Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 19, 1918, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Slje l)auijigtal Hutu
TUESDAY, FEB. 19, 1918.
All Around Town
There is lots of satisfaction in knowing you are doing the best you can pos
siblely do. In buying from a J. C. PENNEY CO. Store you know you can
always do the best , . '
Calico 0g
Apron Gingham 5c
Dress Ginghams 18c and 20c
Percales 12 'Jc, 15c, 17c and 20c
Sheets . . .59c, 69c, 72c, 94c and
Serpentine Kimona Crepe 29c
We have a nice assortment of Apron
Dresses made of Amoskeag Cham
bras (fast colors) with elastic belts.
Prid at 79c and 89c
House Dresses .
98c, $125, $1.49 and $1.98
Colgates Talcum Powder J2c
Palm Olive Soap 3 for 25c
Colgates Shaving Sticks J9c
Hind's Honey and Almond Cream 30c
Palm Olive Shampoo 45c
Peroxide Soap ).
Laundry Soap G f or 25c
We have some of the greatest Shoe
values to be gotten any place, ai'
sn inspection of our stock will con
vince you of the unusual bargains
We have room here to just give you
an idea:
Ladies' Patent Leather Shoes. ....
$2.98 $3.50 and $3.98
Everything to Wear For
Men, Women and Children
160 North Liberty
Salem, Oregon.
Gus J. Boisah, of Gervais. was in the
city yesterday.
Lee 11. Livingston, of Cotton, was in
the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Word Butler, of Inde
pendence, were, in Halom yesterday.
Mrs. Cordon McGilcliritit left yester
day for Portland for a visit with rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nowby and son
were in Salem Sunday from Washougal,
Wash, visiting with relatives.
E. B. Qoodin, secretary of the stato
lna.,l ., .nntrnl. li.ft f..r Pnrt.lmul thin 8 rejoicing OVOr a
morning on a business trir. , her pension. ...
John W. Cook left for Bend, Ore., tra-' Ferns Tracoy returned yestorday from
I Portland and left again this morning
lor ot. uuiiiia, wimre iiu win
veling to Portland on the Oregon Elec
J. U. Wyant, of Oregon City, was
transacting business in Halom yesterday
and renewing old acquaintances.
Prank Barton was among the passen
gers leaving on tho south bound Ore
gon Electric this morning.
Miss ltuby Hcharf left today for Cas-
tlo Kock, Wash., traveling over tho Ore
gon Electric.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Drexler, of In
dopendoneo, wore visiting in this city
J. Milno, a prominent farmer of tho
Howell Prairie district, was transact
ing business in Salem today.
Mrs. D. B. Uevine, living four miles
south of town, near the Pnndle school,
recent increase ot
care of
Chinese Medicine and Tea Co.
lias medicine which will tur
any known diecaM.
Open Suuday from 10 a. m.
until 8 p. m.
153 South High St.
Salem, Orogoj. Phone 283.
Dav or Night Service
Phone 700 25 Cents
Highest price paid for
old sacks
ed in tho shipyards.
Mrs. Josephine Silverstone, of Port
land, spent yesterday and today as a
guest at tho C. O. and P. J. ltice homes
in this city.
Miss Lena Puymbrock, ticket agent
at tho Oregon Electric depot, returned
last evening from Oswego, where she
spent tho week end with her parents.
I Y.W.CA.Notes
Tomorrow tho day of prayer wil
bo observed at Willamette university
At nine thirty will be held class pray
er meetings tho leaders of which are as
lollows: (seniors, Mable Garrett; nun
101s, Paul Green; sophomores, 1'aui
Uouey; freshman, Sibyl Smith and Lea
ter lay, Kimball college, Murray
Koeter; faculty, Professor Richards.
At ton thirty a general prayer ser
vice in the chapel will be led by Dr.
Martin. Tho public is invited.
Tho Y. W. (J. A. will conduct a meet
ing for tho girls only in tho rest room
at two thirty. Dr. Martin will speak
In the evening at seven tho men of
the university will be addressed by
Dr. Martin,
Tho Inter-collegiate Prohibition as
sociation will conduct their annual or
atorical contest iu tho chapel Thursdav
evening at eight o'clock. Tho contest
ants will b0 Fred MeUrew, Paul Wa
ii.it. i l;nl..i. ti i .
Miss Myrtle Gauso came over rrom : V" ,, , "I ""8 ye uoiau.
Corvallis and spent Sunday with friends , AKhle bu",u W1" 8111-
in this city. She is taking a course in the
agricultural college,
Mr. and
:.. ...-.I..,, f.....iK.... ' I'avies
111 Olliuui Jljntliuu' li uvuvuiu,
making the trip by macliiue.
Chemeketa Bt., Phon
' "Vsterdny morning in chapel the
1 Mrs. U. W. Wnterbury aud ",a,g0 itor v Auiiual Freshman
and Miss Mabel Livsoy wero ,,u'. was "'ftd b' Manager Lawrence
-a.i.-3, mm ai'ceprea by the three up
per classes. The irleo is to tak ula.-i.
m iimiiNuv, i r....i ....
Itf 11. Kiiidh.v left ventnlmr nf. jr Man-a JU.
ternoon for Portland where he attended ' , At ' 10 1,reshman Glee, each of the
tho monthly meeting of .Die eye, ear, , ur dl1891'8 publicly renders a Wil
nose and throat society held last even- j lnn!e" sonK. the words and music of
ing. which are original within the class. A
Mr. and Mrs. C. liliven, of 1173 south Pounant is designed, made and present
loth street, leave Wednesday morning c,i th freshman class to tho class
for Condon, eastern Oregon, where they Av"0 in tho opinion of certain judges
will make their future home. Mr. Bliven , u'1'1 "ve rendered tlie best song. The
with the fresh-
managoiuent is eutirelv
The Freshman Glee will be an object
Tirt and werea jmrn Ioom
with privilege to aepny fJ0
or multiple on any Interest At
J Vermont Lean & Trsst Co.
814 Masonic BUg, Bui am, Or. 0
has a ranch at that place.
Albert Mishler, who has been employ
ed lit Hllrlll'!l, i-hmIi Htnre. hna left with
his family for Tillamook, where he goes J of much joyful anticipation for
to take a position in one of tho store! , montn to come.
iu that city. :
C..W. Stege, returned today to Bend
after a short visit with his family in
this city, lie reports the lumber indus
try at Bend iu full blast aud wages
Geo. E. Bailia arrived today
. Febnary 19. 8mlar Comcert
by Pilgrim Chora at First Oo
frcgatJomal eharea.
February 22 G'herrian Formal
Ball, Bed Cros Benefit, at Ar
mory. February 21. - International
Prohibition Contest at the Wil-
lamette University Chapel.
"Tli best" is all you can do when
death come. Call Webb & Clough Co
Phon 120. tf
The Willamette stood at 9.8 feet
above low water this morning, falling
from 10.4 since yesterday.
Tatton Plumbing Co., 386 Chemeketa
Phone 1096. We do repair work. Soves
and fnrnaces coiled. tf
The local army recruiting office sent
, seven recruits to Portland yesterday for
Hooverize See the best pictures at
enly 5c, 10c and 15e including
tax, at the liligh theatre.
, o
assignment, as follows: Harold A. Sto-
vel, aged 34, of Gervais, who enters the
quarteonaster corps; Stanley Kulcy, ago
18, Brooks, aviation; Melvin Dowe, age
18, Oregon City, aviation; Otis Wilson
age 21, -Salem, engineer; Wrauf, 21,!
Silverton, field artillery; Lester K.
Mack, 19, Chemawa, cavalry; Allie A. !
Markusscn, age 19, Chemawa, cavalry.
T.Vio an evening off and enjoy tho
delightful musical program by the Pil
grim Chorus at the First Congregation
al church, 8 o'clock. Tickets 25 cents.
' Why buy inferior cigars and pay
more money f Hy grade Salem made
smokes 5 cents.
Better Goods for Less Money
Crash Toweling, yard HV2C
Extra Quality Crash Toweling, yard 15c
Ladies' Long Kimonas, each 75c
Ladies' Apron and Cap Sets, each , . .49c
Children's Gingham and Serge Dresses, complete
assortment, each , 75c, 98c and $1.45
. Our Prices Always the Lowest
Gale Co.
Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store
Mrs. Effie Wright Dunlap returned
yesterday from Vancouver, where she ,
soent Sunday with her sou, Elmo!
Wright, who was recently injured in
logging operations at Olney, near Astor
ia. Mr. Wright is in the aviation corps
which is now engaged in gettng out!
spruce for use in aeroplane manuracture ; sje
W. 0. Dyer, chairman of the commit
tee having in charge tho "Smileage"
campaign, reports that the various com
mittees are meeting with very good suc
cess and that the campaign will prob
ably be completed by tonight, although
the total returns will no be available be
fore tomorrow. It is estimated that a to
tal of $500 worth of Smileage coupons
will have been disposed of by this even
Lea&, leak, leak, I can repair them.
Phone 638M. tf
"The funeral beautiful" Webb ft
Clough Co. tf
A lecture on Christian Science will
be given free at the Grand Opera
House, Thursday, Feb. 21, 1918, at 8
p. m. by George snaw uook, u. o. a.,
Member of the Board of .bectursrup ot
The Mother Church, The First Church
of Christ, Scientist in, Boston, Mass-
The public is cordially Invited. 2-19
A subscriber writes that "Aunt"
Huldv Shults, now visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Campbell, of Hop
mere, is doing her first knitting in 40
years, at the age oi vo. cue turns out
one sock a day, besides helping with
the household duties, and enjoys the
thought that she is helping to win tho
war by working for the comfort of the
soldier boys in France.
war and Friday he was injured by a falling
tf (log which strucK him, rractuimg sever
al ribs, lie is in tne uase uosjjuai ai
Vancouver. "
r. 0
Miss Margaret Harrison, elocution
ist, will appear on the concert pro
gram of the Pilgrim Chorus at the
First Congregational cnurcn roragni
The Willamette Valley Tntorscholas
tic Athletic league will hold its an
nual lwskot. ball tournament at Wil
lamette university on Friday and Sat
urday, February 22 and 23.' This tonr-
from .uament will decide the high school
Used Fmzre
Highest CMh Pviee Pott Cor
IK tfoad rwjiUu
E. l. sirrr & con,
Fhone 41 or 508
Denver, Colo., nnd will spend several Hiampionship of tho Willamette val-
days as tne guest ot ins sister, Airs. J.
S. Savage and husband, living at 293
south 14th street, lie is on his way to
Mr. aud Mrs. F. E. Fuller arrived
yesterday from McClain, Mich., and are
registered at the Capital hotel, coining
to this city to locate. They delighted
at tho great contrast iu weather be
tween Oregon and the state they came
General Allenby is pushing on iu Pal
estine. That 's the b 'y.
If you must be envious don't envy
the rich old man in his limousine. The
poor youth striding along with strides
of health is infinitely more to be envied.
For Feeding Hogs
Marion tesm
Call or Telephone 2uJ
Coach K. Ti. Mathews issued an in
vitation to the league last spring to
hold it annual tournaments at Wil
lamette university and this was accept
ed. Tho local arrangements are in
charge of Coach Mathews, who is being
Assisted by Rex Putman, coach of the
Salem high school, and secretary of
the league.
Tho entertainment for the visiting
athletes will be taken care of by Wil
lamette and Salem high school stu
dents. It is expected that nearly sev
enty five high, school athlete will be
Salem visitors for the two days.
All of the gate receipts will be pr
rated nmong the visiting teams to help
defray railroad expenses- ,
Willamette university will offer a
silver trophy cup to the winner which
becomes permanent property only af
ter it' has been won for two consecu
tive years. A shield is also given to
esj'h year "a winner.
The Girls Willamette club decided
yesterday morning Ithat they would
servo lunch to the visiting teams each
night after tho games.
A complete list of the entries is not
yet available but it is expected that
Salem. ReHirg, Woodbnrn. Eugene,
Corvallis, Forest Grove. Newberg, Me
Minnville and some other will be presented.
299 N. Commercial St.
Phoae 198
387 Court Street.
118 S. Commercial Street
Wednesday - Thursday
ti Bars Kojial White Soap . 25c
Citrus Washing Powder,
large pkg 25c
6 Light-House Cleanser : 25c
No- 5 Light Karo 47c
Xo. 5 Bark Karo 40i!
Xo. 10 Dark Karo .'. SSe
Xo. 10 Light Karo 00c
No. i0 Oat Flour C0c
No. 10 Eye Flour .....j 60c
Fancy .Tap Rice, 3 lbs 25c
Small Wessons Oil 35c
Medium Wesson's Oil 70c
Large Wesson's Oil $1.40
Fancy Red Salmon, 1 lb. can 27c
6 Boxes full count Matches 27e
3 pkgs- Noodles 25c
reanut Butter, lb . 15c
3 Smull Cans Pork and Bens 25c
3 11-oz. pkgs. Raisins . 2"c
2 cans shrimp 25s
3 Cream Oil Soap 23c
Campbell's Soup, 2 cans .3c
Cinnamon, 2-ox. can 6e
Pepper, 2-oi. can 5e
3 pkgs. Tooth Picks lie
Two Days Only
Peaberry Coffee,
pound for
regular 26c per
Our Regular 22c Coffee,
two davs
Royal Club Coffee, regular
40c, in 3 lb. tins 25c lb.
at 8 o'clock, admission 25 cents.
Subscribers please pay. Those who
have given pledges to the solicitors for
the Knights of Columbus war camp
fund, also those who may wish to con
tribute thereto, will please send or
hand the amount to Frank Davey,
manager of tho drive, as soon as pos
sible, so the matter can be closed. -
Friends of George Manning will be
glad to learn that he has recently fin
ished his course at Columbia univer
sity and received the highest rating that
is given to young men of his age. He
is now a first class machinist's mate
and will be assistant engineer on a sub
marine chaser. Tho night alter lus grad
uation he spent a ilelighttui evening
with the Schultz sisters, who are study
iug niusie in New York City, and also
with Dr. Chaliner George and Miss Vera
Kitchener, all former Salem young peo
ple, who made him feel he was almo'st
back home in Salem.
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn fits eyes cor
rectly. C. S. National bank blag. tr.
. o
John W. Todd lyric tenor, will sing
at the Pilgrim Chorus concert tonight,
at thio First Congregational church, 8
o'clock, admission 25 cents.
At a meeting of the board of direc
tors of the Commercial club last even
ing, Theo. Roth, Chas. H. Fisher and
ivnn (i. McDaniel were appointed as a
committee to receive- applications for
the position of "community reporter,"
whicli tuie uesiguuics me uii
general publicity man for the Commer
cial club and community. The movement
was initiated by a petition presented to
the board at a recent meeting io esau
lish an office of this naure. A report
was heard from tho rate committee, con
sisting of E. S. Gile and E. T. Barnes,
which stated that Salem was now enjoy
ing the advantages of terminal rates on
all commodities aud classes of trans-continental
freight, which meant a saving
of approximately .fi,u a ton io locai
merchants oil trans-continental ship
ments. E. F. Cousins, rate attorney, of
Portland, represented the club before
the interstate commerce commission at
Tonight an evening of inspiring mu
sic and elocution. Pilgrim Chorus con
cert. First Congregational church, 8
o'clock. Tickets 25 cents.
Constable P. M. Varney took a little
jauut down to the port towns ot Port
land aud Astoria suuiruay aim piuiieu
ud a couple of recalcitrants whose pres
ence was desired at this place. Russell
O. Higginbotham was taken in tow in
Portland on a charge or desertion uu
uousupport, and Dave Trestor, a con
tractor, was apprehended in Astoria,
charged with larceny of certain pieces
of timber belonging to another contrac
tor in Salem, which Trester used in
moving a building. Trester put up bonds
in Astoria for his appearance, which
he made yesterday before Justice Web
ster. The hearing was set for 2 o'clock
this afternoon, but was postponed to.
make further arrangements for witnes
ses. The complaint was sworn by A. T.
Moffitt, of this city. Higginbotham was
brought back to Salem Saturday night
and bound over to the grand jury which
meets in March. He was released on
furnishing bail in the amount of $1000.
it is said he has not contributed to his
wife's support for sibout four years.
Washington, Feb. 19. Girls,
here's your chance. Do our sol
diers need sweaters or mittensf
No, they need socks and fudge.
Fudge, socks, tooth pastes aud
stationery , are the only things
the soldiers are short of, writes
a nurse at the front to the com
mittee on public information to
Now Picture Prices Children, 5c;
Kbtinees, 10c, and evenings, 15c, includ
ing war tax at the Bligh theatre. tf.
. o
Chas. H. Vick and wife returned last
night from Duluth, Minn., where they
have been spending the past several
weeks visiting with relatives. Mr. Vick
stated tho verdant landscape of Oregon
looked mighty good to him this morning.
While they were in Duluth the ther
mometer got as low as 38 below zero.
There was about a foot of snow in Du
luth when they left.
Postmaster Huckestein reports that
Gervais is setting a fast pace for some
of the larger "towns of the county to
match when it comes to purcnaamg war agreement.
Mineral Lakes of
Eastern Oregon Wanted
Homer W. McCoy, said to be at tho
head of a large securities investment
company of Chicago, desires to lease
Summer and Abort lakes, in Lake
county, for tho purpose of extracting
from tho beds of the lakes the salt,
potash and other mineral substances.
His request for a lease was presented
to the state land board today by W.
Lair Thompson, Portland attorney.
The board ordered that Jason "C.
Moore, who now holds a louso on tho
lakes, be given CO days notice that tho
board intends to cancel his lease be
cause of his failure to comply with any
of the conditions of the lease The
board also ordered an investigation
of tho financial standing of McCoy.
Mr. Thompson declared that McCoy
was ready to begin development work
within 00 days, if a lease could bo
made. Ho said the lakes should .i
considered as mining property and
that McCoy did not desire to pay for
the privilege of mining, but that ho
favored a lease that would require him
to do a certiiin amount of development
work within a specified time, and that
he was ready to carry out such an
savings stamps. The Gervais postoffice
of which Miss Mary Mangold has charge
sold $1003.59 worth of war saving
stamps Saturday, $413 worth yesterday
and $300 worth today. This is a total
of over $1700 invested in thrift stamps
in three days.
Four Men Wounded ,
In List Sent Today
Washington, Feb. 19. Four men
were wounded in action on February
12, on the French front, General Persh
ing cabled the war department today.
Private Frank M. O'&ien, Hamilton,
Private Fiwnk Siminski, Carrolton,
Cook Henry Doin, Boston.
Engineer Charles A. Clokus, Mc-
Adoo, Pa
Four deaths from natural causes and
two deaths from accident were also re
ported. They included:
Cadet Charles E. Jones, Pittsfield,
Mass., airplane accident.
Private John J. Hollowell, Philudel
phia, fractured skull.
Private Orvel V. Blakdey, Claydon,
Mich-, cause undetermined.
Private Clarence Nelson, Pierre, S. D.
Corporal Roy Matthews, Mattoon,
111., and Corporal William E. Williams,
Greenville, Ohio.
Jason Mooro will forfeit the $10,000
he deposited with the state in connec
tion with his lease, which also required
that a royalty should be paid on the
minerals taken from the lake beds.
But Moore has been uuablo to put tho
project through.
Medford, Or., Feb. 19. No need for
mothers to warn their daughters or
husbands to guard their wives when gay
old birds of sixty or more 'are mention
ed. Circuit Judge F. M. Calkins con
tends in a decision today that "there
ain't no such animal." The judge ruled
that a man past bO is not inclined to
be "gay and giddy" in awarding a
divorce to F. W. Gray, of Medford, de
spite 'his- wife's charges that Gray was
wantonly flirtatious.
1 Washington, (Ft. 19. Swedish re
ports to the state department this af
ternoon said that tho red guard con
trolled Helisingors, that tho Bolshcviki
have declared tho Ukraine raila mem
bers traitors and that fighting pro
ceeds between tho Bolshevik! and Kale
dines forces.
Sometimes these days a fellow can 't
understand why some casual acquaintan
ces aro so friendly until he remembers
that election day draws nigh.
' i
will light the way to better
health. Chiropractic re
moves the cause, nature un
hindered, completes the
cure. Let me tell you about
this wonderful science.
306-307 Hubbard Bldg.
I State Bouse News
Articles of incorporation were filed
today for Hill & Cramer, of Mill City.
The "firm will do a sawmill and lumber
business. The company has a capital
stock of $25,000. The incorporators are
1. B. Hill, Frank Cramer and W. C.
Articles also wero" filed for the But
ler Edwards Lumber company of Wil
ls in in a, which have a capital stock of
$20,000. The incorporators aro J. W.
Butler, F. W. Edwards and Fremont
Everett. '
A. - -i - ; Si,
Washington. Feb. 19. Eight men
were injuied when a cartridge easo ex
ploded on the I. S. S- Montana during
target practice, the navy department
announced today.
Job Department
Is Busy all the
It goes to prove that our work
and prices satisfy the users
good Printing.