THE DAYLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY. FEB. 11, 1918. FIVE A i f iNEW TODAY i: 4 i M Tv 1ERICAN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES Kate per word New Tod: Each insertion, lc One week (6 insertions) . 6e One month (26 insertions) 17e The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertisements Bead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately. .Minimum cnarge, loc. FOB SALE Baled clover hay. Phono 53P11. 2-13 SMALL and largo potatoes for sale 458 Mill St, 2-13 FOB SALB Imperial prune trees. xhone 47F24. 2-16 WANTED Man to take contract of loggS. W. A. care Journal. 2-12 FOB SALE Royal Anne cherry trees axz6 jx. .Broadway. -i4 HAVE YOU phone 7. WOOD SAWING! Call tf WANTED 50 head of large ealves or yearlings. Phone 1576W. 2-16 ONIONS Good quality, $2.25 per hun dred, delivered. Phoue 48F11. 2-11 FOB SALE 50 Whito Leghorn lets. Phoue 827B. pul 2-13 FOB SALE Or trade for stock, house and lot in Lebanon, Or. L. E. Hag gard, Bt. 5, box 28, Salem. 2-13 I GOT the wrone umbrella Sundav at Presbyterian chureh. The party get ting mine call 300 JN. Com'l a. m. 2-11 FOB BENT House and housekeeping rooms, close in, 330 North High St. jrnone 4. 2-13 FOB SALE Wood and wagon. Phone 78F11 or 79F11. C. B. Query. tf SEWING wanted at 259 S. Phone 1583. 19th St. 2-12 WHITE KOCK eggs Phone 403B or 93F5. for hatching. 2-12 IX)B SALE Manure for garden poses or hot beds. Phone 13G6. pur-2-11 WANTED A woman or girl fcr house work. Apply forenoon at 890 Oak street, or phone 1296. 2-13 FOB SALE Potatoes, table stock, $1 per (owt., ipeflpt'.ted seed $1.50 er cwt-, hog feed 20c per bushel. Phone 835. 2-13 300 ACBE farm for sale, no exchange eousidered; first class for gcnonil farming. Address L- G. care Journal. 2-12 FOB BENT Housekeeping rooms 69-1 North Commercial. Phone 2454W. 2-11 IF you have any beef cattle or calves any- size, phono 176, we pay highest prices. 3-4 FOR SALE Or exchango far unincum bered property, modern 7 room house 3 largo, lots in fruit and garden. Phono 2440. 2-12 FOB SALE Or trade for acreage near Salem, ten acre tract improved, near jjuuuh. inquire or owner you JN, 2'A St- tf Apartments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone UAJ3 x" PalntlDg. papering, calso- 2203. , tf done now, before another raise in material, honest work, hon est prices. Phone 75F5. " 2-11 FOB SALE Small confectionery tttore frnnit lnefitinn. nrifitt rifrht. 1185 South Commercial St. Phone 91. 2-11 TEN CENTS A DOUBLE BOLL AND up war a ror choice wall paper at Bu ren's Furniture store, 179 Commer cial St. tf SMALL potatoes suitable for feed fifty cents per sack at warehouse Phone 717 or 852. Mangis Bros, tf WANTED: City properties, must be bargains. Write me particulars. P. care Journal. 3-2 FOB SALE 1915 big four, 5 passen ger Buick, good condition, Call 508 or 2501J5. 2-15 WAITED Oregon V. S. grade, No. 1 potatoes. Clifford W. Brown, 129 S. Commercial St- Phone 115. 2-22 FOB SALE Thoroughbred Blue An dalusian cockerels and hens. Phone 60F3. 2-11 WANTED 3 or 4 room, nicely furn ished apartment, close in. Phone 1281 2-12 WANTED Experienced Loganberry trainers commencing next week; 30 acre vineyard. Mangis Bros. Phone 717. 2-13 LOST Bunch of keys in down town district. Bring to Club Stables, will pay liberal reward. 2-11 NOTICE is hereby given that I will not re responsible for any dobts con .racieu omer man Dy mysejf In per son. jvl. v. Sullivan. 2-15 KILLED IN ACTION Ten Engineers fere Also Taken Prisoners by Ger mans Recently Washington, Feb. 11. Four Amer ican soldiers were killed in action on the French front on February 8 and 9, General Pershing cabled the war de partment today. Three others are missinc five are slightly wounded and one .severely wounded, the cable said: ine Killed were: Corporal Georere H. Allie. infmtrv. February 8, Detroit. Private Harold McClatchey, infantry, reuruary o, uncoinsnire, England. Private Nicholas Castas, infantrv. TO-l ' n ' 1 rcurunry w, Ainens, lireece. Private Irving W. Adams, artillery, jreuruary w, itosnnaale, Alass. inose missing are: Private Frederick W Galley.' infan try, reDruary s, .Brooklyn. Private Christian A. Rnrenspn. in fantry, Feb. 8, Verona, Montana. Privato Hugh Lewis, infantry, Feb ruary 8, Congress Heights, Washing ton, D. C. bevsrely wounded: Sertrennt Wilhnr ju. Hiocum. infantrv. Feb. 8. Wellatnn. . . . , wmo. Slightly wounded: Privato Harold Thomas, artillery, Feb. 0, Winchester, N. H. Private Joseph Bases, artillerv. Feb. 9, Bartlett Street, Koxbury, Mass. Private Samuel W. Patterson, artil lery, Feb. 7, Ceredo, W. Va. Privato Will M. Elkin, artillery, Feb. 7, Lexington, Ky. , Privjito William E Waters, artillery, Feb. 7, Ottawa, 111. The casualties of the eighth are ap parently those announced from abroad n the patrol fight of that date. These roports, however, told of five killed and four missing. REPUBLICANS l-IEET TO ELECT CHAIRMAN OF NATIONAL PARTY EAR Developments of Today Will Decide Whether Or Not Harmony Will Rule WANTED Experienced housekeeper for Canadian ranch, near town. Wag es $30 per month. Mrs. Clark, 1342 N. Capital. 2-15 PLANTING time is hero. It waits for no one's convenience. Order before it is too late. Pmk roses, English Delphinium, English walnuts for sale at 211 Miller St. 2-16 FOB SALE Wilson strawberry plants ' 9 in 4.v. j. y ,r t-.wv muuiMMJuj aiso nearly new Cypress incubator, 70-egg capacity. "u '"e ease ox swegie school house dox as, Kt. 6. Win. A. Bond. 2-11 FOB SALE The Silver Grill rpstnnr ant. Ihe only restaurant in the city. Good location and fully equipped. Call or write. The price is right. M. a. uurnett, rrop., Silverton, Or. 2-12 WANTED Fully modern house for rent. Niemeyer, 544 State street. Phone 1000. tf UP-TO-DATE farm wanted: with or without stock and machinery. Nie meyer, 544 State street. - tf FOE SALE Fresh cow four years old and heavy milker. Inquire 554 Fer ry St., barn in the alley. tf THE only nice dry wood for sale in Salem sold by Salem Fuel yards. We also have a full stock of coaL Phone 529. City office 937. 2-10. FORD OWNERS Regulate your head lights with the Eisen Regulator. Free trial. 143 Court St. Pljone 1341B. tf NORTHWESTERN Nursery at 24th & btate streets, choice roses, ornamen tal and flowering shrubs, shade trees, waiaurs and an hinds of fruit trees. iiawaru Jones, phone 413. 3-9 FOB SALE Loganbepy and ever green black berryplants; will take in -exchange one good fresh cow, one good sow and some chickens. Phone evenings 89F4 Henry Yung, Rt. 5. 2-9 FOR SALE An up to date, modern house, seven rooms, planned for both beauty and convenience, locat ed in good neighborhood. Price right Phone 57F14. 2-la CANADA For information on west ern Canada call on C. W.' Nicmeye-, 544 State street. $1500 cash will start you on a 320 acre farm and obtain feir you a $2000 loan for im provements. Free literature. tf SPEND a few hours in enjoyment pocket billiards 2e per cue. Dal rymple BiUiard Payors, under O E. depot. Courteous treatment. tf FOB SALE Young, full blood Poland China boars, 30 to 80 lbs., 2 year old black Jersey bull; full (blood Brown Leghorn roosters, will sell or exchange. W. H. Humphrey, Shaw, Oregon. Phone 22F5. 2-12 WANTED Man and wife to work on farm, steady and pleasant position to right party. Write B. C. Hallberg, Independence, Or., or call at the farm at Greenwood station, Salem Falls City line. 2-11 Ten Engineers Prisoners. Washington, Feb. H.Ten members of the American Engineer force were taken prisoner on the French front on November 30, the war department an nounced late today for the first time. eorporal Frank Upton, New York; Private Myron D. Vandemark, New i-iatz, jn. X.; Private Charles A. Geo ghegan, New York; Private Harry J, Mason, Jersey City, N. . J.; Private John Lally, Golden Bridge, West cnester county, a. Y.; Private Ulrich N. Maney, New York; Private Frank orooKs, JNew York; Private Herbert S, Ueltz, Newark, N. J.; Private Peter J. lingo, mew York; Private George H wauiuiif jr., wooaaaven, JS. x. Services Gain Interest . atCastle Chapel The services at Castle chanel corner 17th and Nebraska avenue, Englewood, where Guy Fitch Phelps delighted his audience both morning and evening, ..wo luiuAuu uy greaL power. A num oer responding to the anneal nf th evangelist. At the morning service the entire audience stood in answer to an u-ppeai ror a deeper consecration to jurist, ine prayer meeting at 3 o'clock was well attended and a spirit of ten derness was -upon all hearts. uuy Fiteh Phelps is a man of now- w, iCttUUSB Vtft ft.llnPQ inT aa nil testify, who sat under tha nmfSrlv appeal at tne 8 o'clock hour, as he spoKe or tne "Three Crosses." It. , unerent, a new Jiuht seemed to. irath er over tie 1 "three Crosses" and the audience as it lingered there while the eloquent speaker presented the master as he pronounced pardon to the peni tent one. All should hear this mau'e message, meetings every night but Sat urday. By L. O. Earoist (United Press Staff Correspondent) St. Louis, Mo.j Fab. 11. The dove of peace, which had been reported head ed ror tne national republican commit tee neadquarterg nere, apparently had temporarily at least, lost its way today. Scheduled to meet in conference with the advisory and campaign committees of the party, this morning, the .national committeemen finally postponed the meeting until late this afternoon. It was announced officially that this action was taken because a dozen com mitteemen had failed to arrive. "It was apparent, however, that preliminary ef- rorts or tne apostles or party unity had not met with any great degree of. suc cess and that the forenoon was not re garded as opportune for a harmony meeting. So far as the candidacy of John T. Adams for tho chairmanship was con cerned, George W. Perking was main taining obdurate opposition. Perkins was reinforced by Frank Hitchcock and leaders of the progressive wing of the Father and Son Week Inaugurated In Salem LWifHYCOlE " IS SERIOUSLY ILL MM News from the Big Store l FOB SALE Lot 41x90 ft., good five room house with cement basement, furnace, gas and wood ranges, and otner modern conveniences, house furnished or unfurnished, to suit pur cnaser; two blocks ast .of State house grounds. Price $2600. Enquire at 161 South 14th St. 2-15 IfOB SALE New five room bungalow located 995 N. 20th street, built in kitchen, fire place, buffet, paneled dining room, eleetrie lights, five plumbing fixtures, paved street, green lawn, owner moved away; price eleven hundred dollars, part cash, balance time. Vacant lot next to this on south, two hundred dollars Write A. M. Matlock, Dallas or. 2-13 KALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY By virtue of a lien held by John Hunt against the following described property for the care and keep there of, towit: One black horse weight bout 1000 pounds; one single harness; one spring hack; one rubber slicker; mo piece of canvas Notice is hereby gives, that on Sat urday the 23d day of February, 1918, t 3 o'clock p. m. at Center Street I reed shed in Salem, county of Marion, I will sell the above described proper ty to the highest bidder, for cash. JOHN HUNT, l -l Holder of the Said Lien- State House News t Complaint was filed today .with the public service commission by the City of Wallowa against the Enterprise Elec tric company, alleging that the com pany's rates are not eaual. It is also al leged no provision is made for an all- year service, and in the winter the lio-hra freeze np. Articles of incorporation were filed today by the Carmen Chip Company of Portland. The company, which has a capital stock of $350,000, intends to purchase and operate the motorahin Car men between Portland and San Fran-' Cisco, l he incorporators are Elov Schil ling ofAstoria and Valdemar Lidell and Glenn S. Husted of Portland. STUMEZE UJNUS SIX YEARS OF STOMACH MISERY "For six years I suffered with ca tarrh of the stomach, indigestion, sour nass, gases, headaches, and sometimes felt as though my stomach was beine eaten up. I docided to try STL'METZK In two days I was feeling relieved of my suffering. I now have a good ap petite and can eat anything I like without suffering in the least. I as.i you who are suffering from stomach trouble to give this great remedy a trial and be mado well, as I have been." Howard L. Bolan. 71R V s... ond St., Taeoma, Washington. STU MEZE is for sale and guaranteed by all druggists. 'Father and Son" week was in augurated in Salem today with an address at 2:30 this afternoon at the high school auditorium by Rev. BobJ ert S. Gill. Tho movement is in line with a similar movement all over the nation for the observance of father and son week, and locally is under the auspices of the Hi Y club, a religious organization, or tho Saicm high school, A definite program has been outlin ed for each day of the week, ending with next Sunday, February 17, as fol lows: Tuesday, 6:30 o'clock Banauet at Y. M. C. A. for fathers and son,. Any one not having a father or son, please adopt one lor tne evening. Arrange ments for this may be made by tele- pnonang to tne i . ti. c. A. or to Phil laps Elliott. Plates 35 cents. Justice uawrence T. Harris of the supreme court will be toastmaster and speeches win be made by fathers and sons. Wednesday, 7:30 o'clock , Moving picture night. It is to. be a good time night and fathers and song are in vited to attend the several places of entertainment in tne city. Thursday, 7:30 e 'clock-Fathers' and sons' special prayer meeting night at tne several churches of Salem. Friday, 7:45 o'clock Mass meeting at iirst Metnotlist church; fathers and song to attend together. Admission free. M. S. Pittman of Monmouth will address the fathers and sons. It will be the ibig event of the week, with one of Oregon's best speakers on the pro gram. Saturday, 6 to 10 o'clock Fathers are requested to spend the evening at nome witn their sons. A boy on the streets Saturday night breaks all strands of patriotism with the home folk. Sunday, 11 o'clock Special services at all churches, fathers and sons at tending together. All services are to be on the tonic, "Father and Son." Friendship between fathers and sons to be cemented. St. Valentine's Day Will See Many Weddings After a long spell of inactivity at the county clerk 's office, Cupid got busy today and fired a whole quiver of arrows pel-mel, the count a short time after noon showing that he had mado five (hstinet and certain hits, causing marriage licenses to be issued to the following couples: Clarence D. (ianlner of Oregon City and Antonette Ktraver of Salem. Thomas Becker of Shaw and Alary Wollner of Slayton. Edward D. Strouts of Sum mitt and Ella A. Al bertsen of Jefferson. Joseph Peilsen of Salem and Agnes Zulinski of Salem. Albert Conrad Vick of Salem and Cora Weatherill ef Turner. In addition, tho Writer knows of one more mark that Cunid g arrow has found, but the license had not yet been issued at press hour this after The event is to be solemnized at St. Joseph ' Catholic church at 9 o'clock IN THE COUNTY COURT i of the State of Oregon, for the County i of Marion ; To all persons to whom these pres ents shall come, Greeting: j Know ye, that it appearing to the eourt aforesaid that Alfred L. SunH-1 borg has died intestate, leaving at the1 time of his death property in this state ! such court has duly appointed Maggie j F. Sundborg administratrix of the es-j tato of such decedent. This, therefore, authorizes the Raid ' Maggie F. Sundborg to administer the' estate of the said Alfred L. Sundborir. deceased, according to law. in testimony whereof, I U. G- Borer. clerk of the eounty court have hereun to subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said court this 11th dav of Feb. 1918. (SEAL) f. O. BOYTTR, By A. J. MacGregor, Clerk. Deputy. 3-8 n-i"' i i j COMING--2 DAYS STARTING TOMORROW REESE BROS. BIG AFRICANDER CO. 15 PEOPLE 15 BAND AND ORCHESTRA MUSICAL COMEDY, MINSTREL AND JUBILEE SINGERS MUSIC, SONGS, DANCES, COMEDY FREE STREET PARADE DAILY THEATRE Governor Withycombe Re ceives Message Today In dicating Son Illness A mesage was received by Governor Withycombe yesterday announcing that his son, Sergeant Earl Withycombe, is seriously ill in Walter Reed Hospital, 1 1 TaKoma park, l). u. The message was signed by the commanding officer, I Another message was received today i signed by the adjutant stating there was no improvement in Sergeant Withy combe 'g condition. The governor learn ed through a letter received by a friend in Portland several davs ago that his son has been sick with the measles' since January 21 and it is feared that! I this has developed into something more serious. As soon as the message wag received yesterday, Robert Withycombe, a bro ther living near Union, left on the first train for Takoma Park, and will lose no time in reaching his brother's bed side. , Shortly before noon a third message was received, this being from Congress man McArthur, who says: "Walter Reed Hospital advises that condition of Sergeant Earl Withycombe is not critical. Pleurisy development is r.ow subsiding. No present indication mipuinmtill. " Messages had been sent to both Ben-j,, ator McNary and Congressman McAr-1 . . thur to learn the complete details of j ' c.t w;n,,r,v,ou ,,,,,i;t;,,n " Sergeant Withycombe is 26 years old a graduate of the Oregon Agricultural T college, and at the time oi ms enlistment f he was employed as an engineer by the state highway department. BENNETT APPOINTED IN SARGENT'S PLACE State Treasurer Kav Stands With Governor In Drawing PoMcal Lines 38 Years in Salea anl Still the Leader LL ' U TO-MORROW IS LINCOLN' S BlilDM LET US AS Americans CELEBRATE The day fiittingly, and to his memory Donate to the Red Cross Buy Thrift Stamps Write some soldier or sailor a letter; but, do some thing patriotic that will aid in the Great World's Conflict in which we are engaged. state rrneasiircr liay today, at a meeting of the state banking board, forced the appointment of Will H. Ben-' nett, cashier of tho Citizens' bank of Portland and for four years connected with the state banking department, as superintendent of banks to succeed S. G. Sargent, who resigned last week to accept a position as examiner for the federal reservo bank at San Francisco. Bennett wa elected by the votes of ray and Governor Withycombe. Secretary of State Oleott nominated Charles II. Stewart, assistant superin tendent of banks for tho last four yearB, and who was strongly recom mended for tho position as head of the banking department by Mr. Sargent. Members of the banking board also received endorsements of Stewart from many of the Btate banks. Tho governor opposed Stewart be cause he was a democrat and he desir ed to have a republican appointed who would aid him m his campaign for:-- reelection. But Kay refused to ap prove of any of the men tho governor desired to appoint, and go to avoid a deadlock the governor was forced to accept Bennett, who wag Kay's choice, as the only means of keeping Stewart out of the office. After . Bennett had benn nominated by Kay and Stewart by Oleott, tho gov ernor said: " Mr. Bennett is not my first choice. I had wanted a man of broader bank ing experience than either Bennett or Stewart, but since Mr. Kay has nom inated Mr. Bennett, and I don't want deadlock here, 1 will support Mr. Bennett." A long list of state banks and bank ers endorsed Mr. Stewart for tho posi tion but they were given no considera tion. W , Miff f - tomorrow morning, and as the county cJerk 's office will be closed tomorrow it behooves tunic one,, certain young man of this city to "get a move on." Salem Grange Held Meeting Last Saturday Salem grange held its regular meet ng Saturday in Union hall and eniov- ed a g.d attendance. Four new mem bers were received into the order. New usiiiesa for the day was the election of delegates to the 4oth annual session f the Oregon State Grange which will conveno in Salem this year. The mlet- mg i scheduled for May 14-17, but as im wm coniiiei witn tne state pri mary, another date will be arranged for the Grange. Members who will rep resent. !-alem Urango are 11. M. Birdsall nd Mr Mario Birdsall, and the alter nates are Seymour Jones and Mrs. Elizabeth Pease Jt-nes. The following resolution was passed unanimousiy and the secretary instruct ed to furnish the same for publication: Kesolved, that Salem grange No. 17 i endorse and support the county court i in tne appointment of U. 11. Van! I rump to tho office of county fruit nispwior. we endorse fche county I court, anil we endorse the incumbent S. II. Van Trump. REPORTER. THREE MOSE ETJEVTVOKS Copyright Hart, Schittner Sc Mm "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith let us dare to do our duty, as we understand it." Lincoln. Turner Man Passes Away at Salem Hospital (Capital Journal Special Service) Turner, Feb. 11. Jienjuiiiin Jlarley Robertson died at the Salem hospital at 7:30 Sunday morning, following an operation for appendicitis. Hurley watj born near Turner 24 years ago and has lived here all of hi.i rlife; he was in the dairying business. A member of the Wocdmen of the World, in fact was the council com mander of tho Yew camp M3. Ho wan married to Miss Nora Wood mi Oct. 1, 1016. Besides his wife and baby boy lie leaves a father, 1$. E. Robertson, two brothers, Arthur E. and Herman II., also four sisters, Mrs. Lottie Nice ly, Mrs. Jnney Olson, Mrs. Annie Asli fort and Mrs. Lena MacMurrun. The funeral will be hold at 1 o'clock Tues day afternoon from tho M. E- church. Interment in the 1. O. O. F. ecmettry. Clyde Kelly accompanied Archie Bones to Portland. H. L. Earl is home from a visit with his son, Archie, at Toppish, Wash. J. E. Waggoner was in i ortland Sat urday. Ira Pearce i.n visiting his nephew, Arthur Wood, in Portland. Rev. and Mrs. McFarland art stop ping at the Dr. Massey home for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bnneg are in Portland taking in tho auto show. FRAUD IN FEDERAL LOANS Portland, Or., Feb. 11. The federal fann lean association i8 the latest ve hicle used by Ihe slicker to separate the bucolic population from its grain profits and cheani checks, according to a warning being sent through Oregon by the federal fann loan board. The mnu sought here almuts is al leged to have a mass of near officially looking stationery besprinkled with "e nluriibun uiiiuug.'' Ho organizes farm loan boards at $200 per board. Josephine Stryker, the colonel's sec retary, it was stated that he had pass ed a "rnthcr icstJess night." i HEAD STUFFED FROM I CATARRH OR A COLD T Says Cream Applied in Nostrils J Opens Air Passages Kight Up. Instant relief no waiting. Your' clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and you can breathe Ireely. No more hawking, snuf fling, blowing, headache, dryness. No' struggling (or breath at night; i your cold or catarrh disappears. ' Get a small bottle -of Ely's Cream' Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,' healing cream in your nostrils. It pen- . etrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes in stantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed-us with a cold or nasty catarrh. Washington, Feb. 11. Thrco more names of Tuscania survivors were made public by th er.rmnittee on jmb lie information today. They are: Wil liam K. Evans, New York: Charles Philip Merten, Waukesha, Wis., and' William Mcreau, Leon springs, Texa. I COLONEL 18 COMFORTABLE New York, I'ob. 11. Colonel Roose- j velt this afternoon was reported "rest ing ewnf ortably " at the Roosevelt hos pital, in a bulletin issued by Miss DR. WHITE Diseases of Women and Nervous Diseases S06 United States National Bank Building SALEM, OR EGO V X