IMA! O !,V o,. 4,400 SUBSCRIBERS (22,000 HEADERS) DAILY Only Circulation la Balem Guar anteed by ths Audit Bureau of Circulations. FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEY NEW 8 VIC WEATHER Oregon: Tonight and Wednesday fair; colder to night; moderate south westerly - winds. i ON TRAINS AND NEW STANDS FTVB CENTS FORTY-FIRST YEAR NO. 31 SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1918 PRICE TWO CENTS 111 fl i zjl:, (I W 1 ;lPsii ' f 1 EIGHT GERMAN AIRPLANES LOST IN SUNDAY FIGHT French Report That Five Other Machines Were Brought to Earth ENGLISH PROTEST PRISONERS' TREATMENT Germany's Death Roll Mounts Rapidly According to Ba varian Socialist cport Paris, Feb. C. Eight German air planes were completely destroyed and five others were brought flaming to earth by Preach aviators in a series of lorimduble air battles over the Ger man lines Sunday, it was officially an nounced today. ' An enemy attack in the Chemin des Dames region, following artillery prep aration, was thrown back before the attacking waves reached the French lines, it was announced. England Files Protest London, 1'eb. 5. The British foreign office, through Holland, has protested to Germany against the sentence of ten years imprisonment of two British avia tors for dropping propaganda literature over the German empire, the London Wail asserted today. After careful investigation, the for eign office has been unable to discover any breach of international law on the part of the aviators, the Mail said, Ger many, the foreign office said, has done lunula r propaganda work on an exten sive scale and unless the aviators are released reprisals will be taken. The military status of the two Brit ifti aviators mentioned in the uboyfi dis patch, was ignored by the Germans. German Death Boll Zurich, Fel). 5. The war has cost Ger many alono 1,300,000 in dead, and as many more have been wholly or par tially incapacitated. Socialist Member Scgitz declared in the Bavarian diet, jiciordiug to dispatches received here to day. British Raid Succeeds London, Feb. ,5. "Many Germans were killed" and. prisoners and machine fjiins taken in successful British raids couth of Fleurbaix' and in the' neigh borhood of the Ypres-Staden railway last night, Field Marshal Haig an ii treed today. English Non-Combatant Loss. London, Feb. 5. Enemy submarines and air raiders have killed 14,120 Brit ish non-enmbatants men, women and hildren Chancellor of the Exchequer lionar 1 aw declared in the house of commons today. Work on two new lumber mills is in progress at Kecdsport. SECRET KNOWLEDGE Of HUNS SERIOUS CONDITION PROMPTED COUNCIL'S STEP By Lowell Mellett C'liitrd Press Staff Correspondent) Loudon, Feb. 5. Secret knowledge in the possession of the British government regarding conditions in Germany may Jiavi caused the uncompromising atti tude adopted by the inter-allied coun cil at Versailles. Food conditions in the central empires are known to be increasingly serious. The Russian "storehouse", upon which the central empires were count ing to relieve their own hunger, is still Trymg to Pose As Man She Had Manly Vices San Francisco, Feb. 5. Just because a hospital interne smokes cigarettes and owns a safety razor, it is no reason to be sure that the interne isn't a woman. It used to be but tedav it isn't, for Dr. Akn Hart of" San Francisco hospital did those things and wore a natty profes- sional suit and then, when "Alan" applied for a place in the Lane hospital, was recogniz- ed by a former Stanford student as having been his fril'y, curly haired sweet-voiced classmate of 1913. The girl left Rnnford in 1913, snd graduated from the t'niver- sity of Oregon last June. x : am'o Kob Bank 9; of Large Amount is- e Kansi jcj'ity, Kan., Feb. 5. An un masked' g idit late yesterday after noon htfup and robbed the (Juin daro St. bank, securing $5000, at the point va revolver while two com panions i "l guard outside. The three me ?.?n escaped on foot. None of tha ro ,;3 were masked. Only two employes the cashier and a woman stenographer were in the bank at the time the bandit entered. He thrust a revolver in the f ai of the cashier, demanding the cash. F. 8. MeMcniglo, the cashier, push ed a pilo of currency totalling $5000 across the counter, at the same time 'brushing a much larger pile of bills from the counter out of sight. The robber backed out, joined his compan ions and escaped. Police scouring the neighborhood in automobiles had not apprehended 'them up to a lata hour. RD OF INQUIRY ON EOFF ACCIDENT Railroad Company Exonerated As Result of Its Own Investigation The Southern Pacific company has prepared the following report of the "Board of Inquiry," covering the au tomobile accident in which A. E. Eoff two a i 11 inrorl Jan 29. The accident oc curred at the Pinckney road crossing, and tho "Award or .inquiry nammi ly exonerates the railroad company, as it is their business to do. They may or may not be right in this case. The report says: This- board finds that westward pas senger train SSTo- Ki", consisting of,K Twin ' 55: was struck, near I forward end, at Pinckney TOad cross ing. West fcwlcm, Dy a fora auiomouue badly damaging the automobile, and inflicting casualties as shown on form 32. . . Damage to automobile estimated at $150; damage to equipment, none, to track, none. Investigation discloses that train No. 167 was on time leaving Salem, and was running at usual rate of speed across the. Willamette river bridge and approaches. toward - rPinclmsy road crossing. Approaching this crossing, engineer looked to the north, when Tirobably five hundred feet from cross ing, and did not observe any vehicle approaching. His vision was not ob structed by trees, or other objects, to ti. ,.(4, rl omtirR rnad could be mr uvimi .. . seen for about 1000 feet. On account of cars on siding at Pinckney, on soutn side of main track, engineer was watch ir, iinf AWaptinn closely. Testimony of witnesses goes to show that whistle had been sounuea xor iue iuuu. ui ing, and that automatic engine bell Konn rino-Inor continuously from itlie time train left Salem until after tho accident. . t. In the meantime, Mr. A. E. Eoff, age about 45, driving the above de scribed automobile (no other passen gers in automobile), was approaching the Pinckney road crossing, from the north. Although no witnesses were -n.iirt Banr ihn automobile ap proaching, it is thought he must have been traveling at a hich rate of speed, and was not aware of approach of train, as testimony of parties whe at tended him, after he was placed on (Continued on page two) locked because Leon Trotsky, Russian foreign minister, out-maneuvered both the central empires and the Ukrainians. Germany's plight is indicated by the recent order forbidding relatives to send parcels of food to officers held prisoner in England and France and directing that money be sent instead. This has resulted in cutting off the export of thousands of parcels from Germany weekly. The Exchange Telegraph declares that mail from relatives to prisoners here totals 500,000 letters a fortnight. Incoming letters ,it is said, reveal a state of affairs in Germany infinitely worse than heretofore reported. Diseases, due to under-nourishment are increasing, it is reported and discon tent is evidenced among all classes. Railway Employes Get Compensation Benefits Washington, Feb. 5. That employes of the national railroad will not be given the privilege of the federal em ployers' compensation act was practic ally assured today when the house in terstate commerce committee struck from the railroad bill the administra tion provision extonding the act to rail road men. The senate eommittee took similar action last week. A correspondent living out Rose City Park wav complains about the street car service on the Rose City line, and casually mentions the Beaumont "stub" as being unworthy of eomplaint. m? lost ill w Mh 1 111 life. Mkmiwm "Be patient, Mr. President. StNATOR VVADSWORTH VOICES OPPOSITION TO NATION'S LEADERS esentahve of racking Combine In Senate Comes to Bat As Scheduled Washington, Feb. 5. "Lack of vis ion hag stalled America's war engine" Senator Wadsworth charged in (he sen ate today, ' 'and a greater break down than tho one from which we are now suffering threatens unless somo direct ing agency is created." "1 entertain tho deep conviction that the end of this war is not in sight; that wo shall travel a long, hard road before we reach the goal,' ho said. "I feel certain that the strain will grow more and uiore iivero as the months go by. "Americas effort must constantly expand; we must send more and more Swift CuQany aua Wilson packing com- of the world: troops abroad, must bmld more and pauies had comuined on meat bids for j "Dear friends: The unparalleled more ships to carry them, must grow American military forces. This and ' struggle for democracy and permanent more and more food to feed them and tiong of false entries in their peace which binds our nations to coop to feed tho allies, and we must make . P oa ;n0, mi.iflti(,n tiv. ;,. i .),nr,l i, mmi nn.i nan nf an Avpr l nt rp.a ai n tr nflrpP.nrAPfl . - -t- t0 controi supplies of tish, vegetables, ' women aline, in the yearning or of our mines transportation facilities l? and 0eoari ' lother beart of tho "Urld from su, rnTrrs ... 'were called "felonies" in the warrant. 1 highest moral and spiritual welf a auori, x am cuuviittt-u luai , .j : , , Ai. i i i i, ti...aunij mendous underlying. I am not satis - fied that we have the- kind of organi - zation and machinery that can staml the strain " Firing the second volley, designed - . - lo raite uie war aiiminisiration or oei- retary . Baker, Wadsworth declared that "blindness" found this Country "pathetic in its unpre-jaredness" at the opening of the war. Since then, he added, "this great giant (the war ma chine), has been stumbling, groping, exerting his tremendous strength with out ahvavs knowing what he was do ing or where he was going " He deplored the shipping situation and declared the transportation facil ities were hopelessly jammed and con gested. Conditions today, he said, ore "glaring results of the lock of cen tralized directing authority." Pointing out that the government did practically nothing during the year preceding tho entrance of the United States into the war to prepare for the inevitable, Wadsworth -declared: "We were so blind aa to permit ono of our government rifle factories to operate much below its capacity all through the year 1916, and ether fac tories to cease altogether making rifle during that period. " "The condition of the two factories is but one example of our neglect," he declared. "In the broader field of in dustrial prejiaration little if anything of an effective nature was done. "As we look back now we have learned, I hope, a great lesson a les son learned at tho expense of many lives and millions of dollars. We have learned that our failure to see beyond the end of our noses has prolonged this ghastly war and postponed tbat day when mankind shall he released from its terrors and the future of this re public made absolutely sure." Turning to the committee ' investi- (Continued on page three) Help Remember, they are FRANCIS HEKEY AFTER BOOKS AND PAPERS OF AL T Prosecutor Armed With Search Warrant Takes Possession of Records Chicago, Feb. 5. Armed with a search warrant, Special-Counsel Francis J. Ileney of the federal trado commis sion today seized the Swift and Com pany file in tiiu offices of Attorney Henry Veeder here. Over the protests of Veeder and other lawyers xor the packers, Hcney and four aides accoui pauied by Assitaut-United States Attor ney J. A. Fleming, obtained posses sion of evidence in the commission's packing investigation, which Veeder had fought to prevent. The warrant, issued by Federal Judge Landis today, charged that tho Armour, vuun-B, o ITV" " " .... . .w .... xne cnanzeg were ! f or compelling the packe rs' attorneys 1 U 1 surrender the records desired by tho commission in its investigation, When the protests of some of Vec- ier's law partners become too strenuous l fnlnMl roarulifll wild RlHu ACCOlll DSllied a federal marshal who also accompanied Henoy's party threatened the packers attorneys with arrest. Abe Martin 'NV. niatl.i how oIa Ton nrA An' how fl n vnl.v foal M FB TTfll, 'rO FWI uuiaueu as r caauua . cilliuruil mure is u ui-i-iivr unu 9r .;.! ! nrl rivin frlv. Th''i,oith . hnrltr and mind, that tiuritv feller that says, "Of course, I may be nuT lint" rW nnt l.pliv that thf-ri kin be any such possibility. 4 all True Americans." MORAL PROTECTION FOR SOLDIERS URGED BY PRESIDENT'S WIFE With Mrs. Anna Howard Shaw She Appeals To All Em bassies Abroad Washington, Feb. 5. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wife of the president, today launched an international movement to throw about the fighters in Europe and their mothers, siBters and daughters the highest moral influence during the war. Speaking for tine mothers of America, Mrs. Wilson dispatched the message, jointly signed by Mrs. Anna Howard Shaw, chairman of tho National Defense Council, woman's committee, to all em bassies abroad. The message follows: "Tn the women nf the allien nations uv. . - - 1110 the are of more subtle bond which makes all women akin. "Out of the mutuar agony and lovo of tho mothers of America this messago was sent to the allied mothers of Eu rope pledging our interest and our co operation in the protection of our sons and daughters in this time of tempta tion and danger. "In all our countries mothers are winirnr and nroud tn .rive their sons tolForce in France, Feb. 4. (Delayed) defend the ideals which underlie thisjThe American army is hungry for front and jne rign ug Attempt supreme sacrifice which their govern-1 vengo today. The baptism of big shells behind the Sammies IpoU. Attempt me'nt demands of them and to accept the soldiers received Saturday night after attempt ' dten beU with fortitude and calmness their just whotted their appetites for -more, leans "Zir deaths. But they shrink from the great- Those who were wounded in .the ar- the en em, 18 l'' -eport-er sorrow whih comes from the lac JtiHory duo, are most "Cie.leSg'to ? American pLts. health and manly vigor. It is no wonder that their hearts fail them when they realize the temp tations which beset tlicir sons, remov ed from home and family ties, living the unnatural life of the camp exposed to the excitement and fierce passions of conflict; all of which impair their powers to resit temptation that under happier and more healthful circumstan ces would easily be conquered. "The same is true of our daughters who are forced out of the home into the world service with the glamour of war and emotional phases of society which war tends to foster and which lead to the breaking down of restraint that has hitherto been their safeguard. "These abnormal conditions place up on all women tremendous responsibility and urge the closest union in an ef fort to conserve the moral forces of so ciety, to protect our young men and women that tht'T -rnav be kept pnre and chivalrous, so that after the conflict is ended we may look with hope to thei llltliril ll HTT1 D lifo nf OUT TIP fl Til fl f II T that and nobility of individual character and (Continued on page an) Permanent R. R. Staff Selected by McAdoo Washington. Feb. . 5. Selection of his permanent1' staff to assist him in administering the national railroad has been tentatively completed by Direc tor General McAdoo. It includes: General assistant, Walter D. Hines, Now York, chairman of the executive oonrd of the Santa Fe. Carl B. Gray, Baltimore, of the Western Maryland railroad, in charge of transportation. John Barton I"aine, Chicago, gener al counsel for the . administration. Director of Labor W. S, Carter, :4-and chief f Ihe Brotherhood of Railway Firemen. Edward Chambers, vice president of the Santa Fe, in -charge of traffic. SULLIVAN'S CASKET Streams of Men and Women View Body of Former Champion at Boston By H. O. Hamilton (United Press staff correspondent) Boston, Mass., Feb. 5. In - a ma hogany casket, with wreaths of flow ers almost completely hiding his last couch, tho body of John . L. Sullivan, former world's heavyweight champiin lay in state today at the borne of his sister, Mrs. Annie E. Lcuiion A steady stream of men, women and children gazed on the peaceful - fea tures of tho old gladiator until a late hour last night. More were present ear ly today. Sullivan was dressed in a full dress suit. On tho glistening mahogany of the casket there was a silver name plate, bearing; onry (the inscription "Juhn L. Sullivan." Arrangements have not been com pleted for the funeral. Only a few of the men at first selected have been aJble to attend as pall bearers and hon orary pall bearers. Colonel Roosevelt, invited to 'be ono of the latter, was forced to decline. He sent a messago from hia hnmn in Ovster Bav. -Other honorary pall bearers will be James J. Corbett, the man who wrested the heavyweight title from Sullivan; Billy Muldoon, famous as a trainer; Former Mayor Curloy of Boston ;.Miah J. Mur ray, Police Captain James P. Sulliva-i and other local celebrities. Seals Owners May Change San Francisco, Feb. 4.--Snn Francisco Seals may bo in the hands of new owners before the week is out. Rumors, which been circulating in sport ing circles for several weeks reached a climax today when Henry Barry, Seal owner, admitted that negotiations for transfer of ownership of the Coast lenguo franchise and club have pro gressed favorably so far. Berry would give no intimation as to tho identity of tho prospective new owner or owners. Anotiher report is that a certain sonthorn California sporting mnn, whoso name has not been revealed, is seeking to- gain control of the club. Hoc.Viey Race Tied Vancouver, B. C, Feb. 5 The big- quarters filled the seven thousand ca- (Continued on page three) AMERICANS HUNGRY FOR REVENGE AFTER SHELLING BY BIG GERMAN ARTILLERY By J. W. Pegler (United Press staff correspondent) With the American Expeditionary :bcen hit during the height of the en - counter, refused to leave nn trench firins step. Tli there in eagcrncee, hoping the boches would come over No Man's Land. They remained on the firing step until cer tain the enemy had given up all hope of attacking. This brand of heroism was apparent all during the engagement. When Ger man shells cut the communii-i"i"u wires. American dispatch runners re peatedly attempted to penetrate the enemy barrage. With splendid disre gard for their own safety, they took their lives in their hands again and again in their efforts, to fight their wav through the rain of shells. One New York Sammy was knocked from a ration wagon by a direct hit. His wagon was demolished, his mules were hurt and the soldier was sent spinning. As soon as the New Yorker was sure he had no wounds, he round ed mf the frantic mules and calmly shooed them on to headquarters. Raids are Repulsed With the American army in France, Feb. 4. (Delayed) Bepeated Ger- man attempts to raid the American front today were defeated by crushing STRIKE VANING OT BITTERNESS HAS 1TPASSED Strike Movement Was Spon taneous and Its Real Meaning Uncertain CONSTANT FOOD ECONOMY WEARING ON THE MASSES Heavy Penalties Are Expected To Be InHicted Upon Lead ers by Authorities By Jan Bruna (Written for the United Press) The Hague, Fob. 5. Germany's first political strike was waning today. . It reached its highest point of demor alization of German industry last Fri day, according, to very reliable infor mation received here. On that date tea per cunt of all workers in manufactor ies were out. The future effect of the strike is pro blematical. It is certain, however, that the tieup created intense bitterness be tween the laboring classes and tho so called "middle class" in Germany. Tha strikers' demands for food were roceiv cd with indignation by other classes. Everybody knows in Germany the labor ers' rations are much better than thosa which the average middle class salar ied man can afford. The food in factor ies cannot be bought by the man of average means. His salary has not in creased anywhere near the rate that the workers has advanced. From care fully compiled information reaching hero, the main centers of the strata j ""run ana namourg. ii.. I ago or worKers uut vub iuut mguvt than in Silesit and Saxony, where most of the employes were working. In the Khineland ' aurrounding Saarbruckeo only part of tho miners were out. No important engineers' organizations join ed tho movement. From authoritative reports it was learned that the indepen dent socialists of the central empires had Intended to strike simultaneously in Austria and in Germany, under a sort of I. W. W. leadership. But the careful telegraphic censorship of Austria pre vented dispatch of a password. From the explanation of the social democratic party and trades union lead ers, the Germnn strike "t roko out spon taneously." Probably this means that the leaders abandoned tho idea of a joint Auotro-Gcrman strike after failure of tho Austrian strike. It appeared they desired to wait a more favorable move ment. But when the "spontaneous out break" did come tho adherents of Philip Scheidemann, majority socialist leader, feared that the minority social ist pnrty, under Dr. Haase which was supporting the strike, might gain too Htroni? a hold on tho workers. Scheide- man and his associates, thorefore, open- assumed a share of the responsibility (Continued on page two-) .barrages from the Yankee artillery. The Germans are willing to pay heav jn mcn and material for infonna- '. . .U- ..:.i.l. 9 .kit A mnn. turn "" "": 1 varying in size from a tiny listening theirplaees'post occupied by two or three Sammies hev waited to the wide sector in front of which Saturday night's bocne anaca u down before the Germans could get rver their own top. Every enemy activity called down upon the heads of the boches another crushing American barrage. It is not nositive that a strong German attack was planned. If it was, the United States eannon hurline a curtain of flame and steel prevented geiu.s under way. Tha enemr replied to every Ameri can . artillery deluge, augmenting his cannonading with pirn-apple bombs, trench bombs and hand grenades. These outbursts of cannonading ana bomb throwing were violently noisy, but only mildlv dangerous, judging from the fact that no casualties wer i f n g (1 German machine guns frequently have sent over bullet barrages, appar ently trying to sweep the communica tion roads, over which food and sup plies are brought up to the American bov9 in the trenches. When these bar rages were turned loose thousands O- (Centinusd on page tire)