
'thought of a can opener.
He borrowed one from tho kitchen
'of his homie and one hour of industri
ous eubting sot free tho imprisoned
Public Service Commission
Want Empty Cars Brought
From East
See Classified Ad-Men! Men
Waists Addresses
Made Part of Report
Washington, March 13. Georgo
Creel has urgently requested President
Wilson to revoke or at least notify tho
war department's order eliminating
the addresses from casualty lists, it
was learned officially today.
Taking tho atund of the news divis
ion of tho committee on public in
formation, of which he is chairman,
Creel mado a strong argument against
tho war department ruling.
San Francisco, Mnr. 13. Deputy
'marshals today seized 48,000 cans o't"
'evaporated milk furnished the army
In a letter to R. H. Aishton, region
al director of the railroad administra
tion, the Oregon Railroad commission
outlines a plan for solving the trans
portation problems of eastern Oregon
and which, if carried out, will have the
'affect of establishing Portland as an
'ocean port for triuis-Facitic traffic.
'Attention is callod to the fact that
'there is a harbor at Portland suitable
'for shins of a 30 foot draft, and that "a delivered at Fort Mason bv
I. B. Hickok, Harold Duffcy and Mark ,ier ar ample storage and dockage Oregon firm. The seizure followed eon
Richards were imprisoned beneath 'l'ac'lities. The letter states in paxt: Womnatiou of the milk by government
their car near Redwood City. AH cf- ou nr0, of c0110. aware that it is exponas wno declared it msiitfi-
'forts to dig their way out with a com 'ijnI"RS'ble e,'tui?r frora a flnal",lftl ,u""y evapomieu. mo- milk is to bo
screw failcl and then Frank Da Costa, , standpoint as well as from the question ;C11 a evidence in i-ivil and military,
n the rescue i'r storage facilities ror tne mills in "m-snwm io esiamisn lr trio ueni-
'this territory to take enro of govern- w was guilty of attempting to defraud
'mental requirements unless the side-, the government
eut is also shipped and used for com
imercial purposes. Generally speaking,
'the mills are iinablo financially, nor
'have they sufficient storage facilities, .
'to continuo to cut on government or-
Washington, Mar. 13. The United
States commissioner of education today
urged all state, county and municipal
school superintendents and boards to
call back itno servieo teachers who
have become married. The move is nec
essary the commissioner said, to avert
a nation-wide shortage of teachers.
Ho recommended repeal of school stat
utes or regulations which bur married
women from teaching.
. Washington, March 13. Tho confer
ence report on tho railroad control bill
was again presented to the senate late
today after conferees had hastily
amended it. ine amendment cumul
ated limitations on state powers of
taxation which caused the -senate to
reject the report on a point of .order
earlier in the day.
Washington, March 13. An increase
of $120 a year for all covernment em-
'ders for any considerable length of I ployes, except nostul workers, who re-
Itimo, unless the material not needed ccivo less than ii2,0(i0, was recommend
thy government can also be disposed of, j cd by the house appropriations commit-'
land tho many other industries in Ore-, teo today. An effort will be mnrle fn
with this property. Frank M.
Madison, Wis., Mar. 13. Senator
Robert M. LaFollette today issued a
lengthy signed statement appealing to
the voters of Wisconsin to elect James
Thompson of LaCrosae, to the seat in
the United States senate made vacant
by tho death of Paul O. Hosting.
" Thompson will fight to curb the
"power of one man," in saying how
long the war shall tontinne and what
the" aims of the nation shall be, La
Follertte said.
Don 't overdo the food conservation
act with eggs. They have been known to
become overripe as a result of keep
ing tJO long.
Good " five Toom house within
waSkin? distance from everywhere.
Price $1200, $100 down and $10 a
32 acres river bottom land, 2 miles
lout, 23 or 24 in cultivation, 8 or 9 in
timber, mostly ash. no buildings, ex
cellent soil. Price $140 per acre, $1500
down, balance 8 per cent.
Have you a farm anywhere near Sa
lem that is worth seven or eight thou
sand dollars that yon would like to
trade on a largo stock ranch in south
ern Oreg-on, 410 a'-res in the stock
ranch, 250 ?n cultivation, irrigation
ditch and 600 inches of water, largo
utock feed barn, no other buildings, 6
miles to trading point. Price $23 per
acre. See
320 State St.
An application for a hearing was re
ceived today by the Public service com
mission from the Confederated Onion
Growers association, asking that grades
be established for onions. 1 key ask three
grades, a uniform sacking arrangement,
ami compulsory inspection by the state.
The manor is being considered by the
commission. .
The Eugene and Junction Telephone
company of Eugene has filed articles of
incoporation, giving $7j0 as tho capital
stock, and the operation of a telephone
exchange as tho business of the com
pany. .Notice of the dissolution of the
Garfield Lumber company of Est'acada,
was also filed today.
In a reply to State Labor Commis
sioner Hoff, Attorney General Brown
ruled that Miss Oars s.ewis, an em
ployee of the telephone company at
Sweet Home, in Linn County, is being
employed contrary to law, for the rea
son that she is working more than 10
hours a day. The question was put by
John Lewis, of Sweet Home, who inclos
ed a contract. Thw calls for more than
10 hours, and as Miss Lewis is paid by
the number of phones on the switch
board, she does not draw more than
$40 per month, and in addition has to
do her own collecting.
After a week 's session in the San
Lcndmi, Mar. 13. Tho Manchester
Guardian, praising President Wilson's
message to the all uui-siuii congress ot
Soviets, today said:
"Onco more President ViilRon has
intervened to correct tho diplomatic
error of America's allies, seizing the
occasion to send a most cordial mes-
teago to the Ktnuiaa soviet. Why, when
any new issue arises should all that i
'generous and statesmanlike come from
the other side of tho ocanf"
Washington, Mar. 13 Now it's "kul
tur" for hogs.
A petticoat farmer of Berkley, Va., to
day, in a letter to the United States
employment service, asked for a nice,
docile interned German who is "will
ing or able to care for lings. "
'gon, and particularly the eastern por
'tion thereof, are seriously handicapped
in their output or closed down entirely
for the want of equipment with which
'to ship their products. This is especinl
'ly true of flour mills and warehouses
'desiring to ship flour and wheat.
With the equal of only about ti'l per
rentage of their own equipment, the
O. W. R- St N., which serves the grcnt
'er portion of the eawtern part of the
state, is unable- to meet the demands
'made upon it for transportation. The
'volume of tralfic ih this frntory is
patttbouiid, and in order that snfl'i-'i-ie.nt
cars may be secured to haiullo
'the output in the west, it is essential
that ninny cars should be diverted to
'the Pacific, coast and hauled into thip
'tei ritery empty.
If Portland could bo designated as
'an ocean port for trans -1'ncitic move
incut, the cars unloaded there could
'thou be used for eastboiind movement.
'Tho ftorago and (lockage facilities in
'Portland are ample and could hold
'many thousand tons of freight. The
'port is available for deep water snips
of 30 foot draft anil we trust that some
'method may be found whereby these
facilities can lo used to tne greatest
pOHsUde advantage.
havo the plan included as an amend
ment to the legislative, executive and
judicial appropriation bill.
Washington, March 13. Rail Admin
istrator McAdoo today ordered con
solidation of the Atlanta (Ga.) ticket
offices of eight railroads.
This is another step in the plans of
tho railroad administration to cut ex
penses, to make traveling more con
venient find reduce travel to a neces
sary minimum.
. When work exhausts y our
strength, when your nerves are
irritable and restless, when am
bition lags and you fee rundown,
you need and need quickly the
rich, creamy, nourishing food in
to check your wasting powers, en
liven your blood and build up your
nerve force. ScovrS is help
ing thousands and will give Vf,
you the strength you need. 0 Vjj
Saott Boon BtnanlUld, N.J. 1T-H "i-k
Washington, Mar. 13 A further
shakeup in the higher commands f the
American army is coming. Reduction uf
S'.'ven major generals to their former
rank ot brigadier general is but a start
er, it vas learned today.
Several Spauitvfc.. war veterans havo
been unable to pass the rigid physical
tett. One noted general in Fiance now
is said to be slated for retirement' or
assignment to a comparatively unimpor
tant post iu this country.
Washington, Mar. 13. Mis Florence
King, ( hicago, rise to propose ouc
more "less" day.
hhe wonld have a smokeless day to
turn part of 1.309,900 acres of laud
planted to tobacco into war gardens.
Miss King is president of tlio Wom
an's Association fo Commerce and car
ries the added distinction of being the
only woman who ever argued a case bo
fore the supreme court. Q
San Francisco. March 1.1. Seven
defendants in the Oregon boot!;r!iing
cases contested their removal to Port
land when they appeared before
I'nited Mates ('omiuissionrr Krull to
day. They are Frank J. Lcpzig, On
and onrsd Temps. Kli Schumacher,
K. Dwyer, William Hunt, Jr.. and Wil
liam Hunt, Kr- .Seven other waived
j their rijht to an immediate hearing.
Santiago, Chile, March 13. Posit ivo
confirmation of Count Luxburg'n.
presence in Buenos Aires was received
hero today and officially announced.
Humors that the German envoy to
Argentine had escaped from that coun
try anil was in Chile wero wholly un
founded, it whs stated.
Austin, Tex., Mar. 13. The senate
and houso committees lute today agreed
to report favorably the bills permitting;
women to vote ill primary elections in
Texas and to participate in nominating
The Seattle P I seeniR to feel tho
spring sap quicken and arises to re
mark that w hi n 1 people go picnicking
with l-" lunch baskets, the one basket
that gct.i lo.;t always contains tlio salt.
ffMS MUi!it .-'! I
Ti l Chi
t jr
Don't allow oallowness or a muddy tinges
to spoil your complexion. Bleach your skin
from four to live y T'x
Not thr s'Jntest frrifp.tion. A triumph
over nictft exape:,fiotf beauty truow.
niKiijy at)iic;:t. py women or rc-nno
meat. I-ict? txp.aiMiion K'-.I'y Kive.-v-or 6ei. I
two certa for 3miA of .itf nip l'rt,m
hciiiul iwnsii-t uu c-ia ul luc .. ,
X. High St. Phone 10!'0