SALEM, OKEGOS MONDAY. FEB. 4. 1918. EIGHT SAL We Do Not Have ET But we do have the greatest bargains you will find anywhere. You can rest assured that you get value received in a J. C. Penney Co. Store any time. You need not wait for a "Special" on any particular article when in need of it, but just come in and we will give you especially low price on it any day. ft I All Around Tow & COSING EVENTS February 4-9. Registration of German aliens. February 17. Lincoln-Washington Memorial exescises at ar mory. jfj . THE COLOtt fftS.iT &r Dr. M. P. jfiendofaoka fits eyes cor. eetly. U. g. Kail, bank bide. tf The remains of Mrs. Emma Brown wero shipped Saturday night by tho Bigdon company to Seattle for inter ment. A son, O. L. Bowman, accompan ied me uouy, o Patton WbuttOmg e, 835 Chemeketa Phone V to Mpair work. Stoves j and furM nJLe&. tf A marriage license va issued i Saturday afternoon to George Henry tellies and Elizabeth Standley, both of Portland. STEWART FOR BANK EXAMINER NAMED BY STATE BANKING BOARD LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS jovsanor Wi&ycombe As Ex mold Vcives His Opposi tion to Sargent's Selection The Floral Society will meet this evening in the auditoruin of the Com mercial club at eip-ht nvin,.t .i,.t bo - " . i Dumb address on "vLdJ'iL The of S. G. Sargent as er J. Chapin. The puouc is coruJuny superintendent of banks was accepted vited to attend. today at a meeting' of the state bank- in,. n,i o inS board and Charles H. Stewart, who inc a uublifi nnr.tin .. . u " the last four years, was named as eet- giuniug at 10:30 o'clock at which time "lf? ?.uPcrintcnQe Mr- Sargent's res all Krticles iu the shon wiU b 1Knatlon H9 . at "? row, at wnicn time ne will begin his new work as examiner for the federal reserve bank at San Francisco. Mr. Stewart's appointment as act ing superiatendont is onlv temporary in., uVuen oiuuer ana the proceeds do vote;). t- patriotic work. Undartaloarg; Phone 120. Webb b Clough Co. tf I PERSONALS 1 Omer Digerncss, of Silvcrton, was in the city on business today. Ed Matthias, of Brooks, was in town trading Saturday. Herbert Bumble left today over the, vregon Aiuctrie lor Dryad, Wash, Carl Eibisil left for Seattle todav. unvuuug via me uregon jlectric. Paul V. Johnson left this morning for Portlund to spend the day on b'usi- JlLSt'. Mrs. L. N. Nesbitt returned the last of the week from a business trip to Tacoma. Ho In-it . Crossman returnee! last even ing from Portland after a short visit at thut place with relatives. Geo. f. Hodgers returned last even ing to his ship yards at Astoria after pending the week end at this dace. Miss .lga Monsou spent the week end witn ner parents, Mr .and Mrs. O. Mon- son at J el f orson. B .B. Nicholson, of Halvorsen Burns, spent the day in Hilvorton on Business. The restaurant which has been oper ated by Mrs. M. C. Ferguson at 179 eolith Commercial Btreet has been clos ed up. D. If. Talmadgo, publisher of the Hal sey Enterprise, was in tho city over Sunday with his family, living at 345 outh Winter street, Louis Griffith was down from Eugene and spent Sunday with his mothor and relatives in this city, lie is taking tho ordnance course at the state university. Mrs. Mack D. McCnlliati-r rf 14:13 south Liberty street, has been oniovinir! alP evening. visit rrom ner parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Finley of Corvallis. , Chas. B. Smith of the Spaulding log ging company, will leave in the morning for Newberg on a business trip to the company's mill at that place. James U. Ilartwoll was up from Port land aud spent the week end with his parents at 74 south 18th street, of this city. Geo. Weeks and wife. Drominent rni. dents living a short distance north nf The O. C. T. company's boat "Ora- hamona" towed a pile driver for the Coast .Bridge company up to Albany yesterday, where the bridge company will do some work on the Southern Pa cific bridge across the Willamette. o Funeral directors: Webb & Clough Co- tf tho city, have returned from an x. tended two month's tour of California. E. A. Carpenter wag up from St. Johns to spend the week end with his family, 425 north Church street in the city, lie returned this morning. Wuldo Mills wasvhome from Kutrene to spend Sunday with his wife and par ents, at 481 north Winter street. Ho is taking the ordnance course at the Uni versity of Oregon. Chet llixson, mechanic at Halvorsen & .burns, returned the last of the woek from an extended trip through Califor nia and has resumod his duties with tho local firm. Walter, familiarly known as "Spot" Churchill, was homo from Vancouver for an over Sunday visit with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Churciu,. north High street. Mr. and Mrs. Win, D. Livock of Can by, were in Salem over the week end. 1'r. Livock was formerly employed at the Frank S. Ward druir store and ia now in charge of the Huntley Bros, storo ac uanoy. If. (.'. Coursoy is home from federal grau.l jir service at Portland for ai temporary stay. He expects to be called ! nacK at any tinio. llis wife spent tho week end with him in the metrooolis and they returned together to Salem Boy wanted, 18 to 20 years of age to work in candy factory at Gray- voiie. Apply at once. o Matt Kingwald, who has been employ ed as an engineer in the Oregon City Piner mills, had the misfortune to break a finger of his right band while at his vork and is at his home a short diflanoe south of town on a layoff. He will return to his work as soon as he id able to use the hand. o "The funeral beautiful!' Webb ft Clough Co. tf The Salem POStofflea ia a. Tinmr nloo. thpHA ilfuru ri l uuto. j. xj. luarnvn nrn. ..r ..... - A t. . . t i ,!a, ;"! ... ' . u oniy two memoers ox tne staxc Dantt- H A 1 rinm i a w"" "leumatism, and inff board were present at today's meet i7ln ?V I- ?e Clty car"e, ihg and a superintendent will not be WiVh Z tn."a.e.d to his home by illness, j elected until State Treasurer Kay, the With registration of aliens and rim m. ,i.- u Jj ig -out of war savings stamps the re-1 from the cast. Governor Withycombe mauiing force of postal employes are land Secretary of State Olcott were Kept extremely busy. jthe two members of the board present The funeral of the lata IKnrhort. tt 'n,- wifi,,, .i. i, layior, which was to have been held at ed his opposition to Mr. Stewart as a . U.UUU cuapei ui iu:ou mis successor to jvir. arrent, maae it cioar morning, has been postponed to Thurs-1 today that the appointment of Mr. day morning, at the same hour and place Stewart as aetincf superintendent did Ihe deceased has resided in Salem and not commit the board in any way to ' survived oy a wife and small son. his election, but was only a temporary iuui-rm m postponed awaiting the appointment until sucn time as Mr. I A splendid assortment far your choosing in all the wanted Materials, Serges, Poplins, Taffetas, Checks, Plaids, etc Prices $2.65, $2.95, $3.75, $5.90 ' OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST Gale & Co. Commercial and Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store Phone 1072 arrival of a sister from the east, o- Kay can be present at a meetinjr of the board. Secretarv of State Olcott asked Mr. Sargent Tor his recommendation of a successor as superintendent. "Mr. Stewart 4s the logical man and the only man I could recommend Everbearing strawberries $1.00 ..per hundred. G. L. Warren, Bt. 3. 2-6 mneral services of Pomroy Clark, who died in Eugene February 1. 1S18 were held yesterday afternoon from the Kigdon chapel. Bev. H. N. Aid rich h.l charge of the services. T)p 71 years of age and the funeral was Mr- Sargent. "He is familiar with attended by a large number of frienHa the work of tho department; ho is and relatives from Dallas and this ,.p. familiar with the bonks of the state, tion. Interment was iu the Citv View anl lf a ncw man should be named ho fumuo.... . -won id hftvft to riATMnri on Mr. httfiwart O would have to depend on Mr. Stewart lor a year at least anyway. leyo L. Teaney sianed no at thB In J Mr- Swa thoroughly coimpe. cnl nnvoi Ti.nri.iti,. i tent and dese-rvine or tne promotion.' . .vuiuuuic atauuu tum iiiorn-i ..Tin l. 1 - i r ing and left for P.,rtian,l fn, "What banking experience has Mr, ment Ha is ii.(:. ; lv. 6- - istewart had?" asked the governor. 'formnr ,.; (, ., , ,u Ti" 6,mT7. JMauonal bank ot Aloany, as assist- A" letter to Mrs. Mae Ivle from her . "T erT ?ehe a'ld Kuiting Offi- ,ant ,, lica Sarnt. .,J'r,VV, t7 rV i t- -8) "I think the position demands a Bndon 1 'me 18 1U Mr0,9 'taake ,cuhiv" bni1 ithp ffovcrnor. . n 1 " , When In SALEM, OREGON, Stop at BLIGH HOUL Strictly modern, $1.00 a Day. 100 Booms of eolid comfort. The only hotel in the busines district. SACKS WANTED Highest price paid for old sacks CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa 8t Phone 308 4e4:4c son, IJovd, who is with the Fourth en gi'iotrs at Camp Greene, says: "Oregon is not so far behind when it comes to distributing her products. I am drink ing loganberry juice and "appleju' made :n Salem. We get it at the "can teen" here. Lots of it is sold and the boys like it fine." "The best" is all you can do when death eomee. Call Webb & Clough Co Phono 120. tf o The Midget Market will be open to morrow aftornoon for the sale of bread only; positively no meat will be sold. o In response to the agitation and de mand for tho handling and storing of grain in bulk the coming season, the Spaulding company have placed on the market what they call their "easy bilt" grain tank. It resembles their famous "Indiana" silo in construction Harold llunn. timekeener at th Northwest Steel company ship yards on aud appearance, ino nignt snirt, was up from 1'ortlund - a few hours today for a visit with hia The Midget Market will be open to- parents, Mr. and MrB. A. H. Bunn. whoimorrw aftornoon for the sale of bread live a short distance across tho river iu folk county. FARM LOANS Five and soven years loans with privilege to rejmy $100 or multiples on any interest date. l DIED & MITCHELL. At Sulem. Oreiron. Fob. ruary 2nd, 1918, Ketta Mitchell at the age of 43 yearsi The remains sworn. paniod by her husband wero forwarded j today by tho Terwilliger Home, to Con itral Foint, Oregon, for burial. ll 1'TOX. At the home, 147 North 18th street, February 3rd, 1018, tho in fant son of Mr. and' Mrs. Claude Gup tou. Services wero held from the Ter williger Home this afternoon, and bur ial was in I. O. O. F. cemetery. &)e ; born : &J(,)I( only; positively no meat will bo sold. o Irressma,'-dng classes at tne Indus trial Normal on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays- Address J. J. Kraps, lth and Wilbur. o William J. Bone, aged 33, and Arthur Plant, also aged 33, both from this place left this "morning for .Portland for as signment, having signed up at the lo cal army recruiting office for service with Uncle Ham. They chose the 20th Engineers as the particular branch of service to cast "their lot with. Hoth are Englishmen. o Dance at Hurst hall Tues. Feb. 5, i ., i. i i. .. . : nil ' , , , ui ul"'e meetings were parta of the 8tate are, seding in en scheduled for this afternoon at the Com- dorsements of Stewart, who. they de mercial club. A meeting of the execu- care is the logical man for the place. rr,Ve0!."m of tlle War SavinS8 Secretary of State Olcott said he Ihntt Stamps sale campaign was call- would BU,pport Mr. Stewart for the cd for 4 o'clock; tho Civilian Belief -place, upon the fecommnd.Hti,on rt committee of the Bed Cross was to meet Mr. Sargent and his belief that he is ui t.ou, ana me psociai iservice Center the logical man, from a business stand was to meet at 5 o'clock. The Floral -point, for the Dromoticn. Society is also to meet at 8 o'clock at Governor With vcoinbe 's opposition the Commercial club auditorium. to Stewart is said to be based on the s o ' ' ; fact that Stewart ia a democrat. As ine remains or the late Judge J. C. the situation is now clearly detined, Moreland were shipped this morning to 'Kay's vote will decide the nppjiut- Portland for burial. The funeral will meat. The governor, it is said, is count be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock 'inir stronely on Kay standing with from the Masonic temnle in Portland, him in naming a man for the place who interment being in the Lone Fir ceme- will be of political assistance to the tery. Bev. B. N. Avison, of this city, governor. will have charge of the services. A body . It is pointed out that the banking of Kuight Templars met at the house department, with the authority it has this morning and acted as escort to the lover tfle 'banks of the state and wih remains from the house to the depot. j;examiners traveling over the state con- SURGEON MURDERED WITHOUT VVARNiNGAT UNION IRONWORKS SALEM MAN CURED OF CANCER To the Peoplo of Salem: I suffered from cancer on the end of my nose for three years and was told it was incurable. I went to Dr. S. C. Stone for treatment. He applied a paste for four davs and then a simple ointment. In a few Shipping St. Salem, Sunday, February 3, 1U18, a son, to bo called Kenneth Earl Vermont Loan & Trust Co. 314 Masonic BIdg., Salem, Ote. i Kiss RagnhHd Johansson Massage and Medical Gymnastic Graduate or Sweden Trained Kree Phone 1347 166 N. Bummer St. . Hours by appeintaicnt i your home. LEWIS. To Mr. and Mrs. Bay L. Lewis 505 North 24th Btreet, Sulem, Sunday February 3, 1918, a son. WHITE. At the Salem hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford T. White, living on B. F. D. route No. 7, Sunday, Feb ruary o, iv is, a son. WILLJAMSON. At Salem hospital, n-iiruury o, to Mr. and Mrs. (. lias. J. Williamson, a girl. Mr. Williamson is a teacher in the Salem high school. ' HATCH. To Mr. and Mrs. Waller Jiatrlt, living on the Jefferson road, February 2, a girl. GAMBLE. To Mr .and Mrs. Herbert R. Oanihle, 457 South 17th street, Feb. ruary 3, a girl, Used Fcrciiure Wasted Highest Cash Price Faid or Used Furniture E. L. STIFF ft BOX, Phone 941 or 508 ! JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY IT War on tuberculosis The reels show ing the war the Modern Woodmen of America are waging on tuberculosis will bo shown at the Derby-Lnfky bldg. Thursday evening, Feb, 7. These pic tures are free to tho public. Uou 't fail to see them. o "The First Law of Christian Disciple ship" will be tho topic, of the discourse! of Bev. T. B. Ford tonight at Jason Leo Memorial church. Dr. Ford is super- mtiiiiilnnt nf Niiliim Mwtrint flr.iiTim unn. DflUPDiPU liit .. . ... ' ""lu"un' a' me iienconess hospital, terence, Methodist .Episcopal church, y mr. ami Mrs. r.arl It. Huberts, 1030 laud a powerful preacher. Meetings every morning at 10 a. m. and evening at 7:30, until further notice. Everybody welcome. o ' I pay the highest price for all kinds of fat livestock. Have shipped b car loads this year. Phone 23D7J. Ceo. D, Burdiek. o Smobs the best gradd Hygrade ci gars 5 cent worth more. o Fred E and Elmer J. Mangis were called to Dallas this morning by the sudden death of their mother, Mrs. John W. Mangis, who died early this morning at her home in linllns. The funeral will probably bo held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock .in Dallas. Besides Fred and Elmer of this city, two other brothers, Earl and Charles, are in France to learn of their mother's death. Sealed bids for the furnishing of 700 cords of wood to school district number "24. Marlon county, Oregon, will bo received bv the undersigned np to 7:30 o'clock p. m. February 25th, 1018. A certified check for 10 por cent or the amount of the- bjd must accom pany same, the right being reserved by this board to reject any and all bids. Specifications for the delivery of the wood may bo had at tho office of the clerk, number 371 State street, Salem, Or. Bids to bo opened at the regular meeting of the board at 7:30 o'clock p. m. February 5th, 1918. School district Number 4, Marion county. Or. 2-6 W. H. Burghardt, Jr., Clerk. . Georee Mannins. who died recently 1 Htical strength if it can be lined up in France, is not the son of Mr. and anrt the governor is determined to Mrs. S. A. Manning, of Salem, as has nalte an aPPntmen,t win ne aa been reported. Although the two young 'vntagcous to his candidacy tor w men have the same name, are the same tle . r(lai. age, and both were reared in Yamhill , , . ." iD u,,.., , cjr necessary by orders received by are no relation whatever. Mr. Manning, iv- v, t . ' . x; - o i . . ., 3 v I Mr. Sargent to report for duty tomor- of Salem, is in tho navy and has not 1 et left the United States, but expects Both ft vcrnor and the g0(.retary o 1)0 sent to foreign duty as soon as - " omj i,:i, ,itinn of he has completed a special course at th work 4at' nas boen done bv Mr. San Francisco, Feb. 4. Dr. W. E Buell, head surgeon of the Union Iron Works here was murdered at noon to day by an unidentified man who walked into the receiving room of t,h irninnbnn t, r..n . "i i Jrnn Wnrlra hnomtol nni ii.. l, . . - r ., ..UUf,Ui auu Diiui. IIIO piiy- sician down without warning. The slayer then turned his revolver upon himself, inflicting a wound which will probably prove fatal. Dr. Huell died before be could be taken to the operating room of the hospital. The assailant was rushed tn the Potrero hospital and is dvinir them He mado every effort to conceal his identity, having destroyed all papers and identification marks nbont his clothing before entering the Union Iron Works hospital. That the murdor had been carefully pre-arranced was indi cated by a blood soaked note found written in Italian found in the slav er's pocket. This was partially deciph ered by detectives. It read: "I am glad, what I am about to do" The name and other writing were obscured by blood. The shooting occurred at noon in the waiting room of the Iron Works hospi tal. The slayer appeared at the hospital at 10 o'clock and said he wished to see Dr. Buell. The doctor was very busy at the time and the man waited in an ante room ffor two hours, refusing to see any other physician. As Dr. Buell entered the waitinz room the man rose, took a revolver from his pocket and fired. The bslict entered the breast just above the heart. Dr. Buell collapsed on the floor and died without i uttering a word. The man then placed the barrel of healed over and is now sound and well. John Mcdonald. South Church St., Salem, Oregon. Nov. 3, 1917. DR. S. C. STONE, M. D. STONE'S DRUG STORE 241 N. Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon Consultation aud advice free. his revolver against his head and fired just as hospital attaches rushed in. A near pauic followed iu the hospital but Older was quickly restored. The .slayer, although conscious, re fused to make any statement. Iron Works officials are completely mysti fied as to the motive which prompted the murder. So far as is known, not a word passed between Dr. Buell and the assailant bofore the shots were fired. Attendants who wero in an adjoining room did not hear a sound after Dr. B.iell entered the ante room until the first shot startled them. This was not more than thirty seconds after the sur geon had met the man. DR. L. M. HUM care of TICK SO TONO Chinese Medicine and Tea Co. Has medicine which will cure anv known disease. Open Sundays from 10 a, m. until 8 p. m. 153 South High St. Soloiu, Orogou. Phone 83. Columbia university, New York City. Dsath of Mrs. O'Dcnald Occurred Ia Portland E. C. Cross received word this morn' ing of the death of his sister, Mrs, Eliza O 'Donald, aged 79 years, which occurred in Portland at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. Wymaji. Mrs. O 'Donald crossed tho plains With her parents in 1S52 and has spent a large part of her life -at this place. She re ceived her education at Willamette university. Besides her daughter in Portland, she is survived by a brother, WTm. A. Cross, of Portland; a sister, Mrs. John F. Wilson, of Fergus Falls, Minn., and her brother, E. C. Cross of this -city. The remains will be sent to this city for burial. The funeral will be helc Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Kigdon chapel, Bev. H. C. Stover, pastor of the Central Congregational church having charge. Interment will be in the Odd Fellows cemetery. Some German Subjects May Become Citizens Washington, Feb. 4. Former sub' jects of the kaiser who before the I'nited States declared war on April 7 had taken out their naturalization papers, can become citizens of the Inited States in the usual manner, by an amendment to the naturalization laws which the house passed todav. The law now takes away tho right of alien enemies to become citizens even though they did make declarations of becoming citizens before the war was declared. The provisions of the aet are -extended to inelude in a bill introduced in the house this afternoon by Ropresiitative Webb at the request of the'department of justice. Alien enemy women can be interned by the president, the bill provides. Sargent. ALLIES PREPARE DRIVE WITH GREAT ARMY EN BALKAN REGION Expect Greece to Add Four Hundred Thousand Men Next Spring JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Washington, Feb. 4. More than 1,- 200,000 allied troops will be available by March 31 for the impending drive to brealt Germany's backbone in the Balkans, it was learned officially to day. Greece, the ini-alculnble factor in the allies' plans thus far, will be able to muster four hundred thousand fight ing men at Salonika within the next two months, the embassy declared. Athens cables received here today state that the mobilization of eleveii Classes, ordered bv Imperial edict, is proceeding rapidly. Mere than 100.000 'men will answer the call, Greek mili tary officials said, adding that 120.000 trained and equipped Greek troops are now at the Salonika front. Now is the time to lay in a stock of silk Ribbons, our price is less -than wholesale in large quantity. When you . buy Clark's O. N. T. Thread see that you get 200 yard spool our price is 4c. Keep in touch with the Farmers Cash Store, opposite Court House Get your Wedding Announce ment Printed at The Journal Job Department. - S3 Good Eyeglass Service Spells GOOD WILL We can give you the service and we want your good will. Better .have your eyes, examined. Optometry Means Eye Service anss a. Mcculloch, optometrist, 208-9 Hubbard Building Salem. Oreiron