Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 25, 1918, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of The Capital Journal I M" 1 1
Editor mid Publisher
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
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Vice -President.
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$5.00 Per Month 45c
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W. D. Ward, New
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Conditions in Russia are illustrative of Pacifism gone
to seed. The rich golden harvest is ripe for the sickle and
the German legions under Hindenburg are doing the har
vesting. It was a pretty dream, that of the Bolsheviki, a
dream in which the playful lamb led the hungry tiger
through pleasant pastures and taught him to change his
diet and fatten on grass. It was a dream too in which
the absolute equality of all mankind materialized. No
one was to work excep t when he or she felt like it. Every
one was to have whatever was most desired, and all
furnished by the government which in some mysterious
way was to take the place of individual endeavor and sup
ply everybody with whatever was needed or wished. It
was a dream in which the purse was to be drawn on in-1
definitely without any returns being made to it. The
awakening has come. The tiger- refuses to eat hay but
instead is helping itself to fresh Russian lamb. At the
same time it is learned that that intangible thing called
"government" can exist only by the efforts of all the gov
erned. Betore it can rub tne lamp wmcn maKes tne
Genii appear, the people must supply the oil for the lamp.
" The dreamer has found that the curse laid on Cain has
never been lifted and that only in the swseat of man's
face can he eat bread. What the result will be no man can
fore tell for the problem is based on the actions of the
Russian peasantry, ignorant, uneducated, and yet imbued
v; with the idea that they are qualified to govern themselves.
"' They are not in a condition to put up a fight against the
kaiser's armies, and yet it is hard to believe the masses
will submit to German rule. . They have dethroned a czar
; and it is not likely they will be content, with a kaiser in
" his place. They have had a taste of self government, and
; while they have made a bad mess of it, they will not be
. content to surrender their new found liberties' poor as
they w,ere in results. i
Miss Hazel Stewart, dismissed from San Francisco
schools, for refusing to salute the flag of this country,
will fight the order (or her socialist backers will) on the
ground or personal liberty. The case should be thrown
out of court as soon as it is filed.
This girl will be made the central figure in a case by an
element which will contend that disrespect toward the
flag and abuse of the government,, are personal rights
guaranteed to them under the constitution.
But why should -the constitution or any statute be
construed by a court to affdrd protection to persons who
have no respect for the constitution or the government
founded upon it? Why should such people be allowed
the benefit of our schools and other free institutions, or be
accorded the protection of the laws they revile?
These radical socialists are placing every possible
obstacle in the way of the nation m a time of grave peril.
They are aiding and abetting a powerful enemv who seeks
to force the world under the domination of military gov
ernment and to destroy the very foundations of demo
cratic government. If socialists recognize no "existing
form of government they should not have the right to. ap
peal to the courts of this or any other organized govern
ment to guarantee them the right to advocate the over
throw of government and substitution in its stead of their
untried and impractical theories
The man who "went down from Jerusalem to Jericho"
was an Englishman. He fell amongst a pretty tough gang
on the way but did not neepl the services of a good
Samaritan when the toughs got through with him or he
with them. ...
The Woman Who. Changed.
The copy of "The Woman Who Changed" has been delayed in the mails. The next
Chapter will appear as soon as the delayed copy is received.
The Love of God
The Germans have got what they asked of Russia, after
the usual little by-play by Lenine and Trotsky. If these
men are not German agents they have done the kaiser's
work just as faithfully and effectively &s if they were.
If you can't do any other war work help the Red Cross,
anyway. That is one thing which all may join in as it gives
comfort and assistance to every human being in distress
in the war zone, friend or enemy. It is a work for all
humanity and God.
There is always room for another candidate's name
on the primary ballot. t:
Judging from the way it plays the political game the
"Non-Partisan League" is not quite true to label. '
.Those war supply grafters, who only got away with
five million dollars, were pikersnot packers.
Judge Bingham has sustained the demurrer interposed
by Attorney General Brown in the suit of Mr. Crawford,
former superintendent of the state flax plant against
Governor Withycombe to compel the governor to pay a if
j . ' ii ii i i n i. i i. nr. r s J iT
Donus promised Dy tne ooara 01 control to iur. rawioru
if he made the prison plant a success. This of course lets
Mr. Crawford out though it has nothing to do with the
merits' of the co se. Judge Bingham does not pass on the
facts, but on the question of law raised, which is that the
governor is above the law in some things. Crawford
made good, and has the material, or had it and turned it
over when he quit the job, to show he had performed his
part of the contract. The governor shows by his treat
ment of Mr. Crawford that" he is too narrow minded to
occupy the governor's position. That job should be held
by a man big enough to put his personal techngs aside
and do exact justice to each and every citizen of the state.
Good idea to buy a thrift stamp now and get the habit.
by Walt Mason
Austria by watching closely the course of events in
Russia can get a pretty accurate idea of what will hap
pen to her should Germany be able to win a "draw" peace.
"Peace without annexations or indemnity" which was so
loudly urged by the Germans in dealing with the Bolshe
viki was another "scrap of paper" so soon as Germany had
accomplished her object and got through treachery, the
ignorant Russian peasantry at her mercy.
Elihu Root's declaration some time ago that Russia is
a good example of the effect of peace talk in time of war,
was prophetic. The country, torn and distracted, is now
being dismembered at the will of the enemy. Had
Kerensky's idea of finishing the war before discussing
internal matters prevailed, the situation undoubtedly
would have been different.
The next thing in the war line will probably be fight
ing at Vladivostok. Immense quantities of supplies are
assembled there and with the Bolsheviki playing into the
hands of Germany it is not likely the allies will allow these
supplies to be used by the Russians. Japanese battleships
at that port now control the situation.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
On February 7th
we received balance of Liberty
Loan Bonds
Now prepared to make deliveries (o those
buying them.
I'm glad I am a granger, a farmer wearing
bells, remote from death and danger, from
swords and bombs and shells. While kaisers
and such fakers are marching to defeat; I
sow my rolling acres to barley, oats and
wheat. And pretty soon the cush'U roll in
to swell my store; 1 11 get two bones a bushel,
,J 4-U j? A 1 J?-11
i ? i iuiu mavuK uu ee ur xuur. aiiu ioiks wno
see me getting a fancy pi-ice for wheat, will
give me lots of petting, and say I can't be
beat. "Such men will save the nation !" I
hear their fervent cry; "they are the land's
.wait MAOtj salvation, witnout.tnem it would die ! They
guard our sacred banner- and Germanv
. i in i, .
.ney 11 beat; each day they help to can her, by bringing
in their wheat!" It's pleasant to be saving my country's
cherished boons, and still assuage my craving for easy
picayunes. I feel my pulses quicken with loyalty, by jing,
when I. can sell a chicken for what a calf should bring. I
feel said pulses flutter, a glow is in my soul, when for a
pound of butter I get a goodly roll. And always while I'm
selling my thistles, weeds and chaif, I hear the people yell
ing, "The farmer is our staff! He grows ' two rows of
onions where but one grew before, he'll ..' squash the
kaiser's bunions, and save our threatened shore!"
Abstract of sermon preached by Eev,
Jacob Btocker, pastor of Kv. Asso-,
nth and Uucmekota streets, as per
agreement with the Ministerial Umou:
Text: John 3, 10.
God so loved the world that he gave
his only begotten Sou, that whosoever
believeui in him should not perish, but
have everlasuug lite
lu tho old testament God is knewu
under two names, as Jehovah and
Father. As Jehovah, he is the holy one
of Jsrael,expressing the holiness cf
God. The Jews revered this Jehovah,
and 'had a dread of Mount Sinai, tho
mountain of thunder, smoke and light
nina. Jesus Christ, however, revealed
God to us as the loving father and
thus we are not come unto the moun
tain that burned with fire, "but unto
Mount Sion, and unto the living God,
and to Jesus, the mediator of the new
God Loved the World, Because He
Created It
In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth. God loves his
creation. He created it for a purpose.
Not onlyto enjoy himself, not only in
order to exercise his omnipotence, but
for a purpose. Everything in' God's uni
verse to the Christian Theist is full of
purpose and design. The mineral king
dom is for a purpose, in as much as it
grows tho vegetables, which has its
foundation in the mineral world. The
vegotable sends its roots down into the
mineral wiorld, and from that dark and
inanimate world takes the substance
that vitalize tho vegetable. The miner
al exists to grow tho vegetable. Tho
vegetable exists to furnish food for
the animal." The auimal kingdom de
rives its food from the vegetation 01
the earth. Grass and flowers, besides
beauty serve the purpose of practical
need, lis food for the animal kingdom.
The auimal in turn, again furnishes
food for man, tho crown of tho crea
tion, Thus we may see that all tho
kingdoms -of nature serve a plan, -a
purpose. Man in turn, exists for an-
anrt tliat is, tne kuir-
to choose tor mysclt whethor I want
to serve God or the world. To day 1
unay choose heaven, or hell. There
'jue tumg that even an omnipotent
jod will not do, he does not compel
you to become a Christian, you must
i.'hoose tor yourself. Why don't you
ipropoi'ly oxercise that gudlike talent,
iwhy don't you want to bo saved?
Tho extent of the love of God may
not only bo seen in the wonders of his
'creation but most of all, in the incar
nation. God so loved the world that he
gave his only begotten Son. Only be
'gotten, jiot created, God of very God,
light of very li;ht. In this is contain
ed the culmination 'of God's love. God
ibennino flesh and dwelled among us,
ami hallowed humanity, howover, God
did not become flush in order to, be
honored by that fact. He did not have
to come, ho could have let us porish.
The incarnation of the son of God,
must not be viewed from Bethlehem
but from Calvary. The incarnation was
not glorious but a humiliation. God
'emptied himself, limited himself to hu
man sphere. Human sin required the
huge divine sacrifice of the incarna
tion. God so loved the world that he
gave his only begotten Son.
What Now is the Eesuit of That Love
of God?
That whosoever believeth in him
should not perish, but have eternal
life. What does it mean? It signified
cteinul death, eternal separation irom
God, tho source of all Hie. The man
and the woman that does not believe in
Christ according to- the saviour's own
words will perish. This separation, as
I understand it, is eternal suffering,
anguish, sorrow, where the worm dies
not and where there shall bo wailing
and gnashing ot teeth. Others, as our
Advent brothers, believe that the wick
cd .die, that they are consumed as
smoke, are burned up, are dissolved in
to nothing, loose their identity, cease
to exist. But whether we believe
torment, or in Advent interpretation
of this particular doctrine ot the fu
ture de.ntiny of tho wicked, we agree
that the wages of sin is death, eternal
death and that the gift of God is eter
nal life thru Jesus Christ. Why then
my brother do you want to . cuooso
J And He Did
. '
WliTCH Me i r
otner lunguom, a m t..,-, death in preference to life eternal?
dem of God. .It is uiconcenable that v
Polk Farmers Form
Industrial Council:
Dallas, Or., Feb. 25. More than sixtv
fanners and farm women mot in this
city .Saturday and f mined an agricul
tural tuii':il to assist in the eonduct of
tho wotk n.idor the Urioorshlp of Coun
ty gtici.itiiral Agent J. E. Larsen. P.
O. I'owtll of .Monmouth was elected
pHsideut of the council; Mrs. K. ('.
hluridtio, of Independence, vice presi
dent and A!i.n. Hattie Teats, of Hullston
secretary nnd treasurer. The work has
been divided into three sections, with
a committee of three members in charge
of each section. The eounty agent divi
ion committee consists of V. J. Bar-
ner, J. F. Ulrich and William Riddle, Jr.
The honid work committee of Mrs. F.
0 I wilier, Mrs. R. IT. Steelouist. and
'Miss aggie Butler; the industrial club
envision .'omnuttee of Mrs. C. L. Mawley
Mrs. C. v. Johnson and Professor S V,
Gilinore. '
Mrs. Earl Kooher are the
an 8 1-2 pound bor. born
Children Cry
Mr. surf
parents of
FeNrimr 18.
Mrs. Noah Voder and babe went home
Mrs. Franklin of Woodbura return
ed home Tuesday fter several days
treatment nt tho hospital.
Adam Mishler wss operated for ap
pendicitis Tuesday morning, and is do
ing as well as can b expected at this
time. Enterprise.
, The seed catalogue is about to come
into its own again as the season's best
the world.
tho desires and the .longings in tne
human soul for immortality should ex
ist only subjectively, without objective,
realization. The universe is full of
purpose and of design.
We are nware that zoolocy classifies
men with the animal. Kingdom: Ani
malia, class, Bimana, order, Mamaha.
But in tho eves cf the creator he is
infinitelv higher than, the animal.
Wherein does the true digruly of this
creature exist! Not in niS uo.iuy
strength. A little piece of foreign mat
i,tllt the narts of his own bod,
i;tti ont of blood on tne dikiu
fii. elpctricitv. ami
is gone. Why is it tnat in
should bow betore nim
should the lightning obey his direction
and Niagara willingly submit to fet
ters? Why is it that the gold stored
in tho deep recesses of tho bowels of
the earth shall be du:? out and display
ed oir the wrist ot tins """V
is the intellect and tne s .... -that
constitutes his true digm ty. With
s determined, the plant is le termincd,
n its relation to' air and sunlight and
miileral by its roots, and stem, and
leaves It cannot move.
An animal organism is a higher or
der than tho plant. It has organs of
locomotion, and thus may change it.
relative to ovner ""j"-- -
It has organs ot sense, .
A tl n..ttlA fit
11 sf CI'Tlll.. BtUU
mav smeti, orSm W' . ,inn.
hearing that put it in relat.cn to dan
een and yet, the animal is determined,
limUed? cannot rrfle. t. upon its past
experiences. When the animal . needs
ari satisfied, it does not think any
farther. But what about man! Who can
find limitations to his environment.
He dios into the innermost recesses
of the bowels of. the earth and reveals
to us the hidden strata of the rocks
Ho harnesses the cataract, so thatj
...... nnrt Hvnamos may se.c
the comfort of this "Bimana." He
nrr.ip.-t his thoughts to distant China,
In.lin vca bevond the most distant
at,. f h"-lorv of man is his self de
termination. He is greater than Mars,
or Jupiter, or Sirius, or the most lo
tossal fixed stars. Jupiter is determin
ed the planets and stars and millions
oi suns are determined. The creator
flung them into space and there they
whirl around their axis and move in
rhiMr minointed orbits mechanically de
termined. But man alone is not deter
mined, Unhampered he traverses the
globe, and where his feet will not car
ry him, the genius cf nau invented the
railroad and the steamship, and the
electric spark is told to use the wings
of the ether and to carry the messages
of man from ocean to ocean.
God loves the world because it fell
and he wants to woo it back again. An
omnipotent creator could have destroy
ed Adam snd Eve and could have cre
ated another ra-e that would have
been obedient. Instead, he chose to re
deem, the world, and thus made it pos
sible for you and for me to live. The
possibility of committing sin or ab
staining from iniquity existed in nis
self determination. Man is not a slave,
but a free, moral agent- I am capable
sjc sfc sjc 5 sjc sfc
The Daily Novelette
jg jjg g
(This Week 's Mystery)
(By author of: "On the High Seas
of Caruso's Top Notes;" "The Color
ed Races;" "The Washout on the Line
or Each Monday;" "Myra's Mistic
Mirror;" "Jenkins' Jinx;" "Dasha
way Booze or the Temperance Town"
"The Bound Calf or in Ten Volumes"
"The Dirty Doins' of Dooly Dconer;"
"The Poisoned Pepper;" "Cooked in
the Ladle of the Soup;" "Kicking
Ourselves as Others Fleece Us;" "Ho
gan's Hoax;" "Another Man's Shoes
or Stolen Boots;" and one other to
be finished by August.
"Give mo the ring!" she hissed
The Earl of Poptucket slowly slid
his riht hand into the left hand pock
et of his pearl gray trousers.
"I cawn't," he said in a low voice.
"Why cawn't you?" she mocked,
nnd her wonderful yellow eyes flashed
as she stood there, in her robe of Eus
sian rudlo rimmed round with red
"My pocket is full of molasses,'
he explained with a weak smile.
"Prove it," she glinted.
Ho turned the pocket inside out,
and tho molasses dripped over th
thick Ostermoor carpet.
She turned pale so suddenly, that ha
could hear the . sound. .
' 'That 's Eileen Dempsey 's work,'
she sparkled.
"Six of one and eighteen thirds of
th other' hey-answered coolly,, and
took his . hat off tho chandelier and
loft. -
Hardly had the door clicked behind '
him, when the telephono tinkled. Sho
answered it.
"I just wanted to give yon tho
ring," said tho telephone girl sweet
ly. -
(The reader first submitting the cor
rect solution of "Three in a Boat"
will be awarded a nickel plated pea
nut sholler. Ed. thv Morning Glory.)
Dallas, Or., Feb. 25 As n result of a
peculiar accident the infant child of
Mr. and Mrs. William Bobitsch, who
reside on a homestead on Kilchis river,
is dead. The child rolled out of bed in.
such a manner that it became entangled
in the bedclothes and was strangled to
There's a town in Washington coun
ty named vord. One town piobably in
which tin crank is popular.
Children Cry
JHE rays from a Gas Room
Heater pleasant and comforting. . .:
The mere touch of .a match ' '
brings a. cheerful glow, and
banishes the chill from the cold- ,
est room. ' i if
Ask for our prices now.
The Gas Company