THE DAtLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, FEB. 4, 1918. FTVE j NEW TODAY j CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES Rata per word New -Today: Each insertion, le One week (6 insertions) 6e One month (26 insertions) I7e The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion for errors in Classified Advertisements '.Head your advertisement the first day h appears ana notny us immediately. Minimum charge, 15c. WANTED 77 calves from one to 18 months old. Phone 80F2.. 8-1 CARPET and rug weaving, Mrs. Lillie UeUord, 1898 JN. 5th St., Balem. 2 -6 HAVE YOU WOOD SAWING l-r-Call phone 7. tf WANTED 50 head of large calves or yearlings. Phone 1576W. 2-16 ONIONS, good quality, $2.50 per hun dred delivered. Phone 48F11. 2-4 SMALL and large pigs for sale. 458 Mill St. . 2-6 WANTED 66 heifers one and years old. Phone 80F2.. two 2-9 CHIMNEYS swept and roofsreprired. Phone 538M. 1 2-8 WANTED Furnished house by Feb. 8. Phone 2154 W. 2-8 FOE SALE Oats and hay, Gwden road. Goo. Sweglo- 2-8 TOR RENT Good house, 5 rooms. Phone 1549M or 506 N. Com'l. 2-9 CHOICE Buff Orpington cock cockerel... 154 Columbia St. and 2-4 CALVES for dairy. sale. Pinekney Bros. 2-5 GIRL wants place delivering; exper ienced with Ford. Phone 797M. 2-4 GIRLS wanted at the Glove Factory, 1455 Oak St. Steady work. ' 2-4 WANTED Maid for general house work. Phone 913. tf NOW VACANT one nice, heated room with board. "The Taylor's" 1510 State St. tf 30Y WANTED Over 16 to learn ba ker trade. Apply Modern Bakery. 2-5 ' , Kings Products Co-, Front and Mar FOR RENT A Seven room furniBhed ket gts. 2-5 house at 642 N. Hieh. Inquire at 660 North high or phone 1048M. ' tf $200 CASH wiu bay gQoa roaa-ster in . r ! ; 7 7T1 good running order, worth $300. WANTED A competent girl for gen- Owner going to enlist. Phone 594M. " oral housework. Apply mornings at " f 890 Oak St. or phone 1290. 2-9 ' ; - Tm r : ten cents a double boll and .WANTED Work pn ranch as eook, &ri for chaice wan pa er at farm or housekeeper. Phone 1570, on)J Future store, 179 Commer The Richmond- ejai St. tf WANTED Used lumber for making 140 ACRES to deal for city property;! fences, state price and kind. C. C. $1000 to loan on good real estate. Mitchell, Turner, Bt. K 2-5 geo j, Latham, room 305 Masonic Temple. Phone 139. 2-3 IF you havo any beef cattle' or calves any size, phone 176, we pay highest FOR RENT 10 acres four Weeks from prices. 3-4 car line, good house and barn; in . ii bearing fruit trees. Phone 1641, Sa- JSICE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING 2-5 Apartments. 491 N. Cottage. Phone XT-,T . , " ! . T 1 ... 2203 tf NOTICE is hereby given that I will ' J not be responsible for any debts eon- FOR SALE Extra good second crop tracted other than by myself in per- baled clover hal, $21 at barn. Phone -u- E- Sulllvan; 33F12' If FOR RENT ICIIEAP A four room, DRY 2d growth and old fir wood,' also furnished house close in. Families ..eed wheat for sale. Phone 254 or with children need not apply. 817 2-5 Ml11 st- " 24 FOR SALE Or trade for unencumber- POUND A ladies fur between Rose- ed lot, good 2 passenger auto,-$300- dale and Ankeny hill, if owner will Address C. G. care Journal. tf describe property and pay for this a"V they may have same. D. C. FOB BENT Nic e 4 room cottage at Bloom, Rosedale. 24 $6 50 per month; also 7 room house ... -T " T 7 well furnished for $20. H. E. Boling- UTr-Benm 0 Liberty, and er, Hubbard blclg. 2-5 O. E. depot Wednesday evening, ' crochet yoke, and pages of typewnt- FOB RENT 8 room house, two lots, - tea Poetry. Regard. Leave at Journ- ifine garden land, barn, cMoken al otliee. .-4 park. Corner North Commercial and - , Gaines. $10 per month. Phone 2270 FK SALE White Leghorn cockerels . 2-6 from heavy laying (Hogainzcd) ' stock, $1.25 . each; also 3 choice "WANTED A man for general farm Wh"edtS1 COek,eels work. Good pay for the right man- each- CM 4'F2 10 to 11 mornings- All summers job. Write George F- ' ' 2 4 Peed, 880 N. Winter. Phone 2123J. ! ' 2-5 FOR SALE 10 acres all under culti vation, new 5 room plastered cot- FOB RENT-Furnished six room bun- Jbar"- hickcnhouse and yard, galow, modern except heat. $17.50. drilled wcU, bearing fruit, macadam W. A. Listen, agt. 'AlLt Z CASH for used grain sacks. Will boy Oregon- 2-4 half dozen or a thousand, any qnan- . ... T7- tity. Wm. Brown & Co-, Inc. 4 2-8 fcumness proposition to offer ' the nght party. Exclusive agency WANTED To buy ten stands of Ital- ven free for. Marion county- . ian bees, must be healthy and Pvious experience necessary, only strong. State price. Address A. B. ?ma11 capital needed. Rapid seller, care Journal 2-S ,arge Prft'- Address Frank A. Ha- ger, 441 Hawithorne Ave. Portland. THE only nice dry wod for sale in 0regn- 2 9 Salem sold by Salem Fuel yards. We r" lso have a full stock of coal. Phone .msa, 529. City office 937. 2-10 ' O s jf FORD OWNERS Regulate yonr bead- , -?5?ec?tT2r light with the Eisen Regulator. T 7 t ' M,wt Free trial. 143 Court St. Phone 1341B. tf fr?t-L THE COMING OCCUPATION Ship drafting; new course now ready. In ternational Correspondence School, Scr&nton, Pa. Local representative L. Macken, 770 S- - Commercial. Phone 476. 2-6 I HAVE several cast customers who will purchase farms if the price-is right. Come in at once and list your property, city or country, I think I ean dispose of it for you. John H. Scott, 404 Hubbard bldg. 2-4 "FOB SALE One pair of 3 year old mares weighing 2400 lbs., one 3 year old -mare weight 1125, one black "horse 10 years old, weight 1350, . price $75; one team of geldings and harness, 11 and 12 years old, price $125; one roan mare and one sorTel lorse. weicrhine 2100 price $100; one pair of mules, weight 2200 lbs. price $150. Call at 2015 North Com mercial St 2-6 WANTED A maid at 375 N. Capitol, 2 in family. tf FOR BENT 3 furnished house keep ing rooms. Phone 1036M. Mrs. Wil kerson. tf WANTED Experienced milker, mid dle aged, will pay highest wages. Phone 491 or 1431. tf FOR SALE Improved suburban acre age. J. Pheal, Bt 4. Phone 102F3. 2-9 SMALL potatoes suitable for feed fifty cents per sack at warehouse. Phone 717 or 852. Mangis Bros, tf HAVING sold my automobile business must have all accounts settled by Feb. 5. Dwigkt Misner. 2-4 the Hurgt hall Sat. 10. from 8 to 2-3 WANTED TO BENT Farm of 50 to 100 acres, with improvements, cash rental. Address F 50 cr Journal. 2-4 FOR SALE Automobile, owner in next draft, will sell cheap. Inquire Patterson's veterinary barn. 2-o NOTICE Money to loan, G. E. TJnruh atty., 202-3 Bank of Commerce DlUg- Phone 815. tf WANTED Horse 1200 lbs. work sin gle, for hi feed; good care, slow work. 752 Trade St. Phone 52y. 2-5 WANTED To buy second hand feed cutter; state price when -answeing. K S. Sipp, Rt. 9, Salem, O. 2-8 WANTED City properties, must bo bargains. Write me particulars. B. care Journal. - 3-2 WANTED Plow hand, must be good worker and reliable, $2. for 10 hours. F. A. Doerfler, Silvcrton, Or. Phone 43F24. 2-4 SPEND a few hours in enjoyment pocket billiards 2e per cue. Dal irymple Billiard Parlors, under O- E. depot. Courteous treatment. tf TELEPHONE OPERATOR Young women. Salary paid while learning. Appl"' Chief Operator, Pacific- Tele phone Company. - 2-5 WANTED Thirty- women for prepar atory work. Apply at onca Salem Our Want Ads are the Bait that .catch the Big Fish Results Try cae in to-morrow's peper JOURNAL WM ADS PAY ASSESSOR WEST COMPLETES ARION ASSESSMENT ROLL Assessor B. F. West Has Completed the Tax Roll for 1917, and the Summary Is As Follows: State .... ; County ..., County School and Library Eoada . High School Tuition Fund Total Schools (Special) Boads (Special) . Cities and Towns Fire Patrol .-. Total Tax Boll VALUATION, LEVIES AND School I No. Valuation 1 $ 404,815 2 216,845 3 ' 378,400 4 1,690,370 5 190,596 6 144.W2 7 267,726 8 338,612 9 330,096 10 178,650 11 356,779 12 65,633 13 280,093 14 522,297 15 616,481 16 67,274 17 90,300 18 309,129 19 94,070 20 435,504 21 71,098 22 340,818 23 449,683 24 12,607,702 25 79,923 26 158,982 27 173,790 28 59,911 29 186,821 30 119,127 31 297,390 32 251,032 33 82,820 34 398,717 35 79,220 36 301,073 37 251,627 38 406,830 40 . 581,213 41 202,401 42 92,472 43 54,908 44 265,221 45 434,272 46 1 28,462 48 ' 285,153 49 30,235 50 341,612 51 273,020 54 213,120 56 , . 181,528 . 57 . 406,233 '58 200,234 59 340,806 60 257,593 61 219,965 63 204,879 65 330,183 67 172,272 68 176,982 69 213,539 70 282,593 71 . 352,849 72 139,913 Levy Tax .0061 $ 2,469.35 .0012 . 454.07 j .0069 11,663.53 .001 190.59 .0013 188.37 .002a 393.02 .0057 2,033.64 .0O29 190.31 .0002 57.21 .0058 3,029.31 .0081 4,993.50 .0027 - 181.64 .0022 ' 198.66' .0012 " 112.88 .0005 217.74 .0037 263.06' .0018 613.47 .0042 ' 1,888.65 .0064 80,689.25 .0008 63.94 .001 158.98 .0009 156.40 .0065 389.41 .0012 224.18 .0014 166.78 .006 1,784.34 .0004 " 33.12 .0008 318.96 .0016 126.74 .0009 . 270.96 .0005 . 125.81 .Soil ' 101.71 .0011 60.39 . 0 03' .. "lJoYs o .0028 " 798.41 .0003 '102748 .0027 "i,0982 .0011 - 220.25 .0019 ""417.93 .0009 . 297"io .0012 206.72 .0015 265.47 .0009 192,18 .0026 917740 .0011 153.891139 n 1 1 r 1 ifi iisioyai reaerai Juage Requested to Resign Forsythe, Mont., Feb. 4. A request that he resign is to be made to Charles L. Or urn, presiding judge of the Fif teenth judicial district, tonight by tho Rosebud county. Committee of One Hundred, following an examination of the jurist as to his loyalty today. The committee holds he failed to prove him self sufficiently lcyal to the nation. Crum appeared as a character wff noss in Helena recently for a man charged with seditious utterances, and the federal prosecutinir attornev al leges that Orum drew a gun and threat ened to kill him during a conference in the attorney general's office. In addition to hearing Cram's state ment that the federal authorities had accused him of being pro-German, the M 4 - V S -'a'.ai r JftB the tttamer cluneag M : m. 'i s. v court nel btem a n& &l -hi V- :! wo ; "Si-ag 10 ahy ts at D in - m & f: V- fcr of at C and tha tor- 0 - . , U-Tft fing'her torpedo. M i2ir- ' f.A- ml calculate that vlu 1'- rrrtu' .j i . I - Z . " - I"' " " " -x-" - - eT "T-- ZT"" ' ,-a--s-: z uZ-':, " " 12 M - - r- fZ.?m Zx- - "ZiS ' ' ' r" ' "tT'i"""" ' L- T '-1mS. Tn. j . t,?.. - .. "i!-. ' , .v-r-r r . & X u wy rtfcuu. H a,' . " - w . . . v ; - ., ..t , fiii ul 1 n w a rf. - jfc-f jx. !NEW TRICKS IX THE U-BOAT WAR The photograph shows a mibninrinc 'which reflect the surrounding water, "making it practically invisible. The sink a ship withoue even showing a periscope within range of the vessel, Copyright Underwood & Underwood Valuation ..$42,045,031 Levy .0031 .0054 .0025 ..004 .0007 Tax $130,339.59 227,043.16 105,112.57 121,144,90 , 16,368.58 .... $600,008.80 $158,045.07 42,045,031 42,045,031 30,286,243 23,383,686 aiHvir, . " iai'o7oVi - . . antttx $985,058.13 TAXES FOB 1917. Districts, 73 .-. 74 75 ' 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 157.6S8 94,050 100,634 532,787 508,5S1 217,872 ' 486,706 224,842 58,759 260,505 85,780 257,083 56,782 143,846 53,505 671,324 170,746 362,504 588,290 76,767 88,355 181,665 56,888 190,473 67,645 94,936 347,312 87,886 211,138 1,071,195 220,527 56,635 38,755 175,603 , 220,545 - 86,320 95,654 139,791 ' 31,115 115,520 , 54,485 96,503 242,447 112,676 159,723 30,704 , 162,429 175,570 119,570,; 166,485 109,51s1 150,853 202,864 195,053 213,190 100,679 . 20,125 1 114,985 ' 219,822 172,426 167,604 105,350 85,428 83,485 .016 .002 .0007 .0099 .0046 .0021 .0031 .0018 .0049 .0009 .0038 .0038 .0003 .001 2,523.01 188.10 372.94 5,034.94 2,238.84 472.16 182.15 154"40 278.22 129.45 203.31 2,551.03 51.21 362.50 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 102 103 104 105 106 107 109 110 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 1-19 120 121 122 123 124 125 128 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 138 137 138 .0023 .0037 .0005 .0041 .0011 .001 .0014 .0013 .0009 .0009 .011 .0016 .0016 .0021 iboiii .0027 -.0086 .0054 .0016 .0015 ,0046 .0011 .0009 .0014 .0005 .0049 .001 .0052 .0035 !ob" .0033 ,0021 .0037 .0035 .009 .0038 .0092 176.56 326.91 90.83 233.24 809.51 67.64 , 132.90 451.49 79.09 190.01 11,783.14 - 352.84 90.60 368.77 267'a8 258,26 " 267.58 294.21 154.39 169.01 734.72 33.77 158.01 167.39 83.24 536.61 150.85 1,054.88 682.68 Sbelii 66.41 241.46 813.33 603.49 150.84 400.32 772.66 local committee queried the jurist for two hours as to alleged pro-German utterances and his part in the Red Cross and liberty loan campaigns. General Pershin? Tells of More Soldier Deaths Washington, Feb. 4. General Persh ing today cabled the war department of a death aa the result of explosion and three from natural causes. Private Carl Hansen, Chicago, was killed in the explosion. The three deaths from illness follow,: Second Lieutenant Lawrence Dwight, Boston. Private William C. "Booming, of Sil ver Lake, Plymouth, Mass. Private Dcl'riest Young, of Sumntcr. S. C. 'MOVE TO ABOLISH SDtVICEGOHHISSIOH People of Portland Resent Order Raising Car Fare to Six Cents Secretary of State Olcott today re ceived from a citizens committee of Portland a proposed initiative meas ure intended to abolish the public ser vice commission. The measure is sub mitted to the secretary of state for the. purpose of having a ballot title prepared before the initiative peti tions are circulated. Members of the citizens committee initiating the measure are Josephine R. Sharp, chairman; leanor Florence Baldwin, vice chairman; C. W. Barzee, treasurer, and James B. Whalen, sec retary, all of Portland. Tho bill provides for the repeal of section 6875 of Lords Oregon laws, as amended by chapter 71, laws of 1915. This section provides for the appoint ment of tho three members of the pub lie service commission, and if it is re pealed the .public service commission will be abolished although the rail road commission and public utility laws will remain on the statutes, but there will be no commission to en force them. Commissioner Hoff Out For Treasurer After servinc 15 --oars as state la bor commissioner, O. P. Hoff has an nounced his candidacy for the republi can nomination for ertate treasurer, "As labor commissioner," he says, "my duties have carried me into ev ery nook and corner of the state, I know the state, its, resources, its great 'possibilities and its need. In my work 1 nave come m cenwot with ail indus trial and business interests. I know the businessman's risks, difficulties and requirement. I comprehend the troubles, hardships and struggles of the working people and can actd,tji undorstandina' in the solution of their problems as they come before the var ious boards of which the state rcas- urer is a member. "Under the present stress of our national crisis, I believe that every Vmnco of the state's resources should be developed and utilized to the great est extent,, and the expenditure of O. P. HOFF public funds curtailed to the degree of absolute necessity, consistent with efficient and conservative govern ment." In connection 'with his work as la bor commissioner, Mr. Hoff -also' has been closely affiliated with the jrrana- es and farmers' unions, in making sur veys of the farm ia'or situation and gathering information about farm rops for tho purpose of aid in if the farmers in obtaining help in harvest time. He is tho fourth to, make announce ment as candidate for state treasurer. The others are Judge T. F. Ryan, at present assistant state treasurer; Wil liam Adams, city treasurer of Port land, and E. D. Cusiek of Albany, banker and former state senator. periscope, camouflaged with mirrors diagram shows how a submarine can and how one vessel escaped. ( . . Laugh Making Serious Task t - CHESTER CON KLIN, ; The Mack Bennett vomedian who deelareH laugh iiiuking Is serious business. "Gee," sighed a little comedian with a big tierce mustache, "what a cinch these actors have who only have to make people cry." And the little man ought to know, for It was Cheater Cnnklln. one of the stars of the Mack Ben nett Comedies, . "I never could figure why It is," said Conklln, "but people cry more easily than they laugh. Tuey say they want to laugh, and ask for plays with lauglis :n them, but it you hand them a laugh and a cry, they pick out the cry. "Any lame old sob stuff will get the handkerchiefs. They will cry over the same old things time and time again. But the man who id in the business of selling laughs to the public has a strenuous job. "One of the toughest tanks I know in the world is to thiuk up a really new situation wkh t. real laugh in It. In my next reincar nation 1 am going to be a very thin young lady .with sad blue eyes. Then 1 will make my living easy." State House News Jan Skog and K. Day, two patients at the Oregon state hospital who es caped Saturday night, are still at lurge They wero emploiycd in the asylum kitchen at the time they skinned. Uth wero committed from Multno mah county, and it is the belief of asylum officials that thdiy will en deavor to. make their way back to Portland. Archie Palmer, a patient who elop ed Sunday from the Cottage farm, was caught last niuht at Turner and was returned to the asylum today. Colonel Disque, who is in charge of the government s sriruce division J the. northwest, has made a request of the highway department for assistance in building a road in Clatsop county to tap a stand of spruco timber. It is understood that Clatsop county is ready to give assistance in building the 1 if- f DR. WHITE Diseases of Women and Nervous Diseases SOS United States National Bank Building SALEM, OREGON waaiBiaMfffiiPWMaweiwMa TODAY TOMORROW MARGUERITE CZLi Ak ICC!. -rt-t ........... . .. -1 0he Seven 5v3nsV 1$ ASK THE KIDDIES THEY KNOW WEDNESDAY THURSDAY GEORGE BEBAN 4- i. aft IN "Jules of the Strongheart" A Powerful Story of the North "Now Playing Columbia in Portland" THE OREGON road, and tho question of what aid the stato can give will come before tho highway commission at a meeting to bo hold in Portland Tuesday. Several changes and modifications in demurrage rules aro contained in an order received today by tho public ser vice commission from W. G. Mc-Adoo, director general of railrcads. .Free time for loading or unloading cars 011 all commodities is increased from 0110 day to two days. The aver ago agreement ruin is permitted, but it is to apply solely to ears held for unloading. Tho demurrage charge on all ears, after the expiration of the free tiino allowed, is to be $3 for each of tho first four days, $H for each of tha next three days and $10 for each suc ceeding day. The hunching rule is reinstated, with 'modifications which, are set forth uS length in tho order. $ ' LET US ESTIMATE ON All your Printing an Up-to-Now office to meet your print ing demands. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL PHONE 81 & PA yi:A I if UT", " -'' i 1 i i lit 1 1 .1 V . 1 ' ' f 1 J ' 4