Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 12, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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TUESDAY MAR. 12, 1918.
Men's Work Clothes
Spring work will soon be here. Everyone will be
busy. Come in and get your work clothes now.
We have full lines to select from. In buying for
175 stores, we can undersell others.
Mule-hide Shoes .... $2.25
Good heavy Work Bhoei .
$2.98, $3.50, 3, $3.98, $4.50
Heavy 8-in. top $5.25, $5.90, $6.90
Heavy Blue Bib Overalls ....$1 39
Striped Overalls $1.19
Heavy Blue Jacket $1.39
Good Work Shirts 65c
Heavy Cotton Shirt 65c to $1.25
Unior-aU $2.69
Corduroy Pants , $2.98
Khaki Pants $1.25, $1.49, $1.69
Good Duck Coats ... $3.98
3 pair 25c
Work Sox .
WoTk Sox ..
Dress Sox, black 2 pair 23c
Bandana Handkerchiefs . ...10c
Men'e Canvas Gloves, 3 pair 25c
Leather-faced Gloves 25c
Leather Gloves, short, 98c to $1.98
Leather Gloves, gauntlet...41.98
Boys' Blue Overalls, 69c to 75c
Men's High Grade Dress Shoes, Button, Lace,
$2.98, $3.98 and $4.98.
All Around Town I
( mory,
sic) A basket social for the benefit of
March 12. Meeting for men
to organize Home Guard at ar-
March 13. Food Conserva
tion meeting at Commercial club.
March 13 "The Situation in
Russia at Present." Lecture at
public library by Dr. J. O. Hall
March 15 Military Tourna
cnt by Salem high school cadets
at armory.
March 17.: Laymen 's Mission
ary Movement convention.
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn fits eyes cor
rectly. U. S. National bank bidg. tf,
the Garden road Bed Cross auxiliary
will be held Friday night, March 15,
at the Swegle school house. The public
is uuvitea to attend
a mil
fafo 0 .fi Afa y
You can do better at J. C. PENNEY CO., The Golden Rule.
W. B. Gilnon returned today from a.
two days' business trip spent in Port
land. St. Johns and Vancouver.
M. D. Chambers leaves tomorrow for
Alliance, Neb., travoling over the
Great Northom.
Baeky Muson of Albany, was in Sa
lem today on business.
Elmer Kuney, a merchant at Falls
Oitv. is in thu citv this afternoon On
II. H. Fisk and wife of Siletz, are
registered at the Capital hotel.
joo Whitby returned yesterday to
"Portland after spending several days
visiting with friends in the city,
Row Miles, son of Mr. and Mrs. 11.
Highest price paid for .
old sacks
871 Chomeketa St., Phone 308
Stop at
Stri-.tly modern, $1.00 a Day.
100 Kooins of solid comfort.
Tin only hotel in the business
care of
Chinese Medicine and Tea Co.
Has medieino which will cure
ny known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 a. m.
until 8 p. m.
153 South High St.
Salem, Oregoc. Phone 283.
; whey :
For Feeding Hogs
TIT1A9 fvAAmAnf I
xuaiiuu vitOiiitijr
Call or Telephone 24&
C. Miles, left Saturday for Portland
on his way to New York, where ho will
sail for France to engage in reconstruc
tion work. Ho was accompanied to
Portland by his father.
K. Cooke Patton was confined to his
home today with a threatening case
of indisposition.
B. F. itodo of Silvortorr is in Salem
this afternoon on business.
M. JJ. Iieauiolnimi of Htavton is re-e-
istored at tho Jiligh today.
lion. VV. Elmore of Brownsville was
in Salem this morning transacting bus
iness at the state house.
Attorney Amor A. Tussling of Browns
villo is in (Salem on business today.
Omar Krabill of Albany is in Sa
lem toduy on business.
Eight Americans
Killed In Action
Washington, March 12. Klgtit Amer
ican soldiers were killed in net ion, Gen
eral Pershing reported to the war de
partment this afternoon. They were:
Privates William II. Burling: William
J. Dulislc, Michael Garvin, Edward J.I
Kelly and Kohert Kotoueli; Lieutenant
Edward McCluro Peters, Jr.; Private
Junies E.' Totts; Private Charles W.
Two men were severely wounded and
21 slightly wounded in action, Pershing
nlbu ropoitod.
Washington, March 12. An
additional credit of $200,000,000
to Great Britain was announced
by the treasury today. This
brings Great Britain's indebted-
ness to tho United States t'o a
war total of $2,520,000,000 and
the total allied indebtedness to
El Paso. Texas, March 12. Federal
Mexican troops evacuating Casas
Grandes looted several homes of Amer
ican Mormons, stealing all their horses,
according to word received hero today.
Professor John Hull will give another
lecture on Hussia tomorrow night Ht
tho library, this being a continuation
of his talk two weeks ago. His sub
ject tomoirow night will bo "Keecnt
Events in Russia," and ho will deal
with Russian Education and tho Revo
lution. ir. Hull's lecture will bo proceeded
by a concert on a Cowen l'lussiiue
phonograph loaned by W. V. Moore. J
Tho concert will start at 8 o'clock, audi
tho lecture will follow. '
A decree wns rendered todav bv 1
Judge Binghnm in tho circuit court in I
tho case of F N Derby versus Thomas I
II l'mvell in fnvnr nf the lilnint iff.
Tho plaintiff is given $1,000 lis iisked,
with iriH.07 for taxes una ifim as at- i
tornev fees. '
Foreclosure of a mortgage, securing
the note; is ordered. This is on a 9 '
acre trart in the Donald Fruit Farm, i
and includes lots 12, 13, 14, 15 and 10. i
1 i
Washington, March 12. America's
aircraft' program, it became know n to- i
day, will soou pass former expectations. J
Bv Julv umro than 7,000 training planes
will have been completed; a steady j j
stream will no forthcoming each month
thereafter and buttle planes construction
will proceed on an ever increasing basis, .
It u.tu l.iar.t...l .mi l.I.rli n ti lii .r i I v i, ,.!., '
instructing inmcutties- tecnnicai in I
nature have been finally removed, it
was stated.
Wednesday and
1 lb. Can Ghirardellis Ground
Chocolate 27c
Large Criaco $1.95
Wesson's Oil 35c, 75c. $1.40
Peanut Butter, lb 17c
7 lbs. Rolled Oats 50c
3 lb. Fancy Jap Rice 25c
Post Toast ios, pkg 12c.
Kellogg 's Corn Flakes 12c
Karo Syrup, No. 5 48c
No. 10 otic
Ralston 's Bran, pkg :ie.
Creamery Butter 55c
Matches. 6 boxes 2Sc
Royal White Soap, 6 for 25c
Ivory Soup, 6 bars for 30c
Royal Baking Powder, lb 45c.
Judge Kelly returned today to Sa
lem and will be hero during the Marcli
term of the circuit court which opeus
the lath of the month.
TPatton Plumbing Co., 385 Chemeketa
Phone 1096. Wo do repair work. Soves
and furnaces coiled. tf
"The funeral beautjful" Webb
Olough Co.
Mr. and Mrs. L. - T. Reynolds have
returned from an extended visit
California, spending most of their time
at Riverside, Cal. Air. Reynolds is s
prominent farmer and fruit grower liv
nig near this city.
"The best" is all you can do when
death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co.
Phono 120. tf
Evangelistic meetings, Leslie Meth
odist church, 7:30 every evening, ex
cepting Monday and Saturday Come, tf
Joseph Plinslry of Suverton, was
transacting business in Salem yester
dav and visiting with old friends. Mr.
Pliusliy formerly lived in this city be
fore moving to Silvcrton, and ho stat
ed yesterduy that "everything in Sa
lem looked good to him."
Big dance at Stayton tonight.
Rugs! Rugs! Rugs for every room in
the house. Get the special price on
wool fibre rugs. Hamilton's.
o :
Federal Labor Agent J. W. Brewer
of Portland addressed a meeting of
the Salem Floral society last nigbt at
the Commercial club on "Conserva
tion." There were about 25 present at
tho meeting, whiclh. was a regular
monthly session.
O- r-
Big dance at Stayton tonight. Ev
erybody invited. Ladies free. Gentle
men 75c. Dancing from 9 until Hill
Midnight lunch.
Hygrade cigars are Salem's best 5
cent smoko.
Salad Oil in bulk, gal ....
Tho Willamette stood at 5.8 feet
above low water this morning, a rise
of from 5.2 since vesterdav.
Yellow Newtown Apples,
Knox Gelatine, pk 15c
W 4-! -:!
M;;f. ' Li1'
Health is only waiting for
you if you let Chiropractic,
be the sponsor. j
I use only Palmer school,
methods; no electrical ap-!
pliances or ether new ap-j
pliances to mislead the sick!
and distressed. With Chiro-
practic as j-our help nature
will cure you.
306-7 Hubbard Bidg.
5 Oal. Kerosene ...
3 Ci ns Pork and Beans for ,...25c
Citrus Washing Powder, pkg. 25c
Potatoes, per 100 lbs $1.00
2 Cans Shrimp for 25c
2 Cans Minced Butter Clams 25e
2 lb. Cod Fish 35c
Sun Maid Raisins lie
Rumford's Baking Powder....27c
Cream of Barlev 25c
Offer Specials This Week.
John Nystrom, a rancher near Far
go, North Dakota, is in tho city, and is
looking for a Marion ' county farm.
Mr. Nystrom expects to move to the
Willamette valley, if he can find a
good location, and likes Marion coun
ty prospects.
See the niw patterns of cretonnes,
just received at Hamilton's.
Harry C. Bennett, son of Mr. and
Mrs. 1. D. Bennett of this eity, who
has fccoit stationed at the Mare Island
training school, has been transferred to
tho Pelhnn Bay naval training station
at New York.
Fancy colors in cretonne at Hamil
tou 's.
Word has been received that a rep
resentative of tho internal revenue of
f ii e at Portland will bo in Salem from
March Kith to March 10th, to assist
with the filling cut of the income tax
reports, lie will have an oftice at the
court house.
Make shopping bags from some of
our new cretonne. Bright colors. Ham
ilton 's.
. o 1
A very intofest'ng feature of the ex-
erc.iscs at the armory last nigHt inci
deiut to the ad.lress by Colonel John
Leader was the drill work put on by
the Salem high school cadet corps. The
corps was under charge of Captain
Barnes and gave an excellent demon
stration of manual of arms and drill
exercises. The corps maintained a guard
about the entire building throughout
the evening.
L. E. Whitney of Whitewater, Wris.,
arrived last, evening and is making a
short visit at the A. A. Underbill
home in this city. Mr. Whitney and
Mr. t'nderhill are old friends, having
lived neighbors for several years in
Wisconsin. The former has-been spend
ing several mouths visiting relatives
in Washington, and is now on his way
to California on his return to Wiscon-
J ,R. Townsnd of Estacada, arrived
yesterday and has taken charge of the
shoe repairing department of the Price
Shoe company.
Announcement has been received by
friends in this city of the birth to Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd llauser in Eugene, on
Saturday, March 9, 1918, of a son, who
has been, named Robert Lloyd.
Funeral services of Wilhelm TJppen
dahl were held at 2 o'clock this after
noon from St. Johns Evangelical Lu
theran church, in charge of Rev. H.
W. Gross. The body was shipped this
evening to the deceased's home at
Hubbard for interment by the Rigdon
Henry Ives of Colma, San Mateo
county, (a!forri:iai, . riviites ito Salem
parties staling that he would like to
get into communication or touch, .with
members of the Ives family, who came
to Salem, Oregon, from London, Eng
don, thirty seven years ago, or about
The fire department was called out
twice in quick succession yesterday
forenoon to small biases. The first call
eamo at 11:45 when a flue was discov
ered shooting dangerous sparks at 2309
Mill street. Nothing of damage was
done, however, and tho second call
came eight minutes later, at xi:o-i
when the do par tme nit was called out to
1105 north 19th street. The latter blaze
was also a flue fire and was as harm
less as the first.
Salem's four-minut-men will be on
the job again several nights this week
and beginning with tonight will speak
as follows: Rev. a. LitU at the Ore
gon theater; W. A. Deuton, Bligh the
ater; August Huckestein, Liberty thea
ter. Wednesday night Rev. Gill at
Bligh theater; Walter L. Tooze at Ore
gon theater; W. A. Denton -at Liberty
theater. Thursdav night Rev. Gill at
Liberty; W. A. Denton at the Oregon,
and August Huckestein at the Bligh.
Buy now while prices are cheap, as owing to
X market conditions these prices will not last long.
Hope Muslin, bleached, yard wide 20c Yd
Lonsdale Muslin, bleached, yard wide 23c Yd
Indian Head 25c Yd
Outing Flannel, white or fancy, 18c and 20c Yd
42-inch Pfflow Tubing 29c Yd
Our Prices Always the Lowest
I Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store
Dean Filam of 0. A.C.
To Speak Tomorrow
at Commercial Chb
Dean Milam of the school of homo
economics, of the Oregon Agricultural
icollcige, who is the director of homo
'economies for the food administration
for the state of Oregon, will address
ithe students of tho Willamette univer
sity Wednesday at 10 a. 111. and at 2
ip. m. will speak in the Commercial s
i:a : i!.- : ...IP
ithe present food situation. bJ
At a meeting of a Cherrian commit
tee last night, composed of Ohas. E.
Knowland, chairman; E. Cooke Patton,
Dr- H C. Epley, Dan Langeuberg, Win.
Lerchen and Oliver Myers, it was de
cided to put on a minstrel show which
is to be given nbouit tho second week
in April. .The show is to be strictly a
home talent affair and the committee
say they have already got several
stunits lined up that will loosen the
roof. A feature of tho performance invite iu this country, who is doing her
will be a mystifying act cf ina;;ic: by Uatriutic duty by the using of the var-
Couke Patton which has never been
seen on tho local boards before and
which Mr. Patton says has got the an
cient mystics backed clear off the
map. '
rvery woman is urgeu to uo pres-1 i
lent, since Miss Milam has just re- V
turned from Washington, D. C, where I-
she was called by Mr- Hoover for a
iconferenee in which all states were . p.
Coming directly rom this confer
ence Miss Milam has a very important
(message that should reach every Louse
Word was received this morning of
the death yesterday afternoon at tho
Good Samaritan hospital in Portland
of Tillman II. Howard, a former well
known citizen of this city. Death came
as the result of an attack of pneumo
nia. Mr. Howard was born in Salem in
1804 and moved from hero to Portland
about fifteen years ago. He was for
merly a hoseman for tho old volunteer
fire department and at one time own
ed and conducted the meat 'market
now operated by E. O. Cross aiul Son.
Hiis father, D. Howard, died in Salem
many years a.;;o, and his mother, Mrs.
Martha Howard, still survives him in
Portland. The boclv will bo brought to
Salem and buried iu the Odd Fellows
cemetery. Funeral arrangements have
not yet beein made.
Captain A. T. Woolpert of Company
D. Salem home guards, stated this af
ternoon that much interest was being
manifested in the mass meeting for
men called tonight at the armory for
the purpose, of perfecting additional
companies of home guards. It is hoped
that the two new companies may be
organized aud sufficient members thus
secured to make up a battalion. Mem
bers who enlist in tho new companies
will be subject for guard duty only
within and around Salem in time of
emergency, it is understood.
The undersigned children of the late
Mrs. Angie Kaiser desire by this
niejins to convey their sincere thanks
to all the friends for their acts of
kindness rendered during the last
hours of our mother, and for your kind
services and flowers at her funeral.
Angie Kaiser, Joseph Kaiser, William
? WHAT I S I T ?
S 10 3 12
g 2 11 5
i 'Lw.aiihlUhififoif1.Y
ious substitutes that the government
ilias requested her -to make.
Grand Jury for Term !
Open for all engagements.
Hear 1 them at Armory e very
Saturday Night. Phone 511.
The Grand Jury for the March term
will be called tomorrow at 10 o'clock m
the morning, and it is hoped to finish
up the work before the court con
venes on March 18 th. But little Is to
come before the grand jury at this ses
sion, it is stated, although an investiga
tion of the recent epidemic of fires,
thought to have been of incendiary
origin will be made.
Judge Kelly is hearing arguments in
the case of Bishop versus Kay in de
partuient Xo. 1 of the circuit court to
day. Testimony was taken last week.
Win slow and Endicott are representing
the plaintiff aud John McNary is act
ing for the defense.
The case of J. W. Leavitt vofsus B.
M. Dimick, in which a judgment of $140
was asked, was dismissed today by stip
ulation without costs.
number' of German agents.
Calls answered all hours day
Ees. Phone 111; Office Phone 183
252 N. High St.
and night-
Five and seven years loans
with privilege to repay $100
or multiples on any interest
t Vermont Loan & Tnist Co.
814 Masonie Bidg., Salem, Ore.
t Used Furniture Wonted
Highest Gash Price Paid for
Used Furniture
E. Ik gTTFF ft SON,
Phone 941 or 508
American Woman
Is Spy For Germans
Xew York, March 12. A band of al
leged spies, operating with men con
federates in the employ of Germany,
was believed uncovered here today with
the arrest of an American born woman
said to come .from a prominent family.
It is believed the women have fur
nished valuable information to Ger
many. It was disclosed today that William
Korthaus, a German held for internment
I corresponded regularly with Germans in
j India, Portugal, Spain and Canada.
I It was also reported that Korthaus
: made trips to Boston, where he is said
'to have visited a woman whok according
j to authorities, gave instructions to a
. Seattle, Wash., Mar. . 12. Fear that
tho Port, of Seattle will become clog
ged with Oriental export freight be
yond the point of relief, was express
ed by American railway association of
ficials here today. Shippers in the fu
ture will have furnish affidavits
that they have icserved cargo space
before the railways will take export
freight destined for Seattle, if the pro
posed plan is adopted. ,
Portland, Or., Marcli 12. Martin B.
Donaldson is so suspicious and Jlalous
of his wife and pretty 22 year old
daughter that he locks them" in their
bedroom every night aud then places
his own bed against the front door of
the home, Minnie B. Donaldson charges
in a divorce suit on file todav.
Automobile Springs made.
.. Flow Shear Grinding, ..
vieneiai .Repairing
au.2 N. commercial, at the
Old Gosser Stand.
Horse Shoeing a Specialty
auz n. commercial, at tne
Old Gosser Stand.
John Seymour, Prop.
Today and Wednesday. Come in and let Mrs. Hunter
show you this excellent lineand explain its merits.
Phone 256 Phone 257
And all kinds of 2nd Hand
Full Market Prices Special
Prices paid for Sacks.
Get our prices befort you sell.
271 X. Cotn'l St. Phone 734