Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 09, 1918, Page TEN, Image 10

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Bailn iital Journal
SATURDAY, FEB. 9, 1918.
!"" it"tt'titnmi
n tsl
11 am
We have some remarkable values in Ladies' Muslin and Silk Underwear.
You will find it to be a good quality, and latest neat designs. The materials
and workmanship in our undermuslins are equal in quality to those found
elsewhere in much higher priced garments. We are sure our customers
will be more than pleased with them.
All Around Town
Muslin Corset Covers,
25c, 35c, 39c,, 49c and 69c
Muslin Combination Suits
49c, 59c, 79c, 98c, $1.10 and $1.49
Muslin Princess Slips $1.69 and $1.98
Silk Camisoles 98c and $1.49
Silk Envelope Chemise $1.98
Ladies' Pajamas . . . . $1.49 and $1.98
February 4-9. Registration of
German aliens.
February 13. "Bussia As It
Is," illustrated lecture at Balem
public library by Eev. F. T. Por-
1 4c February 17. Unoi-Wh-
ingfcm Memorial ezeicitwa at ar-
I mory.
Dr. M. P. xAendelsoiui fMs stm cot-
ectijr. U. b. JNatl. bank hl&g. tf
Don't forget the Village party this
I evening et St. Joseph 's hall. Admit-
I sion 20 cents. Prizes will be given.
The Willamette fell 18 inches during
the past 24 hours, showing this morning
10.0 leet or water compared to 17 feet
yesterday morning. The river is expect
ed to resume its normal condition with
in a short time,
We Will Serve Tou Better
Hooyerize See the best pictures At
only 5c, 10c and 15c, including war
tax, at the Bligh theater. tf
New Picture Price Children. 6c;
matinees, 10c, and evenings, 15c, in
cluding the war tax, at the Bligh thea
ter, tf
J. W. Feathers, of 991 Mill street,
who has been proprietor of the 1'ixit
shop on Court street, has sold his shop
ao Acaviug niui jua jaumy ior As
toria where he will be engaged in car
penter worn in the shipyards,
- o .
Reserve the date .The Pilgrim chor
us of First Congregational church in
secular concert, Tuesday Feb. 19
W. B. Dance Moose hall tonight.
State Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff
has received a letter from his son. Nor
man B. Hoff, who is in Frauce with
ine latli regiment of railway engineers,
saying that he had just seen Lieutenant
Cumptoii, of Company M. also that he
had recently seen Chaplain Gilbert, of
me iiuru Oregon, no letter was dat
ed January 18th.
E. J. Herschbach announces that he
will reopen the Capital Uarago for
general garage and repairing. He will
install new and up to date machinery
.wj-lu.iiS a modern garage and
repair shop. He wishes to meet his old
xiivuus ana patrons,
Beserve the date, The Pilgrim chor-
ui xirst congregational church
secular concert, Tuesday Feb. in
Representatives of local packer and
several iruit growers of this se,.ri,. V
peared before the county court yester-
niiciuwu icarn tno court's atti
Becent purchasers of Ford cars from tude relative to the recent antmi
Vick Brothers, whose address is Salem! of S. H. Van Trump as count v fruit in.
Everything to Wear for Men,
Women and Children
Georgo Creo, of Falls City, was ia
Balem yesterday.
Merle Ivie is spending the week in
Portland viBiting relatives.
Mrs. C. T. Peterson left for Seattle
this morning, via the Oregon Electric.
Mrs. John Guyette left today for Per
mn, Mont., via the Oregon Electric.
Elbert Thompson left this morning for
Portland to attend the automobile show.
' M. J. Lee of Canby, was in the city
yesterday and toduy transacting busi
ness. Peter Deidrich, Ford doaler at Stay
ton, was in Salem today transacting
business. . .
G. B. Portley, of the asylum farm, was
transacting business in Snlein yester
Miss Mcrriby Sward loaves Monday
for St. Paul, Minn., traveling over the
Great Northa'ii.
Chas. B. Smith, of the Spaulding log
ging company, was in Portlund yestor
day on business.
caro of
Chinese Medicine And Tea Oo.
Has medicino which will cure
any known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 a. m.
until 8 p. in.
153 South High St.
Salem, Oregon Phone 283.
Day or Night Service
Phone 700 25 Cents
g Highest price paid for I
B old sacks B
3 271 Chemoketa St., Phone 398 !
B. K. Nicholson, of the Ilalvorsen
& Burns garago, is in Portland attend
ing the automobile show.
Miss Margaret Scholl left today for
Oregon City whore she will spend the
week end wtn inends.
Frank Brewster arrived from Port
land last evening and is visiting rela
tives in the city. He is a cousin of Mrs.
I). A. White.
Mrs. Georgo W. Morris returned last
evening to lier home at Turner Hfter
spending a couplo of weeks at the home
of her dnughter, Mrs. Ivan C. Beers,
1095 north Liberty street.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. May left this
afternoon for Portlund to attend a
birthday party given by their children
in honor of .Dr. May'B birthday. They
expect to roturn Sunday evening. ,
Chief of Police John Wells, of Cor
vullis, wits in Sulom yesterday having in
charge a 10-year old" girl who had boon
committed by the Benton county court
to the state industrial school for inrls.
Miss Ada B. Miller, one of ksalumV merce building,
best known singorg, will sing at the Uni
tarian church Sunday and each Sunday
hereafter until further notice. Miss
Miller's wido circle of friends will bo
glad of this opportunity to hear her.
"Stub," Smith, who has boon em
ployed for several mouths at carpenter
work at Camp Lewis, has been spending
several days with his lunuly at this
place. Ho will leave for Astoria and
go to work in tho shipyards at that
place tho first of the week.
Chas. B. Harmon, formerly manager
of the Laclimond fruit ranch, has been
spending several days in the city thin
week. He has lately been employed on
highway work in tho vicinity of Tho
Dulles. Ho will leave for Portland where
he will take up carpenter work in the
ship yards the first of the week.
Col. J. H. Cimllobnugh, of the Cap
ital Journnl, who has been confined to
his bed for moro than a week is slow
ly improving and will probably bo ublo
to bo out again Boon.
C. Harvey Jones and John St nil were
Salem men at the Multnomah hotel,
hondqunrters for tho Northwest Auto
Show in Portland, Thursday night, ilur
vey Beckwith of the state accident com
mission, arrived on a lute train and
was trying to get a liuo on the safety
features of tho 1918 models.
Marion -Polk Federal
Farm Loan Association
are. J. D. Caughell, J. TV. Morgau. Ken
ry Woelf, Homer Smith, H. O. Heffner,
I S.Watanabe, William Oldonberg, George
lost, It. JJ. Gibson. Three cars have
also been sold to Turner purchasers as
follows: D. A. Osborne and Wm. A.
Guerne, C. W. Parker and F. B.
. o
'The beat" is all you can do when
death comes. Call Webb & Ciotigh Co.
Phone 120. ' tf
Let Miller Geared-to-the-Boad tires
bo your next tires. I save your rimcut
and side blow out tires. Miller Ad-on-a
V. C. Brock, appraiser for the Fed- Treads stitched on your old tires, $8-75
cral Land Bank of Snokanc. is now at and up. Clark, Y. M. C. A. bldg. 2-9
uaiuut agu timing buu lunus uiicicu oo
spector. The court stood pat on its nr..
pointment, however, Judge Bushey said
he would take the matter under advise
ment. Opposition engendered more or
less by personal and political feeling
has been developed in opposition to Mr.
Van Trump's appointment. The meetine-
vna iiui as ooisterous as was reported
hi me Jituiuing paper.
W. B. Dance Mpose hall tonight.
Smoke Salem's best cigar La Caro
na sells for 10 cents.
For the fourth time within a few
weeks the fire department was called
out about 9 o'clock last night to a va
cant house at 315 south 10th street
security for loans from the Federal i4th street believC8 she had a cousin
Land Bank. All formers who are do- nhnrr1 tha rrgn.m.f Tw,..ia
sirous of obtaining such loans, should was lecentiy Bunk. Am0ng the list of
call at this office as early as possible t.iran BhnarA lmwj nmo
a..,. ...a.vD a.m i.io ii. .ue..... upy.i- Harry Green ,or Spokane. Mrs. Hchaefer
cation tor the same. Bo sure to bring ha8 a cousin Dy that name whoso home
your deed with you, so that tho correct is at Spokane and who has ioined the
.1 . a . i l j -n .1 i . . ...
ucacriiiiiuii ui uib mnu unrrru uau u service. S ie is waiting anxinuslv fur-
given in tho application. By doing this ther word of the catastrophy. . -
ui uucu yuur uppucuuuu cuu ue cun-1 p
sidored wlulo Mr. Brock is here and Patton Plumbing Co., 335 Chemeketa
save you tho delay of waiting till a Phone WOft. We do tepair work. Stoves
government appraiser is sent in at a and furnaees coiled.' tf
later date. o-
W. D. SMITH, "The funeral beautiful." Webb &
Secy-Tretas. Marion-Polk county N. dough Oo. tf
F. L. Ass'n. 303 Salem Bauk of Com-
o. A. Littler ana wire, or forest urove
will be in Salem tomorrow for a visit
with relatives. While here they will
be joined by their daughter, Miss Flor
ence Littler, from Corvallis, whore she
is taking a course at the Oregon Agri-
Mrs. Emil A. Schaefer, of 712 north which was discovered in flames. The
Priagle Auxiliary
Sews For Red Cross
, . , ... .. n , cultural college. They will visit at the
The Pnngle auxihary of the Bed A A XTmlorhiIl home on south 12th
Cross met Thursday l ob. 7, at the home strcet , Mr Littler8 mother Mr8.
of Mrs. W. M. Cobnm. The greater . ,.,. an(, nlafl A tho
was uevunuu iu
portion of tho day
sowing for the Red oross, only taking! j
vime to enjoy a uiiinry luuciieou niui-u
was served at noon.
J. B. Littler home, 891 south 12tktreet
wo gentlemen being brothers.
Choice roses and Ornamental and
Those attending the pleasurable flowerin , 8hrubg for your ,awn8 at
meeting were Mesdamts L. W. Potter,
E. A. Clark, E. S. Coates, Clifford
.Touch, J. M. Cobum, John Best, Boy
V. Ohmart, George Grabenliorst, Geo
Harris. J. N. Robertson, W. R. Robins,
Quinliy D. Vnnderliilt and the .Misses
Maude Esken and Unmet Cobnm.
The junior guests of the party were
.Tones Nursery, State and 24th streets.
Don t pav Portland prices for what
vou can buy cheaper at home. Thone
George Hirschbaugh and wife have re
turned from California where they havo
spent tho past six months and intend
Five and seven youra leans
with privilege to repair 100
or multiple on any interest
814 Masonie Bidg, Bulcm, Ore.
J Used Fcrntue Wanted
Highest Cash Priee Paid tor
Used Pnrntture
E. L. STIFF ft 60N,
Phone (Ml or 608
DE SANTIS. Friday, February 8, 1918
at the homo of its parents, tho 2 year
old sou of Mr. and Airs. Tony l)e
Suntis, living 6 miles cast of Salem
on tho Mae.loay road.
The funeral will probably be "held
Monday at St. Joseph's Catholic church.
Tho body is at the Bigdou parlors.
SIIIFLEK. At the homo of the par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Shiplor, two
miles northwest of Salem, Eulena May
Shiplor at the ago of 2 years.
Tho funeral will take place Monday
afternoou at 2 o'clock from the chapel
of Webb & Clough. Bev. G. L. Lovell
will conduct the services and burial will
be in the City View cemetery.
r.veiyn ramrn, r.vereit iarK, nra. .v tT,i. i. ir
Orabenhorst, Leo Ohmart, Ellis Hnr- Hir8fhba cn is a macilinist and was Io
ns, Lrnest Clark and Georgo and Co- ..t.j J 0i oi,..w i.. n
burn Ornbeuhe,rst. piifin w lit,l in Pnlifnr.
nia at San Jose, where Mr. Hirschbaugh
was engaged in his trade. He reports
house was owned by Mrs. D. W. Smith
and a persistent effort seems to have
boen nmdo by somo person or persons
to destroy the property. The flames had
gained considerable headway before the
department arrived last night and the
interior of the structure was gutted. The
main framework and walls were left
standing, however, leaving enough for
firebugs to try it again. The department
was also called out at 4.5o this morn
ing to a chimney fire in the Statesman
building on south Commercial street. -
: O
"The Unpardonable Sin," by Eev.
Horace N. Aldrich, at Leslie M. E-,
Sunday, 11 o 'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Terwilliger, grad
uate morticians and funeral directors,
770 ChemeKeta St- Phone 724.
along straining their eyes over fine sewing and try
ing to read in the light" that used to seem good
enough who do not realize that "rest glasses"
would improve their spirit and their dispositions.
Nothing makes one nervous and irritable even
depressed and blue like the need of help for the
v better have your eyes examined.
Optometry Means Eye Service.
Miss A. McCtiHoch, Optometrist, 208-9 Hubbard Bldg.
sfc dc sfc sfc sc c
The ladies adjourned nt a late hour
nnd expect to meet with Mrs. John
Best in two weeks-
H. M. Hamilton, division manager of
the P. B. L. P. company, has return
ed from a trip to Seattle and Taconia
where he went to make a first hand in
vestigation of the coal situation. He
found the situation somewhat improved,
with no immediate danger of the com
pany being unable to secure a suffi-
cient supply of coal for use in its lo-
cal gns plant. While in the Sound coun
try Mr. Hamilton visited Camp Lewis
and was much impressed by tho size of
the cantonment, lie says a heavy rain
had just fallen before he arrived and
a light cout of mud covered Jhe ground,
but that he iound a very tine spirit
pervading tho whole camp. Drafted men,
he said, as soon as they reached camp
and got into harness seemed to enter
into the spirit of tho war with just as
much dash and enthusiasm as any of tho
men there.
A four year graduate in medicine
Mrs. Ed Becken and baby Verla are
visiting in Montavilla at the home of
Mrs. Harry Lee.
Prank J-,amb and Joe Cherry are
working in the shipyards at Portland
and will move their families there at
the earliest convenience.
Charles Wurm and Ernest Moore
have taken thoir physical examinations
as required by law but do. not know aa
yet whether they have been accepted
for service or not.
Ed Becken was an over Sunday vis
itor in Portland.
Mrs. Wm. Squires and children, who
have been visiting her mother, Mrs.
D. K. BTannan, have gone to Portland
to live. Mr. Squires has a position on
ono of tho car lines, there.
Mr. and Mrs. G. w. Plank of Salem
and their daughter, Mrs. Burliss of
Payette, Idaho, were Thursday guests
of the Clay Heise and other relatives.
Geo. Frazure is at Prinevillo work
ing on the telephone lines there.
Miss Ida Hafterson of North Salem
was a Tuesday over night guest a tho
Ed Beclcen home. .
Miss Beth Bedford is at home again
after undergoing a serious operation
nt Willamette sanitarium. Sho is gain
nr in strength and is hoping to be
well and strong again soon
City council met Monday night and
transacted thoir recnilar business.
List of Tuscania
Survivors Compiled
All day long, at intervals between
other news matter, the Capital Journal
leased wire has been carrying the
names of the survivors of the Tuscania
disaster, as the lists vere made up. Sev-
vat hundred have so far been sent but
o nami s of enlisted men from the Sa-
em district have appeared. Thero were
nly a few from this locality ;.mona
those "upposed to have sailed on the ill
fated transport.
Mobs Threatening v
To Lynch Germans
threatening to lynch Germans in
Wilmington, 111., according to
telephone messages received at
Date of Registration
of Aliens Extended
Washington, Feb. 9. The date of
registration of enemy aliens has been
extended to include Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday, 'February 11, 12 and
12, respectively, according to an an
nouncement by the committee on pub
lic information today.
The extension has been made iu or
der to give enemy aliens plenty of
time to comply with tho law requiring
wages high and business good, but says; and surgery. A four year graduate in
w:i!nmAA IT M
miuuiicuc v. iiuico
it costs a heap to live thero and tak
ing things all the way round he would
prefer Oregon. He intends to open a
machine shop in Salem.
The Rev. J. Ar.twood Stansfleld mis-
For moro than a week now every- sioner. oreaches Inst sermons at St.
thing at "Willamette has had an at- Paul's church tomorrow. 11 a. m. 7:30
mosphere of "cram," but now exnmsln. m.
nre over, nnd hilarious excitement at-1 o
tendnnt upon registration and the ar- Come to the mission: final services
rivnl of new students reigns supreme. I tomorrow. J. Attwood Stansfiold, mis-
The prospect for the next semester sioner; St- Paul's church.
good. At noon tortav one hundred I o
nnd fifteen students hnd registered,! A parade by the four troops of Sa-
Miss Benedict, the registrar, estimates lem Boy Scouts attracted no small
osteopathv. Treats acute and chronic
diseases. Dr. B. H. White, 50G U. S
Nat. bank.
Chicago, Feb.. 9. Mobs are
threatening to lynch Germans in
Wilmington, 111., according to
telephone messages received at
the department of justice here
today. Hundreds of men are de
manding that Mayor William
McAllister surrender Joseph Dit
mire, a German miner, alleged
to have approved the Tuscauia
McAllister appealed to the de
railment of justice for aid
against American miners who
threaten lynchings. Aid is be
ing sent from Joliet and Mor
ris, 111.
a charge which authorities will not dis
cuss. William Frank Holeka, Austrian en
gineer, in whoso possession authorities
say they found between 400 and 500
blueprints of American army aeroplanes.
P. G. Ferre, former president of the
Mevican National Trading company,
said to have been an associate of ' ' Gen
eral" Nick Zenn Zogg in Mexiean plot
E. L. Janney, said to have posed as a
British aviation officer.
Bligh Hotel Arivals.
Harvey Westfal, MeMiimville; J.
Lcffler, Scio; J. C. Moo, The Dalles;
J. P. Moc, The Dalles; Mrs. J. F. Emer
son, The Dalles; M. J. Lee, Canby; Wm.
H. Egan, Hopuiere; M. B. Shea, Port
land; H. P. Anderson, American Lake;
J. L. Wilson, Seattle; Thresea Hilly er,
Bend, Or.; J. J. Purdy. Falls City; B.
F. Bode, Silvertou; Mrs. Jennie Sliel
ton, Seio. .
They Liven Your Liver and
Bowels and Clear Your
Don't Stay Headachy, Bilioas
with Breath Bad ari
Stomach Sour
Get a 10 cent box now.
Tonight .sure! Talie Cascareta and
enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and
bowel cleansing you ever experienced.
( asenrots will liven your liver and
clean your thirty feet of bowels with
'oiit griping. You will wake up feeling
jj; I'granu. l our ncna win oe clear, rjreatn
i'right, tongue clean, , stomach sweet,
Is I'eyes bright, step clastic and eomplex-
' ion rosv they're wonderful. .Get a
Tighten Spy Net
In San
'10 cent bo now at any. drug store.
Mothers can safely give a whole Cas
Varet to children any time when cross,
feverish, bilious, tongue coated or con
stipated they nre harmless.
San Francisco, Feb. 9. Department I
of justice and army intelligence office
representatives have tightened their spy
net and as a result today four alleged
plotters were in custody.
The men in custody here are:
Dr. Ed L. DeCramm, arrested as he
was about to leave for the Orient, on
Hoar Eev. Horace N. Aldrich '
Vnpurdonnble- Sin," Leslie M.
Sunday, 11 o'clock.
E ,
statement today said. The total unfill
ed tonnage on January 31, was 9,477,
833, against 9,381,718 on December 31,
S,S07,10o November 30, and 11,474,054
January 31, 1917.
The auction sale of H. L. Harper
of Turner, Or., which took place at
Stop at
Strictly modern, $1.00 a Day.
100 Booms of solid comfort.
The only hotel in the business
Marion-Polk Federal
Farm Loan Association
V. C. Brtctk, appraiser for the Fed
eral Laud Bank of Spokane, is now at
Salem nppraising the lands offered as
F. G. Delano and A. I. Eoff have
formed a corporation for the handling
uj. auiumouiies ana are opening the
building at 246 State street, formerly
occupied bv th Bolnmnt sei--ion cti;nn
as a displav and salesroom. Ther' will ; llis fai on Tuesday, January 29. and
handle the Chevrolet and Hudson ma. conducted by F. N. Wcodry, Salem's security for loans from the Federal
chines. Mr. Delano has traveler! nvor ; clever auctioneer, was a -decided sue- Land Bauk. All farmers who are de-
this number as about half of the total amount of attention on the streets at the state for the past 5 years as fac---es,J' .the attendance was good and isirons of obtaining such loans, should
number who intend to enter the col- noon todav. The Scouts marched to the torv representative, the last twn tm lnc Bidding was brisk, iollowing are i call at this office as early as possible
lege of liberal arts. The offices are time of their drum corps and bore num- of which he was representative for the ome tne prices which prevailed: and make and file the regular appli
open for registration until Monday at erous banners tolling of their work and Maxwell factory. He has had a wide -'ra(! Tersey 3 .Tear old. heifer, $138; j cation for the same. Be sire to bring
p. m. l lasses wm pegin l uesaav I the campaign for new members and new J experience in the automobile business ! v ,lrM7 ' car oia cow, hw; your deed witn you, so that the correet
Tuesday the campaign for new members and new j experience in the automobile business I Pra,,e' Jersey 7 year old cow, $100; your deed with you, so t
leaders which was launched with a bigjand will be geucral manager of theRrai'e 1ersy 5 year old cow, $.8(1; ! description of the land
banquet at the Y. M. C. A. building agency. The new firm do not intend to! '!ratl0 Jl!'rsoy 2 year old heifer, 70, 'given in the application
graue jersey 10 mourns -ow neiter, 54i) ' at once your applicatie
! grade Jersey 16 months old heifer. $25 sidererl -"hil Mr. Rmel
j grade Jersey 16 months old bull, "$23; save vou tho delay of waiting
I grade Jersey4 months old, two hcif- J government appraiser is sent ii
i The funeral of Orville Geren Starr
was held at the First vhristiau church
this itftcruoon at 2 o'clock, under the
direction of Eev. H. C. Stover.
Deceased was the cider sou of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. F. Starr, who reside at
5tH North Church street. He was 1
years of age, having ' been born in
Salem, Oregon, August 22, 180(5, where
he resided the greater part of his life.
The past few years he worked in the
Garage of Otto J. Wilson.
Deceased was a member of the First
Christian church. He was a sufferer
from tuberculosis, and last fall went
to Arizona, where he hoped to regain
his health, but steadily grew worse,
and only a few weeks ago returned to I
Prof. Florian Von F.selion. head of last evening. Addresses were made at
tho department of chemistry and the banquet last evening by Secretary
privates at Willamette university, will I uuigrien, John W. Todd and Joseph 11,
deliver a lecture entitled. "The influ-1 Albert on the physical, mental and mor
enee of the wnr on our chemical in-lal training of Scouts. Following the
dustno. " next Tnesdnv evening 8 p. I banquet and speeches the Scouts and
m. in Waller hnll. Admission will be I their guests repaired to the gymnasium
free. I where games and athletic exercises were'
i ne lecture win neni wnn rne wr i inuuigeu in xor a coupie oi nours.
of the American- chemists to supply the
now demand consequent noon mr in
ability to secure our usual supply ofiP"
chemionls from belligerent' countries. I ji;
Rnd slso with the problem which Willi
confront us after the wsr, to meet the
reduction in prices resulting from
comnetitiiMi. ,
Professor Ton Ksrhen snvs that Ore
eron has the natural resources for de
veloping treat chemical indntsries. All
w need Is capital. Tie will explain
this statement next Tuesday evening
offered can bo
Bv doina this
conduct a garage, but will confine their rau oerse io mourns -om neirer, it-iii at once your application can be con-
energies to the sales and service end j Cra"e Jersey Jb months old heifer. $2.) ; sidered while Mr. Brock is here and
of the business. j grade Jersey 16 months old bull, $23;;save you tho delay of waiting till a
uniiAi vsxt i-l-UjU xujnjnaus. i muutua uiu, i wo ueir-; government appraiser is sent in at a
j ers, each ?l;; o months old shoats, : later date " '
New York, Feb. 9. The unfilled ton- 13 r,n ea(lh: onR 10 ?" mare, 1100) ' W. D. SMITH,
rage of the Fnited States Steel eorpor-1 i,0l,uds- 115- Wheat. $2.25 a bushel;! Secv-Treas. Marion-Polk county N".
ation increased 96.135 tons over theioats x a bushel; rolled oats $2.50 a p. L Ass'n 303 Salsru Bank of Com
tonnage of December 31, the monthiy j hundredweight; gas engine $S4, and ; mertfe building. 2-8
1 machinery brought good prices as well, j
liis home In this city. Tie w.is a faith
ful worker and an excellent citizen.
and hi loss will be sadly felt by his
many friends. " I
Interment was in the CitT Tiewl
"The Son of Democracy"