Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 04, 1918, Page TWO, Image 2

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    1 wo
MONDAY, FEB. 4, 1918.
'V" .,:A
(Continued from page oue)
The registration does not appby to Aus
trians or Hungarians.
la nimouncini? the urovisioiis mid re-
ouiremeiita for the registration tlm do -
uartineut of iusticn t,,ok rum to avoiil
creating the impression that the govern -
mont looks on each German with con-
"Begistrants are not to bo treated as
persons of evil dispositions." iustruc -
tions to recistraiB point out. "and tho
registration officers are urged to deal 'one. In cities of 0,000 or more popula
with them in a courteous and friondly I tion, as shown by the census of 1910,
manner.". the chief of police and his assistants
Cooperation of police-, federal officers,
postal employes ami private citizens is
expected by tho department to boo that
To Curo a Cold in One Dav
(Tablets.) It stops tho Cough and
Headache and work off the Cold. K.
W. GKOVK'8 signature on each box.
New Spring Silks
Several Large Shipments
Just Opened
While the lines are by no means complete, WE
Silks Are Scarce
i and there will be a scramble to get first choice from i
T pvarv now nrm'vnl tViio cenenn
When compared with former prices SILKS ARE ::
TILES. We are showing
f fabrics,
; I MJdius aim smpes in many snaues and many weaves.
They will be freely used for Suits, Skirts, Dresses,
; : Waists and to be made ud in combination with other
NEW CHIFFON TAFFETAS. Plain and Fancies.
SILK SERGES in plaids and stripes.
Three grades of CREPE DE CHINE in most all
wanted shades.
New wash Satins in ivory and flesh colors.
HEAVY GOTHAM CREPE especially for tailored
waists and suits in handsome Spring shades.
Splendid qualities in BLACK CHIFFON Taffetas.
Many plain shades in Messalines.
Wonderful values in REAL IMPORTED SHAN
TUNG PONGEES, also colored Tongee-in plain
Our profits are all figured
wmcn insures unmatchable
i Our Store Oo:cs at 5:30
kturdav at
WHERE?-St PauTs (lurch-Corner Church and
Chemeketa Streets.
WHEN?-Tonight and AM This Week
SERVICES: DaOy 7:30 p. m., 7:00 and 10 a . m .
MISSIONED J. Attwocd Stanfield, of New York
Make it
to be
tho United States government hag accu
rate information of every German alien
within the borders of this country.
Certificates will be issued to regis
trants only after every item declared
has been cheeked from all possible an-
' icU-B and found to have been correct,
Information so gathered officials be
1 lievo will be of material assistance in
j tracing plots against this government
jand in discovering just which of the
.Germans here should bo most closely
1 watched.
Tho task of registration is a great
I will have charge of the worlc
In smaller communities and rural di
tricts registration will be conducted by
the postmasters, with the postmaster in
I the largest office in the local judicial
districts, which" in most cases is the
equivalent of a county in charge. It
will be his duty to gather the reports
and forward them to the department
of justice. In most cities the work will
a wonderful array of t
j week
fjtle .1
on the spot cash plan 1
Every Evening Exc
8 oTIock
a n
Says Cream Applied in Nostrils
Opens Air I'asaages Kight Up.
Instant relief no waiting. Your
clogged nostrils open Tight up; the air
passages of your head clear and you can
breathe freely. No more hawking, snuf
fling, blowing, headache, dryness. No
struggling for breath at night j your
cold or catarrh disappears. "
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
healing cream in your nostrils. It pen
etrates through every air passage of the
head, soothes the inflamed or swollen
mucous membrane and relief comes in
It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up
with a cold or nasty catarrh.
be done by precincts.
Every German must go to the office
of the registrar and make out triplicate
affidavit information blanks, and fur
nish four photographs of himself one
for each of the blanks and one for his
certificate. The photographs must
bear his signature written across the
front and must not bo. larger than three
inches square. It must be on thin paper
and have a light background.
The following information must be
furnished on the information blanks;
name, address, age, place of birth, oc
cupations aud residences since January
1, 1914, date of arrival in the United
States, whether married or single, names
and ages of children, whether any male
relatives in arms against the United
States or if tTiey have done bo at any
time, whether registered for the draft,
military training, naturalization condi
tions and other similiar information.
Small registration officials not equip
ped with finger-print apparatus have
been advised to borrow a small quan
tity of printers ink aud a roller aud to
make impressions upon the. ink spread
on a pane of glass.
One of the triplicate records is to
bo kept by the registration agents, one
sent to the United States marshal and
one sent to the department of justice at
Hermans who are not at tncir place
of residence this week may be register
ed where ever theyjiappen to be.
John Lord O 'Brian, special assistant
attorney general, will have general
charge of tho work.
(Continued from page one)
throwing all its resources into the
i ...:m 4 Knl,n
ngnt ana yilil tu cuuj ---
not only favor, registering for the
draft all who have become 21 since tha
date of tho first registration but also
traiiiiii" tho young men from 18 to 21
so they will be able to take their plac
es in the army when. they become of
ae- ... i
Likewise he favors listing men above
the draft to 45 to bo used in indus
trial work so the government, by an
order, can effectively speed up any
brrnuch of the war work.
Kahu is not dissatisfied with the
record of the war department and he
believes the war machinery is rapidly
developing speed and much greater ef
Knt he is nartieularlv anxious
X I that tho whole program fan be grnd
T'ually increoised and that peace rumors
shall not ant as a brake on me worn.
Big Military Bill
Tho military appropriation bill which
will carry more money in any division
of the government than any bill ever
roiiorti.l. is fast beini completed.
llmirinini will be eoimdvted early this
week. Ohairman Dent says, and lit-
difficulty m reaching agreement
the various items is expected for
tho committee is determined that any
futuro delav in the war work shall
not be changed up to any insufficient
appropriat ion.
(Continued from page one)
tha Germans attempted a strongly push
ed raid against our line for purposes
I of identification. The enemy was able
to reach our advanced positions. A short
brush eusued and the' raiders wero eom-
' polled to withdraw in ha.de after in
flicting slight casualties. Vwo days later
the enemy apparently attempted an
other recoiiuoitering thrust but were
discovered before any headway could be
made. '
j linker nnaounced ' f f ivially that
American troops "which have now pom
iploted their training aro occupying a
portion of a-tual bsttV front.
Optimistic reports of allied activities
on all fronts featured the review.
By Carol S. Dibble
A prettily appointed, family din
ner was given Saturday evening at the
home of Mm Clifford Elgin on South
Liberty street, with Mrs. George Elgin
and Mrs. Harry Elgin as additional
hostesses, in honor of Charles Elgin,'
who left yesterday for Boseburg. Cov
ers wero laid for sixteen members of
tho family, masse of greenery being
extensively used throughout the house.
Mr. Elgin, who is traveling auditor
for the State Accident commission, has
been transferred" to southern Oregon,
with headquarters at Roscburg. Mrs.
Eljrin and tho children will remain in
Salem, until the elose of school, when
they will join Mr. Elgin.
A special mcetins of the Palem Pa
triotic League has been called for to
morrow afternoon at the Commercial
club rooms, at two thirty. The League
I which was organized, while Company
M was at the border, has rendered
much practical service to tho company
in a variety of ways since its organi
zation. At tomorrow's meeting, the
elccrtion of officers for the ccraing
year will take place. Plans for a dance
to be sriven bv the Patriotic League
beloro Lent wiH bo discussed in uecan.
The proceeds of the dance will go to
wards deferring the balance of the ex
penses incurred in the making of bags
for the boys of Company M. Mrs. C
W. Faulkner will preside at the meeting-
Miss Dora Andresen will leave to
night for San Francisco, where she
will visit her brother, Earl Andresen,
who is in the electrical department of
the navy at Mare Island. Miss Andre
sen will also visit friends in Oakland,
and Palo Alto, before going on to Los
Angeles, where she expects to spend
several weeks. She will also visit oth
er points of interest in southern Cali
fornia. Miss Andresen will he gone
about two months.
Miss Mattio F. Beattv returned Sat
urday night from Portland, where Bhe
went to attend a mcetine of the ex
ecutive board of the State Federation
of Woman's club held on Saturday af
ternoon. Tho omt of town members
present at the meeting were guests at
the Co-operative' League luncheon al
so given on Saturday, in honor of Mrs.
G. I. Frankel, the retiring president.
In observance of the eighty first an
niversary of W. H- Burghardt, Sr., on
Saturday, a number of friends called
to extend their congratulations during
the afternoon. Mrs. George Broughton
of Portland, and daughter, Miss Mil
dred Broughton, who wero guests at
the Burghardt residence over the week
end, returned home yesterday, Miss
Broughton going back to Eugene
where she. is an instructor in the uni
versity. I! I
Howard P.-Jewel, . principal of the
high school at Sweet liome, joined
Mrs. Jawett over the week end at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.
H. Jewett on North Sixteenth street.
Mrs. Howard Jewett is teaching in the
Salem schools this winter.
Mrs- Edward Woller will be hostess
Wednesdav afternoon at the regular
monthly meeting of St- Paul's Guild
of tho Episcopal church, at her resi
dence, 165 North Seventeenth street.
The regular business meeting will "be
followed by Bed Cross work.
The Junior Guild of St. Paul's
will meet tomorrow afternoon
at the residence of Mrs. Homer Smith.
A club composed of the wives of the
Public Service commission memDers,
mt, Thursday afternoon , at the home
of Mrs. E. T." Bussclle on Center street.
An attractive arrangement or . lerns
and pwssv willows, formed decorations
for the Vrettv littlc affair- JIrs
Wriirht and Mrs. W. T. Neal poured.
An.litional uuests were rs. Frances
Shafer, Mrs. S. S. East and Mrs. Wal
ter Buchner. Tho honor guest of the
afternoon was Mrs. Carne Oliver Koo
inson of New York, who is spending
the winter in Salem n the guest of
her mother, Mrs. S. E. Oliver.
Mr. and Mrs. John McNary return
ed the latter part of the week from a
stay of several davs spent in i'ortianu.
Tho La Area club- will hold its reg
By taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, One
of Thousands of Such Cases.
Black Rirer Falls, Wis. -"As Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
eaved me irom an
operation, I cannot
say enough in praise
out. l guttered iron:
organic troubles and
my side hurt me so
1 could hardly be up
from my bed, and I
was unable to do my
housework. I had
. i . 1. . . . 1 .
tau Claire and they
w anted me to have
an operation, but
Lvdia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound cured me so 1 did
not need the operation, and I am tejling
nil my friends about it" Mrs. A. V.
Binzer, Black River Falls, Vi is.
It is just such experiences as that of
Mrs. Binier that has made this famous
root and herb remedy a household word
from ocean to ocean. Any woman who
suffers from inflammation, ulceration,
displacements, backache, nervousness,
irregularities or "the blues" should
not rest until she hes given it a trial,
and for special advice write Lydia E.
Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
it 9 ,
ular social and business meeting this1
evening at the home of Miss Arvilla,
Conn, 273 North Church street. i
The announcement of the marriage J
Of Ansa Uiaia JNeugebauer and Kusseti
Mohney, which accurred in Taconia,
Washington, December 29, has been re
ceived by Salem friends. Mr. and Mrs.
Mohney will make their home at Ta
conia. Mrs. Mohney is the daughter of
Mrs. Pauline Neugebauer of Salem, i
Mrs. S. E. Oliver, Marion county I
president of tho Oregon W. C. T. U.,
and Mr Zarfira Koseibrauglh, state
superintendent of the department of
legislation and law enforcement, expect
to go to Portland tomorrow, where
they will attend the executive Bession
of the W. C. T. U. February fifth and
sixth, which will be held in the audi-;
torium ol' the i oiing Women 's Chris-
tian association. ' i
... j
Mrs. Roy Bishop of Pendleton, who 1
has been spending a few days at Eu-!
gene, where 'site has bem conferring !
with Mrs. George Gerhnger on mat-1
ters connected with the wunmn's build!
ing campaign, returned to Pendleton
last evening.
The February party to be given by
tho Y. W. C. A. will be hold this ev
ening at the association rooms at eight
o'clock. IFollowing a round of war
time festivities, the girls will bring
their knitting and Mrs. Chauncey
Bishop will be present to teach any
one, who may wish instruction. Mrs.
William Carlisle, who has lately re
turned from Russia, will talk ot her
Russian experience. All girls are cor
dially invited.
runs freely from
its convenient
it does not
clollle shaker
Boys In France
Appreciate Tobacco
James Farrier, received a Christmas
card, and letter from one of the boys
in irauce, who received a package of
the Capital Journal tobacco, paid for
by Mr. Carrier. The letter reads as fol
"Jan. 1, 1918. My Dear Friend:
"I have received your little gut with
great pleasure. Aud thanking you very
much for it. 1 would like to correspond
with you, if you care to write to lue. 1
am a lonesome soldier boy, somewhere in
France. We received the packages on
New Years morn and all the soldier
boys received a nice little jjaekage of
tobacco, and thanking you all very
much for the presents.
Well, if you care to correspond with
a lonely soldier boy please write tome
as soon as you receive this letter.
' Best regards from your .unknown
Ifg. Co. I, 3rd Inf. A. E. L. France."
C 3C jc sc SC 5(C 9fC 5(S 5jC
Portland Boy's Exploit
Portland, Or., Feb. 4. Single hand
ed Budd Free, a Portland boy with the
quartermaster ocrps, crossed iN'o Man s
Land and bombed a German trench
with rotten etrys, according to a letter
from a comrade today. The feat was
performed on a bet, and after the first
two or three throws at bobbing hel
mets, Free's barrage was not contested
tho odor of-the eggs perhaps causing
the Huns to scurry fOT their gas masks
Boy Set Four Fires
Walla Walla, Wash., Feb. 4. Ad
mission that he started four of the six
fires recently threatening buildings of j J
aua aim college was outaineu irom
f i i . : . - i . r
viiM-nes ;uusiiu, & vvuuw siuuen, utjfc
ficers declare todar. xeustines is nn-! t
der guard in a santarium where he is
suffering from a nervous collapse. I
The lad is believed to have Ieen ac-;
tuatcd by o desire to revenge the sus- j
pensicn of two of his brothers from!
tho college -recently. He has been un-1
der observation for some time. j
Home Breweries !
'Portland, Or., Feb. 4. Bequest that!
he furnish information upon which he
based his recent statements in San
Francisco that fully 20.000 "home
breweries ' ' are operating in Portland,
since Oregon ousted liquor are made,
to John F. Logan, attorney, todav by i
the Oregon Anti-i?a!oon league. Thoi
. , . . It.:- . t l! i ' -
mtNili lutu one mini ii ivniaiiu a j
homes are "brewing their own" and '.
thev question this. t'
. 8
LITCHFIELD.- Mrs. George" P. Litch
field, pioneer of Salem, died at noon
today at her home. 1082 Center street t:
2) ,hk iHr
this city, after an illness of but a
few weeks.
Her maiden name was Mary Aurelia
Complete Closing Out of
White Wash Goods
This store is closing out the entire line of White
"Wash Dress Goods, Art Linens and Curtain Ma
terials at prices in many cases less than wholesale
cost today.
Toweling, Flannels, Art Linens
Remnants at a Reduction Well Worth While
Quality Merchandise
U. G. Shipley Co.
Craft. She was born June 6, 1847, the
daughter of Charles Craft, Salem pion
eer of 1845. Her father opened the first
tannery here and he also auctioned off
the logs from whicli were constructed
the first houses ot Salem.
She was educated at the old Orpo-nn
Institute, founded by Jason Lee, out of
.. . ' . '
which afterward grew Willamette Uni
versity. All her life she was a resident
of this city and practically all of her
life was a member of the . Methodist
Episcopal church.
Fifty-one years ago last Christmas she
was married to George P. Litchfield,
one of Salem's best-known citizens, and
on Christmas, 1916, the semi-centenniul
anniversary of thoir wedding was a not
able feature in the anuals of pioneers of
this section.
Although she had seen Salem grow
from its embryonic state in the wilder
ness it was in the home as mother of
eight children that Mrs. Litchfield cen
tered her main activities, outside of her
constant connection with the Methodist
Six children, besido her husband, sur
vive. They are: Charles L., Portland;
Mrs. Alma R. Schindler, Mrs. Cora J.
Holman, George F. Litchfield, Mrs. Ger
trude L. Scott and Heleue Litchfield
all of Salem. , '
Funeral services will bo held Tucs-
An Economical, Delightful,
Nothing is more uncer
tain these days than
"nriee." The nrice of anv
If article today, is liable to
change within an incred
ibly short time. This is
true in practically all lines
of merchandise.
Only one thing regard
ing "price" is reasonably
certain, and that is, that
whenever any change
comes it is sure to be
Fortunately for this
store and its patrons, we
protected ourselves
against unusual price
conditions by placing
early and extensive ord
ers with the result that
now, much of our mer
chandise is being sold to
you at prices lower than
today's market value.
4i6 State St-
J:u! :jL!.Jk.;L&!
Long Cloths
Popular Prices
Jack London's "Spirit"
Novel" NoHVorth While
New York, Feb. 4. Twenty thous
and words of Jack London 's alleged
latent novel, written in the land of
! fliri'8' re on h,,ir ba
i to Memphis, Tenn. Three owners of
the words which they obtained via tho
Ouija board, are going with them, dis
appointed because New York publish
ers had an idea Jack lost some of hs
narrative powers sinco he died in No
vember, l!)l(i.
J'The Savior of the World," the
spirit novel is called and it is a war
story. Mi Belle R- Brunner, C. W.
Brunuer and his nephew, C. W. StnTr,
Obtained the novel, they told publish
ers here, taking dictation from Lon
don. Tho war, according to the book, is
going to end in December, 1918, with
few casualties to American forces.
day afternoon nt 2:30 o'clock from
the First Methodist church, Rev. R. N.
Avison having charge. Interment wj!l
be Ln tho Odd Fellows cemetery..
Light Place to Trade
That You
will Admire
So temptingly low
priced that most wo
men will buy enough
for months to come.
These prices will pre
vail but this once.
New .is your oppor
tunity. Cotton, Wool, Silk
I r 1 i
ana 001 mixta, ;
Special Price, 59c, 98(V p -$123,
$1.48, $1.98,
$2.50, $2.75 and $3.25 I
per suit